
You Have To Suffer.

Speakers: David Goggins, Steve Harvey, Morgan Freeman, Joe Rogan, Kevin Hart, Tyrese Gibson, Justin Waller, Andrew Tate, Andy Frisella, Conor McGregor, Alex Hormozi, Dewayne Noel, Jocko Willink.

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06 Jul 2024
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An official message from Medicare. A new law is helping me save more money on prescription drug costs. You may be able to save, too. With Medicare's Extra Help Program, my premium is zero, and my out-of-pocket costs are low. Who should apply? Single people making less than $23,000 a year, or married couples who make less than $31,000 a year. Even if you don't think you qualify, it pays to find out. Go to, paid for by the US Department of Health and Human Services. Lucky Land Casino, asking people what's the weirdest place you've gotten lucky? Lucky? In line with the deli, I guess? Uh-huh, in my dentist's office. More than once, actually. Do I have to say? Yes, you do. In the car before my kids' PTA meeting? Really? Yes. Excuse me, what's the weirdest place you've gotten lucky? I never win and tell. Well, there you have it. You could get lucky anywhere playing at Play for free right now. Are you feeling lucky? No purchase necessary. If we look at it by law, 18-plus terms and conditions apply, I see what's every details. There's not a motherfucker that's up. There's not a car. There's not a person. Everybody's in their bed, sleep, dreading that it's a Monday. Hate it's a Monday. And I'm loving it. I'm loving that whereby it's getting weaker. I'm getting stronger. Success is not a comfortable procedure. It is a very uncomfortable thing to a till. So you got to get comfortable being uncomfortable if you ever want to be successful. If you think ordinary's cool, there ain't no problem. It's some really, really wonderful ordinary people. But if you are sitting in this room and you have extraordinary aspirations, then you're going to have to do extra. You put extra on top of an ordinary and you come up with extraordinary. It's no other way. Rich people don't sleep eight hours a day. That's a third of your life. It ain't been 24 hours in a day. You cannot be sleep eight hours a day. You can't live in LA and wake up at eight o'clock in the morning. It's 11 o'clock on the East Coast. The stock market been open two hours. They already make decisions about your life and your ass was asleep. Courage is the key to life itself. A lot of people who are born in situations with say, I'll never get out of this. So they won't. I say to people who say, well, I would like to have done so-and-so-and-so-and-so. But I couldn't get out of here. Man, the bus runs every day. Whatever time that you have, you have to attack like you're trying to save the world. You're trying to save your life. You don't want to drown. That one and a half hours a day that you have to write, god damn, you better be caffeinated and motivated. You've got to go. You've got to get after it and you've got to have discipline. That's most people don't have those things. Most people don't understand what it's like to really go for something and to know that the consequences of not doing that are horrific. Your biggest enemy is you. My whole book is about you battling yourself. People don't understand as you against you. The only person that gets in your way is you. Nobody else is you. It's hard to imagine, but you have to learn how to fail because I want to explain this to you. I have big dreams, a lot of us have big dreams, big goals, and when you have goals that are maybe outside your reach, you have to know that getting to that goal, you're going to have a lot of bad days. Everybody has a turn back moment. You have a moment where you can go forward or you can give up, but the thing you have to keep in mind before you give up is that if you give up, the guarantee is it will never happen. That's the guarantee of quitting, that it will never happen no way under the sun. The only way the possibility remains that it can happen is if you never give up no matter what. You are a lazy, unprofessional, mean attitude-having motherfucker, and yet when things are not happening good for you, when things are not coming your way, when things are not happening as fast as you want them to happen. You blame everybody else and what they're doing and saying, and you completely disown everything that you're doing to contribute to your career, not going to another level. People will only love you if you suppress yourself for them. For example, I always get picked on in Louisiana for ordering healthy food or being in a certain amount of shade, it's almost like they, it's a reverse of fat shaming. They want to suppress you and make you smaller so they can feel better about themselves. If you realize that you're getting manipulated in that way, it starts to become very easy to take control of your own life because they're going to love you until you do something great enough that they're going to now become uncomfortable and have to look back at their self and the decisions that they made and be uncomfortable with themselves. The only way they can fight that is to suppress you because now they have to use you as a frame of reference from coming from the same place. And I think that's why suppression always gives wrapped in love as people act like they care about you or they tell you you've changed, well, fucking I hope I've changed. I hope I'm changing every day because that's where all the happiness is, you know, it's always climbing the mountain, not getting to the top, right? Not about to run into swimming to push up to sit-ups. It's about what those things do for your mentality. Don't get better on the DAG on couch. You get better about coming out here and getting the fuck after it every DAG on day. You have to work off this mentality of I have to be undeniably the best person in my role to where it's impossible to ignore. That's what undeniable means, impossible to ignore. When you're impossible to ignore, you're valuable, whether you're valuable here or there or anywhere else. If you can cultivate this mindset where you are that kind of contributor, you will get paid, you will win and your career will progress and anything less than that, you won't. The path of the exceptional person is one of an exception, which means that you are not with other people. And rather than fighting that or bemoaning it, see it as an indicator that you're on the right path, because if everyone else were cheering you on, then it means you're not in the right place because it means you're just like everyone else and that's not where you want to be. You see this guy just fighting. I love the fucking guy who just fucking fights and so I put these things in as reminders that you're going to have to fucking suffer, man. This fucking .25, man, you're going to have to fucking suffer to go from this fat, insecure motherfucker to one of the best guys on the planet Earth. This journey is going to take something that is going to be incomprehensible to most people. A blade does not become strong. It does not become tempered until it's been through the fire, until it's been through the fire several times. And this is just your first or second time to the fire. And there's a lot of hammer work that has to take place. And then you're going to have to go back in the forge again and it's hot and it melts you down and you're uncomfortable. And then life is going to pull you out and it's going to put you on the anvil and it's going to hammer on you some more. And you're going to say, "What? Am I done yet? Am I soared for the ages?" No, no you're not. You're not done yet. But yet you're fully committed to sabotaging yourself and your career. Then you're sitting back stressed out and depressed, wondering why? Why ain't things happening? That's the answer. I just gave it to you. It's about as real as it gets. The question is, what are you going to do next week, two weeks from now? You're in your own way. You are the reason your career is not on the next level. Nobody else but you. If you have the ability to continue to try new things and understand that the things that didn't work, you're not going to repeat. You're not going to make the same mistake twice and you have the ability to continue down the path for as long as it fucking takes, bro, you can't fail. It's fucking impossible. I think a hopeful message that anyone can think about who's in that hard period or in that start period is that it won't get harder, like this is the hardest part. If you can just make it through this, everything else is downhill. It's not that the things that the dragons are going to slam aren't going to get bigger, they are, but you become so much more equipped to slay them back. You're out running on a track working out and you start talking to yourself saying, "Man, my knee is really sore right now. Maybe I'm doing too much. Man, I need to back off. Man, my lungs are burning and maybe I can just slow down here. I'll do an extra two sets tomorrow. It'll be okay. That sort of stuff. That stuff's dangerous and that's just going to say, "You know what? I'm not negotiating with myself." The deal was already made. Deal was made. When I set out at the beginning of the summer and said, "This is the training plan I'm doing," I signed that contract with myself. I'm doing it. Throughout that process, you'll start talking to yourself, like, "Man, I think I need to maybe if we, nope, it's not negotiable." It's not negotiable. I don't know what your future is, but if you are willing to take the harder way, the more complicated one, the one with more failures at first that successes, the one that has ultimately proven to have more meaning, more victory, more glory, that you will not regret it. An official message from Medicare. A new law is helping me save more money on prescription drug costs. Maybe you can save too. With Medicare's extra help program, my premium is zero and my out-of-pocket costs are low. You should apply single people making less than $23,000 a year or married couples who make less than $31,000 a year. Even if you don't think you qualify, it pays to find out. Go to Sign up now for reals of fun and reals of prizes right here at Chumba Casino. With yours truly, join me at and dive into a summer of social casino fun. Sponsored by Chumba Casino, No Purchase Necessary, VGW Group, Ford Wear Prohibited by Law, 18 Plus Terms and Conditions Apply.