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03 Jul 2024
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It can get lonely climbing Mount McKinley, so to entertain myself, I go to At ChumbaCasino, I can play hundreds of online casino-style games for free, like online slots, bingo, slingo, and more. Plus, I get a daily login bonus. It's just too bad that up here, I don't have anyone to share my excitement with. Live the Tumba Life anytime, anywhere. Play for free now at We discovered then that you have to convert your brainwaves. You've got to go from that high beta state and sensing space and opening your awareness by not thinking the purpose of meditation is to get beyond the analytical mind. Okay, so we said, okay, you've got to go from beta to alpha, but that's not enough. Alpha is getting beyond the analytical mind, and now you're in the operating system where you can rewrite a program, but can you get a person relaxed on their heart and awake in their brain so their brain goes into theta? Now, in theta, the neocortex was plugged you into three-dimensional reality through your senses, the autobiographical self, the reflection of everything known in your environment, the repository of everything you've learned and experienced in your life. That brain goes into theta, lights are out in the personality, and you're not aware of your body, your environment, and time. In theta, the brainwaves are so slow that energy moves out of the thinking brain that drops right into the limbic brain, the seat of the autonomic nervous system. Now, when you're in theta, you're in a hypnotic state, and when you're in a hypnotic state, you're suggestable to information, and suggestability is your ability to accept the information, believe in the information, surrender to the information without analyzing whether it's the truth or not, and that's exactly what programs the autonomic nervous system to make a pharmacy of chemicals equal to the information the person is receiving. So, a hypnotist puts somebody in a state, they're in theta, and they can say act like a chicken or whatever it is, and the person takes that suggestion all the way in, and it changes their behavior, right? But the person's in a meditation. They're in a suggestible state, but their eyes are closed, there's music filling the space, they're not eating, they're not tasting, they're not smelling, they're not moving around, filling with their body, but the door is open between the conscious mind and the subconscious mind, there's only one other place, one other place where you can get information from a net's frequency. We discovered when the brain is in a state of coherence, in a state of order, and the person is dialing down the thinking brain, all of a sudden there becomes an entrainment between that invisible field of energy that exists beyond our senses, and the person's autonomic nervous system, which is like a tuning fork, and right on the top of the limbic brain, right sitting right on top is this little antenna called the pineal gland, and it has these little crystals in it that are very sensitive to electromagnetic frequencies. Dial down the thinking brain, open the door between the conscious mind, the subconscious mind, energy falls back into the limbic brain, teach a person how to stay relaxed, half asleep, let their body be sleep while they're awake, tune into energy and frequency, get their brain and train, get their heart and train to coherence, sooner or later there's a read, there's a match, and the moment there's a match, and the energy is hitting that pineal gland, the entire limbic brain goes into these unbelievably high, high, high states of autonomic regulation. Now remember, stress is autonomic dysregulation, but now we're talking about energy and forming matter, and the autonomic nervous system is moving into such high states of coherence and such a fast frequency that every single cell in the person's body is being informed with new information, and the effect of that is a biological upgrade, like there's the eczema, now it's gone, there's a Parkinson's, now it's gone, there's a stage four cancer that was in the bones, that was in the organs, now it's gone, there's the blindness, now the person's seen, there's the muscular dystrophy, which is insane, and now the person's out of their wheelchair, there's a myasthenia gravis, now it's gone, there's a spinal cord injury, there's a stroke, the person's all of a sudden took a bite of wholeness, because that unifying field of energy, according to bone, is undivided wholeness, it's a frequency that exists faster than the speed of light, and equals mc squared, so anything that's material or physical that's vibrating or traveling out of the speed of light is going to turn into pure energy, it disappears, and when it disappears, you move into that realm where everything's connected, everything's more orderly, everything's more whole, so their interaction with wholeness is being reflected in their biology, so we started seeing these elegant states, and then we started doing seven-day events, because I was like, this is happening in four days, why don't we go to seven days, now we just did our 50th, 50th week long, so we did 50 week long events, and now a scientist and friend of mine who's a medical doctor, and the researcher, PhD, super intelligent, very well trained empirical scientist, comes to one of our week-long events in Cancun, and he sees someone on the stage that was diagnosed with stage four cancer, that metastasized to all of our organs in our body, and now all of a sudden she's on the stage, she was at an event two months earlier in my orca, and now she came to Cancun, she's on the stage, and she said, the doctors told me to go home and die, I tried everything, I tried all the drug trials, the chemos and diets there, and I had a moment, and when people make that connection, the arousal that's taking place in the nervous system is not like the arousal from stress, it's not fear, it's not pain, it's not anger or aggression, the arousal is ecstasy, like a person has a moment where they do not have the words to describe this unfamiliar, familiar feeling, it is the most familiar, unfamiliar feeling, you forget, you forgot that you were wholeness, like you remember, oh I came from here, like it's this kind of moment, and connection is not the love you feel when you see your puppy, this is like where you feel an arousal, where you're connecting to some energy or frequency, and the arousal is bliss, the arousal is pure love, it's ecstasy, and this is the moment where the person's having an inner experience that is carrying an amplitude of energy, that's greater than the betrayal, shock, the diagnosis, the abuse, the rape, whatever it was, it brings the body literally out of the past right into the present moment, and the arousal comes with a release of brain chemistry that causes the person to have a very profound, transcendental inner experience where it's more real than anything they've ever experienced in their life, and experience enriches the brain, so now their brain is getting rewired to some mystical moment, and then a signal that's being traveled to the body that's lifting the body with energy and light, and the body's all diseases are lowering the frequency, and in here a frequency, the body's getting a dose of water, it's getting a dose of high regulation, it's getting a dose of wholeness, and then the wholeness then is reflected. Think about a magnet, magnets of course have polarity, they each have a north pole and a south pole, one end has a positive charge, and the other end has a negative charge, the polarity between the ends of a magnet is what causes the magnet to produce an electromagnetic field, the stronger the polarity between the two poles, the larger the electromagnetic field the magnet produces. You can't see that electromagnetic field, but it exists and it can be measured, the strength of a magnet's electromagnetic field can even influence matter. If you were to take tiny metal shavings and lay them on a piece of paper, put another piece of paper over that first piece of paper, and then set a magnet on top of that second piece of paper, those metal shavings would organize themselves within the magnet's electromagnetic field. The electromagnetic field of the magnet is powerful enough to affect material reality, even though the frequency of this field exists beyond your senses. The earth is a magnet, and like any other magnet, it has a north pole and a south pole, as well as an electromagnetic field surrounding it. While this field itself is invisible, we're all familiar with one amazing way to see that it exists. The earth's electromagnetic field deflects the sun's photons, and during a solar flare or a mass coronal ejection, that field deflects trillions of tons of photons hurled toward the earth in a pulsating, colorful phenomenon known as the Northern Lights. Your body is also a magnet. Ancient cultures, especially Asian cultures, have known this for thousands of years. Your north pole is your mind and brain, and your south pole is your body at the base of your spine. When you're living by the hormones of stress, the emotions of survival, or when you're over-utilizing the other two survival energy centers, you are constantly drawing energy from this invisible field. The energy then no longer flows through the body, because the body in survival mode is pulling the energy from the field and storing it in the body, specifically in the first three energy centers. This is what happens when the thinking-feeling loop we talked about earlier is activated. If this goes on long enough, the body won't have any electrical charge running through it at all, and without an electrical charging, can't create the field of electromagnetic energy that normally surrounds it. When that happens, the body is no longer like a magnet. Now it's like a piece of ordinary metal, a magnet that's lost its charge. The body then becomes more matter and less energy, or more particle and less wave. Of course, if there were a way to get this energy that's stored in the first three centers, moving again, the current would resume flowing, and the body would recreate the electromagnetic field. The breath does just that. It gives us a way to pull the mind out of the body, and to move all that stored energy from the first three centers up the spine to the brain, restoring the electromagnetic field surrounding the body. Once that happens, we can use that energy for things other than survival. Let's take a look at the way our physical bodies are constructed so we can understand what makes that possible. You have a bone at the base of your spine called your sacrum that looks like an upside-down triangle with a plateau on the top. On top of that, flat surface sits the spinal column, which extends all the way up to your skull. Inside that closed system is the central nervous system, which is made up of the brain and the spinal cord. The spinal cord is actually an extension of your brain. The skull and the spinal column protect this most delicate system. The central nervous system is one of your body's most important systems because it controls and coordinates all the other systems in the body. Without the aid of the central nervous system, you couldn't digest your food. You couldn't void your bladder. You couldn't move your body and your heart couldn't beat. You couldn't even blink your eyes without the nervous systems, but you can think of the nervous system as the electrical wiring that runs the machine of your body. Inside this closed system is cerebrospinal fluid that's filtered from the blood in the brain. This fluid bathes the brain and the spinal cord, and it's responsible for giving the central nervous system buoyancy. It acts as a cushion to protect the brain and spinal cord from trauma, and it flows in various rivers and paths that transport nutrients and chemicals to different parts of the nervous system all over the body. By its very nature, this fluid acts as a conduit to enhance electrical charges in the nervous system. Now let's go back to your sacrum. Every time you inhale, that sacrum bone flexes back slightly, and every time you exhale, it flexes forward just a little bit. This is an extremely subtle movement, too subtle for you to notice, even if you try, but it happens. And at the same time you inhale, the sutures of your skull, the joints between the individual plates of your skull, which fit together like pieces of a puzzle and give the skull a degree of flexibility, open up just slightly, and as you exhale, they close back up. Again, this is extremely subtle. You can't feel it happening. The movement of your sacrum back and forth as you slowly breathe in and out, along with the sutures of the skull opening and closing propagates a wave within the fluid of this closed system. And it slowly pumps that cerebrospinal fluid up your spine all the way to the brain, passing through four chambers called cerebral aqueducts or ventricles. If you were to tag one molecule of cerebrospinal fluid and follow it from the base of your spine all the way up to your brain, and then all the way back down to your sacrum, you'd see that it would take 12 hours to make a complete circuit. So in essence, you flush your brain twice a day. So think about what would happen if you contracted the intrinsic muscles of your perineum, your pelvic floor, the same muscles you use for intercourse and elimination, and you lock them down. And then while they were locked down, you next contracted the muscles of your lower abdomen, locking those muscles down. And then you did the same with the muscles of your upper abdomen. If you kept squeezing and contracting those muscles in your first three energy centers by contracting your core muscles, that fluid in your central nervous system would move up. You'd be moving that cerebrospinal fluid in your central nervous system up your spine. Each time you tighten the muscles of those centers, the fluid would be forced upward. Now imagine you then placed your attention on the top of your head, where you place your attention is where you place your energy. So if you put your attention at the top of your head, that would become your target for moving energy. Now think about taking one slow, steady breath through your nose and at the same time, squeezing and holding the muscles of your perineum, then those of your lower abdomen, and then those of your upper abdomen, all while following your breath up your spine and through your chest, your throat, and your brain and all the way to the top of your head. Imagine that when you get to the top of your head, you hold your breath as you keep squeezing. You'd be pulling that cerebrospinal fluid all the way up toward your brain. That's significant because cerebrospinal fluid is made up of proteins and salts in solution and the moment proteins and salts dissolve in solution, they become charged. If you take a charged molecule and accelerate it, as you would, if you pulled that molecule up your spine, you create an inductance field. An inductance field is an invisible field of electromagnetic energy that moves in a circular motion in the direction the charged molecules are moving in. In the more charged molecules, you accelerate the bigger and more powerful the inductance field. Think of the spinal cord as a fiber optic cable that acts as a two-way highway simultaneously communicating information from the body to the brain and from the brain to the body. Every second, important information is relayed from your brain to your body, such as the desire to walk across the room or to scratch an itch. At the same instant, a lot of information from the body is carried up your spinal cord toward the brain, such as the knowledge of where your body is in space or the signal that you are hungry. Once you accelerate these charged molecules in one direction up the spine, the resulting inductance field will reverse the current of information flowing from the brain down through the body, and it will then draw energy from the lower three centers up the spine to the brain. Now there's a current running through the body and the central nervous system, just like a magnet. And as a result, the same kind of electromagnetic field of energy that surrounds a magnet surrounds the body. The field of electromagnetic energy you've created is a three-dimensional field, and as it moves, this energy creates a torsion field or a torus field. By the way, the shape of this electromagnetic field is a familiar pattern in the universe. This pattern shows up in the shape of an apple, as well as in the shape of a black hole in a distant galaxy. So now you understand that by doing this breathing technique, you're starting to stir up all this stored energy in a very big way. And if you do this technique correctly and you do it enough times, you are going to wake up a sleeping dragon. [Music] How to have fun anytime, anywhere. Step one. Go to Got it. Step two. Collect your welcome bonus. Come to top of welcome bonus. Step three. Play hundreds of casino-style games for free. That's a lot of games, all for free. Step four. Unleash your excitement. ChumbaCasino has been delivering thrills for over a decade, so claim your free welcome bonus now and live the Chumba Life. Visit ETW Group. No purchases are employed or prohibited by law. See terms and conditions, 18-plus.