
Follow Your Path.

Speakers: Tupac Shakur, Rick Rubin, Steve Harvey, Inky Johnson, Kevin Hart, Tyrese Gibson, Michael B. Jordan, Dwayne Johnson, Kanye West, Andrew Tate, Dana White, Dewayne Noel, Jordan Peterson, Jocko Willink, Mel Robbins.

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02 Jul 2024
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Hello, it is Ryan, and we could all use an extra bright spot in our day, couldn't we? Just to make up for things like sitting in traffic, doing the dishes, counting your steps, you know, all the mundane stuff, that is why I'm such a big fan of Chumba Casino. Chumba Casino has all your favorite social casino style games that you can play for free anytime, anywhere, with daily bonuses. So sign up now at Chumba Casino dot com. That's Chumba Casino dot com. Sponsored by Chumba Casino, no purchase necessary. The VGW Group, Ford Web prohibited by law, 18 plus Terms and Conditions apply. The question of worth it is reliant on an outcome. We don't make these things for an outcome. It's not the mindset to make something great. The outcome happens, you're making the best thing you can make, it's a devotional practice. People think of God as the joke is a cosmic butler. You can pray to have your wishes granted, it's like, he's not a genie. You want to pray? You want to pray? It's like pray about your stupidity. Here's a prayer that will work for sure. You want to see if prayer works, here's one, this will work. Sit on the edge of your bed. Ask yourself, what bloody stupid thing do I continue to do that's making my life more miserable than it has to be and everyone else's life around me, that I could give up, that I would give up and you bet you have to really want the answer, so you open yourself up in humility to a revelation. You'll get an answer, it won't be when you want, that's how you'll know it's true but if you act on it then you're life will improve. This idea and this notion that you could be anything you want, you can accomplish anything you want, right? We hear that, you've heard that from the time you were little boys, you hear that now, you're already incredibly accomplished, you can win an NBA championship, MVP of the league, you can become president, you can become governor, you can be in entertainment, you can do Charles and you can do Shaq, you can do whatever you want to do, you guys know that. The thing that has worked for me is to remember the hard times. What makes it hard is your lack of belief that it can happen for you. The fact of it is though, it's very doable, see, but you've got to change though, if you keep doing what you've been doing, you're going to keep getting what you've been getting, so if you're at a place in your life and you ain't happy with it, you have to change some things, but you have to make a conscientious decision that you're going to change. I can't explain why I shine and no one else shines, I think everybody shines in different things, and a lot of things I can't do, I can't play basketball like every other black person in America, but I can act, I know how to go to that true spot in myself because I'm there every day, I can be me, I can be whoever because I'm true to me, I can go to neutral easily, a lot of people, black, white, Mexican, young or old, fat or skinny, have a problem being true to themselves, they have a problem looking in the mirror and looking directly into their own souls, the reason I sell six million records, the reason I could go to jail and come out without a scratch, the reason I could walk around, the reason I am wired today is because I can look directly into my face and find my souls there, it's not sold, I didn't sell it, it's still within me, I still feel it, my heart is still connected to my body. So I want y'all to understand, get out of this mind state of, I ain't shit unless I got money, get out of this mind state of, I have no hope, I should stop just dreaming and having visions and ideas about my life and my career because I don't have it financially. And there's nothing in this life that will destroy you faster than you being unable to forgive yourself for your wrongdoings. Now it's hard when those we love and those around us cannot forgive us for our wrongdoings, it's hard enough, but when you cannot forgive yourself, that's not survivable, that's not survivable, alright, so walk away. People are so programmed and brainwashed into classism and protectionism that it's difficult for people to embrace innovation unless it has a tag on it that's got a name, brand connected to it that says with this innovation, you will be better than the person, you'll be better than your next door neighbor. It's always the feeling when you're getting ready, you know, people give up right before they get what they've always wanted to get, people quit and they give up and I will not be the person who quit before I got what I wanted or what I needed or what I thought I was supposed to have, you know, like, and if that wasn't for me, it wasn't for me. I'm gonna keep grinding, I'm gonna keep knocking on the door until I get what I feel. If you frame a personal challenge as an opportunity to overcome and improve yourself, these things that seem so horrible are actually very positive components of your existence and they're gonna make you better. the most work done. It was a bad part of your life. You were heartbroken or you know you lost a house or broke or whatever. That's when you did shit. When everything was fine. When the woman's still sucking dick, the mortgage is paid, dinner's on time. It's kind of doop-doo-doo-doo, little by little, doing a little bit of work, doing a little bit of relax. But the big events come from trauma. This is it. So it's a cheat code. It's a cheat code to climb the mountain. And it's so true. I mean when you think about, I think I'm 54 years old right now, like that. I mean it's just fucking flew by. And you think when you're young that you have all this time, you have no time. There's no time. I mean one of the quotes on the wall in the gym and there's, you know, there is no tomorrow. From Rocky 3, you know, there is no tomorrow. Fuck that shit. Let's get all the shit done today. Act like the person you want to become. That's not fake until you make it by the way. This is intentional. Intentionally act like the person you want to become. Because when you intentionally act like the person you want to become, your brain sees you taking those actions so your brain starts to change the way it relates to you. When your brain sees you high-fiving yourself in the mirror, it starts to go "Oh, wait a minute." Steven loves himself. Steven's cheering for himself. We don't beat Steven up. When you're around people that truly give you like, give you some good, serve a good value to you and your life, you then look at those that don't. And you can, you can then push away. You got to be careful when you got talent. Because sooner or later, if you're not careful, you can become a victim of your own talent. And when you become a victim of your own talent, you don't value the small things anymore. And at a certain point in the early years, the small things were the foundation. And this is the thing that got you to the point that you are at now. But now we don't value it because we feel as if we've gotten to a certain point. Like adversity is adversity, opposition is opposition, challenges are challenges. But it's not so much about the opposition and the adversity that we face as it is about the perspective that we have about the opposition and adversity that we face. Meaning perspective drives performance every day of the week. How you view what you do and always affect how you do what you do. I don't think there's any higher experience for men than sitting around with your boys, having a laugh and having a joke. I think that's as good as life gets. You can have a billion dollars like me or you can be at the bottom. But if you're with five people, you truly love your guys and you've been with them and you trust them and you're smoking a cigar or not and you're sitting around telling stories and everyone's laughing. That's as good as life gets. At the top of the bottom on jet or on the jet or homeless and then in the trenches. It doesn't matter what yet on the jet all you do is that and at the bottom all you do is that. So that's as good as life gets anyway. You want to know if you're you're talking about young men that might not have any direction right now. Go do something that's hard. Go try and accomplish something that's hard. You may win. You may lose. You may succeed. You may fail. I'll tell you what you'll be better. If you avoid those things that are hard, if you don't accept that challenge, if you don't step up and step into that cold water and you sit on your couch and eat Doritos, I can tell you this is not a good move. This is not a good move and you're gonna fail and you're gonna fail and you're gonna fail and you're gonna fail and then you're gonna win. So I could any character I'm gonna bring that intensity, that truth, and the honesty to it because I have to repay for that blessing from black Jesus from God. I have to pay for that by shining. If you give you the voltage and you waste it, that's the curse. You gave me the voltage. I'm a shine. It's not Mars. It's from God. It's God. Not that it's so special that nobody got it but all about gifts and blessings and our shrimps and our weaknesses come from God. Come from black Jesus or whoever comes from within you. You know what I mean? So it's not really tricky. Everybody can do it if they just can go to their spot. I guess all the things that happen to me in my life allow me to go there easier. When you finished doing what is right and you finished making everything right, walk right. The you that was you yesterday is not the you that is you today unless it is. The you that is you yesterday is not the you that is you today unless it is. But when it is not, when you have faced that man in the mirror and you have dealt with the yesterday's and you have dealt with everything and you have held the funeral and you have buried the past and you have buried the you that was that man in the past. That is no longer you. All right. Today's a new day. Today's a new you. And so do not destroy yourself over a man that no longer exists. All right. You got to move on. You got to move on. Your excuses will destroy you and take everything that you ever wanted from you if you let them. Because when you look around at your life and you look around at your job and your financial situation and your relationship and your physical health and when you look at all those things and all the problems that you may have with those things and you say the reason I have all those problems is because of me that can hurt that can sting. I'm Victoria Cash and I want to invite you to a place called Luckyland where you can play over a hundred social casino style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. So what are you waiting for? The best way to discover your luck is to spin. So go to that's and get lucky today. At Luckyland. No purchase necessary VGW Group. Boy we're prohibited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply.