
Tony Robbins On Overcoming Negativity & Fear!

Tony Robbins On Overcoming Negativity & Fear!

Broadcast on:
28 Jun 2024
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Most people have a belief about what their real potential is no matter what you tell them, and that affects how much action they take, and of course, that affects the result, and then ironically, that result reinforces their belief, and then their belief affects it, so give me an example. Let's say a person has unlimited potential, we all agree, but they take little action, little results, why? Because they have to start with a problem with their belief. They don't believe it's really going to happen for me. Maybe for frank currents, because you've got the cool hair and stuff, or maybe it's for you, because you're so driven, but it's not me. Maybe Tony Robbins, because he's a freak out these big teeth. Whatever their thought process is, right? They got this thing, right? But what happens is, if you believe that there's very little potential, how much action you're going to take, profit, little, and when you take little potential with a little action, what kind of results do you get? It allows you little results, and when you get little results, what does that do to your belief? You go, see, I told you this was a waste of time, I told you this wouldn't work, and then what happens, you tap even less potential, you take even less action, you give the worst results, and your belief gets even weaker, and this sucker feeds on itself until you are in a downward spiral. What's poisonous? It's poisonous in itself fulfilling. Now, what if something could happen that could come along and fill you with a sense of absolute certainty? Not like I believe, but mean where you know, in you guys' case, mine as well, we knew because we had to, because we burned the boats, there was no other option, we had to find the way. We weren't going to live that way. We all did it in different ways and for different reasons, but in essence, that was it. If you get yourself in a state of certainty, that this is going to work, I'm going to find the way, and if this doesn't work, I will make the way. Then you tap a lot more potential. And when you're certain, when you're potential, you take massive action. When you take massive action, you really believe in something, you get great results. When you get great results, your brain goes, see, I told you I was a stud. There are thousands of emotions. There's 4,000 words in the human, in the English language, I should say, for different individual emotions. I did the research on it years ago. I'm going to have you take out a piece of paper, take out your, you know, your notebook computer, get a page on one side, one column, write all the emotions that you experience at least once a week that empower you in some way. Love, passion, excitement, creativity, whatever it is, peace, determinate. I don't know. What are yours? I want you to write the emotions, though. You don't experience once in a while. The ones you experience at least once a week in a powerful way and really feel it. Not an emotion you feel once every blue moon. On the other side of that page, or if you do it on our little application or wherever we put it here, the other side, I want you to write all the negative emotions, or to be more fair, all emotions can be positive if you use them, all the disempowering emotions. The ones that tend to put you to your state where you don't follow through. And I want you on that side to write all of them and do it simultaneously. Just keep making your list. What are the emotions I go into that mess me up? Like feeling frustrated, or overwhelmed, or lost, or alone, or depressed, or pissed off and rageful, whatever it is you go. And again, not emotions you experience once in a while, but once you experience at least once a week. So make a list of all the emotions you experience at least once a week. Once it empower you, once disempower you on the list. That's step one. That's identifying where you live. And circle the top two out of the whole list that you experience most often that are empowering, and the top two you experience most often that are disempowering. That'll be step one. Now, if I'm trying to explain it to you here, it will be right in front of you as well. So if you forget what I'm saying, it's going to be on the little checklist. But I want you to know what I mean. Step two. Let's identify the solution. So you look at your list and you see on the disempowering list, I got sadness and depression, or I got feeling lonely, or I've got feeling rage and anger, or I got feeling fear. What emotional state would you like to feel in that situation that would change your life? If it's fear, maybe it's courage. Again, courage doesn't mean it's easy. It doesn't mean you feel, you know, confident. It just means you're going to do it anyway. Maybe it's determination. Maybe instead of feeling alone, you feel loving and you go give to somebody else. What's the antidote? What's an emotional pattern that if you live that, it would change the game? Is it faith? Is it passion? Is it courage? Is it playfulness? You're taking things just too damn seriously. You've forgotten perspective. Go watch the show again. See if you really have a problem. See if your problems are as challenging as the people you just saw who transformed their tragedy into something tremendous, something beautiful, something magnificent, something meaningful, something that can even help other people that are watching. That's the beauty. So that's the second step. What's the antidote? Come up with your antidote emotion. Step three is you got to practice that emotion. I know that sounds silly, stupid, kind of weird, but if you came to a seminar with me, you'd see, you know, 3,000, 10,000 people. We do this and we condition that a new emotion till you can shift gears. If you've ever heard about the fire walk, it's not about the fire walk. I do skydiving, all kinds of crazy stuff. It's a metaphor for how do I go from afraid, the fire's metaphor for whatever you don't follow through in your life, whatever holds you back, to snapping going to state of mind where I just move through. It's not this big mind over matter thing. It's mind over emotion. It's shifting. When you learn how to go from scared to determined and acting, what can't you do in your life? What are the big primary one antidotes? What emotions do you need? Practice the emotions you need so you can go into them a few times. Sounds a little weird, but if you do it, you'll see it's actually quite fun. It feels powerful. Maybe do it with a friend. That's the easy way to do it. And condition it. That means take the next three days, do this three times. Figure out the difference and shift from not sure worried to determined. From overwhelmed, I don't know what to do to focused. And you just deliberately physically make the change from one to the other three times for three days if you're bold, do it for seven. But if you do this three or four times a day for three to seven days, start to get a pattern in your body. And the pattern in your body. A new pattern means a new life. Our lives are a reflection of our emotional patterns. If you live in sadness and depression, you get up a billion dollars and your life is called sad and depressed. If you're living, feeling grateful, feeling alive, feeling passionate, your life is filled with gratitude and passion, it doesn't matter what's happening anywhere else. And you can face any challenge from those emotions and you can overcome. Does this make sense? This is how you can take what you watch in that show and convert it into some actions that will change you. Very simple approach or come see me or get some coaching. I've got all kinds of resources, but this is something you can do right now. You don't need anybody else to make happen. You just need a little ability to take action. It makes sense. And if you haven't seen the show for God's sakes, go on Hulu and watch the show or all this will just sound like a bunch of words. If you've had the experience and you know what I'm talking about and you've witnessed it, it'll be real in you right now and you'll get a sense of what you can do to move forward. And if you can't find on Hulu, once again, send us a little email and we'll make sure we find a way for you to be able to observe or experience the show directly. If you will do this, if you'll discover your current emotional pattern and you'll change it through a little bit of practice over and over again, you will change the quality of your life no matter what you're facing. [Music] (dramatic music)