
Stop When It’s Done

Speakers: Jim Rohn, Joe Rogan, Dana White, Lex Fridman, Alex Hormozi, David Goggins, Chris Williamson, Jocko Willink.

Broadcast on:
27 Jun 2024
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"Why not you? You've got the brains. You can make decisions. You can study the plan. You can change your life. You can grow immensely in the next few years. You can make your dreams come true. You can build a financial wall around your family. Nothing can get through. You can become healthy. You can become powerful. Why not you?" But really what it's all about is just getting your shit together and moving. Just go do something. Like what you did by taking a job when you would show up at a gig and you'd be working there Tuesday through Sunday and then take a day job and working nine to five. That is more hustle and more hustle mindset than anything you're ever going to get out of an Anthony Robbins book. Like that is like just doing it. Just doing it makes you do more. Like do more hardship makes you do more hardship. Understand that you want it bad so you're willing to put into work and do things you don't want to do. It's what makes you have that confidence that you know how to push through and the mentality that I'm the type of dude to get shit done. Like I'm going to show I'm not going to waste my day just sitting around a fucking hotel. I'm going to go to work. I'm going to work all day. I'm going to drive five hours and keep that radio gig and then drive five hours and spend 10 hours of the fucking 24 in a day in a goddamn car for two gigs. Like I want to say I want to wake you up at three o'clock in the morning and go come on man we'll go and run it. Like let me see let me see what you do when you're tired. Let me see how you push yourself. Come on man get up get up again tomorrow get up again tomorrow get up again tomorrow the next day get up get up get up get up get up keep going. How long can you maintain a positive attitude? It's always great to win. Winning is a great feeling in business, in sports, in life and definitely in gambling. Losing is never fun but it's part of the game. You know what I mean? If you want to be in the game and it's sports, it's business or whatever there's going to be wins and there's going to be losses and you have to take them both in stride and you have to be able you know there's a lot of people when you gamble right and you lose and you go into a deep dark depression. I've seen this with guys that do it get depressed and gambling isn't for you. You know if you are the type of person that's on social media and people say horrible things to you and you get depressed and that you shouldn't be on social media. You know what I mean? These are all part of being in the game. When you're in the fucking game great things happen and really bad things happen and you got to take it all in stride and you got to pick yourself up the next day strap your fucking shoes back on and get out there and go to fucking war again. That's how it works. That's some goggin shit right there. All right I love that motivation speech. It's the truth though. Yeah it is. It's the truth though. Listen every day when you get out of bed life's standing right there to kick you in the fucking face man. Could be anything. Could be you get up and you walk downstairs you have a fucking flat tire and you're late for work and you got this net. Life is going to throw all kinds of crazy shit at you right and you have to be ready for it and you got a fucking deal with it. You can't curl up into a ball you can't run away from it. You can't hide. You have to take all this shit head on. You have to get up every day when I get up out of bed. I strap up and I'm getting ready for fucking war because I know I'm coming in here. I know a bunch of bad shit is going to happen that I'm going to fucking deal with. Most people's definitional work is a negative one which is why they abhor it which is also why they misunderstand so many people who quote I'll say quote here are successful ahead of them or whatever is that both people one person says the word work and the other person hears the word pain and so the first step to like becoming more successful is understanding the language that the people who are successful are using. They're actually defining the word differently and so whatever that thing is that you actually enjoy doing where you lose track of time when you're in it even if it's challenging but usually it is challenging right like it's not easy because then it's boring right which is also why the uncertainty thing is so key right to not knowing if it's going to work or not you are going to work though either way is that the people who are quote addicted to work make it easy to be addicted to work because they do things worth doing and I think a lot of it is coming down to making sure that you take the few precious seconds that we have to do the few things that are worth doing for the rest of your life. When your mind knows it's not going to quit and this is what I found out it's my 40% rule when your mind knows it's not going to quit your body will adapt to whatever is in front of it. I ended up running 20 more miles I did 100 more miles in 19 hours in six minutes and that one day changed at 119 hours it wasn't still a change it wasn't ready school it wasn't double course running that crap went through it was this 19 hours and six minutes that forever changed my life to know that we as human beings are capable of anything and we don't need any special kind of parents or tools to get there so I did with this don't stop when you're tired stop when you're done thank you very much you're going to lose sleep you'll doubt whether it'll work you'll stress to make ends meet you won't finish your to-do list you'll wonder whether you made the right call and have no way to know for yours this is what hard feels like and that's okay everything worth doing is hard and the more worth doing it is the harder it is the greater the payoff the greater the hardship if it's hard good it means no one else will do it more for you I think a lot of entrepreneurship and even personal growth is training yourself on how you respond to hard because in the early days hard was ooh stop this isn't good I should I should this is a warning sign this is red flag I should slow down or I should you know I should pivot but the more I think about it as a competitive landscape as I'm clear on what this path is supposed to look like and these rocks and these dragons are things that I'm going to have to slay along the way to get the princess or get the treasure I get happier about the harder it is because I know that no one else will fall it's a selection effect and I think if you can if you can shift from this is hard to no one else will be able to do this then it flips from being this thing that you're like oh poor me to oh poor everyone else who's going to have to fucking try and I think that is so much more motivating as a frame for the exact same circumstance I think some of them just don't have discipline there's an issue with that as well there's also an issue with momentum you're not used to doing it it's not a part of your life it's not something you're accustomed to pushing yourself there's been many many many many many many many many days where I didn't want to work out I just didn't feel like I had the energy and I just forced myself and I think there's very few people out there that know how to force themselves that's a learn yeah that's a learn skill yeah that that kind of discipline and focus you have to have like real rigid requirements of yourself where you don't allow yourself to back out of things and you don't allow yourself to slack off and I don't think people put those kind of requirements on themselves as if it's um it is a daily principle of life like what you must get done you know you must brush your teeth yeah exercise for 45 minutes and if you did that I think you'd be healthier and happier and your body would perform more smoothly and if you require your body to do things like that I think it rises to the occasion there are very few people that have that kind of discipline so because of that they come up with excuses and excuses are a giant part of the problem it's not simply a physical health issue there's also mental aspects of it and discipline's a big one I just know way too many people who are weak mentally and I can't I can't just chalk it off to only you know their physical the way they physically feel because I felt like shit a hundred times and then I worked out and then I felt way better yeah it's just it's just a fact of life that's real you know you just yeah yeah and people don't know how to do that the daily discipline required to get you where you want to get to those little positive things add up too and it's obvious and we know it but here's the question why don't we do them why don't we do them well it's because in most cases it's because they add up slowly they add up so slowly that you don't really notice the results right one day in the gym one day in the gym is basically imperceivable two days in the gym you don't recognize any change whatsoever a hundred days in the gym and you're almost a new person right you've seen those before and after pictures one day of playing guitar one day of playing guitar you can barely play one chord a hundred days of practicing guitar and you can play literally almost any song an hour of writing an hour of writing and you've got a short kind of junky thousand word essay a hundred hours of writing you've got yourself a whole book so we let these things slip because it takes so long to see the progress we let them slip and when we don't do them it becomes zero times a hundred or zero times a thousand and that nets out to a zero when you do anything it adds up when you do nothing it amounts to zero so take the small steps every day do what you're supposed to do and don't expect some incredible results in one day or two days or ten days worth while things take a hundred days they take five hundred days maybe they take five thousand days they take time but it's little steps that add up so so put in the daily effort let that be your reward reward yourself feel gratification from knowing that you move the needle even just a little bit Rome wasn't built in the day [MUSIC PLAYING]