
Don't Worry About The Future | Alex Hormozi

Don't Worry About The Future | Alex Hormozi

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24 Jun 2024
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With the Lucky Land Sluts, you can get Lucky just about anywhere. Daily Beloved. We're gathered here today. Has anyone seen the bride and groom? Sorry. Sorry. We're here. We were getting Lucky in the limo when we lost track of time. No. Lucky Land Casino. With cash prizes that add up quicker than a guest registry. In that case, I pronounce you Lucky. Play for free at LuckyLand No purchase necessary. BGW grew up, boy'd were prohibited by law. 18+ Terms and Conditions apply. Prescription products require completion of an online medication consultation with an independent healthcare provider through the LifeMD platform and are only available if prescribed. Subscription required. Individual results may vary. Additional restrictions apply at Read all warnings before using GLP1s. Side effects may include a risk of thyroid C-cell tumors. Do not use GLP1s if you or your family have a history of thyroid cancer. If you've struggled for years to lose weight and have given up hope, did you know you can now access GLP1 prescription medications through LifeMD? LifeMD is now offering eligible patients online access to GLP1s, the breakthrough prescription medication that can help you lose body fat and weight. Listen to what people are saying. Probably the easiest thing I've ever done. The medication comes in the mail and it's very easy to use. I've been able to live my normal lifestyle and I've lost 20 pounds already and I've never felt better. It changed my life. And here's the best part. Your insurance may cover 100% of the cost of your medication. So go to to have your eligibility checked right now. Get started today at That's Play it out. What if you just never do anything? Like maybe some people just need to stop dreaming. Maybe they need to accept their current reality and actually enjoy it. Because there's a lot of people in their 70 and 80 and they didn't do their dreams and if they went back, they didn't do anything but that whole time they were dissatisfied because they didn't try. But what if they were just like, "I have a good life. I have a life who loves me. I've got some kids. I have a job that I don't mind it. Paste the bills." I mean, if you go back 500 years, it wasn't people like, "Man, this is my passion." It's like, "Dude, I'm just rowing a boat across a ferry and that's what I do and that's what my dad did and his dad did." Like, "This is how we eat." And so we have these idealized versions of purpose that I think Instagram and all this stuff kind of make terrible but I think there's a lot of honor and work, period. And I think a lot of people fool themselves by thinking that what they do for some reason is not honorable. And I think a lot of it is like the internal versus external scorecard of I believe these things to be true about the universe or like the world. But a lot of those are like, "What do I believe about myself?" Which is like, "I can choose to do work in this way which then I can derive joy from." So like, if I'm just traveling shit, I can choose to be like, "I will be the best shit traveler because I believe that I will figure out how to do this more efficiently and I will get better and I will have calluses on my hands and I'll have a better back and whatever." But I will do this well and I think you can find joy and work if you decide to do it. So on one hand, if you are, if you're a dream causes you so much pain, then you will quit what you're doing and do it and if it doesn't cause you enough pain that you're not pursuing it or that you don't feel like you're in a cage right now, then maybe you're not in the cage and maybe you just need to like the life you have and that's cool too. But work is the way, it's the only way. Because everything else, if it didn't require work then you'd already have it. Breathing doesn't really require work, most people do. There's plenty of things that we just don't think about because we have them automatically. And so everything that you don't automatically have, you have to expend effort to get. And so everyone just wants a way to get things without working, which I understand, don't get me wrong. But the thing is that I remember actually this is a weird thought. So I remember when I was graduating college, I had this, it was like a billion dollar power ball. It was like, you know, when it kind of goes over a billion dollars. And I bought a power ball ticket with my girlfriend, this is like a fun joke, not like I was like hoping to win. And what's weird is that I remember as the drawing was happening, I actually had this huge fear that I win. Because if I would win, then it would mean that I would never get a shot to prove myself. That I could have done it because literally from that point on, if you win, nothing you do matters, like I could never prove that I had any metal. Every hardship that you encounter, if you reframe it as the story that you will someday tell to yourself of the person that you have become based on the dragons you've slain and the obstacles you've overcome, then I think that makes those obstacles a unique opportunity for self-improvement. I think about death all the time and that's what I think for me has given me a lot of freedom to take big shots because like at the end of the day, I think that it's not going to matter. No one's going to remember. So if you were afraid of other people thinking about you, just remember the six ones after you died, they're not going to be. And so it's like we have all these fears about other people, but like most of them won't even choke to your funeral because they're going to be busy. I work all the time. I have no hobbies besides working out if you can consider that a hobby like four times a week. That's it. I work all the time. That's all I do. And I work until I can't work, meaning like my output per unit of time starts to drop precipitously and then I know that I just need to take a break of some sort and then I usually bend some sort of television because that's what for me works. Some people are like, "I garden. That's not me." Netflix. I'm good. You know what I mean? Or Darkroom and a movie theater. Rockin'. Come on, and that's okay. Like why do I need to take their expectation of what they want with like, they're like, "That's not healthy." I'm like, "Define healthy." I do as much as I can of the thing that I want to do with every minute of my day. Why is that not healthy? Why do you want me to do something that I would prefer to do less? Because I do what I do every other minute of the day because that's what I want to do. Almost like, "How dare you cast your expectation of your life onto me?" And to be fair, the same degree. They can not work at all. It doesn't affect me. Like I'm a big, big advocate for destroying should, the word, in general. Should is just like the expectation motor of like all of our psyches. You should go to school. You should get a degree. You should do this job. You should marry her. You shouldn't stay up so late. You shouldn't work so hard. You shouldn't. You shouldn't be more balanced. You shouldn't be working out so much. You're not working out. Like there's all these shoulds that other people tell us. And it's like, and you zoom out and then you see that it's a galaxy with a little dot of dust. It's like, "Should what?" There is no should. Do what you want to do. At least that's how I see the world. I'll give you my definition of happiness, which is doing what you like to do with people you like. And doing that as much as you possibly do. People who move faster in life don't actually move faster. They get more for every step. Many skills like one plus one equals five when you put them together. So let's say you have somebody who's really good at math in the beginning. As a skill, not super monetizable, right? Okay. Well, then you learn bookkeeping. Okay. Well, now you had a proclivity for math, but you learned something that has value in the business world. Okay. Then you learn to get your CPA and I become an accountant, okay, more valuable. Then you start studying around tax law and insurance and you're like, "Oh, significantly more valuable." Then you learn how capital markets work and how debt markets work, right? And you understand how mergers and acquisitions work. And all of a sudden you're a CFO and then you learn how to sell and promote a little bit. And all of a sudden now you're a Rainmaker. And so you still needed to be good at math. But when you stack these other skills on top of it, the original math skill becomes significantly more valuable when you have these skills on top. But each one kind of requires the one before, which is why one of the things I hate about kind of the entrepreneur world a little bit is like they'll learn something new and then poo poo the thing before. It's like I'm not upset with the teacher who taught me arithmetic because I learned algebra. One was necessary for the next. And so as entrepreneurs, a lot of times it takes I think the self-awareness to say like, where am I at on my skill stacking adventure, right? And each skill, every skill you add to your skill tool belt makes the rest of your skills more valuable. People think when they're starting out, one, that they should find something they're passionate about. Two, that the first thing they pick is the last thing they're going to do for the rest of their life. And I think both of those are false. So we'll start with the first one. So the fallacy of finding your purpose or finding your passion, excuse me, is that you're going to love something so much that you immediately fall in love with it. Some people do. The vast majority don't. And real real, I liked fitness. But as soon as I started my gym, which I thought was, quote, pursuing my passion, my life stopping about fitness. It was about business. And then I had to learn that and I sucked at it. And so like even the idea that I'm just going to do my passion isn't even the reality of quote, doing your passion because doing my passion became work and I started hiring trainers and getting systemizing onboarding and getting them trained up so they wouldn't suck on the floor because I had to do other things and all of a sudden, I made my quote passion into work as other people define work. And so you create passion. You don't find it and you create it by being willing to suck for a very long period of time until you get good. And then when you get good at stuff, you tend to like one. The second fallacy was that you, whatever you is the perfect pick is that you're going to pick the perfect thing the first time. Life is long. People change career directories more now than ever before. And so I prefer the process of approximation, which is can I just get directional and then iterate? And so it's like, okay, do you like words or do you like numbers? People are like, I like numbers. Okay. All these careers probably not for you. Great. One directional change. All right. And then within there, it's like, okay, do I like money numbers or do I like data numbers or do I like computer numbers? It's like, okay, I like data numbers. Great. So now we're already in like a zillion career paths in this direction. But the thing is, is that if you then start getting good at becoming a data analyst for an oil company and then you decide that you want to pivot into into media buying, there's going to be a lot of generalizable skills there because it was all about data. And you did have to learn a lot of stuff. And what I will say is that you get these unique carryovers that only you will have. And so, so Steve Jobs tells a story about how he took calligraphy, right? And it seemed useless at the time. And then fast forward when they had the Mac, they started having different fonts. And they only have different fonts because Steve Jobs that one time took calligraphy. And so, the lessons you learn on the first thing you do, don't become apparent, sometimes until the third, fourth or fifth thing you do. But that third, fourth or fifth thing you do, the fact that you did that first thing gives you unique advantage compared to everyone else who didn't. And so following the tried and true path, there's nothing wrong with that, but there's also nothing wrong with learning like, there is never a downside to learning more skills, period. Because you are able to create more unique solutions to problems that you get presented with in the future because of things you've done in the past. I think negative motivation is poo-pooed too much. Like if you are angry, use it. If you are sad, use it. It's like, what else are you going to do with it? With the Lucky Land Sluts, you can get lucky just about anywhere. This is your captain speaking. We've got clear runway and the weather is fine, but we're just going to circle up here a while and get lucky. No, no, nothing like that. It's just these cash prizes add up quick. So I suggest you sit back, keep your tray table upright, and start getting lucky. Play for free at LuckyLand Are you feeling lucky? No purchase necessary. BGW graduate were prohibited by law. 18 plus terms and conditions apply. Perscription products require completion of an online medication consultation with an independent healthcare provider through the LifeMD platform and are only available if prescribed. Subscription required. Your results may vary. Additional restrictions apply at Read all warnings before using GLP1s. Side effects may include a risk of thyroid T-cell tumors. Do not use GLP1s if you or your family have a history of thyroid cancer. If you've struggled for years to lose weight and have given up hope, did you know you can now access GLP1 prescription medications through LifeMD? LifeMD is now offering eligible patients online access to GLP1s, the breakthrough prescription medication that can help you lose body fat and weight. Listen to what people are saying. You just take your shot. It doesn't feel like you're on a diet. What I wasn't expecting it to do was to shut off the food noise. This was life altering and if I can do it, I feel like anybody can do it. And here's the best part. Your insurance may cover 100% of the cost of your medication. So go to to have your eligibility checked right now. Get started today at That's