
Beat Your Struggles: 15 Minutes with Andrew Tate

Beat Your Struggles: 15 Minutes with Andrew Tate

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24 Jun 2024
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Struggle is extremely important for a man, and you should be looking to inject struggle into your life permanently. We talked about this in the past emergency meeting, because if you're injecting struggle and that struggle, solving those problems lead to a positive place. Once you become addicted to it, you're going to become a machine of monumental achievement. There are some very simple basic things you can do. Weight training, chess, having debates, trying your very best to take care of your mother, retire her. Make sure that you're people who you love are taken care of. You need goals and resistance and something to fight against to live well. Because the distance between pain and joy is what we experience. If you only have joy all of the time and no pain, you are not going to be happy. You don't need drugs. You don't need alcohol. You don't need parties or festivals. You don't need fun. Fun is the vector from which Satan operates. Every time you look at something which is fun, it's all just hedonistic. There's no money to be made. You don't retire your mother. You don't help the world. You don't give to charity. You don't become stronger. You don't become wiser. You don't learn anything. Next time you think of what is fun. And someone goes, "Guys, come. It'll be fun." Sit there, go, "Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait." Will it? Experiences are unique. Jail was a unique experience. Bunch of fun. Unique. Life's not about fun as a man. Life is about doing the right thing because it must be done. Now, there are some things that are fun which can be earned. And there are some things which are fun that you could do which perhaps involve skill. Driving a supercar around a racetrack is fun. It involves skill. You have to be good at what you do. Cool. But a lot of this fun that is easily accessible to everyone because not everybody can get a Ferrari on a closed racetrack. I can. You can't because you're poor. You do not need fun until you've already reached the highest possible echelon. So this whole idea that you need fun in your life, you don't. What you need is purpose. You need discipline. You need hard work. You need things to do which are going to benefit you and others around you. You need duty. You need obligations. And you need performance metrics. You need people around you who are going to hold you accountable. You don't need to be waking up thinking about fun. You're nobody's. You're not important. Nobody knows who you are. You're not physically strong. You're not financially wealthy. You have bigger concerns. You're obsessed with this idea of fun. Hey, what are we going to do this weekend? We need to have some fun. Do you? Do you need fun? Do you deserve it? Really? Have you actually gone out there in the universe and made a mark large enough that you're allowed some time off to have some fun? You know, does everybody fun? You don't need any fun. You have work to do. Your obsession with fun is holding you back. These things you think are fun aren't fun. Checking your bank balance in your house. Not going out. You're on the club. And seeing 20 million dollars liquid is very fun. That's much more fun than anything you could possibly ever do. So although it wasn't fun to sit around and accumulate that kind of wealth, it's the funnest thing in the universe in a way. For a man, your contentment will come from your purpose. And it will come from your competence and it will come from succeeding objectives. It will come from completing difficult things that other people cannot complete. It will never come from the easily accessible hedonism which you have confused for fun. If everybody can do it, you shouldn't want to do it. If everybody can go to that concert, you shouldn't want to go. If everybody can go to that club, you shouldn't want to go. But you should only want to do things others can't do. The only fun I have is doing things I know you're not allowed to do. Putting my Bugatti on an A380 and flying around the world to a racetrack, which I've rented out for only me and only my friends to race around cars. You can't do that. I can. That is fun. But if you say to me, Andrew, come to this party and I say, well, who's there? Everyone. Oh, everyone's there. Does that mean I need to go, right? It's the event of the century. Everyone's there. If everyone's there, it's trash. So you need to sit there and go, all right, I'm being asked to do something fun. Who else can do this? And if the answer is everybody, stop. I clear my emails. I've trained hard that day. I've made a couple million dollars. I've specced a brand new car. I've checked on all the people I love, all the people I care about. I've donated some money to charity. My children are fed. Their mothers are taken care of. Everything is in order. Everything is in its proper place. That is fun. If you say to me, Andrew, skip a portion of that. Skip a portion of that organization in professionalism so that we can go and do something that everyone else can do. My answer will be no. That does not sound fun to me. And the fact that you think that's fun shows that you have a severe mental deficiency. Stay away from it. You're only going to find actual fun through purpose. You're only going to find purpose through exceptionalism. So you need to become the best possible version of yourself in all realms. That's extremely important. The reason you are so unhappy is because you are trying to have fun. You're unhappy because you're trying to have fun instead of trying to become important. There are very different things and you're never going to feel satisfied in your heart unless you become important. Please imagine-- And being important is fun. Oh, it's absolutely fun. Please imagine, and I don't state this with arrogance. Please imagine for a second you're the most googled man on the planet. And you're a kickboxing world champion. You have hundreds of millions of dollars and you're built like a tank. Imagine how you feel when you look in the mirror. Nothing can match that. Nothing can beat that. As a man, you need to have struggle in your life. And I want you guys to actually sit and think, what struggle are you going through daily? What struggle are you undertaking? What struggle are you trying to overcome? Because you should make a list of them. I can know for myself every single day I wake up and I train physically. Every single day I have to go through. X amount of physical pain. When my day begins, that's a struggle that must be completed. Then I must try and keep my massive empire online, see my children, take care of everybody. They're struggling both. My life is difficult. Difficult lives are fulfilling. Because we used to have to hunt and fish and go out there and go through difficulty to survive. I often see that when I speak to people who are too comfortable, they end up being unhappy. You can't entertain yourself to happiness. You must earn happiness. You must climb them out and you must struggle yourself to happiness. That's extremely important. There must be physical, mental, social, creative. Some kind of spiritual struggle. And those things being satisfied is what's going to satisfy you. It's like Bitcoin. Bitcoin is a mathematical equation. You solve the equation, you get Bitcoin. Life is very much the same. There's struggles, there's difficulties that you have undertaken, which you have adopted to try and complete. And when you finish those things, then you get satisfaction as a reward. That's the Bitcoin. The only other alternative to that to feel good is hedonism, which is drugs and alcohol. And that's not going to satisfy you for very long. It's also going to destroy your life. So it's extremely important. This is actually why people are addicted to video games. Young men are addicted to video games because it mimics virtually what they ought to be doing in the real world. At Fort Inn, to upgrade their character, to become a better version of themselves, they can do better things than they could previously do in exploring new areas of the map. The areas of the map, which are Ugadi Convention, flying there on a private jet to sit with billionaires. The Grand Casino Monaco is a cool area of the map that you love. You have not unlocked yet, but it's great. Which requires you to upgrade your character as a person. You understand this in video games, and you do it in video games because it's very interesting to do. However, you don't want to do it in the real world. But in the real world, it's so much more rewarding. And I actually am going to argue that we're living in one of the final periods where that's true. I'd say in a few generations, who you are and who your physical body is may not matter nearly as much. No, but it does matter today. A lot. Exactly. So that's why you should enjoy it while you can. Yeah. So you need to make the low hanging fruit first. And the starting block to all of these things is your body. I believe you lift, stretch, move, improve your body, try and train MMA, learn how to fight, get stronger, get bigger muscles. It's a fast track to self-discipline, which will carry over into all other endeavors. And I would argue that it's nearly impossible. In fact, how many people can say the gym saved their life? How many people do you know were depressed, started training, gotten fantastic shape and weren't depressed anymore? It is very easy. The low hanging fruit is your body and upgrading your body. That is the easiest struggle, which is never going to backfire on you and never going to be a negative towards any other facet of your life. And when I look at men who are physical specimens, I think everyone naturally does this, but I'm going to openly say it. I respect them differently than I look at men who aren't. I have a different level of respect for them because they show me they have discipline. They show me they have motivation. They show me they're capable of doing difficult and hard things. Those are the kind of people I trust. They're not afraid of struggle. They're problem solvers. People who train are problem solvers and you need to become one and you need to become very, very adept at solving problems pretty quickly. I actually find it amazing that there's people out there who aren't perfect physical conditions. Guys, let me tell you all about news flash. If you eat right and you train hard, you look good. It's like a biological certainty. It's almost impossible to be fat and look bad if you eat right and train hard. Your body will react and give you exactly what you want. So why don't you all look like superheroes? Do you not understand how intimidating that is? It's when they look at a group of people and they all look like superheroes and they can tell they're all disciplined, all hardworking, all dedicated, all physically strong. The struggle is what's beautiful about it. That's the most important thing. That's what you have to understand. Yeah, because no matter how rich you are, no matter how smart you are, no matter what family you're born into, you could only get into shape the same way as everybody else. So you could be Mark Zuckerberg, who's now in shape and he's a billionaire, but you can't say, "Oh, he bought it." He didn't buy it. He's just in great shape because he earned it, like everyone else. You could be flat broke or rich as fuck. If you're in good shape, you had to earn it. It's as simple as that. So yeah, it says a lot about who you are as a person. First, you want to become as strong as physically possible. So you want to be as strong as physically possible. Next, you want to try and make as much money as possible. Well, not even necessarily for the money, although money is extremely important, because it allows you to take care of yourself if you talked about this before, but there's the challenge involved and solving that challenge is going to make you feel more satisfied as a human. Happiness comes from success and making money a success. You should try and make people around you smile and be happy. You should try and encourage positivity around you. You should be the kind of person that no one can really complain about their struggles around, because they know that you're the person who's going to be like, "Why are you complaining when you could just simply fix it?" Especially successful people. Successful people are uninterested in stealing, because we'd rather everybody win and keep the friendship and keep the network, and keep the positive orgones and keep the good karma that make a little bit extra money. So it's amazing what you see in the world. If you become a person who is happy and successful and can take care of himself and adopt struggles, you're going to start finding those other people who do the same thing and then you're going to build a network and become fantastic. Live with men you're in competition with. So you and your friends need to have friendly competition at all times. Now you need to meet your friends, and you need to have banter and competition around things that matter. Who's got the most money? Who's worked hardest? Who's discovered XYZ? Crypto? Stock? New way of generating income? Who's trained that day? Who has the most children? Put some actual competitions together that matter, and start competing and being around people, because you are the sum of the five people you spend the most time with. Everybody knows this. So why do you get some genuine metrics that will improve your life? You won't have time to stand around cooking meals if you're friends with somebody who works out for three hours a day. For example, because you're going to need to find three hours a day to train to beat him, which means you're going to have to just eat that rotisserie chicken as you do squawks, like a man should. Live with men you're in competition with. This is ultra important because you can measure yourself against your circle. If Tristan comes downstairs and says I've done a thousand push-ups, I will do anything it takes to do a thousand and one just to annoy him, because I know that he then has to do a thousand and two. And pissing him off is worth it. It's always worth it. And that's why you need to have that kind of competition. Get your act together, get some genuine metrics, things that matter. And once they're all put together, you're going to live in a naturally competitive environment, which is going to increase your testosterone level. It's going to prevent you from doing a lot of dumb shit. And the competition one's great, you know, because you can apply it to everything. There are a lot of people who are going to get kicked in the nuts and take a fall, and they're going to let it beat them down. You know, Andrew's lost very important kickboxing matches. Did you quit fighting then? Did I quit fighting when I got my ass kicked a couple times? No, you don't. You just have to continue because in life there are only winners and losers. There are no participation trophies. There's no, you know, stickers and everyone's invited to have a good time. You know, life is hard. And everyone in life is actually trying to play the same game. If you're a sportsman, there's a small ball of people who could beat a kickboxing, professional soccer, and the bigger the pool is, the more difficult it is. Well, life is the only game where every single one of us 8.1 billion people is trying to play the exact same game. And the same game is there's only so much money in the world. There's only so many resources. There's only so much happiness. I'm going to try to provide for my family as best as I can. And whether people say money's not important or is important, everyone's part of this game. So winning is very difficult. And you have to keep trying when you get kicked and you fall down. And that's the advice I give to every every young man who listens to me. People are afraid of accepting there's a problem because then they know they have a responsibility. Yeah, then you got it. And they don't want to do anything one because they're lazy and two because they're afraid they might lose. So they'd rather pretend there's no problem at all. And I think I often say to people in a lot of my videos about a lot of other subjects that it's not always the winning and the losing. It's it's the fighting in the first place. And there's plenty of men in history you remember who ended up losing in the end. Napoleon, for example. Who still fall, which is why they matter is not if you're only going to fight when you're guaranteed to win, then no bravery is required. And you have to fight so that you can look back on your life and feel happy that you tried to do something when you knew it was going on before it was too late. Forget about the winning and losing for now. Focus on the fight. You must wait for the moment when the opponent's mind is scattered and strike without hesitation. If you do not overcome your tendency to give up so easily, your life will lead to nothing. Objectify your demons so you control them instead of them controlling you. Fear is a reaction. Courage is a decision. You have to train your mind to be stronger than your emotions, especially your impulses, or else you're going to lose yourself. You will only be found by the devil once you are lost and he will lead you to hell. Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by men who kept fighting when there seemed to be no hope at all. I think it's a good motto perhaps. For life. For everyone who's watching this. I heard it during a boxing match and I think it was between Evander Holyfield against some guy who's not nearly as well known. And Holyfield was losing and then he starts swinging and hitting the guy. And the commentator said suddenly the champion returns with initiative and vengeance. That's a good slogan for life. You should wake up, look in the mirror and say suddenly the champion returns with initiative and vengeance. That's a good way to start your day every single day. There it is. Initiative and vengeance. 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