Harvest Chapel International - Kumasi

MGD: What Are Your Fears?

In this devotional message titled "What are Your Fears?," we examine our fears and find out what God's stance is on fear.

Aired on Radio HCI Today via the RadioKing App.

Broadcast on:
03 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

I was glad when this said unto me, Let us go into the house of the Lord. Shalom Preasures 1, we thank God for the gift of life and for the privilege to commune with Him in His Word. We are tuned in to radio ACI today for our Morning Glory devotion and facilitating today's devotion as Pastor Benjamin Brismit from Havas Shappol International al-Qamasi. Let us kindly share a word of prayer. Father, in the mighty name of Jesus, we thank you for the privilege to hear your word. We pray, O God, that the entrance of your word will bring light and understanding in all areas of our lives in the mighty name of Jesus we pray with us, given. Amen. Just as we do, let us take our confession together from Joshua chapter 1, verse 8. Joshua chapter 1, verse 8. This book of the law shall not depart out of my mouth, but I shall meditate in it day and night, that I may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then, I will make my way prosperous, and then I will have good sasses, amen. Our thing for today's devotion is, What are your fears? What are your fears? And we shall take our Scripture reading from the Gospel of Luke chapter 12, verse 4 and 5. Luke chapter 12, verse 4 and 5 are being written from the new living translation. Dear friends, don't be afraid of those who want to kill your body. They cannot do any more to you after that, but I tell you who to fear. Fear God, who has the power to kill you and then throw you into hell. Yes, he is the one to fear, made the Lord add his blessings to the reading and hearing of his word, and no will respond, thanks be to God. What are your fears? Fear is known to be one of the commonest emotions of man. There are diverse things that cause people to be afraid. Some people are afraid of darkness, others are afraid of large crowds, height, cuts, dogs, old age, witches and wizards, etc. What is God's stance on fear? Is he okay for his children to live in fear of men and circumstances? Our devotion to this seeks to examine what God has to say on the matter of fear. In our scripture reading, Jesus addresses his friends and tells them not to be afraid of those who want to harm or destroy the body. This admonition was very much needed, as he had just finished calling the powerful religious leaders of the day hypocrite and they were very upset. We see this in Luke chapter 11 verses 53 and 54. Jesus' friends may have been wondering about the consequences of his utterances and may have been gripped with the fear of death or rejection. I can imagine some of them saying they are hurt. Jesus, we believe in you all right, but you have gone too far. Some things must only be kept in the heart and not spoken publicly. Now we are all in trouble. Jesus knowing their fears is quick to reassure them not to be afraid of anyone else but God. Because the true value of a man lies not in his physical body but in his soul. For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world yet loses his soul. Mark chapter 8 verse 36. Anyone else but God can only destroy the body, which is appointed to die one day anyway. But once they destroy the body, they can do nothing else to harm the person. And we know that the bodies of we who have believed in Jesus Christ would slip in him and be raised on resurrection morning to live with him forever more hallelujah. Is it not interesting how our impulses are awakened when we perceive danger or physical death near us? Yet when faced with something that could cast us into hell, we may sure know evidence of any alarm. This morning Jesus wants us to understand the greater threat. But I will warn you whom to fear. Fear the one who after he has killed has authority to cast into hell. Yes, I tell you, fear him. Man destroying the body can do nothing else to it. But God will judge all of us and will send the unbeliever to the lake of fire for eternity as the wages of sin is death. Romans 6 verse 23. It is indeed a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. But thanks be to God, as you and I as believers have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, Romans 5 verse 1. The fear of God begins by recognizing our own sin, dreading the consequences which is death, and eternal separation from God and accepting his offer of pardon and way of escape through our Savior Jesus Christ. Jesus picks these words to give peace to his followers. They are those who fear God and are given the assurance of his love, guidance and comfort no matter what is happening in their lives. Beloved, let us go out there and proclaim this truth to all. It is appropriate to fear God because he is the one who has authority over our souls, amen. A memory verse for the day shall be taken from Luke chapter 12 verse 5. Luke chapter 12 verse 5, reading from the New King James Version. But I will show you whom you should fear. Fear him who after he has killed has power to cast into hell. Yes, I say to you, fear him. Let us take it together once again, look chapter 12 verse 5. But I will show you whom you should fear. Fear him who after he has killed has power to cast into hell. Yes, I say to you, fear him. Let us kindly share a word of prayer. Father, in the mighty name of Jesus, we thank you for your word that has come to us this morning. We thank you, God, and we have peace with you through our Lord Jesus Christ. We pray, God, for the grace to work out our own salvation in fear and trembling. That when you come, we shall be with you in your glory. We give you praise, we give you glory. In Jesus mighty name, we pray with thanksgiving, amen. God bless you so much, we love it for staying in tune. So stay tuned to RedoECI today as we have a lot of content for your spiritual nourishment. Shalom, and we shall come your way once again tomorrow with our morning glory devotion. Have a spirit for your day, amen. ♪♪