Harvest Chapel International - Kumasi

MGD: Walking in the Light of God's Word

In this devotional message titled "Walking in the Light of God's Word", we are reminded of the role the Word of God plays in guiding into our destined future.

Aired on Radio HCI Today via the RadioKing App.

Broadcast on:
28 Jun 2024
Audio Format:

[Music] Trust in the Lord with all your heart And lean not on your own understanding In all your ways submit to him And you will make your path straight Shalom beloved, God richly bless you for joining the chest End of prayer time It's such a joy and a blessing to spend time In the world today Facilitating today's devotion, our Mr. and Mrs. Echampo Ajay Let kindly share a word of prayer Heavenly Father, we thank you for your grace and mercies today As we humble ourselves to listen to your word Open our hearts and minds to receive your wisdom In Jesus' name we pray, Amen Amen We will take our confession from Joshua 1-8 This book of the law shall not depart out of my mouth But I shall meditate on it day and night That I may observe to do according To all that is written in it For then I shall make my way prosperous And then I shall have good success Amen The topic for today's devotion is Woken in the light of God's word Taking from Psalm 119 verse 105 And I read from the King James version Thy word is a lump onto my feet And a light onto my path Amen Amen Walking in the light of God's word Beloved in our life journey as Christians We often find ourselves at crossroads Where choices are many And understanding seems hard to find Psalm 119 verse 105 Reminds us that God's word guides us In these challenging times Shining through on our path Even when darkness surrounds us Imagine walking along a dark path On a night with no more Every step is cautious Every sound increases fear And the destination seems uncertain But then a lump is handed to you It's light may not show the entire genie ahead But it does shine on the steps right in front of you Allowing you to move forward with confidence and assurance This is how God's word wakes in our lives As a lump onto our feet While we may not foresee the future We often face critical decisions that shape it Fortunately, as believers speaking rely On God's word to offer us the principles and guidance Needed to handle these daily challenges It might not always show us the whole picture But it gives us enough light and wisdom To take the next step in faith and righteousness Now think about the same dark path But instead of a small lump You are giving a powerful spotlight This light not only shows the next step But also lights up the way far ahead Showing you the wider path and possible obstacles This is how God's word wakes as a light onto our path It gives a vision for our future Aligning our lives direction with God's will It brings hope and direction Helping us to see beyond the present And into the promises of God Thus, the psalmist uses the metaphor Of a lump and light To convey the dual purpose of Scripture It teaches that the word of God Is our comprehensive guide That provides both immediate direction And a clear vision for the future Helping us to navigate life's complexities With greater understanding and assurance Therefore, in times where the path seems unclear Let us remember That the word of God is not just a set of instructions But a living, active and powerful guide It is through engaging with the Bible That we experience the divine light necessary for our journey In every decision and challenge We need to trust in its wisdom And find courage in its promises Knowing that through it God faithfully leads us onward The clarity and purpose Let us walk in the light of His word Allowing it to shape our journey And draw us closer to Him each day It is our prayer That our lives be a testimony to the clarity and purpose Found in walking faithfully By the light of God's word, Amen We'll take our memory base from someone one night With one or five That word is a lump onto my feet And a light onto my path, Amen Let us share a word of prayer Gracious Lord, we are grateful for the time spent in your word We thank you for reminding us That your word is a lump to our feet And a light to our path Help us to carry this truth in our hearts As we go about our daily lives Guide our steps And lighten our decision And keep us walking In the light of your word, Amen Thank you beloved And God which we bless you for staying through with us Continue to stay tuned On Radio ACI For more Spirit-filled content Join us at 12 noon For a land-car prayer Shalom