Harvest Chapel International - Kumasi

MGD: Jesus Our Multiplier and Our Sufficiency

In this devotional message titled "Jesus Our Multiplier and Our Sufficiency", we are reminded to be totally dependent on God.

Aired on Radio HCI Today via the RadioKing App.

Broadcast on:
25 Jun 2024
Audio Format:

I will restore the Lord at all times. His praise will always be on my lips. Glory to the Lord with me, let us exhort His name together, some 34 best one in their story. Welcome, dear Libelabe, to Radio 8CI today. God which did bless you, for being a part of the just-ended prayer startup. We believe to be fastly dating to this devotion, as Mary Ephra from Heaven's Chapel International Danyamikumasik. Let us pray, Father, we are here again today, for your word writers are part. Speak to us, and let us cease not to go, in the name of Jesus, Amen. Let us take our confession from Joshua chapter 1, verse 8, "This book of the Lord shall not depart out of my mind, but I shall meditate in it day and night, that I may observe to do according to all that is written in it, for then I will make my way prosperous, and then I will have good success, Amen." We'll have our topic for today, as Jesus is our multiplier in our sufficiency, Jesus is our multiplier in our sufficiency, and our Scripture reign is taken from Matthew chapter 6, verse 31 to 33, and is taken from the NLT version. So don't worry about these things, saying what will be it, what will be drink, what will be where, these things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your Heavenly Father already knows all your needs, seek the kingdom of God about all else, and live righteously, and He will give you everything you need, Amen. Jesus, our multiplier, and our sufficiency, after God had made Mark, he did not leave him on his own, but have placed him in a garden, wealth that needs to supply his daily meals generously through this age. The Bible says that every word pleasant to this side was found dead, pre-informing us that man lack nothing, it pleased a lot to make Adam a steward of his magnificent creation. Adam's welfare was entirely his responsibility. God decided and created man in a way as to be fully dependent on him. Growing up, most of us were privileged to have caring parents who did everything to meet our needs, there was always food on the dining table, school fees were paid on time, shelter was provided, and money was given on the Selena's needs. Thanks to our parents and guardians, we understand what it means to be cared for. However, adults would change their narrative, family life, career pastures, and utter responsibilities come up, and these could provide wellness. The expectations of family and society in general to be successful can become the focus of our lives. Whilst these goals and drive for success are important, there is the need for balance in how we are pushing time to these legitimate needs in our lives so as to find time to serve God and Church. Jesus encourages us to give priority to kingdom work no matter what the needs may be. Beloved, there is so much joy, rest, and peace when we get the right balance for work and serve in God and Church. God bless us sacrifice and rewards us with job promotions and ultimate success when we depend on Him. God decides that we do not diminish the times we serve in His Kingdom. Total dependence on God has a way of lessening the burden of care on us so as to make us productive in His way. The lesson Jesus says all in the miracle of feeding the five thousand men and women and children, with the five loaves and two fishes in John chapter 6 verse 5 to 13, should be comforting to us all that God can miraculously multiply the letter in our hands to meet all our needs and we simply trust Him and serve Him. He is the same yesterday, today and forever, amen. Our memory best for today is Matthew chapter 6 verse 3 to 6. Look at the beds, they don't plant all harvest or store food in plants for your heavenly Father feast them and aren't you far more valuable to Him than they are? To share a word of prayer, thanks for your word to the Lord, we work in this knowledge that shall forever are provided and nothing will shrink our commitment to your kingdom in the name of Jesus, amen. God richly bless you for lessening to today's devotion, continue to stay tuned to Radio ACI today, for more spread for God, be blessed. [Music]