The TLC Show

Episode 142: The TLC Show - 15 July 2024 - You are right on time!

What a fabulous way to start to a week with #thetlcshow - thank you Lesley Crowley & Claire Evans for co-hosting such a fun and uplifting Show featuring so much love, connection and high energy! #magicaltunes A little sad to come to the conclusion of The Well Lived Life but thankful for the incredible wisdom of the inspirational Dr. Gladys McGarey concluding with her final message 'You are right on time'Playlist here:

2h 0m
Broadcast on:
15 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

with Leslie and Claire, which is always at the centre of wellbeing. We're here every Monday from 9.30 to 11.30am, sharing good news, great tunes, and empowering ways to think well, feel well, live well, and be well. [Music] [Music] [Music] No memories flowing off the times I helped raise a smile, another's life. Singing notes of thanks, it's the key to be. The wear of all the gifts, that's around me. Singing notes of thanks, it's the key to be. The presence is the gift, and wraps before me. Notice in nature pass me by, and I'll smile. Surrounded here by so much life. Now memories flow before the species that connect it with my life. A reason to smile. We're singing notes of thank you. We're singing notes of thanks, we're singing notes of thank you. We're singing notes of thanks, it's the key to be. Singing notes of thanks, it's the key to be. The wear of all the gifts, that's around me. Singing notes of thanks, it's the key to be. The presence is the gift, and wraps before me. Singing notes of thanks, it's the key to be. I'll go the gates, that's what I need. Singing your mouth all through, it's the key to me. The presents is the gift, and rats before me. TLC Radio! TLC Radio! TLC Radio! TLC Radio! TLC Radio! Good morning everyone! Good morning and welcome to this week's TLC Show. So, for all you football fans out there, never mind. No, I did actually watch the match last night and it was a shame actually, but we are quite a frustrating team because we kind of keep playing it safe. I think it comes from the coach. Yeah, I don't know, yeah, the tactics of it and you just get stuck in. You used to when you were sort of not professional, but Spain had a good day yesterday. They won the men's final at Wimbledon and they won the Euros final. Wow, wow! I think it's the Spanish. It's the place to be, I think. They're one of King's friends, isn't it? They're actually thinking about that. I bet people got swept up in it even though we didn't win. Oh yeah, because they were all in it. Yeah, of course. Yeah, my friend from Spirit of Business, Alan Smith, he was out there. And actually when they scored the goal, you could actually see him in the footage. Oh, I knew. So, yeah, I'm really proud of saying it was a great night, but yeah, poor result. I know, I'm a very sulky teenager when I picked him up, so he'd all gone out. And one came home through half time and then I went back home again. And then I came back out, oh God, he was very, very grumpy and everyone leaving all of a sudden because they watched it at Harlow Football Club. And they laid on a great night up there with music and that by the sounds of it. But yeah, they were some pretty sad faces as they left, which is a shame, isn't it? It's a shake, so we're all going, we're going to have tomorrow because we're going to go out when they win, which they weren't in now hiking. Now they could have tomorrow off and have fun together doing something else. Yeah. But on that note, I thought I've got to play a song around that, so I thought I'd play better days. Oh yeah, brilliant, I love this love. I mean, it is obviously more about someone, I think, splitting up to someone. But hey, the energy of it is all good because, you know, this is a thing, isn't it? When we have disappointment, how we manage it and as a collective, because it's a whole country, it's important that we do manage it. Otherwise, we're just going to get more and more things to be disappointed about. Oh no, no, no, more and more come. So let's lift the vibrations morning. There's been a lot of change in the world, doesn't there, in the last week? Yeah, also, I didn't try and get a sense of attention. Yes, yes, yes. Is there a shot off? I don't know. It isn't good. I think the vibration needs to lift. Yeah, exactly. So yes, we will begin that. Our job of doing that on a Monday morning. We will. With some music. What else about your week? I haven't said about my week, but I just thought. Yeah, I'll probably do that through the show. It was a very spiritual week, really. Well, it always is my life now, so it's fantastic. But I think the song I've picked today is grateful because I'm grateful for all my practices that I do and the work that I'm doing that I can actually. It was really juggling it last week, but it was really good. You know, I had that choice being self-employed, which I love, and grateful for the friends summit at lunchtime, and I got treated, which was really lovely. And at lunchtime, any specific lunchtime? Yeah, the lunchtime we went, we went, didn't we? Us girls. Remind me. Tuesday, we went out with the girls. Didn't we? Down to new ground. We did. I was down this way, and I did lots of meditation last week. So, yeah, a beautiful week, so I'm feeling grateful for that. Sounds good to me. Even though I can't deliver it. Better days are coming, if no one told you. I hate to hear you crying over the phone, dear. For seven years running, you've been a soldier. But better days are coming, better days are coming for you. So when the night feels like forever, I remember what you said to me. I know you've been hurting. Waiting on a train that just won't come. The rain it ain't permanent. And soon we'll be dancing in the sun. We'll be dancing in the sun. We'll sing our song together. We'll sing our song together. We never miss the flowers, until the sun's down. We never count the hours, until they're running out. Here on the other side of the storm, now you should be so proud. Better days are coming, better days are coming for you. So when the night feels like forever, I remember what you said to me. I know you've been hurting. Waiting on a train that just won't come. The rain it ain't permanent, and soon we'll be dancing in the sun. We'll be dancing in the sun. We'll sing our song together. We'll sing our song together. We'll sing our song together. We'll sing our song together. Your story's gonna change, just wait for a better day. You've seen too much of pain, now you don't even know that your story's gonna change. Just wait for a better day, I promise you I won't let go. I know you've been hurting. Waiting on a train that just won't come. The rain it ain't permanent, and soon we'll be dancing in the sun. We'll be dancing in the sun. We'll sing our song together. We'll sing our song together. We'll sing our song together. We'll sing our song together. We'll sing our song together. We'll sing our song together. We'll sing our song together. I'm grateful for the sun that shines, and I'm grateful for the good that gives me life. I'm grateful for the good ones that love me, and the lessons from those who betrayed me. I'm grateful for the strength that I'm given, and for all of my daily blessings. So grateful for the love that surrounds me, and I'm so thankful for life. Yes, I'm grateful, grateful. And everything I've been through, has made me hard after the day. So I'm grateful, grateful. I'm grateful for the good ones that I've been through. I'm grateful for the good ones that I've been through. I'm grateful for the good ones that I've been through. I'm grateful for the good ones that I've been through. I'm grateful for everything I've been through, has made me hard after the day. So I'm grateful, grateful for the good ones that I didn't win. I can't believe I can't remain so grateful. And everything I've been through, has made me hard after the day. So I'm grateful for the good ones that I've been through. And everything I've been through, has made me hard after the day. So I'm grateful, grateful for the good ones that I didn't win. And everything I've been through, has made me hard after the day. I've been through, so we knew, so we knew, so we knew, so we knew. That was a bit grateful energy with a ton of lovely, lovely. There's been lots going on, isn't there, on the world? It's been a lot in the world, and a lot in Lesley's world. It's been a bit of a whirlwind week, and then we were just saying about the attempts, assassination of Trump. It's all going on, it's like a movie, isn't it? Well, I was watching home and I sadly to say that. It's not quite a movie. Do you know what, I love it, because I go to the beach every day for 20 minutes. That's what I would put it on, it's just like a bit of a, it's like a mindful practice really, because I don't know how to think, hardly. Their conversation isn't very much. No, they're conversation, but I like looking at the beach. But there was a shooting in there, and I was like, "Oh, that's two things. Maybe I need to put the telly off." But talking of beaches, we've both been watching, I mean, a silly film, it is a silly film. It made me laugh out loud, though, and I didn't need that. Yeah, but it isn't like, when I recommend things, I don't want people thinking like it's sort of, you know, like a deeper meaning. No, it's a really easy going. This is just a bit of fun, but there's a film on it at the moment, it's called Ticket to Paradise. Yeah. And I said to Leslie back, because I've got half way through it, I'd started watching it, and I was going out and were winding around the place. And I just thought, do you know what, I love about this film is the scene of it. Oh, no, well, that's on the next thing. That's not going to be the year after next. And we've spoken a little bit about how much Leslie wanted to go to Barley, because he probably loves the film. Yeah. And it's actually Julia Roberts again, so she's in April love, and now she's in Ticket to Paradise with George Clooney, who's aging incredibly well. Oh, you look gorgeous. And, yeah, so it's just a very sort of silly film, but the backdrop of the whole film is Barley, and you know, oh my God, is it beautiful? Oh, I want to go in there. I want to go and do that seaweed thing. I was thinking, you know, I could sit in there. I could be a seaweed farm. I could quite easily with him. But they attitude to life. You know, it's not just about the scene we actually. What's lovely is there's a cultural aspect, because she's marrying into this family, like a barley's family. Yes. And they value family a lot, so everybody's there all the time. Oh, I love that. They've just got such a lovely way about it. There was no pushing or shoving. There's a bit of humour running underneath everything. But it's just lovely that all their traditions, you know, and how they really value those traditions still. Yeah. And, you know, we can all mock tradition, but when you actually look at a community like that, operating seamlessly like that, and it's so content with this simple life of being seaweed farmers. No, I know. Wanting fact. No. No. And it was just that they looked at each other, and that was it, wasn't it? Oh, no. It's one of them cheesy films, but it's hilarious as well. Well, I thought we was. Oh, well, I found it. After the day I did, it was hilarious. It was a light one. Yeah. I mean, there's some bits of my laugh, but yeah, I mean, like the her boyfriend, he just did my head in like, kept surprising. Oh, my God. It was creepy. It's really good. You know what? It's a really easy going one. I think the outtakes made me laugh the most. Yeah. It's good. But it's nice to have a light film to watch, isn't it? And if the scenery is great, but yeah, it's made me want to go again more. Yeah, definitely. I think that's our next one. We'd already spoken about that, though, because the lady who designed our website. Yes. This website. She did. And Nicky. Nicky Nor. I don't know what her name is. I don't know what Nicky's surname is. No. Oh, it's Nor on Facebook. But anyway, she's got, well, I should share her website because I can't remember the name of it now. It's gone completely out my head. But she's got a website, a design company. It's very reasonable because she does it all on wicks. But she's basically, you know, she lives in Bali. So she's doing that in the, you know, like designer website and then going off into this, well, just incredible country. I mean, it's just stunning. Well, she's had a huge journey as well, isn't she? But we haven't connected with her for a long time, actually. But she just, yeah, she's got a beautiful home that they let out, doesn't it? Yeah, they have. So there you go. All the connections come back. Yeah. She did it. Nicky did come for some healing when you used to have the centre. And when we were giving the healing away, when we first begun, right? A long time ago. So that's been our figure last time. It was five years ago that I gave up the centre. Oh, that was, yeah. That will call. Wow. Where does time go? We are having fun. So anyway, this soul came from that film. So it's the Isley Brothers, this old Heart of Mine. And, yeah, it just really, when it was planned, I just thought, oh, yeah, I've got to put this in. It's a really uplifting song anyway. But it also makes, when you watch the film, it's a little heart warmer. Yes. But a very simple film, really. But yeah, I thoroughly enjoyed it. But Bali, I thoroughly enjoyed it. Oh, yeah. Yeah. So what about yourself? Well, I think I'm going to play Love by Nat King Cole, because it was June and Roger's 60th diamond wedding anniversary weekend. So we went round to celebrate with him, which was really lovely. And June and Roger were very special to me when I was younger. And I went on lots of holidays with him. So yeah, I'd like to play this for them. Lovely. 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