The Right Side Radio Show

Morning Coffee with The Right Side: We Should Pause On the Conspiracy Theories

Following the events of the weekend, folks are running wild and creating all sorts of conspiracy theories. We need to slow down a bit on that front.

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15 Jul 2024
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This weekend, we saw one of the worst moments in American history unfold there in Pennsylvania. Fortunately, the intended target survived, but unfortunately, there was a loss of life, making it a tragic event nonetheless. But one of the things that I cautioned last week, if you remember, when I talked about how important it is for us to not share false information, to make sure that before we start to share things that we've heard about on social media or whatever it is, that we have verified. Our side is always going to be under more scrutiny, under a bigger microscope. So it's more important that we get it right, but it's also more important that we get it right because we need to be above the fray. Following the failed assassination attempt of President Donald Trump, I have seen countless folks floating conspiracy theories. I've seen countless folks out there running with this proves that the shooter was part of a conspiracy. This shooter was nothing more than a Patsy like Oswald. And you're seeing a lot of that. Maybe down the road, we'll find out some of that's true. But right now, that's not what is put in front of us. And I think it's irresponsible to be floating. Sure, you want to speculate. Sure, you want to put things out there. But let's be smart people. If you think back to every time there is a mass shooting in this country and the left is quick to try to say what he had conservative leanings. Now, it almost never works out that way, but that's where they start to go. They try to say that he was a right wing zealot. They try to pull in different things. And yet we always complain when they do that. We always say that sometimes evil is evil. Sometimes a random lunatic shows up. And because he had bad intentions in his heart, he performs an evil deed. It's extremely possible that that is exactly what happened here. It's extremely possible that this young man, this 20 year old that decided to climb up on the roof of that building and take a shot at Donald Trump was just a deranged lunatic. That is possible. That might even be probable. So let's slow our role. Let's slow our speculation that this is some vast CIA conspiracy or anything to that measure. I can tell you this. I saw one person pose over the weekend where they were trying to make some remark about the young man. It's a someone remarking that he was a marksman at 20 years old. And that you don't just become a marksman. I can assure you he was not a marksman because if he was a marksman, we'd be talking about a more tragic end for President Trump. He was not a marksman. He might have been a good shot but a marksman. No, that's a bit of a stretch there when you point that out. Let's slow down on people again. The rhetoric has been out of control in politics for so long. And here we are. We're seeing the result of out of control rhetoric and yet we're playing right into it. Conspiracy theories are fun when you can float them. You can pretty much make a conspiracy theory out of anything people. But what we need to have is hard facts in front of us. If you start presenting me with hard facts and not just your speculation, then maybe I might start to listen a little bit more. But right now all I'm seeing is folks speculating and they're trying to utilize things and say, "Well, I served in the military so therefore I'm an expert." No, no, you're not. You're not. Thank you for your service but you're not an expert on this matter. We may find out there's more to the story. We may find out that this young man had more about him and maybe that once the facts come out, it will connect to some of the stuff you're talking about. But probably most likely we'll find out that the young man was a deranged lunatic who decided he wanted to take out Donald Trump. Instead of looking for a vast conspiracy, why don't you look at the left-wing rhetoric? Why don't you look to the fact that they created someone like this? They planted the seed. They planted the thought process that it was in fact necessary for someone to take out Donald Trump. It was through their rhetoric, their warnings of how evil he was. They created the incident. They're quick to always say that well, he spoke and he incited this. Donald Trump, remember, he incited a riot on January 20th. But they're not going to look in the mirror in this incident. They're not going to look in the mirror and admit to themselves that they are responsible for what happened on Saturday. The good news is, Donald Trump survived with a wound to the ear. The bad news is, there was a man, a father, a husband who lost his life that day, who just showed up to support a politician that he believed in. And because of the deranged lunatic decided to take shots, it cost him his life. There are two other people that are crickly injured and we need to be praying for their safety, for their ability to heal. That's where our focus should be right now, not in creating vast conspiracy theories that probably aren't going to prove out to be true. Let's focus America. Let's focus and let's use our power of prayer and not our power of speculation. This has been Morning Coffee with the Right Side. I'm your host, Jack Fairchild's, and we're a part of the Midnight Rod Network. An official message from Medicare. A new law is helping me save more money on prescription drug costs. Maybe you can save too. With Medicare's extra help program, my premium is zero and my out-of-pocket costs are low. Who should apply? Single people making less than $23,000 a year, or married couples who make less than $31,000 a year. Even if you don't think you qualify, it pays to find out. Go to Paid for by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. 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