The Right Side Radio Show

Special Report: Dark Day in America Yesterday: Assassination Attempt on President Trump

Yesterday marked a dark day in our nations history. Donald Trump escapes an assassination attempt. Several questions remain now. And CNN can't seem to even say what it was in their headlines as reported by Sky News Australia.

Broadcast on:
14 Jul 2024
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An official message from Medicare. A new law is helping me save more money on prescription drug costs. You may be able to save, too. With Medicare's Extra Help Program, my premium is zero, and my out-of-pocket costs are low. Who should apply? Single people making less than $23,000 a year, or married couples who make less than $31,000 a year. Even if you don't think you qualify, it pays to find out. Go to, paid for by the US Department of Health and Human Services. Step into the world of power, loyalty, and luck. I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse. With family, canollies, and spins mean everything. Now, you want to get mixed up in the family business. Introducing the Godfather at Test your luck in the shadowy world of the Godfather Slodge. Someday, I will call upon you to do a service for me. Play the Godfather, now at Welcome to the family. No purchase necessary, VDW Group. Boy where prohibited by law, 18 plus, terms and conditions apply. Liberals be warned, your viewpoints will be subjected to strike scrutiny. You're listening to right-side radio. Feels like my eyes have been blown wild. You tuned in to right-side radio. This is a right-side, special report. And here is Chuck Fairchild. Hi guys, welcome here to the right-side radio program. Here we are coming to you live Sunday morning, the day after an assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump, former President and the Republican nominee for the same office. This is a dark day here in America because again, anytime you have a president, a former president, a presidential candidate face an assassination attempt like this, it's eye-opening and it's one of those things that a lot of us are still in shock. We're still trying to process exactly what happened yesterday. A lot of questions, you know, how did this man get on to the roof of a building, whether it was outside of a security perimeter or not. If it was a flat building, how did this slip through the cracks of secret service, which is by far the best protection group in the world and yet this slip passed them. This man was able to climb on top of this building, lay down and get several shots off, one of which hit President Trump in the year. He fatally killed one of those in attendance at the rally. I believe I have read two others that were critically injured, thoughts and prayers to those families, especially the one who lost his life. And of course, thoughts and prayers to President Trump is he moves forward. Trump yesterday, defiantly after being grazed by this bullet, when he came back to his feet after dropping down and being covered by secret service, defiantly raised his fist and mouth fight to the crowd. In this instance, there are a lot of us out there that think that this moment has locked this race in this, but the race is secondary at the moment because again, the rhetoric that has gotten us at this point, the rhetoric from the left where they have gone out of their way to say that Donald Trump is the epitome of evil, that Donald Trump is the worst human being imaginable. They have gone out of their way to paint him as a Hitler-esque type individual. They have helped create that type of mindset that led to a deranged individual doing what he did. Do we really expect the modern American leftist media to try to call this out in any way, shape or form? I don't. I don't think the modern American left is going to acknowledge that their rhetoric set up something like this. Instead, they'll try to figure out a way to spin out of it. Maybe that this guy was somehow deranged in other ways, but it doesn't matter. They planted the seeds. You can dislike Donald Trump. You can think that his policies are bad or whatever you want, but I think it's time that we get away from the good versus evil statements, because I think that we're creating an environment where the battle lines are starting to become more and more clear, and we need to be more careful so that way we don't encourage more events like this. It's crazy people when you look at it. Of course, CNN, they could not help themselves. They had to jump on and in their coverage. They didn't even want to say assassination. I came across this video from Sky News, Australia, this reporter Gabriella Power. I'm not familiar with her, obviously, because I don't watch a lot of Australian news, but she takes CNN to task for their absolutely atrocious and biased coverage yesterday in the immediate aftermath of what was, in fact, an assassination attempt on a former president and a current presidential candidate. I'm going to let Ms. Power speak here, and I'm going to play this audio for you guys. It is a sad, sad day for America. It is hard to find the words to describe the shock and the horror that people are feeling right now. After many of us were witnessing on live television, the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump at a campaign rally in Pennsylvania. This is a devastating day for America. Right now, people are pouring their hearts out on social media and posting prey for Trump. Many of the people I'm speaking with over there are feelings scared about how close this was. Looking at the still images, you can see the bullet that pierced his right ear as he gets up with blood smeared on his face. Look what happened. This horrific act has just deepened an already huge divide in the United States of America. But if you were following media outlets like CNN today, well, you would have thought that Donald Trump had a fall. Look at this headline. Secret Service rushed Trump off stage after he falls at rally. Falls. It was an assassination attempt. He's not Joe Biden that doesn't know how to stand up. And that's not a one-off headline. This morning, I was looking at my phone and I was taking screenshots because even though it's CNN, I still couldn't believe it. The next headline I saw, Trump injured in incident at rally. Incident. That's really what they wanted to go with when the man who's been president before and he's running again was just shot. Oh, and there's more. Video captures what happened at Trump rally that left him injured. Ooh, wonder what it could be? CNN is using the video as clickbait while refusing to acknowledge what it is that just occurred, and that is an attempt to murder the man who is running for president. Something that has not happened since 1981 when there was an assassination attempt on Republican President Ronald Reagan. I scroll further down CNN's website and I get to analysis and of course, as this headline, Trump is favored, but Biden can still win this election. Well, I really doubt that. But let's leave CNN for now. I have more to say about their coverage in a moment because it actually gets worse. And let's look at some of the other reaction we are seeing today. And remember, America is right now feeling the weight and the heartbreak of what has unfolded today. But Colorado Democrat Stephen Woodrow posted on X. The last thing we need was sympathy for the devil, but here we are really classy. You know, comments like that are expected from troll accounts, but politicians, well, it really gives us an insight into how dark and how ugly some of the thinking and some of the attitudes are, and also how much hate there is for Donald Trump. So let's look at what some of the Democrats have said in the past. Have they ever called for political violence? I just don't even know why there aren't uprisings of all of the country. Maybe there will be. People need to start taking to the streets. This is a dictator. You know, there needs to be unrest in the streets for as long as there's unrest in our lives. Enemies up the state. Show me where it says that protests are supposed to be polite and peaceful. Do something about your dad's immigration practices, you feckless. How do you resist the temptation to run up and bring her neck? The biggest terror threat in this country is white men. Most of them radicalized right to the right. I thought you should have punched him in the face. Even if you lost, he insulted your wife. He hit on the escalator and called mexicans, rapists, and murders. He said, well, what do you think I should have done it? So I think you should have punched him in the face and then gotten out of the race. You would have been a hero. I'd like to punch him in the face. I said, if we were in high school, I'd take him behind the gym and beat the hell out of him. Punch some people in the face. When was the last time an actor assassinated a president? They're still going to have to go out and put a bullet in Donald Trump. And that's a fact. Look, as his character is stabbed to death, where is John Wilkes Booth when you need him? I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House. A Missouri state senator is under investigation by the Secret Service after saying she hopes President Trump is assassinated. I will go and take Trump out tonight. It is just disgusting. Now back to CNN, because according to them, despite surviving an assassination attempt, there's no legitimate threat to Donald Trump. Donald Trump and the people around him perceive themselves to be under threat. And that's all that matters. That is, that is not legitimate, that is wrong. Oh, and here's more CNN coverage, complaining about how Trump reacted seconds after someone tried to kill him. I do want to say there was one thing that when I watched the tape, I found odd, because of all of the heated rhetoric. And that is that after he was hit, former President Trump got up and said, fight, fight, fight. I think what we're hearing from people is that's not the message that we want to be centered right now. We want to tamp it down. Now we all know that those comments were going to come at some point. Let's find a way to criticize or even blame Donald Trump when we analyze how he was almost murdered on stage. But those comments came even faster than expected, just hours after he was attacked. And while he was still recovering in hospital, there is no question that this is such a scary time for America right now. The people I've been speaking to say that they are scared after what they have witnessed and also what the future holds. But after today, I suspect we are going to see a lot more support for Donald Trump. We're seeing this already. Billionaire Elon Musk posted on X today. I fully endorse President Trump and hope for his rapid recovery. Despite all the hate in the world and even an assassination attempt, Donald Trump is not giving up. This is the lightest from authorities in the U.S. It's at the FBI, stands with the people of Butler County in western Pennsylvania, and our hearts go out to the victims of this heinous act which occurred today. This is our community, and I wanted to let the public know that the FBI has deployed a number of our resources, including investigative agents, our evidence response team, bomb technicians, and we have additional resources coming from other field offices, as well as from FBI headquarters, including our evidence response from Quantico, Virginia. We have intelligence analysts as well, working from our field office in Pittsburgh, working feverously to attempt to identify the individual who did this and any motives behind why this was done. Right now, we need the public's help, anyone who was on scene, who saw anything, who identified any information. Please report that to the FBI using either the phone number 1-800-Call FBI or online at This evening, we had what we're calling an assassination attempt against our former President, Donald Trump. It's still an active crime scene. As I mentioned, we have a number of agents on scene. We also are working closely with other federal agencies, our state partners, and our local police partners as well. Again, at this time, we are not prepared to identify who the shooter is. We are close to that identification, and as soon as we are 100% confident in who that individual is, we will share it with the press. With that being said, also, we do not currently have an identified motive, although our investigators are working tirelessly to attempt to identify what that motive was. Of course, they have since identified the shooter, so we do know the identity of the shooter at this point. Although, at the time of recording, they have yet to give us a motive that has been made clear or anything from that standpoint. Unless something has broke since I started recording, we don't know anything more yet as far as that. We know that the shooter was a Thomas Matthew Crooks, so he was from Pennsylvania, so there's not a lot more information that we have found yet about him. He was from Beth Park, Pennsylvania, and graduated high school in 2022. What we know about him at this point is very little. The FBI identified him, so they are trying to do a further investigation to see what more they can find out. And, of course, we'll figure out, I'm sure there'll be deep dives into why he could have potentially done this, but that's irrelevant for the most part. But the clip played several audio clips of CNN and their terrible headlines and the fact that they're seemingly refusing to call this an assassination attempt, even though the FBI itself has clearly said that's what this was, I think that's disgusting. But they also went further and they played clips of prominent liberals, Democrat politicians who have helped incite several of the thought process that Trump is evil, that Republicans are evil. We have created an environment now where, again, there are folks who are going to tell you that I am inherently evil because I'm a conservative and I'm tired of that. This division is what led to this, the fact that this type of rhetoric from their side continues to go on, the fact that it goes unchecked and the fact that the liberal media encourages it from multiple aspects of the way that they report things. You heard about the Congressman and his disgusting remarks, I mean, quite frankly, he shouldn't be anywhere near the halls of Congress putting out statements like that in the immediate aftermath of an assassination attempt of a presidential candidate and a former president of the United States. It's disgusting right here in my own state of Mississippi. We weren't immune to that as the head of the January 6th congressional committee, Benny Thompson, he had a staffer by the name of Jacqueline Marcel. Marcel decided that she would post a couple of inflammatory and idiotic things on social media in the immediate aftermath of this build assassination attempt, ignoring the fact that there were loss of life that a supporter was killed and that two others are in critical condition, this classless individual that Benny Thompson, who again, I have no high regard for. As you've heard me say before, Benny Thompson has proven himself time and time again to me to be a true racist in my opinion. But he hires this person and hopefully she is without a job really quickly. She posted on Facebook, that's what your hate speech got you. Ignoring the hypocrisy here and the fact that that very statement is a form of the same hate speech that she's trying to condemn, although nowhere close, I mean far more extreme than anything I ever recall Donald Trump saying. And then she went further to say, I don't condone violence, but please get you some shooting lessons so next time so so you don't miss next time. Oops, that wasn't me talking. Yeah, yeah it was. And your brain dead self decided to put it on social media where it's already been screen-capped despite your best efforts to go ahead and delete it. It's already out there. This is how the left thinks. I don't want to see any harm come to rival politicians. I'm not rooting for any danger to befall Joe Biden or any of the liberal Democrats, but that's that's not them. You see the way that they report things. Just the other day, a U.S. senator passed away a long time. Well, former senator long standing U.S. senator. He was a Republican. So of course, instead of just saying long time senator passes, they have to put in long time senator and climate climate change denier, because again, he can't just have served. He can't just have been somebody that was on a different part of the political persuasion than them. No, they have to take a final shot at a man. In death, it's the same thing we're seeing here. It's sick. It's disgusting. And that's why we're getting to this point, because these are the type of inflammatory rhetoric that the liberal media and the liberal Democrats continue to push forward. And yet, they wonder why they encourage stuff like this to happen, or they'll deny that they had any part in it. Somehow, someway, it's just the gun's fault. It'll be the gun manufacturer's fault. Ridiculous statement for sure, because again, they don't want to talk about how they encouraged this. Maybe it was video games. Can't have anything to do with their inflammatory statements. Can't have anything to do with the fact that they said that Donald Trump is Hitler for years now. Can't be the fact that they villainize anyone that disagrees with them. It's sick. It's disgusting. And quite frankly, I'm frustrated with it. Yes, there are several questions about secret service and how this happened. And yes, Congress has already said that they're going to hold hearings and try to get the bottom of it. Although, let me skeptical that we'll ever get any true answers here. I think the biggest thing that we can do as an American populist, especially me as a political commentator, is make sure that the rhetoric, we don't have to say that our adversaries are evil. They're wrong. I try to conduct myself in a manner similar to Chris McDaniel, my partner on Chris McDaniel's America, one of my closest friends and somebody that I consider a political mentor. I've watched him throughout his time in politics. And he was always careful whenever he was running against somebody or whatever the case, he didn't label them evil. He labeled them wrong. That's the correct way to do it. If you disagree with me, don't say I'm evil for having an opinion different than you, say that I'm wrong and then try to present evidence of how I am. That's not what they do anymore. They just throw out these names and they don't get challenged for it ever. The media encourages. As a matter of fact, the media is doing it right along with them. There's a reason they want to kick Joe Biden to the curb right now, is because they just are so hungry to beat Donald Trump that they don't care that Joe Biden has been their guy. They ignored his deficiencies for four years, but now that they saw that there was a true threat to Donald Trump beating them, now they want to rush him out of office. They want to rush him out of the nomination. That's all their singular focus has been, and they led us to this point. It's that simple. And they'll never look in the mirror and say that they are to blame for what happened. No, they're going to look in the mirror and say that it was the gun's fault. We have two lacks of gun laws that we have this, we have that. It will never be their inflammatory rhetoric that will ever be at fault here. Instead, they'll point to Donald Trump holding up a fist and saying fight and saying, well, that that was terrible. And maybe, maybe he shouldn't have said fighting the immediate aftermath of getting shot in the ear, but the man was just shot in the ear. adrenaline is flowing. He survived a near assassination attempt. So maybe, maybe we just back off a little bit about how he reacted in the immediate aftermath of it. It's crazy. I'm going to leave you with a report I found from ABC 11 out of North Carolina, where they had a reporter that was on the ground there in Pennsylvania. And just leave you with this final report from yesterday's events. If there anything more comes out, of course, we'll come back later. We'll have morning coffees starting tomorrow. And the weekly flagship show will be on later this week. Good chance this week's Chris McDaniel's America will also be touching on this very subject. So I don't think this will be the last that you hear myself or others. It's definitely not going to be the last to hear others talking about this, because this is the major news story of the day. Without a doubt, there's a reason why I decided to come on and record a live broadcast on a Sunday morning. After being away from my computer where I couldn't come on yesterday, I toyed with do I do I do anything do I save it for a morning coffee, but something just told me that I wanted to come on this morning and just have a conversation and discussed and discussed my disgust with the the inflammatory rhetoric that God is here. Let me play this from ABC 11, where they have a few more clips, maybe a little bit more information. This is a more non biased report for the most part. Let me play this for you guys. Yes, continuing our team coverage of the breaking news this morning of the assassination attempt on the former president that took place last night, just on her in Butler, Pennsylvania, where the situation happened and he's been there all night. Josh, tell us what it's like on the ground. What are you seeing in here? Well, well, Anthony and Sydney, good morning, as the sun rises, it's sort of hard to to really show you the picture of how small and remote this community is where north of Pittsburgh and a rural farming community that is waking up basically under lockdown this morning as federal agents crawl over every inch of the fairground that devolved yesterday into chaos and the attempted assassination of a former president of the United States. The world will see if I've been Republican party. Donald Trump was just minutes into his speech before tens of thousands in this rural Pennsylvania fairground went through the cheers of his followers, came the popping of gunfire. The former president grabbed at his right ear, then dove to the ground as a swarm of secret service agents scrambled to cover him. And we heard pound, pound, pop, pop, pop. In everybody's mind, it was like 4th of July, somebody must have been still doing firecrackers. A few endless moments later as panic rippled through the crowd. The agents brought Trump to his feet, blood now trickling down his face, he raised his fist and mouthed the word fight as his detail rushed him off the stage to the safety of an armored SUV. We got down, we got down and we huddled and we started praying. The FBI has identified the shooter as 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crookes of Bethel Park, Pennsylvania, about an hour away. Officials say he perched himself with an AR-style rifle on a roof about 400 feet from the stage where Trump was speaking. And he fired at least eight rounds before secret service countersnipers returned fire and killed him. We do not currently have an identified motive, although our investigators are working tirelessly to attempt to identify what that motive was. I saw the man that was hitting the head and he was a lot of blood and I knew there was no way he was going to survive that. A man in the crowd was killed, two others critically injured. Trump was grazed in the ear. I was shot with a bullet that pierced the upper part of my right ear, he later posted. I knew immediately that something was wrong and that I heard a whizzing sound, shots, and immediately felt the bullet ripping through the skin. Much bleeding took place. He added, "So I realized then what was happening." After receiving treatment at a local hospital late last night, Trump arrived at Newark Airport, walking down the stairs from his jet on his own power. His motorcade then whisked him to his golf club in Bedminster. President Biden returned to the White House and spoke by phone with the former president. The Biden campaign has pulled all political advertising after the assassination attempt on his rival. There's no place in America for this kind of violence. It's sick, it's sick. It's one of the reasons why we have to unite this country. We cannot allow for this to be happening. We cannot be like this. The biggest question right now, of course, is why? Why did this shooter choose to attempt to assassinate Donald Trump? Voter rolls here in Pennsylvania say he was registered as a Republican. The investigation, of course, into all of this continues this morning. Also unclear how this happened, how the Secret Service managed to allow him to slip through their very tight security. The director of the Secret Service has already been called to testify on Capitol Hill about this failure. Back to you and Durham. And that right there is about all we've heard is that he was a registered Republican. We'll see what more comes out. Of course, we know how this goes when they think that they can pin this on a conservative that there is a rush to judgment. And a lot of times turns out that they are inaccurate in that. So that's why I don't put a lot of stock in this while he was a registered Republican because you can register to vote one way and still believe another way, because you could be just trying to be an agent of chaos in that instance. But there you have it. This is the where we are at the moment. My president Biden, I can I condone him for calling to unite. He is, of course, just finished up a a tour in which he was doing anything but and continuing to cite Donald Trump as a danger. So it kind of rings a little hollow when just a couple of days ago, you were pointing out that he was this danger of the democracy. It just this is where we are as a country. This is where we are as a nation that we can't just disagree anymore. The way it has to be our side is good. Their side is evil. And that's something that unfortunately led to this. And sadly, unless and I don't think the rhetoric is going to slow down, I wish I could say that I thought I would, but I don't believe that it will. And I think we're going to see more of this in the future. We'll be back in the morning with an episode of morning coffee. I have not recorded it yet. I'm probably going to wait till this evening and maybe see if more news breaks and maybe it'll be an unconventional morning coffee where we're talking about breaking news. But we'll be back in the morning with morning coffee. Of course, flagship show later this week. The newest episode of Chris McDaniel's America is supposed to be published today at 3 p.m. Of course, it was recorded before the events yesterday. So it will not touch on that. But later this week when Chris and I get together to record Chris McDaniel's America, I'm sure that we'll have a discussion in parts about this and go further in the flagship show. Of course, I'm sure we'll come back with more news on this. I thank you guys for listening. Pray for Donald Trump. Pray for our country. Pray for our adversaries. Pray for the families of the victims. Just pray for America. Because the Lord knows we need it right now. We need prayers. We need strength. We need something better than what we're seeing today. And this has been a special report from the right side radio program. We're a part of the Midnight Ride Network. Thank you for listening. An official message from Medicare. A new law is helping me save more money on prescription drug costs. You may be able to save too. With Medicare's extra help program, my premium is zero and my out-of-pocket costs are low. Who should apply? Single people making less than $23,000 a year or married couples who make less than $31,000 a year. Even if you don't think you qualify, it pays to find out. Go to paid for by the US Department of Health and Human Services. Okay, round two. Name something that's not boring. Laundry? Ooh, a book club. Computer Solitaire, huh? Ah, sorry. We were looking for Chumba Casino. That's right. has over a hundred casino-style games. Join today and play for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. Nobody's necessary. I'll work with it by law. 18-plus drugs and conditions apply. See website for details.