The Right Side Radio Show

Morning Coffee With the Right Side: How Will History Judge This Time???

If you look at our current timeline, will history look back at us fondly???

Broadcast on:
11 Jul 2024
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Do you often sit around and wonder what history is going to think of the time in which you're living in? You can look back at other generations, other decades, other eras, and you see a certain romanticism, whether it's the 1940s and the World War II heroes, and that generation often being referred to as the greatest generation. The baby boomer generation, you see the impact they've left, the 1950s and the romanticism that we have with it. The '60s and the counterculture that began and the protest and those things that you continue to see, 1970s disco, 1980s Reagan era. You move forward and you get into today's day and age and we're living in the TikTok era, the era of Twitter, and I do find myself questioning how will history judge this era? I don't know that it's going to be as kind as we want it to be. Maybe they'll romanticize some of the things. Maybe they'll romanticize the fact that somebody can instantly get 15 minutes of fame instantly for jumping on the internet and acting like an idiot. But I'll look at these times and as you often hear, believe that we are currently living in the dumbest timeline. The examples are there. We continue to see things that don't make any logical sense any longer. Whether it's the argument about a man waking up one day and deciding that he is in fact a woman and me supposed to just blindly accept that despite the fact that science says that's not possible. Other illogical arguments that we continue to see and are being told that despite the fact that logic and history and science are on our side that we are in fact wrong because it might hurt someone's feelings to say otherwise. You look at some of the content, the entertainment content and it's all quick hitting short burst. TikTok videos, they're not usually very long. You go on YouTube, you watch videos, they're normally the ones that most people gravitate towards are the shorter ones, the little quick short soundbites. Even in American politics. We don't watch debates any longer for substantive arguments on the issues. We watch debates for that 30 second soundbite. We want to see who got the better one up on the other candidate. We want to see you had the best line of the night. It's far more important to us than who was right on the issues. Now when I think folks come back and look at when historians are looking at our era, our generations, I'm not sure how kind they're going to look at it. We live in a time now where in youth sports, instead of declaring true winners, we say that everybody won just because they participated. We're not teaching valuable lessons any longer because again instead of showing them there are in fact winners and losers, we're saying that no, no, everyone won. That we know that's not truly accurate. We are living in a weird time now. Will this current generation be judged kindly or will it be romanticized the way that we look back at the 1950s and the family units that were around in and have a certain level of nostalgia for it? We live in an era now where marriage is treated same as going steady. You don't like your marriage, get out of it, get out of wars, marry someone else. marriage should not be treated like a high school relationship with two people just going steady, it should be treated with more respect. If you listen to the music that plays nowadays, most of your lyrics, not all, there are some talented songwriters out there, but most of your lyrics are not. Exactly stimulating. Most of the song are more about the great beat than they are about any true great lyricist. A lot of times when they say listen to that person, they're a great lyricist and when you do you find out they pale in comparison to the truly great lyricist from the past. When you look at this generation and you see how sanitized their entertainment has become, it's a paint-by-numbers diversity checklist. Story doesn't matter as much as making sure that you have at least three black actors, two Asian actors, three Filipino actors, two Hispanic actors, and maybe throwing a couple of caucasians just for good measure. We're not worried about story, we're worried about making sure that we check all the diversity checkbook. Oh, by the way, make sure you have a gay character in there. Maybe two or three now because maybe one's not enough anymore. Doesn't matter if that character doesn't fit the story, I've got to check that diversity checkbox. So yes, when we look at the time that we're living in, will history judge this timeline kindly? Will it look back with rose-colored glasses and say, hey, look, that's the time we long for? No, I don't think it will. I think at the end of the day, historians will point out that we are, in fact, living in the dumbest timeline. Get the t-shirt at This has been Morning Coffee with The Right Side, and I'm your host, Jack Fairchild's, And we're a part of the Midnight Ride Network.