The Right Side Radio Show

E128 The No Go Joe Problem

Joe Biden remains defiant against calls for him to drop out of the race. What is going to happen with the Democrats?

1h 6m
Broadcast on:
10 Jul 2024
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An official message from Medicare. A new law is helping me save more money on prescription drug costs. You may be able to save, too. With Medicare's Extra Help Program, my premium is zero and my out-of-pocket costs are low. Who should apply? Single people making less than $23,000 a year or a married couple who make less than $31,000 a year. Even if you don't think you qualify, it pays to find out. Go to paid for by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Hey everyone, this is Jack Fairchild, so the right-side radio program and license reviewed. And I want to talk to you for a second about my pillow. My pillow is quite simply the finest pillow on the market. My pillow's patented interlocking fills adjust to your individual sleep needs regardless of sleeping position. This innovative fill then holds that position all night, helping you fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer. The founder and owner of my pillow, Mike Lindell, personally guarantees that my pillow will be the most comfortable pillow you'll ever own, and I'll add my own guarantee as well. And right now, you can get up to 80% off of all my pillow products, including bed sheets, slippers, towels, downcomforters, mattress toppers, even comfy when you go to and enter the special promo code "midnightride". No space in between midnight and ride, and remember enter the promo code "M-I-D-N-I-G-H-T" or "I-D-E" and save big while getting the best night's sleep you've ever had. [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] Liberals, be warned, your viewpoints will be subjected to strike scrutiny. You're listening to right side radio. It feels like my eyes have been flowing wide off. [MUSIC] We have come together here because the American people deserve better from those to whom they entrust our nation's highest officers. We stand united in our resolve to do something about it. [MUSIC] You tuned in to right side radio. All right, guys, you have found it. It is the right side radio program. Here we are coming to you recording this episode on July 9th, 2024. It's going to be released on July 10th, but we are recording it day early. Bit busy in the record schedule this week. Of course, usually Chris McDaniel's America gets recorded on a Monday or Tuesday. This week, I think we are recording now on Thursday. So I wanted to go ahead and get this in the book here today on Tuesday. Get it recorded, but I won't release it until Wednesday is normal. Of course, last week I did an abbreviated 30-minute episode due to the 4th of July holiday. Too much going on to not talk about and not discuss with you folks. So I wanted to make a point to play or to have some content out for you guys. And of course, the morning coffees are coming out every morning. Really appreciate all you guys taking the time to listen to those eight-minute quick hitters. And of course, if you never want to miss an episode whenever we put out the right-side radio program, you can do so by liking and subscribing on your podcatcher of choice. Remember, we're on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Spotify, Spreaker, Amazon Music, and so many more. And why you're going to those podcatchers? Leave us those five-star reviews. Those five-star reviews help us get noticed. So please, leave reviews and make them good. A lot of stuff to talk about this week. And sadly, the running theme continues to be the Biden candidacy. Joe Biden, of course, if he didn't already know, if he hadn't already heard, he is allegedly the President of the United States. He allegedly won four years ago. Now he is in the middle of a rematch with Donald Trump. And he didn't have a great debate performance a couple of weeks ago. He got up on a debate stage and, well, a lot of stuff that we've been telling you for a while about Sleepy Joe turned out to be accurate. He looked old, he looked frail, he looked lost. In many instances, he didn't look as if he knew what he was talking about at all. It was a bad look. It was a very bad night for Joe Biden. It was a very bad night for the Democrats. And since that time, they have been in pure panic mode. You're seeing the likes of John Stewart on The Daily Show coming out and criticizing Joe Biden. John Stewart is no Republican. He is definitely not a Donald Trump fan. You're seeing late night television show host who fawn over anything Democrat and hate anything Republican, especially hate anything Donald Trump. And you're seeing them not know what to do with themselves. Are they allowed to make fun of that clearly make funable Joe Biden? Or is this off limits? It seems to be that they're at a crossroads. It seems to me at a time like this, we could really use the midnight ride to get these cartoons running because I dare say they'll know how to handle it. I dare say our good friend, Jim Sogelsky and Reed Cooley, who have been working on those cartoons, I dare say they'll know how to handle the Joe Biden situation. But I digress, we'll take a break from that for a moment. Because there's been this big push. A lot of Democrats have been saying the quiet part out loud. And as such, we've seen Biden get more and more defiant in what he's going to do. And what he says he's going to do is he's not going to step out of this race. Joe Biden is saying he is in this for the long haul. He's getting support now from key lawmakers who appear to have changed their stripes in many cases. I don't know the Joe Biden sat down and spoke with them and instilled any confidence. I dare say that's not what happened here. What happened here is Joe Biden probably sat down with them and reminded them that if he refuses to leave, there's not much they can do about it. And if they are seen standing up to him, well, you know, he might be able to make their life, or at least their political life, a living hell. Look, we talk about this all the time, especially on Chris McDaniel's America, we talk about how leadership manipulates the body. You think you're electing representatives. And maybe you are. They're just not representing you. They're representing leadership. That's who they go up there to pacify. They understand that once every four years they can show up at your doorstep, at your church, at your local meeting, whatever it is. And they can say whatever they need to say, and you will forgive the bad votes that they committed on behalf of leadership's bidding. But they fear that leadership. They don't fear you because you've never shown them that you have a willingness to send them home. You've never shown them that you have a willingness to make them pay for their mistakes. Leadership has. Leadership has made them very aware that if you get out of line, you won't have any key committee chairmanship. You won't have any notoriety. We'll kill every bill that you try to pass. They fear leadership because leadership has proven they'll do these things, whereas we as the voters reelect them anyway, no matter how bad of a job they do for us. So in this instance, I think Joe Biden played the leadership card. He played cards that he can, and he got other powerful Democrats in positions of leadership to back him up. And you're starting to see Democrats waffle. Now let's be clear. There's not much they can do if Joe Biden doesn't want to step down. Now does any of this mean that something's not going to happen down the road, whether it's already being planned, so that way he can have some bit of graceful bailout? Anybody that thinks that Joe Biden was going to drop out immediately following that terrible debate performance does not understand EO. Anybody that thought that Joe Biden was going to walk away after that horrendous embarrassing performance he put forth does not understand the political ego of this man. Not just this man, but most people in his situation. Now, maybe if they can find a way to present him with a graceful exit, maybe it is, you know, we did a couple of medical tests and I'm not well. I'm going to have to bow out and hand the nomination to Kamala Harris. Maybe that's the path that they take. I'm not sure. Anybody that thought that he was going to instantly drop out of this race merely because people started to call for it or there was this instant push to try to get him to remove himself from the race, that was a pipe dream. Now, I don't think he's leaving because I think that ego is going to drive him to continue forward. But if he does, it was never going to be immediately following that poor performance. He wants to prove that he can do better, I'm sure. Democrats, of course, are very anxious. We've seen tons of top ranking Democrats, not just the talking kids. You're seeing folks in Hollywood speaking out that Joe Biden needs to step down. What does this mean? It's 42 days. Or is it 42 days now or is it? I'm trying to see exactly. I think it's 41 days or 40 days by the time you listen to this episode before the Democrat National Convention. And Joe Biden, he spoke about this on Monday. He wrote a two-page letter that the question of how to move forward has been well aired for over a week now, and it is time for it to end. He said that we have 42 days to the Democrat Convention and 119 days to the general election. This was the letter he wrote that was distributed by his reelection campaign. He went further, and he said, "Any weakening of resolve or lack of clarity about the task ahead only helps Trump and hurts us. It's time to come together. Move forward is a unified party and defeat Donald Trump." Biden, of course, followed up this letter with a phone interview on the Morning Joe Show, of course Joe Scarborough, that terrible former Republican who, of course, has proven who he truly is over the years. He insisted that average Democrats want him to stay in the race and said that he was frustrated by calls from the party officials for him to step aside. He said they're big names, but I don't care what those big names think. He threw a gauntlet at critics saying that if they're serious, they ought to announce for president, challenge me at the convention, or rally behind him against Trump. Later Biden joined a call with members of his National Finance Committee while First Lady Jill Biden campaigned for her husband in a three-state swing focused on engaging veterans and military families. It's crazy. She told the military crowd in Wilmington, North Carolina, that for all the talk about this race, Joe has made it clear he's all in. That's the decision he's made. And just as he's always supported my career, I'm all in too. Democrat voters, of course, appear split on whether or not he should stay in the race, and there are voices out there that have been calling for Biden to step down. But now they're starting to see some that are trying to rally behind Biden and see if they can figure out a way to win with Joe. No quit Joe is the, I guess, the new moniker they're going to try to float. This is an interesting time because, again, we also have his press secretary has admitted that Biden has undergone three neurological exams while in the White House as part of his annual physical exam. And no more and said that the president has been, has not been diagnosed or treated for Parkinson, because, of course, that's been one of the accusations floated out there against him. It's an interesting time to see this kind of pressure on a sitting president from his own party. And now we're starting to see Democrats try to rally behind because I think they understand the dilemma they're in there if they continue to create the division. They're going to think they're only shot and they may have already sank it by putting on that debate stage in the first place. Of course, one of the members of the Congressional Black Caucus representative Maxine Waters of California, you know, that intellectual brain trust right there. She said those opposing Biden can speak for themselves or whatever they want to do. But I know what I'm doing because I'm a big Biden supporter. Again, if you ever want to look at a race and ask yourself, do these people just rally behind party lines or are they actually concerned about issues or are they actually concerned about the nation and all of that type of stuff. And the answer is quite clear here. No, they are not. They're worried about that big deep beside their name. They're worried about that blue sweater beating that red sweater, or in this case, that orange individual by the name of Donald Trump. Of course, House Democrat leader Haqim Jeffries, who has publicly stood by Biden even as he weighs how to address the concerns of many in his conference, said the same answer Monday after an evening meeting at the Capitol when asked if he supported Biden. So you see these folks, they're ignoring the obvious. They'll be the first to be critical when Republicans don't follow what they think they should. But in this instance, Joe Biden is not fit to be the president of the United States. It's obvious, but they don't think they can win by trying to insert anyone else in it this late juncture. So they're going to run with them or they're buying their time before the bow out. I don't know what is going to happen at this rate. It's a virtually unpredictable at this point. During the last episode, I talked about the ghost of 1968. And if you recall, if you listen to the last episode, you heard what happened in '68 held Johnson after a close primary in New Hampshire. I believe it was March 31st. He decided to withdraw from the race that he would not seek the party's nomination. That was end of March, early April, long before the convention, long before November. So you had an opportunity then, Democrats had a true chance to pick the new nominee. In this instance, Democrats truly won't. Convention goers might or they just hand the keys to Kamala Harris and allow her to be the nominee. We'll talk about that in a second. But if you recall in 1968, chaos ensued the Democrat Party. It led to the rise of Richard Nixon. It led to the Republicans taking the White House. I see parallels this time and not just because the National Convention is being held in Chicago much like it was then. There's already a growing number of young people that feel disconnected, not just with Joe Biden, but also with Donald Trump because they're tired of seeing older politicians continue to be the folks that we elect. They're tired of seeing a generation that has run this country for long enough, continue to run this country. And I kind of understand that. I myself wish that we had younger options this go around. It's not a knock on Donald Trump for those of you that might try to take it that way. I do think that at some point, the next generation of Republicans and the next generation of Democrats and maybe hopefully down the ride, the next generation of another party because quite frankly, the two party system is part of the problem these days without a doubt. But I would love to see that next generation pop up, but can you imagine how it feels to the young folks who look at this and they just see two old dudes and one of them, Joe Biden, looks extremely old. They're not going to be very energized come November. Most of them probably weren't going to vote Republican because in your younger age, a lot of folks just tend to gravitate more towards the Democrat party despite the fact that that party is completely lost. Some of them may go third party towards somebody like Kennedy. We'll talk about that in a second. But Biden has a lot of issues. So you already are going to have those folks that might more identify as Democrat that don't want to support Joe Biden. And then, but he's their nominee. So they're more reluctant. But if he drops out and they now feel like they don't have a choice, if they force feed a Kamala Harris, a Whitmore, a Newsome, down our throat. And those folks aren't feel like they're not given a voice. They're not given the opportunity to choose who the nominee is now. That's another group of people that will probably stay home come November unless they can run enough ads to make big orange mean Donald Trump into the devil himself so that way they feel they must show up and vote. But I'm not sure the scare tactics are going to work this time. It might. We've seen it work before. So I'm not going to say that it won't work. It's not a prediction. Maybe that's just a blind hope. Then you take the folks that want Biden out, but they have their own idea who should be the Democrat nominee. And when they select somebody else, are they going to be happy with that choice? Are they going to rally behind the Democrats? Are they going to feel like their nominee was stolen away from them? And then what about the true people, the true Biden believers? Trust me, I know that sounds unbelievable that those people exist, but they do. They are real. They are out there. Those true down the wall by nights, as we'll call them. How are they going to feel if Joe steps out, especially if they feel like Joe was forced out? Do you think that they're going to be excited or energized going into November? I don't think so. Even if they were to figure out a way to gracefully do it and hand it off to Harris and that argument that I floated last week about how... Well, you voted for her when you voted for Biden. She was always option B. Will they accept that as an option B? That's an interesting question. Because again, we're talking about replacing the nominee after the primary. What does that do to a party? How does it come back from the fractures there? I don't know that it does. Then let's talk about the Kennedy effect. Robert Kennedy, Jr. He's in this race. He's an independent. I'm not a fan because I know that he is more of a liberal. Yes, he may have some policies when it comes to vaccination freedoms that some people find appealing. But there's nothing conservative about him in my view and I would not vote for Robert Kennedy. He's still a Kennedy and I'm just not voting for him. I don't see him as a good option. Of course, I'm decidedly on the Trump campus as my listeners know anyway, so I'm not his audience. But what about these Democrats that feel disillusioned? What about these Biden supporters if he steps out or what about the folks that feel like the Democrats are making mistakes sticking with him? Kennedy could be a viable option for them. He could truly be the instrument that splits the Democrat race. There's a reason why there's so many Democrats out there fighting to get Kennedy removed from the ballot. It's not because Kennedy isn't closer to their ideology than Donald Trump. It's merely because they understand that Kennedy can play smaller, that Kennedy being on the ballot, especially if Joe Biden stays or if Joe Biden goes and they don't like the option that was presented to them, that Kennedy can be the guy that spools this race for the Democrats. We've been there hearing from months how he's going to pull away from Trump. He's going to pull away from Trump. His candidacy is bad for Donald Trump. I've never bought that. I've never believed that Kennedy was truly going to pull away from Donald Trump. Anybody that was going to vote for Kennedy was never going to vote for Trump anyway. He's not a viable alternative for folks that don't believe in Joe Biden and don't believe in the Democrats as a whole. He's an option for a never-trumper who was never going to vote for Trump in the first place. I don't know that that's enough to play a true spoiler roll for the Republicans, but now you factor in this disillusioned crowd that we are starting to see from the Democratic Party and you start to get it. You start to understand exactly what could be at play here and then you start to see, like I said, there are states out there that are fighting to try to keep Kennedy off the ballot. And it's the Democrats that are fighting to keep him off the ballot. If he was truly going to play spoiler for Donald Trump, do you think that any Democrat out there would be trying to get him off the ballot? I don't think so because I think their ultimate goal again is maintaining the White House defeat Donald Trump. They see Kennedy as a threat to that. They see Kennedy as a spoiler for their candidate. And in this fractured time, I think he becomes a bigger spoiler than ever. Do I think that there's any shot that Kennedy can somehow steal the election? No, I don't. But I do think he can steal enough away from Joe Biden to make sure that Joe Biden does not win again. I think that's an extreme possibility. I think he can steal enough away from Kamala Harris, Gavin Newsom, Whitmore, whoever the Democrats float as their nominee, Kennedy could be a poison pill for them. That brings you to another interesting question. Would the Democrats dare to offer Kennedy the nomination if they can get Joe Biden out of the race? Would that potentially be something they could offer? And if they did, would Kennedy accept? I don't think there's a chance of that happen. I don't think they want to embrace Kennedy at this point because so far they have refused to do that. And they have done more to belittle him and attack him than to ever show any significance or any signs that they would be willing to support him. And if they did that, what would that do to their base that doesn't like him and views him now as an outsider to the Democrat party? So I don't think that's a winning solution either. Democrats are in a tough spot. I mean, this is an interesting race and historians will come back and we'll be talking about this race for years because there's so much about it that has never happened before, whether it's the Trump convictions or Biden's poor debate performance and the growing calls for him to drop out of the race. This is a fascinating if you're a student of politics. This is a race that you are enjoying watching. Regardless of the outcome, don't get me wrong. I want to see Trump win, but regardless of the outcome, this is a fascinating case, a fascinating race to watch. We get back. I want to talk about Kamala Harris and the possibility of her being the nominee. What does that mean? Are there those? I saw stories and even talk to people that tried to say that Trump fears her. I don't see that. I don't want to talk about that when we come back. Guys, as the right side radio program will be right back. [Music] An official message from Medicare. A new law is helping me save more money on prescription drug costs. Maybe you can save too. With Medicare's extra help program, my premium is zero and my out-of-pocket costs are low. Who should apply? Single people making less than $23,000 a year or married couples who make less than $31,000 a year. Even if you don't think you qualify, it pays to find out. Go to Paid for by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. [Music] Hey everyone. This is Jack Fairchilds of the right side radio program and license reviewed. And I want to talk to you for a second about my pillow. My pillow is quite simply the finest pillow on the market. My pillow's patented interlocking fills adjust to your individual sleep needs regardless of sleeping position. This innovative fill then holds that position all night helping you fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer. The founder and owner of my pillow, Mike Lindell, personally guarantees that my pillow will be the most comfortable pillow you'll ever own. And I'll add my own guarantee as well. And right now, you can get up to 80% off of all my pillow products including bed sheets, slippers, towels, down comforters, mattress toppers, even comfy when you go to and enter the special promo code "Midnight Ride". No space in between midnight and ride. And remember enter the promo code "M-I-D-N-I-G-H-T" or "I-D-E" and save big while getting the best night's sleep you've ever had. [Music] [Music] All right guys, welcome back here to the Right Side Radio Program. We're going to get back to this conversation in just a second. But before we do, of course, the Right Side Radio Program is a part of the Midnight Ride Network. We appreciate being a part of the Midnight Ride Network. And one of the things we truly appreciate is the sponsors of the Midnight Ride Network. And let's talk about a couple of them real quick because this year has come with a lot of uncertainties. Will red hot inflation continue? Will interest rates continue to soar? How can the Fed promise a soft landing when all signs point to another serious recession? If the beginning of this year has shown us one thing, inflation is not slowing down. And the Fed is completely incapable of fixing these issues. Like millions of other Americans, I've found myself asking how am I going to protect myself and my family? That's why we at the Midnight Ride Network spoke to the folks at Genesis Gold Group, our new platform partner for the Midnight Ride. They walked me through how I can protect my savings with real, physical, gold, and silver. Genesis makes it easy to convert your 401(k) or your IRA into a retirement account backed by precious metals like gold and silver. Genesis Gold Group has decades of experience helping folks just like you preserve your hard-earned savings. 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We truly appreciate those sponsors and I hope that each and every single one of you have already and will continue to support our sponsors. They support the Midnight Ride, they support the right side radio program, they support Chris McDaniel's America, they support Cotton Country, they support the programming that you are enjoying. So please take a moment to support each and every single one of our sponsors. Back to the story at hand, I want to talk about Kamala Harris and the potential of her taking the nomination. It's an interesting one because again, as I said last week, the argument can be made and it's an easier position to sell to the Democrats in theory that you already did vote for her when you voted for Joe Biden. She's his running mate. If anything were to happen to Joe Biden after he assumes office or currently now why he's in office, she becomes the president. That's why I think she might be if the decision is somehow made and they can get Biden to agree to it to move on from Joe Biden, she is the most likely successor. But then you go to the things that we know about Kamala Harris and we see the issues that she has. She's not a great debater. She has issues giggling and laughing during debates, especially when it seems like it's an inappropriate time. She's not the most articulate person in the world. I mean, if you remember the incident in which led me to give her the nickname of Sesame Street Harris in which she got up there. She was talking about Russia and she was talking about the Ukraine. Well, Russia is a country and Ukraine is a smaller country. There have been numerous instances of her showing herself to be less than stellar. She doesn't come across as an intelligent individual. I'm not being mean. I know that they're liberals out there. They're gonna. Oh, you're racist for saying that. No, because I can give other minorities credit for sounding intelligent. I can give other women credit for sounding intelligent. Oprah Winfrey, I don't agree with her. She sounds intelligent when she speaks. Michelle Obama, I don't agree with her. She sounds intelligent when she speaks. Kamala Harris does not. I've listened to the clips. You are the same people that tried to deny that Joe Biden was suffering from cognitive issues and now we're in panic mode after you saw his performance in the debate. So I don't want to hear your nonsense when you throw out whatever you throw out at us about Joe Biden, about me. Oh, you just don't like her because of her. No, I have an issue with her because of her intelligence. When it's put on display, it comes across as extremely lacking. So yes, I'm not convinced. But there are folks out there. Matter of fact, I want to say it was a Huffington Post article that came out saying that Trump fears a Harris candidacy. Even today, I was speaking to a friend and that friend said that he thinks that Trump's campaign fears her as the candidate. I really don't think they do. I think they fear a Gavin News some more. I think there are other names that I've seen floated, but I think Kamala Harris is somebody that they would welcome. Now, I understand why there are some out there that might believe that because again, we understand that the media is going to any attack on Harris as if she becomes the nominee is going to be because you are a sexist and a racist. We understand that. We've seen that playbook before. If you remember when Barack Obama first ran and do out his entire presidency, criticism of Barack Obama couldn't be a legitimate criticism based on the fact that you don't like his policy. No, no, you don't like his policy because you're racist. You were mean to him in the debate because you were a racist. That's going to be the same game they're going to play if Harris somehow becomes the nominee. That's going to be the exact same blueprint that they're going to put forward because that is the game they constantly play. It's the only card they have, especially with a candidate that shows as much deficiency as she does. And that might be why they do it because they feel like they can get her over the finish line by just saying everyone that points out any of her flaws is only doing it because they're a bigot. That would be their strategy. Do I think it would work? No. But would I be shocked if it did? Also no. As you know, my opinion of the American electorate is not very high. And with good reason because if you look at how the American electorate goes forth, as I talked about earlier, we constantly reelect the situation. Reelect the same people and then get mad when we get the same results every time. We don't want to admit to ourselves that our beloved politician is a pawn of the establishment, is a pawn of the lobbyists and is not representing us. We never want to admit that. We also sit here and say that we long for change and then we have candidates that run, promising us change, fresh faces. But did you see that commercial? Talked about those people we used to hang out with. Oh, did you get that mailer? That mailer talked about what a no good scoundrel he is. I can't vote for him now. I'm going to have to vote for the incumbent who I've always voted for, who I'm not necessarily happy with. At least he doesn't keep bad associates like this scallywag challenger. So because I know that those parlor tricks work, because every four years, or even more than that, if you think that their election cycle is running every other year anyway, I see examples of it. I see examples of the American electorate falling for the parlor tricks, not seeing past the smoke and mirrors, and not electing good people who actively want to try to change the system merely because you got a mailer that told you they were a bad person. Of course, I believe it is very plausible that the media and the left can continue to play the race card and the sexist card to protect a bad candidate like Kamala Harris, because I see examples of it every day. I see examples of it in every election. So maybe that is why, if there is any truth to the rumor that Donald Trump's campaign fears her, which I don't think they do, as I said before, that would be why they do. The friend that I mentioned, that thinks that she might, that she might would be a big threat for him. I guarantee you, that's part of the reason why, because he knows that's the game they're going to play. And a lot of times that game can go a long way to get a very flawed, deficient candidate over the finish line. So I don't know. We'll continue to watch and see what they come up with, what parlor trick they try to put out there to try to get this election and beat Donald Trump. We know that they'll pull out all the stops. We understand that. So it's going to be very interesting to watch. We're going to pause for one more quick break right here. This is the right side radio program. We'll be right back. [MUSIC PLAYING] An official message from Medicare. A new law is helping me save more money on prescription drug costs. Maybe you can save too. With Medicare's Extra Help program, my premium is zero, and my out-of-pocket costs are low. Who should apply? Single people making less than $23,000 a year, or married couples who make less than $31,000 a year. Even if you don't think you qualify, it pays to find out. Go to Paid for by the US Department of Health and Human Services. [MUSIC PLAYING] All right, guys. Welcome back here to the right side radio program. Here we are in the home stretch of the radio. Show the final segment of the program today. Goodness, folks. It's an interesting time, as we've been talking about in American politics and this election cycle, because again, the call for Joe Biden to step aside is here. Again, there is a real call for that to happen, and the Democrats definitely don't want to see that happen. Of course, one of the funniest things is Donald Trump has officially challenged Joe Biden to an 18-hole golf match. He said in a rally in Dorel, Florida, he said, "I'm also officially challenging President Joe to an 18-hole golf match right here." Under Dorel's blue monster constructed or considered one of the greatest tournament golf courses anywhere in the world, one of the greatest courses in the world, it will be among the most watched sporting events in history, maybe bigger in the riding cup or even bigger in the Masters. Trump said that he would give Biden a 10-stroke aside and said he would donate $1 million to any charity if he accepts. So that's a interesting thing, because, of course, if you watched the debate, there was this whole golf challenge that happened then, and now he has officially put out the challenge. Well, of course, the Biden campaign, they have delivered their response after he was challenged. The Biden-Harris 2024 spokesperson, James Singer, called Donald Trump's drill, floured a rally, deranged, blasting the former president's golf challenge. It says Donald Trump hasn't been seen in public for 12 days, and now he's inviting fictional serial killers to dinner. He's in Little Marco Rubio, praising Project 2025 architect Tom Humman, and challenging the president of the United States to golf. The campaign manager then, of course, decided it probably want to flip this script. He says we'd challenged Donald Trump to create jobs, but he lost $3 million. We'd challenged Donald Trump to stand up to Putin, but he bent the knee to him. We'd challenged Donald Trump to follow the law, but he breaks it, and we'd challenged Donald Trump not to destroy our country, but that's all his Project 2025 aims to do. He said that Biden doesn't have time to participate in the golf challenge, saying the president is too busy, so the answer is no to golf. Now, let's go back to some of his other claims. Now, this Project 2025, this, to me, seems like this is their, the Liberals' pizza gate moment, their own QAnon, if you will. So it's not something I, maybe at some point in a future show, we'll get into this and have a discussion about it, but it's not something I want to get into tonight. I think it's a silly thing, but the part I do want to get into, the part I do want to discuss is this, we'd challenge Donald Trump to create jobs, but he lost $3 million. Again, conveniently leaving out that this was during COVID, and it wasn't 3 million jobs that Donald Trump did anything to cost. It was a lot of liberal Democrat governors that locked down their states that created the job laws. It wasn't Donald Trump that did that, and dare say, it wasn't Joe Biden that created any jobs. All that happened was once those states opened back up, once things got back to normal after COVID, those jobs came back. He didn't create anything, but they continued to float this false narrative. Now, anybody that was thinking that they were ever going to accept Trump's challenge for golf, you didn't watch that debate the other night. It was never going to happen, but the campaign manager decided, "Yeah, I'm going to flip this script and go on the attack." Which, from a campaign standpoint, might be a smart strategy, but again, I think it would have probably been better for them to ignore the golf challenge altogether than even give credence to it, because now the detractors that are going to say that he's running from this, they get to say that. More news on this presidential race, again, I promise next week, well, I can't promise, but hopefully next week we'll go on to a new topic we'll get off of "Will Biden drop out or not?" But probably what will happen next week, Biden will drop out and we'll be talking about who's going to replace it, who knows. But this story has been so huge for the last several weeks that it's kind of hard to talk about too much else. But this news now is that ABC News host George Stephanophagus, he was filmed by Pedestrian Tuesday appearing to admit that he doesn't think Biden can serve another four years. TMZ shared a clip on X of Stephanophilus being asked on the sidewalk whether he thinks Biden should step down. The cameraman says, referring to his first TV interview with the president, since the disastrous debate performance, he said, "You've talked to more than anybody else has lately, and you could be honest." And that was the question he asked about Biden's mental fit, and he replied, "I don't think he can serve four more years." It's interesting because, again, this is a former Clinton campaign staffer or a former cabinet member. He is definitely a down-the-wall Democrat, and, of course, he is a fake journalist, you know, again, the ABC News had to go out and hire him because they have to show they're biased against. And he sits there, has this interview, that he knows doesn't go well, but instead of coming out afterwards and saying publicly what he's thinking, he waits till he thinks no one is watching. And he gets caught, sing out loud, what everybody is truly thinking. Biden cannot serve another four years. If he's not going to serve another four years and is running mate is Kamala Harris, she will be the president. That's frightening because I think she's more dangerous than him. I think she's more controlled than him as crazy as that might sound because I think he's almost completely controlled. But I think she's far more radical. I think her views are far more left lunatic fringe than Joe Biden's are. Now, Joe Biden's handlers, they might be just as left wing lunatic fringe. But now they've got her and I think that you'll see more radicalism being pushed. If he can't serve the full term, he shouldn't be running. It's that simple. If you know going into a race that you're not going to finish the term, you shouldn't do it. All too often, especially here in my home state of Mississippi, we have a grand tradition. And that tradition is, well, you know what, I'm not going to not run for reelection. But after I'll win reelection, I'm going to step down in the middle of my term. That way the governor can appoint somebody to my seat. That person that's appointed to my seat then becomes the incumbent in the special election and gets a boost because they get that I by their name. Even though they're not a true incumbent because they were never elected. That's a game. That's the gamemanship they play. They give themselves the insulated incumbency. That way they can starve off a challenger that's trying to take that seat on their own. The insanity that the public can't see through that. The fact that we continue to reward the folks that weren't elected in the first place. We can't see the fact that that person has only been your US senator for three months. We act like it was their seat. That's the lie that many voters have fallen for these days. We believe that it is the politician's seat. We have started to believe that he's been in that seat for 40 years. That's his seat. No, that's our seat. We've just allowed him to sit in it. And any time we decide to, we can take that seat away from them. Any time we decide that we can stand up to that, we should replace them. And we shouldn't just be blindly voting for whoever the powers that be appoint. Because if the powers that be are making you unhappy and they appoint somebody to that seat. Odds are the person that they appoint is going to also make you unhappy. So that's part of the gamemanship. That's part of the way that they play this game is that, okay, I'm going to run. And when I win my reelection, I'll bow out gracefully and then the next person is now an incumbent when they run. It's a way to ensure that the power doesn't truly change hands. Because again, if you're appointed to a seat, do you think you might owe any political favor to the folks that help hand you that seat in the first place? Do you think that you owe them more than the people that showed up to vote for you? The answer is to have 100% you do. As we talked about earlier in this show, there's a reason I don't have much faith in the American electorate anymore. We fall for parlor trick after parlor trick. We see the gamemanship being played. Some of us even understand that it's a game that they're playing and yet we just smile, grin about it and do nothing. We fall in line. We support who we're told to. We still believe in red team versus blue team despite all the evidence that they're not that far apart. They're definitely not as far apart as they like to pretend they are. All while we continue to watch our country burn. At the end of the day, this presidential race is fascinating. Historically so. But we've got so much more work to do than just a presidential race. We've got so much more that we have to focus on. If we're ever truly going to take our country back and get it back on the right track, it's more than just one presidential race. Yes, it's fun to sit here and talk about will Joe Biden run or will he not run? What's going on with Donald Trump and these legal issues? Ultimately, as I've said before, I think Trump's going to win in November. And I hope, if that happens, that we will finally wake from our slumber and start to try to fight to take back this country. But I fear that the ones every four year voters will go back and they're slumber and they'll think that, oh, we won, we don't have to do anything. Another US senator will resign from their seat early in their term so that way the appointment can come in. And if it's a state that requires an immediate special election, that appointed senator gets to have that eye as incumbent by their name. All but ensuring that they get every benefit and protection of the incumbency. And meanwhile, those of us that are long for change will continue to be frustrated because nothing will. Hate to sometimes in shows on a sadder note, but yes. Ultimately, that's where I feel we are and I hope to be proven wrong. I hope that the American electorate rebounds from some very bad years in my opinion. There's a reason why, yes, Kamala Harris is a true threat if she is given the nomination. There's a reason why Joe Biden, despite everything we've seen, despite all the evidence that he shouldn't be in this race, is still a threat to win. Hopefully they don't, but we shall see folks. But it's going to take more than just one presidential election to change this country back the way we think it needs to be. So I need you to be more engaged and not just engaged in presidential politics as well. This has been the right side radio program. Thank you guys so much for listening. Be sure to check out Chris McDaniel's America, which should be recording on Thursday. Hopefully back to recording live. We'll see you again real soon. We'll see you again in the morning for another cup of that morning coffee. 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