The Right Side Radio Show

Morning Coffee With The Right Side: All Female Broadcast Stunt Just a Big Humble Brag

The Chicago Cubs did an All-Female Broadcast team on Sunday 7-7-24. And boy did they go out of their way to let you know it was a big deal.

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09 Jul 2024
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This past Sunday, I turned on my beloved Chicago Cubs baseball game, just because it's a goodness. I'm going to do-- I'm going to sit back, and I'm going to enjoy my baseball game, despite how bad the cubbies are this year. And of course, this weekend, the good folks over at the marquee network, which is the Cubs station, were all bragatory about the fact that this was the first ever all female broadcast of a Cubs game. All the announcers were female, which is cute and all, I guess, if you like that. But again, there's a large segment of fans that prefer their games, called in the traditional sense by male voices. That's a preference. That's not sexism. You may enjoy listening to a game broadcast by males over females. There's nothing wrong with that, although they'll tell you you're sexist if you say that out loud. But the biggest problem with the broadcast was not the fact that it was three females calling the game. The biggest problem with the broadcast was they couldn't stop bragging about the fact that it was three females calling the game. How about this? If you want us to take this seriously, if you want us to have this be more normal, quit telling us how awesome it is that you're doing this. The entire game, they were stopping to pat themselves on the back every half inning. It was nauseating. Again, we can get into the debate about what your preference is when it comes to what you want your broadcaster to sound like. That's a debate for another day. But this ridiculousness, the only reason why they did this glorified publicity stunt was so that way they could stop and pat themselves on the back. This is virtue signaling at its finest. And quite frankly, as a subscriber to MLB TV, I was very grateful that I could switch it over to the radio broadcast so I could stop listening to this. It's never going to be accepted by the masses if you have to club them over the head with it. It's never going to be accepted by everyone if it is always a big deal. And forced diversity is never good diversity. Forced diversity is not true diversity, because again, you're forcing it upon us. Why did it have to be all female? Why couldn't there have been a male voice? Why was it so significant that it had to be an entire female broadcast? Look, if you want to have a female in the booth, if you want to have a female play-by-play guy, that might not be my preference. But I'm more OK with that if you're not just constantly drawing attention to it. It was absurd. We turn on sports to watch the game. The commentators are secondary to the action on the field, but not on Sunday, not during the Chicago Cubs broadcast. It was all about the three women in the booth. It was all about them, and that was the disgusting part of the game. Did they do a good job? I don't know, because like I said, I switched over to the radio broadcast. Now I'd go back to see if maybe they got done doing their victory lap, and maybe they were willing to start to talk about the ball game, but that didn't happen. They continued throughout the entire broadcast. Just stopping. Let's look on Twitter. Let's see what they're saying on X. Oh, look. They're talking about how historic it is. They're talking about how inspiring we are. If you have to tell us, are you really inspiring? If you have to stop and tell us how great and grand what you're doing is, if you want it to be normal, if you want it to be something that we're going to accept, stop drawing attention to it. Stop making it so absurd. Stop making it where your singular focus is on the fact that it is an all-female broadcast. Let's get back to the game. Let's focus on that. Let's show people that, hey, look, women are calling the game, but it's not that big of a deal. Because should it be in 2024? Should it be that big of a deal? By your own standards, it shouldn't be. It should just be something that is happening. That's by the liberal standards. And again, if people want to criticize it and say that they don't like it, if people want to sit back and say that this is not for them, that they prefer when they're watching men's sports to have male commentators, that's okay too. That's called having a preference. That's not sexism. Everything doesn't have to be sexism. When you see a film where they have recast the male lead into a female lead or they created a sequel to this hit movie that now, instead of the popular male lead, is now led by a female, when people reject that, that's not because of sexism. That's because they had a preference. They liked the original character. Enough is enough of this forced diversity, this "Cram it down our throat" crap. The Cubs game on Sunday was just another example of this, but I'm so tired of it because again, if you voice any type of opposition, if you voice any type of displeasure, if you say that you didn't like it, it can't be that you had a preference. It can't be just your opinion. You have to be a sexist. And I'm tired of that. I'm tired of the isms. I'm tired of the yes. I'm tired of all of this nonsense the left has out there. You can't disagree with them. If you stand up and say, "No, I like it this way," it can't be because you had a preference. It has to be because you're bigoted in your view. And that's ridiculous. That's why you can't debate with liberals because they have no desire to debate you. All they want to do is continue to ridicule your thought process, the way that you think, the way that you view anything, and I'm tired of it. It's time we start to push back. It's okay to have a preference. It's okay to view things differently. It's okay to like male commentators over female commentators for male sports. It's okay to like male leads in action films over female leads. There's nothing wrong with that. And you're not bigoted for having that opinion or preference. This has been morning coffee with the right side. And I'm your host, Jack Fairchild. And we're a part of the Midnight Ride Network. - An official message from Medicare. - A new law is helping me save more money on prescription drug costs. You may be able to save too. With Medicare's extra help program, my premium is zero and my out-of-pocket costs are low. Who should apply? Single people making less than $23,000 a year, or married couples who make less than $31,000 a year. Even if you don't think you qualify, it pays to find out. - Go to paid for by the US Department of Health and Human Services. - Hey everyone. - It is Ryan Seacrest here. Ready to heat up your summer vacation? Get ready. Things are about to get sizzling at Chumba Casino. 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