The Right Side Radio Show

E127 The Ghosts of 1968 Haunt the Democrats' Limited Options

In 1968, LBJ dropped out of the race for President and it created chaos for the Democrats. Is that why they won't dump Biden? And if they did who could replace him? (This is a shorter episode due to the holiday weekend.)

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04 Jul 2024
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right side radio all right guys you have found it it is the right side radio program coming to you here on this july 4th 2024 we debated taking a week off and celebrating the 4th of july and letting the morning coffees just be enough for this week but I decided even if I come out and do an abbreviated show this one won't be an hour today I just wanted to come and talk to everybody today and release something now I'm not recording this one live although it will release the same day that it's been recorded and of course if you want to always know when the right side is released remember to like and subscribe to the right side radio program leave us five-star reviews on each and every single one of the podcatchers that are out there we are on iTunes our heart radio spotify spreaker Amazon music and so many more so like and review the right side radio program today but make the reviews good that's all we ask make them good oh goodness folks a lot's going on in the world today and again we're still filling the fallout from the debate that happened just a week ago we're still filling different opinions different pushes I mean so far to this point Joe Biden and his camp are remaining defiantly almost when you look at the push and the calls from several of his fellow Democrats to step out of the race he is defiantly staying in we're seeing a list of characters of who might be tapped on the shoulder to replace Joe Biden none of them seem overly appealing except for one name and we'll talk about that here in a second but one of the things that we're seeing that is really in my personal opinion you know people are talking about how historic this is and it will be because the the presumptive nominee has never dropped out of a race at this late of a stage in a presidential primary or in a presidential election the primaries are done there's not an option for Democrats or or for Democrat voters to truly select someone else there's not an option for Democrat voters to get up there and pick through a choice of candidates if Joe Biden were to drop out the choice is going to be made for you now that's part of the reason I think they're trying to float what they consider to be the logical choice which is Kamala Harris because she is currently his running mate they can make an argument that the voters did select her as a alternate when they selected him since she is the running mate and if something were to happen to Joe Biden after he won she would be the one to replace him anyway so I I think that's part of the argument they're trying to make and I think that's the only reason why she realistically has a shot assuming Joe Biden drops out of the race based on the defiance that I've seen from him I'm not convinced he's going to but I think that that is the you're going to have a camp that's going to say well look we can sell this easier because she was part of the ticket anyway they did indirectly vote for her because but I really don't think Democrats won't her because they understand what we understand and again I'm not trying to be mean when I say this but she's not that bright she's not the sharpest tool in the shed there's a reason why I've affectionately nicknamed her Sesame Street Harris and it's because when she speaks she's very elementary we've seen her in debates where she just can't stop laughing even though the laughing doesn't seem appropriate so if you think Biden was a bad debate last week Kamala Harris won't do you much better she might be moderately more coherent she's probably more coachable than Joe is at this stage in his life and again I'm not trying to pile on but we all saw it MSNBC even saw it John Stewart comedian sometime host of the daily show uber liberal he's not a conservative people he is ripping Joe Biden's performance so the world saw it the United States right now is a laughing stock because the world saw who is currently our president at the moment and is sad yeah I'm not asking you to feel sorry for Joe Biden he made his choices in life he put himself on that stage but there is a certain human element here where I think part of you can't help but feel sorry for him but then some of that quickly evaporates when you realize that this was choices he made when he was still coherent or relatively coherent and you look back at his history of lies and deceit you know that's the thing that they like to throw out constantly about Donald Trump is oh he lied he lied he lied how many times do you hear that but they ignore the numerous lies from Joe Biden we're talking about a guy they got caught plagiarizing speeches yes plural not one but multiple speeches where he took somebody else's work and passed it off as himself we're talking about a guy who lied about being a part of civil rights marches we're talking about a guy who is stretched the truth wherever possible Joe Biden is not a trustworthy face yet the media ignores his lies now in I think it was 1986 1987 1988 somewhere in that realm when he got busted for plagiarizing the speech the media didn't hold back they called him out but they're very selective in their memories now because you don't ever hear that mention Joe Biden's a great and honorable man back then he wasn't but he wasn't the golden boy he wasn't the chosen one for their party's success so therefore they didn't want to focus on that or they don't want to they they did want to focus on that then whereas now they don't want to focus on that I think that's what I was trying to say then but it's crazy because they know he's a bad candidate we know he's a bad candidate so why why wouldn't they want to get rid of him why wouldn't they want to dump Joe Biden for somebody else I think the simple reason why you have some Democrats that are trying to hold on to Joe Biden is their nominee despite all the warning signs despite the fact that it looks like imminent loss is in their future if they stick with him again we're still a long ways away from November that's why I say looks like because now after the debate the other night I don't see another path for Joe Biden but again it's politics we've seen crazier things happen we've seen sure things turn into major flops overnight I'm not suggesting that's going to happen to Donald Trump I'm just saying I'm not willing to write anything off until we wake up the day after election day and we see that he has been re-elected to the president of the United States I'm about Donald Trump because again they're both presidents so either one that gets elected is re-elected in my opinion either they're both seeking their second term but I think if you look back in history you'll see why the Democrats don't want to because you can go all the way back to 1968 1968 Lyndon Bange Johnson LBJ he was the sitting president he was the guy that was going to be the presumed nominee but apparently he went and had a bad showing in an early primary and on March 31st he decided he wasn't going to seek the nomination again he said I shall not seek and I will not accept the nomination of my party for another term as your president now LBJ had started to lose some of his popularity obviously because of that I think he decided he did not want to face this election or the prospects of him getting defeated LBJ was a terrible president the author of the Great Society if you think he was a good president then you're an absolute lunatic who loves an overreaching government because the man was absolutely an atrocious president there's in my mind there's no defense of his presidency but based on some of his popularity earlier most folks felt of course the nomination he's he's the incumbent president the nomination is going to be his the nomination is pretty easy to see him take this race that's what most people have said that's what most scholars thought he was going to be Nixon and win the race but that New Hampshire primary in which Senator Eugene McCarthy nearly defeated Johnson that most people felt led to his decision to drop out on March 31st Democrats were left in disarray at that point there were so many things that happened of course if you look back to the uh 1968 Democrat National Convention as anti-war protesters clashed on the streets with Chicago police you saw the chaos that was within that party you saw Richard Nixon's ability to awaken the silent majority and he was able to win the presidency the questions have always remained if LBJ had stayed in the race would that have been the case probably because i think he had at that point alienated his base i mean you you're not a sitting president almost lose an early primary if you're feeling safe there's a reason he dropped out but because of the chaos because of the disarray associated with 1968 i think that's where you're meeting with your resistance right now when it comes to Joe Biden stepping out of this race the ghost and winds of 1968 still ring through the halls of the Democratic Party they know that that could be a death now moving away from the known commodity doesn't mean they won't doesn't mean it's not going to be an attempt this is later in the ballgame so maybe if they can make it happen maybe they can pull it off again a young fresh up start like a Gavin Newsom the uber popular former first lady like Michelle Obama put them on a stage next to Donald Trump and maybe things change they're asking those questions but at the same time they're sitting back and they're thinking to themselves i just don't know because 1968 i didn't work out so well from us jumping off the established candidate these people live their entire life in politics it's not a real world i've flirted in that world it's a fantasy world and it's all made up with numbers and hyperbole and hypothetical situations and you look around you're constantly looking at the what if scenario well if we go this path what if especially when it comes to campaigns you're constantly asking if we go this path if we take this route what could be the possible end game and when you play out those scenarios and you look at the percentages and you look at the odds and you look at this a lot of times in politics they go with the safest route and the safest route is not always the correct route let me be clear on that there have been many instances in some campaigns i was a part of where we should have gone down a more bold risk taking path and we didn't and it didn't go our way because we maintain the self safe route but they're also campaigns you can point to where they took that safe route i think in golf terms it's called hitting the hit in the or or laying the ball up you know where you don't go for the green but you hit it in a safe spot where you can get to the green on the next shot and you maintain par that's basically what they do in this instance so right now they're weighing the options of what is the safe spot but the ghost of 1968 is ringing in their ears very loudly and i think that is part of the reason why you haven't seen a push away from Joe Biden just yet yes you hear the chatter you hear several folks but you're not seeing it happen there's also Joe's resistance to stepping down because let's be clear if Joe doesn't want to go he doesn't have to and the democrats are left with no choice at that option do i think conversations are being had right now with Joe Biden to try to convince him that maybe he should step out of this race for the good of the country you already hear that for the good of the country to save us from evil orange Donald Trump i don't know that Joe Biden will ever could ever be for the betterment of the country i mean the man has many train wreck of a president and four more years of that well let's and i'm not trying to be mean and i'm not wishing this on anyone but let's just be clear if he's reelected there's a very good chance he's not going to be able to serve out those last four years there's a very good chance he's going to be president for a short term and then Kamala Harris is going to be president anyway and i know we don't want that of course there's a lot of folks out there and you you've seen the names that are being floated for replacing Joe Biden and of course i think the most popular name right now is Kamala Harris due to the fact that again she might in their mind be the easiest cell as i mentioned before she's already on the ticket the argument there is the voters did select her when they selected him because she is already his alternate she is already his understudy as the vice president that will be the argument they try to float if Joe Biden drops out and they choose her but her negatives are so high they the fact that there are so many Americans out there that don't believe she's an intelligent individual but the media already knows the fact that she's a woman the fact that she's a minority that they can just flip the script and call any of us that call her a moron racist look i don't call her a moron because of the color of her skin i call her moron for the conduct of her character i call her a moron for the words that she uses i have seen enough of this person to know that she is not fit for the president of the united states and none of that has anything to do with her sex or with her race none of it has to do with the fact that she just is not a bright intelligent individual and not someone i think needs to be anywhere close to the white house and of course then there's gavel nousam gavel nousam is probably if if i would say that Kamala Harris is one a he's one b these are the two most popular names floated now the plus side to gavel nousam is he's young he's charismatic he's a excellent speaker i used to think he was a he was great in a bait until i watched him when he debated ron desantis but because ron desantis wiped the floor with him and despite the fact that i like ron desantis's policies and i think he's been a great governor in florida i've never been impressed with his debating skills but that night it wasn't even close so i think their goal if they were to go with a gavel nousam is a compare and contrast where right now republicans point out how old and feeble joebaden is democrats could flip that script because again and why donald trump's not showing the diminished skill set the way that joebaden is he is a 77 year old man and they want to put this young charismatic governor up against him i see why they see that as compelling but then you look at his policies in new york and you see what he's put forth in the fact that or i said new york but california he's governor california so i apologize you look at the policies in california and you see how failed that government is in california if you run strictly on the issues gavel nousam cannot win his policies have already been proven a failure this is not a guy that i think is a winning strategy now maybe he could have been if he had been your guy starting in january but if you're gonna pick him up july august september and now that's your guy i'm not convinced you have enough time to overcome the shortcomings maybe you can in american politics you've heard maybe critical of the american vote or more than once and sometimes style is king over substance without a doubt the other name we've been hearing a lot about is gretchen wetmer the michigan governor this is a uh governor that has been a rising story in the liberals wing of the democrat part is there any other wing than the liberal wing in the democrat party um the fact that she is one of the key faces on uh fighting for abortion rights the right to work and stuff like that she's a uh she's one of those rumors that could be give them that female presence but i'm not quite sure that she has the name id to fully get over the hump in such a short time the other issue that she has is she was one of those lockdown governors during covid and i think that could 100 percent be used against her on a national stage doesn't matter that she won reelection there in michigan we're talking about on a national stage oh mayor peat peat buddy gig this guy and they are dreaming to make him bigger than he is they think that this guy is a rising star and he's got the look he can speak relatively well for them he checks one of their diversity checkbox because he's a homosexual i'm not sure how well that's going to trend in a nationwide election but it could get interesting because again i think this guy could be a force his name is relatively larger than the governor of michigan but again you've got such a short time here if they jump off of baden again i don't think he stacks up to one a and one b in terms of name id although he might be closer than some of the others pennsylvania governor josh piro he's another name that has started to rise through the ranks but most of my listeners probably going who it's a name i'm seeing on a list that i think is a long shot because i just don't think his name id is high enough and i think that the amount of money they would have to pump into making sure that people know who he is i just don't know that that's a winning scenario so again i i'd discredit that one illinois governor jp pricksler or pricksker how do you say his name i'm not a hundred percent sure i have to i have to go in find uh interview with it but he he's one of those guys that is a rising star in the democrat party and of course the democrat national convention is in his state this year boy we talked about the coast of 1968 and you'd think about the disastrous riotous affair of the 1968 democrat convention oh where was that chicago where are they going this year it's funny of course this is a guy that has been fighting for abortion rights he's dumped a five hundred thousand dollar investment into efforts to entran abortion rights into the florida state constitution he has remained solidly behind joe biden and again you've probably heard his name but you probably also don't know enough about him and there would be so much money and time and effort would have to be dumped into getting his name id higher again not sure he's a great choice part of the reason why i see him maybe is a more compelling option for the democrats is merely because of where the democrat national convention is they think maybe that can give him an extra boost i don't see it another one that in this article i found this list is indy best share kentucky governor who pulled off a impressive reelection victory despite the fact that kentucky is a predominantly red state but the other issue he has like i mentioned before how many of you if you're not in the state of kentucky are familiar with his name name id matters folks especially on these national stage and don't get me wrong the democrats can probably find the money for whoever they prop up to replace joe biden to by the name id but that's money taken away from attacking donald trump who has that name id already and they need to make sure if they jump off of joe biden that they are going with a candidate that gives them a splash that gives them more than a fighting chance to take down donald trump and that brings me to the last name this name's not on the list of the articles that i just read from the other list but this is a name that we've all heard it's been floated around constantly and it's probably the most intriguing name if they can convince her to do it and that of course is michelle obama the former first lady probably would give them their best shot it's stealing this election and at this point anything other than donald trump win is going to be the democrats stole it somehow and i'm not meaning through nefarious means i'm meaning they found an ace in the hole and were able to snatch victory from the from the jaws of defeat now i don't underestimate them using nefarious means either but i'm just saying for the sake of this discussion we're talking strictly on the up and up buchill obama because of her husband's presidency despite the way that i view barack obama's presidency he was immensely popular with a certain generation she does not come across the same way that hillary clinton does so i don't think the negatives that hillary brought into her race that overrode the popularity of her husband what apply to michelle we've never seen her own a debate stage we've never seen her go ahead head with somebody so that's a question mark but based on interviews and things we've seen she comes across this articulate she's certainly a much better if you want to go with the female minority route she's a much better option than Kamala Harris the question here is will she do it because so far every time we've seen her question every time we've seen her asked about a potential run for the presidency she has maintained that she has no interest in it but what happens when her party comes to her and says it's for the betterment of the country michelle we need you what will happen then will she still hold that line or will she move forward we're sitting here playing the speculation game on what's going to happen with joe bod and me personally i hope he stays in the race because i don't think there's a path for him to win and i don't want the democrats to maintain power in this race and i think it's 50/50 on which way it goes i i i don't know but i do understand that the ghost of 1968 is in the back of the minds of the democrats and the parallels are already there right down to where the convention is going to take place this is very interesting folks we're watching it in real time we'll continue to talk about this now as i told you at the start of the show this one's going to be a shorter episode to the right side radio program this week due to the fact that it is the fourth of july weekend independence weekend and a lot of you've got so much going on firework shows to get to displays we will have morning coffee there in the morning again tomorrow morning so look out for that that's a one that's going to be a little bit more emotional for me it's a it's a very special episode of morning coffee so i hope you guys check that out also Chris McDaniel's america the new episode has been recorded and hopefully by the time this episode releases will have been released uh you know but it should we're hoping to see it get pushed out sometime today maybe tomorrow so check that one out as well guys i just can't thank you enough for listening to this program and being a part of the right side radio program we'll see you guys again real soon so [Music] the following is a high five moment from high five welcome to burger gaming would you like a high apple pie today yes yes yeah i won so that's a yes on the apple pie i just went big time playing high five casino on my phone real cash prizes free daily rewards over 1200 games so yes you're not on the apple pie whoa i won again i'll take that as a yes drive around have you had your high five moment today only at high five high five casino is a social casino no purchase necessary but 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