The Right Side Radio Show

Morning Coffee With The Right Side: Stand For the Founders on the Fourth

Take some time this morning to stand up for our Founding Fathers on this Fourth of July.

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04 Jul 2024
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(upbeat music) - Okay, round two. Name something that's not boring. - Laundry, ooh, a book club. Computer Solitaire, huh? - Ah, sorry, we were looking for Chumba Casino. (upbeat music) That's right, has over a hundred casino style games, join today and play for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. (upbeat music) - No percussive. (upbeat music) - Today is many of you wake up realizing that you don't have to go to work, realizing that you get a break. You're probably planning something with family. You're probably getting ready to go watch a fireworks show, assuming the fireworks show wasn't. All rehilled in your area. We commonly walk around and we refer to today as the fourth. Happy fourth. You hear that all the time from people, but it's Independence Day. And it's important that we understand what Independence Day was. It's important that we go back and we look at history and remember for it, for what it truly was, that the legal separation of 13 colonies from Great Britain in 1776. Sure, there are scholars out there that would try to argue that it was actually done on July 2nd. There are others that point to the fact that you had folks. (phone ringing) Who came out and said that they signed the document on July 4th, like Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and Benjamin Franklin. This is the Recognize Day, regardless of any of that stuff. And it's a good time to stop if you're sitting around with your family and talk about the birth of this great nation. All around us were watching chaos. All around us were watching ridiculousness. All around us were seeing examples of the fact that we are living in the dumbest timeline. That's why it's so much more important now than ever to sit down with your family and explain to them how significant what these men did on that day, what these men, the risk that they were willing to take. Sure, they go to school and history tries to tell them that Jefferson was no good. Washington really wasn't this great guy that he was painted out to be. Benjamin Franklin was this, Adams was that. There is a true effort to try to destroy the legacy of our founding fathers. They were flawed men, much as we are today. They were products of their time, but they were brave, courageous men because when they decided to take this path, when they decided to go down this path, they had no clue if it was gonna work. And if it didn't work, they were committing treason against Great Britain. They clearly were going to, at worst or at best, serve prison sentence, at worst, be executed. But they took the stand. They took the stand for liberty and they gave us the greatest nation this world has ever known. We can sit back and we can talk about our flaws. We can sit back and we can complain about sins of the past. But is there anywhere you'd rather be? Liberals dream of a new country and are constantly trying to tear down the founding fathers. They're constantly trying to tell you why this nation is terrible. And yet they don't leave. They're free to. They're able to go anywhere else in the world. Sure, every four years, they make that threat. If my God doesn't win the White House, I'm leaving America and then they don't. Nobody's forcing them to stay. They're allowed to go. But they know what we know. This is the greatest nation in the world. Regardless of our differences, regardless of the fights that we may put on with one another, this is the greatest nation in the world. And we owe our founding fathers a debt of gratitude because if it wasn't for their bravery, if it wasn't for them willing to step out and take a stand and put their name on that document, we wouldn't be here today. That was courage, people. Real courage, not like anything we see today. They didn't do it for fame. They didn't do it for notoriety. They didn't even do it for power. They did it for freedom. They did it for liberty. And they gave us something wonderful. As Benjamin Franklin is often credited with saying that they gave us a republic if we can keep it. These are words, these are messages that you should take a moment and share with your family. These are words, these are messages that you should stop what you're doing and sit down with them and say, okay, let me tell you a story about Benjamin Franklin. Let me tell you a story about Thomas Jefferson. Let me tell you a story about John Adams. Talk about what they were willing to give up. They were willing to give up. It was quite simply everything. The future was not certain. There was no guarantee that this was going to work, that these 13 colonies that declared their independence were going to be able to hold on to that independence. There was no guarantee of success, but they believed in the cause. They believed in the cause of liberty and they stood their ground. And at the end of the day, they gave us the greatest nation the world has ever known in these United States of America. Have there been missteps along the way? Sure. Were these men perfect beings? Absolutely not. But they were in fact great men despite what local, what current history boats may try to distort them to be. And it's important that we remember them as such and that we make sure that our children have the strong foundations so that way when these terrible liberal scholars try to distort who they were. They know the truth and they can argue back against them. This has been morning coffee with the right side. 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