The Right Side Radio Show

Morning Coffee With The Right Side: We Have to Start Calling Out Bad Actors In Politics

Why do we forgive bad Republicans everytime they run for re-election?

Broadcast on:
03 Jul 2024
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Elections do have consequences. We are feeling the pain right now of such occurrences, but it's not just one presidential election. No, no, it's a combination of several elections, the fact that we pay attention once every four years, we get excited, we get pulled into multiple issues, and that's when we actually pay attention. But we should be paying attention to every election, to every race. That's the reality, but sadly, we don't. I don't know what it is about presidential elections that draw more people draw more eyes to the equation. Is it the coverage that these races get as opposed to your US Senate race, your House of Representatives race, or even your state and local races? Why don't we pay more attention then? Why don't we understand that some of the pains that we're having now were created years ago because we were inactive. We weren't paying attention. There's this lie that we get told over and over again. That lie is that there's a red team and a blue team and that you need to be on the red team or the blue team. The reality is the red team and the blue team work more together than you realize, and when they do work together, they are further damaging this nation. The red team seems to always compromise with the blue team, but if you notice, the blue team never compromises with the red team. They never give an inch. All they ever do is take. So the question then comes, why does the red team always cave? Why do the Republicans always back down every time there's a major issue where they need to take a stand? If you want to see a perfect example, you can look no further than Obamacare. If you remember, Republicans fought hard against the passage of Obamacare. They didn't have the numbers to prevent it, so it ended up going through, but the problem came years later when they got the power back and they got the White House instead of repeal and do away with, it became repeal and replace. If you remember the argument before the passage of Obamacare was, government has no place in healthcare. But now that it's there, instead of them having a willingness to abolish this bad policy, no, no. What they have done instead is, well, we've got to replace it with something better. The something better was government not being involved in the first place. They don't want to fight. Once government gets its grips on something, guess what? It never goes away. It never seeds power. That's the reality people. That is what we don't pay attention to. Politicians that come back with silly stuff like, well, we think we can do better than what the Democrats gave you before. We think we can make Obamacare better. But these are the same people that told you that it was bad for government to ever be involved in your healthcare in the first place. You saw it again during COVID. We saw multiple Republicans, Republican governors shutting down states, forcing businesses to not operate for extended periods of time, all in the name of keeping you safe. And now they'll be some of the first ones who point out that, well, you know, shutting down, shutdowns are bad. And sure, we were in unprecedented times and you can maybe give them a little bit of a pass because they thought they were doing something well for you. But the simple fact of the matter is they should have been fighting for us from day one. They should have been fighting for us instead of using the strong arm of government to force businesses to shut her. If you want to understand why we're struggling the way that we are today, if you want to look around and see exactly why things cost more, why everything is a struggle, why long standing businesses have closed and are gone for good. You need to understand that it's not just Democrats, but it's bad Republicans as well. Democrats magnified the problem. Make no mistake about it, but Republicans were all too willing to shut down their states just as well. Now, maybe they open them back up faster. And yes, I'll give you a mild pat on the bank for that. Here recently, I heard somebody say that we absolutely should criticize the politicians, but we should praise them when they do good too. I don't know that I agree with that. I don't know that I agree with the we should praise the politicians when they do something good. Now, if they do something good consistently, that's different. If they're consistently fighting for us and fighting for our values, absolutely, we should be fighting for them and singing their praises. But if they do something good, once a blue moon, no, we don't praise that. We don't give them that much salt after attention. We just simply say, well, I'm glad you finally did the right thing. When you start to throw out praise it by bad politicians, they understand they have you hooked. They can give you one good piece of legislation. Meanwhile, they're going to pass 10 other bad pieces of legislation that you'll ignore because they did that one good thing for you. Enough is enough, people. We've got to start calling out the bad actors when they're our own party. The fact that we haven't done that, the fact that we continue to reelect incumbent after incumbent is insulting. It is a major reason why our nation is in the state that it is in today. We didn't call them out because we were too afraid of losing that seat to a Democrat. When the reality is, the Democrat was going to pass the exact same bad legislation that your Republican hero passed. Look, I myself, much like many of you fell into the trap of red versus blue. It's easy, especially if you're a sports person. It's easy. Look, I'm going to go with the team that wears my jersey. I'm going to wear their jersey, but this isn't sports people. These are personalities. A lot of these people, you shouldn't be trusting. A lot of these people, you should never praise. They get one thing right in 10 tries. That's not praise worthy people. That is worthy of a challenger and worthy of booting them out of office, plain and simple. In baseball, if you go one for 10, you're going to get sent back down to the minors. In politics, you're going to get a 40-year career as a politician. This has been Morning Coffee with the right side. I'm your host, Jack Fairchilds, and we're a part of the Midnight Ride Network. [BLANK_AUDIO]