The Right Side Radio Show

Morning Coffee With The Right Side: Hawk Tuah Girl Represents Our Moral Decay

Why does someone get instant fame for being crass and vulgar? The Hawk Tuah Girl doesn't deserve the attention we're giving her.

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02 Jul 2024
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Thanks for yourself with 25% off at I'm Victoria Cash, thanks for calling the Lucky Land Hotline. If you feel like you do the same thing every day, press 1. If you're ready to have some serious fun, for the chance to redeem some serious prizes, press 2. We heard you loud and clear, so go to right now and play over 100 social casino style games for free. Get lucky today. You often hear me say on the flagship show that we are currently living in the dumbest timeline. We see examples of it every day. We see examples of things that point us to stupidity, that our society is getting dumber. One of the biggest examples now is that there is a woman that has been made famous on social media for being vulgar. Yes, I'm talking about this infamous Hawk 2 girl. You've seen the video, I don't have to explain it to you, and if you really need it explained to you, then you can go online, search it out, and I'm sure someone, if you don't get it, will explain to you what this woman is talking about. Now she's a celebrity, now she's being called up on stage at concert, she's being put forth as this massive celebrity, and my question is why? Are we going to celebrate everyone that gets up there and acts vulgar, are we going to celebrate everyone that gets up there and wants to put forth this type of filth? Look, I understand the poor young woman was intoxicated and this guy put a microphone in front of her, which begs the question, why are we so hungry for these type of interviews? Why are we so attracted to videos of people asking vulgar questions in the first place? It's a ridiculous indictment against our society that this is the type of things that we look for and these are the type of things that we continue to make popular. The term is going viral, the term is you've gone viral, and quite frankly, I long for a simpler day, I long for the days of Andy Griffith and Mayberry and those type of values, not where we're celebrating a woman for getting intoxicated and being asked a sexual question and then answering as vulgar as she can. This is where we are as a society, this is the indictment against us, somewhere there is a father that is appalled at his daughter's newfound celebrity, somewhere there's a mother questioning where did I go wrong that this is what she thought was an okay response to an interview that was going to be made public, somewhere there's a father, somewhere there's a mother that's disgusted with their son for conducting these types of interviews. What happened to the days of a woman being a lady? What happened to the days of a woman being special and being protected? What happened to the days of things like that being kept in private? Does everything have to be sexualized, does everything have to be pushed forth into the public consumption? Apparently so, because apparently this is what constitutes what people want to watch, what people want to hear, and if somebody does get up there and make a video where they're practically making a fool of themselves, they are not ostracized, they're not shamed for it. No, they're turned into overnight celebrities. How do we let this happen? How did we seep so low as a society to where this is the most popular thing in the world at the moment? You can trace it back to the filth they put on television and in movies. You can definitely go listen to any of the current pop hits or rap albums, and you can hear the disgusting filth that they put forth in these lyrics and you understand this is the type of stuff that they are catering to our young people. Parents have a hard job nowadays because everything is online and easy for kids to research and figure out for themselves. I'm sure if you're a parent with a teenage girl or a teenage boy, you wake up fearful that is this the day that my kid is going to go viral for doing something disgusting? Is this the day that I'll wake up and find out that now my kid is a newfound celebrity for something I don't approve of? We have to start being more involved in our kids lives at an early age. Look, once they leave the house, I understand they're on their own. They've gone to college, they've graduated, they've moved on. But if you instill the values in them, if you instill enough common sense, then maybe they'll understand that when a guy comes up to them with a microphone and starts asking them inappropriate questions, then they probably should just walk away. They probably shouldn't entertain that. They probably should move on. Real soon this network is going to bring back Jim Sigelski's gym walking. And I'm sure we're going to get some good nuggets of gold, but I guarantee you it won't be that. It's not going to be something where he is actively seeking a disgusting individual. He might get some because again, this is the society that we have now when people have no filter, they have no shame. How many times have you been in public at a restaurant waiting in line for something? And you hear people having conversations where they're just dropping obscenity after obscenity. Doesn't matter if they're kids in the restaurant, doesn't matter if they're kids within your shot. They don't care anymore. Our society is crumbling around us. This nation needs a revival and you can see the evidence of that every day. The Hock Two Girls is just another representative of the moral decay of not just our nation, but our society in general. The fact that this is what brings fame upon you. Now it's a fleeting fame. Her 15 minutes will be done soon enough. And then what for her? She'll always be that girl that people will think it's just some tramp who likes to talk vulgar when given the opportunity or whenever a microphone is put in front of her face. This nation desperately needs a revival. We have to figure out a way to get back to our common decency that we once had. Not every detail of your life is fit for social media. Not every detail of your life is fit for you to share with a random stranger who sticks a microphone in your mouth. Have some good sense. Keep some things to yourself. But why should you when you know that it's going to create an instant celebrity for you and you too might be invited up on the stage during a concert of your favorite performer? Just so you can say that idiotic line one more time. This nation doesn't need more Hock Two Girls. We need more people with more character than what these people showed. This has been Morning Coffee with The Right Side. I'm your host, Jack Fairchild's, and we're a part of the Midnight Ride Network. 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