The Right Side Radio Show

E126 Presidential Debate Discussion with Ryan Walters

Ryan Walters joins Jack in discussing the Presidential Debate.

1h 11m
Broadcast on:
28 Jun 2024
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We have come together here because the American people deserve better from those to whom they entrust our nation's highest offices. We stand united in our resolve to do something about it. It's whether we like it or not, spells youth. You and I have a rendezvous with destiny. You tuned in to right-side radio. Alright guys, you have found it. It is the right-side radio program coming to you. Recording this one live following tonight's presidential debate. The first of two debates, unless they schedule more and maybe they won't do the second one. That's something that's being debated now by multiple folks on multiple networks. But I did bring in our good friend, historian, guest of the right-side. Probably the guest I've had on the most in Ron Walters. Ron, how are you doing tonight? I'm doing pretty good giving that disaster. We just saw a live on television for all the world to see. But I'm doing pretty good tonight. Have to get Texas heat. Well, I mean, Mississippi heats nothing to joke about either. Which you're well aware. But, Ron, you know, you talk about it being a disaster. And it was more of a disaster for Joe Biden in my personal opinion. Because he, again, when it comes to debates and as a historian, you're definitely familiar with the Kennedy Nixon debate. Where Nixon is credited as losing the debate because he didn't shave. He had stubble. He didn't look well. We know that style a lot of times wins out on these debates more than substance. And I think it's pretty clear, Ron, you know, from watching tonight's debate that Trump definitely won on the style points because he looked way more put together than Biden did. Even the folks on MSNBC were commenting on how poorly Joe Biden did in this debate. Ron, tell us a little bit about what you saw on the debate in your takeaways. Well, by disaster, I mean, for our country. I mean, that we have a president of that age performing like that on the world stage. I mean, you can bet there. They were watching it in the Kremlin and Beijing and other capitals of the world. And they, you know, they judge us based on that kind of stuff. I thought it was just really bad. I actually felt sorry for Joe Biden. I'll be honest with you. I mean, I even tweeted out this is elder abuse. I mean, apparently that got brought up. We'll see an end with Dan Jones and after the debate, he was practically in tears. I didn't see the clip, but then people on CNN were even saying we need to pray for Joe Biden, and we need answers from his family. So you're seeing that starting to spread pretty rapidly because he did so poorly. He looked confused at times. He mumbled and stumbled. I mean, he had some brain freezes. There was a lot of looking down. He had blank stares on his face most of the night. It just really, it didn't go well for Biden. I thought Trump did a lot better. As you said, the contrast was so great because the Democrats have been desperate to try to say that Trump's mind slipping and all these kinds of things. I've watched that in the last few weeks and you didn't see that with Trump. I mean, Trump handles itself very well. So yeah, on style, absolutely. I mean, Trump seemed to be in command and Biden certainly did not. Well, Ryan, you know, this is a historic debate in many ways because I can't think of a time where we actually had a debate that featured two people who have served in the Oval Office before the only one I could even think. And you can tell me if they actually had a debate goes all the way back to Taft and Roosevelt. When Roosevelt ran with his progressive bull moose party, you know, do you see? Has this ever happened in history before what we've had? No, we've never had two presidents that debate each other. You remember debates are relatively new. The first one was in 1960 with the famous Kennedy Nixon. And that was actually several debates that started the sort of the idea that you have three debates in the fall, usually in September and October. I've never seen one this early. I don't think because there's a commission, a federal government commission on presidential debates, they handle it. And since 1976, they've done that. Of course, we're at the format of having three fall debates that's been going on for quite some time. And, but this one was, you know, CNN sponsors was an extra one. And it's lend itself to the idea that did the Democrats do this. If they want to replace Joe Biden, the best way to do it is to do exactly what they did tonight. I mean, a lot of people are saying, was this some sort of a coup? It makes it easier to replace him, which we can talk about in a minute. But you got to remember, again, debates started in 1960. There were three of them. And they didn't really go well for Nixon for a lot of reasons. We don't really have time to get into. But, you know, there was not one in '64 or '68 or '72. They didn't bring them back until 1976, Ford and Carter. And then, of course, Reagan and Carter and all down the line. So that's developed. But this was a little bit out of character. I didn't really know why they did this. There's really no, we'll probably never know the real reason why they did it. Why this extra debate? And it's fueled a lot of rumors flying around. But we're just going to sit back and wait and see what happens. Absolutely. You know, Ryan, one of the things, and after the debate, a good friend of ours, Gerald Wade, said he was watching MSNBC. So I flipped over there as well because I want -- I know how Fox is going to cover it. I know how our side is going to cover it. I wanted to see how -- because CNN is liberal, there's no denying it. But the true liberal bastion, the true liberal network is MSNBC with Rachel Maddow. And when they're sitting up there sounding the alarm bells based on his performance, that is very damning to me. That shows you exactly how poorly Joe Biden did tonight. And that's just it. I mean, why they agreed to do it. I don't know. But again, what shocked me -- and again, this lends to rumors and conspiracy theories that what shocked me was how fast they jumped out there on Twitter and social media to say, "Hey, it's time to replace Joe Biden." You remember Andrew Yang ran for it as a Democrat in the primaries in 2020? And he tweeted out almost immediately when it was over and said, "You know, I debated Joe seven times." And this is not the same guy. It's time to replace him. I mean, you've got some Democrats that are coming out there scrolling it. You know, they came out pretty quickly. And they jumped right out there and said, "It's time to replace them." Almost like they knew. Of course, I think that campaigns -- that was a campaign step at the White House. You know, right during the debate, they put out that story that he actually had a cold. That's why his voice was raspy and that kind of thing. Look how fast that came out. We didn't know about it at start. Now, nobody said anything about a cold. But when he got into the debate, he had that first stumble when he had the brain freeze. And he just kind of mumbled. He sat there for -- it seemed like forever. And then all of a sudden, that story hit. Well, he's got a cold and he's having some difficulty or whatever. But I thought that was kind of interesting, too, how fast that story came out. I agree. And I thought the same thing when I heard it was like, well, they had an excuse prepared because I think they were fearing the worst. I think possibly during the debate prep, they saw warning signs that he was going to be less than stellar. And when you've got a race like this one, they needed a home run. They needed the Joe Biden from the State of the Union address. And they didn't get that tonight. I mean, I even said, I think on this program, I said, you can expect Joe Biden to do better than you anticipate. I was wrong. He did worse than I anticipate. Obviously, because I thought they'd have him so ready, I thought that they had an idea of how to handle this debate before it ever got going. So it's a little shocking. And I think that's why there is a lot of folks that are questioning right now. Did they set Joe Biden up to fail tonight because they ultimately won't to replace Joe Biden. They're seeing the same weaknesses that we're seeing. And the issue is I get asked this a lot as a historian about replacing him. What will that entail? And, you know, it depends on what point you decide to replace him. Is it before the convention or is it after the convention? What's the problem is now he's got all the delegates and they have to vote for him. You know, the first ballot in the convention. And so I anticipate them going through with the convention. Now, another historical question is, have we ever replaced the presidential nominee? No, no party has ever done that. We have replaced a vice presidential nominee in 1972. George McGovern's running mate was Thomas Eagleton, Senator from Missouri. And of course he just a few days after it was reported that he had dealt with very severe depression to the point he was institutionalizing had to get electro shot therapy. And a lot of people thought, well, it just poured out in the press in 1972. And he lasted 18 days on the ticket before he had, he resigned from the ticket and they had to pick somebody else. How do you nominate somebody after the convention that the convention nominates Biden Harris? What's the procedure? Well, that's why you have a national committee. The convention is the highest ranking body in a party, but only when it's a session. Once the convention's over, the national committee does this. The national committee would have to meet and replace him. But here's the other tangle. What do you do with Harris? Yeah. She's still nominated as vice president if you go that rush. She would have to be offered a lot to get off the ticket. She's from California. If they wanted to nominate Gavin Newsom, they're both from the same state court in the constitution. You lose electoral votes to that state if the nominees are from the same state. So they, you know, it tangles a lot of stuff up. We'll just have to see how they play it going forward, but I'm sure the wheels are trending. There's gonna be some late night lamps burning at the DNC, I would imagine. Absolutely. And it's funny you bring up Gavin Newsom because he's one of the first that MSNBC ran to interview. Matter of fact, I cut off during his interview to go ahead and start the program tonight. And one of the first questions he was asked was, "Do we need to move away from Biden?" Or something similar that I'm paraphrasing how the question was worded, but that's basically what it was. Newsom, of course, being the shrewd politician that he is, he said, "No, we need to rally behind him." And I don't take that as what he means. I think he's trying to come across as presidential because he knows he's most likely the candidate that they would want to elevate. But they also were supposed to have Kamala Harris on MSNBC tonight, too. Unfortunately, she didn't come on before we started recording, so by the time a lot of my listeners hear this, they will already know what she said. Ryan, do you think there's a possibility the Democrats could try to rally behind her as the nominee, or do you think that... I think that would be terrible for him, but do you think that's a possibility at this point? I mean, I think that's what she would want. She would elevate me and I'll pick another running mate, which would be easier to do. But she's so unlikeable. This is a woman that was so low in the polls when she ran for president. I remember when she debated Biden and called him a racist. We'll just leave that one for a while. But she finished with one or two percent in the polls and never made it to the first primary. And she's not very popular in the Democratic Party. I think her numbers are as bad as Biden's personal liability, and her numbers are far lower than Trump. I think that would be a suicide mission for the Democratic Party. I think that would be a suicide mission for the Democratic Party. I think that would be a suicide mission for the Democratic Party. I think that would be a suicide mission for the Democratic Party. I think that would be a suicide mission for the Democratic Party. I think that would be a suicide mission for the Democratic Party. They'll cut a deal behind closed doors. I mean, we'll never know what happened. So I don't know what they would all for her. It had to be something pretty big to get her to step aside. But I think they're probably pretty good at that. Well, you know, it's telling too that they went to her, you know, as somebody they wanted to interview. They did show Joe Biden giving his post-debate remarks at the watch-along party after the debate. He was more energetic in that. Now he still didn't look great up on that stage, and he made some odd remarks during it. But it was decidedly better than what we saw during the debate stage. Did you see Joe Biden's comments after the debate? I mean, first, they gave the microphone to his wife and let her speak before they handed it to him. And the biggest takeaway, again, and we're going to get to substance in a second, but the biggest takeaway is just the style side because he came across as old and frail, whereas Donald Trump came across as strong and sure-minded. I didn't get that sense from Joe Biden and I don't think that the Democrats did either. I think that's why they're in Defcon mode now. I think it isn't Defcon 1 the highest or does it go Defcon 5's the highest? Yeah, Defcon 5's piece. They're probably at a 1. That's what they said on MSNBC. Barack Obama's campaign manager was interviewed after the debate and he said that the Democrat should be at Defcon 1 right now. Yeah, there you go. That's war. Yeah, that is Barack Obama's campaign manager. That's not somebody on our side that's saying that. So that tells you if we thought it was bad and they thought it was bad, it's probably decidedly worse than what we thought. No, I'm sure in the inner circles and things, they're probably in a panic mode. There are some sources that say there are some that are panicking when they saw that. Because you can't start canceling the bait. Then that, particularly at this point, then it looks obvious that he can't handle it. It's going to be interesting next few days and next few weeks to see how much traction this story gets. Does it continue on? Does it feed itself or does it start to die out or just have to see what happens? Absolutely. When you get to the substance of the debate, I don't know that there was a lot of substance. I think there were a lot of times where when Trump was asked a question, he went back to the previous question and there were a couple of times where it seemed like he didn't want to answer the question. Now, I think he gave answers on the second go around. I think there was some definite time where Joe Biden said something he felt he had to respond to. I don't have a problem with that. But the left's trying to make it out that he was dodging the questions. But it felt like, for the most part, he came back around to it when they asked it the second time. There may have been one or two he didn't go into as much depth as they would have liked. But for the most part, I think Trump, he kept his cool. I think that was the biggest concern anybody on Team Trump had was, "Is Donald Trump going to blow a gasket? Is he going to come across as angry and bitter and not look good?" But he didn't tonight. He came across very much smoother than what I think most people expected. I think there was some tension you could feel the tension between the two. And I could tell he was probably grit in his teeth, Trump. But let me tell you who came out looking a lot more angry and that was Biden. Biden got tested several times. I think he said a few four-letter words up there. He got mad and was jabbing his finger in the air toward Trump. So he was the one that really was getting a little bit unnerved. As far as substance, I thought Trump had a lot more substance. Biden did a lot of mumbling and bubbling. It was hard to keep up with exactly what he was saying. And after that, it was actually sad to see it. But Trump was more on point. I thought he should have gone into more of the migrants, particularly the migrant crime and things like that. That really set Biden off too. He tried to downplay that and said one of the crazy things that I don't like to call them migrants. I'm just using that word because they did. But I mean, we shouldn't do that. We should call them what they are illegal. And they are committing a lot of crimes. There's been murders and rapes by these -- because a lot of these countries down there just emptied their jails and prisons out and sent them up here. That's why it's happening. And it was an arrest today of an illegal who raped a 15-year-old disabled girl in New York City today. I think she should have brought more of that up and really hammered that. Because I think that may be the essential issue, whoever their nominee is. The essential issue should be that border and what's happening in the crime. And Trump hit it pretty good. Don't get me wrong. And I think it did set Joe Biden off a time or two. But he downplayed the crime Biden did and he said, well, you know, people get raped by their own siblings and he even said, there's cases where sisters rape their sisters. You know, I mean, what a strange answer. Yeah. I mean, to say, well, you know, that kind of stuff happens all the time. I mean, that's what it came off to me. I hope it came off that way to a lot. I hope so too. You know, my biggest fear is that everybody that was watching tonight already had their mind made up and it doesn't move the needle because the folks that are undecided weren't necessarily watching this thing. But you have to believe that there were some undecided voters that were watching and I don't know how they can come across confident in Joe Biden to be able to get through the next four years. Yeah. I mean, a lot of them should be afraid. I mean, I think they should have scared a lot of, particularly suburban women, boat type voters and stuff to say, you know, this guy's the commander chief. This is the guy that has his finger on the nuclear button. I mean, I know there's been a lot of talk. Who's somebody else is probably really pulling strings and that may be so, but he's still the president and gosh knows. I mean, I thought about that during the bad guy. This guy's the commander chief. When we've got potential for war, particularly in Europe or all over the globe. And this is our commander in chief. So hopefully some undecideds are some swing voters in the middle. I'll watch this, but that's going to only push if those numbers shift, and not just the overall numbers, but what they'll be looking at is those subcategories of different groups within their base. Certain voters, they start losing a ground. I think you're going to see more talk about replacing him with somebody else. I mean, like you said, they're bringing a Gavin Newson or something. That'll be quite the contrast. And Republicans have to shift their entire strategy. Do you think if they were to make that switch now, do you think it would be a little too late in the game? You know, especially after we've gone through all the primaries, do you think that could also cause some resentment for the folks that participated in the primaries? That now we have somebody that wasn't even on the ballot in that role? Or you think it would be easy to forget? Yeah, I think they've got to be very careful how they do it, because it could blow up their face. You know, if you're dumping this guy, and look, he's been like this for several years, at least. This is not new for those of us that pay attention. I mean, he has these kind of things all the time. They don't cover it in the news. That cause they've been forced to cover it now. So I think they have to really play it right. They won't do it. I don't think any time soon. I mean, wait after the convention. But there's going to be some kind of, it won't be, you know, this. It'll be, well, he's got a health problem. His doctors are advising him now. He needs to retire. It'll be something like that. But people need to be able to see through that to say you have, you know, there's just a lot that could go wrong with it if they don't play it right. I agree, because I think that's a risk in and of itself, even if you're getting a better contrast. And I think that's a huge risk, but that may be the only play the Democrats have. I mean, throughout Joe Biden's political career, one of the things he's always been good at, don't like him. But one of the things that Joe Biden has always received praise on was his ability to debate. That wasn't the same Joe Biden we've seen in previous debates, not even by a long shot. No, he's really declined quite a bit. That should be pretty evident to people. It had to be. I mean, I was kind of like you. I was expected things to go pretty well. I said, what did he take a week off or something? I can't I can't David and debate prep and. You know, a lot of times debate prep can go wrong, because if you start, particularly somebody of his age and those and those issues that he has, he obviously has. You start shoving too many facts and things out of, you know, it makes it worse. Yeah, that to be very careful. I always figured they were giving him a lot of rest and whatever medications and trying to get him in pretty good shape. But I was he was a lot. He looked a lot worse than I thought when I that I thought I would see before the debate and his movements and he walked out on the stage. I thought, Oh gosh, he looks like, you know, just a very very citizen. It's too old to be doing this type of job. Let's put it that way. 100% agree. I mean, it started the moment he walked out because you saw he moved slower. He just he seemed unfit, whereas Trump came out with a era of confidence and I think that elevated him. You know, again, it's a it's an interesting debate because of and it's hard to even talk about any of the substance side because of how poor this bottom was on the style side. I mean, I think he got beat on the substance side too. Let me be clear, but I think I was always going to think that because I don't agree with hardly anything that Joe Biden says anyway. But it just I think this is probably the biggest contrast we've ever had in a presidential debate when it comes to which one we think can perform the duties better. And I don't think that's that's harsh to say because I'm thinking back. You remember when Reagan ran, he was older, you know, he wasn't quite Biden's age, but he was older when he ran. And there were folks that were worried that Ronald Reagan wasn't going to perform well on those debates, but he he nailed it every time. I mean, he won every single one of the debates that he was in. But tonight, what we saw was a man putting on full display for the entire world, how badly he's slipping. And I agree with you. It is kind of sad, even though I'm not a fan of Joe Biden in any way, shape or form from a policy side. But if you're a human, there's a part of you that feels bad for him coming out there. And then there's also that other part of you that realizes that Joe Biden's a man with an a massive ego. They both do. I'm not saying Trump doesn't have an ego, but he has a massive ego. So you know that he wants to hold on to that office. And I truly believe he's not going to give up the nomination easily because I think this is something he doesn't want to go down. And I think that because of that ego, that makes the the switch even harder, doesn't it? Yeah, well, that's what and I've said that to people who have asked me. I said, well, you got to convince him to do that. That's the problem or convince Jill Biden to do it. You wonder sometime if he's worried about he thinks about when he's having good moments about Hunter. And hey, if I'm, you know, here I can kind of protect my prodigal son here. Of course, I don't think that's a problem. I think he's going to get a full pardon as soon as whatever happens between now and inauguration day. Yeah, but yeah, you can't. I mean, you got to you have to convince him and there's been some talk about how to do that. You know, it's time to time to go. You've done enough and you go home or whatever. But what if he don't want to? That's that's a million dollar question. I mean, how do you convince? Because even if it's a fake illness or something to that effect, you still have to convince Joe Biden and Jill Biden to step aside for somebody else and I don't know that that's going to be an easy task. You know, because he wants. I think he likes being president. Oh, sure. I mean, he and and that's something he's always an office. He's always crazy. First ran and 88 campaign. I got bounced out way before the primaries because of, you know, plagiarism allegations and which is very much covered in the news in 1987. Yeah, he'll have to be convinced to step aside. Again, this is all his pure speculation at this point. I mean, we have no idea. I mean, but what might put some pressure, particularly on Jill Biden, she starts to take a little. If what, you know, if seeing animal serious about saying that, you know, we need answers from the Biden family about this. You know, there's enough pressure there. That could make a difference. If the media keeps this up for a while, there's a lot of big Democrats pushing this from behind the scenes. I mean, we'll just have to wait and see. But it's going to be interesting to follow. I mean, I'm going to try to keep up with as best I can, but it's going to be it's going to be a fun next few. I'm not even sure when the conventions are in July. I mean, we don't have that much time left, I don't think. No, and I think that might be part of the strategy to go ahead and get the debates before the convention. And we're going to pause right here for a quick break. And when we come back, Ryan, I want to ask you about that because, again, there's so much unprecedented about tonight's debate. And I want to, that's part of why I asked you to come on as a historian. There are questions running through my mind that I don't know the answer to that I think you will. So we're going to pause real quick for this quick commercial break. And when we come back, we'll continue talking about tonight's debate with Ryan Walters and get a little bit more from a historical context on what we've witnessed tonight. This is the right side radio program. We'll be right back. [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] Hey, everyone. This is Jack Fairchild, so the right side radio program and license reviewed. 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Here talking about tonight's presidential debate, and we have historian, right side contributor extraordinaire, Ron Walters, back on the program with us tonight, Ron. And this debate, and this is the question I wanted to ask you because I don't believe this has ever happened before, but have we seen any presidential debates before the convention before tonight? Not to my knowledge. Again, as I said earlier, presidential debates are relatively new. It really didn't come out because it was no TV. I mean, there were debates in our past, not really presidential debates, but of course, you mentioned style points. This is, you know, we entered the age of optics. That's one thing Kennedy understood and how you could use television and mix wasn't very good at it. And that played a role. It made a difference. But no, I've never seen one. That's why I thought it was kind of strange that we would have one before September, October, when that traditionally held. So I'm not sure what the purpose is and why they both agreed to do it. I mean, there's nothing wrong with debates. I mean, the more you can see the candidates on stage answering questions and I thought the moderators did pretty good for seeing. I did too. They actually, the format they chose no audience and that kind of thing and muted mice. It made it go a lot smoother and they didn't really inject themselves into any, you know, they let them talk and they asked the question and turned it over to them. And they just kind of kept the flow going. So I thought they did exactly what moderators were surprisingly from CNN. So it was so it was historic in a lot of different ways to presidents on the stage and having an early debate like this, even before the nominating convention. So it was historic and it was, it was, and it was also very, very bad on the part of the sitting president. I agree. You know, in CNN, everything from the format, I hope that that can be a format they utilize moving forward because that's always been my complaint when it turns into the shouting match, the muting the mics worked, the no audience. I think work too, because instead of having an audience to react to what the candidates said, it's left, it's left for us to interpret with that silent room the way they did it. Personally, I prefer that as a debate style, just as somebody who likes to study politics, that was a refreshing side. It was to see that. And you're 100% right. The debate moderators who I was worried about going into this debate, you heard the conspiracies. It's CNN. So, of course, they're probably going to give the Biden camp the questions in advance. If they did, it doesn't look like Biden capitalized on it. But I think based on everything I saw that they did and how they conducted the debate, I don't, I think that conspiracy theory has been debunked. I don't buy that any longer because they, they could have attacked Trump. They could have gone after some of his answers. But instead, what they did was if Trump didn't answer the question, they repeated it to see if he could answer it. The second go around and I'm okay with that because Ryan, I've moderated a debate. It was just a state congressional seat years ago. And that's kind of how I did. I stayed out of their way. But if they didn't answer the question before I moved on, I'd be like, that's, that's cool and all. But the question was, and I think that's fair. I think that's the way you should handle those type debates because you want to give them a chance to respond when they're attacked. The other thing that I thought was odd and it took 45 minutes before Joe Biden threw out the convicted felon moniker towards Donald Trump. I thought that was good. I joked with, with some friends that I was group texting during the debate that if you had had convicted felon on your drinking game presidential debate, bingo card, you want to remain sober tonight because that was, that was one of the only instances of it as well. So it was, it was pretty, and I thought Trump handled because that was definitely an attempt to go to him and bait him into going down the wrong path. And I think he handled that pretty well because I don't think he lashed out. I don't think it got him angry. And I think, again, that's another point he scores on the style side. Oh, absolutely. Exactly right. I mean, that was, that was designed to get him to blow a stop or get, get rattled. But, you know, he handled it pretty well and they did not, again, that was not a big part of it. I mean, I don't, they didn't, the moderators, they didn't push that type of thing. You know, most of their questions were all about substance and global warming and immigration and that kind of thing. So I don't think that, you know, I don't, again, does this, does this move the needle at all one way or another? I don't, I don't think it probably will very much. We'll have to see in the next few days, but I wouldn't expect a big jump either way for you. Well, one thing's for sure that the undecided voters, if they weren't watching the debate tonight, they'll see the clips. They'll see the sound bites because in the 24 hour news cycle now where we've got news content all the time, people are going to catch those audio clips. Do you think there's a possibility, again, and this is, this again, a space, do you think it's even possible for them to edit that debate down where Joe Biden can look better? I don't know. Boy, you had to cut a lot of it out. Yeah, because even when he was talking and not freezing up, you know, it was hard to keep up with what he was saying and try to, you know, put together what, you know, what are you trying to say here, Joe? I mean, I'm not following it. You know, it was, it was confusing on the listener's part. So they'd really have to chop it up. I'm sure some of them will probably try. I would have to say, but given the fact that they've already come out with almost, you know, horrified, you know, attitudes and I don't know how much of that they're going to do. I mean, what shocked me was again, how quickly they came out with, hey, maybe, you know, we do need to replace this guy. Yeah, I mean, I think that's what shocked us the fact that they said what we already knew they were thinking out loud. And that was very shocked because again, if they say it on Fox News, you kind of expect that because they've been saying that for months. But when MSNBC, when Rachel Maddow is sitting up there and saying that exact same sentiment, when she's asking that question, when that's one of the first questions, they ask Gavin Newsom when he comes on. I'm going to be really interested to see how Kamala Harris handled that interview that they were going to get to, you know, sometime after we went live, because I think that's going to be very interesting as you continue to watch folks break down this debate over the next couple of days because in weeks, because it's going to be, isn't it a couple of weeks away before the second debate, correct? Yeah, I wasn't even sure when the second debate was, but yeah, I think that was supposed to be a second one. I know there's already people saying that they predict that they're not going to have that one. Well, the left's already saying that Trump's not going to do it. And from a strategy standpoint, I think I can't say, I think he should because I think he can further expose him, but at the same time, the contrast was put on display tonight. And from a strategy standpoint, I can see you saying, but we already showed the American people how big of a difference there is and not going through with it. But I don't know that you want the headache of the media because MSNBC was already floating that, not that Joe Biden wouldn't want to do a second debate, that Donald Trump wouldn't want to do a second debate. They're already put more reason for Trump to come out and say he's going to do it. Yeah, I agree with that. I think he should. I don't really fear Joe Biden doing better in a second debate because he didn't do well tonight. Now, we've seen this in the past where somebody had a poor debate performance in the first debate and they came out in the second one much better. So let's go back to Barack Obama versus Mitt Romney. Obama bombed that first debate. And then the second to the second and third debates, Romney looked bad. So Obama came out better in that second debate. Again, didn't agree with the word he said. I'm talking about from style standpoint, he was a much better debater in the second two debates. I think that helped turn the tide in his favor, not that there's a huge difference between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney anyway, but you see what I'm saying here that a second chance, we've seen history say that somebody can perform better in a second debate. The difference then was Barack Obama was a young energetic candidate still. Joe Biden is definitely not that. And I think Democrats are now afraid because they think that's the best they're going to get. Yeah, there's no doubt about that. And I don't see how they can get any better. I mean, you know, they got to be looking at that thinking, oh, my gosh. And of course, the other problem is the second debate could be worse than this one. Of course, I just looked up the Republican National Convention starts July the 15th. So there's what that's less than two weeks. Yeah, I mean, three weeks, less than three weeks. That's, you know, and then the Democrats are right behind it. So, I don't know what I'm not sure when the second debate was scheduled, but that's leading right into the RNC. And then, of course, the Democrats usually about a week behind it, because of the party in power always gets to go second. So they don't have long. Again, do you do you let him get the nomination and then force him off a ticket? But if you do that, you can't mess around. I mean, you got to give the new candidate enough time to get out there. There's a lot of questions tonight. There's no quick. There's no doubt about that. Absolutely. If I'm reading this correctly, I just looked it up. The second debate will definitely be after the convention. It's not scheduled till September 10th. So that may be part of the traditional debates. Yeah. But there's only going to be two this time. There's not going to be three. It's only unless they add a third, but right now they've only agreed to the two with the first one taking place before the conventions. Let me ask this because again, I think it's July 11th is when Donald Trump is supposed to be sentenced for the felony convictions. How big of a part is that sentencing going, especially with it coming right before the convention like that? I mean, is that going to be something that's going to move the needle? I mean, in the most part from what we've seen since Trump's convention, we've seen him be turned into more of a martyr, similar to the way how folks viewed his treatment during the Republican debates back in 2016 when he was, well, even all the way back in 2015. I think it's when they first started those debates and how Trump, everybody ganged up on him and that helped create Donald Trump's momentum because people didn't like that. And we're already seeing this martyrdom being placed on him. I think this was a mistake on the Democrats part to pursue these cases in court because I think it's had the reverse effect of what they were hoping to happen. And even Trump mentioned how much money he could raise. He raised a staggering amount of money after all that. And of course, you know, most of the most American people believe in fundamental fairness. And they don't see this as fair as he is at a political attack, which is exactly what it is, a political persecution of Donald Trump. And it could be very careful with that. I mean, you know, it's just, there's all kind of problems with it. I mean, he could be sentenced and then, of course, the judge could impose. I mean, can you pass and pose an order in him right to jail? Of course, he could have a problem with a secret service there, but, you know, gosh, already use, you know, let him stay out why he appeals it. Because you're getting dangerously close to, you know, interfering with an election here. And that may be what people see it as. Obviously, it fires a lot of people up and there's a lot of people that, just not only because of how bad Biden is, but how Trump's being treated saying, you know, I wouldn't have got to vote for Trump. You know, I'm going to vote for it now. I mean, I've seen quite a bit of that in the last few weeks. So, you know, I think people see it for what it is. We just have to see how that plays out throughout the fall campaign. And because these numbers, I'm asking numbers all over the place, but there's a lot of polls that show Trump leading in all the battleground states. I think Biden is struggling with a lot of people when you, when you're when you're grocery bills going up to as much as people's grocery bills have gone up and other things. Inflation or kill a presidential campaign asking me Carter. Yeah, than anything else. Well, you know, let's talk about inflation because that was one of the very first things they got into. And of course, Biden tried to place all the blame on Trump because he had to fix the COVID issues. Trump pointed out that there wasn't inflation problem when he left office and that's accurate. You know, so, and we can get into the discussion about how some of the COVID policies, even under Trump may have helped lead to that happening eventually anyway. But I think it would have gotten addressed much faster under a Trump administration than it has been under a Biden administration. And the fact that Biden is bragging about job growth. He didn't grow jobs. The jobs that went away during COVID came back because they had to shut down because businesses had to lay people off during the height of the pandemic because they just didn't have a choice at that time. It's what had to happen. So it's pretty interesting when you listen to the two sides talk about it because I think that is the defining issue of this race because nothing speaks to the American public more than their pocketbook. And when you go to the grocery store to pick up groceries that you used to go out of there with only spending $20 and now you're spending $60 to $100 for the same items. It leaves a mark on any candidate. And they, and they asked a pretty tough question on that. Of course, what they try to do is say that inflation was at 9% when Biden came to office. That was 1.4%. And of course, the reason interest rates are so high now is the Fed has had to raise interest rates to squeeze out the inflation. So the inflation to the, of course, Biden tries to move past this inflation reduction act and that has brought it down a little bit. Actually, no, what's brought it down is the Federal Reserve raise and interest rates to squeeze it out. And of course, that hurts the other parts of the economy because, you know, when you can't buy a house at 7% interest, I mean, you just can't do it. I mean, it's 7% interest, every 30 year mortgage of $409,000 house costs you a million dollars over 30 years. And that's, and that causes other problems. So the problem is that they're creating more money and they're spending it. We've done a lot more than that under Biden. That's why. And again, that's the problem with those sending out those COVID checks because you're creating money and putting it in people's pocket. And of course, during COVID, they were everybody was running out spending every cent of it. I mean, that pumps a lot of money in the economy, new money into the economy. Of course, when Reagan came into office, the inflation was so bad in the car, they cut taxes severely. But obviously we go have more inflation. No, you're not because that's not create new money. You're giving people more of their own money back. And what happened with inflation? It came down considerably on the rate. So don't listen to these liberals. They were trying to say all these Nobel Prize winning economists that Trump's plan was terrible. Yeah, right. They're all a bunch of liberals. They're all a bunch of socialists. They're all going to say that who cares what a bunch of Nobel Prize winners? They're not, they don't mean anything. Just like economics 101, you got it. You can't keep creating money and pumping into the economy and not have inflation. You just can't do it. 100% accurate. And that's the telltale sign. The other thing that Joe Biden brought up was the number of scholars in academia that voted Trump the worst president in the history of our country. Oh, you know I laughed at that. Oh, I did too, because we know what academia is. It's a liberal bastion. You know, I mean, they're very few in that profession that share your ideology. I mean, you're probably one of the very rare ones. And that's to me to cite that. And again, ranking the president is a very subjective thing. I mean, it's something I can rate the president's one way and you may rate him entirely differently than I did, because again, it's a matter of opinion. So, and when the folks putting out the opinion are decidedly left leaning, of course they're going to say Donald Trump was the worst president. They're the ones that put FDR at the top. Yeah. Oh, sure. Anytime a new presidential poll comes out like that, a survey of quote unquote scholars. First thing I do is go and look at who the scholars are. Because I know most of them. And you'll look down through there and you'll see very few conservatives and you'll certainly see very few people that would be Jeff or Sony in an outlook or very conservative outlook. I think the last one that C span did, Amity Slades was on it. And she actually wrote a really good biography of Calvin Coolidge and she endorsed my book on Born Hearting. She and I talked on the phone about the book and everything and she's very nice. And she was on that. But other than her. I mean, it's just a bunch of people that, as you say, they like if they are they like Woodrow Wilson. They like Lyndon Johnson. So those are getting the votes. So it doesn't surprise me at all. I can I can find 159 presidential scholars in California that would say Trump's the worst president and, you know, they've already ranking Obama near the top 10. Els on a radio show the other day in New York City and they asked me about that kind of thing and ranking presidents. I said, the problem is how do you rank somebody like Obama or even Trump. And we're just now as historians getting a good assessment of the things that, you know, Reagan did and Bush and Clinton. All this stuff going on with Russia and Ukraine and all that. That you can trace that back to the end of the Cold War and Clinton's terrible foreign policy toward. I mean, all of that stuff, it takes a long time to assess a president. So I kind of chuckled at that and they're kind of back and forth on that because what does what does it matter? Yeah. It doesn't matter to people whose grocery bill has gone up, you know, as much as it's gone up and and can't put gas in the tank and lost their job to an illegal. That's that's what, you know, nobody cares about that and some of the other things that got brought up tonight. Well, the other thing, and again, we mentioned FDR before and one of the things that was pointed out by the MSNBC commentators, again, decidedly liberal, the folks that say he's the greatest president of all time. They actually said that on that broadcast, but what they pointed out was that FDR, of course, we know now he was in a wheelchair. They pointed out the fact that he was never allowed, he never allowed him when to photograph him in the wheelchair. And there was a reason for that because again, optics matter. And tonight, you saw the equivalent of FDR in a wheelchair when you saw Joe Biden walk out on that stage looking as old and frail as he did. Yeah, I mean, of course, you know, FDR and that was the media was different in those days. The media was not like today. They were not got your type journalism and the media stayed away from what they considered personal issues. There was actually agreements with the media back then that they wouldn't, they were turning their cameras off. They wouldn't take pictures like that. And of course, you're exactly right. I mean, that's this, this, this exposed a lot. And what we'll have to see is as we've mentioned before, the me and how the media handles this in the coming days and weeks, that's what's going to be interesting is how much they push it or they try to kill it and let it die down. I think they're going to have their best efforts, but based on the initial reaction, it doesn't appear they're going to. I think their talking point are going to be, should we replace Joe Biden? I think they're going to, because again, they already started Donald Trump lied, Donald Trump lied. Even during his speech after the debate, Joe Biden was echoing that. So you're already seeing the folks that all he did was get up there and lie. You know, maybe, maybe there were some points that if you want to nitpick, you could say he was stretched the truth in some areas. No more than any other candidate has done. Definitely no more than Joe Biden was doing when he was trying to inflate his own record. Do you think that that strategy of just trying to fact check Donald Trump and say that everything he said was a lie? Do you think that's a winning strategy? No, I noticed that too that so many times Trump would say something that would be Biden's turn to respond. He would say everything he just said is malarkey, everything he said was a lie. I mean, how many times did he do that? That's where you would have gotten drunk in a drinking game. Yeah, sure. I mean, that's probably all they have. I mean, they really have a very, very weak candidate. It was a very, very weak record. I agree 100%, you know, it was a fascinating debate tonight. And of course, at one point, it diluted all the way to their golf games. You know, you can probably, that might be somewhere where Trump stretched truth to how great he played golf, but I don't know, I've never played with the man. He might be brilliant, but I'm just going to ask the question because it's a funny one. It's not necessarily a serious one. Who do you run think would win when a golf came between Donald Trump and Joe Biden? Well, I joked about it tonight on Twitter and elsewhere. And after they said that, I kind of tweeted out and said, I'd rather see the golf game, the golf contest and this, to be honest with you. And I think that would be pretty funny, but I think it's obvious Trump would be a lot better than golf course. Now, I just kind of chuckled, I thought, here we have, you know, we have devolved into this discussion of golf. And I thought Trump was really, really strong for about a good 40, 45 minutes, but it kind of went that way for a little while before they kind of brought it back to more reality. But you see the moderators saying, "Hey, let's get back on substance here and talk about golf." And maybe it should do that. Maybe that'd be a fun thing to do with the cameras there and watch them out and hit a few rounds. If Biden's camp allows that to happen, then they all should be fired. Let me tell you something. Yeah, let me tell you something. That is Michael Dukakis isn't in the tank. I mean, that's what that would be. This was just about that bad, I mean. But yeah, I mean, never forget Dukakis in the tank. I mean, that blew up whatever little bit of campaign he had back in '88. So, you know, most of them are very, you know, they understand that's why you never see presidents put things on their head, like helmets and so Trump usually did. But people, that's kind of a thing, you know, don't put football helmet on. I think Joe Biden did that the other day with the cheese helmet or something. I must have missed it if he did. So, you know, they're very cognizant of optics and things. And do you know the staff had to be in cringe mode the whole night with this and the people that are listening to this? If you didn't see it, just look at it and see what you think. I mean, that was it was certainly cringe worthy. And again, and I'll reiterate, I felt sorry for Joe Biden. I said, this is really sad. It was sad, you know, especially knowing that this used to be one of his specialties and it was not tonight. It was it was a clear weakness. You saw a clear contrast and the real question that everybody has to ask now is who do you think is better fit to lead us for the next four years? Get away from the personalities. Get away from that. Tell me which one you think puts us in a position of strength and which one you think puts us in a position of weakness. Hands down. I mean, if you if if if look substance aside, all the other side issues aside, I mean, if you're just looking at it from that, I mean, it's a hundred to nothing. I mean, there's there's no debate on that. Again, looking at Joe Biden's performance, I should put strike fear into a lot of people and it's not going to strike fear into our enemies. They're looking at that probably laughing tonight after that. And that's not good. I mean, you know, our enemies respond to strength. And, you know, one thing Trump talked about on foreign policy, it was right. You know, he said, none of these things, the world's basically on fire now. And it was not what I was president. It was, you know, China was restrained and Iran was restrained and Russia was restrained. And, you know, Hamas wouldn't have pulled that on Trump's watch. There was a lot a lot of that. And I think he was I think he was wise to bring that up. And, you know, Joe Biden comes into office and the world explodes. Why? Because they don't they don't they have no they have no respect for Joe Biden. Do you think Putin respects Joe Biden? Not at all. Not at all. I mean, not at all. The Chinese and the Chinese have gotten in their back pocket. We know that. But yeah, I mean, enemies respond to that. And they they have their intelligence services and analyze those things. And, you know, again, it's just night and day. I agree. You know, it was a fascinating debate to hodge. You know, it was different from any other debate that I remember watching, you know, again, like the format, like the way that CNN ran it. My early criticisms of allowing CNN to run the debate. I can I can admit when I'm wrong because I thought they did well, as we mentioned earlier in the show. And because they stayed out of the way and allowed the candidates to put themselves on display. Donald Trump was their winner tonight. I mean, I don't think it was even close. No, I wasn't close. Yeah, exactly. But it was it was not close. I mean, again, substance wise, I would like to say a little bit more substance, typically on certain topics. But again, as I said earlier, Trump seemed to be in command of himself. And and really the whole stage in Biden, he looked very weak and frail and confused at times. And it's just not good. And I think it's, I think, again, it's going to be interesting to watch and see what happens. I have to keep up with it in the news. Absolutely. It's been fascinating campaign to this point because not only do we have a former president running against the current president for a rematch. But we also have a president that had several indictments and now has been convicted of 34 counts of a felony. The argument that Trump was making is the fact that he was a political prisoner. And I think that's accurate because it does feel like the Biden administration directed this. I mean, the judge in that case had a daughter that was a part of the Biden campaign. And so again, you knew it wasn't going to be a fair trial. You knew from the get go how this was going to play out. You hoped it wouldn't, but it played out the way that it did. And it played out the way you expected. And I think that was what the Democrats were hoping that they could say convicted felon convicted felon over and over again and sway this race. And they have, but it seems to be swaying it through the opposite direction than what they intended. And I think that's, I think we got to watch the case, particularly on appeals, because you've got a lot of liberal attorneys out there who are not fans of Trump saying this, this is a terrible miscarriage of justice. Like you said, the connections and things and Alan Dershowitz and Jonathan Turley and people like that. I said, this is going to get thrown out immediately when it gets to appeals court because it's so bad. And I think they know that and they're trying to get this campaign over and get Trump defeated before it all gets tossed out because it looks like the one in Atlanta has come completely a part of the same. And, you know, that's not going to look good. So they're just trying to get it over with, I think. I think that's accurate. I think it was a miscalculation on their part. And it's a scary scenario because as Trump was pointing out, going out and convicting your political opponents is something that is very un-American in the first place. And then, of course, they tried to paint Trump as somebody who, if he wins, he's going to have a hit list of his enemies and try to get retribution. He said he has said and gone on record that he won't do that. Now, they're harping on the fact that he said I'd have every right to, which he probably shouldn't have said that, but he never said that he would, matter of fact, he took it that extra mile and said he wouldn't. And if he had left it at that, they wouldn't have that additional sound bite, but I don't think that that additional sound bite is playing as well as they were hoping. You know, particularly when people think all this is unfair anyway, and you put yourself in that position and you say, how would you feel if this was you or a member of your family been done this way? Absolutely. You know, it's just, and I think people see it that way. I think that's why he's dumbing. You would think with all his political baggage, he should be in terrible position to polls. Some of these polls are very looking very, very good for Trump, so it's not working. We're still a long ways away from November, and anything can happen, including the Democrats replacing their candidate. So there's so many unknowns. I mean, you have to feel good today, because again, in putting the two side by side and getting that contrast, it couldn't have been any clearer. Ryan, is there anything before we sign off you want to leave with the listeners tonight? No, I just think we've covered it quite extensively here. Again, what we have to do is look and see how this plays out. That's really the big thing. Is this story continuing on, or is this story dialed? It looks pretty, as they say, the stories will have legs. I think you might want to see it around for quite some time. There seem to be a lot of emotion seeing in and other places about this on Democrats. So they hit the panic button, and we'll just have to wait and see. Absolutely, Ryan. Thank you so much for being a part of this episode. Obviously, we're recording much later than I normally do just because we wanted to watch this debate. And I really appreciate you jumping on here tonight and giving us some historical context as well as, you know, your opinion on what we saw tonight. I don't think anybody shocked at how you and I were going to see the debate. Matter of fact, I released an episode of our morning show, Morning Coffee, this morning where I said, "Team, Trump's going to say they won. Team Biden's going to say they won. But where I'm being proven wrong is Team Biden doesn't feel like, doesn't seem like they're saying they won. The Democrats, MSNBC, CNN, they're not talking. Apparently, ABC as well, because I had a friend that was watching ABC that was texting and said, "ABC's talking, they need to replace them." So that's one spot I was wrong. And that tells you how clear it was when his allies are clearly saying that he did not win tonight's debate. That's pretty dandy. Well, it seems that the DNC talking points have gone out tonight. There's a reason Gavin Newsom was one of the first interviews that MSNBC grabbed. And I'll leave it at the hat. And you're right. Well, Ron, again, thank you for being a part of the right side tonight. Thank everyone out there who tuned in live, if you did. Of course, you know, tomorrow morning this episode will release proper, and we will have the show out tomorrow morning by the time you get to drive to work. So you can hear our thoughts again. There will not be a Morning Coffee episode tomorrow. This episode is replacing the Morning Coffee for this particular Friday. And it's a very interesting time in our country. It's a very interesting time in our world to sit back and see at a bait like this where you see a one person who the media instantly was going to criticize however he did, no matter what, come out on top against their darling, against the guy that they want to see win when they're the ones that are actively out there being critical of his performance. That tells you all you need to know. Guys, this has been the right side radio program. Again, thank you all so much for listening. We'll see you again real soon. [Music] [Music] [ Silence ]