The Right Side Radio Show

Morning Coffee With The Right Side: The Great Divide

As we get ready for tonight's debate, we need to realize just have much our nation has become divided. Can we ever come back from this great divide?

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27 Jun 2024
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Travelism will run rampant on social media, you can rest assured that if you are on Team Trump or Team Biden, that you will have an opinion one way or another. And even if you think you're lost, you won't publicly admit that because you don't want your guy to have lost. Debates used to be meaningful, they used to have more issues. The question now is, do debates really matter? Does the American public actually pay attention to them? Are they a necessity the way that they once were? I don't know that they are any longer because, quite frankly, I don't think most people are going to pay as much attention to the debate as they should. And really and truly, if they're not going to come out and focus on the issues, if they're going to come out and focus on the 30-second soundbite, I called them a convicted felon. I called them Sleepy Joe. If that's all that we're going to get the focus on in this debate, then are we really going to get anything tonight? Are we really going to get anything out of what we're going to witness tonight? And as I got to thinking about this upcoming debate, I also got to thinking about where we're at as a nation. This country has never been more divided than it is today. I can't think of a time in our history. Probably the last time we were this divided, we fought a civil war in this country. The right is not wanting to bend a knee, and the left is not wanting to bend a knee. Liberals hate conservatives. Conservatives might be a little indifferent to liberals, but nonetheless, there's certain issues there's no compromise on them. There's no area. There's no gray area where we can switch things around and give it in. We're currently amassing an incredible debt. The national deficit continues to go up, up, up. It's some point, and I know people think that you're just an alarmist when you say this, but at some point, we're going to drive over that cliff. At some point, we're not going to be able to come back. We're getting closer and closer to that every day. And what comes of this great nation when we finally do drive over that cliff? That's a question I don't have an answer to. And that is a question that I lay awake at nights, more than ones thinking about. I love the United States of America. I believe in the vision that this nation was founded upon, but I don't know that I believe in the vision that the current folks in Washington have for this country because I don't see where it's sustainable. Sure, we're going to sit around and watch the debate tonight, but unless there are some true changes made in whoever the next administration is, and I'm not talking just small, incremental changes, I'm talking major, full-blown, let's change stuff around type changes. Unless that happens, we're not going to see this great nation survive for too many more years. People say that the United States is too big to fail, but they've said that about greater nations throughout our history and they fail. It's frightening because we may see it happen in our lifetime. We may not see it in our lifetime, but it may be our children's or our grandchildren's lifetime. But rest assured, if they don't start making substantial changes, it's going to happen. And based on the division that we're in, based on how far apart we are on the issues, that's why I don't think it's going to be too much longer. You look at the two candidates, Donald Trump and Joe Biden, you couldn't get more different than those two men. They help represent that a fight in this country. The reason I started off the show talking about tonight's debate was to illustrate a point here, and that point is clear as day, that no matter what is said in the debate tonight, no matter how this debate goes, Team Trump is going to claim victory, Team Biden is going to claim victory. And if you're already in one of those camps, you've already decided before you watch tonight's debate, who's going to win the debate? And no matter what you witness on the performance, it's not going to change your mind. And if anyone is critical of your candidate, then they are just coming from a position of bias. Tell me if I'm wrong. I don't think that I am. That illustrates how far and how deep this divide runs. And the question, especially as we're coming up close to Independence Day, the true Independence Day, July 4th, how many more celebrations is this great nation going to have? How many more celebrations are we going to have as the country that we know today? I can't answer that question, and that scares me. It scares me. We need to be more engaged. We need to pay better attention. We need to make sure that our candidates understand that we understand how dire the situation is and that we expect them when they're at get elected to work hard to make the fundamental changes that must be made to save us from going over that cliff. This has been morning coffee with the right side. And I'm your host, Jack Fairchild's, and we're a part of the Midnight Rod Network. Judy was boring. Hello. Then Judy discovered jumbo It's my little escape. Now Judy's the life of the party. Oh baby, mama's bringing home the bacon. Whoa, take it easy Judy. The jumbo life is for everybody. So go to jumbo and play over a hundred casino style games. Join today and play for free for your chance to redeem some serious prices. Chump at No purchase necessary. We're prohibited by law. 18 plus terms and conditions apply. See website for details.