The Fan Early Morning Show

Is it more impressive if an athlete stays with one team for a career?

With Sidney Crosby deeply into the backend of his career, Nicholas "Harry" Callas talks about the value of an athlete playing for one team for their entire career.

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02 Jul 2024
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Purple has a wide variety of mattresses from the original purple mattress to the Restore Hybrid Collection that combines gel flex grid with coils and the Rejuvenate Lux Collection, the height of luxury, with over 112,000 to five star reviews to prove it. Visit to find the perfect purple for you and enter code podcast 10 to get 10% off. Sports Radio 93, 7 the fan. Hello and welcome. My name is Tickleless Harry Kellis. This is the Fan of the Morning Show. It's for the average Joe. And the average Joe wants to shop like a pro. The average Joe can go to see Joe our wholesale. Our Fan of the Morning Show sponsor. And it's a good morning. It's nice Tuesday prior to Roth yesterday. So nothing new necessarily to report there. I think they made any significant moves. And also free agency in the NHL started. Penguin signed three players. And so I'd like to start with the with the penguins today because I heard the cook. Not the cooking Joe show anymore. I keep wanting to call it that, but it's just the Joe Starkey show right now. They were talking yesterday, Paul's ice and pump was in and they were all kind of discussing a couple of things. One of them was whether it matters or not for a guy to stay with one team or eventually move on and go somewhere else and play for another team. And the morning show yesterday, Jim colony was in yesterday. He'll be in today as well. Dorne was in though with Jim and they were talking about if the game has since passed Crosby, but if he's done. So one discussion has as this wondering if Crosby's over the hill in terms of being among the best of the best. And then the other one says, well, Crosby moves on. I mean, is it is it that impressive to stay with one team for your entire career or does being a piece of a championship team is that more important or is getting the back right getting paid is getting paid more valuable than being loyal to one team. So we're talking about that today. I'm going to answer that question because I think it's an interesting discussion and you can as well join the conversation for one, two, nine, two, eight, nine, three, seven, zero. You can also talk to me on exit callus underscore three three that's C A L L A S underscore three three. Oh, don't forget you can watch on YouTube as well. I mean, that's been out for a little while now, but if you still don't know, now you do We've got the fan live stream. We also put a bunch of content to there. So it's worth a subscribe, but it's a live stream every weekday Monday through Friday. We have a live stream going from five to 10. Unless there's a pirate game on, then we shut it off, but for all the talk shows, we have it on from five to 10. Okay. So Paul had the argument in particular that I kind of want to target, not because targeting Paul, but I think it's an interesting point that he brought up. You know, why does it matter? Nobody in, nobody in in sports is really going to look at an individual player and say, Hey, you played for multiple teams. You're not that good. So from that perspective, I understand that, you know, nobody's gonna, nobody's gonna, if Crosby goes to another team, if eventually he's, he's not willing to get signed back, you know, then that's whatever. And I heard that they were working on some extensions as well and Crosby's the priority. So maybe this argument would be moot, but I still find it interesting. So let's play the hypotheticals here, right? If Crosby one day was like, you know what, I don't want to play for the, the Penguins anymore. This isn't worth it. I want to go somewhere else because the Penguins are in one state of mind. Penguins are in a rebuild direction, and I'm still good enough to go search for championship and be a piece somewhere else. So this, this hypothetical is where it stands. And Paul argues, he says, well, you know, why does it matter? And I agree with that perspective on it. Nobody's going to care as much or nobody, I think is going to be unimpressed by the career of a player, if a player plays from more than one team. And that's true. I mean, there are so many greats talks about Gretzky played for a couple different teams. LeBron James played for three, Tom Brady played for two. So we think about the great players in sports. Many of them have played for multiple teams and one championships in most of those cases with multiple teams. So from that perspective, you're right. I mean, no, no individual's career is going to be looked on as poorly just because they play for a different team. And I don't think that in the grand scheme, the reflection of fans when we reflect on Sidney Crosby's career, when he eventually does retire, I don't think that anybody, even if he does play for another team to end his career, is going to look at his tenure here or look at his impact in Pittsburgh and think anything negatively about him. So from that perspective, if we're saying, you know, are our fans of Pittsburgh going to to shame Crosby for playing for a different team, I would say no. And do players careers get looked as less impressive because they didn't play for one team? Just one team in their careers. And then the answer is no. But I would make this argument just from this perspective. We're talking about who had a more impressive career. Now, again, this isn't hanging in the balance weight that's being thrown on here. It's not okay. Well, it's one player better than the other just because they played for one team, not necessarily. But I don't think it's overrated when you factor in that a player played for one team as opposed to multiple teams. And here's why. I think it is slightly more impressive to play for one team your entire career, especially if you win your entire career with one team, which that's very rare. Now again, if you just play for one team and you're a player who plays for one team and just, you know, goes through the motions and just, you know, does the thing and you don't win. You just stay just to stay. That's not as impressive. But I mean, let's say there's the hypothetical where you have one player playing for one team and over a great span of time, you win multiple championships. In that case, I would say that that is more impressive. It is more impressive to stay with one team if that were the case. And the reason is because if you're traveling to different teams and you're winning championships with different teams, it's easier as a player to fit in as a piece of a team that's already rebuilding than to stay with one team and go through the different stages that that team has to go through to break down, rebuild, and then go back on the rise. I mean, it's easy for a player to go into a situation where you've already got a great team around you. You're on a team that's already rebuilding and is already going on the rise. It's easy to hop to those different teams and be a piece of something that is building. Now, the Penguins have been very fortunate in Sydney Crosby's career that they haven't had to really rebuild since he's been around. He was the rebuilding. He was the prominent rebuild piece that brought the Penguins a lot of success. You know, Malkin's there, Fleury's there throughout, you know, most of that history where they won championships, all the good stuff. I mean, they've acquired good players around these guys, no doubt. But those are the centerpieces that have made the Penguins great. So they haven't really had to rebuild. This is very foreign for the Penguins. If the Penguins could have a short rebuild and they develop guys quickly enough and Crosby's still on the team and they went another championship and that would make it a championship in each decade of the new millennium. Yeah, I mean, that would that would be more impressive to me than if Crosby said, you know what, this isn't the right state for me right now. I think I have a better opportunity as a player somewhere else. I'm going to go get some more money and try to win a championship with somebody else. I think it's more impressive to stick around the team for your entire career. No, again, that's not shaming players. Don't take that statement as shaming players who do hop teams and do chase the money. I mean, there is a there is an aspect of getting paid in this profession that I don't want to shame any athlete for doing. And if you win a championship with many of the teams that you're on, there's no there's no shame in that either. But it is slightly more impressive. And I don't think it's that overrated. It's slightly more impressive to go through this, the the stages of what some of these teams do. Again, you're on the rise, you're a champion, you're on a fall decline, rebuild, and then rise up again, development, and then champion, you know, become champions again after that. That to me is more impressive to be on one team because those stages take a little bit of time to progress through it. So when you do it for one team, you're working with elements that aren't in your control to try to contribute to winning. Whereas I would say, I mean, nobody's acquiring Sydney Crosby unless they're on the rise. Right. The Tampa Bay Buccaneers in Tom Brady's case were on a slow rise and they just needed a quarterback that didn't throw a bunch of interceptions all the time. And their offense flourished when he was there. LeBron James went to a Miami Heat team that was already stacked. And he was just the, well, he was kind of the batter and the icing on top was the other players around him because he was the best player in the league at that time. And so maybe if you have that opinion still, if he's the best player in the league, but that's not the argument here that the team was already on the rise. The Miami Heat was already really good. And then they just put LeBron on and it was just, you know, elite and a super team. And, you know, they won a lot with him on that team. So I would say that, you know, no, LeBron did more impressive things to he went back to Cleveland when the championship there beat the big super team of the Golden State Warriors. So that's not a shame on his career. But I'm saying, if you do it with one team for the entirety of your career, and you win and you win championships, that to me is just more impressive. And I don't think that it's, it's an overrated thing to think about. Because again, it's, it's easy when you're one of the elite players in the league to go be a piece of a team that's rebuilding. And again, no team is going to sign an elite guy if that team doesn't need just that one extra piece to start winning. They're not going to sign a really good player and invest that money in a really good player to not win championships. So if you're one of the elite players in the league, you're becoming a piece of a team that's already forming elite status. And so in that argument, if the Penguins do have a chance at all to win a championship again while he's still playing in the league, it would be more impressive for him to stay here and try to do that. Now the Penguins got to set him up for success. He's going to need a little bit of help. He's going to need some good players. Or maybe if the Penguins do decide to just flush it down and start over and rebuild, which again, I mean, I've been very up and down on that opinion since I've been doing this show because I feel like I've said it for two years now with both the Steelers and the Penguins, neither of them rebuilt. They made some flashy moves in the off season and we got excited and then we're disappointed by the end of the seasons. So I don't know what they're what they're doing and Crosby's talent shouldn't be wasted. So if the Penguins don't have a chance at all to make the playoffs, then perhaps you would be better served somewhere else. But if we're talking about him winning another championship in Pittsburgh, if that's possible, if the Penguins can do a bit more if they if they decide not to rebuild or maybe they rebuild quickly and the Penguins are a true championship contender by the the next two, three years and he's still playing, it'll be more impressive for him to win again in Pittsburgh. He's again, you've gone through the ups and downs of the team and you stay on the team and you've still been a champion with that same team. That to me in that hypothetical scenario would be more impressive. Now that's also maybe unrealistic to some of you that they could win in the next two, three years and that's also fine to which I would say, yeah, it is a long shot to think that the Penguins could win a championship based on what we've seen this last year that they could win again in the next two to three years. It is a long shot. So in that case, if we're talking about Probables, maybe it would be better for him just in his career to go somewhere else eventually. Now again, this is all hypothetical because I know that he'll be signing an extension perhaps. I know the Penguins said that that was their top priority was to get him as an extension. I heard that last night and so I don't think anything's been official yet. I haven't heard anything. But that's the latest that I've heard is that they're working on extensions with Crosby. So maybe this is all a moot point. Maybe he'll stay and this is all hypothetical, but I do like having the conversation about. So I think it is an interesting factor I think to judge players on is that, you know, how well do they do with a singular team? And I don't think it's overrated to think about. I'm not going to shame players who leave because I get money is important and championships can be important for a career. But it's just that much more impressive if you can win consistently over time with just one team because again, there's there's more factors that you can't control as a player. When you stay with one team, as opposed to going to teams that use you as a piece to top off a rebuild. 4, 1, 2, 9, 2, 8, 9, 3, 7, 0. That's the phone number. We're going to call it on the line now who wants to speak. So go ahead. Good morning. What's your name? Hello. Hello. Hey, this chat. All right. What's on your mind? Hey, man, just want to talk about the pirates real quick. Good. Everybody. So they're saying a lot of people are saying, hey, next year is the year has to be the year. I don't know why this year can't be the year. I think they go out and this is this is a big move. Hey, go out, get Luis Roberts from from from Chicago and then one outside another pitcher and bring in Trevor Bauer. I just I think Trevor Bauer is being blackballed by the by the league. And I think that would put a put some butts in seats. I just think he has that kind of kind of attitude that would go along with the city here. Okay. Thank you for the call. Yeah. So yeah, no, that's that's a that's been a question that's been asked now and I'll talk about the pirates a little bit more next, but just to kind of summarize those points. I think the refrain has been and that's something that I've been talking about in a few others on this station have now it's like, why not the pirates? You know, why not the pirates? Pirates are still close. They're slowly moving further back. But why not the pirates? So it's a good point. Why can't they acquire? No, why can't this be their season? If I had to if I had to answer, if I had to answer, I still think that they've got a shot. But if I had to answer this season would not be their season because of some fundamental errors. They're not doing the little things right to be successful. And I think they could could have won more games this season with just better fundamentals. And I think that they lack those right now. And that's holding them back. And so whether they need to make a change with management, whether they need to need to make a change with players on the field, whatever the case may be, right now they're just fundamental play is not where it needs to be. And I don't think that one acquisition or or two acquisitions, I don't think Luis Roberts going to save the franchise, a variety junior might, but not this season, I wouldn't think it's just right now. I'm not totally down the team. I still have hope because I think that they just need to clean up some of those fundamental things and they'll be fine. But if they don't, if they don't clean up those fundamentals, they're still going to be in trouble. And that's what I have to say about that more on the pirates coming up next. If you want to get in on the conversation too, is it is it more important or more impressive for a player to stay with one team throughout their entire career and win or maybe even not win? Just you know, is it more impressive that a guy stayed with one team for his career, you know, in a professional sport? Is that more impressive than going to different teams and being able to win with multiple teams in a career? Call me on that 412928-9370. You can join the discussion there. You can also talk to me on X at callus_33, that's C-A-L-L-A-S_33. Talk to me there and I'm going to give the phone number one more time, 412928-9370. I'll be moving to the pirates. We'll talk a little bit about the pirates, kind of just review where they are and talk about the upcoming series against St. Louis Cardinals after this break. My name is Nicholas Harry-Callus. This is the fan early morning show on sports radio, 937 the fan. What kind of programs does this school have? How are the test scores? 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Visit to find the perfect purple for you and enter code podcast 10 to get 10% off. Sports Radio 93 7 the fan. Welcome or welcome back. My name's Nicholas Harry Callis. Happy Tuesday morning to you. It's the fan of the morning show. Talking a little bit about players, you know, is it overrated that they play for one team for their entire career? Is it okay that they go to play for more than one team? Given my spiel on that, we're also going to talk about the pirates here a little bit before this show ends. Got a couple minutes to talk and right now a caller is on the line who wants to speak. So I shall let them. Good morning. What's your name? All right, Frank, you're on the air. What's up? Oh, nice. Okay, well, I got very good. Okay. So somebody tweeted into me and said, one of the most overrated things in sports is on a player plays for one team for his or her entire career. Yeah, no, I definitely think that it's it's overrated if people say that that player isn't as good or good. If they go and play for more than one team, I'm just arguing that it's it is, I think objectively more impressive if a player wins multiple championships over their career with one team because that shows that that in particular player could could be a better player by going through the ups and downs of one team still doing well throughout their career and then helping the team when that team goes back on a rebuild. When a player goes to other teams, I think that it just they're already in a position by being as good as they are to go to other teams and be a piece they can contribute to winning at those other teams. Now again, it's hard to win a championship. It's really hard and the elite of the elite throughout sports we've seen can go to other teams and win championships. So I'm not saying that those players aren't necessarily good. I'm just arguing that I think it would objectively be more impressive to stay on one team and win multiple championships. No players should not play for another team just because of the sake of of just saying that they played for one team their entire career. I'm not arguing that either. I'm just saying if that were the case, it's more impressive that they win a championship with just one team throughout their career instead of moving on to others in that hypothetical scenario. But that would mean too that a team would have to be so good throughout a long span that a player even had the opportunity to win in multiple decades with the same team. So again, it's all it's all very hypothetical here. But I'm saying while it's an overrated conversation in certain aspects, I do think still that it is objectively more impressive if they were to again, win with just one team. Pirates play the Cardinals today in a series that is important for the wild card standings because the Cardinals right now have the third and final wild card spot in the National League. At least the last time I looked it up. So I'll just type in some letters here and check that again real quick. Just make sure that's accurate. National League wild card standings. Yeah, so the Cardinals still have it. The Mets and the Closers, one and a half games back. Pirates are three games back. So yeah, really, this is a big series for the Pirates. They also play the Cardinals again at the end of the month at PNC Park again. So big series. And that's why Spires could gain ground and not slowly regress. But the more games that they win in the series that will directly impact their place in the standings. So they've got a three game series coming up at PNC Park. And then they got the Brewers coming up shortly after two. So a couple of big series against National Central DePont. It's not that they're going to catch the Brewers in any capacity. The Brewers are looking like they're far out of reach. But the Cardinals are definitely a team that you want to catch. And they've got two opportunities and two different series to do that this month of July. Fan weather brought to you by Sun Chevrolet. Visit Sun Chevrolet, Washington, Road McMurray, or at Today is going to be a mildly hot one high of 84 low of 55. Clear skies expected tomorrow high of 89 low of 65. Partly cloudy skies expected. You don't just live in your home. You live in your neighborhood as well. So when you're shopping for a home, you want to know as much about the area around it as possible. Luckily, has got you covered. Each listing features a comprehensive neighborhood guide from local experts. Everything you'd ever want to know about a neighborhood, including the number of homes for sale, transportation, local amenities, cultural attractions, unique qualities, and even things like median lot size and a noise score. We've done your homework. Nice. Today's episode is sponsored by Nerd Wallet Smart Money Podcast. 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