Growing Thru Grace

Ecclesiastes 10:1-10 // Some Foolish Things (Part 1)

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30 Jun 2024
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This episode features a full length Bible study taught by Pastor Jack Abeelen of Morningstar Christian Chapel in Whittier, California.

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A little folly can ruin a lot. Foolishness has a great destructive capability. I love going in your grace. You love your end on me. And all that I do, love will keep me strong. All right. Let's open our Bibles this morning to the book of Ecclesiastes chapter 10. Solomon was king. And as the king was given by God, heavenly wisdom that no man up to him had known the depths of. In fact, the Lord said no one before or after him would be as wise as he. And it came as a request from Solomon to the Lord because he wanted to rule well the people and fill his dad David's shoes. He began well enough. If you read the book of Proverbs, you have no doubt read about the wisdom of God in Solomon's heart. He spends the first seven or eight chapters instructing his boy, his son, in the ways of the Lord. Solomon would be doing well historically as well. He took the nation forward in the things of God. But in the middle of his life, towards the end of his life, Solomon began to marry many heathen women. They brought their gods with them and in so doing turned Solomon's heart away from the one true living God that he had come to know and he had known as a young man as well. Solomon wrote this book Ecclesiastes, the word itself means to gather things together so that he might try to somehow discover was there life in the world, purpose in life in the world, apart from letting the Lord be a part of it, aside from faith and obedience to him. And notice that or remember that Solomon took this undertaking with the absolute authority of the king with unlimited, if you will, wealth that he had at his disposal. Life under the sun to Solomon meant just that, life without God. And so when you read these twelve chapters, you read Solomon's readings. I should say we read his insights, his observations, his conclusions, sometimes his frustrations, all of the considerations that he took in. And more often than not, as we've read, he just found himself at what's end. His determinations through these chapters have centered on four major issues. He goes back to them constantly. First of all, the monotony of life. If God isn't involved, if there's not the adventure that comes from following the Lord by faith, life will beat you down with its monotony. He writes about the emptiness or he uses the word vanity of having worldly wisdom. You can learn a lot, you can know a lot, but at some point you get stopped and you just have to look forward and say I don't know anymore. I don't know beyond this what I can possibly conclude. He writes in of the futility of wealth, of how you can work hard all of your life, gather things together, and yet not only do those things not please you, but you may have to leave them to someone after you who hasn't worked hard at all and doesn't see the value in those things that you do. Finally, he looks at death and the certainty of it. He keeps coming back to that idea of this life is not for long. All four of them, he gathers information from a horizontal plane. Not looking up, he's looking around. They are very frustrating to him. They leave him, each one of them, without purpose or hope. This morning as we start chapter 10, chapter 10 and 11 are very unique to Solomon because he's kind of coming to the end of his search. In fact, chapter 12 will take in one week because it declares this is what I've learned. But before he gets there, he spends these two chapters leading up to this to talk about only one thing, the wise in comparison to the foolish. He wants to set them in contrast like he does in the book of Proverbs. We find him doing that here as well. He wants to compare what a foolish life looks like and one that is wise in the eyes of the world. The Bible uses the term fool or foolish or foolishness about 180 times or so. Solomon uses them more than everyone else. The opposition to the fool in the Bible is a person who is wise and wisdom in the Bible is defined as someone who is godly in their outlook, who is skillful in the way that they live, who consider God in all that they do. A wise person takes God's word like the Bible that you have in front of you and says this is for me, this is God's direction for my life and makes it available to you. The fool in the Bible is not someone with a low IQ or someone that has a less educational kind of acumen or is somehow mentally deficient. The fool in the scripture is someone who morally as well as spiritually has nothing to run with because he doesn't take outside interest. He doesn't take outside counsel. He lives for the short term. He is involved in the way of living his life the way he wants. He's very self-indulgent and so Solomon wants to address the fool, someone who by definition doesn't want God involved and then a wise person who sees himself as someone that depends upon God for wisdom. I heard a quote years ago that said you should never argue with a fool loudly in public because if someone is walking by they may not be able to tell the difference or who's who. I heard a story a couple of years ago that I kind of I think highlighted the idea of being a fool. There was a a person who had grown up in the city who was tired of city life. I thought he'd maybe slow down and move to the country and looking around as to what he might do he decided he would buy a chicken ranch and raise chickens. So he bought 200 little chicks and put them out in the field and the next morning he got up and they had all died and he thought well this isn't going well so he bought 200 more in the second second day same thing 200 dead. Now he had 400 dead chickens and so he wrote to the Chicken Growers Association made a call and said look I'm not very good at this I'm new but I've lost 400 chickens in two days and I just wondered if you could help me am I planting them too close together or am I planting them too deep. To which the official wrote back and said I really can't help you and answer your question and tell you tell me what kind of soil you're using. Well that's foolish. That's just the kind of foolish that I think Solomon wants to talk to us about today and he spends a lot of time committing himself to defining for us what God would see as foolish and how we could live as wise folks. Look most of you I would suspect if you're on Sunday morning in front of your computer listening to a Bible study are in love with Jesus and because you know him you're not foolish right. You have decided that you're going to live the kind of life that is interested in what God has to say and not only are you going to listen you're going to put it into practice. You're going to commit yourself to I'm going to live by his counsel by his advice by his ways. You'll make good choices you won't be foolish in the ways that you go about life. When Paul wrote in Ephesians chapter 5 verse 15 to the Ephesians he said make sure that you walk circumspectly as the word that he used. Don't be fools be wise redeem the time the days are evil don't be unwise understand what God's will is well that's that's you and I right we don't have to be unwise we have God's word for for life we were told to put on the new man put off the old man embrace the wisdom that God gives us and so you want to make good choices I think people in the world want to you know get a good deal or make a wise investment but how much more when it comes to spiritual life and because you know the Lord and and you know his ways and you seek his ways you're not a fool you're you're wise the Bible if you just go to the book of I don't know the book of Psalms in the book of Proverbs just go through and look up the word wise and fool defines very clearly what one is and what one isn't as as Christians we don't have to be fools I guess you could be you could know the Lord ignore his counsel like Solomon was doing for a long time but God gives to us clear kind of characteristics of a fool for example you read in Psalm 14 verse one the the fool has said in his heart that there is no God there's no God now if you go look at that verse in your Bible you'll see that the words there is are in italics because those are added by the translator so that the English makes more sense but but it literally reads the fool says no to God no God he doesn't want anything to do with God a fool by definition denies God in practice and lives as if God doesn't exist don't don't have to check in with him don't have to listen to him don't have to follow his ways I'm on my own here that's what a fool does we read in Proverbs chapter 12 that a fool his ways are right in his own eyes it's he who takes counsel that's wise but a fool says this is I know what I'm doing and by definition a fool substitutes himself for God's place he decides what's right what's wrong he'll worship in a way that he decides he'll do what he wants and what he is clearly feels good about but he doesn't submit himself to God he's God in his own eyes that makes a fool we read in Proverbs chapter 14 verse 9 that a fool will mock sin and one of the attributes of a fool is that he denies sinfulness and once you eliminate the conviction of sin man you can justify anything in your life do whatever you want there is no sin no right and wrong it's all in the eyes of the behold in chapter 1 Solomon wrote in Proverbs that the beginning of the fear of the Lord or the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge but that fools will despise his wisdom in his instruction look the fool rejects the wisdom of God which I said most of you aren't fools you have God's word and yet to reject God's word it brings terrible consequences right the the fool dies for a lack of wisdom we we read in Proverbs 5 that he's entrapped himself in his own sin he's caught by its cords that his great folly will lead him astray so Solomon before he gets to the conclusion of walking with God spends a couple of chapters saying here's the fool and here's the wise one and it really boils down to are we willing to follow God's instruction or do you think we can do it on our own once we come to Jesus we're delivered from our foolishness we get on a road that will lead to what Paul said to Timothy in his second letter towards the end that I know that from your childhood you've known the scriptures which are able to make you wise on to salvation through faith in Jesus so we're supposed to be growing in our faith and walking circumspectly by the way the word circumspectly is one of four Greek words that translate perfect this one perfectly in the sense of watch out where you step look to the right look behind you look around look in front of you just be really on the alert as you walk God gives us wisdom so as we seek his light we don't fall in the world without fools doing it our own way we're we're submitted to him we're wise well this morning Solomon will give to us four little statements about foolishness we'll pick up the rest in the end of chapter 10 next week but this is Solomon's word to us before we look at the verses real quickly Hebrew poetry which is one of this is where this is in the the section on poetry in the Bible Hebrew poetry doesn't use rhymes rhyming words rhyming sounds it is interested in rhyming thoughts so you'll have a statement in the second statement we'll either rhyme with the first in terms of what it says or absolutely contradict or contrast it so that you can understand the difference in and the by definition the words are synonymous parallelism or antithetical that's that just means to stand in opposition but that's really the way Hebrew poetry works and that's certainly the case in these first 10 verses that we're going to look at this morning well here's point one of the four a little foolishness can ruin a great work a little foolishness can ruin a great work look at verse one it says deadflies putrefy the perform pure fumors ointment and cause it to get out a foul odor and so does a little folly to one respected for wisdom and honor cute perfumes in the days of Solomon for that matter the days of Jesus were often extracted from bark or from branches or even from leaves allos cinnamon frankincense and others but they they they drive them usually by taking these products and then soaking them in oil oftentimes hot oil and then when that soaking took place the essence of those those things the ingredients would would find its way in the oil they put them on the skin it wasn't really to smell good like you might put on cologne or perfume today but it was really so to hide the the body odor you you lived outside with animals it was pretty rough and so it kind of brought a sweetness to your presence the problem was in the process of taking this oil and this and this sweet aroma that would come from that would it would attract flies and so these flies would get in the in the oil in the process and died and and they're rotting kind of decading carcasses would would ruin the the smell as you might suspect in the example that we are given by proportion there's a lot more scented oil than there is rotting flies but yet there's the lesson because it only takes a little to ruin a lot and the application is found in the second part of the verse you can build your reputation for years living an honorable life have character that people respect and all but if you just make a few bad choices if you show yourself to be a fool a folly you set God's ways aside oftentimes the only thing people will remember of you when all is said and done is the stumble that you found yourself in rather than the years of faithfulness that no doubt preceded you a little folly can ruin a lot foolishness has a great destructive capability now you might think about that and say well that does not fair that's not me good grief I slipped one time and and now all of a sudden that's all you remember but that's the way it goes it used to be a politician that had an affair was no longer in office okay I get the fact that we degraded ourselves to the point where that's no longer an issue but more often than not you know a good life can be ruined by a bad example for just a little while let me use David King David as an example the Lord said of King David that that there was no king like him ever he was the most faithful diligent hard-working godly man that will find in the list of kings in the Old Testament however I think if you hear the words King David very well could come to your mind Bathsheep I get it it was a horrible thing that he did got involved with it took place over you know it was compounding sin took place over a year or more of time but that's usually what people remember you say King David they go ask Bathsheep but yet they never say oh talk about a faithful guy who's been faithful for so long and his glorious faithfulness for decades was marred and a reputation was was ruined in many ways by one foolish move if you will or at least one turned down the wrong but one left turn one hour one day one time and you you find this irreputable damage to his life to his family and even to the nation what does that mean to us well you know we're all subject to temptation all of us are our sinners we all have weak spots that we should be aware of everyone has an Achilles heel so be careful don't make provision for your place of stumbling pay attention and you know sometimes running is the only solution you remember Joseph was just a young man he was in his teens when his brothers sold him into slavery he was taken by a commander in Egypt he went to work for him his name was Potiphar but Potiphar's wife really took a liking to Joseph and when Potiphar was out of town and he had given Joseph run of the place he was a faithful young man you know mom put the moves on him and one day trapped him somewhere and invited him to to sleep with her I don't know how many teenage kids would have turned away from that offer from an older woman I don't know we're Joseph but Joseph a man this isn't right and she grabbed his his robe that was apparently nothing on underneath and he ran out of his robe down the street away from the trouble sometimes running is the only way you get away from temptation look Joseph didn't stop and try to share with her the four spiritual laws he just got out of town so what is it what is this telling us well sometimes you just need to walk away and maybe run away from the magazine rack or the cable show or the internet closer to home the donut shop or the bar your character is of great value and yet it is very vulnerable and a little folly can certainly make that beautiful ointment begin to stink a little folly can ruin a great work second of all if there's a lot of folly in your life everyone's gonna know verse two says this a wise man's heart is at his right hand the fool's heart is at his left and even when a fool walks along the way he lacks wisdom and he shows everyone he's a fool in contrast to the first guy where where his the ointment is you know is his life there's a little folly that enters into ruin a good work this example makes it abundantly clear that a lot of foolishness can't be hidden if the first guy has an indiscriminate moment this guy could care less because in his heart he has no control there's nothing controlling at the at his core there's no focus no guard there's no interest in a guiding wisdom if you will notice that we read the wise man keeps his heart it is right hand if you've read your bible you know that you've run across those words quite often the right hand is always the hand of power or of strength we read in Psalm 16 I think it is verse eight the lord I keep the lord always be for me he is at my right hand so I shall not be moved in a little bit later we will read in Psalms I think it's the same Psalm you show me the ways of life your presence there's fullness of joy at your right hand there's pleasure forevermore and we read of Jesus dying and then coming and to heaven and sitting down at the right hand of the throne of God so whenever you read right hand it always speaks of of that place of power or authority so the wise the wise man the wise woman finds their strength by turning to the Lord for strength by looking to God for help the fool turns away to the left he's on his own he could care less about God's opinion he doesn't need any oversight his ways are the are the only ways that he's concerned about and and and that's where he's comfortable his own control his own life his own choices no reliance upon God and as a result verse four to our verse three tells us as he's walking in this way as he's living his life everywhere he turns everyone goes now there's a fool fools are easy to spot they're just slow to change but along the way in his life he makes decisions all the time that God's ways are of little benefit he'd rather play it by ear and and have it his way the kind of person that if you tell them about the Lord or about God's help they'll say no no thank you not for me that verse that we quoted in in Psalm 14 verse one the fool says there's no God is repeated word for word for word in Psalm 53 verse one none for me look all of us are born into the world of sinners who need to be saved if you go to the Lord and keep him on your right hand you'll find eternal life if you die the way you were born and decide to do it on your own you're going to find God's judgment and the only way to get to heaven is to change from no God to yes God I want to follow your ways so though a small foolishness can ruin a great work of God in your life a lot of foolishness hey it's coming out you can talk about oh I believe in this and I'm going to do that but your life well you'll be found out by the way that you live people will know you for for the decisions you make it'll be obvious to everyone well in verse four and down through verse seven Solomon then writes about a couple of things number one a foolish ruler who has people that have to answer to him and number two the response of those who are under the influence or authority of a fool now what do you do so he says this in verse four if the spirit of the ruler rise against you don't leave your post for conciliation pacifies great offenses and then he said there's an evil I've seen under the sun an error that proceeds from the ruler ruler where folly is set in great dignity while the rich sit in a lowly place I've seen servants on horses while princes walk on the ground like servants if ever a person needed wisdom it's the one in charge right the one that has to oversee others and Solomon I think knew that first hand after all that's what he prayed for and received God's wisdom for to begin with he wanted to fill his dad's shoes by serving the people but those under him must also be wise and notice in verses especially in verse five six and seven Solomon addresses the fact that there are times when those who are in charge rather than being wise choose those who are friends rather than qualified and so they end up putting in place rulers that are as incompetent as they are and so the rich those who maybe should be in authority are not those princes who should be honored are now walking while the the fool sits on the horse and rides around her if you will it rules though he is incompetent even as incompetent as the one who put him there and now you're subjected to all of these folks over your life as a result the the qualified and the competent are treated like slaves and the incompetent are treated like royalty Solomon's own son Raya Bohm who followed him to the throne was a young man that that took over a kingdom that was as large and powerful as Israel had ever been and yet when he came to the power the older generation the the elders of the of the land said to him you know your dad was really hard on people when it came to taxes and if you want to the people to love you and obey and listen in fact it won't take much just ease up the burden that your dad placed upon them for so long well then he turned to his buddies who had just recently gotten power and they were filled with themselves and and his friend said well you know I don't know what your dad did but we're going to be tougher on the people in that we're in charge now we can get whatever we want and it led to to rebellion amongst the people that was disastrous civil war followed a nation was torn apart but you can find yourself in that situation and Solomon said I've seen this evil and it proceeds from the ruler and you see folly being set foolish as being set with great dignity as if somehow that's the place that they deserve so what do I do well verse four says if you come in contract conflict with a ruler the worst thing you can do is run off right don't quit don't storm out in anger if you're rebuked if you're suffering under his poor leadership learn to be conciliatory try to pacify those over you and God will use that for good but don't walk off now the person in power could be the king could be your boss baseball coach ministry leader doesn't matter what you don't want to do is run off in a rage this is unfair this is undeserved I'm smarter than he is I quit and you walk away I'll show him let's see if he can get along without me but that's not wise that's foolish so Solomon goes on then he lays out in those verses that follow how that even into authority people will put their buddies and those who are the qualified and the best and the most likely to help are put into place of subservience I think I got something in my throat so the best ruler is kind of tough-minded but he's also gentle-hearted he tries to put the right people on the right horses and tries to serve but if that doesn't happen and that's how the fools oftentimes work the wise would not hand in their resignation just walk away I can't do this anymore because you might lose your job you'll lose your income you'll lose your position you'll lose your your place kind of a foolish response oh you understand the emotion but not the logic because God gives us wisdom there's no proverb that said noise the outside empty inside so the wise man will seek conciliation because he's aware of the fact that to cause trouble especially with folks in authority over them won't work out well we read that a soft answer will turn away wrath but a harsh word will just stir up anger that the messenger of death comes from the wrath of the king a wise man knows how to appease it we read in Proverbs that by long forbearance a ruler is persuaded and a gentle tongue can break the bone so you want to be wise diffuse anger here's how you can live in the world as God's children submitted to his counsel he might want to read in Psalm I think it's 39 David is furious and he's fit to be tied but yet he doesn't want to just blurt out his anger and so if you read the first two or three verses of Psalm 39 you'll hear David said I want to guard my ways and I don't want to sin with my tongue I want to restrain my mouth like as if I had a muzzle upon it especially while the wicked are before me I want to be mute with silence and so David wrote I held my peace from good my sorrow though and my heart was stirred up and and my heart became hot within me and the fire was burning and I finally had to just open my mouth and say something and then he goes on to display or explain how stupid that was he exploded within but that's about as good as he could handle it and and then he had it just blow up I wanted to give him a piece of my mind but I could have ill afford to give that up so Solomon says that that kind of tempers unwise foolish here's what a wise person would do make peace well Winston Churchill who is a a favorite of mine because he he's very sarcastic which I think is one of the gifts of the spirit it's not listening to your bible but that's just what I'm going with but but he's he was a real quick witted guy but he also had a tremendous temper and one of the ladies Bessie asked her in the house of reverend parliament at the time and he hated each other and they made no bones about in fact you can go back through his his speeches and some of his public statements and and whenever he and she were in public they'd always try to humiliate each other publicly and there's a story of him coming out of a play one day where there were both on the steps leaving and the press was there and she said kind of loud to him sir if I was your husband I'd put arsenic in your tea and without batting and I Churchill said if I was your husband I'd drink it I mean very quick in in response they just he was just a witty guy there was another occasion where they were leaving a party and he had drank too much which he did sometimes and he he couldn't walk very steadily and and so as they were leaving again lady asked her said publicly you're a drunk Churchill it's no way to behave as a representative of the state and and Winston Churchill without batting I said hey Bessie you're ugly and tomorrow I'll be sober you'll still be ugly and I think we laugh because sometimes we we like getting even getting the last word in but here's God's counsel to us we should take a conciliatory view to pacify great offenses it makes for life the word conciliation by the way means to change hostility and to friendship when Paul wrote to the second in second Corinthians chapter five to the Corinthians he explained in about five or six verses the work of Jesus and saving man but then he went on to say in verse 18 everything now belongs to the Lord in the life of the believer who has reconciled it's the same word as to God through Jesus Christ and now he has given to us a ministry of reconciliation that is God in Christ reconciled the world to himself not imputing to them the righteousness sorry their trespasses and he has committed to us a word of reconciliation so that as ambassadors of Christ as though God was pleading through we can now through Christ plead to you implore you on Christ we have be reconciled to God five times three verses this word records out bring back the house to remove hostility bring friendship a wise man under the leadership of a foolish ruler who is incompetent and has his friends around him to make things worse rather than being angry and reacting seek reconciliation it's the way of the Lord God will bless you for we have one more example here in verse eight nine and ten and his fourth point is here's some foolish laborers and the harder they work the more behind they get verse eight he who digs a pit will fall into it whoever breaks through a wall will be bitten by a serpent whoever he who quarry stones may be hurt by them he who splits logs may be endangered by it if they acts as dull and one doesn't sharpen the edge then he will have to use more strength but wisdom will find or bring success now this is perfect example of of Hebrew poetry if you will our work is often associated with us you've probably noticed just in a society way in a in a social way when you meet new people they might say what's your name and if they want to continue the conversation they usually say and what do you do for a living because that's kind of the way that we go so here are some examples real quickly of those who by implication worked foolishly and failed in their work and in fact were injured in their work because they failed to take necessary precautions to accomplish the work successfully and look at the example a guy digs a hole falls in he knocks down a wall forgets that in the walls serpents would hide and gets bit goes to quarry stones and as he's chiseling he gets cut by the flying rock he attempts to cut wood and those wood chips fly along maybe get him in the eye and if that isn't bad enough well he's working he's using a dull axe which he has to make up his dullness with sweat equity is going to just make it harden for him and the lord gives us all those examples he goes well the why on the other hand the wise will be successful in every case the lack of preparation even the presumption is is not carefully planning for the work exposing yourself to danger and and risk and failure while the the wise man succeeds why does the wise man succeed because he considers the lord when it comes to living your life look the world's going to expose you to all kinds of problems you can steer clear of them by just considering what god has to say obey his word be smart in your in their labors in which you involve yourself be circumcised respect in the way that you walk in the world don't live half hazardly go out in the morning go lord i want to keep my eyes on you and get in your word and consider the angles you know some people shoot their areas arrows and wherever they land they go out and then they paint bull's eyes around them that's what i meant to do that's not true look at me and my a chapter two he he finally gets to Jerusalem after months and months if not years of of desire and yet he moves forward very slowly as he just prays for god to direct his steps so if you begin to work with foresight if you get out to live in this you know we live in a pretty tumultuous time how are you supposed to be reacting to everything around you what would god have you to do what do you know biblically because here's a guy that falls in a pit gets bit by a snake gets a shard of of stone in his eyes and a piece of wood in his arm he he wasn't working smart but he's certain getting hurt so we would be better off not to be in such a hurry to seek the lord first i'll end with this example there was a photographer who was hired to go for a magazine to cover a forest fire and when he got there on the ground the smoke was so thick that every picture he took was horrible so he called his office and he said i can't do this i there's too much smoke and he said well there's an airport four miles from here just drive there we'll have a plane in the pilot waiting for you and and take pictures from the from the sky maybe this will be better so he drove the four miles he came to the airport rural airport there was a pilot sitting in a plane and he jumped in and threw his camera equipment in the back strapped in and said let's go and so they took it off and he said now head north and then i want you to get as low as you can over the flames and we're going to take some pictures and the guy said now why would i do that he said because i'm a photographer and i've been sent to take pictures he said oh so you're not my flight instructor what a deal if you live your life without considering god's input you're your list you're risking life and limb that's not smart that's foolish and you can't be assured of a good landing you need the lord on board so Solomon makes the contrast here's the smart here's the wise the foolish man doesn't care what god has to say the wise man us we will not only listen to what god says but then apply them so that our lives can be lived to his glory well next week verse 11 through verse 20 we're going to finish that whole look and contrast of the wise versus the the foolish and then verse chapter 11 is is all about i think the wise this is the wise he focuses on the wise and finally in chapter 12 said this is my conclusion and it's one that we're glad that he got to so let's pray together father thank you this morning for your word to us thank you for for the counsel that you've given to us in your word thank you for your holy spirit which you've sent to dwell in us that we've become uh we've become temples of your spirit that you have promised to guide us and lead us in the ways that we should go that you have have encouraged us to trust you in all that we do that your ways are the ways of life that a fool would say no to god but a wise man would would welcome the counsel the direction the wisdom and so may we be wise this morning and if you're sitting at home and you have no relationship with the lord and yet you've tuned in look you should know this god wants in the worst way to be your god he said to son to die from your for your sins to rise from the from the dead and says to you in no uncertain terms if you call upon my name you'll be saved there it's not hard it's just a willingness to admit i need help and god help me lord may i follow you and that's wisdom the wisdom is to turn to the lord and not die with only your ideas to guide you you should find a link on the page that you're watching whatever format you're in that would take you to a landing page to talk about what it means to accept the lord into your life if you have more questions you can call the office in the morning we'd love to pray with you but the most important thing is the wise thing is to is to agree that god knows better than you do and to surrender your life to him and to invite his son jesus to cleanse you to wash you to make you a son if you'll do that you'll join the ranks of the wise not the perfect not even those committed sometimes but the wise we're looking to the lord to help us in our ways well thank you for listening if you enjoyed this episode please consider subscribing and rating our podcast you can visit us on the web at and on our youtube channel at morningstarcc again that's at morningstarcc if you'd like to support this podcast please look us up at again that's patreon (upbeat music)