Work Advice for Me

Survivor 44's Jaime Lynn Ruiz - Reality Check with Heidi and Brad

1h 11m
Broadcast on:
11 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

On this week's episode Heidi and Brad welcome Survivor 44 and Heidi's pal, Jaime Lynn Ruiz. They open by talking about Heidi's upcoming vacation, Jamie's viral TikTok video about growing loofahs, and their interest in pickleball. They also discuss Tyson's pickleball match and the pickleball community. Jamie shares her excitement about learning to play pickleball and her plans to document her journey on TikTok. In this part of the conversation, the hosts discuss their experiences playing pickleball and their admiration for professional pickleball player Olivia McMillan. They also talk about their love for the game of Survivor and share their stories of getting on the show. They discuss the dynamics of the game, the strategies players use, and the challenges they face. They also touch on the evolution of reality TV and the impact of social media on the game. The hosts express their excitement for the upcoming season of Survivor and speculate on the strategies and gameplay of returning players. In this final part of the conversation, the hosts and guest discuss their predictions and hopes for the upcoming season of Traders. Plus, Brad surprises Heidi and Jaime with a Survivor Season 44 trivia game.

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This podcast is brought to you by The Hopecast Network

Hosted by Heidi and Brad

(upbeat music) - Bring on for the first time I'm doing the intro. Welcome. We are going to have one of my besties today. She is from season 44 of Survivor. So her and I were in the same show. So excited, she is actually the very first Survivor person we've ever had in our show. So Brad, today we are going to have Jamie from season 44. How are you doing, Brad? - I'm doing great. We are recording live from the fake Ponderosa. That's where we're at today. We're in Survivor. I've learned that from you. Now I'm just dropping what I've learned from you. We're at Ponderosa and we are gonna catch Jamie. She just left the island. - No, my God. - No, I'm so excited to talk to Jamie because she is really, I told Brad about this. Hopefully run it because there's a lot of biases here and I have a true connection. So I feel like her and I could talk forever and ever. So hopefully, Brad, you got to interject yourself into our conversations, but we'll see how that goes. - I will try. I'll probably see you next. - No, I cannot wait to talk to her. So I'm excited for you to meet her. - Well, I'm excited. Follow us on Instagram, reality check, HB, right? - Right. - And like and subscribe on iTunes and Spotify. Leave us a good review. We wanna hear how much you like Heidi on the podcast. We are growing at the Hopecast Network. So please continue to subscribe to all our shows. Heidi, let's get to Jamie. I'm excited. - That's who I am. - I'm excited to meet it. So Heidi, this is a big day for you. You've been looking forward to this for the last 20 minutes. I mean, anything before 20 minutes you didn't care, but now she's really excited. Heidi, who do we have today? - Well, I'm so excited today 'cause I have one of my survivor besties and actually one of my besties in general. So we have my good friend from survivor calling forward. - Thank you. - Hi. - Thank you. - Thank you. - Thank you. - Heidi and Brad, thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much for having me. It's an honor to be the first survivor. - I love it. - I love it. - I love it. Thank you, thank you, thank you for inviting me. I'm so happy to be here. - The first is always the best. That's how it always goes. The rest will never measure up to the first. That's the... - Exactly. I love it. I love it. - Happy Friday. - Oh my God, I'm so excited. I'm going on vacation. I need a vacation so much. - Go on Heidi. Where are you going? - I'm riding out to Maine. Yeah, I'm going hiking with my kids and my husband and I cannot wait. - Is that a waste of a week? - Yeah, so we're going to drive through and we're going to stop at Gessford, New York. We're going to stop and stay in him. And then, so we're going to have a road trip and then end up in a... So we'll be there in the whole thing. It's going to be a trip, you know, a week or so. - That's cool. - Cool. - Yeah. - I like a good road trip. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Maybe have a small car. Oh, for best, this is more gas efficient. So those in the hot girls. - Wait, are you taking the Volkswagen? Are you taking the Volkswagen? - Got another, got another small car. I don't know, I will think that when my kids will hate it. So the thing I really noticed, I've talked about this before. I drive a 2,000, 3,000-- - Yeah, it's 3. - I have 21-year children. And it's still gross, seriously. You know, it hasn't has to take, you know, like, it's like all school. I love it. Heidi, you were speaking my language because I drove a 99 Toyota Avalon that had almost 400,000 miles on it. Like, I drove it for like 22 years. And last year, I actually sold, I mean, it's still runs, I sold it. It runs perfectly. And the person that's driving it's still deriving it happily. 400,000 miles plus. (laughing) - Okay, so it's so rad. It amazes me how many things Jamie and I keep equally fine and common. - I love you too. There's so many parallels to every time. - I didn't know that but somehow we're like sisters in cold cars too. - Okay, so we all have, we all have old cars 'cause I have a 2002 Honda Odyssey with 200,000 miles on it. We should just call this car talk, Heidi. And just bring people on and ask them what car they drive and then say, okay, great, that's an Avalon. You did well, Meg. - He used to say that before we wanted that. My car does 89, 89,000 miles. So he has 21 years. - So, yeah, that's a baby. That's a baby car. (laughing) And I love it 'cause it's so silly. Sometimes it's like cars will last if you take care of them and get their regular checkups and oil changes. Anyway, I love it when people drive old cars 'cause it's like, I don't know, it's just cool. It's like, why try to get in if it's like, I'm gonna drive my new car and tell the wheels follow up. I'm gonna have it for 30 years. (laughing) I don't care about car. I'll drive anything if it's gonna get me where I need to go. - Yeah. - Minus maybe a Fiat or I don't wanna be in a total chick car if I don't have to be. I mean, you know, the Avalon is a chick, Toyota, in my mind. (laughing) Come on, dude, what are you, late 20s, early 30s? What am I, am I right? Am I in the right ballpark? - No, well, I'm actually 37. - He's maybe 31. - Thank you. - So Heidi and I have a few years on you. Just Heidi has like two years on you. I have a lot more. But yeah, I'll drive anything, Jamie. I don't really care. I have an electric bike. I'll ride that if I need to. - Yes. What about, have you ever driven that smart car, or the smart, those little tiny cars? That's like one car that scares me. - I test drove one 10 years ago. I told my wife, I'd drive 30 something minutes to work. I want to get a smart car. And she's like, you're stupid, but let's go do it. So we went and I test drove it. And I said, can I fit my golf clubs in here? And the car says, I was like, nah, clubs won't fit. And I'm like, yeah, I'm not going to do this then. I can't, I have my golf clubs. - Those things are tiny. - They don't make them anymore, I think. - Oh, hard to know. - But they're weird because you can take the bumper off and just order a new one. Like it's almost like a snap together car. - No, I'm not either. - Yes, everything on there, you can order a piece and it'll fix it. - That doesn't seem safe at all. - I guess they're safe at all. I think like BMW, is it Mercedes made them? Mercedes made them. - Oh, wow, I didn't know that. - I think so. Don't hold me to that. This has been a lot of car talk. I'm not that big of a car expert. I don't drive good cars, so I don't know what it's like. - So Jamie, I have to, they're in quick tandem from the cars 'cause I feel that we will talk about cars pretty much the whole hour. - We wouldn't. - It was so interesting, as I said. So Jamie's a good friend of mine. I have biases with her from this thing, right? And then I look at her for the record. I was like, I'll say she's the Lufa lady, but if I say Lufa lady, I may not know what that means. But I was like, oh, she's, she's so much of a, capable answer for class and like, you know. - Hey, you are not giving me enough credit. - Lufa, a Lufa is what you wash with, right? - Yeah. - Okay, are you surprised I know what a Lufa is? - Not that really, but like, how does that come next? So Jamie, you may be wondering that sign. Do you know what I'm like, go on that way. Hold on, we can talk about it here, but Jamie's the Lufa video the most watched video and you'll have? - That one went mega viral on TikTok, and it is, it still gets views. I still get DMs about it. I still, I mean, it's insanity. And I have my Lufa 2024 growing right now, which I'm so excited about. It's my favorite plant to grow because it's so cool. And it's so funny because there are, the reason it went viral is because so many people didn't realize that a Lufa grows on a vine. And like the real Lufa. And then you let, it's like a big squash. You let it dry out and then you peel it and you can use it in the shower. And it's an actual Lufa that they do sell them in the stores. But because people, I mean, you don't really think, what does it look like when it grows? I think that's what kind of caused like so many shares even to this day. But though, and then I did a whole Lufa series that just kind of blew up and I was mailing seeds to people and helping people grow their Lufas at their hub, you know, different garden zones, which is so fun to do and to see, you know, their Lufa plants. But anyway, it's a long growing season. And so our harvest season is typically in September, like September, maybe beginning of October, but we planted it back in February. So it's just like garlic, when I do my garlic, then as soon as I harvest Lufas, I'll plant garlic, which is like October through May. - Yeah, and I love sharing Lufa, but that is, that was my favorite, that's one of my favorite series, still to this day. - I think I love it. - I think we were looking at it, he turned them all in a thousand, we wouldn't know. But, right, I cannot tell you how many times I've watched it to. Just to see if something else is like, his mesmerizing, I'll look at it and see this again. And I know you, right? So I don't know what is so special about the video. It goes beyond my messaging is so near my, your energy and everything with it. - Aw, thank you, Heidi. I think what else is so captivating about it is, I think in a couple of my videos, I show the entire process, which because it's a nine month process, you get to see it from seed to growing to the flower, to the pollination, to growing on the vine, the harvest, the drying out, the peeling, and then tying it into a Lufa and then scrubbing it in. So it tells a whole story over nine months, condensed into a minute long video, which is fun to watch because otherwise, when you're looking up, it's just a lot of information over a long span of time in one video, which I think is what makes it so, and it's quick, you know, people have the TikTok brain, so you gotta make it quick for them. - And tell me, so I was, it just goes on VBC, so I'm gonna go down to the questions. When you have a video like that, yes, that many views on TikTok. - Mm-hmm. - Like, why would you get out of it? - Mm-hmm. - So one-- - I don't really ask it to that at all. - Yeah, you kind of-- - I joined the creator program back in 2020, 2021, is when I started posting all my gardening videos, and just kind of lifestyle videos, cooking videos, TikTok trends, and I try to really, on all of my social media and TikTok, especially put like what I love. So it's like, if I'm, you know, going to my favorite restaurant, I'll do like a little tour, if I'm planting in my garden, if I'm going to my garden, or, you know, just everything that I love. You can join the creator program, and then it's changed over the last four years, but it used to be based on views, and now it's based on like length watched, and it tellies up monthly. So at the beginning, when it went super viral, there was a huge spike, and then every now and again, it'll be. But right now, it's not enough. I think now the rules are so different now, and it's harder, obviously, to get paid out on videos from TikTok, but they have different campaigns now, and different programs you can be a part of, which is really cool. And there's still, in my opinion, more organic reach on TikTok than on Instagram. So TikTok is sending, like my video, anything that I publish, they're sending it to the exact person that wants to see it. So, you know, when you're on TikTok, you're like, "Oh my gosh, this algorithm is so me." - Oh my gosh. - You juggled something, or you talked about something, and that's who's seeing my video. It's like a gardener that wanted to plant lupa, and then they're on there, you know? So, I like to talk for that reason. - No, I don't want you to see my algorithm, how it being bears. - Right now. That's, it's so funny seeing other people's algorithms. We were just talking about that the other day, where it's like, it's like such a personal thing. And so, and then there's this whole thing online, and on TikTok where it's like, you know, you're constantly sending TikToks to your friends that you think are funny, and you know, like I'm always sending them to my best friends. And then I'm like, I want to watch you watch them, because I want to see you laugh, because I want to see if you laugh as hard as I did. But it's like, some of this stuff is like so, it's so from my algorithm that she'll just stare at it and be like, you know, so it's like, it's so customized. But then, then sometimes we'll have the exact same, or a similar algorithm, and then we're sending the same videos to each other. So anyway, but it is, it's such a personal thing. And then there's this theory that like, if you send, you know, we'll say like, don't send me that, I don't want my algorithm to have, you know, XYZ on it. Yeah, so it's, I love it, because it is still, in my opinion, very, just very customized, very organic reach, compared to other platforms, as of right now, so. - Wait, so you're telling me, I can send you stuff, and what I send you will pop up in your algorithms, from what I've seen you? - Well, what you send me, so if I spend a lot of time watching it, and I interact with that video, that's then creating part of my algorithm. And so like, if I like it, and I comment on it, and then I share it with another friend, that's telling the algorithm, like, oh, she enjoyed this video, send another similar one, so it could be then you just loading my algorithm, but that's only if I choose to. Now, you can also take the opposite, and, you know, click, do not share anymore, and then it's, it, you know, it's something that you send me, it won't share on my algorithm, on my 4U page, it won't share anything similar to that anymore. So, it's kind of tricky, I mean, it's always changing too, like, people are like, oh, what's this? But it's like, you can't chase the algorithm, which is why I just publish and post anything that I love. It's like, yeah, I'm not going to, like, try to meet these exact rules, because if you play that game, then it takes away the fun of everything. And I think if you can exude, like, the essence of you, that's what's captivating for an audience. And if you're showing what you love, that is like, it's so you. And so, rather than trying to say, like, oh, I saw this creator do this, and trying to, like, copy what may have gone viral, it's like, yeah, there might be, you know, a formula to it, but it's just not worth the time it takes to study that and then implement it when you're really just, you know, having fun and seeing what comes of it. - Well, Heidi, nobody would ever accuse you or I of trying to be somebody we're not. That's for sure, oh my gosh. I'm going to start blowing your algorithm up, Heidi. I'm going to start sending you the weirdest stuff that I find hilarious. - We like to stop it. - I mean, Aaron, Aaron who hosts the everyday runner sends me fart videos all the time. So my algorithm is fart constantly, everything. And that's why I'm like, I would be embarrassed if you saw it, you'd be like, gosh, is this a 12 year old boy's algorithm or a 44 year old man's algorithm? - I love it, I think that's what I mean. - All right, so let me say it's time and year involved, but more on the reality TV, because Jamie, just throwing your feet earlier today, then you went to the game time center and some of the 40 but 60 people tell us. So, well, tell the audience what it was and then they tell us what I felt it's serious was there. - Yes, Hugh and Hunter from season 46, Hugh challenged Tyson to a pickleball match. And he invited Hunter to be his partner. They flew out here just for the pickleball match. Tyson said, yes, let's do it. And that's Tyson thing, he's a pickle, like he plays pickleball, like he's played for years. And so they flew out here this last week and put on an event, it was open to the public and it was at Pickleball Kingdom in Chama, Arizona. We, they set it up to be, I guess, they played five games, I think. Anyway, that was, that was the challenge and Tyson dominated. - I mean, it was, you know, and Hugh is so competitive. - Yeah, no, it was him. - Yeah, we know from watching him. Yes, okay, so you, if you've played with him, you know, from watching him on season 46, he's so competitive, he's so hard on himself, which is, it is my art, he was so into it. Hunter was there, very supportive, they were a great team, it was fun to watch, but Tyson just has more pickleball experience. And I think that, I don't know, I haven't seen if Hugh has called the rematch, I was waiting to see that, 'cause it's like, in one year, if he focuses on pickleball, they could possibly beat Tyson. I mean, it was just, it was so much fun to watch. It was open, there were a ton of survivor fans there, which was so cool to mingle with them. And then they, the posts that you probably saw, you probably saw the, I was sitting on the throne and then I had my survivor legends around me. And then, yeah, it was fun, it was a great little event, and I hope that Tyson plans another one. And I mean, who knows, maybe another survivor will challenge him and he'll have to beat them, but it was a really, it's always great to, you know, mingle with the community and so forth. I had a blast, people videos. I love pickleball, I am not that good, have little legs, so I have to do a lot of running, you know, but I do like it, it's quite intense. It's intense, it's amazingly fun though. I enjoy it. - I, one of my, I made the summer bucket list that I need to share. One of the things I put on there was learn how to play pickleball. And so I signed up for a class, it's Thursdays in July. Anyway, it's like a very beginner class, learning the rules, like look, I mean, very beginner class. And I'm excited, I'm gonna go get my first pickleball hat out, I guess it's called, yeah. And like, it starts in July, so I'm excited. I'm excited of all levels. - It's like Tyson, I'm coming for you in a year. - I know, I know, I told him, I told him, you are the pickleball influencer, you influenced me to play, and now I'm doing it. And there's so many, there's intercourse here, there's outdoor court gyms that picked up pickleball, pickleballs everywhere. And I feel like I'm kind of late to the game 'cause the community is already so huge. - You're so late to the game. - I know, 2022. - Please do, no, you're late, no, it's COVID. It's COVID, that's what it is. - Yeah, it is, it's COVID, you're right. It's so 2020, I'm so late to the game, but I'm excited. I wanna get like a cute pickleball outfit, and I'm getting the lemon pickleball puddle from Target. I already picked it out, I gotta go get it today. - Yeah, so I'm excited. - You're invested. - Hopefully I can pick it up though. 'Cause I played tennis, and I played ping pong, and I heard it's a combination. So I'm excited to kind of learn and see if I can pick it up. - Okay, so you're pretty cool. - I don't know. - You'll be fine, you'll be fine, as long as you're playing with people that are beginners. You'll be fine. - I heard there's different levels, and they were using that lingo when we were at the event yesterday, like, oh, they're a two, two player, they're a four, four, three, four. I don't know the lingo, so I'm excited to learn that as well. But I will, I'll film it, and I'll tell you guys on my journey of becoming a pickleball. - I wanna go with a pickleball player. - Right, the pickleball, the better the pickleballer is, you'll get a lot of this when they're playing with like me. And they're like, they gotta play down a little bit. So guys, I'm doing that for the boys. - I think it was playing hard. Everybody was playing really hard. That was what was so crazy. They were all playing very intense. And I think Tyson is like a top pickleball player. The guys, I mean, they picked it up really quick. I think they play more like leisurely. It's not like a, you know, weekly competitive thing that they're practicing, Hunter and Q that is. Yeah, but it was, yeah, everybody was playing really, really hard. And then there was another pickleball. - Yeah, it was just cool. It was cool to see them. And then I saw they had courts there that were the beginners, which is like a much slower pace, which I'm excited to be a part of that and just kind of like work my way up, but. - So a couple of months, actually, a couple of months ago, we did a basketball fundraiser, basketball VA, those kinds of reality TV people. - Right. - They call it a celebrity basketball. And QK, Tia Marie from Season 34. - Cool. - It's cool. - Yeah, right. Like there's only a few girls, not many girls. Everybody's playing basketball. But Q was so serious. - Okay. - Like, you know, they have a lesson for the scores just to be funny and like they are like. - Yeah. - It's like a tie, but happy tie and crickety tie. It's distally, but oh my God. Q was like in it to win it. So it was hilarious to see how serious it was. - He's really, he's so serious about it. I love, I love to see it. Oh my gosh. It was, it was really fun. - I love that you love pickleball. My father-in-law is a pickleball addict and he's really good at it. And my wife in a formula day that he won like the pickleball championship in their town. Like, he's, you know, in a 60s and he won it. Yeah, he loves it. He plays it all the time. He got me to playing it. Yeah, your face. That's why I was like, okay, that's cool. And I go, hey, team man, that's at least Terry. You did good. That's great. You know, I told him. - That is so cool. - Yeah. - Oh my gosh. - And it's weird you're bringing up pickleball because the other podcast that we knew, Work Advice, I just had Olivia McMillan on there this week. She is a professional pickleball player. So you gotta go listen to that, Jamie. She started out with tennis. Never thought she would pick up pickleball. Now she travels on the tour. She's a professional. - That is so cool. Okay, I'm gonna listen to that. And I also now want to look up pickleball tour with like, I would love. - I can, I can connect. You just, can I out connect you with her? She's really nice. - That is so cool. Oh my gosh. It's such a huge, deep community. I mean, it's wild how broad and deep the pickleball community is. I never knew. Like, now that I know that there's traveling pickleballers, that's wild to me or picklers. I think they're called picklers, right? - Nice. - I think she-- - No, is that a, is that a, do they like? Maybe I should have asked her to do this. - Pickleballers sounds cool. - Do they like picklers? - Picklers, I think I've read picklers like in an article, but pickleballers sounds cooler 'cause it's like baller, you know. - She's got sponsors. - She gave up her day job. You gotta listen to the podcast. She talks about, I gave up my day job to be a professional pickleball player. - Amazing. - That's inspiring. That's really cool. That's like truly like the epitome of doing what you love and like refining your craft and making it monetizing it and following. Do we really love every single kind of life? That's so cool. And she, weirdly, this is weird. I find this odd. The pro pickleballers travel. So let's say all three of us played on the tour. We might go to Houston 'cause she was, we might go to Houston this weekend and we stay at host homes. So they don't, we don't stay in hotels. People just let us live with them for the weekend. - Oh, wow. That's interesting. - Oh, wow. - Like, why are the host homes like people wearing-- - I guess they're like, I'll host pro pickleball player Olivia McMillan. Yeah, you can come stay with me. I guess that's what they do. My wife would not be on board with that. I'd be like, hey, we're gonna host Olivia. And she's like, she's like a 25 year old blonde that plays pickleball. I don't think so. Like, I, I, I, it's like this little cut off there somewhere. - I am so intrigued. You have to bring her out and ask her all these questions. - Maybe we should bring her on this podcast and bring Jamie on and let Jamie just talk to her about pickleball. - Yes. And by then I will have done my classes. - Yeah. - Yeah. - I'm gonna seriously film my classes and my like, me day one playing pickleball day two. - I want to challenge. 'Cause I challenge, if I remember, I challenge that I could, I want to try to return one of her serves. Just one. 'Cause, you know, they'll put that spin on there, Jamie. - And, and that's, oh my gosh, it's intense. I didn't, and with a wiffleball, it's like a, it's a plastic ball. So it's like, but the guy is yesterday. I think that's, that's one thing that Tyson said yesterday, you know, when you're playing and you're hitting, you're hitting back and forth. And it's not like you can just hit and expect it to like that, you know, the points over. It's like, you hit it and then they're going to hit it back. You know, like, it's going to be, you know, the, it's going to be a fast volley back and forth where you wouldn't really expect that. And I think that's, but then once you get the hang of it, you realize like the up, you know, the higher up you go. And then I talked to another woman there and she recommended like wearing glasses. So I'm going to order, I don't know, like some of those sports sunglasses. - Big Kia Hides. - Faster outside. Because I don't want my, I mean, my eyeball. I get nervous, you know, 'cause, and, and she said, she mentioned you, the higher up you go, you need to make sure that you call it like no face hits, which people will do. - Oh, wow. - What? That's scary. So weary. And then I was like, okay, I'm, then I'm going to, if I play indoors, I'm going to get those goggles, just to protect, you know. And then I might do even, I don't know, mouthpiece. I get nervous. Who knows? You can do my own visa. All right. - All right. - It's so true. - I like that we spent 30 minutes talking about pickleball. This is amazing. - I know. - You can connect to the Olivia. You should let Tyson connect to the Olivia. She's really down to earth and she's a pro and she plays pickleball around the country. - You may know her. - Yeah, yeah. She's great. - We got to catch you with you in Arizona. - I guess you'll like her. It's like an hour of ball junk. So. - I love it. - Well, I probably have a question you have for Jamie, 'cause how, if you come from me called Maya. - No, it can still come from you. Okay. So I want to know, Jamie, I've heard Heidi's story about getting on the survivor. What is your story about getting on the survivor? And did y'all know each other before that? Or y'all met during the season? Okay. - Thank you. - What's your story? Because we've heard people, we've had, what's his name? Dan. No, not Dan. Dan. - Is it Dan? - We show. - Gosh, a good squid game. - Oh, yeah, yes. - He has tried for how long? 20-something years? - It's a beginning. He's, and he was just with the aims. He's the one, he's, I want to say, Jersey, New York-ish. - Super nice guy. - Awesome. He felt so there about being a dad. I don't know how to check it. Yeah. - Yeah, anyway. - Even though I'm a miter, he didn't split game. He said, my show is survivor, I'm trying to go. And the guy from Chicago also from split game tray, also was like, the show I want to be on most survivors, all these shows that are like popular, whatever now, they're all kind of star blitz survivors. - I'm not a survivor. I'm an ape, I've never made it into the show, which is amazing. - Yeah. - Lows my mind. - And I sent my video in yesterday for the first time, and all I said was, I'm Heidi's friend, and I just stopped recording. - Wow, I love it. - I have not seen the video yet. - I love it. I mean, if you name drop, you got to name drop Kane. You know, 'cause everyone's name (indistinct) - I only name drop Heidi. She's my only name drop. - You know, I love it. What was your experience like? How many times did you record the video? And what was your video like? And we want you to reenact it right now, go. - That was all nice. Okay, so I am a lifelong survivor fan. Day one, episode one, sitting in front of the TV with my family. I was an elementary school love survivor, and it became like a family thing. And I remember growing up saying, I know I'm gonna be on this show. I love it so much. You know, I'm yelling at the TV. I'm getting excited. We're recording it on our VHS player and setting a timer to record it if we had like a school assembly to come home and watch it as a family. So I never applied, you know, when I turned 18, I guess that was the age limit. But I got really busy with working hard off. Yeah, I think it is 16 now. But then just getting busy with school and then work. And then once I left corporate, so I was in corporate bear for 11 years. And then once I left corporate America, I was able to open up my schedule. And that was like my biggest fear 'cause I didn't think I would be able to take a leave of absence and go on the show. So I just never applied. So once I left a couple of years go by and I'm like, oh, wait a second. Oh, why have I not applied? And it was always just kind of in the back of my mind at like on my never ending to do list. And so I literally just one day, I was like, oh, we're my dirt, make it. So I sat down, I filmed the video and it was just like three minutes of me talking and saying who I am and how much I love the game. And my strategy and why my entire life was literally preparing me to play this game. And I submitted it and just kind of was like, okay, whatever happens happens. And at the time, 'cause I've done quite a few yoga teacher trainings and I was actually in a yoga teacher training during that time. And I was just kind of like, I just surrendered to it. I was like, okay, application set, like to check off my to do list. And then the next day I got a call and it was like to start the casting process, which was so exciting. And I got selected. Fast forward, then three, three, four months, that quick. Yeah, I think it was literally the next day. And so, and then it was, you know, three, four months of interviews and the typical casting process. And then I went out there that May we were out there and it was literally a dream come true and the entire time. And I really, it's almost like I, it was like the perfect divine timing of everything in my life at that time to be able to position my life to take 30 days off. 'Cause I feel very, very privileged to be able to kind of pause my life and, you know, organize everything and I feel very privileged. 'Cause I know a lot of people do not have that opportunity to do that. And so that does not go unrecognized by me because it is a privilege, all of us. So we're on there to be able to set aside our lives and go on the show and play for a million dollars. It's amazing. And I feel very grateful every moment of that process. Oh my gosh, I'm gonna start crying. I like out of all of the thousands of applicants like, why me? Like, okay. And so then I'm getting out there. I'm really about to cry. - She's having survivor remorse right now. - Oh, and that's because she's so nice. You see, this are every moment there. And so, oh my gosh, am I crying? And so then going out there and playing, it was like literally, like when we're on those first boats being out there and you're like, "This is the opening scene!" We're, we're here. It's just so surreal that every moment that I'm on that beach or on any of the beaches, on that show, playing this game that I love, that I literally like fell in love with when I was 12 years old, I was grateful. And so it's like, I'm there like looking around and no matter what happened, I couldn't help but smile because it's like, ow, ow, it was so cool. And then the first moment, so I started on route two and then the first moment that I met Heidi, you can see it, our very first interaction was us hugging because I instantly was connected. I felt so connected with Heidi immediately on Zoka. And it was just this, I mean, I knew from that moment that we would be lifelong friends. I really did, and it's funny the way that the game unfolded because again, it's a game and the way that the game unfolded is we were never playing with each other. Although I really, truly did wanna play with Heidi and there was a conversation that we had on the beach where it was Heidi and then Franny came up afterwards and it was like, "Hey, let's, let's us three go into it." Not necessarily girls alliance, but like, let's see what we can do. But then I was like, I don't know who to trust. It's so weird because being plucked off of my tribe onto this new tribe and I'm just kind of like, you know. Anyway, it didn't end up unfolding us working together. Obviously, I wrote Heidi's name down to my tribe. - Quite a bit. (laughing) - But that didn't break our bond 'cause we were still like laughing together. We were still, we would go get these little walnuts and eat and chat and laugh and enjoy our time out there because we knew it would be fleeting. It's just I had such an appreciation for being out there. - Yeah. So, so one of our best moments, Brad, when we were, she came to SoCal, there was a quick swap and she came to my tribe. And actually that challenge, we were, Charlin wasn't shown on TV. We got fish. Do you remember that? Like, that was never shown. We got the second place. There were still three tribes and the second tribe got, I don't know, a couple of fish, maybe one or two, not many. But Jamie and I were like cleaning the fish and cooking the fish and everyone ate or whatever. But then people didn't care for like the broth. We're like, let's lay broth with the fish bones. And Jamie, nobody wanted it for whatever reason. They're like, oh, you guys can have it. So Jamie and I just had this moment making fish broth and we were the only one eating it. And I just remember that was so special for us 'cause even though it's a little bit of, it's a game of deceit and we are backstabbing each other. It's so weird 'cause you're like making connections and you truly learn to love these people. But you know you wanna win the game and I know Jamie wanted to win the game. So we just were never on the same side for the game, really. But that doesn't write the chemistry we had, right? So it's so interesting. - Exactly. - I mean, the little moments that we had together, they were so special to me 'cause it felt like in real, we're not having a real connection in real life. And then like couple hours after that is like, dang it. You know, it's like this game that we're gonna be enemies at the end of the day, right? So it's just a weird, I don't know. - This is a weird chemistry we're living in the game, but we get to look beyond the game and be good friends outside the game, which I love, love, love. - You'll have the broth, two hours later, she's writing down the name of Heidi. - She's like, what the fuck? (laughing) - Look, Jen, that's how it works in general. - Yeah. - Let's go get nuts together and we go to this tree. By the way, those nuts were my favorite thing. - I know there was so buttery and like if you had a little bit of salt water on them, like the salty butter-ness, - Oh my gosh. - It was so special 'cause it's like a little fat too. - Yes. - Like there's no way to find fat and you're like starving, right? - Yeah. - So we would just like crack the nuts, start eating and just chit-chat. Those ones were so good. And then Jamie came and wrote my freaking name for too many times and I was like, these freaking girls, somebody my name down at the- - Two tears, 'cause- - And you voted us out in the end, so we got what we deserved. - You're own survivor, you're starving. Why would they not want the broth? - I would've been like, hey ladies, I'm gonna eat the broth you made. - It was homemade bone broth with fresh fish bones. Like it was bomb. It had a, we put a little bit of salt water on them to like salt it up and then like slurping it. - I got it. - It was so warming for our bellies and like filling for our bellies. It was like nutrient dense bone broth. Like when we hadn't had nutrients out there, I mean, that was probably one of the best meals, even outside of the rewards, because it was like really living off the land and same with the nuts. The nuts and the bone broth did better with our digestive system. I feel like, 'cause sometimes it's like the reward challenges and that food, it's so rich and it's so much food that you can easily get sick over like the merch piece. I ate way too much, but I remember having the bone broth and it was so soothing and warming and comforting. And so I really loved those meals outside of, you know, that the reward challenge is. - I wanna go back to you real quick. You said you were elementary watching, I'm trying to imagine my son is going into junior high school now, watching a naked Richard Hatch running perfectly. (laughing) Okay, dad, what's going on with this? 'Cause I was back when the nudity was allowed. I don't think they allowed that anymore. - Yeah, they don't allow it anymore. We can't even sleep next to each other anymore. They're very strict on that, 'cause the police season's a survivor, there was a lot happening, you know. - In the controversy. - Yes, it, yeah, being, I mean, the early 2000s, it was a different ball game, okay? - Okay, yeah, go ahead. - Heidi, we've had this conversation before, Jamie. We've had this, I don't understand, for me, it'd be so hard to strike up a relationship. It owned the game as a survivor, 'cause you're gross, you stink. I just, it's maybe more naked and afraid would be worse. - I think that's worse. - So you're talking about naked and afraid, and I was just thinking about this this week, this past week, 'cause I'm watching the currency sun that's going on, which is an Excel, which means they have a lot more people. But by the way, Jamie, we've had some naked and afraid people in the show too, so yeah, like, it's a really cool people around. But what I was gonna say is, I was thinking like, if I were, 'cause I would totally do naked and afraid to, for the record. - Would you, Jamie? - I would do, yeah. - So that's where I was going, I was like, - Sorry, buddy. - No, I was like, do you know who would be great with me? Jamie and I, we could totally just like, the both of us, we would kill it. We would kill it. - Totally. - You could totally do like the plants and then, you know, just finding the food. I was like, yeah, someone like Jamie and we would get out of it. We'd be like, happy and enjoying the moment. And like, the bucks suck, but you know what, we're just going through this together. So I was just thinking, it's so crazy, you say that. 'Cause I'm like, the partner that I will have, the people that we, you know, I would do it, would probably be Jamie. So what in the world? I think Jamie would be the only one that I would say. Oh, you know what I mean? - I would have it. - I gotta say though, I'd probably want to do it with Jamie too, but especially naked and afraid, not for the nudity part, but because she knows plants. - Exactly. - And she could tell me what I could eat. - Exactly. - That wouldn't make me poop myself. So I think that's the great. - And that's my favorite thing. That was my favorite thing, being on the island in Fiji was going and forging and literally figuring out like where the food is. And when we got on Soko, we found the papaya tree and, you know, we were looking for sweet potatoes and just ordered, yes. - A little pepper? - Because it we flavored the rice. Oh my gosh, so many, I loved that part of it. 'Cause it's like, you can create a meal out here. And I remember like with the coconut, like wanting to use a little bit of coconut water in the rice so that it's a little bit flavored, a little bit of salt. And then it's like a little bit of spice and whatever, you know, if we could find some herbs out there. - It's so fun. It's so fun. Taking a tangent here, Jamie, to something we were talking about, how we became friends 'cause like, you know, it's just like a connection there on a personal level. It just saw a TikTok connecting TikTok there too. I just saw a TikTok of lists, Wilcox from 46, surviving 46, talking about how she's like, she made faces or whatever. And she kept doing these things because she wanted camera time. And it's so interesting to see like how like, she did certain things which I didn't know that until I just saw it and heard it from her video. Like she was doing things too because she wanted to get some camera time. And it's so interesting for me, it wasn't so much about getting camera. I bring them myself. - I really like trying. - For me, it was like, I just wanna win this game. Like I, you know, stick with your strategy to win the game. So it's very interesting to see the differences of players and perceptions and the way that, you know, they're just trying to play the game there. - Yeah, this is the one, this is the one that finally pooped on like day 30, right? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Okay, just, okay. I'm sorry. - Yeah, I think it's, I think kind of like the evolution of the game and social media and like the awareness. It's like this, it's like this awareness that is almost like breaking the fourth wall because if there's a different intent behind it, you know, and I've had that conversation as well as like where people are aware of it. Like, are they doing it for the meme? Like are they, are you, is this your behavior or is it an exaggerated version of yourself? And so it's like you wanna go out there and be yourself. And, but I mean, really having that intention, I can see, I can see people would want to do that because then, you know, whatever they would feel is a form of entertainment. But I think that it's, you know, sometimes it can be very transparent. So if other players see that, does that put a target on your back where you're, you know, not taken too seriously? So there's, there's definitely layers to that. And you can kind of, I think you can sense out there if somebody's like very pure in their reactions, you know, because it's, you never really know how you're gonna react when you don't eat and when you don't. So it's like a green. - And also everything is, you know, everything is 2020, in hindsight, everything is 2020. So it's like, you can kind of attach any narrative you want to at the end of the year. - She was the one who said, I'm a millionaire or whatever, I have this many businesses. And then she came up after the game and the post interviews, like, oh, I'm not a millionaire. I was just saying that, 'cause I was like, you know, the lawyers, I'm like, yeah. So I'm like, I don't know what kind of gameplay that really was. - That's the issue, like that rich million dollars. - Yeah. And we heard so many people saying like, she doesn't need the money, like, why are you here, right? Like, so, I mean, it could get you that home, but it could also get you to final travel council because then you know that everyone that's on the jury isn't gonna vote for a millionaire to win. So it's like, - Well, I think what she was saying was like, she was gonna come clean, like at tribal council, if she made it that far, but never again. - Never again. - Which is why I love the game of a survivor. There are so many lawyers, there are so many versions. There's so, it's such an intricate social game of perception and receiving and really dissecting actions, reactions, thoughts, strategy. I mean, it's an obstacle, a mind obstacle. It's such an insane game. That's why it's been around for as long as it has been. I love it so much because you never really know how people are gonna react. And if you set the same people on the island, I'm waiting for that season where it's like a season of the exact same people. What does that look like 10 years later? Like, let's take David and Goliath and let's put them back on the island and see what happens because, you know, there's so much happening post-game as well, where, you know, if people then, if they have a certain persona or fan base that is latched onto this idea of who this person is, is that how they're going to be received the next time? Because it's different gameplay, it's different time, space continuum of, is it different, it would be a different game. So I think that would be-- - She's back to the future in this thing, man. - It is. I think it would be such an interesting concept to do that. And I've always, I take one of the greatest seasons and put them back on the island and see what they do. If you can get a season where you can get all same, 18 people, see what the, and I'm sure there's a season where gladly all 18 of them would play again. But is your first boot gonna be your first boot? - Maybe not. - Or kicking out jam first, okay? - Yeah, exactly. - That's what you do. - Is the winner the, what? Also, like it's like, do you have that trust then that you've built with them to where you can at least get them to maybe the merge and then boot them out? Like, what is the strategy then? Because that adds a totally different layer to the game. I would love to see that. And yeah, I just, I think it would be amazing to see that. I'm excited for season 50 because of that, because it's like even the players that they bring back are not gonna have the same game. - Right. - You really can't. 'Cause you're a different person. You've watched additional seasons. You've seen new strategy. You've analyzed old strategy. You've reflected on your strategy. So you're gonna evolve. And that's why the game, it just keeps on getting better every single season. I love it. - Jamie, Jamie, for, first off, if I played on Boston Rob's season and we come back, he's my first vote, he has to go, right? 'Cause he's good. You convince everybody else to vote. Can you get the numbers on your side? And how could you not? He's like, he's a master in making you-- - Well, here's why. Here's why, right? Because you may be a person like, okay, I'm gonna ride the wave with him, with him until I can kick him out. Which by the way, it's what happens most of the time when the second, the winners of the second season, like when they come back and they win. That's what they do. It's like, either wave with me, right? And you are trying to use him as a shield. - That's what happens, every time. - The mouth. - If everyone sticks with what you're saying, I agree, he will be the first one to go. It would have happened in the new show that he was part of, right? And clearly, he made it all the way to the end too. So as one of those-- - Did he win the deal or no? - He didn't win, but he made it all the way to the finale at the end. - He made it to the end. And that's the whole thing. It's like, you would think. And the one woman that said him out, he got her out before she could get him out. And so it's like, he has this charismatic persona that it may not be able to translate to television 'cause it seems like the simple solution would be get a big player like Boston Rob out. But the way that he emotionally connects with people is so much more powerful than the idea of getting him out in the beginning. And so it seems like so simple, but it just never ends up like that. And that's why it's not a good player. - He's gonna be, I'm very curious how this is gonna work in traders 'cause if I'm in traders, you have a preconceived notion of him that he's gonna be the trader. I feel like they're not gonna make him a trader 'cause he will be boring. I truly don't think he will be the one, but you have to kick him out. Like I feel like if you are not a trader, you're like, he's a trader. - I'm so excited about that. I am so excited to watch traders. - I feel like he's not making a far in traders because he has too much of a public eye right now being in so many shows, back to back to back. I could be wrong, right? But it also has to be a, yes, okay, so back to back show. So he has this reputation going into that, but is it a blanket reputation where you have housewives that understand that and you have other players that have not played survivor per se or these other games, do they understand that? Like Johnny Bananas, for example, he was the first one out because they, he's understood to be one of the greats because he's come back time and time and time again and one again and again and again and again and even when he was on villains, almost one again, but like literally, I feel like he kind of gave that up that could have won villains, but said, you know what, hey, you can take this one this time. Like it was, that's how good Johnny Bananas is, which is insane to me. - But I think what we're missing here is we love survivor and we've seen a ton of it, but there's a lot of these young 22, 23 year olds that probably never watched Boston Rod's seasons. 'Cause he's an, oh, you know what I think too many, he's in too many shows. I feel like if you're getting into like traders, you gotta, or you know that you're being cast for traders 'cause they called you ahead of time. You better start looking who are the legends out there so you can kind of play the game, right? I feel like if you want to win, win it, you kind of have to know and there were too many rumors of who was part of it even beforehand, right? So you kind of have to look them up, I have time. - I was watching the Property Brothers show. - Yeah. - And Boston Rob shows up on that. Him and his wife were contracting. - Yeah, it's not a lot of shows like that from the like contracting side, not just that one, but he actually had a show. He was the contracting person. I want to say HGTV also, right? Or maybe, I don't know, some other network, but he's been in a lot of shows, not just competition shows. - Yeah. - Yeah, and I think, he was also teed up with season 39 when he was coming back as a coach with Sandra. - That was a good season. - Yeah, even that season, if people are watching and they're newbies watching, they're like, wait, who is Boston Rob? I think that that would kind of like tee them up to go back and watch his season. So it's like, he's kind of had this like really great resume of being able to kind of grab everybody's attention, like in so many different areas and really kind of spread himself out in that way. So I think that people, he should be well known enough though, to Heidi's point where these reality people should know who he is. - Should know who he is. - You should trust, especially the survivors that are on traders. - Definitely the survivors. I think they should get together. Tony, Marilyn and him should like, whether they're like traders or not, I truly think they need to stick together because survivor people, I usually like tag to be like good at this game, right? - Yes, and I think though that one of them will be a trader, I really do, because I think that they're going to go up, I think they're going to go up a, like similar to what they did last year, they're going to pluck a BB, a survivor, and a, or is there a big brother player on there who's on there? - I can't remember. - Yeah, my housewife. - A housewife. - Yes, right. - So I think that, I think they're going to get a BB, a survivor and a housewife to be a trader so that it's like you don't know which one of them are traders. I mean, I think that's how they have to do it. So then it might be harder to work together as survivors, but that game is another, that game is insane. I love traders so much, I can't remember. - You do not understand Heidi and I talk about traders on this podcast all the time. It's amazing how we end up on traders. - Do you guys, have you watched the UK version? - No, we watched, I watched the Australian one, we actually had someone from Australia with us talking a bit long back. - Oh, Australia, I mean, Australia, yeah, yeah, yeah. - I just started it and I'm excited because I think that their gameplay is going to be even more intense than American gameplay. - I do, I love James. - That's my favorite. That's Brad's favorite and Australian traders. Okay, yeah, I want to watch, I'm going to watch all of them because I've heard that and I think it all, and I hope I would assume that everybody that's out there playing traders has done the same and watched the different, the countries, I guess, the international-- - Front-like sectors is like normal people doing a kind of like survivor, right? Like normal people doing traders, not celebrities. - That's right, that's right, it is, yeah, yes. And I think that's why though, the US franchise decided to do existing reality people to kind of instantly give it a boost where like I think regular people would be really fun to watch as well. But I think that the ratings are so sky high because you have all of these different franchises, housewives, BB challenge, et cetera, where it's like if you're a fan of one person, you're watching that or one franchise, you're watching it. And so I think like marketing-wise, I think it was brilliant for them to do that. However, I think it would be cool to open up the gates to regular people like they had in season one. - But you don't have preconceived notions either. Old Australia. - And there's no pre-gaming. Like you don't know each other exactly. I think that would be really fun to watch that. And I kind of hope, I kind of want traders to do something where they have, yes, keep bringing reality people back. But again, like a reality person could do really well on survivor and then go on there. And it's like, you don't know what, it doesn't guarantee that their strategy is gonna be the same as, you know, you'd never know what you're gonna get because it's a different group of people that might interpret you differently. And so it's like your strategy might not work with this group of people. And so being, let's say, a high-level strategy, like say Rob, it's like that might not work with the housewives and they might. Because there's a huge difference, especially with this last season of traders where at the very end, you have the bravo people taking everything really personally and it's a game. And so like it's not that serious at the very end. It's like they outplayed you. Like that's just it. You kind of have to just like, okay, rather than like taking it personally and like, you know, it's kind of insane how the gamers play with a certain mindset and then the bravo people, they have that totally different mindsides, which is so fun. - It's fine. - I agree. And so I'm excited to see, but I was just gonna say, I wish that they would do two seasons a year. So the bravo are, I guess, the reality stars and then do all new people. And then maybe on, next one, integrate. You know, have the two seasons a year. - They need us four to really just help them with their reality program. Jamie, you can listen to Bam. He's from season one. We've turned, we've chatted with him on an episode and Teresa from season one, I'll show ya. She's a DJ, she's fun. - Okay, I have fun. - Okay, I have fun. - I wanna play with both of you. And we're gonna see who is smarter. I've got a survivor, season 44 trivia right here. (gasps) - What? - I'm ready. Like, I've been excited for this. - I'm filming for the record. - How did you not, I did not tell how to do this. - I was not. - 'Cause I didn't want her to have any inclination to do any research. - Okay. - I don't know. Am I the historian of survivor 44? I don't know. Bring it, bring it. - Okay, who wants to go first? - Oh, one by one. You got Jamie first, 'cause she's our first. - Jamie's the guest. Okay, Jamie. Which contestant found a key to the bird cage and opened it in front of the tribe, resulting in the whole tribe knowing about the twist? - Brandon. - I don't have the answers here, so I'm gonna trust you. - Okay, yeah, it was Brandon. - It was Brandon. - I know it, okay. - No, Danny didn't tell anybody, and Carolyn didn't tell anybody. So she-- - Yeah, we made a couple of knowledge. - Yeah, there was a couple going right, too. - We wanna be involved in all that. - Yeah. - Okay, Heidi. Which two contestants played their shots in the dark at the first tribal council of the season? - Oh my God, Jamie broke the record for, well, but hold on. Yeah, so Jamie broke the record to actually be saved by the shot in the dark. That was, are you the only one? - Yeah, it was very-- - No, the one up Caleb. Caleb from, anyway, but say it again. So who played the shot in the dark? - You played it in the first tribal council. - Hit her and Matt. - I like that. I like that you're in the answer. It makes me happy. - Sure. (laughs) - I know the answer to this, but I'm gonna let Jamie answer it 'cause it's her turn. It's two contestants had a showman's that continued after the show. - Those things aren't easy for us. - I'm so glad that is Franny and Matt. I was so excited to be in the season with the showman's. - I love them. - Okay, who fell for another contestant's fake idol? Believing it to be real, I love when that happens. That is my favorite thing on survivors. When you have a fake one and you can trick somebody, that would be my fantasy to be able to do that. - That's, you haven't read in front of your face right now. That was Jamie. - That's what I'm saying. - I'm throwing, that is the best Jamie. Like, that is my fantasy. If I'm ever honored to create a fake idol. - Yeah, my only regret is not playing the fake idol and having Jeff, like, burn it in the fire at trouble counts. Well, how iconic would that have been? I wish I could have played my fake idol. - I think it's iconic that you gave it to Ken. - He didn't say that. - And everyone, we never find out that it's late until Game Ants and Jeff Pro tell us, "Do you guys know that her idol was fake?" Or whatever way he said it. - So we'd add, none of us knew it was fake because Matt got hurt. So he got out of the islands without telling anybody. So the game ends and, you know, we have the winner or whatever, we're having pizza and champagne and Jeff Pro tell us during that time that it was fake and we all almost lost it. We were like, what? So that's when we found out that it was a fake idol. - Couldn't Jamie. - And that shock, like if you look at everybody's faces at Tribal and I think I, my jaw was literally on the ground because that was the bany of my existence, that entire game, the target on my back kept growing because everybody thought it was real. Everyone thought it was real. I thought it was real. We played it. This bit was real. I was hard broken. - It was hard broken. - Ken walked outside, got voted out with my idol in his sock. I mean, it was just, it was the real idol and it was the most heartbreaking thing. And so that shock, that was pure. The shock was so pure in everybody's eyes. You can see it in that tribal. None of us knew that. It was iconic. That was, it was amazing. And that's, yes. - That might have to be better. That you played it on the fire. - Yeah, you know what, you're right. And you know what, that reaction, you, that's the reaction, the type of reactions you can't curate. You know, we were talking earlier about like, all curated reactions for memes or for extra airtime. People, if they have this awareness about it, it's like, no, this is all like genuine reactions that are so pure. My gosh, it was iconic. You're right, Heidi. That is the way that it went down. It's like '44 history. - See, see, I don't mean, I wanted to throw this in. That bothers me about the curated responses because the game alone is entertaining. I'm there to win a million bucks. I don't care if you find me entertaining. The game's gonna be entertaining. So you don't have to do me. You don't have to have facial reactions. That kind of bothers me. - Yeah, I agree. It is, yeah, I think it's kind of a pattern in the social media days at least now. - Yeah, and I think the authenticity, it does come through in some ways. So just be yourself, enjoy yourself, play hard, backstab people, do all of it, but there, you know what I mean? - And there are, like anything out. - And truly, there are enough moments though where you are genuinely surprised, genuinely excited. And I think everyone that's out there is, you know, they're moving with gratitude and excitement. And so it might be an elevated version of yourself, which is like, you can't complain. And so it's, that's their pure reaction. It's like, who are we, we will never, that's like a, we will never ever really know what's like real or not, you know, like, we'll never know. - Who's the next, who's up next? Who's up next? - I don't know, Jamie, Jamie was the guy who went down the house. - Who was the only Canadian on the cast? - Oh, we know that. That was my favorite, Kane, I love so much. - Okay, Heidi, which three contestants were in the Tika III? - Ah, we know that, I would, I mean, come on, they won all of the movies. - These are so easy. - At the end with me, Carson, Carolyn, and Jam. - This quiz is, okay. - Let's see for us. - It's wait, I mean, it should be, y'all lived it. - So get that survivor poster printed with the final four. On there where you're walking, I love, every time I see it, I'm like, there's Heidi. - It's so good. - It's good, cool, yeah. - You don't want the interesting about it 'cause I look at it, too, and I'm a little bit ahead of everyone else, the Tika III, I like together. I'm just a little bit, I'm like, that is just me. I don't need right there. - Well, like, that should be in your background there, Heidi. Like, of your screen right now, like, that poster is so good. It's so powerful, and I love that. And then, like, of course, we know what happens. Heidi, the fire making record and queen of all time. - Hold on, no, don't be talking about that yet. - Exactly. - Who is known for 3D puzzles? - That's what I was, sorry, sorry. I don't know, I was you, I was you. - Okay, Heidi, I have a question for you. If you don't get this right, we can no longer be friends. This answers you, but I just gotta read it anyway. Just see me, because this person on this Reddit or whatever, chose to write this question. - Which contestant won the final immunity challenge and decided to put themselves into firemaking against another contestant, ultimately succeeding in their tests and breaking the record for the fastest fire ever made? - Let's go right here. Woo hoo! (laughing) - What if she would've missed that? - What was, what was, does it save my time there? - No, it doesn't have answers. Whoever wrote this did not want to do answers. Or maybe I should play the quiz. I don't know. - Three minutes, three minutes and two seconds. - Look, I have to read in my Tichichi. (laughing) - Wait, wait, wait, wait, let me see that. Heidi, will you screenshot that and send that to me? I want that to, I want to have that on you. - It has all my sets, with all my records down here. I have quite a few records, look at that. - Will you screenshot both sides for me? I want that in my phone, so I can always have that. - Look, I hide my phone, so it's usually like behind my phone. - Oh my gosh, I love that Heidi, I love that so much. - Oh my gosh. - But I don't have them here, I have them downstairs. - I have yours. - Yeah, I have them as I can. - I want to see Paul. - This is a mate. I mean, we got to play a quiz with two people from the same scene, this is amazing. - Yeah, thank me, I know that we are, we said, oh, we're going to keep it short and we could talk all day long, okay? - We can have you back home for a part two. - Yeah, yes, yes, but I want to give you an opportunity to tell us what are you up to? Where can people follow you on social media? Tell us a little more so people can follow you. - Yes, well I am on social media across the board at Jamie Lynn Reese, A-I-M-E-L-Y-N-N-R-U-I-Z. That's on TikTok and on Instagram and what else am I on? I guess threads, I need to get back into threads, but you can find me there, I'm always sharing everything that I love from like all my traveling and cooking and my plants. Oh, I have my propagation station right here. Which Heidi, I know you have one Heidi, I'm going to send you another one. - Please. - So that you can have them like in your office, in your kitchen, but they are, I have a link on my Instagram, is that my Instagram? I made TikTok to buy these propagation stations, they're so much fun, especially in these warmer months to propagate your plants that are especially like a pothos, it's so easy to make multiple pothos from it. And it's really pretty, it's like a pretty little, you know, thing that you can have. But I have that going on and then other than that, I'm just, you know, having fun and enjoying the summertime here in Arizona, it's really hot. I'm doing a yoga challenge right now, which is intense. And speaking of yoga, foundation are so our nonprofit. That's my love that I've loved working on the last couple of years. It is the Foundry Soul. We give yoga to underserved communities. So we give scholarships to future, for teacher training for all the modalities. So we do yoga and fitness classes. And then we also provide classes for different organizations around the valley. So if you'd like to donate, that's also, I think that's also a link on my Instagram, but it's the Foundry Soul. And yeah, that would be great. - Yeah. - Thank you guys so much. - Oh my God, it's so awesome to have you. And we will be back because I truly think, listen, here's what's gonna happen. Jamie and I are gonna come up with some idea soon, something like that. Maybe not pickleball because we would be terrible at it, but we'll come up with some other challenge that we can do together. And just like, just do something for fun. - Well, Heidi, Heidi, I think you would be a great pickleball partner. Just throwing a dog there, if you want to ask. - I like this. - Nobody wants me for anything. - Brad, you're the one that's already playing. So yes. - You didn't play Survivor, I don't like it. You cannot play with Tyson and I, okay? - Brad, you're the teacher and you're the... - Oh my gosh, if I'm teaching you, you know what, Heidi? Here's, I just have this idea. It's been balling on the air. Jamie, you are a trader fan. Heidi, you are a trader fan. I'm a trader fan. We need to come back when the season starts. - Yeah. - And to talk about us three, discuss a special trader episode where we dissect what's going on. And we might give you three of those during the season to update people. - Yes, I'm in and I love traders. - Okay, so let's make this happen. - After the first week and then we can like predict who we think, what, what, we think it's going to happen. I love that idea. - Yeah, let's do it. - Wait, wait, wait, we know the cast now, right? So let's, when does it start? Did they say? - I don't know. - I don't think they haven't announced the start again, but I'm thinking filming in June, so maybe a fall air dates? - They're filming now? - They're filming now. Okay. - I think they, yeah. - So once they announce it, we should do a, we should do a, as long as it's a survivor. A trader episode where we pick who we want to win, we know Heidi's biased, but we're going to have to let her be biased anyway. And then once the first episode drops, we then go, okay, we'll know who the traders are. We kind of go with that and discuss what happened. - Yes. - I like it. I mean, I think it's gonna get picked to be the trader, right? - Go do it. - Yeah. - I mean, I think we're all on the same ballpark on that, but we got to. - We got to wait. - Yeah, we got to wait. - So we know when it comes out, and I think that's something around it. - Yeah. - Jamie, thank you, thank you, thank you so much. - Thank you. - I'm amazing to have you. It's always a pleasure to, you know, get to chat with you. Everyone loves you, including me. So, Bradley, you'll be right. - I love her now. She's a fan, a friend. Even though I'm a top-liver and nobody wants me to be their pickleball part or their, what else did y'all talk about? What was the other game? Oh my gosh. - What was I talking about? - You wanted to be partners and you just left me on. I always get left out. It was another game show. - Oh, naked and afraid? - Naked. I don't blame them. (laughing) - My wife would say, no, you can't have either one of those ladies as your partner. So, it's okay. I'll be glad to be out of that game. Anyway, thank you, Jamie. We so appreciate it, and you will be back on reality check. - Well, yes, thank you for being here. - If you have to now, you're in your contract. - Thank you. - Thank you. - Bye. - Wow, that was fun. I love watching you two talk about Survivor. I got to just sit there and I was relaxing. It was fun. I love that I snuck a quiz up on with that. - I was gonna say, I had no idea you were gonna do that, but it was so fun. I mean, I'm glad that we got them all right because we were part of the show, so we better get them right. - If you didn't, would you have to give me your buff at that point? You're like, I can't even answer. - You didn't have the answer, so it was like, I knew you were right, and even if we were faking it, we will tell you we were right. - Yeah, you're like, we were right. We've got Brad, he doesn't have the answers before. He's not as, you know what, that's okay. This was a great episode, and I cannot wait, Heidi. I am, I'm gonna say I'm low-key excited. I'm high-key excited that she's gonna come back and we're gonna talk traitors, 'cause you and I love the traitors, and we have an official traitor corresponded. - Yes, and I love the fact that she's from 44 Deluxe, just like I am, because we will have Carolyn in the next season of traitors. Hey, we have a little bit of an insights good from our, and right, 'cause we know her, so I'm excited to talk about it. - We are going to enjoy the traitor talk, 'cause you and I love some traitors. - Yeah. - Yeah, I'm excited, so you can find us. - Reality Check HB, right, Heidi? - That's right, Reality Check HB on Instagram, and so please follow us, and we have a lot of fun people coming up. - Yes, like and subscribe. Follow us, like and subscribe on iTunes Spotify. Leave us a review, and we will be back next week on Reality Check. My name is Brad, she is Heidi. We'll see you next time on Reality Check. - See you, see you. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music)