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Fox's Food Star Kamal Grant - Reality Check with Heidi and Brad

1h 1m
Broadcast on:
27 Jun 2024
Audio Format:

On this week's episode Brad and Heidi chat with Fox's Food Star Kamal Grant, a former reality show contestant and owner of Sublime Donuts in Atlanta. They discuss their experiences watching reality shows, Brad and Kamal dish on their long-standing friendship, and Kamal's journey from the military to becoming an entrepreneur. Kamal shares the story of how he started Sublime Donuts and his success in the industry. They also talk about their favorite donut flavors and debate the quality of Dunkin' Donuts. In this part of the conversation, Kamal discusses his experience on the reality show and the editing process. He talks about his pitch and how it was edited to make him look bad. He also mentions the disappointment in how the show highlighted his flaws and made him appear as if he didn't care about his responsibilities. Kamal also shares his thoughts on the other contestants and the editing choices made by the show. Kamal discusses his experience on the reality TV show Food Stars and shares his thoughts on the editing process. He talks about the arbitrary nature of the challenges and eliminations and how the show focuses on creating drama rather than showcasing the contestants' business skills. Kamal also mentions the fast turnaround time between filming and airing the show. He talks about the daily schedule during filming and the opportunity to explore London during free time. Kamal shares his plans for the future, including revamping his business and developing a video game app for his product. The conversation ends with a discussion about potential collaborations with Chef Leigh and trying out recipes together.

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This podcast is brought to you by The Hopecast Network

Hosted by Heidi and Brad

(upbeat music) - My name is Brad, she is Heidi, and this is reality check with Heidi and Brad Heidi. How are you today? - I'm great, how are you? - I'm excited 'cause we're going down to the A town today. We are going down to Atlanta to visit with Kamal Grit. He is now a three-timer on the network, and that's rarefied air. - Wow. - He's been on three times and he's probably gonna come on again. He is a trip, I cannot wait for you to meet him. He personally, I know I'm biased 'cause I've known him, but makes the best donuts I've ever eaten in my life, and if you're a donut lover, you're gonna love this episode. - Oh, I cannot wait to ask him questions about you, so let's go, I cannot wait to meet him. - He's just been on Gordon Ramsay's Food Star, so we're gonna talk some food stars with him 'cause he's now a reality star. So I'm excited, Heidi, I really am. I'm super excited. You can find us on Instagram at realitycheck- - HB. - HB, make sure you like and subscribe on iTunes and Spotify, but you know what? Let's just get to the chat with Kamal Grit. - Let's do it. - Let's do it. Okay, Heidi, this is exciting. We have someone fresh off the reality show circuit. I hate that it's all because I have no desire to watch the show now, I've quit. I quit the show, like I've just matched. - Wait, it's okay. - I'm like done. I was like a food star fanatic for three weeks, and then I'm like, yeah, I'm done. There's no one watching anymore. It'd be like watching after Heidi, if she played in another reality show, when she gets in home, I'm like, yeah, I'm done. Don't wanna watch it anymore. - It's not gonna work. If I ever go back on Kamal goes back, if we're out, you stop watching, right? - The show is dead to me at that point for the rest of the season. I don't even wanna lie. When Heidi goes on traders, 'cause we're really pushing this, I'm done with traders when they send her home. I'm like, I could care less at this point. My friend's gone, so I don't, and same with-- - Wait, what you talking about? - Yeah, I'm already speaking defeat, Heidi. I can't even, I can't speak it. But with Kamal, I'm like mad. Like, I was genuinely mad at that episode. Like, I had this visceral reaction if I wanted to punch anyone in their face on his team, 'cause we gotta talk about this. - Y'all, let me know. I wanna know people's thoughts, 'cause I had realized watching the show, and then now talking with people is, I ain't had a different experience watching it, because I'm watching it through another lens. So, people come up to me and they ask me stuff. I'm like, that's what you got from it? Okay, let me tell you what kind of really happened. So, y'all can tell me y'all's perspective on this. - I wanna rip you, I wanna rip you a couple times too, while we're on here, 'cause I can do that. Listeners, we haven't even told her we're talking to. - Yes, and those people say, like, what's show, people can tell us what they can do? - We're confusing the listeners right now. They're like, this is it. - We gotta go before that, and we gotta tell the listeners why we're talking so familiar. So, we gotta take it back. - Well, I was gonna ask that too, but go ahead first, Brad, tell us who we're talking to. - We have the star. That's the personal star of food stars. Come on, Grant. But he's, if you missed it, you can go on the Hulu's. You can watch the first three episodes. You can get to know him in three episodes. - We gotta rewind before this. - Sorry, we gotta test this. He and you, okay? - Yes, how do you know each other? - I'm gonna let Heidi ask the questions, 'cause I'll tell them out. Let me say this really fast, come on. Heidi has warned me when we bring her survivor friends on, I can't let them just act like this. They got, I got it. So, I'm gonna let her kind of steer this conversation, 'cause me and you have shorthand. We've known each other for close to 30 years. - Yeah, yeah. - Yeah, I will love to run it, Brad, because we will have, we're gonna have some survivor friends in the upcoming days here, coming weeks. So, I want Brad to keep me honest so I can keep all my biases out the window. But now with you, and Brad, right? I would love to know, how do you know each other? And then we'll start from that. And I'm gonna ask all the questions behind it. Who wants to go with them? Bijama, do you tell us? - I'm gonna let Kamal go with it. - Yes. - Okay, it was 1998, okay? - Wow. - I just, I joined the Navy, just left a school after learning my trade. I wanted to be a baker, cook in the United States Navy. So, I get to my first ship, the USS John Young. Look over at some speckled handsome young gentleman that works with the young man, and that is the ship's secretaries or anything. Why are you gonna call me a ship's secretary? - It's the job, I was a cook. I mean, there's probably a lot of other things you could call the actual titles, but as you tell me I was a cook, you know, we don't need to get them, you can live, you know what I'm sayin'? So, and yeah, we were both young boys that just joined the Navy, probably got to the boat a couple of months before I got there. And yeah, we became fast friends, you know, 'cause we're both, you know, from the South. So, we have that in common, it would be a country boys, all the way out in San Diego. And yeah, we do a lot of fun things together. - So come out, where are you from originally? You said the South, but where are you from? - I am from Atlanta, Georgia. - And where do you live now? - Atlanta, Georgia, I love it. - What are you doing with San Diego, enjoyed it, but said, you know what, I really like Atlanta. So, I want to go back. - Yeah, it's a great place to be. - It is, it's the best place, you know? - It's for a whole 'nother podcast, that's for the city podcast, so we're doing that. - I can start with cities. - I want to throw in, I got a couple of funny memories with Kamala. - I was about to say, tell us, should we're fun about Brad. So, I'm coming to the day monitor, that. - Oh, we got some stories. - Oh my God, we, yeah. Keep in mind I'm a pastor now, so we got to. (laughing) - No, I mean, these are all good stories, 'cause I mean, he's always been a genuinely nice, sweet guy, 'cause you know, obviously being in the Navy, you hear the term cuss like a sailor, like it's real, like we really say the worst things. It's not just like, you know, I don't know if we can say the cuss words out here, but it's not just the standard cuss words, it's really like trying to dig into someone's soul and hurt them on a personal level, you know what I'm saying? - Yes, yes. - That's the type of insults they do. And he didn't cuss, just the sweet, didn't cuss, didn't drink, you know? He's always been a one, since day one, so it was good. Well, that's really nice of you. Now, speaking of that, there's a time, I think about this story a lot. I went up and went, what are you listening to? You guys, Heidi, you know, we're, you know, back in the day, you had to listen to the Walkman's. And we did a lot of Walkman listening on the book. - As I'm teaching you, aging you. - It's aging, and I said, I said, what are you, I said, why are you listening to? And he goes, I'm listening to Pastor Troy. And I was like, man, where does he preach at? 'Cause I, and he's like, he's not a preacher, he's a rapper. And I'm like, so every time I hear the name Pastor Troy, it takes me back to that moment with Kamal when he introduced me to what I thought. I'm like, oh, that's cool, he's listening to a preacher. That's pretty awesome. Oh, that's Walkman. - That is hilarious. I didn't know you had that memory. - I didn't have it. - When we talking about pastoring and church and stuff, 'cause I recently just got invited to speak at a church and give a sermon on the church, and I believe in stuff, but I'm not big on the church, but I'm gonna be honest with y'all. I think I haven't been to church before then since when we were in the Navy and you took me to church. - Oh my gosh, that's a long time. You got to go to church with me, dude. - It's been a minute, you know? So, but yeah, I need to send you my sermon. Did you see my sermon? You should go check it out. - No, send it to me. I want to watch it. I like the words. - It's okay. - You haven't done it yet. - No, I did do it 'cause it was, they wanted me to speak to the youth about entrepreneurship and business, and I think, oh, I was just gonna go Sunday school, speak to them, and then I get the pamphlet, and I'm on the other thing, and I send it to a friend, and she's like, "The pastor's not speaking today. "You are the sermon," and I said, "All right." Okay, we gotta dig in the crates here. We gotta pull out some Bible, and we dug into it, and I gave people like it. I did like 10 minutes, I talked about the Navy, talked about my life, and put some scripture in there, so it was really good, and then check it out. - Let me tell this story, too, by the way, 'cause I'm packing my house up right now, we're moving to Minnesota, and I'm packing it up, and I found a lot of pictures of Kamal and I. We do have some photos. - Ooh! - Yeah, I should have 'em, I packed 'em up. And there was a time, this is how good of a friend he was, Heidi. We were in, you're in Acapoco, and I've told my wife the story listener, so it's not, we were in Acapoco. I meet this girl, I'm like 20 years old, 21 years old. She can't speak a lick of English, done. And I'm like, she has a friend. So I'm like, hey, you wanna go with me on a date with her? - Oh, yes, now it's coming back. - Yes, and so we doubled dated, and we went to the Pizza Hut in Acapoco. I remember this, me and Kamal's in there. She orders like a pizza, like a Hawaiian pizza, it was weird to both of us. But neither one of them could speak English, so me and him talked. - Yes. - It's no English. - By them, I'm very curious about this now. So how do you actually invite them to do this date, or whatever? - A lot of his signals, a lot of his signals, trying to find one common word of interest, because this is before Google Translate, you can just, (mumbles) - Yeah, yeah, you do. There was no Google Translator back then, and so me and her became friends, and she couldn't speak English, which I kinda like, 'cause I didn't have to talk a lot. Even though I love to talk. So then I would come back to San Diego on the weekends, we had a friend who could speak fluent Spanish. So I would call her on a phone card, and he would talk to her for me. - Can you yell him in love? - I know. - So then-- - You're in love. - So my wife was like, I was talking to my wife, and I was like, you know, that time I was in Mexico City. Well, I bet Kamal, he wouldn't go with me. Nobody would go with me to Mexico City where she lived to see her. - Oh, yes, you see me there. - Imagine this, Heidi, imagine you putting your child, your child goes, I'm gonna fly to Mexico City from Tijuana by myself in 2000, and I did it. I thought, no, no friend would accompany me. I'm like, great, if there'd been date line back there, you're gonna see me on a date line. I'm gonna milk carton. So I went down there and met her family, they loved me. It was great, we had fun. And then all the way back, I told my wife this all the time, we're in a car, we're driving. And she's like, she had her sister had a boyfriend who could speak English better than anybody. And he's like, she wants you to move down here to Mexico City. And I was like, nah, I'm good, I'm good. And they took me to the airport and gave her a hug, gone on the airplane, never spoke to her again. - Oh, my, like, you didn't want to speak to her again because she wanted you to move down there? - Well, I figured, - So you just said her? - I ghosted her. That was a 2000 ghost. That was a ghost thing. Yeah, so, that's a funny story. 'Cause looking at the photos with him, he looked miserable on the date. Like, I think he hated it. This was his photo, every one of them is like, - Oh my gosh, you gotta pull those photos out, I need to see those. - I'm fine, when I get the minutes on and I'm packed, I will show you these photos. You look young, and so, Heidi, that's a little, little picture in our friendship there. - You haven't touched since. You guys were in the military together? - Yeah, you stayed at our house when we were married, right? Didn't you come up for a food convention? - Yeah, I did go up there. You know, Charlotte had one of the best gelato companies in the world is headquarters. The US headquarters is outside of Charlotte. - Wow. - So, went up there a couple of times to go do some training and learn from them and checked out my buddy. - That's amazing. - Okay, so. - I have more questions, but go for it. - No, keep asking them, Heidi, I'm sorry, I'm trying to Bogart the conversation here. - I wanna get, 'cause the stories are gonna come organically, I know for a fact. So, I better start asking Kamal about, I heard about him wanting to cook, right? Well, how do you go from the military to now, you know, becoming an entrepreneur, running a business, getting into a show to go get a progression of all of that. - That's a big surprise. - It's already years. - When I said, I mean, I joined the Navy, obviously, I wanted to bake before the Navy and wanted to be a chef. So, I joined the Navy to get money for school and 'cause I wanted to go to the color Institute of America. After my four years, I got out, went to the color institute of America. - The one in New York, does he either? - Yeah, he's great, cool. - I used to live in Poughkeepsie, New York at some point about the night. - Well, there you go, yeah, we got, I know. So, you go way back to Poughkeepsie, we got all these connections. Yeah, Poughkeepsie, that was my stomping ground for about two and a half years of my life. So, yeah, I was up there, went to, you know, up there Hyde Park, you know, CIA, learned baking and pastry arts there. Then after that, I went, learned baking science out of Manhattan, Kansas. And I was working for a big manufacturer and, you know, working for manufacturers. I had all these ideas. I was like, man, I really want to do all this crazy stuff. And I saw a donut shopping, it was for lease. And I was like, you know, you keep talking about shit. Think you can make better products than everybody else. Call the guy up and see if you can take over his shop. Call him up, you want to get out. I took it over, you know, that was 2008. And we just grew it out and got a lot of great national press, you know, opened up a shop in Bangkok, Thailand, you know, the donut shops have been very successful and featured on a lot of good things. You know, we always make best donut lists in Atlanta, Georgia, since we opened. And a lot of national, best list of best donut shops in the country. And, you know, just trying to figure out new things. So, you know, I started a new brand, magic middles. So that's what I was really on there to promote the magic middles. So, yeah, so the Gordon Ramsay people, you know, obviously saw the motion we were doing. And, you know, contacted me, the casting agents were like, hey, there's this new show. We would like to see if you want to apply. It's an entrepreneur show where we highlight entrepreneurs' stuff. And I was like, you know what, I do have a new brand. I'm trying to launch. Oh, sure, let me give it a shot. You know, I never sort of wanted to be in a rat. Not to knock, obviously, this show. But I don't really watch reality shows. I don't, the drama is too stressful. Okay, like watching it, it's so stressful. I'm like, I can't see people just so stressed in their dreams crushed. And that's what's funny, we can get into even the show. Like, the first episode, I feel like they dropped the ball, because that should have been the best episode, because watching so many people go pitch their idea, and then seeing them go or seeing their dreams get crushed, like, I was on emotional rollercoats. I was like, I can't even handle this. I want everybody to make the show. Like, I'm rooting for people, even though I was, I want to win. But I don't want to see other people lose, you know? So it was a different little moment, because it's weird. - So, I don't want to do you at this service, but you did not tell us the name of your store, right? So tell the listeners who name of your store, and where is that in Atlanta, or wherever else you live. - Sublime donuts in Atlanta, Georgia. The world's greatest donut shop. We got two stores in Atlanta. We got one on North Truett Hills and Briar Cliff, another original one on 10th Street. We used to have a couple kiosks in Mercedes-Benz Stadium. We don't have those anymore. We had a couple of kids when they first opened the stadium. I think you may have saw it. And you said that you got a secret tour, because he's just a handsome gentleman just walking around the stadium. He saw like a big wig. Was it like Richie McCay or something like that? - No, it was the COO of Mercedes-Benz Stadium. And he took Max and I around and gave us tickets on the 50 yard line, like 30 rows up, and I saw your kiosk right there. And I'm like, "Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah." - All right, Kamal and Brad, I'm coming to you too. What's your favorite donut flavor or combination? - Oh, gosh, that's easy. For me, it's Oreo. - Hi. Oh, Oreo, okay. - What was you gonna say? What was you gonna say? - Me or Kamal? - You, Heidi? - Oh, my favorite is Maple Bacon, Maple Bacon donut. - Maple Bacon, yeah, that's a good one. I like the Reese's too. He does a good Reese's and-- - It's funny, that's, I like y'all's picked, 'cause normally when you ask people their favorite donut, they always do traditional something like-- - Y'all like the ladies that chocolate, y'all both suck with the more boochi boochi boops, towel donuts. So, it's great, 'cause we do all those towel donuts at the donut, y'all, y'all. - Hey, come on, I want to ask you this, 'cause we have this big, easy debate on movie torture with the cast of movie torture, another podcast on the Hopecast Network. Movie torture dad, who is a guest on there, says the number one donut in the world, 'cause we've been talking about this, is Dunkin'. And I say Dunkin' tastes like day olds anytime you get 'em, they suck. Like, nobody wants a Dunkin', they even drop donuts from the name, 'cause they're terrible at it. - Hey. - He bought him a duck, you ever eat ducks donuts? You know what I'm talking about. So you cheat on some of 'em, so you-- - He doesn't like ducks, he's like, I like Krispy Kreme, but I like Dunkin'. - It's tasty as donut, I thought it was just like, they're the number one shop, like they have the most sales, like he thinks they're the best tasting donut in the world. - The best tasting donut. - He said I would rather eat a Walmart donut than ducks. - Wow, this is fascinating. - So we've been goin' back and forth. - He's like, he just doesn't like ducks. - He doesn't like it, he loves Dunkin'. We've been goin' back and forth on our text group, bashing him for it. - I mean, a lot of times you pick up your likes like when you're young, so, you know, that's the nostalgia, so it doesn't matter what it can be. - He's in his 70s. - That's the point, so he found what he liked and they make the perfect thing for him. Even if you make something technically better or something or add a twist, he's gonna be like, I don't want the extra stuff, I just want it to be the same. So that's some people, you know? - Yeah, we get in this debate, everybody disagrees with him, but you're the donut master, so I had to ask you, like, and I will say, my dad listens to every podcast, so he's our biggest fan, he supports 'em all, but his taste and donuts are pathetic. I'm just gonna throw that out there. - You still haven't told, you didn't tell us which one is your favorite. - Yeah, I mean, I'll probably go with, like, I don't know. I mean, I like peanut butter, Reese's Peanut Butter Cups are my favorite thing to eat, so that's my favorite food. So you're talking about favorite food, like pizza, whatever, Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. Love peanut butter chocolate, we do that, that's great. But I said, donut, I probably go with, like, something of the cinnamon variety, so we do a cinnamon swirl or like an apple fritter with cinnamon throughout it, so I really like that. So a little cinnamon apple fritter. - Yeah, ooh, okay. - What's your best, Kelly? What's your best-selling flavor? - The fresh strawberries and cream is, you know, donut. We split in half, put a light cream cheese frosting, then tuck some fresh strawberries that are coated in, like, a strawberry glaze, and then we dust it with a light dusting of powdered sugar and it's delightful. - That's awesome. - Yeah, yeah. - Oh, yes. - I'm on donuts now. And Kamala, you said that people from the show, not sure if it was the producers or just staff, they actually recruited you, so you didn't have to talk. - Hi. - You weren't looking to get up to be this. - Yes, they contacted me. If that was the question, you had a little hiccup there. - Yeah. - Well, sorry. - Yes, to produce the casting agent, so a casting agent from, I don't know, show me telling all this, who cares? It's like casting. - I don't want you to get in trouble. - Well, yeah, like, look, what is going on? What are they gonna consume me from no money? - I don't even pick them off the show. I mean, it's like- - They didn't win, so they didn't give me no money. They were gonna be upset about getting out of here. - You don't know the ending, right? You left before the ending. - Yeah, I don't know the ending. - Okay, so you're not messing anything up? - Yeah, yeah, yeah, and it doesn't matter to me. I mean, I know a few people who've won 'cause you know, I've been contacting me, oh, I just got back home buzz, they blah, but I don't- - Final verdict of the two people who left. But yeah, no, a casting agent contacted me 'cause that's the thing. Like, people have been asking me, oh, would you do another reality show? And I'm like, to promote the brand, yes. But I get contacted pretty frequently. And years ago, it used to be all the time, like once every three, four months or so by like these guys, grocery games, baking challenges, all these different reality shows. You know, these cooking reality shows that pop up on all these different networks, you know, when they're looking for like bakers and stuff. So I get hit up pretty frequently. And I'm like, no, I don't really wanna do that. I was like, if you wanna judge, like I'm certified, I don't need to run around for you, you know, approve my baking abilities. So I wouldn't necessarily do that. But this was a different opportunity. It was about entrepreneurship and pruning, the brand and stuff. So I was like, yeah, I'll do that. So yeah, that's how casting people found me. And so who's this guy in Atlanta who's doing cool stuff? So let's see if he wants to apply. - Nicey. And was it a good experience? - Yes. I would say it was good with the asterisks. Okay, it was good with an asterisk. So obviously we can dig into all these episodes. The final episode, how they kind of edited it, or how they edited everything. It's kind of weird. And, you know, kind of seeing the bones behind the reality show. It's a weird thing. It's a weird thing. It's a weird thing. 'Cause it's just another thing that talking points so I can bring up at parties. So it's cool. Hey, another reality show. - I wanna talk about-- - Star now. - I wanna talk about some stuff. I got some bones to pick right now. - I'll talk to you. - One, I loved your style. You got gray style on there. It went with your magic middle brand. So I like that your branding stayed consistent. - I was doing a bit, okay? I was dressed in a different '90s character throughout. Even the first one, low-key, it went in there. Like when I did my pitch, I was like, the '90s rock, because I was dressed as the '90s rock, as the rock in his '90s out there with a turtleneck and-- - Oh, I didn't get that. - I was trying to do subtle stuff that would go viral. It was over for me, you know what I'm saying? - Okay. - Let's talk about your pitch. - Okay. - I was mad at your pitch. - Okay. - I was upset because did they say, 'cause my wife and I went back and forth about this. Did they say you were not allowed to bring up Sublime Donuts? - No, they did it. I did bring up Sublime Donuts. They cut it out. - Okay, that makes more sense, 'cause I was mad at you for not doing that. I was like, why does he get a chance to speak to America? And he doesn't bring up his brand in Atlanta, like that's how that's your big brand, along with magic medals. - Yeah, no, they edited the pitch. One thing I will say for certain, another other two episodes, I may have a little problem with how they edited me. They actually may have saved me on the first set of two, 'cause I screwed up my pitch, okay? They can get into this pitch. So there, let me tell you a story about this pitch. So they're like, all right, I want you to be as creative as possible. I'm like, okay, I'm about creativity. And I first came up with this "Boys to Men's Song." And I recorded, I even wrote it and recorded it in a day and sent it to them and said, "I wanna sing this "Boys to Men's Song." And they were like, would I have the rights to boys to men? I was like, okay, yeah, I figured, okay, I can't do that. So I'm like, I don't know what to be creative now. So I was like, he decorate my bedroom, make the bedroom look like a '90s bedroom, 'cause I was all '90s nostalgia. And I was like, cool. So when I got there and I'm like, to have a bed, I was like, this should be funny, 'cause I'm trying to figure out how to kick it up. If I get in the bed, oh. - Oh gosh. - But this is the part they did it. - Wait, this is the part in front of Gordon Ramsay and Vanderpump. - Yes, thank you. - Oh my God. - So this is the, I see some tea behind the scenes. - You should have thought of Heidi. (laughing) - Okay, it's coming good. - I was like, all right, okay. So you're walking down this big, it's like a football field and the lights are on you and it's scary and they try to shake you up before you get in there. They're like, you know, someone before they open the doors, they're like, hey, relax. It's gonna be okay. And I'm like, I am relaxed. Stop talking to me. But they keep doing that 'cause they're trying to shake you up. So they shake you up. You walk down there and I'm like, okay, I gotta get in this bed. And this is my first time seeing the whole thing where they gotta set up. So where they had me stand, my cue, it's over there, but the bed is over there. So I'm like, I committed to this getting in the bed thing. So I'm gonna walk over and get in the bed. So I'll walk over, get in the bed, lay on the bed and then start talking 'cause I had like a joke and then a punch line. And I was gonna do the punch line and then get up. I just start talking and go with my rags, at least if anybody was like, what are you doing? Get off the bed. Not for like, I don't know what I'm doing either. Let me get off the bed. So I get off the bed and then I stand in my cue and I was totally discombobulated by then. Not pitch, like I started stuttering and they're like, slow down, calm down. And I was like, okay, so I took a breather and then I was like able to get it. So they actually could have edited me to make me look like an idiot the first episode. So I'm glad they didn't do that even though they did it later, but we can do it. - Okay, but back to this, what was the joke? - I wanna know the joke, what was the joke? - I have to find that. It wasn't like joke, it was something like I said, the 90s rock, oh yeah, this was it, the 90s rock. You remember the 90s, Gordon, you were traveling in France, working in kitchens all across France. You remember the 90s, Lisa? You came to the stint on Baywatch nights. And that was, it was something in there 'cause I was just gonna show that I did research on her and know that she needed acting in Baywatch nights in the 90s. So even when I said that, even though they did, Gordon was like, hold on, what you did? And she was like, how'd you find that out? And I was like, it didn't really search, you know? I know. - She'd be someday done, they knew that then. - Yeah, they knew it, but it didn't make the episode, you know. - Well that explains because your pitch was frustrating to me because you didn't talk about Sublime. And Kristen was like, my wife, she was like, why is he not talking about Sublime? That does not make sense to me. And second, Gordon's like, looks at Lisa and why would you want him? Like he was brutal. And I was like, what? I was mad I wanted to punch Gordon Ramsay and like, you're talking about my buddy here. And it's like, why would you want it or something like cold like that? - Oh yeah, and another great part that they cut off, they left on the dining room floor that pitch is, I presented to them 'cause I mean, they show the thing where I showed him talking about like here or like, we can partner up and make a British version of the magic middles with sticky toffee pudding and put you on the cover. But then I also did one for her and it was dog biscuits. And I had a little cartoon of her on the cover. Like here's dog biscuits we can do. That's a future flavor we can do. And so after I'm on the team, during that thing, he's like, hey, come on, swear to me one thing. He's like, you're not gonna make dog biscuits. And I was like, I'm gonna make money here. And he's like, swear to me you're not gonna make dog biscuits. And he kept yelling and I was like, I don't know. And then he came all the way off the thing and he was like, in my face, like, please do not make dog biscuits. And I was like, okay, I'm not gonna make it. And then we hugged and shit. And I was like, oh, that's gonna be on TV. That is clearly gonna be on TV. And I went even, tried to buy the trademark for the words dog biscuits and they didn't air itself. (laughing) (laughing) - Well, I think in the second episode, you got zero speaking lines. I don't remember you ever talking. You were just that random in the back of the team that didn't really talk much. 'Cause I was mad. - Yeah, and a lot of people were like, why didn't you talk? I'm like, I did talk. Like, they had to edit a storyline. There's 14 people plus Gordon Ramsey and Lisa Vanderpump. So they really can't get everybody in there. Yeah, they didn't give me a lot of screen time. I mean, I'm upset that they dropped the ball really on their first episode. That should have been a two hour episode because they had like, they invited 28 people out there, like 26 people to come pitch. And like, a lot of these people had great ideas. Like we all flew out to London for this big opportunity. And to, you know, see them get chopped down, like it was, it was kind of brutal. Like that. - Okay, I know I just interrupted a great conversation. But my name is Brad and you may be listening to me or any of the other talent we have on this network at HopeCast. We want to thank you for listening, but also we want you to like and subscribe to the show you're listening to. So when you're done listening, go on the iTunes or the Spotify and leave a great review if you like it and follow the show on Instagram and any other platforms that it's on. I think we're on TikTok, so follow us on TikTok. But make sure you leave us a review. We love good reviews here at the HopeCast network. Now, I guess I'll let you get back to your show. - It would have been a very good episode 'cause you know, you got invested in it. Like we all were talking, you know, discussing our businesses and they really dropped the ball on that one. - So how many people do they end up showing on the first episode? - Well, they picked 17, seven on each team, so 14 people. They showed like some people that they didn't pick, but they went through them so fast. And there's some people that they didn't even show 'cause I know two guys that I had a real good conversation with like one guy had this chain of Aikibo places out of Hawaii. They didn't show him at all. Another guy had these robots like that would help with customer service in the front of the house of a restaurant. They'd weight your tables. They didn't show him at all either. So they really had a lot of good stuff that that first episode should have been like two. - Okay, the guy that the, I brought this up with Heidi off air last time we talked 'cause I was telling her about you. The guy that sailed the silverware. - Casey. - Was he on your team? - No, no, he was on the other team. - But he, I don't understand why silver, everybody, silverware looks the same. I could create a silverware with, I could create a spoon and put a sublime logo on it. Right, and that might make that unique. But this guy comes in, he pitches silverware, Heidi. Like I'll sell you forks, my mama bought my forks, my grandma bought my forks. And then he has a story about being deaf, I think it was deaf, right? - No, he got a stutter, I think. - A stutter, it was a stutter, not even deafness, Heidi. - I'm taking things off now, Brad. - No, I'm not. And I looked at my wife and I'm like, they're gonna eat this guy. They were fighting over this guy. Like both of them were fighting over, 'cause if the way the show goes, right? Come on, if Lisa and Gordon both want you, then you get to choose who you wanna be on. It's not their choice anymore. They were, they were salivating over this man. And I feel like it's because of his stuttering story. - Less than his entrepreneurship of silverware. I'm just gonna create silver in line. - No matter what do you think? What do you, do you think that was like great pitch? What do you think? - I didn't see his pitch, but Kaison's a great guy. I know he's a good guy. - Yeah, I'm not bashing Tyson, please know that. - Kaison is a cool guy, but yeah, I mean, that's what I was telling people before, they're like, oh, you're going on a cooking competition. I was like, it's just a food-related business competition. Like, you don't have to know how to cook, or me, a chef, to be on the show. Like, the one girl on our team, Perry, a lady, like her old lady, she had coasters. You know what I'm saying? Like, her thing was coasters. You can have any sort of weird things. So yes, I mean, obviously you could create a silverware line. You know, his is more premium branded and designed to themselves. - Yeah, I'm not being, I'm being kind of bad in my judgment of silverware. I get that, but silverware is silverware. - Two stars and you think of all these hills, kitchen shows, you think all these people are chefs and then someone comes out and be like, yeah, I designed silverware. You're like, I could do that too. I could have been on this show. - Yeah, Heidi and I could do reality check silverware. We could. - Yeah, I went to Japan and I never realized my obsession for tiny spoons until I went to Japan, okay? So I came back and I started just like buying spoons 'cause I was obsessed 'cause in like, especially Asia, but in the US too, they use like very peculiar spoons for the super different, for your tea, and I'm like, I love them all. They're so cute. So maybe there is a huge market for that kind of stuff because I came back and I started like just googling which was I wanted to buy it. So there is a huge market out there. And I only know that because I wanted to buy a bunch of different ones. - And you know, I think it's my bias 'cause I know him, but I'm like, it's silverware, Heidi, it's silverware. But then when he pitches magic medals, which he bought the tray, bought everything to do magic. Gordon goes, there's a reason why they were discontinued. And I'm like, wow, man, you're just being brutal. - Yeah. - It was funny 'cause I think he got picked in the, when we were doing it live, he got picked before me. So I remember thinking, 'cause you know, you know, you're on these shows and you think, I don't think they can have like a lot of the same minorities. - So I was like, he got picked? Oh, I'm not gonna be picked. - That would be cruel. - They already got the black guy. They don't need another black guy. - Gosh. - I was like, oh, Lord, it was so stressful that whole thing being out there. But now I'm like, I see-- - And then I walk out and I'm like, you didn't make it, but I'm monogrammed napkins and they love it. I was like, what? I just got my monogrammed machine. - Oh, that's gonna be next season. Someone's gonna be on there with their monogrammed napkins and the soap. - Guys, I want to be surprised. - Heidi, I want to get to the episode three. That's the, that's the Kamal episode. - That's his-- - Kamal episode. - They should dial a Kamal. - With another cast made and we're discussing it. And I was like referring to this my episode. I was like, I'm gonna refer to this my episode 'cause it's when I get kicked off. So on my episode, I got featured. - It's over. - It's over. - Spoiler alert, yeah. - For when the editing job was sad because they made Kamal look as though he didn't tear it up in the door. Before this happened, we're sitting there and he goes, Gordon Ramsey at the door. I'm like, okay, is he gonna announce everybody that walks to that door because that would be weird 'cause people want to get in need or do whatever. Y'all are offering the drinks. But then they made him look like he didn't even care. He's just out there roaming. He's-- - That is, it is wild because that's another thing that's disappointing with how they edit it. - Because I do work the door the whole time. You know, we have, they set up this event, blah, blah, blah. They're like, all right. It's like two, three hours or whatever. And everybody came in as soon as we were there. So you let everybody in like 30 minutes. And then you're like, okay, I can't just stand at the door. Let me go help other guests, bus tables, you know, get drinks, talk to the guests, make sure they're having a good time. And that's when, that's why it looks crazy to edit. They act like I didn't let anybody in. I was like, this is some bullshit. So that is very disappointing to see how, because you know, now I've got people in my DMs talking about some, oh, you need to learn how to stand by the door. You want them left and I'm like-- - Oh, you get that in your DMs for real people? - People in the room, comments. And I'm thinking, this is what people are doing now. So, so that's why I was like, I wanna get y'all's perspective on if you watch the show. Did it look like that that I'm a complete idiot? Because they did try to make me look like I was just goofing around and nobody was at the door. 'Cause, you know, they obviously, Lisa Vanderpump and Gordon end up coming and I wasn't at the door when they came because they came sporadically. Like they let all the guests in at one time. So we let all them in. So I'm like, already, let me help out. Instead of just standing here at the door, like a goof troop. And then they come in when I'm not at the door and they make it look like a big thing. But the reality is I found out the other team, their door man, he wasn't at the door when Lisa and Gordon came, but they failed to show that. You know what I'm saying? - So they just highlighted the back part when it's like, oh. - Whoa, we lost so they need to highlight, oh look how dumb he is and how he didn't do anything right. It's like, relax. - I texted you that you need to learn to stand by the door just now. - I'm trying to put it from a different perspective, right? Like you, they know you go, at that point, yeah, the editors know you go home. So they gotta show every flaw you have so people don't feel that bad. You know what I mean? Like if it's highlighting the flaws. - That is it. I mean, they have to show make a reason for why they sent you home. They can't make you look great. But it sort of told a different story. And that's what I'm kind of pulling in with it. Because yeah, you know, if I had to go, I had to go, if you think the other team members were better, that's cool. I'm not stressing. I kind of saw when I got there how people were fighting to be on camera 'cause that's not in my personality. Like if you watch my Instagram, you'll see the extrovert self rapping doing the videos. But in real life, I'm sad of that. I like to chill, lay back. And people were fighting to be on camera and I'm like, I'm not gonna do it, you know what I'm saying? I'm just gonna be a happy, good, cool person. So I can tell that maybe I wasn't long for the show. But to kind of adjust and fix the film to tell a story that wasn't there, that's kind of what I have a problem with. And it's weird, and it's a shame, you know what I'm saying? - Well, welcome to reality TV, right here. - Well, I messaged him after I watched it 'cause I was a few days late watching it. He's probably like, wow, you watch this like four days, I was a few days late watching it. And we were in the middle of selling our house. And Roman, I was mad because I'm like, Roman in this episode, Heidi, he's barely 21 and he's mixing drinks. You have grown adults that could do that. Now I could not mix drinks. I would be terrible, but I would own that. I'd be like, you can't put me there. I'll be the doorman. But I was bad, but Kamal checked me on that. He's like, no, no, no, Roman did good. 'Cause in my mind, they play it like either Roman or Kamal's gonna go home, one of the two. And I'm rooting for Roman to get the axe the whole time. - Yeah, of course. - Yeah, of course. - Hello. - What? - Am I the only one I pose? Hello, hello, hello. - No, you're there. - Oh, you pause. You say they play it like Roman's gonna go home. - Yeah, I said I was playing it like Roman is gonna go home in my mind. 'Cause they play it like either Roman or Kamal's gettin' the axe. And I was praying fingers crossed you weren't gonna get to sit home. 'Cause in reality, if you're watching this show, the dude that volunteers to mix the drinks, the bad drinks are way worse than a door opening, Heidi. Do you not agree? Like if I go to a restaurant and the burger stinks, I'm not thinking about the hostess that opened the door for me. I'm thinking about the burger. - That is true. And that's also what I have a problem with because yes, they did highlight Roman's drink, but even in the broader thing, his drink wasn't the worst drink. 'Cause when we had two drinks, it was the other drink that the judges hit way more than his drink. The other drink made by Nick, they were on him about his drink like it was made in the wrong glass, you know? It was done wrong, so. And he was the team leader of, like he's the probably the one that was like, "Oh yeah, Roman, do that drink." So they completely didn't show that storyline and they made it look like it was in between Roman. 'Cause if I do remember, like we did, 'cause they act like we didn't pick a team leader also, we did have a team leader, like Nick and Jess were like the team leaders. And then when we were down there, when we were in our elimination, it was kind of between me and Nick and Jess. And then I obviously got kicked out. But for them to show that edit and make it look like it was between me and Roman, I think that was kind of disingenuous too, you know what I'm saying? 'Cause that's a weird thing to do because I feel like they should have highlighted how the team leaders sort of dropped the ball, how they were getting blamed. But you can tell they're like trying to tell another story. It was weird, it's very fascinating. - Question, so they record this and how much in advance is the recording versus the viewing? - Well, we felt like February, March. - Okay. - So that actually turned it over pretty fast. I think the first and cause this is the second season and the first season came like a year after. So they turned this over pretty fast for it to be airing right now and we just recorded this back in, you know, February, March. - I asked a question because typically, and I've learned this after, the editors make choices based on what's coming to you. - Yes. - So there's a lot about prepping the viewership for what's coming. - Oh, that's news. - All I'm saying is, you know, they may have made those choices because of what's coming between the manager versus the pro and, you know, future actresses. - You still on the show. - Oh, yeah, yeah, you still on the show right now. - Okay, good. - Well, I can't even realize it's like wrestling, you know, how we all kind of know that wrestling's fake, but you don't know how much, yeah, obviously they're out there when they're bleeding and it's hard work and they got to be strong to lift people up. So there's some realness to it, but the back end of them producing it, that's what it is. And, I mean, and it is sort of weird because I mean, I'm like, you know, obviously like survivor or something where the other cast mates get to pick you off. All these challenges, you know, the arbitrary and all the people on there are business owners. So the first, the second episode where they kick off, you know, my buddy Tyler, they really made him look like a fool and they made him look like he was mean too, where he was like the nicest guy, you know what I'm saying? - Really? - And yeah, and then, you know, they obviously did that so they could let them go and it's like, you don't have to do that to him, you know what I'm saying? Like, we have to come back to our businesses and we have to get sales and people are looking at this show and be thinking like, is this how he conducts business? Like, maybe I shouldn't deal with them, you know what I'm saying? So it is kind of upsetting how they're editing this and knowing that people actually have businesses. Even if you didn't choose someone and you think the other team members are better, to make people look like they're so bad, they're really like bad at business. It is very disappointing, you know what I'm saying? So, yeah, 'cause one of my, he's asking me that 'cause that was the thing about greeting people at the door. And one of my boys were like, what happened? You're like, you're so big on us greeting people and you got a whole system? Did you forget everything? And I'm like, no, I didn't greet people? Okay, I literally know how to greet people at the door. So it is a weird thing, you know what I'm saying? So I don't know, better. - Well, I mean, you're not successful. You've had this business for, how many years, 17 years? - Yeah, and it was coming up on 16 in August. - Yeah, you can't go 16 years and not be successful in customer service. And you're great at that. There's never been a time I've been there where you haven't been obliging to other customers that are in there. And I must say, Heidi, if you follow the Instagrams or the Facebooks of Sublime, these guys came in and broke in the other day and it's sad and they robbed 'em and so I've been following this. I wanted to bring that up 'cause it makes me mad too. Another thing that just makes me mad, I'm like, on top of foodstarch. (laughing) - Yeah, you're kidding us. That is really weird. Someone came in and stole our registers. There wasn't really money in there. So it kind of made me want to go cashless anyway. So we're testing out. - I hate to interrupt what you're doing now but something very important I need to let you know about. When you purchase generous coffee beans, we want you to try to enjoy each brew for two reasons. Number one, because you're a part of something bigger, making a positive impact around the world. And number two, 'cause we did not compromise on the quality of coffee, you're drinking some of the best coffee in the world. 100% of profits are donated to non-profits that are fighting injustice facing humans around the world, well, that's powerful. Generous is best known for especially coffee, but the heartbeat of generous is their hope to use for profit business for good. In 2024, generous is hoping to provide coffee to churches around the US to spread a message within congregations that churches care about people even down to the coffee they are serving and the people they enjoy. I apologize for that extremely long run on sentence. If you have interest in hearing more about generous coffee, please reach out to their founder, Ben Higgins, at Thank you, and back to our scheduled podcast. - Ashley's right now, so everybody's gone. You know, no one really keeps cash on them anymore, so I think this'll be good. - But there's no restaurants come all that only accept cash, which blow my mind. I'm like, how do you only accept cash or check? (laughing) - I think it's to avoid taxes, that's what I think. - That's a choice. - That's my move. But back to the episode, 'cause you know, we're gonna wrap here a little bit. You did have a leader, and I liked your game of thrones idea, it's better than the one that you executed, that I didn't understand your idea, I didn't understand the team idea, but the other teams was way worse. Like, their idea was, I was like, how are they gonna win this? My wife, Kristen, we were invested, man. We don't watch a lot of TV together, but we were watching this, and we both could not understand the other team's idea. It was way too, it was stupid. I'll just say stupid. - I think it's so arbitrary. This is not like basketball, or even some of the games on Survivor, like you have to complete a task, which is physical, and there's a time limit or something. It was just, we think you did better. Like, so it was so arbitrary where I don't, but even, I don't think we did a bad job. Like, first of all, I don't think we did a bad job, enough to lose, and I don't know what the other team did. Obviously, they're telling us they lost, and you can watch from the footage back and forth and see, they didn't look like they did anything more spectacular than we did, you know what I'm saying? All of that, it is a weird, it's a very weird show, and it's a weird show for it to be an actual show. They really shouldn't give out no price, because it's all arbitrary, you know what I'm saying? It's not like, oh, you cooked the better. I'm like, you made a better feeling of a bar? That was, you know what I'm saying? Like, the guests felt this one was better. What does that mean? - Yeah, what's the middle price of this show? - $250,000. - Okay, and it all. - You know, hopefully someone wins it. Like, I got a couple of people still in the game, and I really want them to win. I mean, so I'd be happy with them winning. So that's- - Do you got paid for your in both, like, well, however many hours or whatever? - Yeah, so we sort of just got paid, like, like an employee, like, like a actor or something. So, you know, it's like a daily wage, you're like a weekly wage or something. So, it really wasn't like big money. - I mean, not hours if you put it in a day, doing this. - I don't know, I mean, probably about eight, nine. I mean, they would, you know, 'cause they got unions and stuff over there. So, they would really be trying to wrap up before the crew, the camera people were like, "No, we're leaving." Okay, so, y'all need to finish. So, yeah, it would be, I don't know, about, you know, nine, ten hours or something. It's nothing crazy. It wasn't anything very that much stressful. That's why all that watching the stressfulness, and, "Oh, you gotta do this task, this," and I'm like, "This is like, this is easy work." Like, we'll just- - Yeah, do you spend your hotels while you were there? - Yeah, they put us up in a hotel, so that was very nice. And we got to see London, like, we're out in London, so it got to see London on our free time, you know? It would only give us a curfew if we had a morning, like, a morning call time, then it'd be like, all right, make sure everyone's back in the hotel by nine. So, y'all gotta be up at seven, 30 in the morning or something. - That's just nice. 'Cause I mean, go ahead. - I was gonna say, this sounds very different, Heidi, than Chef Lee's experience. - I was gonna say that- - Yeah, I'm gonna let you say it. - I was gonna say that we have a really, she was an hour show, and she's a friend of ours, and in her show, which was more on the cooking side, I think she, like, it was non-stop, crazy hours, they never slept, and they all stayed in the same place, so it was, like, a completely different experience. - Sure sounds miserable, honestly. - Yeah, you sound like a vacation. - You sound like a vacation, yeah. - It actually was a vacation, that's the only thing I'm disappointed, 'cause I was kind of thinking, I don't think I'm gonna win, but I was just like, I just would like to stay out here longer on their dives. That was what I was like, when I was this boy that I was leaving, I was like, I have like three more things I wanted to do, I had a restaurant I wanted to go to, I wanted to go see a play in the West End, so I was having things planned out for the upcoming days off, you know what I'm saying, so that was kind of- - It's very interesting. - Before we wrap, I want to say, do you feel like, Heidi, if you and I hosted a show, and it was titled After You, and I was like the Lisa Vanderpump of the show. I feel like Gordon was not gonna take two L's first two weeks, like it was set up for him, he was not gonna take two L's. Yeah, so no matter, his name is on the show, Gordon Ramsay's Food Scars, he cannot start out two to Vanderpump, who I know nothing about, and- - When we were at the hotel getting ready to leave for the competition, I told the other team, we were all together, you know, about to leave, and I was like, if I was y'all, I want to be worried, there's no way I'm, since I'm so like, what could it look like? And that was a challenge I lost on, you know what I'm saying, so I was already going to it, like, let me just do as good as possible, I'm gonna greet people at the door, I'm gonna bust the tables, I'm gonna make friends with everybody, and so hopefully, 'cause I was pretty sure we were gonna lose, that if we go to lose, I won't be on the chopping block, but it was my time to go, because I wanted to bring me trauma, so. - I'm glad you agree with me on that, 'cause there's, I don't think Gordon's like, I don't want two L's, right, in a row, Heidi, I just don't think that's gonna happen, not when it's arbitrary. Now, if it's actual competition where winter comes out, like that's one thing I like about Heidi, you ever watched the food truck race on, hey, see, Tyler Florence doesn't send you home 'cause Tyler Florence wants to, Tyler Florence sends you home 'cause you have the least amount of money in your till, which makes it fair, right? And you don't ever feel like it's arbitrary, but this is arbitrary. - Yeah. - And, you know, yeah. So Gordon can send you home, because he's gotta have a win against Vanderpond. - How many shows does Gordon have? - Oh, so many. - I'm gonna Google that because, me and we were talking about Hell's Kitchen before, so there's gotta be quite a few, right? - Well, he's, and this is what I found out when I was out there, he's really busy, 'cause not only does he have all these shows that we watch in America, Hell's Kitchen, next level chef, master chef, master chef, junior food stars. - Yeah. - Oh my gosh. - And he shows for England with an English cast, and then he does all those same shows with Australia for an Australian cast too. So, how's he? As soon as he, we went home for our final episode, he probably, they flew in, the people from probably Hell's Kitchen and the next master chef or something, and they just started doing it all over again. Like, he is. - That's incredible. - Does he have time to be a family yet? 'Cause he seems like he's a family guy, he brings his kid on some, like-- - Well, there's a lot of people now too, right? - Mm-hmm. - He loves them. - Yeah, but I think that's why it's in England, and with all due respect for, you know, how they edit it, he just comes and does his 15 minutes. Bing, bang, boom, I don't know if he would recognize me right now on the street if he passed me by. So, he comes and does his one of the letters, and you know, he goes and does his thing. So, you know, they act like it, you know, it's kind of like, oh, they're guiding you. It's not that much, guys. It would be nice if it was guidance, like we were sitting there with Gordon Ramsay, Lisa, and brainstorming. Like, here's how to be successful business people. - Yeah, it's just amazing. - They come and do their thing, boom, and then they go off, you know, he goes back home. - Wow. - That's the reality behind that. I like that you're giving us that perception because I feel like not everyone gets that. - We'll see if Fox is gonna hit me up, we just saw you on a reality check. What are you doing? We're gonna tell them to take it down. You let me know if they contact you. - My gosh, did I tell you about the girl made us take stuff down? I told you about that. Yeah, I'm still mad about it. I'm not gonna say it 'cause we'll get flagged again. So, you know, I'm gonna. - Come on, what's next for you? - What's next? Still trying to get these magic medals off. You know, right now I'm just trying to revamp it, go back to the lab and kind of figure out how to market it a little bit better 'cause after being on the show, have been a lot of people that are excited. Like I remember these cookies, they're great, but not enough people are excited for it to be in all your Kroger's and Walmart yet. So we need to really figure out how to go viral on a bigger level and get in all these stores. So hopefully this is it. This podcast is gonna go viral. This is gonna be it. - Let's do it. - Let's go. Send me a magic medal sticker and it'll go back there. 'Cause, you know, come on, this is his third time on the network, Heidi. He's been on three times now. He's official three-timer with your rare fat air. - Come back again. When your thing goes viral, come back. Kamal, if people wants to follow you or anything you wanna share about your stores or your cookies now, tell us, this is your opportunity here. - Oh yeah, come follow me on Instagram. That's probably the thing I look at the most. It's Sublime Kamal, S-U-B-L-I-M-E-K-A-M-A-L. You can see all the links to all the other businesses on there. And Sublime Donuts, you know, like a spell, the Magic Middle's cookies, like a spell on Instagram and those things. And those, of course, my websites, it's like the spell. So, yeah, come follow me, check us out and see 'em. Developing a video game app right now for the Magic Middle. So, hopefully download that. I just need everybody in America to download the video game app. Just give me one dollar out of your time. And so we can really fund this Magic Middle expansion. - I like it. The Magic Middle's are great. The donuts are incredible, Heidi. You got it, when you're down at Atlanta, you gotta try Sublime Donuts. Now you know Kamal, your friends, you gotta go try 'em. - And we're in the reality show club now, okay? This is my shipmate, you're my reality mate, okay? - Come on, real quick, if you go to a cooking show and you need like an assistant, could Heidi or I be your assistant on the cooking show? You know, they always got that one person's like, "I got the towel for you." And we just like, you know, you're like doing the work and I'm just like there helping you, you know, do stuff. - Next time, maybe I can be, well, I don't know if my impact made a big enough splash where I can be invited on these all-star challenges and reality shows, but we'll see, who knows what I'm saying. - You and Chef Lee would make a dynamic duo. You bring the dessert, she brings the meal. I like it. Just don't ask her to make, what's that? Chef, you know, what was it? - Beef Wellington? - What is beef Wellington? - Beef Wellington, don't ask her to make beef Wellington. - When I said Brad, I know we said to Chef Lee, like, "Hey, we gotta do one of those, like, "she does the real recipe, can we do it? "We gotta do something like that with Kamala as well." Like if he does something and we're following whatever it is, we're supposed to follow, see our version of what he does. - So we should try to make a doughnut and share it on the network and then he could share it. Also say, look at these, look at these morons trying to be amateur cooks. - Exactly, but Kamala said, tell us what to follow and see how good or terrible we do, Brad. You can do it on your own app. Once you move to the new house, then we're gonna do that. Kamala, we're gonna hit you off to get some sort of recipe to follow. - He should actually make what Chef Lee, 'cause he's gonna go on her show eventually. And he's gonna make and make what she dishes out one time too. I think that would be hilarious. - Yeah, it's gonna come with something. - It's coming. - We're gonna do something for you. - Well, thank you so much Kamala. - It's always great having you be a part of this and you're always welcome to come back. You must come back and be on the network. You're a part of the network family now, so we appreciate it. - Thank you so much. - Thank you, man. - I appreciate y'all taking these. - Peace. - Heidi, that was a blast. (both laughing) - Yes. - I love how he doesn't care. He's like, you know what? I don't care if I'm not gonna be talking about this. I'm just gonna talk about it. - Yeah, yeah. No, no. - They're probably gonna shut us down. - I like that we keep it real, right? That's what this show is all about. Let's keep it real, give it to me real. I wanna know everything behind the scenes, the good, the bad and the ugly, right? - Yeah, well, you definitely learned it from him. He has no filter and it was a fun time. He's a great dude and thank you. Well, we're excited for your fourth visit eventually. - Yes, I cannot wait to go to Atlanta and try the donuts. I'm not gonna lie. - But I'm excited about making the challenge, doing the challenge. The donut challenge, was the donut challenge? I'm excited about trying to make what he makes. - Yeah, yeah. - And be partially good at it. But you can find us at where Heidi. - So you follow us on Instagram, reality check, HP and then Brad has an account. I have an account. So you can always follow us as well. There's a lot coming this season. Like we've had a lot of great people and we're gonna continue having people. So yeah, keep us following us. Rados, Rados also on the podcast. I think that really helps so less keep me croaking it. 'Cause it's been so fun so far. - Tell your friends about reality check. We're growing every week. - Yes. - It's fun times, but hey, with that being said, Heidi, my name is Brad. She is Heidi and we'll see you next time on reality check. - Yeah, see you later. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music)