

Live update on the Trump assassination attempt.

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1h 21m
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14 Jul 2024
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Live update on the Trump assassination attempt.

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Wow. Wow. Wow. Ladies and gentlemen, this is insane. I mean, talk about just blowing up the Saturday insane. I can't believe this is happening so much to say. Obviously, we are still learning information. You know why you're in this chat. You understand why you're watching live. We just understand that Trump has survived an assassination attempt terrifying for so many reasons. Most of all, terrifying because so many of us feared this. We feared this was going to happen and we were poo-pooed. Your conspiracy theorists. What are you talking about? I kid you not. I kid you not. When I say that I just did an interview, I think it was Russell Brandt and I was asked, who do you want to be the VP for Donald Trump? And I said, I want him to pick somebody that is so America first that they won't bother assassinating him. And I said, no, it sounds like conspiracy theory, but I believe that the deep state is this desperate to get rid of him. And I'm fearful that if you pick someone like a Nikki Haley, they'll just kill him. That's what I actually said. I actually said to this during interview, I think it was Russell Brandt. It may have been someone else. I've been doing so many interviews lately, but this is what we feared. And again, we were called conspiracy theorists for believing this because, you know, some people are still living within this illusion that everything is totally normal in America and really Trump guy bad, orange man bad. Everybody else is just crazy and becoming a conspiracy theorist. No, we are not crazy. We are not becoming a conspiracy theorist. We are recognizing reality and the reality is, is they want him gone. They want him gone. They want Donald Trump gone. You guys, first and foremost, I just want to show you some of these pictures. Obviously, a lot of this is going to be not as perfect as our show normally is put together because we're pulling this stuff in as quickly as we can. First off, this photo just won the election. All all jokes aside, I saw this and I can't even describe how I felt looking at this. Look at this man right here, bloodied, just having had his ear grazed. By the way, in case you're missing the details at a Pennsylvania rally, okay, he's at a rally shot start ringing out Trump. You can see, and we're going to show you this video right now. My editor just joined us. Trump didn't really know what was going on. We're going to have that video for you shortly. And then he goes, you know, stop, stop, stop after he gets shot grazed in the ear and he just puts his fist up like that with the American, look at this photo. To tell me, tell me, take my money, Trump, take all my votes, Trump, take whatever, take my house, Trump, okay, because I'm voting for that man right there. Unbelievable. In a moment where he didn't know, because you can't even imagine, right? You imagine yourself getting shot. Do you imagine the adrenaline of recognizing and you've got blood coming out of your ear? And this man comes to his senses and realizes that he's got to be the bravest person in the room. And he just pumps his fist. He just pumps his fist and somebody whoever captured that photo, my goodness, take every photography award. Seriously, that I'm not even saying it's not to make this a severe conversation or a severe topic. Obviously, it is, but this is tremendous. I think this so embodies the Donald J. Trump that we know and that we love, a person that will fight for America when America is under attack. Now we're talking about an individual that is fighting for America. That image says so much. When they say a picture is worth a thousand words, that is what they are talking about. And when we have that video, Chris, you let me know, we're going to run it so you can actually hear him say this. And you're going to, he just goes, wait, wait, wait, in all the craziness, I'm going to be the strong one for this country. And he puts his fist up. And I think that that is absolutely incredible. So ladies and gentlemen, first and foremost, let me give you some details about what went down to say. And I'm getting this information minute to minute. If we learn something else, obviously, we will update it. We won't know more until time passes. So what we have here is it says that he was rushed off stage. Obviously, again, we'll show you that video by Secret Service in Butler, Pennsylvania. He was giving his speech. Gunfire appeared to break out shortly after Trump began speaking on Saturday evening before a president had just begun to fire up the crowd when as many as five shots were down or were heard part in and he went down surrounded by Secret Service agents. And then the worst president in the history of our country took over. This is what Trump was saying. Again, we're going to show you that video and look what happened to our country. This is what he was saying right before the gunfire ran out. And you can see when we show you this video that he, there's this moment of confusion because I'm sure the last thing he thought was maybe he thought it was going to be a protest or maybe somebody that a gun. You don't think someone's actually going to take an attempt on your life. And thank God seriously praise God that this person obviously did not have a good shot. Maybe somebody intervened. Who knows? Maybe somebody saw the person pull the gun and they jumped on him, but this person missed. And the crowd, and I'm praying, we obviously, we need to wait and see if there's more information. We're all praying that everybody that was around, whoever this was, that shot. It's safe. We have to actually pray for their safety. I mean, you can't imagine how frantic of a scene that must have been when you think you're here to hear the president speak only. And then suddenly you realize somebody is taking an attempt on his life. That is very, very scary, indeed. Now, he has already released a statement, but did you have that statement? Do you want to pull that up for me? I want to make sure I can read that. Let me just open this really quickly because we're getting this minute to minute. But Donald Trump has already released a statement. And the first thing that he did in it, which is the most Trump thing who possibly do is he thanked the police officers and security and the first responders, which is unbelievably Trumpian, I guess is the best thing to say. He's not even thinking about himself. The first person that he that he thinks is the people that kept him alive. And he recognizes that those are the brave people that are around him, the secret service agents that are around him and the first responders. And hopefully all that was grazed was his ear. Hold on one second, guys, just trying to pull up this, this photo here because I want to see if we can get that for you. Chris, how are we doing on that video? You got the video? Okay, let's actually go to this video that I'm going to show you what Trump did in the seconds following him having been shot at. Take a look at this, guys. Unbelievable. Again, unbelievable. He's like, wait, wait, wait. Actually, I realized this. I don't like he could have been shot in the chest. I mean, in that confusion, there's no way he knew what was going on other than knowing that he had blood dripping down him. And he paused to take a stand there and show people that he was still strong. All right, so we have people that are tweeting on Twitter about this. His communications director, Donald Trump's communications director, his name is Steven Chung. He said, President Trump, thanks law enforcement and first responders for their quick action taken during this heinous act. He is fine. And as he is being checked out at a local medical facility, more details will follow. So right away, we know that he's okay, which should make everybody feel grateful. Obviously, God was with him because this could have been a terrifying situation. And now you just think, where do you go from here? Where do we actually go from here as a country? Well, what's likely going to happen is what always happens when something crazy goes down in this country. They're going to find the individual that did this, and then probably the left after saying, we're glad Trump is okay. But see if you can pull some messages like, what's AOC saying on Twitter? What's Hillary Clinton saying on Twitter? First off, where is Hillary Clinton? Because come on, okay, we just need to make sure we know where Hillary Clinton is. But they're going to do their usual bit and then talk about gun control and someone's going to make an off-color joke about it. And we're going to be understandably upset as we should be. But we should expect this from a left. We should expect very little compassion and just an opportunity for them to, well, maybe, of course, we're glad he's okay, but maybe if they would give us all their guns, then this situation wouldn't have happened. But in reality, what I think is the bigger question that we're all asking ourselves is, who did this? Okay, who did this? And I don't know that we're ever going to get a clear answer on this. And what I'm tired of is not getting a full picture of what's happened in any of these events, right? So they're going to say somebody was crazy, somebody did this, this person did this, and then it's just going to be pushed away. But there's something here that feels more sinister to me, right? And I hate to be the person that gets conspiratorial here, but considering that it was the conspiracy theorists that were worried that something like this might happen, who's driving this at this event? Who is this individual? What are we going to learn about this individual? Who do you guys think is going to be behind this assassination attempt of Trump? I'm looking at you guys. I'm going to jump into the chat, into the chat right here. This person says, "Canvas, do you think the CIA is involved?" Well, what I will say is if the CIA is involved, we're not going to find out because every time they are involved, they basically virtually sweep us up under the rug. I mean, like I said, for those of you who have read that book chaos, I am demanding everybody read because it goes into the 60s and it goes into the MK Ultra program. And it tells you about the Cointel Pro program. And it also tells you that that movie that we all watched and thought that it was just a movie, the Denzel Washington Menchurian candidate, though that was real, okay? This actually happened. The CIA was establishing Menchurian candidates, people that were essentially driven crazy, given trigger words so that they would go and shoot somebody and kill somebody. But in reality, these people were being trained assassins, not even knowing they were being trained assassins because of psychological programs that the CIA was running in the 60s. That's a reality that we have to face, okay? So while everyone else is going to be all buttoned up, and if you're watching Fox News and CNN, we're waiting for official information. Who's giving you that official information? Is it the same people that are trying to kill him? Is it the same people that have been using increasing rhetoric that might inspire other people to want to kill him? Because I'd rather not wait for the official information, okay? I would like to understand what's actually happening. So yes, to answer your question, I have concerns. I have concerns that went, which I think are completely understandable and justifiable when we are leading up to an election, and all of America is fearful, fearful that something might happen to Trump because they hate him in a way that I have never seen, ever seen hatred towards this one individual like never before. And we know what the reason is because Trump is not in their club, okay? Let's just, let's just face it. Democracy is an illusion. They've been picking presidents for how long, who knows how long, and Trump came along and they didn't think twice about it. They thought there's no way this man's going to win. The full media was against him and somehow he got through. He beat Hillary Clinton, it shocked them. The establishment did not win the 2016 election. So what did they do? Well, in 2020, they rigged the game. I mean, this is something Don Lemon asked me the other day. Do you think the 2020 election wasn't rigged, Candace? Do you think between the- Yes. Yes. Check. Oh, what do you feel about people calling you a conspiracy theorist? I don't care if you're calling me a conspiracy theorist. I literally don't care because I know the origins of that term when it entered the American lexicon. It was created by the CIA to distract us from understanding that they are in control of a lot of things that are happening in our country, then he says to me, okay, do you think that our government had something to do with JFK shooting? Yes, that's pretty obvious because if you're going to make you believe that our government would lock down the files and it wouldn't be a manhunt and all the information given to the American public in the same way that they did from grandmas that were walking the Capitol, they locked down the files. We don't want any of your help kind of figure out who shot JFK, the Catholic president. But yeah, the grandma's walking into the Capitol on January 6th. We want all the files, putting up things I've never seen in DC, people's pictures. Can you help us find this person? This person is a suspect for walking in the Capitol building like they were walking through a museum. Seriously, that that like that actually happened. But no, in the JFK South, they just they just wanted to button it down. War and commission report, that's it. Everybody move on with your life, sitting president shots, don't worry about it. And then what did they do a couple of years ago? They declassified and said, oh, we think Russia did it. Oh, oh, you think Russia did it? Oh, okay. So Russia is sitting president. We didn't go to war. We didn't go to war. It took out a lead. We didn't go to war at that time. I said, you walk down the files for decades. Yeah, you can miss me with this BS. I am so tired of it. I am so tired of people lying. I am so tired of people being fearful. I am so tired of us not having an honest conversation about how corrupt this country is. We shouldn't even talk about how corrupt the country is. We're talking about how long this country has been corrupt. You guys, you just let me know if we have any more videos that we can show because there's a second video I'd like you to pull, Chris, of actually when the shots were being fired, you can see his ear get grazed. You have it. All right. Great. Let's all right. It's coming in shortly guys. We're going to show you that video. You have to see this. And let's go back and just show the video that you just showed again, because we have so many people jumping on right now. We've got we're over 20k live watching. And for those who have just joined, we're going to again watch that video of what Trump did immediately after having been shot. Grace in his ear is what we're being told. Told, take a look. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. We got this America. We got this America. I'm hearing a live update right now. My sister who is here is telling me that they're saying that they believe that the shooter may be shot. So here is just some up to the date, some up to the date minute. It says, the Butler County District Attorney has said the shooter is dead. Former President Donald Trump was grazed by gunfire during Saturday's rally in Pennsylvania. The Butler County District Attorney Richard Goldinger was told, told Washington Post reporter that the person who fired the shots is dead. That is according to Goldinger. And again, that is the Butler County District Attorney. Okay, so likely story. We're going to find out nothing. That's what that means. So if that is, in fact, the truth, if that the shooter is dead, this is kind of like a whole JFK thing, you know, oh, this guy definitely did it. He definitely did it. But then the there's a person that shot the guy who shot the guy. And then we hear nothing else. All we then get is Operation Mockingbird, right? And a bunch of journalists telling us that if you have any other questions, you're a crazy person. So that's it. We button this up. If this information is correct, now they get to write the story that they want to write. They get to say, oh, we found his Facebook page, which has been pulled down so you guys can't crawl through it. They've already pre pulled out. They're actually right now, they're pulling down all the social media pages because they don't want you guys doing any journalism. No, no, no, no. Let us trust us. People that have lied to you about everything. Trust us when we now tell you the narrative of what happened to this individual. Well, this individual, he was likely a Trump supporter, right? A Trump supporter. He probably loved the Second Amendment. And that is why this happened. And then, yeah, that's what they're that's what they're going to do. They're going to sell us a story. And when people begin poking holes and ask asking questions, and they virtually delete this in person, this person's entire life of a social media, they are going to gaslight us and they're going to call us crazy. I find this to be unacceptable, giving you some comments. We are we are getting some. What's that? Yep, one source. Okay, we have one source that is identifying the shooter. First and foremost, let us cut here and tell you what Gavin Newsom has said. He has posted in a post on X that violence has no place in our democracy. My thoughts are with Trump and everyone impacted at the rally today, he wrote. Okay, that is the correct thing to write first. Let's see what he's going to be saying tomorrow. They are saying that Trump was not tipped by a bullet. Rather, a bullet hit his teleprompter, thankfully, and the glass struck him by the ear. We're also told two people at the rally were hit by gunfire. Goodness. Let's pray for them. Seriously, gosh, and they are in the hospital. My goodness. That is awful. That is just an awful update. I can't even imagine. I mean, to just think that you can't go to a rally to support your president without being put in a situation like that is awful. Genuinely, you guys pray for those individuals. You don't know their names, but pray for them tonight. We do not know their condition is what is being reported. Sources say the shooter was taken down by the secret service. Okay, what we have next is that, oh, gosh, another update. An audience member was killed. So one of the two individuals lost their life. Again, we are getting these reports live. This is awful, awful, and a second person is in serious condition. This is unimaginable. This is genuinely unimaginable that this would happen. And I just have no words. Goodness. Pray for their families. It's as soon as we get names, guys, we will let you know so that you can offer their prayers if we can hear anything more about them tonight while we are alive. What did you say, Mark? One person. Okay, we are one person is releasing a name. Could you just throw me what that is? Throw me what that name is. I don't want to obviously put it out there. I'm going to take a look at this guy. Just to see what we've got going on here. Okay, so Tommy Robinson is releasing a person's name. So he's someone that is well known. I am going to say what Tommy wrote about this person rather than saying the person's name. The reports are that this person is blank, a well-known Antifa extremist. He reportedly uploaded a video on YouTube before the attack titled Justice Was Coming. Okay, so I am a person that fully believes that Antifa is being run by our government. It's been obvious today from day one that Antifa is being run by our government because our government has never been able to trace down Antifa. It is very obvious to me that Antifa has being run like any other communist cell that you have seen all across human history. And the fact that our state refuses to prosecute Antifa while they insist on profiting on prosecuting actual patriots, right? As we saw during the prosecutions of the very many people who simply went to go hear Trump speak, speak on January. They can't even that, the intimidation tactics on January 6th. We saw I had friends who are from Stanford Connecticut who didn't even go into the Capitol building and had FBI show up at their door because they were caught on surveillance photo at the rally. Okay, that's how organized our state can be when it wants to be. But Antifa, no, forget it. No, no, no, no. In fact, Antifa gets away with everything. The only time I've ever seen these individuals who mask up and their faces, they're never pursued by the state. These people have been able to burn down into entire cities and not be pursued by the state. And even when they do get caught burning down a state, as was the case with in New York City, there was an individual with a Molotov cocktail into a police cruiser and ended up being a Yale graduate. They were released, released back into the public. So I am very much not comfortable with the idea. Again, guys, if you're just joining, we are learning that the person who did this, and again, this is being alleged by Tommy Robinson, is a well-known Antifa extremist who reportedly uploaded a video on YouTube before the attack titled Justice Was Coming. And again, what will they say? They'll say that we're all conspiracy theorists or more conspiracy theorists for knowing that Antifa never gets prosecuted. Therefore, clearly Antifa has some sort of an agreement with our government who wants, in my view, point, and I think the viewpoint of a lot of Americans, the deep state wants Donald Trump dead. They want him dead before they would ever allow him to go back into the White House. And I don't know why that is. I don't know why it is that they feel this way about him. I mean, they have not let up going after this man and this man's family from the moment he came down the escalator. There has not even been a day break from the moment this man came down the escalator. They have not let up. And now we are seeing how extreme they're willing to become. They changed laws to go after this man. Eugene Carroll changed an entire New York City law. This sort of aged out. This this case should not have been brought at all. And they said, you know what, actually, you could bring a case in 20 years ago. I don't even need evidence. Oh, are you asking for 10 million? What are we giving 800 million? We just want to bankrupt this guy. This is what is actually happening in the United States, America. While you still have commentators, these people that are, in my view, utterly feckless, that are trying to tell you that we are the conspiracy theorists. We're the conspiracy theorists. Oh, my God. Oh, everything around us, we radically changed the election in 2020 for an invisible virus. If you have no symptoms, you're still sick. Say it home, mask up, save lives. Oh, everyone's going to get a mail in ballot. Do you think that there was some sort of an intervention in a tournament? You think the election was stolen? These are their psychological tactics. They keep gaslighting us, okay, because psychology has always been the name of the game in this country. And so right now they are already thinking about how they are going to sell to the public. That what happened was just a random Antifa person, Antifa, nothing to do with the government. No, of course, this person just got out of hand. We tell you guys something right now, you need to study real history, not what you are learning in a textbook, because everything, okay, virtually everything that you are learning in the textbooks at school are lies. That's reality. They are lies. You need to understand how these awful ideas that are ruining our country were even brought here. They were always terrorists, okay? America inherited a bunch of Bolsheviks that came over. That is, that is a fact. Following the 1880 or 1881 assassination of the Tsar in Russia, okay, under the guise of pogroms in which obviously there were innocent people that were there, but then there were other people who said, okay, I have a chance to get out of this country, and they just came to America. America just kept on these psychopaths who had killed a Tsar and then brutally murdered the Romanov family years later. There was no process of filtrating between who are the Bolsheviks and who are actually innocent victims, and we allowed them into this country, okay? And they are playing the exact same hand in this country, exactly how they did it. Before they were panflintering, they were passing out pamphlets, propaganda, okay? Getting people to want to rage against the state, making people believe that, oh, this is so horrible, Tsar and Nicholas, he's absolutely terrible. I think it was Alexander Solzhenitsyn who wrote in his book, oh, he was so terrible, but under his reign, 17 people were put to death. How many millions and millions of people were then killed when social justice was achieved in the gulags? How many Christians were murdered and assassinated when social justice was achieved, and the Tsar was removed? This is the reality that we are facing in this country. Psychopaths, absolute psychopaths who lie and feel nothing, who murder and feel nothing, okay? Who do little more than right now, they're sending out messages to all their little homies in the media and telling them this is the narrative, okay? Anything else said is going to be deemed a conspiracy theory. Wake up, okay? Wake up worlds, these aren't conspiracy theories. We're fighting evil people in this country. They just tried to assassinate Donald Trump, but now that person's dead. We're going to hear no more. We're going to hear no more about that individual if what Tommy Robinson is tweeting is true and if that individual is in fact an Antifa member. Guys, we have a lot of people jumping on right now. I just want to, I want to again show some clips. Chris, you have that first clip in of the shots ringing out. Okay. Yeah, yeah, so let's let's just show the actual moments where Donald Trump was shot at to take a look. We see something that said, take a look at what happened over. That's unreal. Unreal, unreal, you guys. Let's actually watch that again because there's, there's so much that I want to take in there. Let's watch that again. Play it again. We see something that said, take a look at what happened over. Listen, I have no words. I have no words. We are losing this country. I am just absolutely sickened, not even by what just happened, not only by what you just saw, but by what I know is going to follow this, which is dishonest discourse, dishonest discourse. That's it. We are not going to be told the truth about anything. As far as we're concerned, what happened is already over because now it's just going to be a massive cover up where we are not going to show anything. What we do know, following the BLM riots is that Antifa is an organized cell that is given permission from our federal government. That's what I'm going to present as a fact. You can fact check that. I know this has not been proven to be true evidence. We don't have any evidence support your claims. Everyone knows what's been happening in this country is organized. Everyone knows that is unacceptable. You have to be a conspiracy theorist to believe that while we caught every grandma on January 6th, we still don't know who dropped off the pipe bombs at the DNC and the RNC headquarters the night before. You have to be a conspiracy theorist or fully asleep or high out of your mind to not believe that elements of what is happening in this country is coordinated and that anybody who is telling the truth, anybody, myself included, is at risk. You can sense their frustration. You can sense the media's frustration because they know that more and more people don't trust them. They know that more and more people are pursuing independent voices because they can look around and see that we are losing this country, that we have very much become a communist country. They're lying about wars. They're lying about what they're doing overseas. We've never been taxed more. Money is going out the door. The inflation is insane. We're being told there's some moral cause, something more moral than our own borders. There was a coordinated effort happening at the border. We have fear. I have fear. I'm sure you have fear that they are planning a false flag attack of some sort while we'll be getting single men from Kazakhstan coming over the border in droves. They clearly want a world war and they will do anything to get it. And like I said, study history, actual history, not what you are told, not the garbage that you are taught in school about the things that have happened in this country, but the desperate things that they have done to get what they want, including assassinating prior presidents. You know that what I am telling you is the truth. You feel it. You feel it in your soul. You understand. You're looking around you and you know that things are really bad right now. And while we are blessed beyond measure and we should thank God that Trump survived this, they're not going to stop. They are not going to stop at just this. You guys, what we have right now is former President George W. Bush issued a statement as well. He wrote, Laura and I are grateful that President Trump is safe following the cowardly attack on his life. And we commend the men and women of the Secret Service for their speedy response. Okay, that's a nice comment. I don't know if we have anything else that is coming in from other people. We also have this from Senator Chuck Schumer. He wrote, "I am horrified by what happened at the Trump rally in Pennsylvania and relieved that former President Trump is safe. Political violence has no place in our country." Okay, I would say I'm nice at everyone sharing nice words, but these are also people that have very much condoned political violence when it comes to furthering what they want done in this country. Okay, but that's that's the reality. They are actually okay with political violence as long as they get what they want in the end. And again, going back to my conversation with Don Lemon, he was essentially saying Ashley Babitt deserved to get what she got on January 6th, but wouldn't say the same for all the police officers who lost their lives throughout the George Floyd riots, because for them, political violence is a tool to get what they want. And so I am sorry that I do not have the grace or the patience when it comes to people like Senator Chuck Schumer tweeting, pretending that he is not okay with political violence when we know very much they actually are. We have Senator Chris Murphy, also Democratic Senator, I think, out of Connecticut who said, "We should all condemn what happened today, and I am hoping for the health of the former president and everyone else at the rally." And House Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries said that his thoughts and prayers are with former President Trump, and he expressed thanks for the decisive law enforcement in response. Okay, again, what else are they going to actually say? They have to say that. I don't believe if these people don't condone political violence. Somebody just commented, I'm just going to jump into the chat here guys to see what you guys are saying. They fired the first shot, says one person, no honor. I pray for Trump, Alex Jones predicted this. Yeah, too many people predicted this. And by the way, a lot of people did not understand, Canis, you're turning your back. Why are you supporting Vivek Rama Swami? Nobody was listening to what Vivek Rama Swami was saying at the very beginning of this thing. He expressed so clearly what I knew in my heart to be true. He said that it was very obvious to him that they had a plan for Trump, that he believes that they were going to try to make it a two person race between him and Nikki Haley, and that if that happened, he felt, and this was expressed again by Vivek Rama Swami, that they could potentially assassinate President Trump. He actually said that. He thought there was always a plan that could have taken place where they could have assassinated Trump. And again, I have been saying that in interviews and I'm going, I know everyone thinks it was a conspiracy theory, but who he picks as his VP matters? Because if his number two is someone that they believe that they can control, whether it's via blackmail, okay, and Epstein type of blackmail, or if it's someone that they believe will be a better option than Trump, they will get rid of him. I hope now nobody is thinking that that's a conspiracy theory. I hope these rumors that he's thinking about, you know, potentially tapping Nikki Haley our complete crap, okay? He needs to tap someone like Thomas Massey. Thomas Massey is someone who cannot be controlled by dollars, who cannot be controlled by lobbying. We need somebody who they would look at and go, actually, that would be a worse option for president. And that is why I truly now believe with what is going right now, I want Thomas Massey to be the Vice President of the United States. And if that is, that is my number one pick for President of the United States, for Vice President of the United States is Thomas Massey, given what is going on right now. Because I believe he is the only person in Congress who has shown that one of the only people in Congress, I should say, who has exemplified that he will not be controlled and that he doesn't care about being law about being liked. Again, this is this is terrifying, absolutely terrifying. What do you got for me? Yes, we have a four minute video of someone who have allegedly witnessed the shooter. Okay. All right, guys, so we have a four minute video that's coming in right now of somebody who alleges to have actually seen the shooting. So somebody's on the ground, actually witnessed the shooting. Obviously, you could see the faces of people behind and just how confused and shocked they were. And looking at President Trump, probably wondering whether or not he was dead once they saw the blood. We have this individual that we're going to pull in right now. I'm going to be watching this with you guys live. Let's see what this individual says happened. Someone who is saying you weren't inside the event, but you were just outside. Tell us what you saw online. So, so we had a party here all day at the end. You can see behind us the Berkeley's farming greenhouse here. We had a party and we all decided, hey, you know, when we hear Trump up there, we're going to walk up through the field, stand by the trees out there under the shade and watch the written listen to the rally, right? We couldn't see him, but we could hear him. So we walked up and probably five to seven minutes of Trump speaking, I'm estimating here. I have no idea, you know, but we noticed a guy crawling, you know, bear crawling out the roof of the building beside us. 50 feet away from us. So we're seeing an air, you know, we're pointing we're pointing at the guy crawling up the roof and he had a gun, right? He had a rifle, he came clear to see him with a rifle, absolutely. We're pointing at him. The police are down there running around on the ground. We're like, hey man, there's a guy in the roof of the rifle. And the police were like, huh, what? You know, like, like they didn't know what was going on. You know, we're like, hey, right here on the roof, we can see him from right here. We see him. You know, he's crawling. And next thing you know, I'm like, I'm thinking to myself, I'm like, why is Trump still speaking? Why have they not pulled him off the stage? I'm standing there pointing at him. This is crazy. You know, two, three minutes, Secret Service is looking at us from the top of the barn. I'm pointing at that roof, just standing there like this. And next thing you know, five shots ring out. No, no, no. But the shots came from that car. 100%. 100%. And he was up there for a couple of minutes. He was up there for a month after a couple of minutes. Absolutely. At least three or four minutes. And you were telling yep, Lisa. We were telling the police. We were pointing at him for the secret service. We were looking at us from the top of the barn. They were looking at us the whole time. We were standing by that tree. Thank you. For noctulars. Did they see? Probably not. Because the roof, the way that the slope went, he was behind where they could see. But but why is there not Secret Service on all of these works here? I mean, this is not a big place. Did you see? I mean, I don't like this. This is crazy. Everyone was very panicked. Did you see what happened to him at all? Oh, yeah, they blew his head off. Okay, sorry. Secret Service blew his head off. Okay, we just be careful because we don't know what he was watching. But you're pretty sure they shot the guy. Absolutely. 100%. Yep. You saw that happen? Yep. Yep. Okay. Yep. And did you see them go up to him afterwards or all? They, yeah, they crawled up on the roof. They had their guns pointed out and made sure he was dead. He was dead. And that was it. It was over. That's incredibly sharp. The guy was on the roof right there. You can see the white roof right there. Did you get a look at him? Could you? I know other than he was in muted tellers, tan, tight clothing. We saw the rifle flinging around as he was trying to crawl. I mean, we saw the rifle 100%. Do you know about guns? Do you know what kind of weapon it was? Oh, I absolutely know about guns for sure. Yeah. I mean, if there is a rifle of some sort, I wouldn't know, you know, I wasn't close enough to read the label on it. No, but I wasn't too. It wasn't right for some sort. Yeah. Absolutely. So what are you, how do you process what you've just seen? I don't know what to say, man. I'll tell you is, you know, if I, if I walked up close to there with anything that can seek your servers considered a problem, I wouldn't be staying here talking to you right now. But I don't know why a guy who we're standing there pointing out to police and secret service is crawling up the roof. Yes, we're right there by that tree. We were outside the security terminal. But my question is, there's something to a few buildings around here. Why is secret service not on every building here? There's a whole bunch of questions. I think it feels wrong. There's a whole bunch of questions. Yeah. Yes, she was right in front of me. She kept going back and forth right in front of me. Yes. That's about that. I mean, nice horse, nice lady running with a flag. He's seen very, you know, patriotic, but what's what's the significance of that? No, she's just a he has me if I saw a horse take. You got to be kidding me. You have got to be kidding me. Let me say something right now. Take this to the bank. Okay. That person was allowed to scale that roof. Okay. I am not some individual who's trying to assess situation and never been around the president states. While Trump was in office, okay, I was around him a lot, a lot. And let me tell you something. The secret service, there is no person that can get around the perimeter of the secret service where where Donald Trump is without them being aware of it. I am not kidding when I say that my husband once almost got shot by the secret service because he came down a staircase. I was speaking at the NRA NRA and he snaked in and came down and they didn't know who he was. And they were like, freeze, freeze, freeze, freeze, freeze. Like we will shoot you right now. So you're telling me that guy walked up and was trying to get the secret service saw him and he's pointing and he's saying, this guy's got a gun. This guy's got a gun and they're pretending they don't know what's going on. I mean, am I crazy? Do you guys actually believe this was a failure in intelligence? All of these secret service agents crawling around and you don't think just what that guy said said, that is common sense, okay? They're trying to now tell us that common sense is a conspiracy. That is the new thing that they're trying inside the public. Common sense is a conspiracy. You're telling me this guy was able to walk up with a rifle in his hand and scale the roof and you don't think the secret service, let me tell you, they get there days before. Let me tell you how a security apparatus is supposed to run days before they get in and they look at every possible angle in which somebody can hurt the president, okay? And I'm not even talking about once you get to the secret service. I'm talking about if you just have security in general before you speak, they will go, hey, this is the stage. Okay, let me tell you that right there is a problem. They'll mark that as a spot that right there's a problem that we didn't just know who this person is. They'll knock on doors, okay? They got to figure out every possible angle that any individual could potentially get on a roof because you know what? This has happened in the past. People have been shot from roofs. People have been shot from windows. There was a zero percent chance that some random person with a rifle was able to scale a roof unless there was just an unbelievable failure or intelligence and you want to know why it's unbelievable because I don't have to believe it. I don't believe it. I want the names of the Secret Service agents that allowed this remarkable security failure to go down because I don't believe this. I'm done with this. I don't believe this, not for one second, having been around the president, having literally almost watched my husband get shot because he came down the wrong set of stairs at the NRA, screaming at him, screaming at him. And I'm literally, I jumped in from this and were like, don't shoot him. That's my husband. And you're telling me? They knew he was going to speak and they weren't worried about the roofs, a roof with an angle to shoot the president. This guy says 50 yards away. He watched this. And it wasn't like he scaled it silently. That guy looks incredulous because he knows it is incredulous, okay? He's going, they're asking, well, what do you mean? Did you tell them? Yeah, I told them. I'm sitting here going like this right here, right here. Someone, it has a rifle on a roof. This man was allowed, like, time to set up. Do you understand what that witness is telling us right there? Now he's dead. Well, then suddenly then they snapped back into life, guys, and they just took him out. They blew his head off. Nothing to see here, guys. He missed his shot. And he's an antifa person and he has nothing to do with the state. Let me ask you something, world, do you buy this shit? Do you buy it? Do you buy it? Because if you're buying this, I'm about to sell you guys all sorts of stuff. If you're buying this narrative that's coming out slowly, I mean, I'm a Nigerian prince, answer my emails, send me a million dollars, give me your credit card digits. Because I'm not buying this. I am not buying this because I know better. I know better because I have been around the president of the United States when he was a sitting president of the United States. I know how the secret service operates. Okay? There is no, oh my God, oh my God, emergency. They would freak out if you even did this and jumped too much. You might get shot when you are near the president, when he is actually on stage, they would have scaled everywhere around. Listen to me, okay? They would have scaled everywhere. In fact, in a normal situation, one of them would have been stationed so that they could just be watching in case there were someone that you had to shoot. That's pretty regular after, you know, a president got shot in broad daylight way back when. I'm not buying this. I am literally not buying this at all. Okay, we have an interview right now that's rolling in guys. We're going to bring in an interview with somebody who apparently saw one of the individuals who got shot. Now, again, just to remind you, two people got shot. We learned and this information could develop later that one of them has lost their lives tragically. Another person is apparently in very serious condition and this person helped one of these individuals. Let's cut to this interview. That's exactly where I heard him come from. What did you see, sir? Oh my gosh. I heard the shots. I thought it was firecrackers to begin with. Somebody over there was screaming. He's been shot. He's been shot. So I made my way over. I said, I'm in emergency department physician. Let me help you. The guy that spun around was jammed between the benches. He had a head shot here. There's lots of blood and he had brain matter there. And so I got him. There's a helicopter coming in to get him. So I got people there really helpful. I got them on the bench. Then I did CPR, did chest compressions as well as I breathe for him. I'm telling you guys, can you do it back to it, everybody? I have chills right now looking at that because do you know what I want to say about that? I don't know what that man's name is. This, while the media is lying to you, telling you that the people who support Trump are just a bunch of racists, right? That is the average Trump supporter that you just saw, a person heroic enough to jump in, not knowing if his life is safe after seeing somebody, somebody who was shot to jump in and to provide assistance. Look at that man with blood all over him trying to save somebody's life at risk to his own and allow the media to again try to sell to the public that the Trump supporters are just backwards racist people. No, you, you the media, you the mainstream media, the mainstream media pundits, okay? You guys are the backwards people. We have, I just reserve such animosity for these people, for painting the guy that you just saw, okay, who risked his life to save somebody else's who you can see is just in a state of trauma. I can only imagine when you are real processing in that moment, really try to picture you guys being in that moment, realizing that president is potentially shot at somebody in front of you has just been shot. I think he said in the head, did I hear that correctly, Mark? Did he say in the head, okay? Somebody's been shot in the head and your instinct is to jump in and try to save that person's life, okay? He tried to save somebody's life and he's going to go home and we'll give it a week, maybe tomorrow and Rachel Maddow is going to pop up there and tell him, tell, tell America what Trump supporters are, right? They're all the backwards people, they want to pull the country backwards, you know? No, they're hardworking Americans who would sacrifice their lives for other people and for this country and many of them have. And they, like so many people in the world, so many people in America in particular recognize that something is wrong. Something is very wrong. Evil has taken a hold of the West. There's no other way to say it. There's a darkness right now in this country and we recognize that we have a sliver of hope. If we're going to turn this thing around, we have a sliver of hope and that hope is only going to be found in individuals that are willing to take a stand. Individuals are willing to take figurative bullets from the media and now in this circumstance, Trump stopped taking figurative bullets and almost took a literal bullet. Again, guys, in case you are just joining, we are hearing that the glass ricocheted off of the teleprompter and so Trump may not have actually been hit by a bullet. It may have been glass that punctured his ear and caused the blood. Again, we'll be getting up-to-date information. We do know that two individuals were shot. That has been, and one of them, as you just saw, shot in the head. I'm not sure of that person's condition. We have heard that one of them has died and we are just trying to see what the minute-to-minute information is that is happening here. It is just a tremendous day right now. It is tremendous for a lot of reasons. We're just going to try to see if I have any more updates here in terms of anybody that is tweeting, but I'm going to go to you right now to see if we've got any updates. President Barack Obama has just issued a statement he is saying there is absolutely no place for political violence and our democracy. I'm just going to have to pause right there. I just, you're just going to have to miss me with this BS. Apparently Biden told donors on a private call this afternoon, it's time to put Trump in the bullseye. Wow. Okay. Well, apparently Biden told donors in a private call this afternoon that it's time to put Trump in the bullseye. So maybe he's just got some remarkable timing there. We are seeing from a statement from Robert F. Kennedy has said, "Now is the time for every American who loves our country to step back from the division, renounce all violence and unite in prayer for President Trump and his family." I'm just, I don't know, guys. Every person who loves our country to step back from the division, these people don't love our country. That is the point. They are ruining this country. They are being bid to the highest donor. We don't even have congressmen that are really taking sand for this country. We get to DC and all they do is say, "Well, who's paying? Is it big pharma? Is it a pack? Is the ADL? I'll vote, however I'm supposed to vote so I can keep fattening my pockets." So I wish, I wish, we could look at that statement and say, "Yes, you are right. Let's take a step back and unite." But that's not reality. Okay? The reality is, is just what happened has been a slow walk of what has been condoned over the last four years. Okay? The media has been in lockstep, increasing their rhetoric, not just against Trump, but against Trump supporters. Encouraging violence through very many different means, whether it's encouraging violence to get the vote that you want. We don't want Brett Kavanaugh. Now the girls go, go. Insurrections are fine. Storm the Capitol building. Sit in offices. Sit in Mitch McConnell's office. Do whatever you want. Chase down senators in halls. Stop the vote as they did on that day. Quest forward a few months. Did grandma walk into the Capitol? This is an insurrection. A day that will live in infamy. America will never come back from this. Unfortunately, Robert F. Kennedy, I wish, I wish that we could just say, "Let's all take a pause here and recognize that we need to come together." But the reality is, is that this happened to today, because there is a, and I believe, a small group in this country, and actually, I know it's got to be very small, because they wouldn't be doing this if they thought that they were the majority. If they thought they had the majority and they could win this election through the right means, they wouldn't be doing this, right? You would say this is a problem. They would be back in 2016, arrogant, speaking down to us, referring to people as deplorables, getting Beyonce and Jay-Z to walk on it, because you've got this in the bag throwing concerts, not even preparing a recession speech, because you're expecting yourselves to win. They're not there. They know they can't win. They know they cannot win. So what are they going to do? They're going to cheat. They're going to try to assassinate Donald Trump and those of us that have said this, or those Alex Jones, whether it's me, who have said, "It's time to get real. I don't care. I don't care what I said about me. I could care less. I literally don't think I could care less about the media every single day attacking. I don't care. Call me whatever you want. I'll catch them like phrases, the white supremacist, self-hating black person, Holocaust. I don't care. I don't care. That is how desperate we are to get this country back. We need people to be brave, to not care about the mainstream media and to tell the truth, to start speaking and not being concerned, whether or not they're going to be called conspiracy theorists, being willing to untether themselves from the system, from people that are threatening you. You're going to lose everything if you don't toe a line. We've already lost everything in this country. So stop being fearful. Stop being fearful because this is the reality. We have to fight for this country. I'm just looking again here at some more comments that are coming up. Let's see what we've got you guys saying here. Let's jump into the chat real quick. First, I will say, what is this, Senator Chris? You've got Senator Chris. You've got Robert F. Kennedy, Barack Obama just completing his sentence, by the way, completing his statement. Rather, he said there was absolutely no place for political violence in our democracy. He added that while details were still scarce, we should all be relieved that the former president wasn't seriously hurt and use this moment to recommit ourselves to civility and respect in our politics. Anybody buying that? Anybody buying that from Barack Obama? Just asking you a question. Anybody buying that? Anybody believe when he tweets that he means that? Was I alive in 2020 and 2016? Anybody alive for the summer of love? Do you guys believe when these people are treating it? Or are you like me? Am I being cynical? Or do you believe that a few of them, when they learned that Trump had survived the assassination, privately said to themselves, "Damn, am I being cynical? Have we all not been alive the last eight years? Have we all not watched? Who thinks that they have said about this, ma'am? Who thinks they have said and done to his family? I don't buy it. I don't buy it. I'm done buying it, okay? I am just not buying it whatsoever. Do we have a tweet from Biden at all, by the way, team? No tweet. He was briefed on an instant. No tweet, by the way, from the person that is leading our country. No, no, no tweet, right? He didn't want to fire on that. We're so sorry to have learned that Donald Trump lost his life. So now they're re-editing the tweet, right? Okay, guys, we just have some video coming in right now of the shooter on the roof. So we're going to cut to that footage. Then we're going to go through, we've got almost 40K people that are live right now, which is absolutely incredible. We're going to go through some more of the videos that we showed in the past. But first, let's just show the shooter on the roof. If you're just joining, we heard a remarkable testimony that we are going to show again from a guy who was incredulous because he apparently alerted the Secret Service and a man was calling the roof. He alerted the police. No one listened to him. And now we're starting to wonder who are the Secret Service member? Who were these police officers that were alerted and did nothing, okay? Because I'm not buying it again. But first, let's cut to this video of the actual shooter, who that person said had his head blown off. Take a listen. They can't see the guy down. I think they hit him because the guy is. Who is that? So there we have it. Now we can get our eyes there to understand what roof he was on top of. And again, as I'm telling you guys, I have been to these events. I know down to Trump and it was entire family. I know the security apparatus and how it works. They scale that and only do they scale it. They will usually stake the highest ground. Okay. Is there any way for us to pull in Biden live? Okay, guys, so we are going to cut to Joe Biden speaking live. And let you guys watch this. This is courtesy of Fox News. You let me know when you can fire this up. Great. We're just going to put me in a box with it. So it's very useful that we don't get this extreme cut. Apparently he's had his remarks prepared for what's going to be so long as that was exactly how to give a speech. And he's he's here and he's gone live from the podium. What's the security failure? Okay, we will we will recue that in just a second to finish his speech. That's the leader of our. Okay, we said someone just said that Biden Biden tweeted. We are going to try to take a look at that. Obviously we're live here. So we might be getting some of this information late. Maybe he maybe he already gave his speech and we might be late. One minute. Okay, you have it in. All right, guys, let's listen to what he said. Without any problem, but the idea the idea that there's political violence or violence in America like this is just unheard of. It's just not appropriate. And we everybody everybody must condemn it. Everybody. I'll keep you informed. And if I'm able to speak to Donald, I'll let you know that as well. So far it appears he's doing well. Number one, number two, that there's thoroughly investigating what happened to anyone else in the audience. I have we have summary reports, but not final reports. And every agency in the federal government, I'll be and I'm going back to my phone to speak with the federal agencies that are being put together again to give me an updated briefing. There's anything happened. They learned anymore in the last couple hours. So thank you very much. And I hope I get to speak tonight. And I'll get back to you if I do. Okay. I don't know enough to I have an opinion, but I don't have any facts. So I want to make sure we have all the facts before I make some comment. Any more comments? Thank you. Was the security failing this president? Unbelievable. Unbelievable. That's the leader of our country guys. That's it. That's all he can do for it. What was that? A minute and a half? Not even a minute and a half. Just a hey, where I'm going to text some people and see what's going on and I'll get back to you. Hey, I think it's a fascination to have. Oh, sorry. I can't form thoughts on my own. My handlers haven't told me how to answer these questions. I don't have my my normal cards in front of me in big font. You know, I don't have it in front of me in in size 92 font with highlights. So I'm going to be, I can't obviously just go off the cuff here and answer your questions. And what kind of questions? Do you think it was a assassination? No, I think it was the 4th of July gone a little too long. I think somebody was just in there scaling the roof with a with an assault rifle because they were just going, Oh, like, you know, let's just let's just see what happens up here as I fire at the president. Yes, it was an assassination attempt. That's what it was. If the president of the United States can't look you and say that can't look at you and calm you and say, yes, obviously, this is insane. Obviously, we are getting information up to the minute, but at the moment, it looks like an assassination time. You can't even do that. There is no power behind him. There's just a deep state behind him concerned because, Oh, my gosh, we didn't have two weeks to prepare with him being able to nap in between to give remarks like we did for the debate. So instead, and off stage as he pretends that he's leading this country when he is not. And again, call me a cynic. I think it was a point that he survived it. That that's what I think they're scrambling for. I think they're scrambling because he survived. I don't even know what to think about what is happening in this country. I don't even know how we go forward. And that's a great question. How do we go forward from here when we don't even trust the president speaking? There's no person in that cabinet that I trust. There's not a single individual that I will believe. There's not a single person that can take that podium. Think about that. This is supposed to be the greatest country in the world. And there's not a single person that can grab that mic, not even Korean, John Pierre, whatever her name is. Nobody trusts these people anymore. So it's a waste he might as well stay out there for a minute. We have the full version of the speeches about two minutes and one. Yeah, let's cut that guys. We got the timing here. Two minutes and 20 seconds. Let's be clear. Donald J. Trump was shot at from a roof. We heard more from an individual who witnessed the shooting and gave us four and a half minutes than we heard from the alleged leader of the country, Joseph Biden. Biden gave us two minutes and 20 seconds. Want to hear the full two minutes, 20 seconds? I think you should. Let's take a listen again. Thanks for coming, folks. I've been thoroughly briefed by all the agencies and federal government as a situation based on what we know now. I have tried to get a hold of Donald. He's with his doctors. Apparently he's doing well. I plan on talking to him shortly. I hope. When I get back to the telephone. Look, there's no place in America for this kind of violence. It's sick. It's sick. It's one of the reasons why we have to unite this country. We cannot allow for this to be happening. We cannot be like this. We cannot condone this. And so I want to thank the Secret Service and all the agencies including the state agencies that have been engaged in making sure that people and we have more detail to come relative to other people, maybe injured in the audience. I don't have all that detail. We'll make that available to you. I may be able to come back a little later tonight. If I'm not able to get, if it's not convenient for you all. But the bottom line is that the Trump rally is a rally that he should have been able to conduct it peacefully without any problem. But the idea, the idea that there's political violence or violence in America like this, is just unheard of. It's just not appropriate. Everybody. Everybody must condemn it. Everybody. I'll keep you informed. And if I'm able to speak to Donald, I'll let you know that as well. So far, it appears he's doing well. Number one, number two, that there's thoroughly investigating what happened to anyone else in the audience. I have, we have summary reports, but not final reports. And every agency in the federal government, and I'm going back to my phone to speak with the federal agencies that are being put together again to give me an updated briefing. There's anything that happened. They learned it more in the last couple of hours. So thank you very much. And I hope I get to speak tonight. And I'll get to back to you if I do. Mr. President, do you think there's an assassination attempt? I don't know enough to, I have an opinion, but I don't have any facts. So I want to make sure we have all the facts before I make some comment. Any more comments? Thank you. Are you worried, President? What's the security? Guys, I just, I just want to point out there that he said, I may be able to come back later. So he gave us a two minutes and 20 seconds and then said, I may be able to come back later. And he probably is not going to come back later because Biden has to sleep. That's, and that is the reality that we are facing as a joke. Okay, we learned that a Camp David, that the way that his schedule ran that he could only do an hour of prepping and then he'd have to go take a nap and have his lunch. And like, so we quite literally know that he likely has Parkinson's disease that is degenerative. And so he can't give us much more than that. And why would he? Why should he have to? He's not running the country. I'm just so sick of this game. I'm sick of it. I'm tired of it. I'm tired of the show. Okay. I'm tired of the mirage. I'm tired of people pretending that we have a democracy. I'm tired of people pretending that it's all a conspiracy theory. Okay. When we have a president that can't speak full sentences that is pretending like he's running the country, a president that we have known has been on the decline since they ran him in 2020 and refused to take the podium as he called everything a gaff. They called everything a gaff, right? The mainstream media until suddenly they pressed a button recently and now they all want to admit that there's something wrong with him. And like I've said on my show multiple times for those of you that have subscribed to this channel, this is all the show. Okay. The deep state decided to get rid of Biden. And now we're all wondering whether or not the deep state has made an decision to get rid of Trump. Because I'm not buying. This is an accident. I'm going to again, for those of you guys who are just joining in case you missed it, we're going to show you a couple of things. First and foremost, Chris, let's queue up the clip of the shots, shots ringing out. We're going to show you that followed by the clip of Trump saying, wait, wait, wait, so I think it's amazing. And then I'm going to show you a clip of the guy who witnessed the entire thing and informed the Secret Service and was pointing to them about the guy. And you can about see it. There's a guy in the roof with a rifle. And you can just hear in his voice that he does not believe that they were not that they were not in on it. Like he believes you can hear in his voice that there's no way based on what he saw of the Secret Service. And the other agencies were not aware that this man was going to move the rifle. So I want to put words in his mouth. Let's first show this clip of Donald Trump when the shots first ring out. We see something that said, take a look at what happened. I mean, I'm counting eight to 10 shots there. And then here's not a clip of the Secret Service that are running him off stage immediately following this. And then he just stops and realizes, hey, wait a minute, this is a moment. And I need America to know that it's going to be okay. Take a look. That right there. That is what you want. Trump gave more in that motion than Biden gave in the confines of his podium, perfectly safe. Trump assured the nation more in that one moment that things would be okay. Then Biden did after having been briefed, perfectly safe, being ushered out onto a podium. These are your options, guys, that these are your options this November. Okay, because it can only be one person that's going to lead this nation. Again, if you're just joining this is this is without question, the most important interview. Again, we got this from BBC, a guy who witnessed the shooter, witnessed the shooter scaling the roof. And immediately alerted, pointed, said, hey, look, this guy's got a gun. Listen to this man's voice. Listen to the tenor, the tone of what he is saying here. And then ask yourself, if you believe that this wasn't an inside job, take a listen. Someone who would say you weren't inside the event, but you were just outside. Tell us what you saw online. So, so we had a party here all day. And then you can see behind us at the Brinkles farming greenhouse here, we had a party. And we all decided, hey, you know, when we hear Trump up there, we're going to walk up through the field, stand by the trees out there under the shade, and watch the written listen to the rally, right? We couldn't see him, but we could hear him. So we walked up and probably five to seven minutes of Trump speaking, I'm estimating here. I have no idea, you know, but we noticed the guy crawling, aren't, you know, bear crawling up the roof of the building beside us 50 feet away from us. So we're seeing an air, you know, we're pointing, we're pointing at the guy crawling up the roof. And he had a gun, right? He had a rifle. He clearly seen with a rifle, absolutely. We're pointing at him. The police are down there running around on the ground. We're like, hey, man, there's a guy in the roof of the rifle. And the police were like, huh, what, you know, like, like they didn't know what was going on. You know, we're like, hey, right here on the roof, we can see him from right here. We see him. You know, he's crawling. And next thing you know, I'm like, I'm thinking to myself, I'm like, why is Trump still speaking? Why have they not pulled him up the stage? I'm standing there pointing at him for, you know, two, three minutes. Secret service is looking at us from the top of the barn. I'm pointing at that roof, just standing there like this. And next thing you know, five shots, bring up. So you're almost sudden that the shots came from that car. 100% 100%. And he he was up there for a couple of minutes. He was up there for a couple of minutes. Absolutely. At least three to four minutes. And you were telling yep, Lisa, we were telling the police, we were pointing at him for the secret service. We were looking at us from the top of the barn. They were looking at us the whole time. We're just thinking about that truth. Thank you. The binoculars. Did they see? Probably not, because the roof, the way that the slug went, he was behind where they could see. But why is there not secret service on all of these roofs here? I mean, this is not a big place. Did you see, I mean, obviously everyone, when the shooting started, everyone was very panicked. Did you see what happened to him at all? Oh yeah, they blew his head off. Okay, sorry. Secret service blew his head off. Okay, we just be careful because we've done the quiet areas watching, but you're pretty sure they shot the guy. Absolutely. You saw that happen? Yep. Yep. Okay. Yep. And did you see them go up to him after all this? They, yeah, they crawled up on the roof. They had their guns pointed out and made sure he was dead. He was dead. And that was it. It was over. That's incredibly shocking. The guy was on the roof right there. You can see that. Somebody saying in the chat that Donald's going to speak soon, Donald Trump. I didn't know other than he was in... And then send me whatever Chris is saying, brought me about Chinese in a text to me, or Chris, you can text me too, whatever. I mean, we saw it around. Remember, it's easier to text it. Do you know about guns? You know, what kind of weapon it will follow? Absolutely. You know, about guns for sure. Yeah. I mean, there is a rifle of some sort. I wouldn't know, you know, I wasn't close enough to read the label on it, but I wasn't too sure. But I wasn't too sure. There was a rifle of some sort. Yeah, absolutely. So what are you... How do you process what you've just seen? I don't know what to say, man. I will tell you is, you know, if I walked up close to there with anything that can seek your service considered a problem, I wouldn't be saying they're talking to you right now. But I don't know why a guy who we're standing there pointing out to police in secret service is crawling up the roof. Yes, we're right there by that tree. We were outside the security terminal. But my question is, there's only a few buildings around here. Why is secret service not on every building here? There's a whole bunch of questions. I think they're going to come. There's a whole bunch of questions. Yeah. So just to be clear, he is asking the questions that all of us are asking, right? Because again, they are trying to convince us that common sense is a conspiracy. I don't even like the way that journalist is questioning him. Oh, be careful of what you say. We don't know who's watching. Okay? We're not going to mince our words anymore. Donald Trump, there was an assassination attempt on his life. And the journalist is going, we don't know who's watching. So don't say they blew his head off. Be careful here. If we can live in a country where they're mutilating children. But be careful. We don't want to say blow the head off. That would just be way too much. You might have been people's people's ears. He asked all the right questions as we're all asking ourselves, why were there not secret service on the roof? I've never heard of this. I've been around the secret service. I know how that security apparatus works, not just their apparatus, but every security apparatus. They're supposed to be the cream of the crop, the secret service. So I've had lesser security and they have performed more. They have done better at making sure that things were going to run smoothly by making sure that they're able to stake out the highest position at any venue. That's common sense. Hunters know that's common sense. You're going to tell me the secret service and that's common sense. He's telling you they got binoculars. They're watching. Like, what happened here? Because I'm not buying the intelligence failure. I'm not buying the intelligence failure at all. We've got a few more tweets here, guys. I want to take you through to so you can stay up to the on who's commenting. First and foremost, Trump's son, Donald Trump Jr. has commented. He said that he spoke to his father on the phone and that he's in great spirits. He will never stop fighting to save America no matter what the radical left throws at him. Amen. The FBI said in the statement that it was on the scene and working with secret service on the investigation. Yeah, no FBI, the same one that shot MLK. Yeah. Same one that shot JFK. Yep, that FBI. They're on the scene. Great. So, okay. I'm really excited about that. I'm really excited about the FBI being on the scene because, you know, they've always been above board. Never, never, literally never. Not since they're founding. Have they ever been above board? Have they not been killing people, including Americans? But I'm glad they're on the scene. Really glad they're on the scene because the FBI is definitely not who was behind all the corruption in terms of trying to get Trump out of office. So, it's really, that's, is everyone feeling reassured now? The FBI is on the scene, guys. It's going to be totally fine. Not, okay? Let's sort of rest, arrest them all and ask questions, okay? They have a lot of questions right now and not feeling good about the FBI being on the scene, given the fact that they still won't admit to all the things that they've done in the past, not only to regular Americans, but also to presidents, right? The F, oh, the same FBI that was tapping MLK's phone, telling his wife that he was cheating on him bad at the FBI. Okay, great. So glad you're on the scene. Great. That's amazing. Where everyone here is feeling great about the FBI being on the scene because I think that means that we have some suspects on the scene on them up. Okay. We have Nancy Pelosi on X and she says, as one whose family has been the victim of political violence, I know she F and did not. I'm just, I'm done. Yeah. Nancy Pelosi's going to make it about herself. She wants she'd remind to everyone of her husband in the underwear. And that's what she's going to do. Should I keep, should I even read what she says after that sentence? Okay, let's just keep going. Nancy Pelosi says, as one whose family has been the victim of political violence, I know firsthand that political violence of any kind has no place in our society. I thank God that former President Trump is safe. So that was just basically 75% about her. And then one little sentence for good measure that she doesn't actually mean, which is that I thank God that former President is safe. She did a continue. As we learn more details about this horrifying incident, let us pray that all those in attendance at the former President's rally today are unharmed. Yeah. Okay. We got it, Cryptkeeper. I am so done with all of these people. I am sorry, guys. I just, the narcissism of that statement is just unbelievable. Okay. President just survived an assassination attempt. And the first thing that she does is tweet about how she can relate because her family has also been through something quite similar, which they actually haven't been at all. Okay. This is like unbelievable. Everybody who's asking questions believing that this might be a deep state operation. You have every right to those questions. Let me tell you that right now, because everyone else is going to tell you that they're not. And all of these fake reporters on all of these liberals, leftists, Rachel Maddows, neo cons, try to pretend that, you know, the intelligent academic thing to do here is to wait for more details. No, because what we're waiting for is for things to be hushed. Again, they blew his head off. So now they will set the narrative and they will release whatever they want. Do we have any information? I heard somebody whispering over there that this might have been a Chinese American. Is that correct? New York Times said Chinese individual ethnic Chinese. That's not really helped. Okay. New York Times is reporting that it is a Chinese individual. We don't know if that is a national or whether it's a foreign person. But I do know that on the show, we were covering that they were allowing a bunch of Chinese into Chinese men across the border. I showed the footage on this show, right? They were not coming with families. They were dressed in all black. They looked very sleek. They were coming across the border. It was Chinese and Kazakhstan. Okay, nationals coming across the border in operation. And I covered it on the show on my old show, actually. And I said, well, what we can anticipate is what I believe is going to be a false flight event. And so now here we have, and again, I am I'm seeking freely here. I don't know if this could have been a Chinese American, but now we at least know that somebody who is Chinese has done this. And that was coming from the New York Post, not the New York Times part in. So New York Post is reporting that this is a Chinese individual. And I am going to be unbelievably suspicious if this is going to be a person that just came into the country a few months ago when I was covering it on my show. I'm going to be very suspicious. I'm actually going to find a photo. It took me saying that. Pay attention to this America is what I said, because we're getting ready for a false flag event, because I can smell it. The deep state wants war. And what they're going to do to get that worse, they always do that worth false flag events. Have you seen my episode on 9/11? How many people in the chat right now actually still believe that 9/11 just was 100% something that happened without any prior knowledge from anyone else? Anybody else still believe in that? If you are, wake up. Wake up. This is your country now. Okay. Set aside a psychological game of being called to conspiracy theorists. Again, you guys study the history of psychology in this country. Look up who Edward Bernays was. Okay. The father of propaganda. He credits himself with even convincing Americans to eat breakfast, because that wasn't a thing until he did it. Okay. He showed how you can literally attack people's psyche and make them believe things that are untrue. You can make people not believe their own eyes. Edward Bernays, the nephew of Sigmund Freud. Okay. By the way, these people were Satanists. This is what they worship. They were Satanists. This is what they were. Talking about this a lot on my show. Look more into the moon landing. Look more into the origins of NASA. We're covering all these topics. We're taking all the figurative bullets from the mainstream media, and we don't care anymore. We don't care. This is what this channel is about. And if this channel ever goes away, I'm creating my own network in the background. I'm buildings. I'm expecting that. I'm expecting that to happen, because when you pursue truth unapologetically, your agenda, it's bigger than politics, right? We know who they're actually after, and I'm telling them this country is always been about all around the world. It's been about Christ. They hate truth. They invert truth. Everything that they are doing is inversion of the truth, is inversion of justice, because they hate all of us. These people are devilish, and I mean that. And so you're probably wondering, what do we do from here? The answer is, I don't know. I genuinely don't know. I'm going to ask you guys to do a simple thing, and just start saying the truth. Start supporting the truth. Stop supporting people that lied to you. My sisters are visiting this weekend. A fun visit, and I'm doing this live. But Esther said to me, she said, you know, I just, your ability to just say it like you did to Don Lemon. And you know, she's in corporate America, and she's talking about how they're being forced to use people's pronouns and how they're being told where she works, that if a man who believes is a woman walks into the bathroom and she walks out, she can get in trouble. Okay? And she said, I just don't even know. And I said, just say it, that you just have to be willing to risk something. Whether you're losing your job, which might be the circumstance for my sister, you might get fired. People might laugh at you, you know, you might lose your friends. But you know, it's going to be a lot worse if we lose this country to these psychopaths. And we are losing this country to these psychopaths, because good people are saying nothing. You know, to end this with something that is optimistic, it is my belief that the overwhelming majority of Americans do not believe in this, that the overwhelming majority of Americans disagree with the agenda that's being forced upon us, the overwhelming majority of Americans, they may not like Trump, but they do not would have never wanted him to go through what he went through today. I genuinely believe that. I am hopeful that even on the left, you know, Democrats, they be crazy. We know they say crazy things, but I believe they do that believing that they're doing good, the overwhelming majority of them. What we're actually fighting right now is a radical fringe. And the reason why this radical fringe has gained so much territory is because they're loud. They put their money where their mouth is, okay? They're a powerful radical fringe. They text people in group chat and they want to take somebody out every day that they hit a piece about me. Oh, Kim doesn't believe in this. She's a flat earth or Kim is all across her. And then they get all these articles out and they try to take somebody out, but they're the minority. I mean, this small is who they are, but they're a loud, powerful group of individuals. You know, something that somebody said to me is, what is the one thing that every slave civilization, every, every civilization that's ever had slavery, what is the one thing that they have in common? The answer is that there were always more slaves. I want to leave you with that. I wanted to think about that. There were always more slaves. All it took was a powerful group of people to convince people to allow themselves to be enslaved. Today is a day that will live in infamy. It really is. I don't say that with anything other than a true understanding that today is a day that will live in infamy. It is. We will never forget today. And so what we all have to do is decide how we are going to impact things tomorrow. Guys, thank you so much for joining me on this Saturday. Thank you guys for more than that for everyone that has supported my independence. Genuinely, I'm so grateful. I'm eternally grateful. Those of you that went to and are supporting me monthly so I can stay independent. So I can do this sort of a thing, jump up on this Saturday and just speak to you guys. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I think the best way to end this is with this photo of Trump. We can get through this in right now. Chris, you know, there's just the photo because it's promising and it's hopeful in of itself. Just Trump, the flag, his fist in the air and knowing that in the end, if we stick with truth and we have courage, we will absolutely win you guys. Take a look at some of your comments. You Chris, let me know when you've got that. There we are. You guys, I will probably not see you on Monday because I'm just ranting here. Bye guys. Thank you so much. [BLANK_AUDIO]