Mojo In The Morning

Mojo Didn't Even Notice

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15 Jul 2024
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This is the Mojo in the Morning podcast, powered by Michigan Auto Law, auto accident attorneys. Visit That's Mojo in the morning show. A quick question for everybody. Am I wrong in the fact that I didn't say anything? Are you supposed to say something when you see a person that looks drastically different? I'm going to give you an example and I'll tell you my personal example. If you see somebody that just recently lost a bunch of weight and you haven't seen them in a while, are you supposed to point out that, oh my God, you've lost a lot of weight or you look great or are you supposed to, if you see somebody that completely changed their hair color, like drastically changed their hair color? Are you supposed to point it out and say, hey, oh man, I like that color on you, or, you know, that's a safe one. Then here's my case. I had a friend that was offended that, and we all got together as a group of us and she was more offended with me because she says that I'm a boob person and I did not make a comment about the fact that she got a boob enlargement. She got her boob implants that she actually got breast augmentation, yes. I didn't say anything at all. She was all upset that she got all this done and she's like, and Tom didn't even say anything and I'm like, if I say something, then all of a sudden I'm the pervert saying something. You cannot say so. You cannot say that. And actually, it's funny because she said she goes to Chelsea, she goes, I can't believe he didn't say anything. And Chelsea's like, well, you know, I think God, I've been trying to get him to not say stuff. He's actually behaving himself right now. Even if it was a girl to girl, if it was a girl that I knew, unless she was one of my really close friends, I would not comment on that. Or like in today's world where BBLs are a big thing, some women, you know, they go away for a couple months, they come back with a fatty that wasn't there before they left. People really are still getting BBLs. I mean, I feel like in a slow down a little bit, but yeah, people look different yet. The gat is, the gat is natural. I would, they are a certain body person. I feel like our off limits, the hair thing, yeah, that you can comment on that. A million percent and an overly common and compliment because when girls get their hair done, colored, cut, like a big change, they want that. But the breasts? See, I know, I had another one to this list. I had when somebody loses a bunch of weight because I had that you cannot say anything to somebody because if you say something to somebody, they get offended that you said something. And then what is the first thing that they say? I didn't do it through it. Yeah. You know, I don't think there's anything wrong with telling somebody, you look, you look phenomenal. Yeah. But you don't have to say you lost a bunch of weight, but why can't you just say you look so good? See, how I do it? I don't know. The last time this happened, it was, it's been a while, but last pissing season, I remember a dude came in to the back office like we have our pre meetings or whatever like that. And visibly, he looks smaller. And what I said, I was like, are you been working out? You're like, he like, yeah, man, I lost what like he was good. But it's some stuff. But you didn't say, dude, you lost a ton of what you've been working out. Like it's clear. How you say it? Yeah. But, but a woman, we talked about this and Megan's out this morning, but we talked about this with Megan when she said that everybody would come up and say something to her because I listen, she lost, she has lost in an incredible amount of weight and she looks amazing. She's, you know, feeling amazing, but I will say this about Megan, Megan would totally accept the compliment of you look fabulous. She hates it when people are like, what are you? Are you doing? Like, she hates the qualifier of that then it's also so there's like two sides. It's like when you say I look so good, doesn't mean that I didn't look good before. Yes. Like that's like the extra, but the boobs are the boobs are the ones that I'm like, you can not come out. No, I'm not trying to get into sexual harassment. I think motorboat. You play the motorboat, but everybody's thinking everybody thinking enough. Yeah. Honestly, I did not even notice, I promise you, and normally I notice everything. She should have went up a size. What's? No, it had nothing to do with that. It was, I was not looking at her. I was looking at her eyes. Okay. Beautiful. What's up, Eric? How you doing? Good. Um, this is big red, formerly big red. What's up big? Yeah. By the way, I heard big red's lost a bunch of weight. Is that true? Big red? Yeah. Yeah. I lost 140 pounds. Wow. All right, big red. By the way, big red, is it, is it bad if people ask you how you lost that weight? Cause a lot of times now people are real touchy with that. No, no, I, I encourage it. I, you know, as a, as a guy, you never did compliments anyhow. Yeah. Any compliment I can get, I'll eat it up. How you lose the weight? How you lose the weight? Diet. I changed my diet. I, I instead of eating junk food every five minutes. I eat healthy proteins, I eat good stuff, drink a lot more liquids. Oh, don't, don't offend, don't be offended if I play this, but I was going to play this right afterwards. And I'm not insinuating because 140 pounds is a lot of weight to lose just off of diet, but I'm just saying it. I'm just, I love it. It's a, so, so just diet and exercise. That's, you know what? It's funny. I hate it. Cause it's too easy. It's too. But I couldn't move when I was big and then when I started losing, I could move more. So I go to the mall and I just walk and walk and walk now I'm walking everywhere and good for you. I don't eat junk food anymore. I used to live on peanut M and M and, and Ho Ho's and, and, and any bar do they taste different to you now? They don't taste right. They're terrible. They don't taste right. I was, I was telling a friend this the other day because I am doing a shot. So I'm, I'm doing one journal and I was telling them that I can't have peanut M and M's or any kind of like normal candies and stuff that I used to like before because they taste like chemically to me. That all pop is for me. Diane, what's up? Hey, how are you guys this morning? We're good. What's up? Good. Hey, um, so I recently, my self lost 35 pounds. I've struggled with my weight my whole life and congratulations by the way. Let's give it off. Let's give it off for her. That was awesome. You deserve it. Thank you guys. Well, and I'm not ashamed to say that I did the, the megatide. Okay. So that's the only thing that could help me control my appetite. Yes. But I've been off it for a little bit and I'm keeping it off. So that being said, I was coming in on what you said earlier about when people don't say, wow, you look great. You lost weight. I love it. I welcome it. It makes me feel so good because I'm proud of my accomplishment, but you want to know something you guys, my own sister. I have one sibling. She's three years older. She will not say, wow, Diane, you look great. You lost weight. Hater. Not say a word. Is she a hater? Yeah. Is she heavy? Not nice. Well, she's bigger boned and she does walk away and goes up and down. So she's very sick, but boy, when she, you know, wants a compliment. Oh, I lost. It's not. I lost. It's not. You know, that's. I mean, I hate saying that, but it is. Big bones. I ain't never seen a fast skeleton. Hey, can I tell you something and everybody teaches on on this one? You told us about you taking, you know, something for it. My doctor told me something. My doctor is the one that told me to do this. Dr. Warner was the one that told me to do this. And his biggest thing was because I was going to get weight loss surgery because I literally have struggled with my weight my entire life. There's no that and he said to me, he goes, Hey, if this is something that saves a person's life being able to lose weight, because there's a lot of people that are diabetic or prediabetic. And if this doesn't, I'd rather lose the weight through a shot than lose my leg through not, you know? Yeah. Yeah. Thank you for telling us that. Congrats. Thanks. Have an awesome week. All right. Thank you. Allison says weight is off limits. Do not mention anybody's lost weight. Right. Allison? Yeah. Hi. Hi. I just think it's, I think we have to be really careful, especially in our society today on commenting on people's bodies and especially weight because it's putting a lot of value and worth and what we look like. And I just feel like it can send the wrong message. And I know people are proud to say, you know, if they've worked hard and they've lost the way and they've put in the work, but I think we have to be really careful because it can send the wrong message about, you know, them not looking good, they could be, Oh, I didn't look good before. How about if I say you look really healthy? Yeah, I think that's probably the way it was. Yeah. You think that's good? Two is you don't know. I made a comment one time about somebody's weight and comes apart losing weight and come to find out. She was going through a really tough time in her life and it brought up a lot of really hard emotions. So something I thought was going to be really positive for this person turned out to be a really emotional situation for her. Yeah. I actually had that happen to me one time. I said to somebody and go, God, you look good. You lost a lot of weight. And they were actually battling cancer at the time. I didn't even realize it. Can I can I tell you the one that I always want to do when somebody overly and it's usually male overly dies their hair. And it's like to a point where it looks really so unnatural. Listen, I, you know, popped in some stuff in my beard because I get worried because my beard will get very, very great the more that I shave it down. And, um, but somebody tell me if I go too dark, if it goes too dark, tell me because there is nothing because there were times I would look at old pictures of myself and I would, you know, I would put stuff in it and it looked horrible and I was like, Oh my God. And so I kind of went away from it, but there are some guys that you're like, they're walking around and they got like gray eyebrows, bro, like you have markings, remember? That's right. He had the whole, but there are some guys that diet, they diet black, like it looks like a kindergarten or painted their hair. It looks so bad. I always thought that was like a, that was a, like the black guys had different gray hair than white guys did. That wasn't heel Perkins. Are you sure he wasn't known? Really? Look at, bro. Look, come on. The whole topic is silver and his mustache is black. Come on. What are you doing? I don't know. And the other way though, you all are legend, all respect to you, but come on, come on, bro. Come on, man. We can see what's going on. By the way, hold on. You guys got to stop doing this to me because every time you do that, I don't know. I don't have my- Come on, man! Come on, man!