Mojo In The Morning

Lydia's Mom Does Everything for Her!

Broadcast on:
15 Jul 2024
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This is the Mojo in the Morning podcast, powered by Michigan Auto Law, auto accident attorneys. Visit That's All right, it is the Mojo in the morning show. I want Lydia to come in and then we're going to do a second date update coming up here in a second. It's Mojo in the morning. So, for those of you who know who are producer Lydia is, Lydia is who answers the phones when you call here. And Lydia is going to get called out by me for something. I was on the phone having a talk with her about something with the show. And out of the blue, she just says, she goes, "Well, hold on. I got to talk to my mom." No, mom. Yeah. Yeah. A full of those and I'm going, "Oh, you're doing laundry for your mom. You're helping your mom out because Lydia lives at home with her mom." Yeah. She goes, "No. My mom does my laundry for me, so I'm telling her how to do my laundry." And you're... And I go, "Wait a second. How old are you, Lydia?" 26. She's 26 years old. And she's telling her mom, like her mom is the dry cleaner or the, or the laundry mat, telling her mom how to do her laundry. So, your mom still does your laundry at 26 years old. Yeah. And it's funny you say that because right now I'm dog sitting for my brother and he lives about an hour and a half away from where we live. And I was on FaceTime with her and I was telling her that I burned one of his pants, making bacon. And she's like, "Oh, I'll be right over." This woman drove an hour and a half to Dexter to wash the dishes, do my laundry, and then she packed my lunch. Are you serious? Sorry. She's the best mom. No, the best mom. She really is. Is she the best mom or is she, is she getting taken advantage of? What are you doing? I think that's a mom though who wants to do it. She loves doing that stuff for you. Yeah. I'm turning 27 in September and I don't do my own laundry. I don't even make my own bed. She does it for me. I want to know. I want to know what does your mom do for you, 844-Mojo-Live, 844-665-6548, and I also want to know if Lydia's mom would adopt me. I want to know her side of it. I have so much laundry that I'm behind. She is. I would die and go to heaven. What the heck? That's weird. My mom's changed her phone number all in the process. Hold on a second. Yeah, sure. It's going to stop calling her. Is that what it is? Yeah. Because she knows that you're going to have her do more things for you. Kat, I love this. Good morning. Hi, Lydia's mom, everybody, otherwise known as the help. Yeah, it's amazing. Wait a second. So we're talking to Lydia, are you listening to the radio or could it catch up on delay or anything? No, I'm just, no. Okay. So I was giving Lydia crap over the fact that you still do her laundry, but then she shared something with us that I was shocked by. You drove an hour and a half to do dishes this weekend? Yes, I did. And pack her lunch. I did. I made her dinner and I packed it for her for today, yesterday, and probably tomorrow, I think. Wait a second. You know, daughters and sons get from their moms because if that's the case, and for those who don't know what a Chaldean is, it's in Iraqi, you know, Catholic, you know, we had to refer to that because some people listen to us around the world and don't know living the Detroit area. I want to be Chaldean. Yes, everybody who is married into a Chaldean family, they're pretty blessed. Yes. They're blessed to be. Oh, yes. You don't do it because you feel like you have to. You genuinely love doing that for her. I do. I do. I can tell you to keep her at home for as long as I can. I'll do. Oh my God. Hold on a second. I want to bust some people's balls here a little bit, even though she doesn't have them. Amber is on with us. Amber, you there? Yes. Hi, Amber. Amber, tell everybody what your mom does for you. Um, I'm 37 and my mom will come and pick up my gary laundry and she'll take it to her house. You will fold it. She'll wash it. Hey, and then we'll deliver it back. Oh my God. Oh my God. 37 years old. You're a grown woman. Yeah, I have two kids and I have two kids, but I'm busy all the time. So that she does because it helps me. I want your mom, by the way, can she adopt me? What's going on, Frank? How you doing? Hey, how's it going? Good. Hey, hold on. Cabs in the other room. Cabs. Say it. He had to run the other room real quick. Cabs Frank's on the phone. There you go. So what's the... I'm calling her like I'm with her. Yeah. What is it that your mom does for you? I'm 28 and my mom still takes my lunch for work every day. Does she all... What's she pack you? What's in there? PBJ? Does she cut your sandwiches up in little like triangles? I don't know. That's the best. Yep, on an angle. Does she fold the napkin special for your right notes to you? Oh, it's all fancy. She's super bad. Does she give you little bags of Frito-Lay, you know, or little dabbies, nutty bars? She hooks it up every day. I literally was born to the wrong family here. This is craziness. Maria, what's up? It's Mojo in the morning. How are you? What does your mom still do for you? Okay, first time long time. Hey! Hi! Everyone! Maria, the phone! What's going on? Definitely. It's a Middle Eastern thing. 100%. Because my family, I'm a Middle Eastern and they want to do anything to keep you happy, safe and comfortable wherever you are. So it's 100% how she was raised and how she grew up. Wow. That's amazing. Yeah. That is just... I'm so thankful to be grown up around that. Man. Because I give Shannon crap for making her charcutaries for the kids, like, you know, the little fun... The muffin tray. The muffin tray things. And I'm like... The only reason I'm making fun of that is that I wish I had that. I wish I had... I was packing my own lunch starting in second grade. Were you really? Yeah. Yeah, my mom didn't make up with us. You know what? She worked. She was tired. That's the way it should be, though. I was packing my own lunch, too. I was doing all that stuff. What's up, Rachel? How are you? Hey! Another first time long time. Hey! Cam, get in here. Don't even worry about what we're doing. I'll play... I'll play a song. I'll play a song if we need time for you to run in the other room. What's going on, Rachel? Hi. My mom watches my kids every Tuesday and Thursday. And they actually take all of their laundry over to her to do for me. Oh, my gosh. Lydia's mom. Lydia's mom. It's going to drive it and hold it. Lydia's mom. I'm bringing in a bag of laundry because Chelsea's out of town. What you doing? Although, I would feel weird with Lydia's mom touching my... Tommy John underwear. I will do your laundry for you and I'll send it back. Let's see. I'll drop it off myself. Oh, my God. It would be so nice. What kind of laundry detergent to you? Game. Oh, wow. That smells good. Game gets it clean. I think they're slogan. Wait. Sean, are you there? Yes, I am. Sean, tell everybody your story because I'm going to make fun of you. Okay. So, I'm 50 plus and my mom makes my dinner every day. Stop it right now. She comes to your house or do you live with her? Actually, we live in a two-family flat. She lives up here and I live down. Wow. That's amazing. How old is your mom? You said you're 50 plus. Momma, there is 87 years old. Oh, my God. Sean, give the woman a break. I'll tell you, she can still cook her boobies off. Do you think this keeps her alive knowing that she can still do it for you? Yeah. Yeah. I do. That's the best. That might not be the worst. The cooking and the cleaning up, you know, your laundry. Nicole, are you there? Hi, Mojo. Nicole's 37 years old. Tell everybody what your mom does for you. She still comes over to clean my bathroom. I mean, that I would. I'm done. That is really nice. I am done. Do you know if I lost your mind? I mean, that is. Yeah. You know I'm Nicole. Nicole, the crazy Kelly and Mom. I know it is. I know this is Nicole. Nicole. Nicole is, by the way, one of the greatest five lives to tell your moms we've ever had. Remember when we had that? Oh, isn't she? This is it. This is it. Right here. Don't call me, Mom. Bet your mom right there, right? Yes. This is the OG. Oh, for sure. It's in my house to create my bathroom and she cooks like Middle Eastern food for me every time she comes over. So it's like once a week, she'll come, she'll do my bathrooms and she'll cook food in depth, cook dinner for the kids. Nicole, Mom's on the phone right now. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Each one. Oh my God. Each one. Oh, Maria. Mom, do you have any breath? I'm not. I say this so far. Mojo. Yeah. My kids are so mad that you didn't come to my wedding. They're like, Mom, Mojo never came to your wedding and we've been so mad at you for that. You were out of town. I couldn't come here. Oh, so you can't trick me, Mojo. I know you. I was. You listen. You were. And I talked to you ahead of time. I already told you. Oh, I know. I was. We're so sad. We never got to meet Mojo. Tell your mom. Tell your mom. She can make it up to you know, make it up to her. She can come over to my house and I'll let her clean my. Bathrooms. And your kids come over anytime. You guys live not that far for me. So you guys want to come over to the house. I love you guys. All right. I love you too. If mom's making DOMA soon, I will try it. By the way, this is to all the Chaldean moms. Any Chaldean mom, and by the way, Lydia's mom makes the best DOMA, but I want to prove it's the best DOMA by you sending me yours. So send me your DOMA and I'm going to pick who's make who moms make who ever makes me the best DOMA will get a shout out on the radio, but you got to bring in here and a nicely thing a little Tupperware. I'll clean up the Tupperware and I'll return it back to you. Okay. Mozo, I'm coming to the can and things. I'm going to bring you DOMA. Yes. Oh my God. Hold on. Okay. Make sure we have your mom come to. Okay. Oh my God. Okay. Cause we'll play that five lives for everybody. Well, how do you guys join the podcast? Okay. Oh my God. I'll bring her. Okay. DL and I'll bring DOMA. All right. Don't go anywhere. Hang on one second. Lydia's going to talk to you. Lydia's mom. I love you. Love you too. You are the best mom in the world. You're the best wife in the world. You're the best friend in the world. Thank you. Mom. I have some dishes in the sink. They need to be cleaned after working. Oh my God. Lydia going here. Wait. What? What did you just say? She's got some more dishes for you to do. Great. I'll be there tomorrow. Every day we rise, challenging ourselves to work for what we believe in. At US border patrol, protecting our borders is more than a job. It's a calling. Let's answer the call working together to keep our country and communities safe. 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