Mojo In The Morning

Mojo's Christmas in July: Paul and Mckenna

Broadcast on:
15 Jul 2024
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- This is the Mojo in the Morning podcast, powered by Michigan Auto Law, Auto Accident Attorneys. Visit - That's - It's beginning. - I know, that sounds weird, doesn't it? - It does. - Kind of makes me happy, though. - It does. - It does, yeah. - I don't know what it is, but when I see Christmas and July sales going on, I'm like, all right, they ran out of something, they don't have anything for July. But then I also get happy over the fact that, yeah, hopefully they're giving you some kind of a good deal. Well, this morning on the show, we're not doing a sale. We're actually doing something that I think is bigger and better, and that is we're trying to help you out because we know that it's tough just to kind of make ends meet these days and trying to pay those bills a really rough thing. And even just us giving away $1,000 13 times a day doesn't seem to be helping. So that's why our breaking and entering Christmas wish, normally we do it during the holidays, November and December, we're gonna actually ask our listeners to grant wishes with us by doing it now. So if you know somebody that needs help or you need help, go to Obviously, we're not gonna be showing up at people's homes and bringing up a bunch of toys and stuff and things for the kids, but we're gonna be honestly bringing money for people. - We're gonna be bringing a big check. - Yeah. - And when I mean a big check, I mean that figuratively and literally. - Yeah. - It is a big check. - Yeah. - And lots of money. And by the way, breaking and entering Christmas wish is not possible without the great help of people. Like I gotta say, thank you to the Lash family has always been one of our greatest people in the world, Ryan and Samantha Lash and their kids. The Imagine theaters, we gotta love on the Imagine theaters. They are so giving to us with breaking and entering Christmas wish, but also for Jay's juniors over on our sister's station, Jay Towers and I absolutely will tell you that Paul and Anthony over at the Imagine are the greatest. And then Kroger, Cam and everybody over at Kroger, Kroger gives more back to their community than anybody. They are like making sure that they can help out in all kinds of different ways. And they are, they do their Feed the Hungry campaign that they have that's amazing, but breaking and entering is one of those ones where they give us, I mean, hundreds of thousands of dollars to be able to help out people. - Yeah. - KP's out, we got one this morning. KP, how are you? - Hi. - How are you? - We are pulling up, I'm doing good. It is raining right now, but what rainer side we're still gonna get from this check. - All right, so you're, how close are you? What does your Google maps or whatever say? - We're literally one minute away. - Are we allowed to say what type of town we're in? - We're not yet. - We can, we can say that we're in Sterling Heights. (laughing) - I didn't know how secret we were keeping this before she walked up. So, so this is, this is interesting because normally at this time of the year, we normally don't ever do this. We don't ever get a chance to just go out and grant wishes, but you hear us do it during the holidays. And we'll pull up in front of people's homes. And a lot of times, you know, people know breaking and entering because they know what we're doing. This time of the year, they're gonna call the police on us. (laughing) - And maybe. - KP, are we going Instagram live or Facebook live or anything 'cause I wanna watch? - Yes, I'm gonna have our awesome promo guy, Griffin. He's gonna go live on Facebook right now. We just pulled up and we're not in front 'cause we don't wanna surprise her yet. So, we're ready to go whenever you guys are. - All right, I think we just do it. Let's go, let's get going. So, this morning is an entry that was sent in by the person's sister. And it's about her brother and her sister-in-law in the struggles that they've been faced with. And these people are homeless. They don't have a home. - Yeah, so KP said she's pulling up in front of the home. She's actually pulling up in front of the home of the recipient's sister, which is just where we got them this morning so that we could make this happen. But they truly have been living couch to couch, hotel to hotel. - You guys remember, we talked about this on the air about people that are saying that they're not eating one of meal a day or whatever. I met over the weekend, a woman who said that her kids are eating three meals a day, she is eating one meal a day, and it's not for dietary reasons because she can't afford groceries. And she was talking and telling me this, and literally everybody that was standing there in the self-checkout line area, as she's telling us, started handing her money. - Oh, what a beautiful piece to see. - I do want to embarrass her, but I should have taken a picture of what was going on. It was crazy. By the end of the whole thing, she had all of her groceries paid for us. - Incredible. - It was amazing. - It's beautiful people are out here. - Okay. (indistinct) - I just love when she's talking. But can I tell you, in this day and age, where everybody goes on social media and just becomes so angered with the way that things are in this world? Those are the things that I look at and I go, "Man, there is hope." We still actually still love each other, no matter what differences we may have in our lives. - There are more of those kind of stories more than that. - Yeah. All right, KP, are you ready to go? - Yes. - Do you guys want to call Kira? - Yes, let's do that. Lydia, we've dialed her up. Let's do it. Oh, you know what I need? I need, hold on. Hold on. - We need the official. - Yeah, I gotta have this. Hold on a second here. - Line one. - All right. (beeping) - All right, we're dialing. - Hello. - Hey, Kira. Kira, is this Kira? - Yes. - Kira, it's Mojo from Mojo in the morning. - Hi. - Hey, we got your letter for our Mojo in the morning Christmas in July. - Thank you. - And we got this letter in hopes that we can help you and most importantly, help your brother and your sister-in-law. Are they around right now? Are they there staying with you guys? - Yes. - They are? Okay. All right, is there a way that you can run up on them? And maybe, who's the more emotional one? Paul or McKenna? - McKenna. - McKenna is? Okay, put McKenna on the phone. - Okay. - All right. - A second. - Just trying to think there for a second. She's like, I think my brother might cry, but no, this is pretty cool. We're out, by the way, it's on. Where's it on, Ken? Facebook live? - Yeah, Facebook live, yeah. - Facebook, Facebook live. - Yeah, hello. - Hey, how you doing, McKenna? It's Mojo from Mojo in the morning. Mojo and Shannon and-- - I'm McKenna. Good morning. - How are you? - Good, how are you? - We're doing good. Listen, we are sorry to come by so early in the morning with a phone call here, but we have something very, very special to talk to you about. - Okay. - We received a letter about you and your husband, Paul, and your beautiful family. And Shannon, will you just read what Kira said about her? Yeah, your sister actually sent us a letter and she said that, she said, "My brother Paul "and his beautiful wife, McKenna, "are struggling to find somewhere to live. "They currently make just enough to live in hotels. "They're saving up to buy a house, "but the state of the economy has not allowed them "to fulfill that dream." So while McKenna and Paul work, I watch my eight-year-old niece, Jules, who is their daughter. She sleeps at my house when they can't find a hotel room. However, I don't have enough room in my apartment for them to sleep here with her. So we got this letter and we thought, "We gotta do something about this." - Yeah, we gotta do something about that and we're gonna do it right now. K.P., you're just outside of Kira's apartment here right now? - I am, sit down, sit down. - There we go. - Do you hear knocks on your door? Obviously you do, and so does everybody else in the room. Hey, McKenna. - Congratulations. - McKenna, it may not be Christmas time, but in our hearts it is. We cannot let you, Paul and your beautiful family not have a place to stay. So what we have for you is a check for $5,000 so that we can help get you guys on your feet. - She is crying right now. Do you have anything to say? She's being blessed. She's looking at Paul like, "Oh my God." Oh my God, thank you guys. - This is no need to thank us. This is seriously thank Kira and thank all of our listeners who come together every single year to help out one of their own and you are one of their own. - This baby's adorable, oh my gosh. - We are hoping that this is gonna help you. Not only like Mojo said, "Get back on your feet," but also put this toward that dream of buying a house so that you and Paul and your baby can all be under the same roof. That's the goal here. - Everybody's just speechless right now. Oh my goodness. What are you thinking about that? - I wasn't expecting that, like I especially listening like on the radio in the morning for a word. So I was like, "Oh." As soon as I heard the words, I was like, "Whoa." - Paul, you have an amazing sister who said that's all up for you guys. - Actually, I think she wants you out of her house. That's pretty much what she wants. So like get the hell out of my place and help these guys out. Along with the $5,000 check, our friend Cam and his entire staff over at Kroger wants to make sure that you guys have all the groceries that you need to be able to feed your family and that's why they're gonna stock whatever your new home looks like with all the groceries that you guys will need including all the baby food. - We need to feel beautiful. - Guys, we need to do more of this. We need to spread in more chair. We need to tell people we love them. And throughout the year, not just at the holiday 'cause people aren't just struggling in December. They're struggling all year long. - And I think that with the, it's not just humidity that's out there feeling thick right now. It's the world is feeling thick right now. And you guys need to know that we love you and you are loved by so many. We want you to know that this is just a little bit of help and then when you guys get back up on your feet and everything is good, we wanna be able to celebrate with you in your new home. - Yeah, keep us in the loop, you guys. - I can't believe it. - Well, we love you guys so much. - Thanks for letting us press your crib. - Hi, I love it. - It's July. - Yeah, Merry Christmas. - Merry Christmas. - It's July. - Thank you. - Of course. - Great job. - That's awesome. - Check. - All right, we'll talk to you again. By the way, give them the real check. Don't give them the big check. We need that one back. - Yeah, I will. - We got one to do tomorrow.