Mojo In The Morning

Ashley Nics and The Sexy Pictures

Broadcast on:
12 Jul 2024
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This is the Mojo in the Morning podcast, powered by Michigan Auto Law, auto accident attorneys. Visit That's Mojo in the morning show. Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, X Twitter, and YouTube, whatever they call it. I know. All this stuff. Follow us on everything. Matter of fact, you can watch the War of the Roses on our TikTok pages. Go to Mojo in the morning, of course, for the everything. Just search Mojo in the morning or Channel 955 in Detroit, 104.5 SNX in Grand Rapids in 92.5 KISS FM. It is Mojo in the morning. So I was on the phone yesterday with Ashley Nix from the Joe Show, who you can hear on the iHeartRadio app on 933FLZ in Tampa, and, of course, afternoons on Channel 955 in Detroit. And I'm on with Ashley, and for those that do not remember this, maybe you're a first time, short time to the show, Ashley used to be part of the show. She actually was a show contributor at one point. She did Zach's job, and then she was on the air with us and did a lot of fun stuff. She was always fun to just sit there and have talks to, and for those that don't know, I'm actually Ashley's black dad. So I am people don't realize that, but yes, she would actually call me her dad. She still does. So this was a weird part of the thing. She calls me up and you guys all have iPhones. Any of you guys that have any non iPhones, you guys are crazy. But iPhone has a new feature where if you call the person up, you can display the best picture of your life on your, your little phone contact info, and it shows up as clear as day on the person's phone, which is like, honestly amazing, and I don't know if you know me, but I got the best picture ever. I mean, this picture is like, hold on a second. Kevin picking, I'm calling you up. Will you pick up the phone and see what my picture looks like on there? Yeah. Oh, look at that picture. So good. How good looking is that? Son of a bitch, huh? So good, that's going to be my straight to voicemail. Thank you. Well, Ashley Nix has a picture that shows up for her and Megan, I know she calls you a lot. Do you ever see what her pictures look like? No, you don't. It's bad. I usually just like, she calls me a lot when I'm in the other studio and I wear, except for today, usually an Apple watch, so I'll just like pick up on my wrist on my wrist. This is actually her picture. This is Ashley's current picture that's on hers. Okay. It's a cute picture of Ashley sitting up on an account or whatever, like that talking. Well, yesterday she calls me up and this is where I want to talk about this because I think this could be a funny topic. Has anybody ever accidentally seen your nudes because this is where we're going? This one. Ashley, Ashley did something, for those who don't know, your contact photo poster, I think they're called. Your photo poster comes from your photo gallery that you have in your iPhone. And Ashley accidentally must have done something and some of the pictures that she sends to her girls that she like talks to appeared on the thing. So when Ashley called and we were talking, I'm looking at a picture of Ashley doing, you know, she's got one of those mirrors like you do that you take photos in front of and she's got that with her like boobies and stuff like that out. Well, you couldn't necessarily see nipple because she quickly hung up on me as soon as she realized because I went and I go, I go, Oh my God, that photo. And she goes, Oh crap. And hangs up the phone. I don't understand how that happens. So, so, so like I determine what photo is my, my exactly and she recently changed her picture. She changed her photo to a, no, she changed her photo to what she, you know, I just showed you. Yeah. But she didn't click save or whatever on there. She must have accidentally pushed. So you've got to be careful of this. And also, there's some people that are telling me that there's some kind of an iPhone glitch where it's rotating through photos where it will rotate your photos. Yes. Lucy did that to my background, like my screen. So like right now I have it on a West and I wedding photo. But if I, if I move it over one, it's photos of her and it rotates through all these photos of her. Have you seen that? You're trying to do. Yeah. I can't do it. I don't even know how to do it. I feel like my mother. I do like pick different ones. No. So if you like put it, like if I put it on her every time I look at my phone, it's a different one. It rotates through every single photo. What? So whatever, whatever you do, you got to be careful. Be careful of your nudes because I'm going to say because I'm going to say this to you, you might be showing them to your black father. At any time someone gives me their phone and they're like, yeah, I was at somewhere. This literally happened like last week, my boy, Mosh and his future wife, Dana had a birthday party and Mosh gave me Dana's phone. And he's like, yeah, look at pictures from the birthday party. And my first question is how many times can I scroll because what people show you may not be the only thing you see. And I'm not trying to see no boobs or something. You know what I mean? People not utilizing there is a hidden folder. Nobody knows that though. Easy to you. I didn't know that until a couple of weeks ago, you all said that on the show. I didn't know. Eight for four mojo live eight for four, six, six, five, six, five, four, eight. Have your have your nudes ever accidentally popped up on, you know, I know people that have Apple TV TV. Oh my God, can I ask an honest question of everybody here in the studio, even our promotional friend or Hoosier, what Alyssa, how many do you guys have nudes in your phone because I I literally do and how many nudes do you have? Do you have nudes in your phone Alyssa? Are you and are you somebody that takes nudes? You don't take nudes. Good for your parents. You could be listening. Can I make a suggestion? Yes. Please take them and save them and put them somewhere. Even if you don't say take them, why yourself for the future? Oh, because you're not going to always look this way when you're 50. I got a reminisce. Yeah. I wish I had more nudes from when I was like 22. Just make sure that they don't have you don't have Apple share with you. Yeah. I'm not saying like send it to everybody post it online, but like he comes for yourself. I mean, with these data and breach leaks, you better be careful. Yeah. AT&T got screwed again. You know what? A friend of mine, I'm not going to put him out there, but if you know my friends, you know what I'm talking about my boy used to work as sprint and he used to be in the back like fixing phones going through and when you feel me and when a woman would walk in and give him a phone, I don't know. This isn't working. You plug that boy in. You can see everything. I don't care if it's in a hidden folder or not. Well, I go for it. What's going on? Carol. Hi. Hey, hey. So I have something similar R.T has my husband daily memory from his phone and we had company over everybody around drinking and watching TV and of course I appear on their face down on the bed in panties, but still it was Carol Carol Carol, what what town are you from Carol? I'm from Colorado, but I live here in Warren now. Carol from Warren, face down. We love you. Take care. What's up, Hannah? Hi. How are you? Good. What's going on? So when Snapchat first ever came out, I was in high school and I was drinking, but I posted a snapchat of me like naked on the toilet and I went to the football game that next day and everyone was talking about it, so I had to completely delete my entire Snapchat because that's bad. Oh my goodness. No clue. Who are taking? Like a single picture. So were you adding to toilet, like pushing one out when this is going to be honest, I was so drunk. I have no clue. Oh my God. And the whole school saw she Kelly, what's up? It's Mojo in the morning. Hi, if you guys go to your Apple phone and you put the for you and you scroll down, it shares, it shows like the shared with you. And if you click share, like see all, even if you delete your news on your phone, it still saves under that shared with you. Oh my God. So you got to be careful. You mean to say that again. So yeah, walk. Exactly. Yeah. So like, you know, all the way down, and they'll say shared with you. And then you hit see all and you can see the news in there. If any news were sent to you or sent them to someone out, Oh my God. So some I text you news. You know this. You know this because what happened? Who got sent your news? I don't have it. Either. I just sounded just by looking out, like, Oh, shared with you because my husband told me that he sent it to me and I was like, Oh, let me look in here and I've seen some stuff. Oh, Jesus. Always check that and delete it through that. Well, thank you for that. Thank you. By the way, you're here. You're the Apple genius. We're really appreciate you. Thank you. With the Lucky Land Sluts, you can get lucky just about anywhere. This is your captain speaking. Yeah, we've got clear runway and the weather is fine, but we're just going to circle up here a while and get lucky. No, no, nothing like that. It's just these cash prizes out of quick. So I suggest you sit back, keep your tray table upright, and start getting lucky. 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