Mojo In The Morning

Full Show 07-11-2024

3h 0m
Broadcast on:
11 Jul 2024
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(beeping) - This is the Mojo and the Morning podcast. Powered by Michigan Ono Law. Autowatch said in the attorneys. Visit - That's - This is the Mojo and the Morning podcast. Powered by Michigan Ono Law. Autowatch said in the attorneys. Visit - That's (upbeat music) - KQI Detroit. - W-S-N-X Muskegon Grand Rapids. - W-V-T-S-T-L-E-O. - This is Mojo in the morning. - Oh, Mojo, he's amazing. - Live, Mojo, 30. (upbeat music) - Let me take y'all back to the beginning. - This is it. - All right, are you ready? - You're listening to Mojo in the morning. - You're at Doo Doo Hack. (upbeat music) - It's show time! (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - Good morning. This morning's war of the roses. He's got a secret phone. And his wife found it. Wanting to know what's that all about? Well, we make a phone call that will change a relationship forever. Coming up this morning here on the Mojo in the morning show. Also, get ready because we got tickets to a lot of stuff. We got like concert tickets coming up this morning. Cedar Point tickets coming up this morning. A chance for you to win in our summer of cars, cash and gas. A 2024 Chevy Equinox. And you could win $20,000 cash, whichever one you choose. Plus we're paying your bills a couple of times today. We're gonna be your sugar daddy. Get ready for that. Today here on the Mojo in the morning show. Real quick. I'm gonna sit back and just make myself a little thing of popcorn and just enjoy this next thing that's about to happen. Shannon, if you'd like, you're not part of this one too. I'll give you some of my popcorn, I'll share it. - Oh, okay. I don't, I don't. - Get ready for the fun. - Lots of extra butter then. - Get ready for the fun 'cause Kevin is not happy with a couple people here this morning. Go ahead, Kevin. - It's not even that I'm not happy. You just, at a certain point in time, you realize who people are. And if you give 'em a long enough time they'll show you who they are. You can hear about a sarcasm and KP's voice that she wanted her people on my spit list. Her twin sister, her twin sister Megan is over there. No, you got enough to eat. - No, I want to snack too. - You eatin' BS this morning. Here's what happens, okay? Here's what happens. So we're only in Thursday, right? We're only at Thursday at this point in a week. So we've been to work four days including today. Out of the four days, including today, I have gotten to work, even though a quote on the latest person, I've gotten to work earlier than both Megan and KP. I've got of my car before they have. - I'm proud of you. - I've seen them pull in. And instead of going inside of the building and coming up to work and coming straight here, I've decided to wait at the door and hold the door open for them. So when I thank you, Shannon. So when I pull in today and I see Megan and KP together, walking towards the door and I visually see Megan turn and look at me, connect with my eyes. In my mind, it's, oh, they're gonna be great individuals and wait at the door just as I have for them. And you know what the hell happened? - What happened? - When I walked to the door, I heard them giggling at the top of the stairs each time. They did not hold the door for you. - They didn't hold the door for you? - They did not. - I've held the door three of these four days, two, okay, for them. - I like three though. - Yes, and they didn't hold the door for you and giggled on their way inside. - Okay. - You don't care about anyone but yourself. - Here's the thing. First of all, the fact that you even expected good behavior from us is your own damn fault. We all knew you were the better person. So right off the bat, your own fault for thinking we were good people. Second, let me tell you what happened on R&D. I see you coming in. I'm like, all right, Kev's right behind us. I provided KP. She looks at me and she goes, "Run." At first, I was like, "Oh my gosh, this is KP." - It is, it is, but I am only as cool as possible because in my mind, I immediately went back to like first grade self and I was like, "Dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, get out the stairs." Right now, I was winded. I was winded running at the stairs this morning. Listen, I'm one of those type of people that I treat people how I want to be treated, right? I want people to hold open the door for me. And that's not why I do it, I'm just a good person. But now I'm not holding the door open for y'all. It's a wrap. - You give people, do you give people gifts just to an expected thank you know back? - No, KP, but it would be nice if you respected me the same way I respect you. - Honestly, I just thought it would be funny. - Okay, babe, let's all laugh there. I'm going to have a good laugh the rest of these days. I'm not helping you with nothing. - My favorite part about this is I'm kind of winded at this point. (laughing) And I'm standing here holding your chair facing the door big smile on my face like, I'm so glad you're here and you were like, don't smile at me. - Don't smile at me. - Don't look at me. - Half of my mind, honestly, to Megan's point about you're a better person than us. You shouldn't expect it. Half of me didn't expect you guys to be nice. (laughing) Walking to the door, half of you was like, they're not going to do it. They're not going to be there. - That does drive me crazy though. - Oh, yeah, that's the worst. - Yeah, it does. It really, really, you've done it to me a couple of times. - Oh yeah, I know. - Oh, I gotta jump in. - It's going to give me. - It really, really does because-- - Wait, KP is a multiple-time offender? - Bitchhole. - Bitchhole. - Bitchhole. (laughing) - I'm literally the first six months I've been working here. Y'all is at the topic around me now holding the door. I am not sorry, I have no remorse. I'm going to continue doing it. Y'all are so slow, slow, slow, and I'm not waiting. Okay, if I knew that was the attitude-- - Shannon is so sweet, Shannon will wait, and I takes me a long time to get out of my-- - You are slow, you are slow. - And I'm like, oh my God, I didn't expect her to wait for me. And she's there, and she's holding it. - I answered you now as well, I wait for you. - She makes her like grocery list in the afternoon. - I'm not joking, it's very true. - See that? - If I knew that was the attitude behind it, I would not have participated in the book. I thought it was just-- - Oh, you get back out now. - I did, you were laughing. We see that joy on your face. I loved every second of that. - Are you saying, wait, are you saying that you got peer pressured into it? - I absolutely did, I would jump off the bridge. I would do drugs. - All right, I gotta ask the question. Is it worse, and by the way, our phone number 844-Mojo-Live, 844-665-6548, hopefully you're not like me just having some popcorn and joining this, participative, you're like, I wanna ask, is it worse if you know the person that doesn't hold the door for you, or if a complete stranger does it? 'Cause I get mad when a complete stranger, you go to the mall and they do that. - So, yourself. - You know? I also get mad because, honestly, I hold the door open for women more than I do, man. - Yes. - And I hold the door open differently. Like, I'll do one of those things where I walk in the door and whatever side my arm is, I'm already in the door when I hold it open for a guy. - Yeah. - For a woman, I'm standing on the outside allowing her to walk in first. If you don't say, thank you, you're getting a five-letter word in my mind. - Oh. - Can I interview a credit? - Hell yeah. Why not say thank you? - I also wanna change something real quick. Yesterday, I held the door for you twice, and then I gave you the door 'cause I know that you like holding it. It's a guy thing. - K.P., I'm talking about when we entered the building. Wait, wait, wait, she's counting her door holding. She's out, she's hit the quota for the win. - Yeah, and this is where I wanted to give you. - That's it, that's my cap. - Yeah, this is where I wanted to give you credit was when you did hold the door for me. - Don't give me credit. - No, I know he wants a sticker, give it to him. - No. - I said you have a better person. - Resiprocity. - Resiprocity. - That's all I want. - No. (laughing) - I find it interesting, Kevin is like the happiest guy in the world. I mean, he comes in in the morning, he gets all of us to be in a good mood. Today he came in and man, I'm on fire. - He's got his car. - I know what was going on. - You lost your religion today too, buddy. - I'm on fire. - Yeah, you were like, listen, Tupac, I ain't a killer, but don't push me. (laughing) - Okay. - Wow, look at you, quotes. (laughing) - Serious. - I wouldn't have been at one in the morning, I'm not playing. - Oh, that's serious, that's what it is, you tired. - Yeah, don't want it. No, this has nothing to do with my energy levels. This is right versus wrong. - Don't do it wrong. - But don't let them change who you are as a person. - No, I'm changed. - I don't want this to now be that you're not gonna hold doors for people because of this. You cannot let that happen to you. - I'm going to hold doors for people. - Your mother would be so disappointed in you. - I'm so glad that Kevin's in trouble in this situation. - No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. - This is what you do. - This is what you do. - Or Megan. - This is what you do. - Mama, Kam would be very upset with you for saying. Gator Billies on with us, guys, Gator Billie, what's happening, Gator Billie? - Oh, dad, don't bother to tell you what, it's getting a little warm up here, ain't it? - It is, isn't it? (laughing) - I'll tell you what, can Kevin catch that Gator, yeah? (laughing) - Kevin, by the way, it was almost like a Gator snapped at the studios this morning. What's going on, buddy? What do you think about this? Who's in the wrong on this one, Gator Billie? - I am from the south, and Kam and courtesy is to open the door for everybody, man or woman. Kam and courtesy is to thank them. - Yeah. Gator Billie knows. - Yeah, not at five in the morning. - It's fucking right, I know. - And it's funny because K.P. is attracted to guys like you, southern guys with charm, but she's got no charm this morning with this son. - Gator, are you single? - Well, no, ma'am, I'm married, 20 years. - You sound disappointed in this. - Okay, yeah, wait, you gotta change your tone. - No, I know, you know what though? If somebody, if somebody like K.P. says that to you, you're like, oh crap, why do I, you know? All right, so get. - No, I'm happy to be in the world. I'm here 20 years, I love it. - And you always hold that door open for that lovely lady, don't you? - Back and run, I get cut down sometimes. When I come back, open the door. - Well, Jack, I'm actually open up for you, that shit up. - What would she do if you held the door open and held it for another lady? Is she okay with that or did she get jealous? - Yeah, my wife's cool, she knows I have manners and I have respect for people. - Okay, all right. - See that, see that? Kristen, Megan? - Go out back to you, sister. - Oh my God. - All right, shoot. - Oh my God, this is amazing. All right. - I'm six foot, I'm six foot four, 245 pounds. I'm a big old dude, I still be nice people. - What a guy, you know. By the way, we're signing you up, we're getting you in a scholarship and NIL deal with the Michigan Wolverines. We'll talk to you later, buddy. All right, take care, Gator, Billy. We'll see you. All right, well, starting off a little feisty this morning. I love the word feisty. I don't know why the word feisty always gets me, but Megan, my favorite part of this whole thing was that KP held strong. Megan right away was like, I'm so sorry. - Oh, I'm very sure. I felt so bad about it when you didn't find it as funny as we did. And then I was like, oh, now I feel really rude. 'Cause like, I'm deaf-steer, I mean you're right. - I'm deaf, too. - I'm trying to be like, no, Kev was a good person this week. He is nicer than me, and everybody's like, nope. - It's called Catholic guilt that you just had there right now. - Absolutely what it is. - All right, Lala Palooza ticket. - Just mojo in the mornings, back in the day. - Let's go, back in the day. - What year did this stuff happen? - All right, Kev says he chose this first clip for Shannon because of later this morning, you will hear Shannon talk about officially changing her last name. But this was the year that Victoria Beckham went to the DMV to get her license. - Good. - Can I get approval? - No. - Ooh. - No, my hair looks flat. - I don't know one. - This is the DMV. We can't tell. - That's not, I guess it's a good retouching. - No. - Shannon, this morning we'll talk about her trip to the DMV or the Secretary of State. - The movie Superbad hit theaters. - When I was a little kid, I kind of had this problem. And it's not even that big of a deal. Something like 8% of kids do it, but whatever. It's for some reason, I don't know why, just kind of sit around all day and draw pictures of dicks. (laughing) - I just was waiting for it. And the big song from Fergie and Luda. Glamorous, what year was this? We'll set you up with the prize. Lala Palooza tickets. Good luck, what year was that? ♪ All you best be my worst place ♪ ♪ Up in the sky, don't ship me ♪ - In what year did that crap happen? Call us at 844-Mojo Live to tell us 844-665-6548. - It's Mojo in the mornings, back in the deck. ♪ We give you clues ♪ ♪ You tell us the year ♪ ♪ We give you cool prizes ♪ - Victoria Beckham went to the DMV to get a new driver's license. - Yeah. - And this year? - No. - Oh. - Funny little clip. - Look, my hair looks black, look at that one. - This is the DMV, we can't tell. - That's not, that's a good retouching. - No. - I'm liking the fact that all people that work at DMV's or the Secretary of State's offices all sound the same. They all sound very unpleasant for some reason. - I had a very pleasant week. - Did you really? - I did, I'm gonna shout out the location. - All right, I'm gonna go to that location then. Super bad was the big movie. - When I was a little kid, I kind of had this problem. And it's not even that big of a deal. Something like 8% of kids do it, but whatever. It's, for some reason, I don't know why, just kind of sit around all day and draw pictures of dicks. (laughing) - And glamorous was the big song. Dom, what year was that, buddy? - Uh, year 2007? - You are correct, sir. - Yes, congratulations. What gave it away? - Super bad, I can't have just watched it last night. - No way. - Oh, that's funny. - Congrats, we're gonna set you up with Lala Paluza ticket. It's Megan, the Stallion, SZA, Future and Metro Boomen, Melanie Martinez, killers. - Big sexy. - Big sexy. (laughing) Blink 182, everybody's gonna be there. Everybody is gonna be there and you're gonna be there. You're going to Chicago, buddy. Congratulations. - This is awesome. This is just like a late birthday gift for my birthday pet. And I've never been to Chicago, so this is gonna be like my first time there. This is gonna be great. - Dude, take these tickets, go get yourself a place to stay and get ready for fun, okay? You're gonna have a good time. - I am, I am, I have a great time. Thank you. - Happy birthday, Dom. - Happy birthday. - Sara, thank you. - See ya, buddy. Hold on one second. We got tickets to see Usher now. - Usher, babe. - Text, yeah. Y-E-A-H, as in his best song ever. And we're gonna give you a chance to win tickets, text it to 95500, text, yeah. Y-E-A-H to 95500. Standard tax and data rates do apply. That show is on September the 12th at Little Caesar's Arena. - No joining mornings, dirty on the 30. - War of the Roses is this morning and the wife found a secret phone. You'll hear that coming up. Make sure that you're listening. If you miss it, you can always go back to our podcast, just like this with the dirties. Catch up on the dirties all the time. Shannon's got 'em for you up on our podcast. Just search Mojo in the morning and then subscribe. It's free. What's going on in this dirty? - Well, since the fatal shooting on the set of the movie Rust Happened a couple of years ago, Alec Baldwin has been adamant that he did not pull the trigger that launched the bullet that tragically killed cinematographer, Helena Hutchins. But in opening statements yesterday, Alex attorney, Alex Spiro acknowledged for the first time that he may have pulled the trigger. However, he argued that would not make him criminally negligent. Spiro said on a movie set, you're allowed to pull the trigger. Even if he intentionally pulled that trigger that doesn't make him guilty of homicide. Now, this is interesting and I think it was a surprise to the prosecution because their whole argument was trying to prove that yes, he did pull the trigger. And the defense yesterday came right out and said, "Yeah, he may have pulled the trigger. This doesn't make him a murderer. It wasn't intentional." The defense will also argue that an FBI examiner needlessly destroyed the gun when they were investigating at the beginning of this whole thing, making it impossible to know with certainty that it was even functioning normally in the first place. - I wonder if their thought is that she got charged and she got like 18 months for what happened. - The armor. - The armor. And maybe if he does this, he'll either get a lesser charge for what happened or the jury will look at it as he's at least owning up to it. I don't know, it's interesting. - It was just a switch that I don't think a lot of people thought was gonna happen in opening statements, especially. - It's like Star Studded because it's happening in like this, in New Mexico. There's not a lot of stars that are hanging out in New Mexico all the time, right? And I guess Alec Baldwin and his wife, Hilaria, and their 29 kids are all hanging out here right now for this drug. - Yeah, yeah. Nicki Minaj fans are blasting her for showing up late for her own show and then for putting on a crappy show when she finally showed up. Ticket holders packed the sold out show in Dublin for a concert that was supposed to begin at 8 p.m. Fans were waiting in the pouring rain. - No. - As they waited, waited, waited 90 minutes later, an hour and a half later, Nicki finally takes the stage and that was just the beginning. I guess she kept disappearing during the show for good chunks of time and she lip synced almost the entire thing. So people were just pissed off that they paid for not only a late show, but a disappointing show. - I'm not surprised about the lip syncing. I think if you went into that expecting anything different, that's almost on you at that point, but eight o'clock to 9.30 to me isn't crazy. Was there an opener? Like did the opener not show? - I think she was supposed to take the stage at 8 and didn't get on top of it. - Maybe the opener went off. Have you ever seen that happen where the opener goes off? Does on time. - And it was waiting. - And then you wait forever afterwards. - It happened to me one. I've seen Lady Gaga live three times and one time it happened and I was like, "What is happening?" - Oh, I'd be so mad. - But that's, I don't know. I feel like eight o'clock is early for a headliner to go on. - Yeah, I don't know. (upbeat music) - Chloe Kardashian admitting that yes, she absolutely would have used Ozembeg when she was bigger to shed some pounds. She makes that admission on this week's episode. (laughs) The Kardashian, she's doing a little Q&A for the Phabletics brand. When I was bigger, if they had Ozembeg, I probably would have tried it 'cause I tried any other thing. I tried any fat weight loss trend except for the real thing that actually works and that's a lifestyle change. So I really wanna encourage healthiness. - And lastly, this is a crazy story. Two Ohio women have pleaded guilty to propping up the dead body of an 80 year old man in the passenger seat of a car so they could withdraw money from his bank account at the bank's drive-through window. This man's name is, or I should say, was Douglas Lehman. - Bernie, we can inform you. - It is, it is, we can inform you. His name's Douglas Lehman. These women shared a home with him. I don't know what that arrangement was, but whatever. I guess what happened was after he died, they went through the drive-through. They tried to withdraw cash from his account and the teller told them that he had to be with them in order for them to do that. So they brought him back. Dead as a doornail in the passenger seat. Unaware that poor Doug was actually dead, a bank employee let these women withdraw $900 from his account. They are now being charged with abuse of a corpse, which is a felony, and misdemeanor theft as well. - Wow, that by the way, can you imagine, like picking up a dead body, propping it up in the back? - I know. - How do they get him to stay so still or so? - You know, you could also use them if you needed to go through like the, what, plus two lines, the commuter lines that they now have. Have you seen those things now on 75? - Yes, like the carpool lanes. - We now have them here in the Detroit area. We have carpool lanes. So you have to have at least two people in the car in order to use them. I'd like to use my dead grandpa and see if I can do it. - For all of today's dirty, get all caught up with the podcasts on the free iHeart Radio app or mode to the morning. - Go! - Celebrity dirt. - Directly from the source. (laughing) - It's Mojo in the morning's dirty on the 30. - It's Mojo in the morning's five, it's 655. ♪ Five, and six, fifty, five, y'all five ♪ ♪ And six, fifty, five, y'all five, y'all five ♪ ♪ Five, and six, fifty, five, y'all five, y'all five ♪ ♪ And I'm out of here, y'all five, y'all five, y'all five ♪ ♪ And I'm out of here, y'all five, y'all five, y'all five ♪ - Oh, so annoying. - She's just a good girl. That does great. - Nobody loves her. (laughing) - Madeline is your challenger this morning. Say hey to Madeline from Dearborn. What's going on, Madeline? - Good morning. - Madeline works at The Godfrey. - Oh, nice, beautiful place. - Kevin and Kevin and I will be there next week hanging out doing something top secret. - Really? - Yes, we will. - We will be coming to The Godfrey soon. Madeline. - Okay. - All right. - It's exciting. - We're locking up Anna Maria in a soundproof area. We're gonna begin this. Can you tell that we're all slap happy today? I thought it was Friday when I got into work today. It's like, man, all right, here we go. Five pop culture trivia questions, whoever gets the most right wins. Ty always goes to the champion, Madeline. Question number one. Alec Baldwin's involuntary manslaughter trial got underway yesterday in New Mexico. Prosecutors argue Alec was negligent with a firearm on the set of this movie, resulting in the death of the cinematographer. What's the name of that movie? - I'm hateful eight. - Question number two. Alec's Cooper says Zayn Malik was her most challenging interview ever on her podcast. What's her podcast called? - Call her daddy. - Question number three. Nancy Cartwright, who is the voice of Bart Simpson, just revealed that she is the aunt of this espresso singer. Who is she? - Sabrina Carpenter. - Question number four. Detroit Lion. I'm a Ron Saint, I'm a Ron Saint. When you see it written in front of you, you can't say it. - I know. - I'm a Ron Saint, I'm a Ron Saint Brown. - It is, I'm a, I'm a Ron Saint Brown. When I, when I just say it, I can say it. If I look at it, I can't do it. Is one of four receivers starring in a new Netflix series called receivers. What is his Jersey number? Three seconds. - 23. - And question number five, Ben Affleck and his ex-wife's oldest daughter, Violet, made a plea at a Los Angeles government meeting for mask mandates after contracting a post-viral condition in 2019. Who is her famous mom? - Jennifer Garner. - Let's bring the champ back from a soundproof area. - All right Madeline, three out of five. - Three out of five. Like yesterday, Anna Maria, are you ready? - Yes. - Question number one. Alec Baldwin's involuntary manslaughter trial got underway yesterday in New Mexico. Prosecutors are arguing that Alec was negligent with a firearm on the set of this movie resulting in the death of the cinema town. Would you say the movie was? That was the, that's the name of the movie. Yes, that was the actual question. Question number two, Alex Cooper says that Zayn Malik was her most challenging interview ever on her podcast. What's her podcast called? - Call her daddy. - Yes. - Sit away. - Question three, Nancy Cartwright, who is the voice of Bart Simpson, just revealed that she is the aunt of this espresso singer. Who is she? - Sabrina Carpenter. - Yes. - Three to two. - That's a wild one, huh? - Isn't that another? - Question number four, Detroit Lion, Amaran, Amaran, Ra, St. Brown, is one of four receivers starring in the Netflix series, Receivers. What's his jersey number? - Ooh, 13? - Oh! - Oh! - 14, 14. - Three to two. - And by the way, the most sold jersey last year for the Detroit Lions. And question number five, Ben Affleck and his ex-wife's oldest daughter, Violet, made a plea at a Los Angeles government meeting for mass mandates after contracting a post-viral condition in 2019. Who is her famous mom? - Jennifer Gardner. - You got it, yes! - You got it for eight, final score. (cheering) - Congratulations, almost perfect today, Ana Maria, but you are definitely perfect for four. You got four wins, congratulations to you. - Thank you. - Coming back tomorrow for a complete week of the five at 6.55. Madeline, we do have that parting get for you. It's a good week to win too. - Thank you so much. - You got Cedar Point tickets, go to Cedar Point. 68 amazing rides ranging from family friendly to adrenaline pumping like steel vengeance and Millennium Force by tickets in advance and save at Plus you got a $50 gift card to rallies for National French Fry Week. Hang on the phone. - Thank you so much, you guys. - You're so welcome, we'll see you soon, okay? We'll get you, we'll get all our listeners' details about another party that we're gonna be having at a very cool hotel. So we'll talk more about that coming up in a little bit. I guess this is a good time to plug that we are doing a bunch of things like we're doing our Mojo in the Morning Mojo Podcast Live event. That's happening in August with the Friday the 16th is the date. And if you go to, you can purchase tickets to be part of our live studio audience with the money 100% of it going to break in and entering Christmas wish. So if you've ever wanted to kind of like hang out with us, be part of a fun podcast that we're gonna record and we'll post, but you get to be on it, go again to and get all the details. - It's Mojo in the morning's five is 655. Catching cheaters and proud of it. - Ow, I'm sorry. - Get your home from board the roses on Mojo in the morning. - Sierra found something that makes her believe that her husband is cheating on her. Sierra, what did you find? - I found a second phone in our closet. - Okay, in your closet. Is it like an old phone or something that he used before? - So we're renovating our new house and I was cleaning out our closet and I found this phone in a safe box that is unlocked. - That's weird. - Does the phone like work? Is it on? Does it look like it's active? - Yeah, totally. And like, you know, I never stopped before, but I confirmed him about it. And he was like, oh, it's a backup phone for work. - Oh, so you actually did say something to him about it? - I did, yeah. It was like, it was a behind all his clothes. Like that's super, super sketchy, right? - So he says he's got a backup phone for work, but he keeps it in a safe box in your closet. - Yeah, on it. - And charged. - He was called about it, but I still felt super weird and I don't know what to do about it. - All right, so there's other things too that you told us in your submission. You said that, - Like this all was months ago, right? - Okay. - And now I think, and I'd like kind of let it go, but now I think like for sure he's cheating on me because this random girl messaged me saying she matched with him on Facebook dating, which first of all, I didn't even know it was a thing. And you know, she saw that he had a wife. And now she's reaching out. - So he's got a phone and he's got a potential dating thing that he's doing. - Did you confront him about that? - No, I mean, this girl sent me screenshots of their messages and I've been like pretty nervous about it, but I haven't confronted him yet and neither has she. - It's interesting because I just had somebody that called my wife and told her that I was on Facebook Messenger and it was not me on Facebook Messenger. Are you sure that it's him on Facebook Messenger? - Facebook dating or whatever it is? - It would be a lot easier to believe if you didn't find that phone, yeah. - Right, if it was one or the other, then I'd be like, maybe, but now it just feels like things are not adding up right. - Have either of you ever cheated in a relationship before? - I certainly haven't. Now I'm like, I don't know what he's doing. - So he has never been caught cheating in the past or you don't know if he's ever cheating in the past? - I mean, not that I know of. - Okay, you want us to call him up to see where he's gonna send a dozen free roses? - Yeah. - We're gonna call him up. We're gonna have you mute your phone and you have to stay muted the entire time, okay? No matter if you hear him say crazy stuff, you gotta keep it muted the whole time. - Okay. - All right, so mute your phone right now. We're calling him up. We're gonna hope that he sends the flowers to Sierra. It's the war of the roses. (phone ringing) - Hello. - Hi, is this Alan? - This is, yeah. - Hi, Alan. My name is Nicole and I'm calling you from a brand new internet floral company called I'm actually calling with an offer for some free flowers for you. If you've got like less than a minute to answer some survey questions, we're gonna give you a dozen long-stemmed red roses that you can send to the person of your choice, anywhere in the country, totally free of charge. Not gonna ask you for credit card or information or anything like that. We're just trying to spread the word about our business and hoping that you have a good experience with us. - Wait, what, yeah, I don't think so. - It's two questions. It'll take truly less than a minute and no strings attached. No, you know, I'm not gonna ask you for financial information. I'm not gonna ask you for any information except for information pertaining to who's gonna get the flowers. And they can be sent out today. Again, anywhere in the country. - None of my information. - None of your information. Nope. - Just your name, 'cause we'll have to say who they're from. - What's the name of the flower thing of a guy? - It's called - Let me ask you the questions, okay? Have you purchased flowers in the last six months, Alan? - No. - Okay, do you plan on purchasing flowers in the next six months? - No. - Okay, that's all I needed from you. And now, as a thank you for participating in the survey, is gonna give you that doesn't long-stemmed red roses. So I just need a first and a last name of who you would like these to go out to. - Um, Serene? - Okay, and a last name? Okay, do you have her phone number? - Uh, yeah. - What do you need her phone number for? - So I'll explain this part in a second, but we actually are gonna text Serene, let her know that she is getting a flower delivery just so they don't stay outside in the heat. And then also, we're gonna have you record a digital voice card that will go along with that text. So instead of a paper card, it's just kind of something that different that we do. And it'll be a message from you too, in this case, Serene. Does that make sense? - Okay. - So I do need her phone number for that. - Sure, it's five, eight, six. (beep) (beep) - Okay, and what's Serene's relationship to you? I'm just making a profile for you. - Uh, you don't need to make a profile. - So I have to do it in order to push through this order for the flowers. - So what's the choices? - Is she a family member, a co-worker? Is it a romantic relationship? It basically helps them figure out how they're packaging the flowers as well. - Other, I guess. - Other. - Yeah, other. - Okay. And let's go ahead and record that digital voice card. Okay, I'm gonna count you down and you can say whatever you want and it's gonna get texted to Serene when the flowers get delivered. Three, two, one. (beep) - Hey girl, I just can't wait to play some freeze tag again. I'll see you soon. - Okay. And I have to let you know, Alan, that this call is being recorded for quality and training purposes. Are you okay with that? - No. - Okay, you have to... I have to get a yes from you in order to send the flowers. - Why does it need to be recorded to send the flowers? - We record every single phone call. We just use them for when we're training our employees to do exactly what I'm doing. (upbeat music) - Okay, I guess. - Is that a yes? - I guess. - I know you said this was gonna be like... - I know, I just need an actual yes from you. - Okay, I'm really okay, thank you. - Alan, I'm gonna jump on real quick just to ask a couple of last questions and we're gonna let you go. So he kind of, first off... - He was nervous. - Is freeze tag like, is that like in you endo or like, it's gotta be right? - Listen, I've never been upset when guys hang up. I get it, you've been caught. What did the freeze tag mean? - I know, could be a safe word. - But here's a, you was not gonna allow us to be able to have the audio and give permission 'cause he knew he was getting taped. Try him back. Sierra, is that a name of anybody that you know? - No, no, I mean, that's the name of the girl who faced with me, but I don't know where. - So that is actually a girl that he's had interactions with then? - Yeah. - All right, hold on. We're bringing him up. (phone ringing) (phone ringing) - Hold on. - Alan, this is the mojo in the morning show. We were just talking to you just a second ago and you disconnected with us. - Yeah. - And we didn't get a chance to tell you before you disconnected that your wife, Sierra, was listening in to the conversation that you just had with us. (phone ringing) (laughs) - Sierra, I'm gonna have you hang on one second too. We're gonna, we'll come back and we'll talk more, okay? - Okay. (phone ringing) - This is the home of War of the Roses. Mojo in the morning. Don't miss this. - Mojo in the morning. - When we come back here next, finding the secret phone and the mystery revealed in just a little bit, we'll get into that. Plus, I wanna hear if any listeners have ever happened upon a secret phone that their significant other had. I mean, sign of possibly not being very honest and why do they have it? When we come back here next. (upbeat music) - Joining the discussion now, 844, Mojo Live. - 844-665-6548. - This is Mojo in the morning. (upbeat music) (phone ringing) (upbeat music) (phone ringing) - Hey girl, I just can't wait to play some freeze tag again. I'll see you soon. (phone ringing) - I haven't played freeze tag since I was probably, I don't know, 10 or 11 years old. That brought back up core memory. - Did it not? Oh my God. - You think his version is more fun than the one you used to play? - Or is that a code word for freeze for something? - What's going on, Helena? How are you? - Hi, I cannot get over the freeze tag and how that was part of the message she thought. - Yeah. Well, there's something to it, you know, I don't think that there are adult freeze tag leagues like pickleball or something, you know? - No, not at all. - Yeah, that was pretty crazy. It's Mojo in the morning. Wife finds out that her husband is cheating, he's got a secret phone and we just made the phone call just a little bit ago. Sierra has, has he contacted you since we talked last? - Yeah, I mean, he's like texting me, what's how, like, what are you doing, what is this? So he's texting you, what are you doing and what is this? But not at all explaining what he just did as far as sending flowers to some other person. - Nope. - Will you keep us up to date on that? We're trying to call him back, he's bumping all of our calls right now. - Okay. - Secret phone, 844 Mojo Live, I want to get into some of those calls in a second. First though, Chloe's got a little frustration going on right now from listening to that. What's up, Chloe? It's Mojo in the morning, where are the roses? - What's up, Mojo? Second time, long time. - I like it. - Thank you. - I got to come up with something for that. I don't know what we do, but. - We got to come up with something. - Yeah, do I need that? Do I need like a sound effect or something? - Yeah. I like the bull horn effect. - A bull horn, okay. - Special. - I'll find something in my bag of tricks. - When Kevin says, "Cloe, he's on the phone." - That's right, you like that, I know. - He's on the phone. - You need to get that vine of the kid going, "It's an avocado." Thanks. (laughing) - What was frustrating to you when you were hearing that? - He was just so weird, though. I don't know, he just seemed like he knew that something was off and something was wrong about it, but he still sent the flowers to the other chick anyway. - Yeah. - So I don't know, I was like, maybe he was gonna, you know, sometimes they know his word of roses and they send it to the wife or the girlfriend, but he just sent it to the other girl anyway. But I don't know, he just seemed weird. Like every time Santa would ask him something, he'd be like, "Well, why do you need to?" - Why do you need to? - I thought he was gonna Google, when he said, "What's the name of the company?" - Yeah. - And Shannon, I thought you did a fantastic job, just quickly saying, "Oh no, let's get to the next question." - Yeah. - Hey, you know, I started to order some flowers one time, so I was like, "You know, let me go." The little, looks like the child be saying, "You know," And then he went to y'all website. - That's exactly it. - That's why I did not want you to Google. - I know. Chloe, thank you for the call, we appreciated. No voices guys needed, but no name. They just wanna go by initial A. What's happening, we're talking about having a secret phone. - Morning, Mongeau. - Good morning, what's up, A? - Um, can I first say, Megan Mick, I love you, you're the most amazing human being alive. - Oh my God, I love you, thank you. - Yes, she needs to leave him. They only get sneakier. I dealt with this for years, unfortunately. And I wish I would have been smarter about it 'cause they just get sneakier and find better ways to hide the secret phone. My ex was as far as to get phones that looked identical to his phone, same background, same everything. So he kept like, beyond it, right in front of me. - Man, so where's-- - That takes work, man. - Well, it took a lot of work. And if he would have just put a little bit of that work into me, it made a huge difference. - Who was it, who was he with, or what did you find out? - Um, well, this was actually years ago now, but it's when Craig's list was not so much of a thing, but still kind of a thing. I actually saw a deep pick of his on Craig's list. - Um, like I noticed the background in, of course, to recognize that. Honestly, at first, I thought he was gay or something. And then the further I investigated, I think he just had some type of addiction or something. - So I was gonna, the reason I asked you that question is, I had a friend that got himself into trouble with his spouse and he had a secret phone. And the reason he had the secret phone was not because he was cheating with a particular person. He was cheating financially on his wife by using some of the, the, the apps that get you into trouble sometimes with gambling. And so he had his, he had a separate phone because his wife would be on his phone and she had no clue that the guy had like secret accounts and he was so, so he was financially cheating. And so sometimes I wonder if they have the secret phone, if it's not necessarily because they got another girl or who knows, girls calling them up. If they're on like, you said only fans or, or Craigslist. - Slaying penis on Craigslist is crazy. - I mean. - Craigslist, by the way, is it still a thing or is only fans taking over Craigslist? - Call us up and tell us. - Yeah, he's working much alive. What's up, Rachel? - Hi. - How you doing? Rachel, you found somebody's secret phone. - Yes, I found my dad's secret phone in this closet. I was going in to borrow a shirt for work one day and I found a phone and I went full FBI agent and started looking through the phone 'cause there's just a standard put phone. There was no lock on it or anything. Went through the tech, figured out that it was like a mom from my high school. And then a couple weeks down the road, 'cause I made my dad obviously go tell my mom. 'Cause I went through the phone item. I was like, "You're cheating." And he realized that I found the phone, tried to get mad at me and I was like, "Nope, you're the one and they're wrong." And then that night I made him tell my mom. And then a couple of weeks down the road, we found out it was a mom from my high school. And then that her son had known the entire five years of the affair. - And you had gone to school with this person every day? - Yeah, he was a year ahead of me. I was a sophomore in college at the time. So it was like from my end of my freshman year of high school and to my freshman year of college. - Oh my god. - Wow. - Yeah, that's brutal. And that's brutal to have to be the daughter, finding out your dad's cheating and let alone with somebody that you knew. And was your dad going over to their house? And if this guy knew about it? - So that's what he was doing is he was leaving early for work every morning, saying he was going to work out, but really he was going down the road to this house and then driving 'cause he worked an hour away from us where we lived 'cause I'm not originally from the state. But yeah, that is what happened. And after years of therapy, they're still together. - Oh, wow. That's amazing. - Really? - That's a change in. - That's good. And no other phone services. - No. - Man, that's wild. That's an amazing thing for your mom to get passed. - Leo, what's up? It's Mojo in the morning. - Hi, good morning, guys. Been a big fan. - Thank you. - Thank you. - I really don't want to snitch on this part of something because I was pretty much saying, you know, hey, take me out on a date. Let's go out every Monday, Tuesday, weekend. We'd hang out at his house. - Okay. And so this person would contact back and forth. Are you calling up about a secret phone too? Did this person have a secret phone? - Yes, when I brought up the secret phone, we had had some drinks and they were like, oh, that's my work phone. I use that to, you know, for coaching, you know, I coach, I do this, I do that for the children. So, and I'm like, okay, that's totally fine. And he was like, you know, I really kind of want to break things off because I don't want to end up on, you know, war of the roses. And I was like, so how did you find out that that, that he was lying about what that phone was all about? - He just brought it up. He was like, I want to break things off because I don't want to end up like, you know. - Oh, so he admitted it. - Yeah. - He admitted that he was participating. - So were you, were you, were you the person in the relationship with him or the person cheating with him? - We were, see, I think I was the person maybe he was cheating with. - Okay. - And I'm like, okay. Well, I'm like, it's like an itch that I have to scratch. I'm like, well, maybe if he heard, someone asking to buy roses, you know. - Oh, wait a sec. Okay. So this is interesting. - Yeah, work right now, like. - So you're calling us up because you're living this life right now that Sierra's living. Although you're the mistress, you're the person that he sent the flowers to. And you're saying that you'd like to bust the guy. You may need to hang on the phone for a second so we can talk to you off the air and possibly do a little more investigating. Okay. - I would, okay, okay. - Wow, so that, so you're what she's saying is, she's listening to the word of the roses going, I'm the other woman and listening to this word of the roses makes me want to actually do it. - That's so crazy. - Wow. I don't know why my heart started being fat. - I know. - I don't want to snitch it all body. I'm like, what's going on? - Yeah. - I was like, what did I do? (laughing) - Cassie, what's up? - Okay. I was just giving the perspective of what if the secret phone is to like talk to a secret daughter that he might have or discovered? - Boy, you got your mind goes. - I mean, I love these theories so much. They're so creative and very juicy. - I always, I do love our listeners. You, they go like five steps further than this. They've already written that soap opera. What's up, V.J or V.I, is that right? - Yes. - Yes. - Yes. - Oh, first time, long time. - Hey, no. (cheering) - He is on the floor. (laughing) - I found my now ex-fiancé's extra tablet. I was home on sick leave. I was recovering from cancer, which I kicked. - That's all right. - Okay. - And he was on answering a Craigslist ad when Craigslist was a thing. And it turns out he was talking to other men. - Oh wow. - Wow. - Yeah. - Wow. - Needless to say, he no longer is my fiance. - This is a tough one because here you are, you're battling cancer and that's not something that you need to even deal with while you're focusing on your health. - No, no. And I, and then he claimed that his account was hacked. - No, no. - And I was like, yeah, it's like how could your account be hacked and you were giving out your phone number to this person? - Yeah. - And I was like, I'm not buying it. - Did you ever, looking back then after the fact, go, man, how did I not realize this? - Yes and no, like, I love life was getting less active and post friends were saying, yeah, I could see that. - And after they found out, they were saying that. - Yes, and he's got a new beard now. - Really, so he's still dating the woman but he's still, I love penises like him. - Yes, because he's, he doesn't want to come out. He, he looks at it as being wrong and I don't, you know, hey, there's nothing wrong with, you know, being gay but just don't be engaged to me. - Yeah, it's a woman. - Can I ask you, and I, I'm always so curious in these situations, 'cause it doesn't justify what he did and I'm not trying to do that, either way it's crappy. But does it make you feel a little bit better that it's not a need you could have filled? - Yes, yes and no, I mean, you know, 'cause I was with him for a long time and at the same time, yeah, it doesn't make me feel a little better and the new chick probably thinks he's being a gentleman. - Isn't that sad you have to date gay guys to have a gentleman? - Okay, I guess, but yeah. - Yeah, I think he might be gay. - Yeah, listen, I, I'm sorry that happened. Megan, I see the point of, you know, well, at least you know, but you know what, it's deceptiveness, so the deceptiveness still gets you, right? - Yeah, no, no, no, I'm not trying to justify it, it still sucks, but I feel like a part of me was like, there's nothing more I could have done to like fill that need at least. - Yeah, well, thank you for the call. I appreciate it. Secret phone, that person that called earlier, Lydia's getting information possibly on the next four of the roses. So make sure that you're listening. - An official message from Medicare. - A new law is helping me save more money on prescription drug costs. You may be able to save too. With Medicare's extra help program, my premium is zero and my out-of-pocket costs are low. Who should apply? Single people making less than $23,000 a year or a married couples who make less than $31,000 a year. Even if you don't think you qualify, it pays to find out. - Go to Made for by the US Department of Health and Human Services. - Low turn of mornings, dirty on the 30. - All right, dirty on the 30, Shannon, what do we got? - Well, hardcore Democrat George Clooney wrote a really lengthy op-ed for the New York Times yesterday. And in it, he demanded that President Biden step down from the 2024 presidential race. Now Clooney has in the past hosted a lot of fundraisers for Biden. In fact, he just hosted one last month that raised $28 million. - Come on. - Said in his New York Times piece that he just can't win the battle against time right now. Clooney also condemned Democratic party leaders for ignoring every warning sign of the president's declining physical and mental health and for trying to defend his not so great debate performance against Donald Trump. He added that Democrat voters collectively hold our breath or turn down the volume whenever we see the president. Who we respect, walk off Air Force One or walk back to a mic to answer an unscripted question. I mean, the whole op-ed piece was pretty scathing toward the president. This morning, President Biden's team is clapping back and they're doing so by mocking last month's fundraiser that George Clooney hosted saying, while the president was gracious and stayed for over three hours to meet donors, Clooney took a photo, stayed for about 10 minutes and then who be needing left this thing? - It was, but it was a controversial moment because remember, that was one of those videos that they showed where you saw former president Obama having to like guide him off the stage. You know, listen, all this stuff keeps mounting up every single day where people are coming out. Nancy Pelosi yesterday, I guess supposedly is gonna turn against him now. It keeps mounting, and tonight, the president holds his first press conference in eight months. He has not had a press conference where he's just taking questions from the press in eight months, never has the president gone that long or done so few. And many people wonder, why is it that they don't do more? And I think he has to be good in this press conference. - Oh, for sure. - First off, if he cancels this press conference with some people who are speculating that might happen 'cause it's a NATO press conference, everybody's not gonna ask him about NATO, they're gonna ask him about what's going on. But if he cancels that press conference, he's done. - Well, see, he's supposed to be on Lester hold on Monday too, so I'm sure we'll get insight there as well. I wanna know why George Clooney is just now coming out. If you had a press conference a month ago, you didn't-- - A fundraiser, you mean? - You had a press, yeah, it was a few weeks ago. Yeah, you had a fundraiser a few weeks ago. You didn't see any songs there that made you wanna speak and all of a sudden you got, you wanna say something? - But here's a deal. - A lot of people though, Kev, are coming out right now that we're very, very close, that we're, you know, these Congress people, senators, you know-- - Celebrities, yesterday Michael Douglas was on the view and he was talking about Clooney's essay and he said everything that he said was very valid. - I don't like that. - It's only today or tomorrow, but a year down the line, I worry, I am concerned, you know, and-- - I do wanna mention, George Clooney just came out with an op-ed calling for Biden to step aside, saying the stakes are too high for future generations. Why do you do you like to respond to that? - Well, I think it's a valid point. I mean, I'm deeply, deeply concerned. - Yeah. This one surprised me. I love like different celebrity connections. Nancy Cartwright, you might not know her voice, but you know Bart Simpson's voice. She is the voice of Bart Simpson and has been since the Simpson started way back in the day. But yesterday she confirmed on TikTok that yes, she is in fact related to Sabrina Carpenter. - Is Sabrina Carpenter your niece? - Yeah, absolutely. Isn't that amazing when you find out that somebody that maybe you've known me for a little while doing this little 10 year old boy for like 35 some years and some of you guys for like way less than that, find out that I'm related to this like superstar. She's pretty amazing. - That's kinda crazy. - And lastly-- - No, I'm not. - I got it. Too many drops, ready? All right, I'm gonna play a contest with you guys. Contest with you guys. - Oh no. - Bart Simpson laugh, or Shannon's laugh, ready? (laughing) - Bart, Bart, yeah. - Bart Simpson laugh? (laughing) - Bart, shut eye again. (laughing) - Very close. - I'll tell you when it glows. - That's the end of the second one who just played. - Yeah. - It starts as you, it ends as Bart. (laughing) - Oh my god. - That's good. - Yay. - Yes. (laughing) - And lastly, Pat Zachak isn't quite done with Wheel of Fortune. He retired last month after 41 years, but you can't keep him away. He's gonna take one more spin on ABC's Celebrity Wheel of Fortune in the fall, the show set to premiere in October. It's gonna air on Mondays when ABC does not have a Monday night football game. And then of course Ryan Seacrest will step in and start hosting the normal Wheel of Fortune in the fall. Is it just that they don't want him to premiere Ryan, premiere on that particular one? I don't get it. I don't get it. The guy's retired and he's coming back. It's like Michael Jordan all over. (laughing) - And if I'm being honest, I'm guessing Ryan knows more than the people competing than Pat Zachak does. - Yeah. - You know what I mean? - Yeah. - Yeah. - Yeah. - For all of today's dirty, get all cut up with the podcasts on the iHeartRadio app or mode to the (upbeat music) (laughing) - It's moving in the morning's dirty on the 30th. - Mojo on the morning, phone number 844-Mojo-Live. Texas 95500, if you call us, know that we want you on the radio. Tell us if you're a first time long time, we'd love to be able to get you on the air with us and shout you out. Kevin has a little bit of, I don't know, we'd say a little disagreement going on between you and Shurau. - Yeah, but it is one of those things where I guess I'm at a point now where, and you've all told me before, choose your battles. So I don't want to say disagreement because I've already bowed out gracefully and I'm no longer having the conversation. - You've waved the white flag, all right? - The white flag is waved, it tells between my legs, I surrender. Shurau does not believe that Josiah is at a point in his life where he can stay home alone. And I believe that he can. - Really, okay, and Josiah is your son. - Josiah is my son and he is how old? - He is 11 years old and he can stay at home alone. - That's what you say. - That's what I say. - And what does Shurau say? - So literally today, Shurau has some errands to run, I'm like, she's like, "Either I can take Josiah to your moms or I can bring him to the station." At like nine o'clock, I'm like, "Bro, just leave him at home, it'll be fine." - For how long? - It don't even matter. - It does. - But why? - 'Cause I think it does. - Okay, why? - Because is he gonna be home alone all day or is he gonna be home alone for an hour from, you know? - So she's gonna be gone all day. - Okay. - So let's say she leaves at nine o'clock. I'll go home whenever we wrap things up here. Let's just say one o'clock at the lake. Let's just say that. Sorry, Megan, I'll leave earlier than you. One o'clock at the latest. Is that doable? Nine to one? That's still-- - So I'm a nervous, I'm a nervous Nellie and I probably wouldn't. - But why? - I agree with Cheryl. - Here's my thing. - The reason I say how long is like sometimes I'll tell Lucy, "Hey, when you get off the bus, mom's gonna be like 10 or 15 minutes behind you. Just let yourself in through the garage. I will be right there." And even that makes me a little nervous. I'll be honest, she's 10. - Here's my thing. If we're all in the house together, it's not like Josiah's up under her arm. He's gonna be in his room on a computer on Roblox anyway. So it's quote-unquote, not like anybody's watching him. He knows how to heat up pop tarts and grab pizza rolls. Like, he knows how to-- - Wait a second, wait a second. You're gonna let him heat up pop tarts and pizza rolls, put pizza rolls in the oven. - No, we put, I put my pizza rolls in the microwave. - Okay. - He throw them in, and blah, blah, blah, 90 seconds. You good to go. - Buh-buh-buh-buh. - Buh-buh-buh-buh. - Same thing. - Yeah! - He can do that, he can feed himself. He's gonna be on the tablet or watching TV. - What if he chokes? - The cooking makes me nervous. Cooking makes me nervous only because I was like 23 and still setting my oven on fire. So like, that I get, but I was left home alone like pretty frequently when I was at it. - And what days did you guys start getting left home alone? - There, well I mean, I don't think he'd get upset by this. I've talked about my dad traveled for a living when I was growing up. And then when he was a single dad, my brother moved back home, but my brother also had like a full-time job. So like, my brother was living at the house. I was never home alone at night, but I would come home from school or whatever, probably at the age of 13, 14, 15, and then be home alone until my brother got home alone. - See, that to me is okay. I don't know, like the nine, 10, 11, 12 is where I'm like, art, like, I don't know. - But I was babysitting the neighbor kids at like 12. - See? - I was in charge of younger kids. - Yeah, yeah, you're older. - You're close to your house and your mom or your dad was there with you. - You're acting like he's not close by. Like if Josiah called and said, I need you here right now, how long would it take you to get there? - Seven minutes, 'cause I'm flooring. - 17, 'cause you'd go through Chipotle's drive. - Yeah, that's true. - Heather, what are your thoughts on Kev leaving Josiah alone? - Well, I was just saying that, I think it's completely acceptable. You know your child and you know how they behave and if you call the police and ask them, they will tell you what that parent's discretion. - Wait, what's the age though? What's the age at parent's discretion? - There is no minimum age in the state of Michigan. - There's no way that you can parent discretion a five-year-old, I'd guarantee you there's gotta be-- - Yeah, there's gotta be some fun. - I mean, obviously that wouldn't work, obviously, but if you think that your kid is able to stay home alone because they're self-sufficient or they're pretty responsible or they're rather mature, it's okay. - We hear these stories all the time of people who leave their kids in their car with the windows cracked and their kids are in the car and they go into the casinos and stuff. I get it, you're leaving them in your car compared to in your house, but you're still leaving them alone. I don't think that is right, I think-- - By the way, she is right. There is, for whatever reason, in the state of Michigan, there is no law that-- - Age limits? - The Michigan law does not specify a minimum age if you're leaving a child home alone. The decision is ultimately up to the parents. However, a child protective services report could be filed for leaving a child 10 or younger home alone. - 10 or younger, I'm safe. What's up Amanda, hi? - Good morning, guys. - Good morning. - Hi, my son's 11, and we don't want him to stay home by himself, even though he is more mature than my 19 and 17-year-old. (laughing) - But yeah, we don't. - What's your reasoning? - What's your reasoning? - Why do you not leave him home alone just to play devil's advocate? 'Cause I agree with you, I wouldn't do it either. - But it just makes me nervous. - Yeah. - Well, Mojo, what are you worried about? - A fire. - Somebody breaking in. - All it takes is one-- - So you're accessible, yeah. - Yeah, all it takes is one thing to happen, and you'll never be able to live with yourself if that happens. - Yep. - So all of a sudden, a fire is just gonna break out. - Well, you never, I mean, when does a fire break out? It doesn't get timed, right? - What I was saying, typically, there's an action that creates a fire. - In most cases, I would say. - But you live in a community where you got a tax place as bedding downstairs or whatever it was-- - Beverly? - Beverly downstairs, you know? Here's the thing, I think Josiah's more mature than I am. Like, I would trust Josiah more than I would trust me, but all it takes is one thing bad to happen. What's the, Cheryl gave you the option? Bring him here to the station. He can hang out with us for a little bit. - He don't need to, though. - He's more entertaining than you sometimes. - I don't disagree. - Actually, I love having him on there. We haven't had it in a while. - What's up, April? What do you think? - Hey, guys, first time on time. - Hey! - Hey! (yelling) - Thank you for calling. - That's a serious turn, but I just had a funny comment. I was just gonna say it kept wrong because people had to pick the rules in the microwave. - That is true. - How is that wrong? - That is true. I can't be the only one that operates there's no-- - I do as well, but I will say they are better if I'm patient and I put them in the oven. - What about the air fryer? - Air fryer is the best, actually. - Air fryer. - By the way, Josiah should not be working any of these things. What's going on, Linda? - Oh, Christ. - Hi. - Hi. - I leave my son home. He is 11. Well, I go to work. I'm a single mom. I move to Ohio and I have no family here and I do, we don't have a whole lot of friends. I usually base it off of how mature he is. He does have a phone. He does know how to call me. I know that he usually just sits at home and plays on video games. He knows not to open the door for anybody. And I do check on him through my Google Nest, that kind of a thing. So I do believe that it can be based off of how mature they are. Ohio is also a state that does not have an age limit so they base it off of maturity. So I do leave him there, but more is more because I can't afford a babysitter and I kind of don't have other options. - And that is so awful that we have to worry about this because of childcare, 'cause childcare is so bad in our country. What's going on, Laura? Hi. Hi, Laura. - Laura. - Hi, guys. How are you? - Good morning. - Scared me there for a second. What's going on? - I told me that I was ordering breakfast. - Oh, no. - I was just gonna say, I agree with Kev. My son is nine, he's about to be 10. He's home alone, quite frequently. I mean, I'm Canadian, so I live across the border. And last weekend, I had to go across to get something for my uncle and he stayed home. - Wait, you crossed the border and left him home alone? - Yeah, I did. - What happens if you got held up by immigration and they wouldn't let you cross? - We have tons of neighbors in the neighborhood. It's a very, I mean, very child-friendly neighborhood. So he knows who our safe neighbors are. He knows where to go. He's known all of this because similar to the caller before, I'm a single parent. So for many years, he's had to come home and I was at work and he had to let himself in the house for the last few years, especially with COVID. And it's just got, sometimes it's what you gotta do. - That's so fun. We have somebody from Child Protective Services, Kasey from CPS on the phone with us right now. You there? Would you like to have me arrest him for you? - Citizens arrest? - Would you like us? Should we take away his parental rights? - No, I actually agree with Kev. - There we go. - I work for Child Protective Services and this is something we deal with a lot but I think just based on what Kev says, maturity of what he says about Josiah, try him in a couple of hours and see how he does and check in, what Shannon said too, there's not a law in the state of Michigan, it's based on the maturity of your child and most parents know their child better than a stranger or public opinion, so. - So here's a question. - I agree with Kev on the phone. - You agree with Kevin, but if something happens at that house in a fire or, you know, he hurts himself, he falls out of bed and cracks his head open, whatever. - If he is hurt and taken to the hospital, CPS is one of the first that will be called, right? To investigate what's going on? - Yeah, the end all. But if he has, if he's left without some form of proper care and custody or couldn't-- - So what is proper care and custody then? - That he has access to a phone or an adult in the case of an emergency, somebody that could come, if he was hurt, say, I mean, accidents happen all the time, right? We can't live in a, we're a very reactive world. So as long as he has those tools and somebody knows he's home alone or can have access and like, have said it, if need be, you could be there in seven minutes. - Does that work for you to take the mojo? 'Cause you interrogating her. - I am interrogating her, yes, I am. I am interrogating her 'cause Josiah is like my nephew and if anything happens to, anything happens to a hair, I'm a freaking head. I will come and get you. - Would he feel comfortable being alone? - Yes. - Because, okay, so because Lucy absolutely refuses, like even when I know that I'm not gonna be there when it's school time, that I'm not gonna be there to meet the bus for whatever reason, I have to have somebody make sure to meet her. She will not be in my house without me. - A piece of the dilemma or the dichotomy between the two households because we do have split and share parenting with his biological mother is that she is a quote unquote single mother. She doesn't have, you know, she doesn't live with anyone else. So he stays at home sometimes alone. - Okay, so he's used to it. - He's used to it. - Do you think Lucy's just scared of not doing it before? 'Cause I remember being terrified the first time I was left home alone and being like, sounds like it's gonna happen. And then like the second time you're like, "Yeah, that's fine." - Yeah, that's fine. - But being home alone was so late. - I just got the evidence that's gonna push this case over to the top. It's called CPS lady. Just gotta call, or just got a text message from an anonymous textor that said that Josiah does not have a cell phone. - He has literally two iPads. - He does not have a cell phone. - He has two iPads, you know how to face, we face them all the time. - Whatever's if the Wi-Fi goes down. - Here you go. - If it was-- - Case closed, I agree with Cheryl. Thank you, Cheryl, for the text. - You would agree with Cheryl. - I did, I love her. Mojo in the morning. So I'm doing something, you know, in the last few days that brought out some kind of an interesting thing that I thought would make a good topic. I'm cleaning my voicemail on my phone out. So I have a cell phone. - Oh good, 'cause you can't leave you a voicemail. - Right, if you call it says it's all full or whatever, it says there's no way to do it. So I'm cleaning out voicemails 'cause I have voicemails in my phone that literally are like five minutes long from people that I just don't even delete. I don't even know why I don't delete them, but people will leave me, you know, messages over the years. And I came across something and I'm gonna ask you guys to all grab your phones right now. And I want you to look. I want you guys to tell me by looking in your phone and you might have to go back and listen 'cause you may not have them, you know, visually. What is the oldest voicemail that you have saved in your phone? - Oh good. - 'Cause yesterday I had kind of an emotional thing happen to me. I was cleaning out voicemails in my phone and I came across a bunch of people that have left me voicemails over the years. And now I'm thinking to myself, I need to record these so I don't lose them, like, especially if I have to get a new phone. I've got voicemail messages here from people that are old friends of mine that I haven't talked to in forever. I've got voicemail messages from my old therapist, Tom Fitzpatrick, who passed away, which his voice always brought me comfort 'cause he was my therapist for many, many years. And then I happened upon a voicemail yesterday and it was a voicemail of Chelsea's grandfather who has passed away. He's been gone from us for way too long. He died and he was like one of the best guys in the world. He's like one of my favorite people in the world. And as I'm cleaning out voicemails, I go back and I look at this voicemail from like 2013, I think it is. And listen to this voicemail that I came across. And I want you to do this too. If you get a chance later today, I want you to look at your old voicemails and then take a listen to them. And then ask yourself, why is it that you haven't deleted these voicemails? Well, here's the reason why I didn't. 'Cause now I get the legendary Danny Manzo, Chelsea's grandfather coming back to talk to me from the past. - Hey, Tommy Mojo. This is Danny Mazzle through Sine of Arizona and trying to get through to Tom Mojo, you Joe, everybody Joe Joe. And I got the book yesterday and I just started glancing a few at last night and the night guy is one club of a bitch. And it's part of my resume. I gotta have at least one laugh for, go to sleep at night. Oh, wait, they can't sleep. And baby, I got two years with the medicine and that thing. So beautiful, baby, you're beautiful. I appreciate so very, very much, okay? I'm gonna grab your wife sometime, talk to you later. And thank you again so much, baby. But like... - And then awesome. - I love that. - Isn't that the coolest? - Oh, he says baby. - Yeah, that's how he is all the time, Joe. - I love Joe, I love Joe. - Isn't that great? - That's so great. - So go back today, at some time, if you get a chance or maybe this weekend, when you get a moment, sometimes we don't do this enough. We don't reminisce a little bit and look back and not only get rid of voicemail messages that make no sense. Like, why the hell are you keeping a voicemail message, you know, from some random person that's calling to tell you the doctor's appointment time or something like that. But go back and look and see why it is that you didn't delete that certain voicemail. 'Cause there's a reason behind it, right? There's something that happened to you at that moment that made you do it. - What date was that voicemail? - 2013, it was, so Chelsea's grandfather, Chelsea's grandfather was always obsessed with Johnny Carson, he was obsessed with, like, old Frank Sinatra's and, you know, like, he loved old comedians and I found a book that I knew that he would love and it was a book of punchlines. And I sent it to him 'cause he was always joking around and it, what a cool thing for him to say and I don't even remember him saying it the first time I listened to that voicemail message that before he goes to bed every night, he has to go to bed with a laugh. - Wow. - Which is pretty an awesome thing to live by. Mojo on the morning, what's going on, Leah? How you doing? - I'm good. I was just calling to tell you guys that my grandfather, he passed away from Parkinson's disease about 10 years ago, but my mom and I, we kept his voicemail on our landline for the last 10 years. She won't get rid of the landline because of that voicemail and she loves it to hear his voice. - You gotta play that thing for us and I'll record it and send it to you on an MP3 'cause you cannot lose that, you know? Yeah, that's why she's kept it around and I'm like, "Mom, landlines aren't gonna be around forever, "definitely we need to report it." - Yeah, that's pretty special, isn't it awesome to go back and listen to something like that and just be able to hear that voice again? - You can say it automatically if you have an iPhone, by the way, you can email the file to yourself. - That's a great thing to do. - Yeah. - What's up, Don? How you doing? - What's going on, Mojo? - How you doing, buddy? What's happening? - Not much, giving you a call about the voicemail. - Yeah, what's the oldest one you got in your phone and why are you keeping it? - So it's not me, it's my wife, it's her father who passed about 10 years ago and all he says is how great his son-in-law is, how much he misses me, and she uses this to listen to his voice but he just talks about me the whole time. - All right, isn't it the greatest? Any time that she's pissed off, do you say go back and listen to that voicemail? - Exactly, father's not the best. - You know what, isn't it so cool to know that your father-in-law loved you so much and loved the way that you were taking care of his daughter? - Oh, he truly did, truly. - That's how Chelsea's grandfather was. He raised her for many years when her biological dad took off. What's up, Lexi? - Hey, I actually have two voicemail saved from 2018 and 2019. My mom passed away right after I had my son and the last voicemail she left me was saying, like, "I was a baby, I missed you." And then my grandpa actually passed away from cancer in 2019 and his last voicemail he left me was, "Hey, darling, Grandma and I are on the way, "so I'm gonna let you know." And then he forgets to hang up and just has a whole conversation with my mom. - Oh, that's gonna be awesome. - And I can't, like, bleed it, I just have to save it. - Yes, you do, like, several times. Like, I'm on this, it just forms my heart. - These are gifts, man. These are unbelievable gifts. - They are. - And you know what, and this, I bring this up to you, you don't have to do it now, but I think you might need this sometimes. - Yeah. - Sometimes you don't realize you need to hear somebody's voice that you haven't heard in a while. - Yep. - A hundred per thousand. I'll be like on a phone call and I just click over and then I'm just in tears and media and I'm like, "Okay, I needed that." Like, even though I was looking into a cold, leaving me a voicemail to sometimes skip over and I'm like, "Okay, I'm happy now." Like, your face feels better. - And for those that are like Meghan who won't leave voicemail messages, one day I will want to hear your voice. - My, it's funny that you say that, because everybody's talking about these, like, beautiful moments, I had no idea what mine were. They're both the two oldest ones that I have are from 2012 and they both brought up really horrible memories. - Oh, Jesus. - Oh my God. - Why did you save them? - I did, like, I didn't mean to, they just never-- - Okay, delete, delete, delete, delete them, but it was like during the family emergency and I was like, "Oh no!" - Maddie, what's up? - Hi, I have a voicemail from my dad. It's not super old, but it came probably like three or four months before he passed and I had just moved out and left like a bunch of stuff at my parents' house, you know, 'cause free storage, why not? And he did not like it. He sent me this voicemail saying that he was gonna use all my stuff to make a voodoo doll. It's gonna be in the eye of whatever. And then he goes, and then you're gonna think, "Dang, I gotta call my dad." (laughing) - That was a great one, huh? - That's so good. Oh my God, you gotta save that. That's awesome. What's up, Leanne? - Hey, Mojo. - Hi, what's going on? - A bunch. - What's voicemail that you have? - I have one from my husband. - Oh, man, this is bringing up some motions. - Yeah. - Oh, Leanne. - What's he saying in the voicemail, Leanne? (laughing) - It's silly. He's asking me where the iron is, 'cause he couldn't find it. - Oh, Leanne. - It's so sweet and sad, but it probably puts a smile on your face when you need it the most. - Yeah, I just listen to it every now and then, but you know it's just, he's only been gone like a month and a half. - Oh, goodness. - Oh, first. - And I bet you that when he left that voicemail message, you were like, "God damn it, how does he not know where the hell the iron is?" (laughing) Leanne. - I'm like, really dude, it's like right there. (laughing) - Hey, you know what, I love that you call this up. Thank you so much for sharing, Leanne. We love you so much. - Thank you, I appreciate you guys made me smile. - Awesome, that's cool. And by the way, just say word to all those that delete all their voicemail messages and also erase everybody's text messages. You guys are psychotic. So just so you hang out. - Anybody that does that, I always look at him, I go, "There's gotta be like mental illness for you." You do that, but. - Okay. - Oh, is that you? (laughing) All right, Mojo in the morning show, Shannon has made it official. She's gotten married already in a ceremony. She's had her wedding reception. She's even started fixing up the house so that they can combine their Brady Munch families. You are Mrs. Brady, he is Mr. Brady. (laughing) I like it. - There's a story. (laughing) - Bring the girls and the boys all together, you know what I mean? But she did something more official than even getting married yesterday. What did you do? - I changed my last name at the Secretary of State. - Oh. - Yes, Shannon. (laughing) - Are you guys weird? - It's so weird. I came home and I told Wes and I like showed him that piece of paper that they gave me, you know, 'cause you don't get your real license for a couple of weeks. So I have like a temporary one or whatever. And I'm like, it just looks so weird. And mind you, just like we all did in second grade, I written it down on paper before, you know, like just to see, but it's totally different when it's on an official government document that it's a different name at the very end of the alphabet now. (laughing) - Do you like your name? Like do you like the new last name? - I do. - How it flows. - I do, yeah. - It fits. - Yeah, I think so too. - It fits. - Yeah, and it's a little bit easier to spell than my previous legal last name. So that's nice, but. - I like it better than my ex's last name. - Damn. (laughing) - There we go. - People are gonna eff it up when they pronounce it. - That is a good, by the way, I'm very happy to know that you did all this and you did it as quick as possible because you normally are not a quick person to do certain things. - Well, like no rush, but for this one, I think that one, I just wanted to do it, but two, it's tough, I think, for West to see like my ex-husband's last name on everything all the time. And like when we go out, they say Mrs. and then, you know, my husband's last name. So it's just weird. So I wanted to do it a little bit faster just out of respect for him too. - I think that's, you know, I get it 'cause honestly, like I will tell you this, that would be something that would be a tough one for me too, like, you know what I mean? - Yeah. - Even the random stuff, like if I make an open table reservation, my legal last name was still on that. So I had to change it to my new last name, just stupid stuff, but I do wanna shout out the Secretary of State Office in Troy on Long Lake was absolutely phenomenal. I made an appointment to go yesterday afternoon. I was in and out of that place in under 12 minutes. - I'm kidding me. - It was so fast, the people were so lovely, the woman who helped me was in the best mood, went in, showed her my marriage license, gave her my old driver's license, she did everything, took my photo, which I didn't like, and she gave me a chance to take another one and why was I too nervous to say, yes, I would like to do this photo. - I was gonna say that's why it only took you 12 minutes. - I didn't redo the photo, but you know what was so funny is you know how they make you then at the end sign, like they make you do your signature on that electronic pad and that's the signature that you're gonna have on your driver's license. So I go to do it and I stop after I write Shannon because I realize I have never written my new last name, which is Whitlam by the way, in cursive. And so I go to like write it, it's like W, I'm like how do you do a cursive W, I'm like trying to remember. So I write it and it literally looked like my first grader wrote it, it looked so bad. So I did, I had to tell the girl I go, I'm so sorry, I haven't practiced writing my new last name and I do this part again. So I had to do that again, it still looks so funky. - It's funny, you know people know what it's like when if you get married and then you change your name and having to change your name, it's like awkward for a while, right? When you're doing it and you're-- - It is, but I told Wes when I got home, I'm like I don't like writing your last name in cursive, it's weird, I'm not used to it yet, I know. - Hour is your life. - It's like weird, I don't know. - Is it? - I'm not used to it. Like changing, you know, you can call us up eight for four mojo live or tax nine five five zero zero and tell us if you experienced something like this too with getting married or in the, in Janis case, getting remarried again and stuff like that. But like, I remember when you got divorced and I remember asking you, are you gonna change the name back and you're like, no, cause my kids have this name, was there any thought at all like, the kids, they obviously don't probably even call you by your first and last name ever. But the kids, they are having a tough time with it. - Really? - Yeah, Lucy especially because she's like, when you come, when you sign stuff for me at school, how are they gonna know whose mom you are if you don't have the same last name as me? - Oh wow. - You know, and she's like, and when they address you at school as, you know, Mrs. Whitlam, how are they gonna know that you're my mom because the names don't match? And I get that, I get her point. And so she asked, she's like, can't you just keep it and hyphenate it or can't you? And I said, well, it's kind of weird for mom. Like, I'm not married to dad anymore. So I don't feel comfortable having that last name anymore. But like to her, I feel like that she sees it as like, I don't like her last name. - So let's change her last name. - You know, no. (laughing) Well, the funny thing is when I was, when I got engaged and we were talking about all of the changes that were gonna happen, that is one thing that they didn't understand. They thought their last name was gonna change too. - Wow. Isn't that wild? - Yeah. - You know what the coolest thing is? And let's put it this way. There is no mistaking that you are their mom because you know what I mean? - Oh, great. - Everybody's gonna know. Like, they make a difference what the names are. Well, even not even just looks, just how you are around them and you're with them and everything like that. But that's an interesting, it's very, very interesting. Like, as a guy, it's probably not even right that we don't have to change our names or we don't typically change our names. But I'd like to change my name. - I don't, I don't, I take, yeah. - Very little interest in changing my name, very little. Like, it's not important to me, I don't think it's cool. And I don't think it's cool. - I don't, it feels weirdly like I'm being passed from father to husband, you know what I mean? No, I disagree. I really don't like that. - This is the handmaid's tip. - I really don't like that mentality. Like, I am a person. It just happens to be like where I'm from. That's my, you know, my group of people. Those are my ancestors or whatever. I'm like, whatever, however you want to refer to it. But like, this is my anxiety. - I know. - I really like that. When it comes down to it, I think I have a better last name than most people. - Well, so I'm lucky because I, Shannon Murphy is my maiden name. - Yeah. - Like my dad is Tim Murphy. And I use it professionally. So I kind of have the best of both worlds where I'm honoring my family. And I'm also honoring my husband, you know, in our family. - I totally get that. But like, I'll have to tell you the last names of the people that I've dated. And you would be like, yeah, you should have. - Has anybody ever not dated somebody because they're the same? That would be an interesting one. - We have family friends and she's older, but her name is Nancy and she married. This is an absolute true story. And actually, you know the guy. She married a guy whose last name was Nancy. So she is my man. - Nancy, Nancy, yes ma'am. - So Millie and Versa. My brother, best friend, right? His last name is Whaley. His wife's name is Kaylee. - Kaylee, really? - Kaylee, Kaylee, Kaylee, Kaylee. - Girl. - I love that guy's name that was in the news yesterday. Pancake. - Yeah. - I want him to have a name like Pancake. What's up, Sydney? How you doing? - His girl is nice. Strawberry. - Hey, Sydney. - Your name, oh, your name is Brittany. - Hi, Brittany. - I'm sorry. - Did you change your name? - I changed your name in the course of this time. Call, what's going on? - No, my last name used to be Bach. And when I got married, it's Batasil, which is like way longer. But I practiced it for like months before we got married. - You should be Bach's Batasil, and it would be like a medicine for your vagina. (laughing) - That's the right one. Have a good one, guys. (laughing) - I'm sorry. - I apologize, but I don't know. What's up, Mojo in the morning, hi. - Hi. - Hi. - We actually got remarried. We asked the kids how they wanted us to do the last name, and we let them pick, and they were four, six, and eight at the time. - Really? That's wild. So you gave them a choice. What if they chose something that you didn't like? - I was okay either way with whatever decision they made. I wanted them to be comfortable because I didn't want them to feel like I was dropping their last name. But at the same time, I also wanted them to realize that we were gonna be a blended family. - Right. - Yeah. - Yeah, that's neat. You guys have done, Shannon and Wes have done an amazing job of really bringing the kids from both sides in on a lot of the stuff that you guys have done. I give you guys a ton of props for that. I think both of you guys are really awesome about making it about them as much as it is about the two of you. What's up, Sam? - Hi, I'm getting married in September and I'm having a hard time with deciding if I want to change my last name or not either. And Shannon just made a comment kind of just about honoring her normal maiden name, with doing it in the business side and then honoring her husband's name. But I just feel like, why can't we be honored? Why don't they have to hype in their name and that kind of stuff? - And why don't guys change their last name? - So what? - To mine. - You could, listen. There are people that do. - Yeah. - I know, I feel like it's so infrequent and I think the mentality of a woman keeping her maiden name in today is more like, oh, okay. It's not like that big of a deal. But if you ever saw a guy change their name, everybody has a comment about it. - It's interesting. - It's not nearly as accepted or tolerated. - All these women, all I want, I want to lead. I want a man to be able to lead our family. I want him to set the tone, but I want his last name. Pick one, bro. - She wouldn't even hold the door for you this morning. What do you think? - It's so selective. - It feels like we don't have independence and that we only belong to other people. I don't like it. - Just because you take on a last name? - The mentality behind it. And why is it always the man? Why has it never been a matriarchal passing down of names? - It's just not how it started. - And some people, it's not how to start. - But I'm saying. - Because the bride belonged to the husband and wasn't independent. - I get you, but if you respect the tradition of marriage, then you have to accept everything that comes with it. - I just want you to know that when I got married, I gave my wife my penis and I haven't had it since. My name was the least of her words. What's going on, Cheyenne? - Hi, so I was 10 and I was actually adopted. So that was like a home of a situation because we had to change our last name. And so like at such a young age, we had to all learn how to like re-learn, to like listen to a different name and spell a completely different name. And I'm 27 now and I've never been married, but I still have to put down that like I've had a different last name. - That's interesting. You know, I never thought about the adoption part of this. - Absolutely. - Your kids get adopted. I always loved those videos where the kid, there was that football player. Did you just, I don't know if you ever saw it, but the guy who was a D1 football player and he went to his dad, his adopted father, and he said, "I just want you to know I'm playing today "with 'cause I just, and he legally changed his name "and turned and showed the back of his jersey to his dad." And the guy was like, "Nah, sobbing." And I'm like, "Man." - Somebody texted that they didn't take their husband's last name because it was Boner. (laughing) - Good choice. - Imagine. - Speaking of this, Carol, Carol, tell everybody the last name that they were had. - The last name is Dick. That's my sister. - No, I wouldn't be taking that one. Nope. - Yeah. - That is awesome. - He called his first two sons while he says, "I have a little dick and a big dick." (laughing) - Dick. - Dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick. - So now he says, "I have a whole bunch of dicks." (laughing) - Oh, that's awesome. - And my sister just cringes and he just gets a kick out of it. He's like, "I'm, I'm, I'm, yeah, I have a whole bunch of dicks." But I'm not expecting anything. (laughing) - Mojo, "The Morning Show." Megan witnessed something yesterday when she was driving in traffic that she wants to call out right now. What's going on, Megan? - Oh my God, this was amazingly scary. So I was on, is this Healthfield Highway, is that? - It's Healthfield Freeway. - Freeway. I practiced it this morning. - I'm 39, so I'll feel freeways, closed from... (laughing) - Yeah, it's-- - Ford Road to, I don't know. - It's funny you said that there was so much construction on that road. - Oh, it's Healthfield. - I would feel bad for anybody who has to take that every day 'cause I was losing my minds. I was losing my minds, but not as bad as the one woman who couldn't tell if the exit that we were all trying to take was open or not 'cause it was kind of past a curve. You saw the signs like it's coming up in a quarter mile. - It's so confusing right now. - I know exactly what you're talking about, yeah. So I saw this car and we were driving maybe, if I had to guess like 45, 50 miles an hour, so like we're slower than normal traffic, but it's not like 10 miles an hour. Like we're moving a little bit, right? And I just see this car swerve in between the construction barrels and onto the completely torn up right lane and they're just driving and gravel. And they're driving fast and they are in the construction zone. And I could do nothing but just let my jaw drop at this point. I was shocked that anybody had the audacity to drive into a blinded curved lane that was torn out that was blocked off for construction workers. Like this lady was absolutely psychotic, but I saw the best moment ever. So when we kind of hit the curve, the exit is in fact open and she like bolts through another row of barrels to get back onto the exit, the actual paved road. But there was like a three or four inch gap where the road was torn up. And so you just see this woman's car go absolutely flying in the air. And I'm like, I hope all of you are ball joint. I wish you nothing but broken axles. You have killed somebody. How dare you? - Can I give her just a little bit of reprieve on this one? I cannot tell you. There are so many construction issues out on the roads. Yesterday I was driving to go to the airport towards the airport area. And I cannot tell you, it's more confusing to figure out what roads and lanes are closed and which ones aren't, especially when you're following your ways or Google maps or whatever. Like it will show you like the, it's crazy. - Okay, so I take 696 big highway here in the Detroit area into work. And it is under construction the entire way that I come. I told Zach this morning, I don't know how the exit to get off for the radio station. It's kind of weird right now. It's like a detour funky exit. It's all construction barrels. I actually missed it. (laughing) - Oh man. - Because it's just like, it's so confusing how they have it. I had to go all the way around to go into work. - By the way, 844-Mojo-Live, 844-665-6548. If anybody's ever driven the wrong way or went through the wrong area, then here's Megan on the Southfield freeway. The lady completely went through an area that wasn't even a road. - Airborne. - Yeah, but if you've ever had that happen to you. And I feel like summertime is not summertime here. It's not summer season. It's construction season. - Yeah. - But that is, it's crazy. It's scary, you know, when you're driving. You're trying to figure out if you're on the road or not on the road. Text 95500, my guy, look at this text right off the bat. I live right off of the Southfield. I see people all the time that are doing this, Megan. - Wait, this is like common practice. - Yeah, this is Trucker Kenny. Where's Trucker Kenny at? He didn't pick up his phone. We tried to call him up. He said, I see people railing the barrels every day just before 94, because they always switch out of the pattern and the lane is open. It's crazy. - That's scary. - Yeah. I think the worst is, I think the worst is when the lanes are so tight too. And I know that they make those lanes big enough to at least like a semi truck can go by. I don't know if I can get by in my car. - I know. That's a fact. - Another text message here. This ain't just in your area. This happens in West Michigan too in Grand Rapids. It is horrible to be able to drive nowadays with all the construction that we got going on. Thanks to an SNX listener for that. What's up Wednesday? How you doing? - Hi, good. How are you? - Good. What's going on? We're talking about the craziness. - How is this all comedy? I don't even know if that, like I have been drove on 75 for a while now, but the Utica, it's the Utica exit that's M59 getting on that ramp or getting off that ramp. And then there's like people coming onto that ramp. It's the scariest thing ever, right? Never seen so many accidents. - Yeah, I mean, the ramps are nuts enough where it's almost like you feel like you're not even on the right ramp, right? - Exactly. So the 59 ramp, I hope that they face it. Like I never seen construction, but like so many people have been in accidents right there. - I don't know if you've ever driven at all like towards Ann Arbor-ish area. There's a ramp from M14 to get onto 275 where I feel like I'm about to get on the wrong ramp and get on the off ramp. What's happening? How you doing trucker? Oh, this is Kenny who was, Kenny, did you witness the lady on Southfield Freeway yesterday? - No, so we're 94 in Southfield, me. If you're going up Southfield to 94, they've got the right two lanes shut down and then some days they'll have the third lane to the left shut down. And I remember the one morning, another son I was coming through there and they only have it shut down to like 15, 20 feet before it opens up for you to get off for 94. And there was a truck driver, they would not let him over. And he finally just sat at it and walked through all the barrels and took them all out and people just stood there and followed them. - Wow. - You can't kill somebody. - Yeah, it's so dangerous. - Ariane, what's up? - Hello. - Hi. - Oh my God, I did what we wanted to do. - You're on the radio. - Hello. - Hi. - First time? - Well, I'm trying to listen to her first time. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Oh, yeah. - Let's go. - Welcome. - I'm sorry, can I also shout out my boyfriend. He loves you guys and he's also listening right now. - Sure, go off. - Hi Logan, it's Ari. - Oh. - I can't hide him. He loves you. - What's up Logan? - We got it. - Yeah, yeah. - Logan. - Logan. - What's going on? - I can't believe this. One time when I was 17, I believe it was on Southfield Freeway, highway, whatever it is. I was on my way to a hair appointment and I was gonna be late and there was construction in one lane and backed up in the other two lanes. So I kind of just tore through the cones and drove down so I got close to my exit. - Oh, yeah. - I didn't want to be late to my hair for you. Those are very important times. - Very crazy. Josh, what's up? - How you doing, Mojo? - Good buddy. - Well, I'll try listening first time. - Yeah, Josh, what's up? - What's up, Josh? - How you doing? So yeah, I don't think you're selling a magnet in that. Yeah, this is coming practice on M3. Now I'm sure we would have drive that crazy 'cause I've seen people drive on the gravel except this time, like yesterday, I think it was somebody in a large pickup truck with those really wide tires and it's really lifted up and they like to just drive on, you know, 'cause they think it could just, you know, fly through anything. But yeah. - Was it a blonde and a white truck? (laughing) - Yes. - So pickup truck, those really wide tires and they think they could just go over anything. - Dude. - Yes, they can. (laughing) - I tried it. - If you have extended mirrors on your truck and two sets of back tires, we got a problem and I don't even know you. - Thanks for having me. (laughing) - Thanks for the call buddy, appreciate it. - An official message from Medicare. - A new law is helping me save more money on prescription drug costs. You may be able to save too. With Medicare's extra help program, my premium is zero and my out-of-pocket costs are low. Who should apply? Single people making less than $23,000 a year or a married couples who make less than $31,000 a year. Even if you don't think you qualify, it pays to find out. - Go to, paid for by the US Department of Health and Human Services. - Mojo in the mornings, dirty on the 30. - Oh, my heart rate has just been raised a little bit. - Why? - Because I was listening to Shabuzzi. (laughing) - I don't know what it is. - I know, I'm gonna hold on a second here. - All right, what do we got in this hour's dirty on the 30? - Okay, so we've got some more Stanley Cup chaos to talk about. - Stanley Cup chaos. - And this time, Olivia Rodrigo is to blame. Her fans were left fuming this week after being unable to buy her special edition Purple Star Stanley Cup. - All of that Stanley Cup, I thought it was like-- - Yes, because of the website crashing. By the way, this thing, and I'm not a Stanley fan, but it's a pretty cute little Stanley. She just collaborated with Stanley to launch this Good For You Quencher H2O tumbler, the price tag $55. But fans, it was kind of interesting how they did it. You had 24 hours to enter a lottery to buy up to two Stanley's per person. So you had to be selected for the lottery, and then you were able to purchase a Stanley or two. But there were all sorts of technical difficulties, people trying to get through, people having their credit card ready and their credit card's not being accepted, the website crashing, and people were just pissed. So they went and flooded Stanley's social media with comments like, this is now war. Another says, what a joke I've been trying to get on the list for the past two hours. It keeps declining on my credit cards. I'm done, I don't even care anymore in all caps. - It's like a sneaker game. - It's just about to say that. - Yeah, that's what it is. - Do you think that the celebrities have like the worst, like it could be bad for them to have certain things like this where the fans get too pissed off? Like it almost, it doesn't benefit them because now people are mad at them over the thing. - I don't know, her crumbled cookie was amazing. - Didn't sell as fast as this is, Ellen? - Remember? Did you take a crumbled cookie? - It was so good. - I wonder though, it's one of two things. I either get really angry at the artists for not like maybe using the most reliable company or going with a different option instead of something that's good for the fans versus look at what happened with Taylor Swift and pick an master. Sometimes you can get your fans to rally behind something and then change the system for the better for all. - Yeah, hopefully people just recognize it's not her fault. - No. - You know what I mean? - Right, right. Since that fatal shooting tragically happened on the set of the movie Rust, Alec Baldwin has been adamant that he did not pull the trigger on the gun that launched the bullet killing, tragically killing cinematographer, Helena Hutchins. But in his opening statement yesterday, Alex attorney, Alex Spiro acknowledged for the very first time ever, I think that Alec may have pulled the trigger. However, he argued that would not make him criminally negligent, he's not a killer. Spiro said, quote, on a movie set, you're allowed to pull the trigger, even if he intentionally pulled the trigger that does not make him guilty of homicide. Now, I think this threw the prosecution for a loop because that was the whole point of their testimony to prove that Alec pulled the trigger and then the defense came out right away to say, well, yeah, he may have pulled it, but the intention was not there. The defense will also argue that an FBI examiner needlessly destroyed the gun during the investigation, making it impossible to know with certainty that it was even functioning normally in the first place. Katie Perry announcing the release date of her sixth album, 143. Anybody have a pager back in the day, Beeper? - I did not, but apparently that was the phrase for I love you. - Yeah, so that album set for release on September 20th, if you're a fan. - She was on Instagram, live yesterday, basically playing the, I won't say the whole album, but she played like six or seven songs. - What? Are we world debuting her song, her new song tonight? - We are here tomorrow morning. We'll have it for you, yes. - I am tonight at seven o'clock. - Okay, that's right. - At seven o'clock. - On the dead. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Good job, good job. - Good job, please. - All right. - I actually was choking. Your joke wasn't that funny, but-- - That's not a joke, that's Usher. - Okay. - Usher, baby. - He's very serious about his Usher. And people on TikTok are admitting to going for a walk after dinner, only to release their farts. They're being dubbed fart walks. And experts say this is actually a really good idea. The purpose of a fart walk is to start the digestive process and really bloating gas with a sensation of like a brick sitting in your stomach because you ate so much, 10 to 20 minutes, you are good to go and the evidence is there that yes, walking can aid digestion. Regular exercise has a positive effect on bowel movements and it doesn't need to be, you go into the gym for three hours, just light walking. Again, for 10 to 20 minutes, let's some farts out in the process. You're gonna feel a whole lot better and your food is gonna digest a lot faster. - Dude, that's what you want is walking and fart walking. - I got one in the ground. - I got one in the downtown. - I think I farted this one. - Right? - Now. - Okay, go to the bathroom. - I'm gonna go to a walk soon as we go to a break. - For all of today's dirty check out the-- - Drop your load. - Podcasts on the free. - High heart radio app, or Oh my god. (upbeat music) - So like we need to hear it. - Directly from the source, it's Mojo in the morning's dirty on the 30. - Mojo in the morning, to me there is nothing funnier than seeing a bunch of clowns come out of a little car and you see, you know, like one after another after another and they're like, how do they all fit in that car? Or watching me get out of the loner car that Gordon Chevrolet gave me for my service that I wasn't having done on my car today. - I think I feel. - They brought Pat came by from Gordon Chevrolet, which thank you to Pat for being picked up. - I met him. - Pat's daughter listens to the show down in Daytona Beach, Florida on the iHeartRadio app he was saying and which wanted to shout her out, but they were nice enough that they, Mike Porter and all those guys over at Gordon Chevrolet, they treat you like family. They lent me somebody's hot rod. I've got, I've got their Camaro. - That's your, your name? - They gave me a Camaro. Yes. - I saw that one up. - They brought, so usually when this happens, when Mona or Mike, you know, take my car, they'll give me like, you know, they'll give me like an equinox or, you know, they'll give me a traverse or something like that or, you know, maybe another Tahoe like I drive. And this time I think they wanted me to hot rod it 'cause they gave me a Camaro and Mike knows that I'm a large man. We've, we've hung out numerous times together, but you should see me getting in and out of this thing. - I actually want to see you getting in and out of this. - KP took video, just during that break. - Oh, it's fantastic. - Yeah, we took video. Yeah, you see. - I had a song and everything. - You, you, oh, you got it. - Oh, don't do it, oh, that guy in a little coat. - Yeah. - That guy in a little coat. - Don't. ♪ That guy in a little coat ♪ ♪ That guy in a little coat ♪ - By the way, I think it's just as funny watching big people get out of little cars 'cause it is very interesting. I remember when, oh, is that, isn't on the app already? - I'm sending it to you, but the losers have to, have to wait a couple of minutes to see it. - All right, well, post it on here. You'll get the chance to see it. I remember when Big Boy used to be our night guy, Big Boy and I-- - He was a big boy. - Big Boy and I drove through the drive-through of the McDonald's next door to the radio station in one of those mini coopers, or not mini coopers. - Oh, it was a smart car. - No, smart car, smart car, yeah. We drove through the drive-through, the wheels literally were scraping against the fenders. (laughing) Yeah, so you see, hold on, here, here, here, here. Oh, the music's great. - He's kind of tight in there. (laughing) Want me to get that? Looks good though. Like a car-- - It's really sharp. - I think this is not a car I should have. - This is a car Chelsea should have. - Yeah, this is a car that-- - Where are you out of breath? - Little people have me. (laughing) - Okay, let's see, get out of this thing. - Oh, gee. - Oh my God, the music's great. Here, here, I'm trying to get out of the thing. (laughing) - Make sure you park somewhere where I have to go. - I could never drive a sports car. - Which, and thank God, you're far enough away. - I look at these guys that have like these sports cars, and I'm so envious of them. I can't understand how they're able to get in and out of these things. - Oh, I got picked up in one like two weeks ago, and I literally thought I was gonna fall onto the sidewalk, trying to get my ass into that seat. - It's like a seat, it doesn't feel like you're that low? - Yes, but I was wearing heels, and I was stepping from the curb into it, and it was so low already, and then I'm elevated above it, and I've got high heels on. I was like, I'm doing a full squat in heels at this point. Now, you should see me getting into my husband's diaphragm, (laughing) and he doesn't have it like raised or anything, but like this little like meh thing, what is it, like a step comin'? - The tread. - Yeah, the tread comes down, and I have to like, step up on that, and then launch myself into the passenger seat. - Yeah, yeah, so the opposite. - The Chelsea hated when I had a Jeep, because she used to have to grab onto the Ospit handles, and try to like pull herself into it. All right, so here's the thing I wanted to just ask real quick, just a quick little thing. I want to know who's the biggest people driving the littlest car, what is it? And then the littlest people driving the biggest car, 'cause like Shannon, before you ended up by getting that new car from Brian-- - Yeah, yeah, the Chelsea Akadia from Iran. - They had you in, what was it? Was that a Tahoe, like I had? - It was a Tahoe, and I, like Brian knows it's my dream to drive a Tahoe, but he's like, I refuse to get you into a Tahoe, you're gonna ruin your garage. - You were gonna ruin your garage, you're gonna ruin his car. - Yeah, and that too. - He'd be like bumping up against it. - But I looked ridiculous driving that thing. I remember when I took it through the car wash, and you know how at the end of the car wash, they have them, like there's like mirrors, and I looked over and saw myself in the driver seat, and you just saw like the tip top of my head. - See, this reminds me, Mojo in particular, this reminds me of Inside the NBA, the famous sports show, TNT, when Kia became one of their leading sponsors, and they had Shaq getting inside of that Kia Optima, and it's like you had this seven foot 300 pound guy trying to fit into this small car, and they would never show him getting in the car, they would show him standing out of it, and then they would cut them inside of the car. 'Cause you know it took 'em a hour to actually get in there. - If somebody told me that Rashid Wallace, back in the day when the Pistons won their last championship, that Rashid Wallace had to actually have his seat unbolted in the SUV that he had, and pushed all the way back to the back seat, 'cause he was so tall, like these players, I don't know how they get even in the SUVs, 'cause you can't, you're not moving the seat back them. - Are you true? - Abby, what's happening? It's Mojo in the morning, how are ya? - Good morning guys, I'm good, how are you guys? - We're doing okay, what's going on? - So I was dating this guy with a really big truck, I wish I knew exactly what kind of truck it was, but big enough that, again, I had to launch myself inside this car as well. And it was late at night, and we went to 7-Eleven, and I get out of the car, and we go inside, and the lady behind the counter's cracking up, and I said, you know, you look like you're in a good mood, but so funny, and she said, I've never laughed so hard, I see this giant truck pull up, and I'm waiting to see this big guy jump out, and I see these two little feet just jump down. (laughing) And she said, you just made my night, I was the funniest thing I've ever seen, and I'm five foot one, and yeah, I had to jump in and out of that car. - In like, Megan going on a date in the sports car, it's tough when you're wearing certain outfits, right? - Yeah, absolutely. - Manny, what's up Manny, a large man with a little car, what's going on? - Hey, so I'm about six, three, 300 pounds, and I drive a Ford Focus. - Come on, Mike, listen, listen, my kid, they say I look like Mr. Incredible driving this car. (laughing) - Manny, that is awesome, I love it buddy. Thanks for calling, man, we appreciate it. What's going on, Marissa, how are ya? - Hi, good, how are you? - Good, what's going on? What, you're a little lady driving a big car, what do you drive? - Yeah, well, it was actually my friend when we were like 19, like she used to drive a little, like Chevy Impala, but like her car was breaking down a lot, so she had to drive her dad's big white 12-person work band everywhere she went. - Like the church band? - Yeah, like there was like three or four rows of seats, like a huge band, we'd drive it everywhere, like we'd get out and just be two little girls hopping out of the state creeper band. (laughing) - The creeper band, Alicia, what's up, it's Mojo in the morning, how are ya? - Yeah, Mojo. - How are ya, what's going on? - My brother's a mechanic, and they just recently got a roaster, okay, my brother's not a little guy, my brother's like six foot four. So, him and my cousin are driving around in this little tiny roaster, and they're getting out, I was like, you guys, the car is cool, but you guys do not look cool, getting out of it. (laughing) - Give me a go, what is a roaster, do you guys know what a roaster is? - Small joint, yeah. - Is it? - Yes, I remember Stuart Little, the car of that Stuart Little guy. - Oh geez, oh my gosh. (laughing) - That's-- - That's a vertebral drop top. Like, it'd be easier if you dropped the top and rode around, but no, no, no, they have to have a close. - I love that the go-to reference was Stuart Little. (laughing) - What's going on, man, this brings back memories. Velma is on the phone with us right now from Scooby-Doo. - Velma was a cold. - What's up, Velma? (mumbling) - Wait, hold on, your phone's cutting out, Velma, what, your fiance is how tall? - Six foot nine. - Oh my God, how much is he weigh? - Well, he play for him. - He's about 350 pounds. - And what kind of car is he driving? - He drives a Pontiac D5. - Come on. (laughing) How is that? - He somehow manages to fit in. - Does he just drive on the two wheels? (laughing) - You know, you would think, right? (laughing) - When he gets out of that thing, do people like look? - He can't valet 'cause they'll laugh. - Yeah, probably. - That's great. What's up, Angel? Hi. - Hi, a person called her, like, long-time lifts. - Yes! - Angel's on the phone! - What's up, Angel? - My mom is five foot four, and she drives this big, oh, Chevy Silverado with extra large wheels, with big tread, and she has to have a extra cushion on the seat, just so she can reach the pedal. - She's got a booster seat? - Yeah. - She has a booster seat. - Oh, that's the best. - You can barely reach the pedals, and then when she out-touches, she's so much shorter than the whole car. (laughing) - It feels wildly unsafe. - It does seem. I always look at these ladies with a booster, but if she doesn't have the booster, she can't reach. - Do you ever see the little ladies at our school bus drivers? They give these little, little, teeny ladies, and they're driving these big, old buses. - I mean, even the steering wheels. - I know. - The steering wheel literally is the size of their actual height that they have. Ah, these are funny. All right, well, thank you for the call. Appreciate it. - Catching cheaters and proud of it. - Ow, I'm sorry. - Get your home for more of the roses on Mojo in the morning. - Sierra found something that makes her believe that her husband is cheating on her. Sierra, what did you find? - I found a second phone in our closet. - Okay, in your closet. Is it like an old phone or something that he used before? - So we're renovating our new house and I was cleaning at our closet and I found this phone in a safe box that is unlocked. - That's weird. - Does the phone work? Is it on? Does it look like it's active? - Yeah, totally. And I never stopped before, but I confirmed him about it and he was like, oh, it's a backup phone for work. - Oh, so you actually did say something to him about it? - It did, yeah. It was a behind all those clothes. That's super, super sketchy, right? - So he says he's got a backup phone for work, but he keeps it in a safe box in your closet. - Yeah, on and charged. - He was calm about it, but I still felt super weird and I don't know what to do about it. - All right, so there's other things too that you told us in your submission. You said that-- Like this all was months ago, right? And now I think, and I'd like kind of let it go, but now I think like for sure he's cheating on me because this random girl messaged me, saying she matched with him on Facebook dating, which first of all, I didn't even know it was a thing. And you know, she saw that he had a wife and now she's reaching out. So he's got a phone and he's got a potential dating thing that he's doing. - Did you confront him about that? - No, I mean, this girl sent me screenshots of their messages and I've been like pretty nervous about it, but I haven't confronted him yet and neither has she. - It's interesting because I just had somebody that called my wife and told her that I was on Facebook messenger and it was not me on Facebook messenger. Are you sure that it's him on Facebook messenger? - Facebook dating or whatever it is? - It would be a lot easier to believe if you didn't find that-- - A phone. - The phone, yeah. - Right, if it was one or the other, then I'd be like, maybe, but now it just feels like things are not adding up right. - Have either of you ever cheated in a relationship before? - I certainly haven't. Now I'm like, I don't know what he's doing. - So he has never been caught cheating in the past or you don't know if he's ever cheating in the past? - I mean, not that I know of. - Okay, you want us to call him up to see where he's gonna send a dozen free roses? - Yeah. - We're gonna call him up, we're gonna have you mute your phone and you have to stay muted the entire time, okay? No matter if you hear him say crazy stuff, you gotta keep it muted the whole time. - Okay. - All right, so mute your phone right now. We're calling him up, we're gonna hope that he sends the flowers to Sierra. It's the war of the roses. (phone ringing) - Hello. - Hi, is this Alan? - This is, yeah. - Hi, Alan, my name is Nicole and I'm calling you from a brand new internet floral company called I'm actually calling with an offer for some free flowers for you if you've got like less than a minute to answer some survey questions. We're gonna give you a dozen long-stemmed red roses that you can send to the person of your choice, anywhere in the country, totally free of charge. Not gonna ask you for credit card or information or anything like that. We're just trying to spread the word about our business and hoping that you have a good experience with us. - Wait, what, yeah, I don't think so. - It's two questions, it'll take truly less than a minute and no strings attached. No, you know, I'm not gonna ask you for financial information. I'm not gonna ask you for any information except for information pertaining to who's gonna get the flowers. And they can be sent out today. Again, anywhere in the country. - None of my information. - None of your information, nope. Just your name 'cause we'll have to say who they're from. - What name are the flowers? Think of it again? - It's called Let me ask you the questions, okay? Have you purchased flowers in the last six months, Alan? - No. - Okay, do you plan on purchasing flowers in the next six months? - No. - Okay, that's all I needed from you. And now as a thank you for participating in the survey, is gonna give you that doesn't long-stemmed red roses. So I just need a first and the last name of who you would like these to go out to. - Um, Serene? - Okay, and a last name? Okay, do you have her phone number? - Uh, yeah. - What do you need her phone number for? - So I'll explain this part in a second, but we actually are gonna text Serene, let her know that she is getting a flower delivery just so they don't stay outside in the heat. And then also we're gonna have you record a digital voice card that will go along with that text. So instead of a paper card, it's just kind of something that different that we do. And it'll be a message from you too, in this case, Serene. Does that make sense? - Okay. - So I do need her phone number for that. - Sure, it's five, eight, six. (beep) (beep) - Okay, and what's Serene's relationship to you? I'm just making a profile for you. - Uh, you don't need to make a profile. - So I have to do it in order to push through this order for the flowers. - So what's the choices? - Is she a family member, a co-worker, is it a romantic relationship? It basically helps them figure out how they're packaging the flowers as well. - Other, I guess. - Other. - Other. - Okay. And let's go ahead and record that digital voice card. Okay, I'm gonna count you down and you can say whatever you want and it's gonna get texted to Serene when the flowers get delivered. Three, two, one. - Hey girl, I just can't wait to play some freeze tag again. I'll see you soon. - Okay. And I have to let you know, Alan, that this call is being recorded for quality and training purposes. Are you okay with that? - No. - Okay, you have to, I have to get a yes from you in order to send the flowers. - Why does it need to be recorded to send the flowers? - We record every single phone call. We just, we use them for when we're training our employees to do exactly what I'm doing. (upbeat music) - Okay, I guess. - Is that a yes? - Um, I guess. - Is this on, I know you said this was gonna be like-- - I know, I just need an actual yes from you. I'm legally-- - Okay fine. - Okay, okay, thank you. - Alan, I'm gonna jump on real quick just to ask a couple of last questions and we're gonna let you go. Ah, so he kind of, he kind of, first off-- - He was nervous. - Is freeze tag like, is that like in UNDO? Or like, it's gotta be right? - Listen, I've never been upset when guys hang up. I get it, you've been caught. What did the freeze tag mean? - I know, it could be a safe word. But here's a, wait, he was not gonna allow us to be able to have the audio and give permission 'cause he knew he was getting taped. Try him back. Sierra, is that a name of anybody that you know? - No, no, I mean, that's the name of the girl who, you know, faced with me, but I don't know where. - So that is actually a girl that he's had interactions with then? - Yeah. - All right, hold on. We're bringing him up. (phone ringing) (phone ringing) - Hold on. - Alan, this is the Mojo in the Morning Show. We were just talking to you just a second ago and you disconnected with us. - Yeah. - And we didn't get a chance to tell you before you disconnected that your wife, Sierra, was listening in to the conversation that you just had with us. (intense music) Sierra, I'm gonna have you hang on one second too. We're gonna, we'll come back and we'll talk more, okay? - Okay. - This is the home of War of the Roses. - Mojo in the Morning. - This is the home of War of the Roses. - I absolutely love it. - Mojo in the Morning. (intense music) - Hey girl, I just can't wait to play some freeze tag again. Hope to see you soon. (intense music) - I haven't played freeze tag since I was probably, I don't know, 10 or 11 years old. - That brought back up core memory. - Did it not? Oh my God. - You think his version is more fun than the one you used to play? - I don't know. - Or is that a, like a code word? - Yeah. - Or a phrase for something. - What's going on, Helena? How are you? - Hi, I cannot get over the freeze tag and how that was part of the message he thought. - Yeah. Well, there's something to it, you know? I don't think that there are adult freeze tag leagues, like pickleball or something, you know? - Nope, not at all. - Yeah, that was pretty crazy. It's Mojo in the Morning. Wife finds out that her husband is cheating. He's got a secret phone and we just made the phone call just a little bit ago. - Sierra, has he contacted you since we talked last? - Yeah, I mean, he's like texting me. What's how, like, what are you doing? What is this? - So he's texting you, what are you doing? And what is this? But not at all, explaining what he just did as far as sending flowers to some other person. - Nope. - Will you keep us up to date on that? We're trying to call him back. He's bumping all of our calls right now. - Okay. - All right, secret phone, 844 Mojo Live. I wanna get into some of those calls in a second. First though, Chloe's got a little frustration going on right now from listening to that. What's up, Chloe? It's Mojo in the Morning. Where are the roses? - What's up, Mojo? Second time, long time. - I like it. - Thank you. - I gotta come up with something for that. I don't know what we do, but. - We gotta come up with something. - Yeah, do I need that? Do I need like a sound effect or something? Yeah. - Yeah, I like the bull horn effect. - A bull horn? Okay, I'll find something in my bag of tricks. - When Kevin says Chloe's on the phone. - That's right, you like that, I know. - He's on the phone. - You need that vine of the kid going, "It's an avocado, thanks." (laughing) - What was frustrating to you when you were hearing that? - He was just a weirdo, I don't know. He just seemed like he knew that something was off and something was wrong about it, but he still sent the flowers to the other chick anyway. - Yeah. - So I don't know, I was like, maybe he was gonna, you know, sometimes they know his word of roses and he sent it to the wife of the girlfriend, but he just sent it to the other girl anyway. But I don't know, he just seemed weird. Like every time Santa will ask him something, he'll be like, "Well, why you need this?" - I thought he was gonna Google, when he said, "What's the name of the company?" - Yeah. - And Shannon, I thought you did a fantastic job, just quickly saying, "Oh, no, let's get to the next question." - Yeah. - Yeah. - And you know, I started to order some flowers one time, so I was like, "You know, let me go." The little, looks like the child be saying, you know, and then he went to y'all website. - That's exactly it. - That's why I did not want him to Google. - I know. Chloe, thank you for the call, we appreciate it. No voice this guy is needed, but no name, they just want to go by initial A. - What's happening, we're talking about having a secret phone. - Morning, Mojo. - Good morning, what's up, eh? - Can I first serve, I think, Meg and Mick, I love you, he is the most amazing human being alive. - Oh my God, I love you, thank you. - Yes, she needs to leave him, they only get sneakier, I dealt with this for years, unfortunately, and I wish I would have been smarter about it, 'cause they just get sneakier and find better ways to hide the secret phone. On my X-Men, as far as to get phones that looked identical to his phone, same background, same everything, so he could be on it right in front of me. - Man, so where-- - Why does that take work, man? - Where does it take a lot of work? And if he would have just put a little bit of that work into me, it would have made a huge difference. - Who was it, who was he with, or what did you find out? - Well, this was actually years ago now, but it's when Craig's list was not so much of a thing, but still kind of a thing. I actually saw a deep pick of his on Craig's list. And like I noticed the background and of course, to recognize that. Honestly, at first, I thought he was gay or something. And then the further I investigated, I think he just had some type of addiction or something. - Slaying penis on Craig's list is crazy. - I mean-- - Craig's list, by the way, is it still a thing or is only fans taking over Craig's list? - Call us up and tell us. - Yeah, he's working for Mojo live. What's up, Rachel? - Hi. - How you doing? Rachel, you found somebody's secret phone. - Yes, I found my dad's secret phone in this closet. I was going in to borrow a shirt for work one day. And I found a phone and I went full FBI agent and started looking through the phone 'cause there's just a standard clip phone. There was no lock on it or anything. Went through the text, figured out that it was like a mom from a high school. And then a couple weeks down the road, 'cause I made my dad obviously go tell my mom. 'Cause I went through the phone item, I was like, "You're cheating." And he realized that I found the phone, tried to get mad at me. And I was like, "Nope, you're the one in the wrong." And then that night, I made him tell my mom. And then a couple of weeks down the road, we found out it was a mom from my high school. And then that her son had known the entire five years of the affair. - And you had gone to school with this person every day? - Yeah, he was a year ahead of me. I was a sophomore in college at the time. So it was like from my end of my freshman year of high school into my freshman year of college. - Oh my God. - That's me, that's brutal. And that's brutal to have to be the daughter, finding out your dad's cheating and let alone with somebody that you knew. And was your dad going over to their house? And if this guy knew about it? - So that's what he was doing, is he was leaving early for work every morning, saying he was going to work out, but really he was going down the road to this house and then driving 'cause he worked an hour away from us where we lived 'cause I'm not originally from the state, but so yeah, that is what happened. And after years of therapy, they're still together. - Oh wow, that's amazing. - Really? - That's a strange chance. - That's good and no other phone services. - No. - Man, that's wild, that's an amazing thing for your mom to get passed. Leo, what's up, it's Mojo in the morning. - Hi, good morning guys, been a big fan. - Thank you. - I really don't want to snitch on this person because I was pretty much saying, you know, "Hey, take me out on a date, let's go out." Every Monday, Tuesday, weekend, we'd hang out at his house. - Okay, and so this person would contact back and forth. Are you calling up about a secret phone too? Did this person have a secret phone? - Yes, when I brought up the secret phone, we had had some drinks and they were like, "Oh, that's my work phone, I use that to, you know, for coaching, you know, I coach, I do this, I do that for the children." So I'm like, "Okay, that's totally fine." And he was like, you know, I really kind of want to break things off because I don't want to end up on, you know, more of the roses and I was like, "I mean..." - So how did you find out that that he was lying about what that phone was all about? - He just brought it up. He was like, "I want to break things off because I don't want to end up like..." - Oh, so he admitted it. - Yeah. - He admitted that he was participating. - Were you the person in the relationship with him or the person cheating with him? - We weren't, see, I think I was the person maybe he was cheating with. - Okay. - And I'm like, okay, well, I'm like, it's like an itch that I have to scratch. I'm like, "Well, maybe if he heard someone asking to buy roses, you know?" - Oh, wait, okay, so this is interesting. - I work right now, like... - So you're calling us up because you're living this life right now that Sierra's living, although you're the mistress, you're the person that he sent the flowers to, and you're saying that you'd like to bust the guy. You may need to hang on the phone for a second so we can talk to you off the air and possibly do a little more investigating, okay? - I would, okay, okay. - Wow, so that, so you're what she's saying is, she's listening to the word of the roses going, I'm the other woman, and listening to this word of the roses makes me wanna actually do it. - That's so crazy. - Wow. - I don't know why my heart started beating fast. - I know. - I don't wanna snitchin' nobody, I'm like, what's going on? - Yeah. - It's like, what did I do? (laughing) - What's up, Vijay, or Vyas, is that right? - Yeah, yes, yes. - Uh huh. - Hi. - This time long time. - Hey, now! - Hey! - He is on the phone! - I found my now exfiances, extra tablet. I was home on sick leave, I was recovering from cancer, which I kicked, but all right. - That's all right, okay. And he was answering a Craigslist ad when Craigslist was a thing, and it turns out he was talking to other men. - Oh, wow. - Wow. - Yeah, wow. - So needless to say, he no longer is my fiance. - This is a tough one, because here you are, you're battling cancer, and that's not something that you need to even deal with while you're focusing on your health. - No, no, and then he claimed that his account was hacked, and I was like, yeah, it's like, how could your account be hacked and you are giving out your phone number to this person? - Yeah. - And I was like, I'm not buying it. - Did you ever, looking back then, after the fact, go, man, how did I not realize this? - Yes and no, our love life was getting less active and both friends were saying, yeah, I could see that. - And after they found out, they were saying that. - Yes, and he's got a new beard now. - Really, so he's still dating the woman, but he's still, I love penises like him. - Yes, because he doesn't want to come out, he looked at it as being wrong, and hey, there's nothing wrong with being gay, but just don't be engaged to me, don't be engaged to a woman. - Can I ask you, and I'm always so curious in these situations, 'cause it doesn't justify what he did, and I'm not trying to do it, either way it's crappy, but doesn't make you feel a little bit better that it's not a need you could have filled. - Yes and no, I mean, yeah, 'cause I was with him for a long time and at the same time, yeah, it doesn't make me feel a little better, and the new chick probably thinks he's being a gentleman. (laughing) - Isn't that sad you have to date gay guys to have a gentleman? (laughing) I guess, but yeah. - Yeah, I'm thinking, I'm thinking. - Yeah, listen, I'm sorry that happened. Megan, I see the point of, well at least you know, but you know what, it's deceptiveness, so the deceptiveness still gets you, right? - For sure, yeah, no, no, no, I'm not trying to justify, it still sucks, but I feel like a part of me was like, there's nothing more I could have done to fill that need at least. - Yeah, well, thank you for the call, I appreciate it, secret phone, that person that called earlier, Lydia's getting information possibly on the next four of the roses, so make sure that you're listening to Mojo on the-- - This is the home of the journey on the 30, throwback throw down, second date update, and more of the roses, this is Mojo in the morning. - An official message from Medicare. - A new law is helping me save more money on prescription drug costs, maybe you can save too. With Medicare's extra help program, my premium is zero, and my out-of-pocket costs are low, who should apply? Single people making less than $23,000 a year, or married couples who make less than $31,000 a year. Even if you don't think you qualify, it pays to find out. Go to - Paid for by the US Department of Health and Human Services. - Mojo in the mornings, dirty on the 30s. - Shannon with the dirty on the 30 this morning here, this is the wrap-up for this morning, we gotta put four more left tomorrow, I thought today was Friday, I woke up this morning, I got up, I'm like, oh, it's not raining outside, it was kinda nice, 'cause yesterday it was like soggy, and I'm like, oh, it's only Thursday, but you know, every day in the summer when your families like off, kids are out of school, it feels like summer vacation, isn't it? - If we didn't have the job that starts this early in the morning, like you can come to work at any time, what time would you show up for this thing? - Oh my God, I probably wouldn't wake up until one. - Is that right, me and? - I love when people are like, I woke up so early, I gotta fit 630, I could punch you in half a day. - Our day's half over and all that. - What's going on in there? - Okay, so everybody is talking about this op-ed that George Clooney, who was a Democrat, threw and threw, wrote for the New York Times, it was published yesterday and in it, a scathing essay about how President Joe Biden needs to step aside from the 2024 presidential race. Now Clooney is known for the political, the Democratic fundraisers that he hosts, he just hosted one, in fact, for the president. A couple of weeks ago, it raised $28 million, but he said in his piece that Biden just can't win the battle against time right now. Clooney also condemned Democratic Party leaders for ignoring every warning sign of the president's declining physical and mental health, and for trying to defend his poor debate performance against Donald Trump. He also added that Democrat voters collectively quote, "Hold our breath or turn down the volume whenever we see the president, who we respect, walk off Air Force One or walk back to a mic to answer an unscripted question." I mean, the whole thing was just kind of shocking coming from George Clooney. Well, this morning, President Biden's team is clapping back at this op-ed post, and they're doing so by mocking the fundraiser that George hosted last month. One of the things that they were saying as you know, the president was so grateful to be there. He was grateful to talk to all of his donors. He stayed for three plus hours, whereas George Clooney took a photo and then quickly went home. I think that this is going to be interesting. I have heard that she didn't want to run, and now I'm hearing different stories like from some of the blog sites that I'll go to. I think Michelle Obama says, if she says, "I would be a candidate for a president." I think he steps aside. Yeah. I'm gonna be a total game changer. It would be a complete game changer. 'Cause right now, you're looking at it and you're going, okay, they're doing polling to see what the vice president would be like going up against Donald Trump. If Michelle Obama were to throw her hat into it, I think it would change the course of things. And I do, Shannon asked me off the air, she goes, "What do you think's gonna have happened?" I said, "I don't think he's gonna be the candidate November." I'm loving this right now, bro. He flying so under the radar. He don't gotta pick a VP. He doesn't have to say anything. Well, autofocus is on. He's gotta pick a VP soon. What I mean by that is that's not the topic of conversation. He's flying so under the radar right now, and everything is-- Isn't it surprising how quiet? I didn't care. It's surprising that he's usually more vocal, but he's definitely very quiet. Yeah, by the way, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer on with Stephen Colbert last night, trying her best to avoid questions about President Biden's mental fitness. I've seen clips of the debate. You didn't watch the debate? I was actually out on the West Coast with a couple of my colleagues. And they don't have to be out there. I forgot, they didn't even tell me to be in California. Yeah, exactly. It's true, yeah. What was your reaction? Were you just like, "You know what, stay the course. "Doesn't matter, full speed ahead, Joe, "or did to give you pause at all?" I like your tie. (audience laughing) She saw her. She also made an appearance on CNN. Yesterday. How far should he do to shut this conversation down? Should he, as some people have suggested, just go ahead and take a cognitive test and demand that Donald Trump do the same? I don't think that it hurt, to be honest. But at the end of the day, you know-- So you think that he should take a cognitive test? I don't think it would hurt. Love her. I know. Olivia Munn, John Mulaney, are married. They kept this very, very quiet tie-the-knot at a very intimate wedding in New York over the July 4th weekend. Did it at a friend's house? Only their little boy and a witness were in attendance for their exchange of vows. You? I know. I love them together, too. According to an attorney by the name of Ariel Mitchell Kidd, who is representing one of Diddy's alleged sex trafficking victims, Adria English, Diddy, this is gonna be big news, is going to be indicted very, very soon for all of the allegations that he's facing. When you say very shortly, there's something coming down. Shortness can be perceived anyway. You know, it might be a couple of weeks, it might be a couple of months. But I know that there is a finish line that we kind of came in at the end of and something will be happening sooner rather than later. Yeah. Wow. What do you think happens sooner? Him getting indicted or Jeffrey Epstein's list being announced finally. That's never gonna happen. So I think we're gonna get indicted. It's crazy. And did you guys see the still shots? I guess you could say now because the video has almost been wiped clean from everywhere. But the Georgia couple that was filmed pouring the margarita down the butt. Did you see that? Hold on to the same. Another thing. Okay. No idea. What are you? Where are you looking at this? No, so this guy, yeah. This guy named Joe Boyette took this now viral video of himself attempting to funnel a margarita down the buttcrack of his wife. I got a damn margarita. Who wants a margarita? But okay, this happened at the rodeo Mexican restaurant and way across Georgia. However, he couldn't get the funnel to work. So he tossed the funnel and then poured the margarita straight down his wife's booty as she was on all fours in the booth inside of the restaurant. So she's on her hands and knees. Her butt's exposed and this guy is pouring the margarita in her butt. Here's where the story just doesn't make sense. Well, the whole thing doesn't make sense to me. But it really doesn't make sense. She, the wife decided to call the cops to complain because she was upset that the video was leaked and went viral online. Well, that call instead triggered the couple's arrests. Right. Well, obviously you can't do that. So they both got arrested. Wait, I'm sending it to a group chair right now. This is interesting. Anybody? You have the actual video, okay? Can't let's go to border Cantina today. Would you like to? No, I'm not drinking nut now, Joe, but I don't think this is. This would be an interesting one. That's, by the way, something that I've never in my life ever. They were doing other things. Okay, so you have a video of the video. But, but, but. Like, look at that. Hold on. Hold on. Kool-Aid ladies on the phone with us. Mojo on the morning, miss fake Kool-Aid lady. Kool-Aid lady. Hey, what's up? What are we doing? How are you doing? What do you think about this Kool-Aid lady? They're drinking margaritas out of a butt. Would you, would you ever? Hey, that a killer fucker right there, man. Absolutely. How about Kool-Aid? Let's do it. Would you do a little Kool-Aid out of the butt? Are you kidding? That's gross. Come on. That's nasty. You are. I'm telling it. This is weird. The boo-boo-boo. I'm telling you, Kool-Aid lady. We should try this. We should, we should definitely try the, the butt margarita. You want to know what's so funny? Is this rodeo Mexican restaurant calls themself a family-friendly dining ex? All right, for all of today's dirty, get all cut up on the podcast on the free iHeart Radio app or We love you, Kool-Aid lady. Oh, okay. I'm going to make like a hot new plan. Get the plug out. All right. We'll see you later. Bye, Kool-Aid lady. Take care. Get more dirt at Mojo-in-the-morning's dirty on the 30. It's mojo-in-the-morning. The phone number 844 mojo-live, you can listen to us, whether it be live in the morning on channel 955-104.5 SNX, 92.5 KISS FM, or on the iHeartRadio app, you can listen on there, which I always suggest because if you have us on the app and it's already connected to your, you know, Apple CarPlay or whatever system you have in your car, when you get out of the car, it's still on your phone, so you can carry it on and still be listening to whatever it is, like a war of the roses, as you walk into work or wherever. And then our podcast, subscribe to those so you can always stay connected with us, especially during, like, vacation times, like when you're off from school or you got summer or whatever it is, you can listen to the podcast wherever, whenever, so make sure that you check it out. Kevin was going to the parking garage. All you wanted to do is park, but the hot girl got in the way. I know, man. I'm trying to record this because K.P. got it on there to say, record it, but. Oh, really? Oh, did you walk out of the room? Yeah, I don't know if I'm doing it right. It's say record, but the screen black. Okay. Here we're getting. We're going to see what happens. What is that? Did you just push a button that quite possibly might have put us live on some platform? No, I think OBS is the system that she used, but I don't know if it's connected. Next thing you know, we're going to get people going, do you guys know that you have just gone live? I'm Bob Pittman's. I hurt. I hurt teams meeting. But you just talk about the SEC, so be careful what we say. Yeah. So I have heard the term pretty girl privilege before. I think we've talked about it on this show. I haven't seen it in real life, I think, and that's not to say that I haven't been around any pretty women because obviously that's not true. But I had an event that I had to go to and we were given specific instructions on where to park. And when I got to the parking garage, I had to wait for a car to go in front of me and I seen these two women walking by and they have fat asses. I'm just going to say it. I was trying to figure out a way to dance around, but two days in a row where we've called out the girls with the hot fat asses. Yes. Yes. Yeah, there we go, yes, yes, they had the gats. That's what my son tells me I have. Your son. That's funny. She had anything yet. I don't know where he learned that from because it wasn't me. You do have a nice booty. Yeah. So I've been in a Jew. So these young ladies are walking by with the gats and the car that's in front of me goes through the little arm thing and they go to park. Now it's my turn to come up. And part of my instructions in order to get into this parking structure was to tell the tenant like a secret cold word or a pass or something that they had already predetermined that would get us free entry. And I am at the booth. I'm looking at the gentleman ready to give him my word and he's not looking at me. He's looking at the gats. And I'm sitting there. First I kind of wait for a second because I'm like, if he don't turn and look at me, he does it. Then I'm like, hey, sir, he's still not looking at me. It's another guy in the booth. They both looking at the fat asses. I'm like, bro, he's ahead. What's going on, man? I'm like, I give him my word. He's still like halfway paying attention to me halfway talking to the ladies. And then he yells out something to the he's like, yo, anytime you want to park here, it's free, baby. It's on me. It's on me. They laugh. And I'm like, bro, can I give you my word? I need to go in here. Get on the access. By the way, it pays to be pretty, doesn't it? I'm hearing these things. I've never had the privilege. Yeah. How many times? How many times do hot girls? Because it doesn't happen to hot guys. Guys don't ever get it. Guys could be good looking as hell. They don't get free crap. But girls, you guys can do it. Oh, right. Exactly. You're so hard being a man. Honestly, I would love if bar tenders or ladies who work in whatever industry it is where you have to serve people. If you have been in a position of, let's say, power, I don't know if that's the right word to use, but you're in a woman in a position of power where you've got where you've allowed a guy, leniency and whatever the thing was because I do believe I've been at a few bars. My drinks either have been made a bit stronger, or I've gotten more liquid because they liked me. Are you saying you would get the guy gats? I don't know if it was because of my gat. Yeah. It's that smile. It's that infectious smile. Yeah. I'll take it. 844 Mojo live, 844-665-6548. I'm assuming that because we have very beautiful women on this radio show. There's not any ugly women. We just have ugly guys. Zach, I'm sorry, but I love you. No, I'm just kidding. Zach, I just love you, Zach. You know, I'm just kidding. I think Zach is the only one getting laid regularly around here. Yeah, Zach, it was fun, sure. But we have, we have very attractive women. You guys get free crap, don't you, all the time, for things. Yeah. Boobs. Yes. Do you, do you put the cleavage out a little bit extra? Yeah, I'm broke. Anything I can do for free, I will do for free. Does it get you? Like, do you? Yes. Are you kidding me? I think it's dumb for any girl to be like, I've never experienced this in my life because we all have. Yeah. Y'all be desperate in these streets and I'll take advantage of that wallet. Wow! I said what I said. Wow. I said what I said. So we all here are so thirsty. You look like a booty guy. I'm like, you're like, if you, if this hasn't happened, you're lying, I'm like, but it actually hasn't happened. You're telling me a guy has never bought you. No, you said because of boobs. Oh, no. I truly, that has never happened to me. No. I mean, just like in general, being a girl, Shannon, Shannon bats those eyes, like she does, you know, like the, or does, you do, Shannon, I've seen, I've witnessed this. You've even done it to me. You'll do that. Oh, I don't know. You'll play dumb for a little bit, and I'm like, wait a second, you're valedictorian. There is no way you are not understanding. I am kind of commenting on some, but no, I mean, I, I agree with Megan. I think it's happened to every girl in some situation or another, yeah. Good for you guys. Yeah. Good for you. That's the edge we have in life. I read something the other day. There was something, there was a, in one of our, one of our prep services that gives like new stories and things, there's a story about how, here it is, researchers found evidence that physical features, particularly breast size, can influence competitive behavior among women. The study found that women are more likely to disrespect another woman with larger breasts. Wow. Yeah. Where women become derogatory towards the D cups. They get upset. They say, they actually said verbal and indirect aggression towards those with D cup breast followed closely by C cup breasts are often found. That's very interesting. Wait a second. So the A cups are mad at the D cups? Yeah. I think that's what it is. So they're okay. Maybe it's a jealousy thing. That's what they're saying. Bigger's better. They met. I will say if I'm wearing the same thing as somebody with a smaller chest, I get judged way more for it from women. Like I can't believe she's wearing that. Because we're wearing the same thing, I just have bigger boobs. Yeah. Brooke, what's going on? We're discussing hot people getting things for free. What's going on? Okay. So flip side here. Every time we are on a flight, whether I'm with my husband or the kids are with us, a flight attendant will always find a way to give my husband a drink for free. Like actual liquor. Like not just like every single time male, female, he doesn't matter. He gets a drink for free every single time. Do you ever sit there and go? This is a great thing to be with him. Or do you ever go? Oh, this is just going to make his head bigger. Oh, mostly I'm like, oh, God, here we go again. Now it's going to go tell, you know, another three one. Yeah. It's a little bit of both. I'm like a slightly flatter, but also like, all right, here we go. Thanks for the call. What's up, Keisha? How you doing? I'm good. How are you? Good. What's up? I was just calling this the second out of, I heard you say, like, guys, don't get it. I was like, that is all because God benefit from pretty privilege as well. And I personally know, because I used to be a bartender, honestly, yeah, one thing, you might order one drink for me, but if you are fine, yeah, honestly, honestly, if you just like come in and you're just like watching the game, you just like get like a beer or stuff like one drink. If you are cute and we are talking, yeah, that's really funny. Wow. That's the one on me. Keisha. Yeah. It's just like you cute. What's your what's your type, Keisha? Tell us what your type isn't. What bar are you working? I used to work at field in Southfield, I'm from on underground and I went for an attractive. That's what I went for. I went for an attractive like, but yes, definitely I'm coming to see Keisha. We'll see you there. Love you. Thank you. Thank you. Pam. Hi, Pam. Yes. Hi. Hi. Well, I kind of spend it a little bit differently. I not only will sometimes reward the person that is the most attractive, be it a guy. I work for a winery in the nature to trade area, but I always reward the person who lets me joke with them and or pick on them because I feel like that's a different type of relationship. So it's not just a look that has to be a personality. Yeah. So the guy has at least able to laugh at himself self-deprecate you're good with. Or let me let everybody else laugh at them. That's good. Yeah. Those are cool. I like seeing that. I like seeing that that you're not just doing it purely on looks because I would do it purely on looks. I mean, like, come on. Show me a nipple. You never know what you're going to get. Oh. Come on, Captain. I like it. What's up, Jason? How you doing? What's going on? Hey, guys. First time. Long time. Jason, oh, no. So I guess I just kind of both worlds here because like if I shave and have my beard and mustache are lined up, you know what I mean? I get freaked out. People open the door for me, all kinds of things like that. But if I don't shave and I'm looking kind of old and frumpy, I don't get anything. People don't even look my way. That's incentive to take care of yourself. It is. But sometimes you got a bum it. You know what I mean? I'm near right now. Yeah. I guess I get the it keeps me humble. You know what I mean? Yeah. It worked out. My favorite is going to a place where you think that you're getting it for free because oh, they must, you know, know me or know, you know, think I'm cute or whatever the deal is. And then you find out it's like all inclusive, you know, everybody's getting what I mean. Yeah. When I saw the guy at Banana Republic was hitting on him and we walked out. I was like, you dummy, it's friends and family. Everybody just said. It's Mojo in the morning show, Shannon, you got to explain this door dash story that you just told us. And we were just having a conversation about we're having a conversation about just how weird sometimes like a like a delivery could be or like, you know what I mean, like you're just ordering a pizza. Yeah. It's going to be really simple. So I've been talking about how my mom is moving out of the home that I grew up in and I grew up in a community called Groseel, which if you're not familiar with Groseel, you don't live in the Detroit area, it is an island that is in between essentially Detroit and Canada. Okay. Sounds kind of weird, but and there are two bridges that you can cross to get onto the island. One of them is free. The one that is 10 seconds away from my mom's house is a toll bridge. So even though she lives there, we lived there every time you cross that bridge, it's a $3.50 toll. That's expensive. Isn't it nuts? Each way. So $3.50 to get to my mom's house, $3.50 to get off the island. Oh, wow. It's crazy. I often wondered about people that live off of like the toll roads and stuff like that in places. Yeah. Like with that sucked that the only way you can get in out of your home is that's your house. You live on the island. Yeah. So we're all taking turns going to my mom's house to help her start packing so that she can move here in a couple of weeks. She's moving up to where my sister near where my sister and I live. And so my sister, my little sister, Jacqueline was there the other day and they all got hungry. So they decided to order hungry howies. Now there is a hungry howies pizza on Groseo on the island. For whatever reason, DoorDash sent the order to a hungry howies that was not on the island. So my sister's waiting and waiting and waiting for this pizza to get delivered. And all of a sudden she gets a phone call and she answers the phone. She doesn't know the number and it is the toll booth operator on the bridge. And my sister's like, what in the heck is going on? Apparently the DoorDash driver did not speak any English, didn't know that he was going to have to pay a $3.50 toll to get the pizza across and delivered refused to move. So he had put his car in park on this bridge. There's dozens and dozens and dozens of other cars behind him and he would not move because he didn't want to pay the fee. You can't back up in this situation. Like you either go forward or you're stuck. And so my sister's like, I don't really know what I'm supposed to do. Like I've already paid for this order. I can't like Venmo him $3.50 and he was not understanding that he could not move forward unless he paid the $3.50. So my sister had to get in her car, drive to the bridge, pay the $3.50 for him to move forward. She took the pizza, then she had to turn around and pay the $3.50 to get back to my mom just so she could get her damn hungry cowies. She's in pepperoni pizza. Isn't that crazy? But in the process, it's rush hour. So all of these people who are trying to get home are wondering what the heck is going on on the gross ill toll bridge. What was my sister's door dash driver who would not budge refused? Does the piece of place have delivery drivers or do you like I have to go on the island? I don't. I don't. I don't. So for a long time, I don't know. But these pizza plates, I hungry how he's not using their own drivers anymore. They're using delivery services, none. I don't think any of these places have their own people anymore because anytime I've ordered all of a sudden I'll order from the pizza place around their app and I'll get a note from door dash like it like it sends me a when your thing is coming from door dash. All the local places until they don't have their own driver stuff. Really? Yeah. Yeah. I don't think I've ordered a pizza since being up here that I didn't like go get. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. She's like it was a fiasco. Yeah. No, I'm just going to go ahead and say no, she was my sister said she was actually really, really sweet. She's like, I don't really know what I'm supposed to do. Press the button and lift the gate. Yeah. It's very simple. But maybe she'd get in trouble. I don't know. I mean, to make your sister not only pay for the guy to come in but pay for him literally to loop around and come out like she had to do the same. She had to do the same. No. That's crazy. No. No. No. Isn't that nuts? Are there are there any door dash people that are listening right now? Have you ever had something like this happen? Anybody that lives in an apartment complex knows this. When you live in an apartment complex, you order from door dash. You might as well go pick up the meal yourself because it is the dumbest thing ever that you have got to walk all the way down to meet them in the parking lot of the apartment complex. We're at Joe's place in Tampa and Joe lives in an apartment complex like on the 13th floor of a building that's got like a parking garage that's like a mile and a half, it seems like a way. Right. And when we ordered door dash from some of the places that are there in Tampa, the door dash guy, you got to walk all the way downstairs to go do it. I'm like, Joe, we might as well have just driven to the frickin restaurant. This is stupid. I'm sick of being labeled the dramatic one if you're not like accepting walking down to the lobby. I don't want to. I want to deliver. It's my door. Door dash. Exactly. I would say at my current apartment, I can't have them come up to my door because they need to scan the elevator. The elevator won't take you up without a scan card. So I get that. So they'll meet me in the lobby. They always have in the lobby. At my last apartment, you didn't need a card in the elevator, so they could come all the way up to my place. I could buzz them in. I've had that before, too. The place I used to live at before we moved to this new spot, it was the same situation. You can't get through the first door without an access card. But then people started breaking the door. So at that point, it truly became door dash. The other one, too, is have you ever taken an Uber and you've been in the Uber and then they had to go through a toll? You have to pay that toll some way somehow. You should have to. But even it already included in your family. Not all the time. Not all the time. That's crazy. Same situation with Joe. No, that's crazy. Joe and I were. We were in an Uber. We're in the Uber. The guy turns around and looks and goes, you're paying the sun, you know, tax or whatever the sun. I was chatting. Uber has to be smart enough. Yes. It's included in that. Tyler, what's going on? Hi. Hey, what's up, Mo? What's happening, buddy? I'm calling it a long time. I've been door dashing for about five years, and they do not at all pay for any kind of tolls. And on top of that, they've taken over completely, pretty much every delivery situation that you can do. Pizza, anything. I mean, I picked up from what they called in the mall. I can't think. Victoria Secret. You're picking up from Victoria Secret. Wow. I've seen that before, where you could go to like Walgreens or do stuff like that. You can go grocery. You can actually order a Victoria Secret order and have the guy go get it and bring my panties to me. Yeah. I've had to stop for many panties. Oh my god. Do you smile? That has to be way better than delivering pizza. I mean, yeah, definitely better than delivering pizza and the people usually tip out or two because you know, store dash of any somebody in an emergency. I'd pay a lot of money for a tip if you brought me something if I really needed it. For sure. What area are you in? Oh, I'm in the camp in area. Okay. What's up, George? Hey, hey. That's why I say that's completely do it as driver's fault. Inside the app, it's got a little option where you can toggle and avoid any tolls. Yeah. He should have gone like that. Again, he could have gone around because there is another option to go down the island for free. But how long of a drive would that doesn't make you an extra maybe 20 minutes one way or both ways to like avoid the tolls. It would have routed him the other way and he would have knew automatically how far it would have been. He would have spent more money. Exactly. Well, none of them talk. Yeah. I don't know. Scott, what's happening? Hey, how's it going? Good, buddy. Um, so yeah, I'm a door dash driver and Ann Arbor and with the students, you know, when they come back, they, you know, at the high rises and stuff, we can't get in the buildings. We can only get in the first door. So we either just leave it and take the picture or let them know, you know, hey, your food's down here. But I'm kind of surprised, like, even in those buildings, you can call up to the apartments and then get scanned in the next editors. I'm surprised at how many people don't read the directions that I've left in the app or have never gone to an apartment where you needed to call somebody so you don't know how it works. So you just, like, set it down and walk away. Don't put my food. I know. Yeah. So I get that, but like part of it, too, in Ann Arbor, is like you're most likely parked illegally, um, you know, because there's not many spots and stuff. So you don't have time to sit there and go to the 19 floor. Yeah. That would be a pain. Um, I see that a lot at the hospitals, too, like where you, you'll, somebody will order in the hospital. It's like, what are you going to do? Like walk to the emergency room and drop off their food for them. Marvin. What's happening? How you doing? Good buddy. What's going on? So I door dash all of my groceries and I use the order, like two cases of pop, some water. So I live on a third floor in the apartment and they always bring it up there. So I don't want to do it. Nice. That's, you know what? That, uh, that is really good when you order just a few things. But when you order a guy order from Costco, I've had people turned down. I cost go order because I'll order like six or so of those ice mountain, uh, packages, you know, and they don't want to do it. They don't want to lift it and so I've had a, I've had a couple turned down from Stan's club for like the big, you know, the big waters, all the pops and felt like that in the big boxes. That's about it. Yeah. They'll say, they, they're not going to do it. And then once I had, and I think I talked about this on the air, but I had the guy that was in on my street called me and goes, I got your stuff air and I go, where are you? You get my door and he goes, no, I'm on your street. I go, we'll pull my driveway and he goes, no, you need to come get it. He wanted, he wanted me to come to his car and go get it like a, like a busted drug deal or something. That's so strange. What's up, tank? I'll go away. What's going on, buddy? Yes. I'm a door dash delivery driver and I've had some crazy deliveries. I had one recently where I had to go pick up a sex toy and deliver it to people. Really? Oh, yeah. What did they have it listed as? Did you have to hand it to them personally? No, it says, leave that in my door. They don't want to feed me for sure. Do you pick out the sex toy or does the store just get it ready for you and then you just grab the bag? No, I, it's so embarrassing because I have to walk into the store like I went into a Walgreens to buy one of these toys and they have it locked up. So then I have to go ask someone to open the door to open it for me to get it and they're just looking at me like, what are you going to do with this and I'm like, no, it's the door dash order. I don't know what she's got to do with this whole week. That's awesome. I didn't realize that when it's an item like that, you guys have to shop for it. The store doesn't put it in a bag and just have it ready to go for you. Yes. We, I do the shopping deliveries with door dash too. So I, whatever you order, we pick it up. Okay. Do you make sure it's a pretty one or one that you know is going to get them excited? I just try to make it match whatever the picture show. Oh, okay. That's awesome. Thank you for the call tank. Talk to you later. Listen to the podcast of the Mojo in the morning show. When you miss any segment on the show, like War of the Roses or Second Aid Update, Dirty on the 30, you can actually check out our podcast. They're available on the iHeartRadio app or wherever you get podcasts. Those are on the morning's top trending stories. I just got a couple of stories. I just thought these stories were so funny that it was like worth doing. One of them, I think Shannon, you already did this morning, but I'm going to do this as a double because I think these are funny. Two women charged with killing a sugar daddy and then using his severed thumb to steal his money. This is in Washington, D.C. The guy had his thumb cut off and they wanted access or they cut off his thumb to have access to his mobile phone payment apps and steal money from him. The two people were arrested after they found the body of the guy in his apartment building and they were trying to use all of his money that he had at his bank and everything too through the thumb access because you know how you use your thumbprint as it. I wonder if facial recognition would have gotten him too. He uses dead body. This story you did earlier this morning, which is great, the two Ohio women who have pled guilty to propping up a corpse of an 80 year old man in a vehicle so they could withdraw money from the guy's account at US bank. They actually went through the drive through with them. The women are in trouble this morning because of this. They actually the pair headed to the drive through of the US bank branch where the tellers had previously told them that they actually had to have him physically be there in order to take money out of his account while they did it. This is strong ass women, these are amazing yeah. Here's a word of warning for anybody that likes to do a sink drink. There are new things on tiktok right now where people are doing sink drinks. They're doing like sangrias or or Chata. When some people do in jungle juice, they're putting them in their sink during parties and then people will come up and just take a ladle or whatever and put the drink in your cup. According to doctors, you are leaving yourself exposed to E. coli or germs because whatever was in that sink before guaranteed has not been cleaned out of that. That is so I think of all the things that I like throw in my sink or clean out of my sink. That's so gross. If you went to a party and somebody made a sangria that was in their sink, would you not look at them and say why did you not put that in like jar of the whole evening. Like today, the answer is yes, but honestly like 22 year old me doesn't know what that answer would be because I went to many of her houses and drink out of that pool. And I had no idea what was in there and I was like a drink is a drink. And a woman refuses to eat her co-workers treats that's brought to work because he kisses his dog on the mouth. She wrote on Reddit. She says, I know I'm wasting food and this is terrible, but after seeing that my co-worker kisses their dog on their mouth and always comes in with dog hair all over their clothes, I do not want to eat any of their food that they bring in for our company's potlucks. I've talked about this before with potlucks. We used to have a lady. Her name was Mary. She worked for our Tucson Arizona stations. We would do a potluck. You could always tell which food item she made, not by the looks of it, but after you ate it and put it in your mouth, there's cat hair inside your mouth. You literally were pulling cat hair out of your mouth and trying to, oh, this must be Mary Pound. Have a great day, tomorrow morning throwback, throw down, we'll find out who's going to be the big winner. Make sure you're listening and special thanks to the Imagine Theaters because they're going to be giving away a $500 cash prize for that. More chances to get your bills paid throughout the day. That is it. Any last words? And have a great day. Yes. We hold the door open for cats. Oh, I will tomorrow. 20 plus years of idiocy and still going in Detroit, Toledo, and West Michigan. It's Mojo in the morning. Mojo in the morning's podcast, powered by Michigan Auto Law, auto-accident attorneys. Visit That's An official message from Medicare. A new law is helping me save more money on prescription drug costs. Maybe you can save too. With Medicare's Extra Help Program, my premium is zero and my out-of-pocket costs are low. Who should apply? Single people making less than $23,000 a year or married couples who make less than $31,000 a year. Even if you don't think you qualify, it pays to find out. Go to Paid for by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.