Mojo In The Morning

Door Dash Refused to Deliver The Order!

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11 Jul 2024
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This is the Mojo in the Morning podcast, powered by Michigan Auto Law, auto accident attorneys. Visit That's It's Mojo in the morning show, Shannon, you got to explain this door dash story that you just told us. And we were just having a conversation about, we're having conversation about just how weird sometimes like a, like a delivery could be, or like, you know what I mean? Yeah. I think you're just ordering a pizza. Yeah. It's going to be really simple. I've been talking about how my mom is moving out of the home that I grew up in, and I grew up in a community called Groseel, which if you're not familiar with Groseel, you don't live in the Detroit area, it is an island that is in between essentially Detroit and Canada. Okay. Sounds kind of weird, but, and there are two bridges that you can cross to get onto the island. One of them is free. The one that is 10 seconds away from my mom's house is a toll bridge. So even though she lives there, we lived there every time you cross that bridge, it's a $3.50 toll. That's expensive. Isn't it nuts? Each way. So $3.50 to get to my mom's house $3.50 to get off the island. No. It's crazy. I often wondered about people that live off of like the toll roads and stuff like that in places. Yeah. Like with that sucked that the only way you can get in out of your home is that's your role because you live on the island. So we're all taking turns going to my mom's house to help her start packing so that she can move here in a couple of weeks. She's moving up to where my sister near where my sister and I live. And so my little sister, Jacqueline was there the other day and they all got hungry. So they decided to order hungry howies. Now there is a hungry howies pizza on Groseel on the island. For whatever reason, DoorDash sent the order to a hungry howies that was not on the island. So my sister's waiting and waiting and waiting for this pizza to get delivered and all of a sudden she gets a phone call and she answers the phone. She doesn't know the number and it is the toll booth operator on the bridge. And my sister's like, what in the heck is going on? Apparently the DoorDash driver did not speak any English, didn't know that he was going to have to pay a $3.50 toll to get the pizza across and delivered refused to move. So he had put his car in park on this bridge. There's dozens and dozens and dozens of other cars behind him and he would not move because he didn't want to pay the fee. You can't back up in this situation like you either go forward or you're stuck. And so my sister's like, I don't really know what I'm supposed to do, like I've already paid for this order. I can't like Venmo him $3.50 and he was not understanding that he could not move forward unless he paid the $3.50. So my sister had to get in her car, drive to the bridge, pay the $3.50 for him to move forward, she took the pizza, then she had to turn around and pay the $3.50 to get back to my mom just so she could get her damn hungry cowies, cheese and pepperoni pizza. Isn't that crazy? But in the process, it's rush hour. So all of these people who are trying to get home are wondering what the heck is going on on the Gross Hill toll bridge. It was my sister's DoorDash driver who would not budge, refused. Does the pizza place have delivery drivers? Or do you like, do you know what I don't, I don't, I don't, I have it like there for a long time. I don't know. Megan, these pizza plates, I hungry how he's is not using their own drivers anymore. They're using delivery services, none. I don't think any of these places have their own people anymore because anytime I've ordered all of a sudden I'll order from the pizza place or on their app and I'll get a note from DoorDash like it, like it sends me a when your thing is coming from DoorDash. All the local places until they don't have their own drivers. Really? Yeah. Yeah. I don't think I've ordered a pizza since being up here that I didn't like go get. Yeah. Yeah. But she's like, it was a fiasco. Yeah. No pizza. Not total person is an a-hole. I'm just going to go ahead and say. No, she was, my sister said she was actually really, really sweet. She's like, I don't really know what I'm supposed to do. Press the button and lift the gate. Yeah. It's very simple. But maybe she'd get in trouble. I don't know. I mean, to make your sister not only pay for the guy to come in, but pay for him literally to loop around and come out, like there has to be a button. And then she had to do the same. She had to do the same. No. That's crazy. No. No. Isn't that nuts? Are there any DoorDash people that are listening right now, have you ever had something like this happen? Anybody that lives in an apartment complex knows this. When you live in an apartment complex, you order from DoorDash. You might as well go pick up the meal yourself because it is the dumbest thing ever that you have got to walk all the way down to meet them in the parking lot of the apartment complex. We're at Joe's place in Tampa and Joe lives in an apartment complex like on the 13th floor of a building that's got like a parking garage that's like a mile and a half, it seems like a way. Right. DoorDash from some of the places that that are, you know, they're in Tampa. The DoorDash guy, you got to walk all the way downstairs to go do it. I'm like, Joe, we might as well have just driven to the frickin restaurant. This is stupid. I'm sick of being labeled the dramatic one. Yes. Like accepting walking down to the lobby. I don't want to. I want to deliver it to my door. DoorDash. Exactly. I would say at my current apartment, I can't have them come up to my door because they need to scan the elevator. The elevator won't take you up without a scan card. I get that. So they'll meet me in the lobby. They always have in the lobby. But at my last apartment, you didn't need a card in the elevator so they could come all the way up to my place. I could buzz them in. I've had that before, too. The place I used to live at before we moved to this new spot, it was the same situation. You can't get through the first door without an access card. But then people started breaking the door. So at that point, it truly became DoorDash. Yeah. Another one, too, is have you ever taken an Uber and you've been in the Uber and then they had to go through a toll? You have to pay that toll some way somehow. You should have to. But even it already included in your family app. Not all the time. Not all the time. That's crazy. Same situation with Joe. No, that's crazy. Joe and I were. We were in an Uber. We're in the Uber. The guy turns around and looks and goes, "You're paying the sun, you know, tax or whatever the sun is." No. Things have to be smart enough. Yes. Included in that. Yeah. Tyler, what's going on? Hi. Hey, what's up, Mojo? What's happening, buddy? I'm Colin. A long time ago. I've been DoorDash and for about five years and they do not at all pay for any kind of tolls. And on top of that, they've taken over completely, pretty much every delivery situation that you can do. Pizza, anything. I mean, I picked up from what's it called in the mall. I can't. Victoria's Secret. They've been picking up from Victoria's Secret. Wow. I've seen that before where you could go to like Walgreens or do stuff like that. You can go grocery shopping. You can actually order a Victoria's Secret order and have the guy go get it and bring my panties to me. Yes. I've had this out for many panties. Oh my God. Oh my God. Do you smile? That has to be way better than delivering pizza. I mean, yeah, definitely better than delivering pizza and the people usually tip out or two because you know, store dash and somebody in an emergency. I'd pay a lot of money for a tip if you brought me something. If I really need it, for sure. What area are you in? Oh, I'm in the camp in area. Okay. What's up, George? Hey. Yes. I want to say that's completely door to ask driver's fault that inside the app, it's got a little option where you can toggle and avoid any tolls. Yeah. He should go like that. Yeah. He could have gone around because there is another option to go down the island for free. It takes you out of your way. But I, how long of a drive would that doesn't make you an extra maybe 20 minutes one way or both ways to like avoid the tolls. It would have routed him the other way and he would have knew automatically how far it would have been. He would have spent more money. Exactly. Well, none of them talk. Yeah. I don't know. Scott, what's happening? Hey, how's it going? Good buddy. So yeah, I'm a door dash driver and Ann Arbor and with the students, you know, when they come back, they, you know, at the high rises and stuff, we can't get in the buildings. We can only get in the first door. So we either just leave it and take the picture or let them know, you know, hey, your food's down here. But I'm kind of surprised, like, even in those buildings, you can call up to the apartments and then get scanned in the next set of doors. I'm surprised at how many people don't read the directions that I've left in the app or have never gone to an apartment where you needed to call somebody so you don't know how it works. So you just like set it down and walk away. Don't put my food. I know. Yeah. So I get that, but like part of it too in Ann Arbor is like you're most likely parked illegally. You know, because there's not many spots and stuff. So you don't have time to sit there and go to the 19 floor. Yeah. That would be a pain. Um, I see that a lot at the hospitals too, like where you, you'll, somebody will order in the hospital. It's like, what are you going to do? You're going to like walk to the emergency room and drop off their food for them. Marvin, what's happening? How you doing? Good buddy. What's going on? So I door dash all of my groceries and I use the order like two cases of pop some water. So I live on a third floor in the apartment and they always bring it up there. So I don't want to do it. Nice. You know what, that, that is really good when you order just a few things. But when you order a guy order from Costco, I've had people turn down my Costco order because I'll order like six or so of those ice mountain packages, you know, and they don't want to do it. They don't want to lift it. And so I've had a, I've had a couple turned down from Stan's Club for like the big, you know, the big waters, all the paths and stuff like that, and the big boxes. That's about it. They'll say, they'll say they're not going to do it. And then once I had, and I think I talked about this on the air, but I had the guy that was in on my street called me and goes, I got your stuff here and I go, where are you? You get my door and he goes, no, I'm on your street. I go, we'll pull my driveway and he goes, no, you need to come get it. You want it? He wanted me to come to his car and go get it like a, like a busted drug deal or something. That's always great. What's up, tank? All the go away. What's going on buddy? Yes, I'm a door dash delivery driver and I've had some crazy deliveries. I had one recently where I had to go pick up a sex toy and deliver it to people. Really? Oh, yeah. So in there. What did they have it listed as? Did you have to hand it to them personally? No, it says leave that my door. They don't want to see me for sure. Do you pick out the sex toy or does the store just get it ready for you and then you just grab the bag? No, I, it's so embarrassing because I have to walk into the store like I went into a Walgreens to buy one of these toys and they have it locked up. So then I have to go ask someone to open the door to open it for me to get it and they're just looking at me like, what are you going to do with this? And I'm like, no, it's the door dash order. I don't know what she's going to do with this whole week. That's awesome. I didn't realize that when it's an item like that, you guys have to shop for it. The store doesn't put it in a bag and just have it ready to go for you. Yes. I do the shopping deliveries with door dash too. So I, whatever you order, we pick it up. Do you make sure it's a pretty one or one that you know is going to get them excited? I just try to make it match whatever the picture shows. Oh, okay. That's awesome. Thank you for the call tank. Talk to you. Nope. Later. An official message from Medicare. A new law is helping me save more money on prescription drug costs. 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