Mojo In The Morning

Pretty People Privilege

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11 Jul 2024
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This is the Mojo in the Morning podcast, powered by Michigan Auto Law, Auto Accident Attorneys. Visit That's It's the Mojo in the morning show, phone number 844Mojo Live. You can listen to us, whether it be live in the morning on Channel 955, 104.5 SNX, 92.5 kiss FM, or on the iHeartRadio app, you can listen on there, which I always suggest because if you have us on the app and it's already connected to your Apple CarPlay or whatever system you have in your car, when you get out of the car, it's still on your phone, so you can carry it on and still be listening to whatever it is, like a war of the roses, as you walk into work or wherever. And then our podcast, subscribe to those so you can always stay connected with us, especially during like vacation times, like when you're off from school or you got summer or whatever it is, you can listen to the podcast wherever, whenever, so make sure that you check it out. Kevin was going to the parking garage. All you wanted to do is park but the hot girl got in the way. I know, man. I'm trying to record this because KP got it on there to say record, but oh, really? Oh, did you walk out of the room? I don't know if I'm doing it right. It's say record, but the screen black. Okay, here we're going to get. What is that? Did you just push a button that quite possibly might have put us live on some platform? No, I think OBS is the system that she used, but I don't know if it's connected. Next thing you know, we're going to get people going. Do you guys know that you have just gone live on Bob Pittman's? I hurt teams meeting, but you just talk about the SEC. So be careful what we say. Yeah. So I have heard the term pretty girl privilege before. I think we've talked about it on this show. I haven't seen it in real life, I think, and that's not to say that I haven't been around any pretty women, because obviously that's not true. But I had an event that I had to go to, and we were given specific instructions on where to park. And when I got to the parking garage, I had to wait for a car to go in front of me. And I seen these two women walking by. And they have fat asses. Okay, I'm just going to say it. I was trying to figure out a way to dance around this, but two days in a row where we've called out the girls with the hot fat asses. Yes. Yes. Yes. The whole 10. Yeah. Yeah, we go. Yes. They had the gets. Yeah. That's what my son tells me. I have your son. Huh. That's funny. Shanny was the yet. I don't know where he learned that from because it wasn't me. You do have a nice boot. Thank you. So these young ladies are walking by with the gets and the car that's in front of me goes through the little arm thing and they go to park. Now it's my turn to come up. And part of my instructions in order to get into this parking structure was to tell the tenant like a secret cold word or a pass or something that they had already predetermined that would get us free entry. Okay. And I am at the booth. I'm looking at the gentleman ready to give him my word. And he's not looking at me. He's looking at the gats. And I'm sitting there. At first, I kind of wait for a second because I'm like, is he gonna turn and look at me? He does it. Then I'm like, hey, sir, he's still not looking at me. It's another guy in the booth. They both looking at the fat asses. I'm like, bro, he's ahead. What's going on, man? I'm like, I give him my word. He's still like halfway pay attention to me halfway talking to the ladies. And then he yells out something to them. He's like, yo, anytime you want to park here, it's free, baby. It's on me. Just it's on me. They laugh. And I'm like, bro, can I give you my word? I need to go in here. Gats are the access. By the way, it pays to be pretty, doesn't it? I'm hearing these things. I've never had the privilege. Yeah. How many times, how many times do hot girls? Because it doesn't happen to hot guys. Guys don't ever get it. Guys could be good looking as hell. They don't get free crap. But girls, you guys can do it. All right. Exactly. It has to be so hard being a man to get a magic. Oh, yeah. I will say this though. And honestly, I would love if bar senators or ladies who work in whatever industry it is where you have to serve people. If you have been in a position of, let's say, power, I don't know if that's the right word to use, but you're in a woman in a position of power where you've got where you've allowed a guy, leniency and whatever the thing was. Because I do believe I've been at a few bars. And my drinks either have been made a bit stronger or I've gotten more liquid because they liked me. For sure. Are you saying you would get the guy Gats? I don't know if it was because of like, yeah. Yeah. It's that smile. It's that it's that infectious smile. Yeah, I'll take it. Eight four four mojo live eight four four six six five six five four eight. I am assuming that because we have very beautiful women on this radio show. There's not any ugly women. We just have ugly guys. Zach, I'm sorry, but I love you. Now I'm just kidding. Zach, I just love you, Zach. You know, I'm just kidding. I think Zach is the only one getting laid regularly around here. Yeah, Zach, but we have we have very attractive women. You guys get free crap. Don't you all the time for things. Yeah. Boobs. Yes. Do you do you put the cleavage out a little bit extra? Yeah, I'm broke. Anything I can do for free. I will do. Does it get you like, dude? Yes. Are you kidding me? I think it's dumb for any girl to be like, I've never experienced this in my life because we all have. Y'all be desperate in these streets and I'll take a bit of that wallet. Wow. I said what I said. I said what I said. So we all here are so thirsty. I'm like, you're like, if this hasn't happened, you're lying. I'm like, but it actually doesn't happen. You're telling me a guy has never bought you a set because of boobs. Oh, no. I truly that has never happened to me. No, but I mean, just like in general. Shannon, Shannon bats those eyes. She does. You do, Shannon, I've seen I've witnessed this. You've even done it to me. You'll do them. Oh, I don't know. You'll play dumb for a little bit. And I'm like, wait a second. You're valedictorian. There is no way you are not understanding. I am kind of comments on some, but no, I mean, I agree with Megan. I think it's happened to every girl in some situation or another. Good for you guys. Good for you. The one advantage we have in life. I read something the other day. There was something in one of our, one of our prep services that gives like new stories and things. There's a story about how, here it is, researchers found evidence that physical features, particularly breast size, can influence competitive behavior among women. The study found that women are more likely to disrespect another woman with larger breasts. Wow. Yes. Where women become derogatory towards the D cups, they get upset. They say, they actually said verbal and indirect aggression towards those with D cup breast followed closely by C cup breasts are often found. That's very interesting. Wait a second. So the A cups are mad at the D cups? Yeah. I think that's what it is. So they're okay. Maybe it's a jealousy thing. That's their sad. Bigger's better than that. I will say, if I'm wearing the same thing as somebody with a smaller chest, I get judged way more for it from women. Like I can't believe she's wearing that. You're wearing the same thing. I just have bigger boobs. Yeah. Brooke, what's going on? We're discussing hot people getting things for free. What's going on? Okay. So what's that here? Every time we are on a flight, whether I'm with my husband or the kids are with us, a flight attendant will always find a way to give my husband a drink for free, like actual liquor, like not just like every single time. Male, female, he doesn't matter. He gets a drink for free every single time. Do you ever sit there and go? This is a great thing to be with him. Or do you ever go? Oh, this is just going to make his head bigger. Mostly, I'm like, oh, God, here we go again. Now it's going to go tell, you know, tell us about another three one. Yeah. It's a little bit of both and like a slightly flatter, but also like, all right, here we go. Thanks for the call. What's up, Kisha? How you doing? I'm good. How are you? Good. What's up? Oh, this college is the second. I heard you say, like, God, don't get it. I was like, that is all because God's benefit from pretty privilege as well. And I personally know because I used to be a bartender. Honestly, yeah, one drink, you might order one drink for me, but if you are five. Yeah. Honestly, honestly, if you just like come in and you're just like watching the game, you just like get like a beer or something like one drink. If you are cute, and we are talking, yeah, that's really funny. Wow, I want a person on me. Yeah, it's just like you cute. What's your type, Kisha? Tell us what your type isn't. What bar are you working? I used to work at field in Southfield, I'm from on Instagram. And I went for an attractive. That's what I went for. I went for an attractive, but yeah, definitely. I'm coming to see Kisha. We'll see you there. Love you. Thank you. Thank you. Pam. Hi, Pam. Hi. Hi. Well, I kind of spend it a little bit differently. I not only will sometimes reward the person that is the most attractive, be it a guy. I work for a winery in the metro Detroit area, but I always reward the person who lets me joke with them and or pick on them because I feel like that's a different type of relationship. So it's not just the looks, it has to be a personality. Yeah. So the guy has a guy has at least able to laugh at himself, self-deprecate you're good with or let me let everybody else laugh at them. Yeah, that's good. Those are cool. I like seeing that. I like seeing that that you're not just doing it purely on looks because I would do purely on looks. Come on. Show me a nipple. You never know what you're going to get. Oh, come on, Captain. I like it. What's up, Jason? How are you doing? What's going on? Hey, guys, first time long time. Jason, oh, no. I guess I just kind of both worlds here because like if I shave and have my beard and mustache are lined up, you know what I mean? I get freaked out. People open the door for me, all kinds of things like that. But if I don't shave and I'm looking kind of old and frumpy, I don't get anything. People don't even look my way. That's incentive to take care of yourself. It is. But sometimes you got to bum it. You know what I mean? I'm there right now. Yeah, I guess I get there. It keeps me humble. You know what I mean? Yeah, it worked out. My favorite is going to a place where you think that you're getting it for free because, oh, they must, you know, know me or know, you know, think I'm cute or whatever the deal is, and then you find out it's like all inclusive, you know? Everybody's getting whatever. Yeah. When Les saw the guy at Banana Republic was hitting on him and we walked out, I was like, you dummy, it's friends and family. Everybody gets that. An official message from Medicare. A new law is helping me save more money on prescription drug costs. Maybe you can save too. With Medicare's extra help program, my premium is zero and my out-of-pocket costs are low. Who should apply? 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