Mojo In The Morning

Mojo is Too Big for His Rental Car

Broadcast on:
11 Jul 2024
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This is the Mojo in the Morning podcast, powered by Michigan Auto Law, auto accident attorneys. Visit That's Mojo in the morning. To me, there is nothing funnier than seeing a bunch of clowns come out of a little car and you see, you know, like one after another after another and they're like, "How do they all fit in that car?" They are watching me get out of the loaner car that Gordon Chevrolet gave me for my service that I was having done on my car today. They brought Pat came by from Gordon Chevrolet, which thank you to Pat for being picked up. I met him. Pat's daughter listens to the show down in Daytona Beach, Florida on the iHeartRadio app he was saying and just wanted to shout her out, but they were nice enough that Mike Porter and all those guys who are Gordon Chevrolet, they treat you like family, they lent me somebody's hot rod. I've got, I've got their Camaro, they gave me a Camaro, yes, so usually when this happens when Mona or Mike take my car, they'll give me like, you know, they'll give me like an equinox or, you know, they'll give me a traverse or something like that, or, you know, maybe another Tahoe like I drive and this time I think they wanted me to hot rod it because they gave me a Camaro and Mike knows that I'm a large man. We've, we've hung out numerous times together, but you should see me getting in and out of this thing. I actually want to see you get it. K P took video just during that break yeah we took video yeah you see the song and everything. Oh you got to do it that guy in a little car that guy in a little car, I think it's just as funny watching big people get out of little cars because it is very interesting. I remember when oh is that isn't on the app or I'm sending it to you, but those have to have to wait a couple minutes all right we'll post it on here you'll get the chance to see it. I remember when big boy used to be our night guy big boy and I a big boy and I drove through the drive through of the McDonald's next door to the radio station in one of those mini coopers or not many cars smart cars smart car yeah we drove through the drive through the wheels literally we're scraping against the fenders yeah so you see hold on here here all the music scrape got inside in there how many get that looks good I think this is not a car I should have this is a car Chelsea should have yeah this is it this is a car that are are you out of breath little people okay let's see get out of this thing oh my god the music's great here here I'm trying to get out of the thing I could never drive a sports car I look at these guys that have like these sports cars I'm so envious of them I can't understand how they're able to get in and on of these things oh I got picked up in one like two weeks ago and I literally thought I was gonna fall onto the sidewalk trying to get my ass into that seat it's like you're sitting up it doesn't feel like you're that low yes but I was wearing heels and I was stepping from the curb into it and it was so low already and then I'm elevated above it and I've got high heels on I was like I I'm doing a full squat and heels at this point now you should see me getting into my husband and he doesn't have it like raised or anything but like this little like thing what is it like a step come and tried yeah the tried comes down and I have to like step up on that and then launch myself into the passengers yeah yeah so the opposite the Chelsea hated when I had a Jeep because she used to have to grab on to the the oh spit handles and try to like pull herself into it alright so here's the thing I wanted to just ask real quick just a quick little thing I want to know who who's the biggest people driving the littlest car what's what is it and then the littlest people driving the biggest car because like Shannon before you ended up by getting that new car from Brian Katie yeah yeah Katie from Iran they they had you in what was it was that a Tahoe like it was a Tahoe and I like Brian knows it's my dream to drive a Tahoe but he's like I refuse to get you into a Tahoe you're gonna ruin your garage you were gonna ruin your garage you're gonna ruin his car yeah like bumping up against me but I looked ridiculous driving that thing I remember when I took it through the car wash and you know how at the end of the car wash they have them like there's like mirrors yeah and I looked over and saw myself in the driver's seat and you just saw like the tip top of my head see this reminds me Mojo in particular this reminds me of Inside the NBA the famous sports show TNT when Kia became one of their leading sponsors and they had Shaq getting inside of that Kia Optima it's like you had this seven foot three hundred pound guy trying to fit into this small car and they would never show him getting in the car if somebody told me that Rashid Wallace back in the day when you know the Pistons won that their last championship that Rashid Wallace had to actually have his seat unbolted in the SUV that he had and pushed all the way back to the back seat because he was so tall like these players I don't know how they get even in the SUVs because you can't you're not moving the seatback them are you true Abby what's happening it's Mojo in the morning how are you? Good morning guys I'm good how are you guys we're doing okay what's going on so I was doing this guy with a really big truck I wish I knew exactly what kind of truck it was but big enough that again I had to launch myself inside this car as well and it was late at night and we went to 7-11 and I get out of the car and you go inside and the lady behind the counter is cracking up and I said you know you look like you're in a good mood but it's so funny and she said I've never laughed so hard I see this giant truck pull up and I'm waiting to see this big guy jump out and I see these two little feet just jump down and he said you just made my night I was the funniest thing I've ever seen and I'm 5 foot 1 and yeah I had to jump in and out of that car but in like me like megan going on a date in the sports car yet that's tough when you're wearing certain outfits right yeah absolutely mani what's up mani a large man with a little car what's going on hey so I'm about six three 300 pounds and drive a Ford Focus come on my listen listen my kid they say I look like Mr. Incredible driving this mani that is awesome I love it but thanks for calling man we appreciate it what's going on Marissa how are ya hi good how are you good what's going on with your little lady driving a big car what do you drive yeah well it's actually my friend when we were like 19 like she used to drive a little like Chevy Impala but like her car was breaking down a lot so she had to drive her bit her dad's big like white 12 person work band everywhere she went like the church man yeah like there was like three or four rows of seeds like a huge band we drive it everywhere like we'd get out and just be two little girls hopping out of the state creeper van the creeper van Alicia what's up it's Mojo in the morning how are ya yeah Martin mojo how are you what's going on my brother's mechanic and they just recently got a roaster okay my brother is not a little guy my brother is like six foot four so him and my cousin are driving around in this little tiny roaster and they're getting out I was like you guys the car is cool but you guys do not look cool getting out of it what give me a go what is a roadster do you guys know what a roadster is small joint is it yes I remember Stuart little the car that Stewart little oh my god oh my god that's a convertible drop top like the easier not to drop the top and road around but no no no they have to have a close I love that the go to reference was Stuart little what's going on man this brings back memories velma is on the phone with us right now from Scooby-Doo the Elma was a coal what's up velma wait hold on your phone's cutting out velma what your fiance is how tall six foot nine oh my god how much is he way well he played fun he's about 350 pounds and what kind of car is he driving he drives a Pontiac G5 come on how is that he somehow managed to fit in it does he just drive on the two wheels when he gets out of that thing do people like look you can't valet because the laugh yeah probably that's great what's up angel hi hi the person call her like long time yes angels on the phone what's up angel my mom gives five foot four and she drives this big old Chevy Silverado with extra large wheels with big tread and she has to have a extra cushion on the seat just so she can we can get a booster seat yeah oh that's the best and then when you have thought she's so much shorter than the whole car it feels wildly unsafe I always look at these ladies with the booster but if she doesn't have the booster she can't reach ever see the little ladies in our school bus drivers they gave these little little teeny ladies and they're driving these big old buses I mean even the steering wheels I know this the steering wheel literally is the size of their actual height that they have ah these are funny alright well thank you for the call we appreciate it an official message from Medicare a new law is helping me save more money on prescription drug costs maybe you can save too with Medicare's extra help program my premium is zero and my out-of-pocket costs are low who should apply single people making less than $23,000 a year or married couples who make less than $31,000 a year even if you don't think you qualify it pays to find out go to paid for by the US Department of Health and Human Services