Mojo In The Morning

What's Your Oldest Saved Voicemail?

Broadcast on:
11 Jul 2024
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This is the Mojo in the Morning podcast, powered by Michigan Auto Law, auto accident attorneys. This is That's Mojo in the morning, so I'm doing something, you know, in the last few days that brought out some kind of an interesting thing that I thought would make a good topic. I'm cleaning my voicemail on my phone out. So I have a cell phone. Oh, good. Because you can't leave you a voicemail. I know. And when it says, it says it's all full or whatever, it says, you know, there's no way to do it. So I'm cleaning out voicemails because I have voicemails in my phone that literally are like five minutes long from people that I just don't even delete. I don't even know why I don't delete them, but people will leave me, you know, messages over the years. And I came across something and I'm going to ask you guys to all grab your phones right now. And I want you to look. I want you guys to tell me by looking in your phone and you might have to go back and listen because you may not have them, you know, visually. What is the oldest voicemail that you have saved in your phone? Okay. Because yesterday I had kind of an emotional thing happen to me. I was cleaning out voicemails in my phone and I came across a bunch of people that have left me voicemails over the years. And now I'm thinking to myself, I need to record these so I don't lose them, like especially if I have to get a new phone. I've got voicemail messages here from people that are old friends of mine that I haven't talked to in forever. I've got voicemail messages from my old therapist, Tom Fitzpatrick, who passed away, which his voice always brought me comfort because he was my therapist for many, many years. And then I happened upon a voicemail yesterday and it was a voicemail of Chelsea's grandfather who has passed away. He's been gone from us for way too long. He died and he was like one of the best guys in the world. He's like one of my favorite people in the world. And as I'm cleaning out voicemails, I go back and I look at this voicemail from like 2013, I think it is. And listen to this voicemail that I came across and I want you to do this too. If you get a chance later today, I want you to look at your old voicemails and then take a listen to them. And then ask yourself, why is it that you haven't deleted these voicemails? Well, here's the reason why I didn't, because now I get the legendary Danny Manzo, Chelsea's grandfather coming back to talk to me from the past. Hey, Tommy Mojo, this is Danny Mazzle through sign of Arizona and try to get through to calm Mojo, Ujo, everybody Jojo and I got the book yesterday and I just started glancing a few at last night and the next guy is one clever son of a bitch and it's part of my resume. I got to have at least one last four go to sleep at night. They can't sleep and baby, I got two years with the medicine and that thing. So beautiful, baby. You're beautiful and I appreciate so very, very much. Okay. I'm going to grab your wife sometime, talk to you later and thank you again so much baby. Bye-bye. And then awesome. I love that. Isn't that the goal? Oh, he says baby. Yeah. That's how he is all time. Good job. And I agree. So great. So go back today, at some time, if you get a chance or maybe this weekend, when you get a moment, sometimes we don't do this enough. We don't reminisce a little bit and look back and not only get rid of voicemail messages that make no sense. Like why the hell are you keeping a voicemail message, you know, from some random person that's calling to tell you a doctor's appointment time or something like that. But go back and look and see why it is that you didn't delete that certain voicemail because there's a reason behind it, right? There's something that happened to you at that moment that made you do it. What date was that voicemail? 2013. It was... Wow. So Chelsea's grandfather, Chelsea's grandfather was always obsessed with Johnny Carson. He was obsessed with like Old Frank Sinatra's and you know, like he loved old comedians. And I found him a book that I knew that he would love and it was a book of punchlines. And I sent it to him because he was always joking around. I mean, what a cool thing for him to say and I don't even remember him saying it the first time I listed that voicemail message that before he goes to bed every night, he has to go to bed with a laugh, which is pretty an awesome thing to live by. Mojo in the morning, what's going on, Leah? How you doing? I'm good. I was just calling to tell you guys that my grandfather, he passed away from Parkinson's disease about 10 years ago, but my mom and I, we kept his voicemail on our landline for the last 10 years. She won't get rid of the landline because of that voicemail. She loves to hear his voice. You've got to play that thing for us and I'll record it and send it to you on mp3 because you cannot lose that. You know? Yeah, that's why she's kept it around and I'm like, mom, landlines aren't going to be around forever. Definitely. We need to report it. Yeah, that's, that's pretty special. Isn't it awesome to go back and listen to something like that and just be able to hear that voice again. You can say it automatically. If you have an iPhone, by the way, you can email the file to yourself. That's a great, great, great thing to do. Yeah. What's up, Don? How you doing? How you doing, buddy? What's happening? Not much. Giving you a call about the voicemail. Yeah. What's the oldest one you got in your phone and why are you keeping it? So it's not me. It's my wife. It's her father who passed about 10, 10 years ago and all he says is how great his son allowed is. How much he misses me and she uses it to listen to his voice, but he just talks about me the whole time. Anytime that she's pissed off, do you say go back and listen to that voicemail? You know what, isn't it so cool to know that your father-in-law loved you so much and loved the way that you were taking care of his daughter? He truly did. Truly. Yes. That's how Chelsea's grandfather was. He was, he raised her for many years when her biological dad took off. What's up, Lexi? Hey, I actually have two voicemail saved from 2018 and 2019. My mom passed away right after I had my son and the last voicemail she left me was saying like, "I was a baby, I missed you." And then my grandpa actually passed away from cancer in 2019. And his last voicemail he's left me was, "Hey, darling, Grandma and I are on the way. I want to let you know." And then he forgets to hang out and just has a whole conversation with my grandpa. Oh, that's going to be awesome. And I can't like bleed it. I just have to save it. And I know you do like several times. Like, I'm on this. It just forms my heart. These are gifts, man. These are unbelievable gifts. They are. And you know what? And this, I bring this up to you, you don't have to do it now, but I think you might need this sometimes. Yeah. Sometimes you don't realize how much you need to hear somebody's voice that you haven't heard in a while. Yeah. A hundred percent. I'll be like, on a phone call and I'll just click over and then I'm just in tears and need it. I'm like, "Okay, I needed that." Like, even though I was looking into a cold, leaving me a voicemail to sometimes skip over. And I'm like, "Okay, I'm happy now. Like, you're supposed to feel better." And for those that are like Meghan who won't leave voicemail messages, one day I will want to hear your voice. My funny about you say that, because everybody's talking about these beautiful moments. I had no idea what mine were. They're both the two oldest ones that I have are from 2012 and they both brought up really horrible memories. Oh, Jesus. Oh my God. Why did you save them? I did. Like, I didn't mean to. They just... Okay. Delete, delete, delete, delete. But it was like during family emergency and I was like, "Oh, no!" Maddie, what's up? Hi, I have a voicemail from my dad. It's not super old, but it came probably like three or four months before he passed. And I had just moved out and left like a bunch of stuff at my parents' house, you know, because free storage, why not? And he did not like it. He sent me this voicemail saying that he was going to use all my stuff to make a voodoo doll and stab me in the eye or whatever. And he goes, "And then you're going to think, 'Dang, I got to call my dad.'" That was a great one. That's so good. Oh my God. You got to save that. That's awesome. What's up, Leanne? Hey, Mojo. Hi. What's going on? How much? What's voicemail that you have? I have one from my husband. Oh, man. This is bringing up some emotions. Yeah. Oh, Leanne. What's he saying? It's not voicemail, Leanne. It's silly. He's asking me where the iron is because he couldn't find it. Oh, Leanne. It's so sweet and sad, but it probably puts a smile on your face when you need it. The most. Yeah. I just listened to it every now and then, but you know, he's only been gone like a month and a half. Oh, goodness. And I bet you that when he left that voicemail message, you were like, "God damn it. How does he not know where the hell the iron is?" Leanne. I'm like, "Really dude? It's like right there." Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Hey, you know what? I love that you call this up. Thank you. Thank you so much for sharing, Leanne. We love you so much. Thank you. I appreciate you guys, baby. Smell. Awesome. That's cool. And by the way, just say word to all those that delete all their voicemail messages and also erase everybody's text messages. You guys are psychotic. So just so you can. Anybody that does that, I always look at them and I go, "There's got to be like mental illness for you that you do that." Okay. Oh, is that you?