Mojo In The Morning

Full Show 07-10-2024

2h 55m
Broadcast on:
10 Jul 2024
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(beeping) This is the Mojo in the Morning podcast, powered by Michigan Auto Law, auto law accident attorneys. Visit - That's - This is the Mojo in the Morning podcast, powered by Michigan Auto Law, auto law accident attorneys. Visit - That's - WKQI Detroit. - WSSX Muskegon Grand Rapids. - WVTS Toyota, three great stations, one stupid show. This is Mojo in the Morning live. (beeping) Mojo. - 30. - Big, sweetie, soft, sweetie, soft, sweetie. - Five, four, three, two, one. - Ignition sequence done. - Let me take y'all back to the beginning. - This is it. - All right, are you ready? - You're listening to Mojo in the Morning. - You're at doo doo hack. (beeping) Go, go, go, go. - It's show time. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - record breaking storm comes today. - Oh my God. It's already nasty in the Detroit area. We got some major rain coming our way this morning from some bitch named barrel. Is it, is barrel, I thought barrel was a boy. - I don't know, are you seriously? Are you sure? - No, I'm not sure. I just. - Do we know? Is barrel male or female or? - Rather not say it. Yes, it is. - Or maybe barrel dicks. - Dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick. - Hey, welcome to the Mojo in the Morning show. It is very, very bad in Detroit. There are signs, obviously, that this is gonna be a bad storm through most of mid-Michigan. I guess in Lansing right now, Lansing, Michigan, it is so bad. There's a lot of flooding, a lot of flooded streets. They're saying that many of the storm dreams can't keep up with what they're saying is possibly up to three to four feet of rain that we might get to that. That's a lot. - Detroit is absolutely flooded right now. And I'm gonna give you all something that I, I usually charge people for, but I'm gonna give it to you for free. - Yeah. - Currently, bare-footed in this studio. - Oh, hold on a second. - Your shoe is just so... - So I'm so worried I'm gonna be the smelly person today because I have wet shoes and wet socks and pants or wet, and I'm just like a drowned street rat right now. - Wow, look at you. So when you guys, I know KP showed the video to all of us on our group chat, you guys walked out to the parking garage and it was like this, it was all bad. - There, I stepped into on the sidewalk, a puddle that was angled in. It's flooded down there. - Yeah, no, my parking garage is not attached, so walking there, I did not realize the journey, we would have to go on because I stepped in a massive puddle. Like, you could hear the squish in my shoe right now. Literally, my toes are soaking. - Today it's got a little bit safer. - It hurt me, so I put out all my garbage last night and I had tons and tons and tons and tons of like boxes and stuff right now. You should see it looks like just a pile of just mush. - Bro, the worst thing about garbage day when it's raining is putting your trash out. They come by, they collect it, but the lid isn't shut. - Yeah. - They don't have to go pull it up. It just puddles the water inside, yummy. - It smells even more like, it's always flies. - It's heavy, really careful. - Honestly, the roads are just, they're not good right now. Not gonna save you. - And don't try to cross the street and jump over a puddle. - Yeah. - You're not gonna make it. - You're gonna swim. - I'm no meteorologist, but I'm pretty sure it's raining bitches. (upbeat music) - Yeah. - What's going on, Harper, how are you? - I'm doing just fine. Just trying to avoid somebody's idiot that don't want to drive in the rain. - Yeah. - It's driving too fast for conditions. Those guys on the big trucks, right? - Yeah, but you know what? The funniest thing is just you need somebody in a spark going 75 miles an hour and 35. - Wait, hold on. Are you driving a, you drive a little Chevy spark? - No, no, no. - I was gonna say. - I'm in a Chevy and puddle, but I'm always being like these little, any bitty cars, just you ashing. Anybody driving a Tesla today, if you watch out for electrocution on that thing, that thing is gonna be sparking all over the place, but yeah, if you drive one of those little cars, you're probably floating right now. You're probably not driving very far. I would not honestly want to be on highways like '96 and '75, '96, '96. Going under those overpasses, like when you're driving underneath 'em, who knows what's under there? What's up, Christine? Hi. - Hey, good morning. - Good morning. What's happening? We're all dealing with this remnants of that tropical storm once hurricane barrel. - Yeah, I'm driving. I drove from 94 Southfield to 94 in Winter Care Road, which is Iplani. Roads are fine. Everybody's driving at posted speeds. There's no pooling, there's no ponding, there's no nothing's flooded. - Oh, good, for you. (laughing) Even the Dearborn Hype area. - Oh, stop it. Stop rubbing it in. Stop rubbing it in. You know what? Honestly, I'm worried about Dearborn and Dearborn Hype. Do you guys remember when we had not even close to the amount of rain that we were supposedly getting today? And they couldn't get the storm drains working. It was bad. Like people's basements were literally, you know, you started talking about Shannon's garbage on her corner. People just had their garbage come up from their basement. - That was my grandma's house every time I'm in rain back in the day. - Yeah, it's bad. So I'm looking at this. They say it's gonna let up for a little bit this morning. So during the show, thank God, while you're probably driving, it will let up a little bit. - It said before 9 a.m. It's gonna be heavy, heavy, heavy. And then it'll let up. - Is it? Okay, okay. - That's what I'm reading here from the National Weather Service. - Oh, good, okay. 'Cause I was listening to the news station this morning and they talked about how it will lighten up, I think they said between seven and like 8.30. And then they said that then it will, this afternoon probably get a little bit more, but 'cause there's a system that is, everything's coming up from down south, but there's I guess system, I guess, that's towards over towards, I think, Chicago area that is coming our way. - Oh my God, oh thank you. - I should have been a weather guy. I was fat like most weather guy. Remember when I heard the weather guy was fat and you trusted him? Like Al Roker, when he got that weight loss surgery, I didn't trust him after that. - They had to, remember they had to hold his ankles then when he was reporting from like the hurricane. - For real? - Yes, they do, there's always do. I'm not joking, all of the weather people. - He was too skinny eventually, so he needed to be like sandbag down. What's up, David, hi. - How are ya, Mojo? - I'm okay, David, where are you calling us from? - I'm calling from a Fowlerville. - And how is it in Fowlerville? - Oh, crappy. (laughing) - Real crappy. - Yeah, any issues at all as far as like your home or where you live, any flooding? - My yard's flooding. - Yeah, you don't need a slip and slide today. You just go right out. The funny thing is when you drive by homes in businesses that have their sprinklers still on, 'cause they're on timers. - Yeah. - And I don't think you need those today. But while Fowlerville, stay safe, okay? - Yeah, it's okay right now. - All right, we'll be safe. - Thank you, thank you for the call, David. Sean, welcome to the Weather Channel on the radio. What's going on, Sean? (laughing) - Bro, bro, Mojo, what's happening? - You know what's happening? I can't keep my blunt lit. This is one of those days. (laughing) - It's too much, it's too much. It's not gonna happen, bro. - It's that smoke in the reefer. - It's awful, yeah. - I keep my blunt liters. - It's gonna happen, baby. - What's happening, Sean? - What's good, man? Hey, what's up, babe? What's up, man? - Good morning. - We've got a bag and-- - She's barefoot right now in the studio. Megan, rub your feet up against that microphone so that he can win. (laughing) - That's for you. - That's how ass you are, you can hear her. - That's how ass you are. (laughing) - I use a scrub, I use a scrub. - I'm like, she started to fire. - Look, my toes are painted. I got cute feet. - She got them painted for you today, Sean. - I got cute feet, they're red too. - Sean, you wanna pay? (laughing) - Check our Instagram stories. - No, don't care. - They're sparks flying. (laughing) - Wow. - What's up, Sean? - Well, yeah, you were saying that if you wanted to, I mean, you wanted to know if the storm was male or female, I don't think it's either. I think it's bisexual. (laughing) - Sean, where are you? - At the end, those undertones, overpass, I'm in Detroit, bro. - Okay, all right. - Well, I'm going to Madison right now to drop somebody off to 12, drop my girl off, and then I'm going back. - Somebody do that! (laughing) - No! - We were for somebody to like, yeah. - No. - Sean, have you had to drive on any of the highways at all and dealt with it? - I'm on one now. I'm driving one right now. I just went up under one of them underpasses. You were talking about them overpasses that you were talking about, and it was flooded like a mug that we had to slow the hell down. - The people that are driving in it, like Kev mentioned the lodge, that's my example. - You get up to where there is standing water, and you're like just praying that you can make it through, but it's probably not a good idea if you don't have a car that's tall enough to-- - Yeah, I'm not in my truck, so I was kind of worried. I'm in her car, I'm in her car, so. - What is she driving? What kind of car is she got? - It's a crack lit with money. - Okay, well, good luck to you. Man, be safe, you're a good guy. By the way, this is when you know it's love when you're driving her to work on a day like today, instead of just saying, take the car. - Right. - Hey, it'd be like that sometime, baby. - Yeah, well, Sean, have a great day, okay? - You too, bro, hey, love all y'all, man. - Oh, we love you too. - We love you back. - Love you too, take care of yourself. I love, by the way, he's driving his girl to work and he's like, Megan's got him begging. (laughing) - I love him. - His girl sitting right next to him, wanting to open up the door and throw him right out into the rain. - Who knows about his girl, the weather might not be the only thing about sexual. - Hey. - Hey, there you go. - Hey, there you go. - Hey, there you go. (laughing) - Do you guys think that today will be a light phone day or a big phone day for people calling in? I was worried about the weather today, affecting the show. - So far, so good? - Yeah, so, I mean, so far, we got people calling in, so please be good to us today. What's going on? How you doing, Brad? - I'm not too bad, sir. I drove from Grand Rapids over to Detroit area and the only bad areas I experienced was between Lansing and Fowlerville. - Okay. - Really heavy and very hard to see. - Yeah, I think they said that Lansing's kind of that Western edge of this thing. So, Grand Rapids may be okay today. - Grand Rapids was raining pretty good, but not as bad as in the Lansing area. - Yeah. Do you drive one of those big semi-trucks? Or what do you got? - I do, sir. - Let me ask you, when you're driving in one of those things, do you have fun driving by people with smaller cars, spraying water all over them? - I do, I actually do. I love it. (laughs) - Is it usually the person that's in the car and they look like an a-hole? Like, you know, let's describe what they look like that makes you want to do it. - If the one's doing 35 with their four ways on that I love, no. People who are terrified and scared to their lives. - Yeah. (laughs) - I saw so many people at least three or four cars driving without lights on this morning. - The same. - Really? - Yeah, go ahead. - There's a lot of those idiots out there this morning. - What's going on? - Well, you sound like an evil man, but we love you, Brad. Thank you for coming. - Nah, nah, I'm a very nice man. - All right, we'll be-- - I just don't like idiots that don't know how to drive. - People that are scared and being safe. (laughs) Careful, buddy, okay? - Yes, there's an extent to being safe and 35 on a highway when everybody else is good, 65, 70 and passing me as that little ridiculous, honestly. - I don't know. If I don't drive normally in this, I get worried in this. - You gotta know your car. - Yeah, roundabouts. I had a hard time with roundabouts today. I had to go through a couple of them on Pontiac Trail and, you know, first off, you can't even see the lines when it's coming down as hard as it was coming down. All right, we'll keep you up to date on what's going on. We got a lot to get to this morning. We got a ton of things to talk about. We got five lives to tell your mom on the way. A daughter is gonna tell her mom that she is getting married and mom's not invited to the wedding. You'll hear that coming up at seven. Second date update on the way this morning. Is it a bad first date for him to take her to get a massage on the first date? Would you think that would be a bad first date? At 8.20, that's happening. And then we've got Mojo Summer, Cars Cash Gas, giving away a 20/24 Chevy Equinox and $20,000 all coming up this morning. - How smart are you? - It's Mojo in the mornings, back in the day. - We have to go back and change. - Where we give you a bunch of events. Then you tell us what year it happened. - Lala Palooza in Chicago is happening. What is it, like, beginning of August? I think it is in just a few weeks. We got a chance for you to win tickets. This was the year that Barbara Walters interviewed the Kardashians. - You don't sing, you don't dance. You don't have any, forgive me, any talent. - But we're still entertaining people. I think it's more of a challenge for you to go on a reality show and get people to fall in love with you for being you. So there is definitely a lot more pressure, I think, to be famous for being ourselves. - What a great question. Adam Sandler starred in Jack and Jill. - Are you going bald? - Huh? - I don't know, you're getting fatter in your hair doesn't realize it needs to cover more faith. - Okay. - Lupe Fiasco had the big song on the radio. What year was this? We'll set you up with tickets to Lala Palooza if you get the correct guess. - Who would a big brain you have? Tell us when that stuff happened. - Call us at 844. - Mojo live. - To tell us. - 844. - 665. - 6548. - How good is your memory? - It's Mojo in the mornings back in the day. What year did this stuff happen? - All happened in the same year. If you know what year it was, we'll give you those tickets to Lala Palooza. Barbara Walters interviewed the Kardashians in the chair. - You don't sing, you don't dance. You don't have any, forgive me. - Any talent. - But we're still entertaining people. - I think it's more of a challenge for you to go on a reality show and get people to fall in love with you for being you. So there is definitely a lot more pressure, I think, to be famous for being ourselves. - Adam Sandler's Jack and Jill was the movie that was out in the chair. - Are you going bald? - Huh? - No, no, no, no. You're getting fatter and your hair doesn't realize it needs to cover more faith. - Okay. - Okay. - Sometimes you just need to be really, really, like, drugged up in order to like laugh at an Adam Sandler movie. - I don't know. - I am, I am, I am. - Jack and Jill. Come on, he is a favorite. But that, okay. That might have been pushing in that movie. - All right. - I just watched Blended with him in Drew Barrymore. - Yeah. - Bad? - Should have been drinking when I watched it. (laughing) - Lupe Fiasco had the big song. Ah, Carla, what year was that? - It was 2011. - There you go. (cheering) - What gave it away, oh boy. That's a wet one. - I'm tired. (laughing) - Congratulations to you. You got tickets to Lollapalooza. What gave it away? - Lupe Fiasco and Jack and Jill. - Oh my. - Thank you, Carla. - Lupe Fiasco is the song of summer. We need a Lupe Fiasco type song this summer. Or maybe Shaboozy or something is that for us. - Did you have the new Kesha song? - Is it good? - No, I like it. - Oh, we got to pre-care. - Kesha's back, baby. And I'm here for it. - Kesha or Katy Perry. - Kesha. - Oh, come on. - Anybody. (laughing) - But just you wait 'til it draws. - Kesha kinda is Katy Perry right now, isn't she? I mean, when's the last time that both of those guys have had anything? That was worthwhile. - And Kesha's coming back. - Baby. - All right. Let's see. I win Usher tickets right now. Text Usher. - Usher, baby. - To 95500 USHER to 95500. And you could be going to see the show in a couple months. - Mojo in the mornings, dirty on the 30. - All right, Shannon's going to give us an update on what's trending and the dirty on the 30 this morning. What's going on, Shannon? - Well, former President Donald Trump challenging President Biden to take part in a debate this week, along with a golf match during yesterday's rally in Florida, Trump told the crowd that he's offering Biden the opportunity to redeem himself after his interesting performance at the debate back on June 27th, and then said this. - I'm also officially challenging President Joe to an 18-hole golf match right here. (cheering) I will give him 10 strokes to decide that if he wins, I will give the charity of his choice. - Any charity that he was, one million dollars. (cheering) - That's not going to happen, right? - No, no. - That would be an interesting one, though, just to see how President Biden's, you know, they talk about his endurance and acuity and all the way. That's the word that they keep using on CNN, Fox News, MSNBC about him. But if the guy can play 18 holes of golf, we'll see, you know? I don't know. - I love how to ask the bar. - I got to be out. Did you see him doing? - How are we? - I am reading off the teleprompter yesterday at NATO. - You can play it. - Do you have it? - Yeah. - I mean, he looked like he was either nervous or stumbling. - And he was reading some of the prompter instructions again. - And if you stay in-- - Oh, no, that's not it. Where's-- - I think it says NATO. - Oh, there you go. Here you go. - I'm pleased to award you the highest civilian honor the United States can bestow a presidential medal of freedom. Ask the medal. (cheering) - You've stopped him. - I'm so very proud of those hot ones versus-- - To give you credit, I was very much like high and mighty about like, you're not being honest or authentic enough. And you were coming up with such beautiful melodies of cool cadences that like, then by the time we had cool lyrics, everything else was done. So I learned a lot from being too ego-centric in that process. - They were eating spicy vegan chicken wings, by the way, answering questions. Billy also complaining about how Finne is constantly putting his feet in her face. - And that, my face, is like right there. And actually, we filmed so much of making the album. Almost all of it is his feet. And then the camera's right here, and his feet is-- - That's gonna be a patreon-only fans cut. The doc could be the foot cut. - He also revealed that, well, what was I made for? Is his favorite song that Billy took? - This song has become my favorite song. - I love this song too. - I'm just adding it to my playlist. This is so fun. - We are playing it all day today, aren't you? - We are. - We are. - What is the reasoning for that? Is it some special day or no? - It's good. - Oh, don't. I was like, wait a second. His song came out a little bit ago. So it was some special Billy Irish day, but Tony Trevino must now like the song. Or he's out of town, I just saw. - Yeah, that's it. - Megan's the APD, and Tony's out of town. - Yes, what? Give us an email. - Oh, boss is out of town. Megan's going to play. - First, I'm a feather and I'm like, oh, this is getting played. - Oh, my God. - Oh, my God. - Oh, my God. - You're talking to me. - You put ram directly. - Shrek 5 is officially in development. With a release, I knew you'd like this story. - Do you mean this? - July 1's. - Yes, we do. - Everybody's back, by the way. Mike Myers, Eddie Murphy, Cameron Diaz. I don't know if Antonio Banderas is returning as put some boots, but everybody else is coming back. - And lastly, I will leave you with this Taylor Swift and post Malone dropping an acoustic version of their collab Fortnite. ♪ And for our fight right there ♪ ♪ We were forever running to you sometimes ♪ - We're going to make your favorite song slower. - I think it's on, but I'm saying it. - It does. - Doesn't it? - Hey, for all its today's dirty catch up on the podcast on the I-Hard Video app, or (upbeat music) - So look, we need your directly from the source. - It's mojo-in-the-morning's dirty on the 30. - It's mojo-in-the-morning's five, it's 6.55. ♪ Five and 6.55, y'all five and 6.55, y'all know ♪ - Good morning, welcome to the mojo-in-the-morning show. Wet streets, lots of flooding going on right now. We'll keep you up to date on that. And if you have any thoughts of playing the five at 6.55, you can always text us at 95500, I wanna play. Our reigning champion is Anna Maria. - Anna Maria. - Good morning. - Going for good morning, going for your third win in a row today. Let's meet your challenger. Works construction from Highland Township. Please welcome Xavier to the show. What's up, Axe? What's going on, buddy? - Nothing much, I'll be ready, right? - I like it. You're very mellow today. Are you somebody that just woke up or have you been up for a while? And this is normally, yeah. - I've been up since, like, four or three. - What excites you, Xavier? I just wanted to know. - Be careful, not being at work. - Oh, you know what, I got that too. All right, Anna Maria, Xavier, we're gonna play the contest. I'm gonna lock you up in a soundproof area, Anna Maria. Xavier, five pop culture trivia questions. Whoever gets the most right wins, Ty always goes to the champion. Question number one in the five at 6.55. This Diddy Axe issued a spicy statement through her lawyer yesterday after seeing photos of him white water rafting and flying on a private jet on Instagram. What's her name? Did he, Axe, pass on that one, okay. Shannon did that story yesterday in the dirty. Question number two, Pete Davidson is a single man again after splitting up from his girlfriend of a year. Which of the following stars has Pete not dated? This, by the way, had to be tough to come up with one that he has not dated. A, Sydney Sweeney, B, Ariana Grande, or C, Kate Beckinsale. Three seconds. - Eight. - Question number three, a contender in this year's famous Nathan's eating contest, the contest, I know what they were doing. The contest that takes place in New York City over the 4th of July is under fire for stealing food from another's plate to beef up his score. What is the food item that they eat during Nathan's annual contest? - I don't. - Question number four, this modern family and Griselda Starr is celebrating her 52nd birthday today. Mm. What's her name? - Ethan Lengoria? - What's that, Ethan Lengoria? In question number five, the cast and release date for Shrek 5 was just announced. Cameron Diaz will be returning as Shrek's wife. What's her name in the movies? Let's bring the champ back from a sound-proof area. - Three out of five. - Okay. - Not terrible. - Very, but also a mellow, three out of five. - Yep. - Anna Maria, question number one. This Diddy X issued a spicy statement through her lawyer yesterday after seeing photos of him whitewater rafting and flying on a private jet on Instagram. What's her name? - Casio Vincura. - Yes. - One and nothing. - Question number two, Pete Davidson, is single again after splitting up from his girlfriend of a year. Which of the following stars has Pete not dated? A, Sydney Sweeney, B, Ariana Grande, or C, Kate Beckinsale? - A. - Casio Vincura. - Question number three, a contender in this year's famous Nathan's eating contest is under fire for stealing food from another's plate to beef up his score. I love when they're scandal and eating contest. What food item is eaten during the Nathan's annual contest? - Hot dog. - Yes, hot dog, hot dog, hot diggity dog. Question number four, this modern family and Griselda star is celebrating her 52nd birthday today. - Oh my, Sophia Vergara. - Yes. - Four to two. - And question number five, the cast and release date for Shrek 5 was just announced by Shannon during the dirty on the 30 a little bit ago. Cameron Diaz will be returning as Shrek's wife. What's her name in the movies? - Fiona. - Yeah. - Hide the three, she does it again with the perfect score. - Wow. - Oh, that's the win, win, win, no matter what. - No offense. But I was rooting for you, Anna Maria, because I don't know if I could have taken the tempo of Xavier for a while. Xavier, you might have been too mellow for me. But that's okay. - That's all right. - How you doing? - What is going on, Xavier? - By the way, I wish, I don't think I've ever been that mellow before. I don't know what, Kev, I don't think you've ever been that mellow before. - Not since I stopped smoking. - Xavier needs, Xavier needs to do the Friday remix with us. Would that be a great, we should do it. Let's do it. We're going to do the Friday remix. We're going to slow it down. - That's the chapter screw version. - Congratulations. You got a pair of tickets to go to Cedar Point. That will raise your blood pressure up a little bit in your heart rate. Cedar Point is the home of 68 amazing rise, ranging from family friendly to adrenaline pumping, steel vengeance, a millennium force, are great rides to go on. Buy tickets in advance and save at Plus, you got a $50 gift card to rallies, celebrate National French Fry Week. Congratulations. - We have a boy. - He's right there. - Ah, buddy, I love it. You have a great day. All right, we'll see you. Bye Anna Marie. - It's Mojo in the morning. Five is 6.55. It's Mojo in the morning. - Five, five. - Sweet. - Five lies to tell you. - Deja? - Hi. - Hi, we're going to do five lies to tell your mom. - Oh my gosh. - So I understand your mom and dad are divorced. - Yeah, they're not together. - Oh, and they have it. - Do you like each other? - Yeah. - No, they do not, I'll get it off. - Oh, perfect. This is perfect for this one then. 'Cause we got a good one for ya. Deja, you are getting married? - I am. I just got engaged like a month ago. - That's awesome. Well, we're going to make this really very interesting for your mom. Are you ready? - I am. - Here is five lies to tell your mom. You're going to say, "Mom, I've got good news." - Okay. - Lie number two. - Say, "Dad said he'd pay for the wedding in Puerto Rico." - Lie number three. - He said, "You can't come though." - Lie number four. I hope you don't mind, but it's a free wedding. And lie number five. - We can have a little party here when we get back. - Okay. - Oh God. - This is not going to go over one. - Let's go over. - What do you think, Mom? Mom? Might get a little crazy. - See, I think she'll be a very upset. - No, that's okay. Let's have this baby in this thing too. 'Cause that might be the only thing that settles Mom down afterwards. Here we go. Five lies to tell your mom. (phone ringing) - This is you, Popeye. - Hi. - Hi, Mommy. - How you doing? - I'm okay. How are ya? - Okay, two days. - Don't have to talk to you about something. - Oh, no. Here we go. - Okay. (laughs) - I want you to be like, just find your inner, inner, inner, you know, useless, and listen to hear me out, okay? Are you ready? - Yeah. - So, I mean, it's honestly good news. I have good news. Sorry, Popeye's my dad. And he says that, I was telling him about the wedding and our plans, and he said that he was paid for the wedding. If we go to Puerto Rico. And even more, he says he'll pay for everything. And I do, yeah. But he does have like, he says something. - What do you say? - He said that he wouldn't be comfortable if you paid for it, if you came. If I came, mm-hmm. Then they go off and love this (beep) (coughing) - Come on. It's a free wedding, like I didn't think. I don't know if he was like, I was hoping you didn't mind. - All right. - Mm. - You know what I mean? - No, I don't, but, okay. - But then I was thinking, like, maybe we could have like, a party, like a little party or a get-together when I get back. (upbeat music) - Well, whatever you want, I just want you to be happy. Okay. (upbeat music) - I appreciate that. (upbeat music) - Sylvia? - Yeah. - It's your old man, remember me? - No. - Stasia's dead. - You let it fit. - You know what (beep) - No. - Sylvia, I couldn't let this go any further, even though it wasn't really that funny. This is Mojo in the morning and... - No way. - Deja had you on five lives to tell your mom. - I was like about to, sorry. - I don't know, she was about to cry. - Oh my, I couldn't let it happen. - The patience that you, like a thousand percent, you put your daughter first. - It killed me to hear your answer. - Like he was gonna call the family after and talk (beep) - So I was, I was just gonna have a meltdown after we got off the phone. I was like, this can't be happening. - Sylvia, what were some of the choice words that you had for Deja's dad? - I was just thinking that he was just rude. You know, that's just mean. I was not gonna really fall out with her about it because I know, they heard what you called him. - Come on, what did you call him? What were some of the words that you would call him? - Mom. - She kept up a couple in words for sure. - Oh, (beep) - And that's why he would've got. - Mom, you are the greatest. We gotta get mom a prize for this one, Mom. We're gonna give you a prize. - All right, I'll call back, I'll help you back. I really did. - Thank you guys. - Thank you. - Oh my God. Deja, was that tough? - No, she was gonna cry. That was a little hard. - Were you feeling bad? - I felt really bad. I was like, when are they gonna come in? 'Cause I'm about to-- (laughing) - You got through the lies. - Isn't that incredible to know what your mom would have done for you though? - Yeah. - My gosh. - She's an amazing person. I just want her to be happy. - All right, you guys hang on? - I'm sorry, right there. Okay. - Yes, she might be. - Hold on, we're gonna get you your prize. - Thank you. - It's Mojo in the morning. - ♪ Side to the sea ♪ ♪ Far, far ♪ ♪ Sweet ♪ ♪ Five lies to tell your mom ♪ - Mojo in the morning, I have a word of warning for Shannon. - I'm waiting to hear this. - The law might be after your new husband. Have you? (laughing) - My attention. - Yeah. - Okay, good. (laughing) Actually, I had a guy say to me yesterday, he's a huge fan of the show, Johnny. Huge fan of the Mojo on the morning show listens to the show religiously. I don't know where sometimes people get the time to be able to listen to this radio show because they hear like every moment of the show from start to finish. And I guess that's good because we got the podcast, but he listens live every single day and was listening to us just the other day when Shannon's husband was on the air with us and Shannon was talking about how she left for vacation, came back home to only find, or not to only find, but to find a gym in her garage that her garage had been reconstructed into a gym. - That's insane. - Which is very nice because prior to that, it was a garbage dump. (laughing) - This is true and very accurate. - And it had stuff, I mean, geez. But it had been a garbage dump since I moved in. - Since you pretty much moved in. - Since 2015 when you moved into that house. It's just, it was like a storage thing. - It's nice to see that marrying somebody can clean your life up. You know what I mean? He cleaned your life up. - He is so organized, I love it. - But he did something according to Johnny that he's got to be careful of. Johnny was telling me a story about how he had, Johnny had redone his basement and had documented, 'cause he was so proud of the fact that he did his own basement. I guess he posted a bunch of stuff on social media. And some Karen in the neighborhood, or what's the male version of a Karen, a Chad? Some Chad became such a jealous, you know, nosy body that they contacted the city and said, I just want you to know, my neighbors didn't pull permits to do the project, I guess, in the basement. And Johnny got a knock on his door. - Shut up. - And it, swear to you, and I'm not gonna say the town, but it's your town. So he lives in and he goes, he goes, just tell Shannon, pick everything off of social media. Don't allow anything on social media because the proof was in the pictures, right? That they had all that stuff. And he was so proud of himself. The guy's not a construction guy. - I mean, that's Wes. - He's so proud he made like a real, you know, an Instagram for it. - So here's the question I wanted to ask with this one. Before I ask Shannon what she's gonna do now that her husband's gonna be in jail, will you visit him, conjugal visit? What will you guys do? No, but I wanna ask this question, is there anyone listening that has ever turned in a neighbor, friend, or family member for something that they did that was quote unquote illegal? Have you ever turned them in? Like, I could see if maybe he's wanted for murder or she's wanted for, you know, some kind of a hit and run crime or something. Something like that, something big. But to turn in a neighbor that didn't pull a permit, that's not- - What do you get out of that for doing that? - You know what I think it is? I think they're jealous that their basement looks like, you know what? - Yeah. - Yeah. And that's the thing. I think it's like, you know, sometimes people get, like, you know what it is? You gotta be careful like if you're doing stuff outside of your house too, like if you landscape or you do anything around your outside of your house, you always got that. (imitates Joe Ann who lives at the end of the block, just planted, just planted Arbor Vites, you know, without a permit. Isn't that crazy? - Snitch bitches. - What do they, snitches get stitches? But could you ever cease picking up the phone and turning somebody in for something that is like a legit crime? You know what I mean? Or whatever. - Luckily I've never had murderers live near me. - But I'm on a lighter note, just to kick things off, I guess. When we moved into our new spot, the lady downstairs, Beverly, I'm talking about not even three days into it. I mean, you can't. She out. And not only, not three days into moving in, she already caught police in office and said, "We were loud." - Oh, that's right. 'Cause Joe Syo was running around. - Right, like we're not even three days in. Can we move in first? - Yeah. - Hey, damn, give us some time. - I see though, sometimes you're a horse feet running around here. - My horse feet? - That poop poop poop poop poop poop. - That was mean. - That was mean. (laughing) - I feel like that's a very common thing in apartment complexes. Like, Wes is living in an apartment right now. He has been for the past year as they like transition into my house and he's had to contact the office so many times because his neighbor, Doug, good old Doug, parks his damn RV right in their shared driveway space. And so Wes and his son can never get out. Like they're literally being blocked in by this dude's RV that isn't supposed to be there in the first place. So we've had like six or seven emails at this point of like, "Are we gonna do anything about Doug?" and the RV so that we can get out of the parking spaces. - 844-Mojo-Live, 844-665-6548, Texas 955-00. This is 3-1-3 says, "Can't talk, but my neighbor "is the one that would report everything. "I just spent the last two years redoing my backyard, "pulled permits for everything, even a gazebo. "And she had to city out multiple times "because she hated where I put my patio "with my gazebo. "I have a six-foot privacy fence to block her out. "She's a nightmare, had to call the cops on her "because she literally sprayed over the fence "a hose intentionally soaking all my stuff." - Daddy's evil. - That's one of those ones where is Judge Judy still on? Can we go, I wanna go to Judge Judy. I always love when you watch like those courtroom battles, shows like Judge Judy is like, done, done, done. - Almost going to Judge Judy. - You did? - Yeah, this girl broke my laptop screen. - Oh really? - And I reached out to Judge Judy and they-- - Stop it. - I swear to God, they hit us back. - No. - And she didn't wanna go on, so we didn't go on. - Oh my God. - So, why did she break your thing? - She was high and she like slapped the laptop or something like that and shattered my screen. I was sick. - Suzanne, what's happening, by the way, again, the topic is, have you ever turned somebody in 8-4-4-Mojo Live, 8-4-4-6-6-5-6-5-4-8? What's going on, Suzanne? - Hi, so actually, I'm not the one that has personally turned them in, but my parents are in like a neighbor war right now, because the new neighbor next door, before they even moved in, they started calling the dog warden on my parents' 13-year-old dog. And so, when they moved in, my dad went over and was like, "Hey, instead of calling the dog warden, "can you like come and tell me if my dog is doing something?" And the dog wasn't doing anything. And the guy threatened my dad with a weapon and was like, "Get off my lawn." And my dad was like, "Okay, that's fine." So they actually just started building a fence in our neighborhood. And the fence goes over a utility alley. So my dad went to the city and reported them that they were going over the alley and then had to go to city council meeting to keep the alley open, versus allowing them to put the fence over the alley and attach it to another fence in the neighborhood. So now-- - Wow. - Real quick, can I ask, what's a dog warden? - I've never heard of that either. - Really? - So I'm down, yeah, I'm down in Ohio, so I don't know if it's something a little different, but they work with the Humane Society and you have to like call in like dog offenses for them. So like-- - The dog warden. - Yeah, well, we're saying that the dog was aggressive and was leaving our property, but we have an electric fence, so the dog was going nowhere. - It's LC4 now, it's not the dog warden. I'm assuming you're listening on kiss. - Yes. - Okay, so yeah, it's LC4 now, which is Lucas County, canine care and control. - Care and control? - Yeah, because the dog warden got it. - You're a care man? - Yeah. - I thought it was caring. - That's right, that's right, that's right. - I'm like, that's a really good girl. I like care and control better. - So what happens if your dogs get lost here? - Because like-- - You call the county, the animal control. - Okay, 'cause you call LC4 and they'll like go get-- - They got weird names and things like that in Ohio. You guys are wacky-- - Well, it's because there's a really big scandal with our dog warden. - Oh, really? - So they've been branded. Yes, yeah. - Oh, rebranded. - No, they had to rebrand because of how bad it was. - What's going on, Dina? Hi. - Hi, I have a couple, I told you about the shed, but this one's a little bit better. - Hi, back into our garage last year and in the winter. And the garage is left open probably about two inches. The neighbors call and complain that there might be mice going in there and it'll be in an actual bunch of mice. And the police came out in the city and told us that we need to get our garage fixed ASAP. - Really? So the neighbors called on your garage being having, you know, issues because-- - They were calling because the garage was open. Not that I-- - Okay. - Oh. - Things and what. And we were in the process of getting in a new garage. And while we had to wait, there was a way down getting the garage, you know, it was going to take a couple weeks to order the door and all that. But the neighbors called because their worry was mice were going to get in. - It's interesting, that's like-- - And we have a cat, so-- - Those are neighbors that honestly have too much time on their hands if you notice that your neighbor's garage is up a little bit. Like, I gotta be honest with you. They have them calling me and coming to my house. - You're looking for stuff to complain about. - Yeah, my wife tells me things that I haven't done around the house in the longest time. I'd love to have these people come over to my house and do an inspection job on things. What's up, Helen? Hello. - Good morning, how's everybody? - Good, I'm still waiting for the person that turned a loved one into the law. Like, I want that, I want the big ones. Like, not just the-- - I did not have a loved one. - Okay. - You didn't turn a loved one in. I call the city and my neighbor. I'm an early riser, I get up every morning by 5.30. And my neighbors, god love them, had a rooster. And this thing started crawling every morning, even before 5.30. And I thought, I have to draw the line somewhere. If this one starts before, I get out of bed, that's just too much. - That's founded to me. - Well, I really-- - That would bother me. - But it's a-- - Every single day before 5.30 AM, that would kind of drive me now. - It was your neighbor, Tony Travado. - Yeah, you were-- - Whoa. - Yeah, but wait, it's okay. But is it, does it roost all the time or is it just when it sees the sunlight? (laughing) - Did it every single day? It was before sunrise, that was a thing. I've learned a lot about roosters. - But isn't that kind of like nice? You live out in the country, you have a rooster? - You would hate it. - But no, you know what? The opposite thing, I kind of liked it, but I kind of hated it at the same time. And I felt bad, I thought, oh my god, they don't kill it. And I actually had to call the city back because they came and they spoke to the people and they said, oh, god, we did, we didn't know. So I thought I don't give it a few weeks. Then I had to call back and say, it's still happening. And I felt like the biggest Karen-- - Wait, can they get rid of a rooster though? 'Cause it sounds to me like that's like just an animal that can be out there, no. - No, I live in Rochester, no. And in ordinance, they could not have it. And I just feel bad 'cause I'm sure it was a very sweet animal, but my other neighbors thanked me for doing it. - Are you like in a regular house or-- - Rochester, yeah, that's a normal neighborhood. - That's a farm animal. - You can't just be in a regular neighborhood rooster, bro. That's not okay. - I don't know. I think it had like a rooster, only rooster. It only makes noise though. It's sunrise, that's it. - Doesn't matter, that's not a normal pay. - Well, the sunrise is every day. - I know, but that would be like, I have neighbors that have loud alarm clocks. I can still hear their alarm going, really? Yeah, Kaitlyn, what's going on? - So my parents have a second house, sort of up north. And we actually have a neighbor on the lake and she's been nicknamed Tattletit for the-- (laughing) - Wait, say that again? - What? - Her nickname is Tattletit. - Tattletit, I didn't heard it. - Okay. All right. - She will call and report anybody for anything. And it's a small town, so most of the time they don't show up. So she takes it upon herself to go out on her kayak and she'll actually patrol the lake around the property line, like right where the water needs. And if there's anything going on, like anybody who's pulling weeds or like lily pads, she'll call it in and have the DNR come out. - Oh, it is. - Does this woman paddle really fast? - Dye. - No, not at all. - How does she keep up with everybody? - She's a guy, yeah. - Oh, she doesn't work. So she literally just patrols. She's out there all day. - Oh, I mean for quite a while, she's pretty canned, so. (laughing) - Oh, my God. - That is hilarious. - Em, we finally got one that turned in somebody for the law, the law had to go to the law, not just people looking for the story. - Oh, I cannot wait for this story. - What's going on, Em? Hi. - Okay, voice skies, the button push, yes. Go ahead, you're on voice skies. - Thank you. - So I was dating a guy back in high school. He was a really bad guy, but I couldn't see it at the time, but my mom really didn't like him. Somehow she found out he was selling drugs and called, turned him into a cop, and I was hanging out at his house one day. His house got raided and he went to jail. - And it was your mom that turned in your drug dealing boyfriend? - Yeah, it was my mom at the time. - I had no idea, but years later, he told me, and I actually in hindsight think it's amazing, but-- - That's 'cause she cared about her daughter so much she don't want her daughter. Are you on voice, this guy's her? 'Cause you're afraid the drug dealer might come after you, knowing that it was your mom that ratted her him out? - And I'm afraid my mom would be like, why would you tell the radio that? - That actually is an interesting one. If you're a parent of a girl who's dating a guy, that's bad news, if you knew he was doing illegal things, would you call the cops and turn them in? Man, yeah, or your son dating a girl. - If that was the case, I'd never have a girlfriend. I'd be in jail right now. That's a great, great story. Thank you for the call, I appreciate it. - Yep, thanks guys. - All right, see ya. - Welcome to FHS Living, where luxury meets lifestyle across Metro Detroit, from Corktown to Ann Arbor, West Bloomfield in Birmingham, each property offers the amenities and technology you desire, embodying our resident driven developments philosophy, explore what makes each location a unique place to call home, revolutionize your living with, featuring state-of-the-art technology for seamless renting and specialty services. Ready to evaluate your experience? Visit today., luxury lifestyle, home. - Hello, Jordan. Morning's dirty on the 30. - All right, Shannon, what do you got in this hour's dirty on the 30? - Well, as lots of questions surrounding President Biden's health are being discussed and Democrats are debating his future, Dr. Tom Pitts, who is a board certified neurologist, told NBC News in an interview last night that the president is absolutely displaying symptoms of Parkinson's disease. - He's loss of arm swing, standing up more dodically. You notice when he turns, it's kind of end block turning. It's not a quick turn. So that's one of the hallmarks of Parkinson's is rigidity and bradykinesia, slow movement. And he has that hallmarks, especially with the low voices that was a cold hypophonia, a small monotone voice like this over time, is a hallmark of Parkinsonism. - I could have diagnosed him from across the mall. - Now, he's never met President Biden, but like he said, he insists it's obvious. He could have diagnosed him, you know, just seeing him out in public. In related dirty, George Stephanopoulos, who just interviewed the president this week on Good Morning America, was asked by some random guy on the street in New York City about the president's health and listened to his response. - Hey, how you doing, what do you think? Do you think Biden should step down? You talked to him more than anybody else, I believe. - And he could be honest, you don't think he can serve for more years, all right, that's an answer. - He said, "I don't think he can serve for more years." And he realized, I think very quickly, he probably should not have said that. He made a statement to TMZ yesterday that reads earlier today, "I responded to a question from a passerby, I should not have." And ABC spokesperson also said, George expressed his own point of view and not the position of ABC News. I'm kind of surprised by the mainstream media and some of the media that is probably a little bit more left-leaning like CNN and MSNBC. They've all turned against President Biden, which makes you think to yourself, is this thing really that bad? And now they're finally coming around, 'cause for a while there, they would make fun of the right-leaning media and like Fox News and things for doing stories like this. But I wonder if this is their way of saying, okay, yeah, there is something bad and maybe they hadn't been talking about this or maybe they just want a new candidate. And this is their way of bringing in somebody new and trying to get put so much pressure on President Biden to step down. - Or is it just, they don't follow a person, they follow a party and they wanna do, like for those news medias, they just want what's best for the party? - Well, that's what I'm part of me wonders. I mean, that's one of the other. It's either he is that bad and he does, 'cause I mean to have, for NBC News, to have a doctor on that says, the president has Parkinson's. 'Cause you know what, listen, if the president has Parkinson's, that's a huge, huge story. That we have the, you know, the leader of our country, battling Parkinson's. - Isn't this doctor now going to be sued? - I don't know, it's his opinion. I think you can give opinions. - But if he loses this election, can't you say it's because doctors came out and said stuff about my medical history? - Look what they said about, I mean, they said that Trump, you know, was mentally deranged and stuff like that. So that same thing in it. - But if it was based on a medical condition and not just what they're saying, can't you sue for that? - I don't know. - Defamation care, like that's- - Yeah. - Listen, Nancy Pelosi says that she thinks Donald Trump has the same thing. She's, you know, she's come out and said that. - I haven't seen that in it. - I would rather have a doctor take a position of coming out and publicly saying that I won't diagnose someone until I review their medical history and have them in my cheer, as opposed to saying I could diagnose them across them all. But your credibility kind of goes out the window for me. - We do that with celebrity all the time. - It's not a celebrity. - But we see, well, this is more important than a celebrity. This is the president. The president has Parkinson's. I want to know that he's got Parkinson's. I want to know that more than nothing. - I don't want to hear my doctor saying- - Justin Timberlake's got an alcohol problem. - I don't want to hear my doctor saying I can see her from across the mall. - Yeah, I don't know. - I don't think you should go about it that way. - Ever since Justin Timberlake was arrested for a DWI after supposedly having, quote unquote, just one martini at the American Hotel in the Hamptons last month, tourists are flocking to this place to sip the same cocktail that got him into so much trouble that night and everybody's calling it something different. Some people will order it as the JT special or the Justin. Regulars are calling it the Justini. - I like the Justini. That's a good one. - That's good. By the way, at the American Hotel, every Wednesday is unlimited lobster night. - Oh! - Sign me up. - How much do you think unlimited lobster night cost in the Hamptons? Can you imagine how expensive that was there? - It would be poor after Wednesday night. - That's not like all you can eat crab legs at the lodge. - Wait, can we do that as a shock? - Yeah, can we do that as a shock? - Great. - And lastly, during an appearance on the Shut Up Evan podcast, Ariana Grande sharing that a deluxe version of Eternal Sunshine is coming, but probably not any time soon. - I have specific ideas and I'm gonna take my time to make them beautiful, perfect, and then, and then we'll see. I'll let it be a surprise, but I wouldn't say anytime super soon. I'm also trying to navigate the timing of the wicked of it all. - I was just about to say, actually it has everything to do with the release of the movie and when I can go on tour. - Yeah. Glint of voice there, by the way. Glint of voice. For all of today's dirty, catch up on the podcast on the iHeartRadio app or ♪ I gotta have it ♪ ♪ I want you to ♪ ♪ Hold it in the globe ♪ ♪ Go away ♪ ♪ I want the sun to go ♪ ♪ I should be away ♪ - Woo! - Get more dirt at ♪ We are now ♪ ♪ Mojo-in-the-morning's dirty ♪ ♪ I'm the 30 ♪ - All right, it's mojo-in-the-morning. Phone number, 844-mojo-live. Text is 95500. We are live, right? We are live on YouTube and Facebook. - You can watch us, so if you wanna see us, but be careful because of inclement weather is not a good reason for you to be watching us and driving, but you can go back and check it out later 'cause we'll save it all up there. Life 360 is something that my wife has on my kids. I don't know why she doesn't wanna put me on it though. - That's interesting, but she does follow my, she actually follows all three boys on Life 360. - Yeah, smart. I mean, I will totally do that when Lucy and Smith are old enough for me to do that, but I wanna hear this story about how Life 360 busted somebody that is close to you, okay? And this story is coming from, I was at my Lucy and Smith are both swimmers. They're doing the summer swim season, and so I was at one of the kids' swim meets recently, and one of my really good girlfriends was trying to keep up with her high school son who just started driving. So of course, she's like a bundle of nerves, as he's out on the road for the first time in the summer. And so my friends trying to figure out where he is, he was supposed to meet all of us at the swim club where we were watching the swimming, and he kept making excuses as to why he wasn't there yet, because she had given him a certain time to be there. Of course, he's late, and she finally pulled up Life 360 and realized that he was not only super far away, and she was supposed to be already there, but she could see him heading to his girlfriend's house, which is about 30 minutes east of where we were. - Oh boy. - And she called him out on it, and he made an excuse that his GPS told him to go that way. Like, I am not good with directions. This was so obvious to me that he was going all the way around to the east side to come back to where we were. I mean, it was total BS he had lied, he was busted, and he knew it, and he was trying to talk his way out of it. But I thought, had there not been Life 360, he would have been in the clear. - Yeah. - Right, there would have been no evidence that he was very clearly trying to sneak in a little visit to his girlfriend before coming to see mom. - Yeah, listen, I'm gonna tell you that if you are following your teenage kids, and you know, I think it's good to happen for your kids. When I see couples that do it or friendships that do it, I always, when friendships do the, you know, find my iPhone or whatever the heck it is that they're following. - Like Megan and I do. - Like, I think you gotta be careful with that too, because not always do you want your friends to know where you are. And then with both services, I think you can kind of turn yourself off, but it alerts everybody, right? That it's happening. - Does it alert? - If you turn it off, it does tell them. - It does, yeah. - Yeah, friends hold friends accountable. There was a couple years ago, we see a guy that my best friend did not like at all. And I told her that I stopped seeing him, and she was tracking my location. She's like, "Cafie, where you at? Go home, double right now!" So they know. - I'm well done in the morning. What's going on? How you doing, Sandy? - Hi, I am, there's a hack. I have two teenage daughters back for a hair robot. - Oh, a long time listener, I've called in before. - Oh, yeah. Wait, okay, hold on a second, I'm confused now. You're all over the place. You are a long time listener, who is our first time caller? - I second that caller actually. - Okay, all right. - Thank you. - Unfortunately, we have nothing from that, but let's hear your story. What's going on? - I have teenage girls, and I have 360 of the whole family's on it. Well, I just recently found out that there is a hack, and your kids can pause like 360 by putting their phone in airplane mode, and that'll say they're still where they're supposed to be. - And how did you find this out? What did your sons or daughters do to make you wear this? - Hi, my beautiful teenage daughters were having a conversation that I just accidentally overheard. - Oh, jeez. - Uh-oh. - Yeah. - And who is it that they don't want you to see that they're around? Is there some boy that you don't? - Oh, I'm sure it's, but no, I'm sure it's a party or something. - Oh, okay. Yeah. - I wonder if any parents have ever showed up at parties when their kids are at parties. What's up, Haley? Hi. - There's-- - Hi, long time listener for some call. - Hey, there we go. - Hey, assembly. - Hey! - So, I left my phone in my dorm room so I could send the night at my boyfriend's apartment in college, and my mom just went ahead and sent the police to my dorm room because she's so strict, so strict. But then, sent the police to my dorm room and my roommates were like, get back here right now. - Yeah. Yeah, I think my son's done that. I think that's happened a couple of times because he never spent any time in his dorm room throughout the school year. And then when you see him there for a long period of time, you're like, okay, there's no way that he's doing that. Or sometimes they'll put it on another device. They'll try to find another device to, if it's not life 360 or whatever, you know, if it's the find my iPhone. - Yeah. Oh my God, I was so scared after that. Never did it again. What did the campus police do when they found you? - They were kind of like just shrugging like, okay. - Yeah. - Yep, like this happened all the time. - We got you. Maddie, what's up? - Hey, but one time my daughter, I told her she couldn't go back outside. I was at work. And my little smart kid left her phone at home. So while I'm looking at her location, her phone is at home. Well, I had to send her dad's mother to my house because I'm like, why is she not answering the phone? This kid was gone around the corner in her other friend's house. - Oh, my God. - How old is she? - She was 12 at the time. When I tell you I left work and she got the ass. - Oh my God. (laughing) - When I tell you, I was lit. First of all, I had to leave work too. - Right, yeah. - You know, right, come on now. But yeah, these kids are getting smarter, but I'm happy my mom didn't have like 360. - Oh my God. - Or find my iPhone. - I'm related. What should be their ass wait? Here's the weapon of choice. - Oh, no, no, no. (laughing) - That's your business, Kevin. (laughing) - Did you guys see this texture won't go on the air with us, but I caught my husband cheating on life 360 because he mysteriously turned off his location. He kept making excuses why he couldn't get back on life 360 saying that there was something wrong with his app only to know that he was going over to a woman's house. - Wow. - Yeah. - What's up, how are you doing, Elise? - I'm good, how are you? - Good, what's going on? - Nothing. So I caught my son Ding Dong Ditching on life 360. - Ding Dong Ditching? - How did you know that's what he was doing? - So he asked us the night at my nephew's house, who is it, he's like in the same neighborhood and they were supposed to be sleeping, spending the night, you know? (coughing) So it was like one o'clock in the morning, my husband were up and I decided to check his location, which his location was still at my nephew's house, but my nephew who I also have on life 360 was not at home. He was at a condo complex near a park that we have. So I looked at my husband and I was like, what do you want to do here? So we decided to just show up where they were at. - How'd that go for ya? - Well, I see my nephew first, so we pulled out and I was like, where's landed and that's my son. And he was like, who are you talking about? (laughing) - Yeah, they tried to play it off. So he's like, let me go get him. And they were just staying at the park. And I said, what were you guys doing? Were you dinged on the chain? And they were like, no. So I asked my son, he said that he just left his phone at the house. And then when they got back the next day, my son was like, well, I didn't want to get caught and Avery brought his phone, so that's how we all phoned out. Wow, well, it'd be tough though if you show up while they're doing this ding-dong ditching. And the people think you're the ding-dong ditching. - Oh, but the door wanted it too. - Yeah, well, we have home too, like you can't be too careful anymore, not with everything that's-- - Nowadays, I mean, you know, some guy with a gun or something like that. - Yeah, that's true, snatch. - Amir, what's up? - I'm Iree, hello. - I'm Iree, apologize, what's going on? - What's going on? - When I was like 16, my mom had like the 60 for me, but I didn't like the fact that she was trying to check my location, so I used to tear my eyes off, but she used to leave hers on. So when I used to invite people over, when she wasn't home, I would watch her like 360 to see when she was pulling up. - Oh, so there's the reverse of being able to not get caught. You watch your parents on life 360. - Yes. - Why are you sounding bad, too, 'cause you're like a bad kid? - We used to have in our neighborhood, we used to have in our neighborhood if we would have people over at the house, we had the lookout people, 'cause we knew my dad, there was only one way to get to my neighborhood, and so we had the neighbor down the street, the sister watching out for when my dad was driving his car home, and so we would get the calls, you know, your dad's on his way, type of thing. And you had about a block or so to get everybody out the back door. - Wow. - Yeah. - See, we have a rain doorbell, but I used to like stand right in front of it so that they can go in the house and then stand right in front of it so they can go out without her still standing on the camera. - Wait, but your parents never thought, why'd you go outside and just stand in front of the camera? - Yeah. - Yeah, 'cause it was right at the front door, so you said like, I was just looking out the door or something, but sometimes people going in and out. - This might be the best of them all. - Dustin, Dustin, who did you catch on Life 360 doing what they shouldn't have been doing? - Well, I caught my dad on my three-six, you go into the Asian massage parlor. - No way. - Okay. - And he was like, oh, I gotta go visit my buddy about Creek out there, all right. And next thing you know, I look on there, he is not at his buddy's house. - Wow. - Did you tell him you knew where he actually was? - Oh yeah, I told him, as soon as he got home, I told him I was a dad, so once I'm where he were and he's like, what do you mean? And I was like, I know you're dirty, little peakers, you're old man. (laughing) - What was the name of his favorite masseuse at the massage parlor? - Oh, I couldn't even tell he'd be honest but he told me about, yeah, 'cause I got the true dog. He was like, well, we're just about one time but then after that, he told me he went two other ones. - Oh my dirty dad. - Dirty dad. - Oh yeah, he's got a punch guard. - It's Mojo in the morning show. Megan thought that she was getting fired. Don't you feel like you're always getting fired? - No, 'cause I've never overreacted to anything in my hair. (laughing) And this was definitely not a case of overreaction if my therapist is listening 'cause this is something we've been working on for quite a while. But yesterday I was here in the office and it was like around two o'clock so there weren't many people around and all of a sudden all of my computers stopped working. Had to reboot them and then they wouldn't let me log in. And the first computer were like, oh, it's this building. - Yeah. - Everything's broken. - I'm sure I should just go to another studio instead of trying to fix this and I went into another studio and I couldn't log in. That's kind of weird, but again, it's this building. So, all right, I'll try another studio. I go into a third studio, can't log in. And I'm like, okay, now things feel suspicious. So I have a laptop here in our studio that I wasn't working in. That is a work laptop. I try to log into that, not working. I look around and I realize, oh my God, they turned off my access to everything. I've been fired and they forgot to tell me. (laughing) - You were so fucking fired. - 40 minutes trying to get into a workspace to work while avoiding the footsteps of heels that was our boss Colleen, or every time I heard Tony talking in the hallway, I would just door into a room and just try, like, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't. Like me running through the building, trying not to be spotted so that I didn't get fired. - Wait, so you thought you were getting fired? So you started hiding from them, thinking that if you were getting fired, if they couldn't find you, they couldn't fire you. - Correct, that's why would you prolong your work? If they fired you, why would you continue working? - You say prolonged work. I say prolonged paycheck. That's what if they stopped your equipment? - 40 minutes, like your paycheck. Hey, a win is a win, okay. - By the way, you, I feel like I'm being fired all the time. I just, Mojo knows this. I have this, like, nervous, very anxious energy about it, but that's really how I realized I was being fired from my first radio job was I couldn't log into my email. Yes, yeah. - And somebody I know who works in this industry, when you couldn't unlock the door with your keycard, so they would turn it off the night before, and for like, they shouldn't have, and you couldn't get into the building in the morning, and you're like, oh, I'm gonna get laid off today. - Has anyone, is there anyone listening who, this would be fun to hear this call, knew they were getting fired, but hid from their boss long enough that they couldn't fire you, or they couldn't get a hold of you? Has anybody ever had that happen? 'Cause that, that actually-- - Oh, that's a great story. - Just to hear you say what you just did, that would be the funniest if that actually legitimately happened to somebody where they hid long enough that they could not get fired. - Or how did you know you were getting fired before you actually heard it face to face from your boss? - Yeah, so what was the story? Why did you have issues yesterday thinking you were getting fired? - So eventually I had like deadlines coming up, and I really needed help figuring it out, and I was like, well, I should go figure it out. And I started sneaking through, you know, in that one sales area, it should be almost back up to the wall, but you can squeeze through to get to engineering. I crawled through that thing. - Oh my god, thank you. - I'd go to an engineer 'cause I was like, he'll tell me. And you apparently nationwide outed it is yesterday for I heard one of our systems. And it was like everybody, not just me, but nobody told me. - Was that that VPN thing that I saw? - Yeah, I thought you were. - So because of a hurricane affecting Houston, it was, there was issues, I guess, with our staff. 844-Mojo live, 844-665-6548, Texas 955-00. What's going on, Selena, hi. - Hi, I just could really relate to that because I actually went to log into like my computer stuff a couple of months ago, and I couldn't get into anything. So I started calling like our help desk and everything, and they didn't like, couldn't figure it out. And then all of a sudden, they tell me, I was fired by mistake. - What? - I win. - Yes. - They fired you by mistake. - Yeah, one of the upper, one of like higher up, they were putting in a termination for somebody else and accidentally clicked my name. - Oh my god. - Nice. - Wow. - How do you do that? - That's actually interesting because we talked not that long ago about how Shannon got somebody's raise accidentally. - Oh, do you know I have to write a personal check back to iHeart to return all that money. - It's crazy to think that big companies like this and then yours, what kind of work are you in? You're like a loyal business. - Oh wow, so yes, these big companies. Wow, that's crazy. Mojo in the morning, what's going on? We will voice disguise initial L, we'll call you. What's up? - Oh, I was calling because I'm a registered nurse. I worked from home though and it was my day off and a group that called in on our day off to go home and log in to all get fired. (gasps) There's literally the most traumatic thing ever. - At least they're home. - Wait, they called you to say log in to get fired? I'm sorry. - Yeah, so we were off that day, but we were from home. So they like called ourselves out. - They wanted you to log in for a Zoom firing or something? (laughs) - Exactly. - That's like stupid. - That's so crappy. - Why do you need to do it over the phone and say, "Hey, I'm sorry." They wanted to be face to see your face when they were firing you. - I've been fired. - Yeah, it was awful. And the worst thing too is we all got our jobs back like a week later. - Oh my God. - No, I'm gonna go back. - What's happening? Jennifer. - Come to my name, everybody. - Good morning. - What's going on? - So I always have like the constant fear that I'm gonna be fired. And last Friday, I had a doctor's appointment. So I smacked out early and I didn't tell my boss. - Wait a second, hold on a second. Hold on a second. I gotta dump that for one second. - So for those that miss the story, yeah, you can't say spitting bricks. - Oh yeah, you said the actual word. Yeah, you said the word. If you would have said spitting bricks, that would have been better than shh bricks, okay? So again, you're at home. - Yeah, I just left the doctor's appointment. I got an email from my boss saying that he wanted to meet with me on Monday and I thought it was in regards to me leaving early. But it wasn't, thankfully, it was about like some other stuff that we had going on in the office. But the whole weekend, I was so sick. - Yeah, I had to dump, or not dump it, but pull it down 'cause I thought she was gonna say it again. It's interesting. I don't think they fire on Mondays. I don't think businesses ever fire on Mondays. - Really they do. - I don't know. I think they don't always do it on a Friday or on a-- - They fire on birthdays, they fire on holidays. - I was fired on a Monday morning. - Really? - They fired on a Monday morning. - Why have you come in on a Monday? That just seems super-- - So we didn't. They sent us on a cruise with listeners, so we were gone for a week, got home on Sunday night, and that's when I tried to log into my email and was like, "Hmm, I can't log into my email." And then in the morning, we got the news saying, "Come in," but it wasn't good, basically. - You gotta love those. They sent you on a cruise. - Right, yeah. - That's kind of nice. - Honestly. - You're going to send off. - What's up, Keith? - Hey. - How you doing today? Real fast on the Monday thing. Yeah, they do fire on Monday. They bring you back to pick up your last check. - Oh, okay, all right. What's going on? - I worked for the city of Slovenia a while ago, parks and forestry. I was actually-- - This time. - And I had a, yeah, thanks. I had a-- (laughing) - Pina for court, and I explained to them that I was there. What the court proceeding took an extra day. I did call in, explained it to them. They fired me, the actual city did. Well, I contacted the supervisor there, so you can't fire somebody when they got a subpoena. He says, "You're right, go ahead and come on back "tomorrow morning." (laughing) And he says, "Guess what? "You're fired." (laughing) - We didn't correct it. Wow. - Oh, wow. - But he said, "He good, fed first." He said, "Yeah, you're right. "Come on back in. "Now I'm going to fire you again." That's like, insult to injury. - Damn. (laughing) - Alexis. - That's so vain for you. - What's up? - That's right, Kev. - Hey! (laughing) - What's going on? - I can't come real quick. - I can't hear you. - I had to fire you a sales service. - What's up? No, next call. Nick, what's going on? - Oh my gosh, so I worked in HR and Megan, let me tell you, last week I had to go to Chicago and I was chasing down a manager to find them and one of the stores to fire them. (laughing) - Oh my gosh, that was me, like running around and just popping into any dark room to try to hide. - So Megan's story's legit. Like, do people will hide from you? - People will hide from me. I'm like, "Hey, I need to meet with you." "Oh, I'm at this store." I'm like, "Okay, well, now I'm at this store." "Oh, I had to go to the other store." I'm like, "Okay, can you just stay put?" "Well, I got a lot of things to do to them." I'm like, "Yeah, you got nothing to do. "You're going to be fired." - That's, yeah, we will always find you. (laughing) We will find you. - You can run, but you cannot hide. - We have your address on file. - Has that ever happened? Has anybody ever had them come to your house to fire you? That would be interesting. Reed, what's up? - What's up, guys? - Hi. - So I actually worked for a company chain that ended up selling and we were told we were all going to keep our job. So I had a friend that worked at a different location who got fired. He calls me, told me that he just got separate after we were told we weren't. He was really upset, so I took my lunch break and I went to go meet up with him. I get a call from my boss after where I'm at. He's like, "Hey, I came to your store to see you. "Where are you?" I was like, "Oh, crap, I'm next." So I told him I went to lunch, called him about 30 minutes later, told him I wasn't feeling good. He was all three weeks of my sick time. Didn't come to me. - Yeah! - That's good for you. - That's good for you. - Came back three weeks later. He goes, "How'd you know?" I was like, "I just knew." He goes, "Yeah, sorry, we're gonna have to sever them to you." So I ended up getting all my personal time and vacation time and stay home for eight months by they paid me 80% F. - Oh my gosh, that is amazing. - That is amazing. Jeez. T, what's up, last call here. What's going on, T? - I was, I had a job once and I was being promoted. I was promised a promotion. They told me what my pay was gonna be, what my off days would be, all my roles and responsibilities. And then like a week after, my boss was like, "Hey, jump on a conference call "so we can discuss the next steps of this promotion." And when I got on the call, I was terminated. - Wow, what, you were promised all this stuff, but then you're terminated, why would they do that? - He never gave me a reason. And then when he terminated me, he told me he would give me a severance pay and I never got it. - That's crazy. So, knowing him for a year and I still haven't gotten it. - That's great. So you were promised, "Hey, you're gonna get a promotion, "thinking that you're gonna get all this stuff." They fire you. - Yep. - See, man. - A complete surprise. - I'd hate to play poker with those guys. (laughs) I'd be like, "Man, talk about a poker face, "being able to like hold that back for you "for the longest time. "Do you have a job now or are you--?" - Yeah. - Okay, good. - Even better one actually. - Good, see that's-- - Congratulations. - Well, thank you for the call. Take care of yourself. Mojo on the morning show. Cav, you went to go have some lunch or whatever with your grandma? What were we eating? - What were we eating? - Lunch. - What was it? - Your grandma. - You're eating with grandma? - No, grandma came over 'cause she misses John and my grandma's 93 so new baby is like life extension for her. And she came over and Joe's at the house too. So Joe is at the table eating and there are a lot of rules in certain households. I don't know how you guys grew up if like whoever was like the parent figure had a rule that you had to abide by. And the first rule was that just I had to sit down at the table and eat because I let Joe go to his room and take his pizza rolls or every case may be, but when grandma's over, he has to sit down at the breakfast nook or the breakfast table and eat his food. That was a rule she had. Not only did she make him sit down and eat his food, she has a rule that you have to chew either you have to complete the entire alphabet in your head as you're chewing. You have to go A, B, C, D, E. - Can each bite? - Like if I bite something, yeah, I got to go through the course of the alphabet or get this, I have to chew it until it turns into applesauce. And at that point, your body-- - I know. - This is my grandma. This is my grandma's rule. This is the other rule. Then the last rule is, and this was the rule that killed me because when she said it to him, it brought me back to myself at his age, sitting at her table. She says that in order for you to take a sip of your juice or your water, you have to fully complete whatever the meal is in front of you. You cannot take a sip until you complete your food. - You can't drink the drink until you eat the food. - Thanks. - And can I tell you my problem with this? - It sounds like she's afraid of people choking. I don't know if she experienced that with the child, but all of the first two were choking. What I don't understand is, if you're choking, and something's caught, you might need to drink water. Could you imagine being like, I don't want you to choke, but if you are choking, don't do anything. - Don't do anything. Saliva. - Where's your grandma? You have to clean your entire plate type of person. - I did that regardless. - My family. - My dad was that you couldn't get up from the table unless you ate every single thing on your plate. So my sister, Emily, and I used to hide the leftover things in our napkins. - Oh, no. - Oh, my God. Oh my God. - So we could get up. - I think that cleaning the plate thing is a reason why my whole family's fat. - I was about to say, my family, when you clean the plate, they looked at you and went, "Really?" (all laughing) - I'm intrigued by the fact that your grandma has these different rules, but she still does them in your house. - Oh, yeah. - 'Cause she came over to your place, and your grandma still, she gets to do the rules that you, boy, you must be afraid of your grandma. - I mean, you can't tell grandma, no. Like, what I'm gonna say to my grandma? - Does Josiah ever look and go dead? - What the hell? - Are you looking at me all the time just to check in, and be like, do I have to do this? - So like, I'll put my hand in the air. - Like, I'm afraid of her. - I'm mean, but you, bro! - I think. - That's it, J. - That's it, J. - That's it, J. (upbeat music) - H-I-J-K-L-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M. - What am I doing? - To like, applesauce, though. That was the worst of my life. - That's funny, like, the different rules, like, you know, grandma, it's grandma. Do we have a, do you always call her grandma, or do you have any kind of names for- - Well, now I call her grandma, mother. (laughing) - I call her grandma, mother, I just want to think. - Why are you speaking, like, Italian or something? - I don't know where it came from, it's grandma, mother. Every time I call her, I just want to call her. (laughing) - Eight for four mojo live, eight for four, six, six, five, six, five, four, eight, taxes, nine, five, five, zero, zero. Will we ever have a chance where we have to eat in front of your grandma? 'Cause I'd be afraid to have your grandma see me eat. - She'll watch you, too. - Will she? - She'll sit there and watch. - No, that's creepy. - Will she comment on strangers? Like, did she do this with, like, chorale, too? Like, if chorale's sitting there eating? - It's only, I feel like people that she has, like, blur relation to. She used to be, like, a warden in a prison. Like, it was almost like she would stand behind you. - Yeah. - Like, why'd you eat? Like, Miss Trunchball or something? (laughing) - What's up, Zach? I- - Respectfully, Kev. Respectfully, dude. As respectful as I can be, your grandma is terrific. (laughing) Zach, I agree. - I agree. (laughing) - Next up, don't turn the apples on, man. - Look, man, she said you can chew it and you're not to swallow anything until it turns to apples on. That is when the food is ready to be digested. - Did she expect you not to use that, like, any throat muscles? - Never turn to apples on, it's not a good thing. - Yeah, that's great. Well, where's your question, Megan? What'd you say? - I think it was a bad joke, but, like, when it's flying down. - I'm sorry, I'm sorry. - What's up, Michelle? - How you know? - It's been a long time. - Hey, Michelle, let's go! - What's going on? - My grandpa used to say two 32 times so that your body can actually digest the food. 'Cause when you swallow big chunks, it's harder for your body to digest. - Let's see. - Oh, man. - Logic, 33 times, though. Could you- - I don't know, I don't know. - No, if you did that, it did turn into, like, nothing. - Could you be on the phone with Kev's grandma, and tell her that. Yeah. What's up, Mike? - Hey, I just wanna let you guys in a little thing. So when I was a kid, we'd all have dinner at the table, like with mom and dad, right? And if we didn't finish our food, my mother would put a timer on the table, and she'd put it for, like, five minutes, and if we didn't finish our food, we were grounded. - Oh, my God. Talk about putting the fear of God into it. She's, you had a timer to eat. Like, I- - Yeah, if we didn't finish, if we didn't finish- - If you didn't finish. - We didn't, right. If we didn't like our green beans or whatever it was. - Oh, wow. - Like, our family had a core timer. If we didn't sweep fast enough, we got it. Yeah, we were afraid of that timer. - Really? - I understand you. We were also afraid of the spoon and the paddle, so I get ya. - This man. - I'm like, hey, he's not joking around. - Was it the same spoon that your mom would use to cook things with? - Yeah, it still had the green bean casserole on it when it started- - Wait, she would slap your ass with Campbell's cream of mushroom soup on the thing. - That's amazing. - You better pray that it wasn't hot either. - Hillary, what's up? - Hey, Kev Graham, I need to talk to my husband. He has a swallowing problem, and he eats the biggest chunks of food and they get lodged in his throat all the time. - Oh, geez. - So we need to have Graham call up your husband just to tell him he needs to chew a little better. - Yeah, I work with a few doctors and they've called him before too. Like, hey, dude, you need to go get your throat stretched. Stop eating chunks of steak the size of your head. - The throat stretched. - You know what would be funny? The picture of that would be great. Josiah and Hillary's husband sitting next to each other at the kitchen nook. - Two and 32 times, so it's like- - Graham us lapping him over the head with KP's mom, so it's a spoon. - It's a roast. - Man, all right. - It's the second date update. - A mojo in the morning. - So Dino is getting ghosted. Not getting a call back after he went on a date. Dino, what's going on? How you doing? - How are you doing? - Hello, sorry. Yes, she's not answering her phone. I don't know why. - Well, we got her. We actually got her, so I'm gonna pick her up and we're gonna get her right now 'cause she actually was ghosting you, ghosting us for a little bit. We're gonna find out what's going on. Lisa is on the phone with us. Lisa, are you there? - I'm here. - How are you doing, Lisa? Are you okay with being on with us? - Yes, sure. - All right, Lisa, say hi to Dino. - Oh, no, hi. - Wait, what is that? What is the, what is the, oh, no. - How are Lisa? - Oh my God. - So, so Dino submitted to us that you guys went on a date with each other and you're not calling them back, which by the way, text date to 95500 if you would like to be on second date update with us here on the Mojo in the Morning Show. How was the date and what did you guys do, Lisa? - Date, he took me to a full body nude couple massage on our first date in the middle of nowhere. - Wait, oh, get straight to it. - The very first time you guys have ever met each other, you did a couple's massage? - Exactly. - Man, Dino is a, you're the man, Dino. That's pretty crazy. Is that a bad? - Like, what the hell? - Is that a, so, is that a bad date? (laughing) Dino? - Yes, sir. (laughing) - What were you thinking that she just needed a little relaxation and that's why you were taking her on a full body nude couple's massage? - Yes, sir. I thought it would make her go like nice and relaxed. (laughing) - Did it, did it have to be a couple's massage? Like, that's just really weird. - I don't even get to know each other that way, you know? - Did it have to be nude? - Little nude in front of me and everything. Hang a line, ding a line. (laughing) Dino, Dino. - It's tricky, but holy. This is, this is, this is far far beyond trash. - Lisa, did Dino talk ahead of time? Like, hey, this is what I'm planning or was it a complete surprise to you? - Honey, no. Surprise. - It's a complete surprise. So, Dino, you didn't think that that would make her feel a little awkward going into a massage? Was it like what a massage parlor or a place or a massage place? - Sir, it was reputable. I looked it up on the internet, and the internet said it had a good review and have like seven reviews and-- - No, no, no. - No, no, no. - He got me to a strip mall, guys. - A strip mall is a massage? Hey, listen. - Hey, there are some-- - Okay. - So, there are some real good ones. - Yeah, but, but when I'm, but the reason why I asked this question is, don't you think that you should forewarn your date, Dino, that, hey, I'm thinking about doing this instead of just throwing that surprise on them? - All right. - The answer is yes. - I didn't want to ruin the surprise. - What a surprise it is. - Wait, wait, wait. There are, there are so many different things here. It, that can be very, very uncomfortable, obviously. I wouldn't want to be naked in front of somebody after I'm meeting them for the first time. And also, when it's a first date, I think most women would say we, you know, get dressed and do our hair and our makeup so that we're looking our best. And then you're telling me I'm going to be faced down on a massage table and I'm going to have oil over me. I'm going to be kind of upset. - Bossy is dinglingling. - And just he's dinglinglingling. - Whatever you said. It's going to be weird. - Dino, is this the first time that you've taken a woman to one of these things? - Yeah, sure. I don't have a lot of, I haven't been in a lot of dates. - Yeah. - Listen. - And so, I thought it was a good idea. - Yeah, you sound very sweet. You don't sound like you had bad intentions. - Fighters. - What, what, what? - Or spiders. - Biders. - And they had spiders. - Spiders. - Like a little, one of eight little cooler with old water bottles in there. - Yeah. - This is the place you took me to. - So it wasn't like a really nice. - Okay, so let me ask you this, Lisa. If it was like a fancy place, would you think differently? Do you just have a bad taste in your mouth because it was a strip-mom massage parlor? - I mean, there's a lot to this going on. I'll tell you that. First he brings me into this nasty, dirty place. He strips in front of me and just looks at me like, "Hey, here I am." So I'd rather be face down. (laughing) - Shay, what's going on, Shay? It's Mojo in the morning, second date of date. - Hi, good morning, everyone. - And what's happening? - Hi, my comment was that I felt like Dino has been listening to too many of those alpha male strategy podcasts. - Yes, right. - He's automatically thinking like he's just like this. He was fried and he doesn't have to do too much, but he's just gonna impress this woman. And it's like, his confidence is way too high right now. He doesn't have to put in too much effort. So this is like- - Well, yeah, I don't know if not putting too much effort was definitely made. He made the appointment, but it was the wrong effort. Unfortunately, it wasn't a comfortable thing. What would you do if a guy took you on a date to go get a massage on the first date? - Oh my God, in the middle of nowhere, I would have to get a Uber like up the front. I'm just, I'm done. - Yeah, 844-Mojo Live, 844-665-6548 is a massage on the first date, a bad date. - If he just let me do the massage and left, that would be fantastic. - That actually is an interesting one. - But on the date though, we gotta enjoy it together. - Actually, at first date, you're trying to get to know somebody. - Exactly. - I'm saying I just need some time alone. - Look, I love a good massage, I agree with you, but. - Yeah, you're, even like I always think a movie for that reason is a bad first date because there's no time for you guys to actually talk. - You gotta go get dinner afterwards though, and you can talk about the movie. - Hey, Mojo on the Morning High, is this a bad first date? - Oh. - Sorry, gotta look out. - Massages. (laughing) - Massages in the general are already, already give me anxiety and are uncomfortable. And I don't know about you guys if you've ever gone to get a massage. It's like, do you talk to the person? The person giving you the massage. Do you talk to them? Do you not talk? Are you rude if you don't talk? Do you get naked? Do you leave your inner room? - I tried to talk. - Like there are so many things that already make me nervous. Now add to the fact that it's a first date of some dude I've never even met before. - You gotta take a look at me on there too. - I tried to talk in a couple's massage with Chelsea and she said, this is not romantic or relaxing to have you just sitting there and talking to me. That was I think the last couple's massage we ever did. What's up, Kenzie, hi. - Hi, the guys. I'm a first-time caller, long-time listener. - Hey, Kenzie's on the phone. - What do you think? Good date or bad date? - I do not think this is a good date personally. I would be so uncomfortable if some guy that I had never met before took me to a place and just wanted to get naked and massage me. That might be just me, but I would much rather go on a fancy dinner or to the movies. - Or even Applebee's. - The fact that she didn't know, it's like not consensual almost, so I don't know. - Yeah, I don't think it's a good idea for the first date. What's going on, 844-Mojo Live, 844-665-6548 is our telephone number, 844-Mojo Live. Hi, good date, bad date. First date? - Yes, what's happening, who's this? - Hey, this is Mark, what's going on, buddy? - Hi, Mark, what are your thoughts? - I thought, sorry, nobody didn't ask the question. Did she go through with it? - Whoa, that's a good one, hold on, hold on. Lisa, we need to be better journalist. What did you do? - I left. - You didn't go through with it? - No, it was creepy, creepy, scared me, dude. - Now, Mojo, if the roles were reversed, us men would love for a woman to take us on a massage first date. - True, agree. - Yeah, that would actually be interesting. If a woman would just say, "Hey, this is our first date, "we're going on a massage," or, "I'm even gonna do the massage," would be wild. That's like, that would be a guy's dream. - Hell yeah, thank you. - What's going on, well, hi, it's Mojo in the morning. - How's it going? - Good, buddy, what do you think? - Hey, first time, long time. - Yeah, buddy's on the phone. - Let's go, memories, and all the cheery mornings that we get to talk about. And I know the weather, thanks to you, but always my advice is, us guys aren't the smartest. It may look good on paper, but run it by a girl in your life, or a mom, a sister, grandmother. If they say no, or you wouldn't want to do it with them, it's probably gonna be creepy to somebody else, because us guys gotta be careful and gentle these days. - Yeah, that's good advice, really good advice, Will. What's up, Mary, hi. - Hi, I actually wanted to say, from a girl perspective, I kinda like it, like, I feel like it's unique for a date. - What do you think there, Dino? You might have a girl here that might want to go on a date with you. Mary, say hi to Dino. - Hi. Hi, ma'am, how are you? - I'm good. - Mary, are you single? - Yeah, kind of. - How old are you, how old are you, Mary? - I'm 25. - Oh, I think Dino might be too old. How old are you, Dino? - Why don't you know that? - I'm 43. (laughing) - Let him give his blue bell a check. - Yeah. All right, take care of yourself. Bye, Mary. What's up, Stephanie? - Hey, I'm a massage therapist, and I want to clear up something. - Yes, yeah. - But when you come from a massage, we do relieve all that anxiety. We tell you what you feel comfortable with and what you want to do. Most people come to us to just relax and enjoy themselves. So, you know, we want to stress them out, and when they start talking on my table about all the things that stretch them out, I'm like, why don't you come to me, through the stress, and it's gonna be quiet. So, you want to be-- - I'm going to be kind of different. - And put him down to sleep. - Oh, okay, okay, we're taught. You're actually referring to, should you talk during a massage then? - I do not, my preference is to really let you relax and enjoy yourself, and so I will give her a massage anytime she wants one, but meanwhile, if someone took me on a first date for a massage, I personally would love it, but at the same time, it wouldn't probably be much after that. But, you know-- - Yeah, you're tired afterwards. Say hi to Dino, Dino single, and you sound like you might be a little bit more his age. - Oh, you know what, here's the bottom line. If it comes down to him putting his hands on me physically for the first date, no, that ain't happening. - But a masseuse you're okay with. - But as a masseuse, going to a masseuse to massage? Wow, that's awesome. - Dino, say hi to massage therapist, Stephanie. - Yeah. - Hello, man. - Oh, he's so sweet of you. Come on. - Wait, Dino, Dino, you've been married before, haven't you? Or have it? - Yes, ma'am. - Okay, we got a text from your ex-wife, did you see that text? - No, will. - What did she say? - I'm not joking, you have to scroll down a little bit, but it said something to the effect of, I think he's, is it right there? - Dino's what? - What do we got here? - She said you are the sweetest guy in the world. - Rick, come on, did she really? - No, I'm not joking. - Did she really? - Yes, two for eight. There's a small chance this second date update is my ex-husband, and if it is, he's literally one of the sweetest men in the world. - Oh, isn't that sweet? - I just feel bad. - But I still won't marry him. (laughing) - This is the home of the journey on the 30th. Rollback's road down, second date update, and more of the roses. This is Mojo in the morning. - Welcome to FHS Living, where luxury meets lifestyle across Metro Detroit, from Corktown to Ann Arbor, West Bloomfield in Birmingham. Each property offers the amenities and technology you desire. Embodying our resident-driven developments philosophy. Explore what makes each location a unique place to call home. Revolutionize your living with, featuring state-of-the-art technology for seamless renting and specialty services. Ready to evaluate your experience? Visit today. Luxury Lifestyle, home. - Hi, Mojo in the morning's dirty on the 30th. - I think Megan enjoys answering the phones. - Yeah, for sure. - She gets to wear that operators thing that's the headset there. - I want her for this first story, though, because we were talking about it before the show. - How are you? - I want to do calls. I like doing calls. - You enjoyed doing the calls? - She would have helped me talk about just heroes. - By the way, no offense. I think you're great on him. You might talk to them a little too long, though. Like, I think you got to get to it. - Okay, sure. - Yeah. - Like, I didn't keep consistent people on the phone the whole time. - No, no, no, that was good. That was all right. - No, it's great. It's great. You didn't pick up the call about the guy with the happy ending, though. - No, I probably. - It reminded me of when intern Billy would answer calls and he would be talking to him non-stop and I'd be like, Billy, you got to put him on hold. - Seriously, I miss him. - Don't worry. - You're listening. - I'm sure somebody will text in and be like, she hung up on me. She rushed me. - All right, Gypsy Rose Blanchard's gonna be a mom. The Life After Lock Up Star, who after years of being subjected to very painful abuse. I mean, it was Munchausen's by proxy. Thank you. I'm having a terrible time talking today, but she played a role in the 2015 killing of her mom, Dee Dee. But now she is expecting her first baby with her boyfriend, Ken Urker. - We're both very excited. This was not planned at all. It was completely unexpected. But we're both very excited to take on this new journey of parenthood. - Said she's about 11 weeks along. And if you've been following her story, this is the guy that she was engaged to prior to her release from prison last year. They were like prison pen pals. They broke up. She ended up getting married to a different guy. And then they rekindled their romance. I think in May is her story. - Right. - But a lot of people are saying, maybe it was earlier than that. - Yeah, and then she's further along in this pregnancy than she's letting on. - Which would be very interesting because where she lives, when she, you can't get divorced when you're pregnant in the state that she lives in. - So-- - Wait, wait, wait, what? - Yeah, there are states in today's day and age. Love, we love to see it. - She says facetiously aware, if you are admitting that you're pregnant, you cannot legally get divorced. And here's the other creepy part, is her current husband now automatically will be put as the father on the birth certificate, no matter if he's the father or not, because they're legally married. - Isn't that insane? - So now they have to do DNA tests to get his name taken off. And then other DNA tests have the new baby daddy putting on the birth certificate. It's a huge mess. She never should have admitted this before the divorce was finalized. - Former President Donald Trump challenging President Biden to take part in a debate this week, along with a golf match. This was during yesterday's rally in Florida. - I'm also officially challenging pretty Joe to 18-hole golf match right here. (crowd cheering) I will give him 10 slopes aside and if he wins, I will give the charity of his choice. - Any charity that he was one million dollars. (crowd cheering) - Pete Davidson is finding himself a single guy again. He and actress Madeline Klein have broken up after less than a year of dating. They were first reported to be an item back in September. They were really super low key about their relationship. So the question always is when Pete Davidson is single, who's next? Who's gonna be dating? - I should take some time off. - Yeah. - You know? - He took a little time for himself. - Wow. (laughing) - Yeah, I don't know. - If they line him up. - If they line him up. - He needs to rest. How about this? How about Lisa from the second date update that we did? Just head on with us. - And lastly, Morgan Wallen making country music history during his July 4th show at BSD High Park in London. He performed in front of a sold out crowd of 50,000 people making it the largest country concert ever. World in the United Kingdom. So he now holds that title. - They like country music in the United Kingdom. - Honestly, it kind of came as a surprise to me as well. - It's interesting. I always thought that they, you know, do they wear cowboy hats and stuff like that there? Or what do they do? - I probably do. - I can't tell that they wear cowboy hats everywhere. - Really? - Yeah, it kind of like any United States concerts. People like to put on costumes to go out. - Yeah, okay. - Don't say cost through. - I said what I said. I said what I said. I see you hobbling and you bring new cowboy boots that you bought just for this concert. It's the best costume. And I, and I see that wholeheartedly with love when I dress up like I'm from the '70s when I go see Harry Styles. - I love that. - It's nice. It's nice. - For all of today's dirty, take out the podcast on the free, I heart radio app for Mojito - Guys, you guys with your sports jersey. - Not a costume. - That's just out of the dirty on the 30. It's not our podcast now at - Hey, the more mojo podcast, as you just heard, is happening on August the 16th. It is a Friday night. We have never done this before. We've never gone out to do our podcast live. We usually, you know, record it in the studio and then pop it up on our iHeartRadio app or Spotify, Apple, you know, podcast, stuff like that. Well, this time you get to actually be part of it and it's a fundraiser for breaking and entering Christmas wish. Not one penny of this is going into any of our pockets or the radio station's pockets. I hate, by the way, I'm gonna just say this. I've seen a couple of fundraisers recently where they say a portion of the proceeds are gonna go to benefit, you know, and it's some place. Portion of the proceeds is key words for not much of the money is gonna go to the whoever the fundraising people are. This is the money that you pay the $25 admission fee to go and be with us in that super emacs theater over in Canton on August 16th. Or if you are a hardcore fan and are willing to dish out the $500 fee, which is for the VIP experience that you'll get, that goes 100% to breaking and entering Christmas wish, which the wishes you hear granted on our show. You'll hear next week when we do Christmas in July and then you'll also hear in December for Christmas wish. Goes to benefit people that are just like you, the listeners that are, you know, needing some help. So when we say that to you, we say full fledge, every bit of the money that is raised for this thing is going to you. Even the Imagine Theater donating everything to us. Is that amazing that these guys are doing that? Give it up with us. - They have since told me different ways for breaking and entering. - Oh, between their help with us and then Jay's juniors, which is our good friend, Jay Towers, down the hall at 100.3 WNIC and Jay takes families to Disney all the time. I don't know how these guys make any money. It's unbelievable, but they're good people. And so we want you to be part of it. You'd be part of the live studio audience. Have you guys ever been part of a studio audience of a show? I got to sit in. I got to watch the Tonight Show back in the day. I got to see Bill Maher back in the day. I got to be part of a game. I was in the game show audience for what the hell was the game show? That was not the Hollywood Square or whatever. It was one of those games. - What's your luck? - No, no, no. It was, what's the one where they sit there and they go? - Name five things. - What's my line? - No. - No. - Pass where? - The one other that I know? - No. - It's the clock. - I'll name it all. - I'll name it all. - No, the one where they got, oh. The one where the guy can't, he has to do the clue, old shows. It wasn't that all long ago you dickhead. - One hundred thousand dollars. - It was like 20 or five or something like that. - Did you say the past? - Let's make a deal. By the way, no, go ahead. It was love-y way game. It was love connection. I was on love connection with Bob Woolery or whatever his name was, Chuck Woolery. But it didn't make a difference. It's an ADD moment. - No, I really want to know actually. - But I sat in the audience. It's so cool to be part of a studio audience. It really is because you get to see the inner workings of what's going on. And I'm kind of a nerd when it comes to that stuff, but I love, our listeners mean so much to us. You're going to get a chance to not only meet all of us, we're going to have some celebrities that are going to be comments and local celebrities that are going to stop by. We also have some of our emotional money misfits that will be there and we're going to invite them all. I hope they all come. And regular collars that you hear on the show from time to time that are just the essence of what this radio program is all about. - I know how Jim Allen has the roots to music for him. - Yeah. - Cool lady with a keyboard. - We should. - Wow, yeah. - You only problem with cool lady. No offense, cool lady. It cost me more money to get you there because of, maybe if we can get top notch limousines in party buses, if we can get Lori and those guys over there to pick up Cool Lady for trade for mention. - But they're the best. - Shout out to Lori. - Michael, Michael's the best driver. Mike is a good man. They're all good. Ramon is a good guy too, the owner of the place. All right, so real quick. I don't even know what the hell I was talking about. - No, the podcast, the life podcast. - August 16th. Get your tickets at So - What would you do without Shannon? - Well, she'd be saving you happy. - She is just as ADD as I am. (laughing) - I know. - We all just throw some. - I'm so ADD lately. - Oh, it's crazy. - No, what is happening? - It's summer. It's I'm on summer break. - You cannot do one thing at a time. - Everybody's off, everybody. All my friends, nobody- - I've never once in my life taken Adderall and- - Are you thinking? - No. - It's not like giving you a boost of energy. It'll help you lose weight. - That's great. - For real? - Oh yeah. No, but you take it. That's what a lot of people take it for. They take it for that. - I've never heard that. - Yeah. - I thought it makes you focus. - You lose like you don't want to eat. Yeah, you get your face. - You're going to do stuff. - Yeah. - And I still eat. - Cocaine does that too. You try it. - I've never done Cocaine Northwest once, like O.H. - Or I, or booger sugar as our listeners like the gala. What are you doing? I hate to say this, but no, what are you doing? I thought you were off. Zachary, this is Zach, everybody. Miss Adi Zach. - Yeah, I don't want to be here. You got real jealous that Lydia left, but I hope she feels better. - Yeah. - You're supposed to be on vacation, right? On vacation, yeah. I canceled. - Oh. - Yes, okay. Yep. So, if you don't know, last week, the whole show was off, but I ended up working, which is fine. But this week, I decided to take off. - No, no, it was fine. - That was so mad. - No, I like it better when you guys aren't here, it's just one. So basically I worked last week, and then I was like, okay, well, I'm going to take off the following week, you know, it'll be fine. My whole family is deciding to go up to Cast Lake, and we're like, oh, this is going to be great. Yesterday, while packing, packing the car, packing everything, my nephew, I live with my sister, my niece and nephew, my nephew, it's like, hey, I'm going to go play soccer with my friends. I'm like, okay, like, is all your stuff packed? And he was like, yeah, yeah, everything's fine. 45 minutes later, I go up to his room, nothing's packed. - It's kind of like, okay. - That's fine. - I go outside, and then I see him just on the ground with like three or four adults around him, and he's like crying, holding his arm. - Oh, no. - Oh, here we go. So then I'm like, what's going on? I didn't get any answer. My brother-in-law grabs him, picks him up, throws him in the car, and they're gone. I have his location, I checked his location, and he's at the hospital. Come to find out, well, fast forward, they were there for eight hours. It was like seven and a half hours. We didn't leave on time, and come to find out he didn't break anything. He just had a little fracture in his wrist. - That's right, man. - Everything was fine. It was fine. He didn't even get a cast. Nothing. - So they can't even put a cast on? - Nope, they just gave him ice, and some numbing medication, and it canceled our whole vacation. - No. - Yeah. So like, we can go today, I guess, but I decided, no, I'm just going to work. - Wait a second. - So, step for a second, you sound like you would have been better if he broke something. - That would have made you feel better. - 'Cause then it's legitimate. - That was like, all right, good, he came home with a cast. The little bastard doesn't have a cast. - Nothing. - And he's fine. And he's playing video games right now as we speak, and I'm like, bro, with the same race. - With the same race. - With the same race. - That's Son of a God, huh? By the way, I love how Zack, like, almost fathers, or parents, or big uncle, he's like, "Why is your bag not packed?" - Yeah. - Well, hey, buddy. Why is your bag not packed? I know my brother-in-law and my sister are, like, packing other things, I'm figuring out their own mess. So I'm like, okay, I might as well, like, quick question for you, Zack. First up, Zack brings me, like, calmness when he talks, 'cause he's such a cute guy, you know what I mean? Like, he's like, "Hey, yeah, sorry, so I just said it, I'm just going to work." The guy was taking a vacation. He was going to take, like, you know, a few days off, which is well-deserved. He's like, "One day gone, and now I'm not going to take one off now. What?" - I don't want to kiss Shay. - No, you take time. By the time I go up to Cass Lake, it will, Cass, you say, "Go up to Cass Lake," like, it's up north. - Are you saying the wrong lake? - Cass Lake is in, is, like, in West... - It's like 20 minutes from here. - Yeah. - It's like four. Yeah, maybe it's sort of... - You're saying the wrong lake. - That's the difference. - When you said that before, I was like, "I'm going up north to Cass Lake." - I'm going up north to Cass Lake. - It's by Trevor City? - I'm going up north. - Oh, you're going up tra... Okay. - No, I knew something was wrong with this story. - When you started talking about that, I'm like, "Jesus, I got like five Chaldeans, friends that live on Cass Lake. I could probably call them up and you could go there now if you wanted to." - My fault. - Wrong lake. We're going up to Trevor City. - Oh, that's like... - Aren't you glad though? Because Barrow running crazy right now. That's probably raining all over the place. - Yeah. - I mean, I'd rather not work. - What is the dumb thing that ruined your vacation? - This one is poor kid, man, ended up having to go to the hospital. The eight hours... It took them eight hours in your brother-in-law in an emergency room, eight hours. - I guess everyone was blowing off their fingers from the following weekend. - Wow. - It was in the emergency room. - We've got to go to that DMC children's in Troy. - Somebody... Why is it... Can you get in and out of there and like five seconds? - Yeah, seriously, shout out to them. I've had great experiences with them. - Really? - Can I tell you what's amazing? Why is it you never injure yourself? And like a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday. You always injure yourself on a Friday or Saturday night or Sunday when the B team's working on the weekends or something. - The B team. - No, or there's less people working. - Is you always acting crazy on those days? - Is that what it is? - You're probably calmer Monday through Thursday. - Like I always say to, you know, anybody in my family, the kids and stuff, I used to do this with the kids. I'm like bubble wrap yourselves this weekend because we're not injuring themselves because I ain't wasting my weekend in an emergency room like Zach's brother in Miami though. - Eight hours, kill me. - What's up, Tasha? - Hi. - Hi. What's going on? - Oh, I'm just calling to let you know that a fracture is a break. - Yes, but he didn't get a cast if he would add a... He needs a cast for Zach to feel bad for her. - I need the proof. - Oh, okay. - Yeah. - I get it, okay. But he said, you know, it's not broken, it's just fractured. So it just heals on his own? Like you don't need a... They can't... - My brother-in-law bought him an ace bandage, but like he's not wearing that while he's playing Fortnite right now. And I'm like, bro. - That doesn't sound right. - Do you walk by his room, uncle Zach and go, you ruin my vacation all the time. - Yeah. - That was the last night, at least. - Tasha, Zach, my favorite with Zach is he gets nervous to talk on the radio and you know how you can tell he's nervous? His mouth gets go, he goes, you get a little like dry mouth in your mouth. - Sorry. - You got it. You know what we need? We need... Can we have like... Can you see if the pistons during the off-season have like their water jugs behind, you know, they squirt. - They squirt. - They squirt in the bottle for Zach. - Like that? - We need to put like a towel around his neck like he's coming to the bench and stuff like that. - Oh, hold on. Hold on, Zach. Come on over here. What's up, Jenna? Hi. - Hi, good morning. How are you? - Good morning. - I was camping one time when I was about 11 and I was playing in the sand dunes and I jumped off the sand dunes and broke both bones in my left leg and had to be carried off the sand dunes by like eight firemen and then rest to the ER. - So the family vacation was over with at that point? - Yep, completely ruined. - You know, that's the worst thing. I mean, it... Well, as I say, at least you got to the dunes, Zach didn't even get up to the lake up there. - No. - Yeah. But... - Dang, as an adult, don't you dream about being carried by any firemen. - That's so weird. - That's so weird. - That's a closing. - That's just 11 years old. - Jenna, did everybody in your family give you dirty looks because they all had to come home? - Um, they all stayed. My mom came and got me. - Oh, that's bad. God. - Hospitals like up north, like when you go up to these lakes and stuff, what's the hospital like near Waloon Lake? Does they have a nice one? - It's very quiet. - Yeah. - So actually months in a Traverse City, I spent a week there. I was hospitalized when I was at summer camp too for an asthma attack and it was... - It's a good, legit hospital. - It's a awesome hospital. - Yeah. - I remember one time I grabbed my boyfriend and said, "Shut up to Mr. Burton. He died." - I don't know. - I don't know. - I'm sorry I don't know. - Okay. - It's summer time ADD. - You know, this is Brad. A cold Chevy SS. He was... I'm off track. So Mr. Burton used to take a fish and all the time. This was his vibe. He used to go fishing. And for some reason, I had the knife to like cut the string or whatever the case was and split my thumb open. - Oh. - That was so mad. I just had to sit there and bleed. And they would not let me fish anymore. I had to sit in the car by myself. - Oh shit. - Wait, they threw you in the car. - Yeah. I didn't sit in the car. Everybody else was like, "I can't hear everybody having fun. Catch some fish." - Put it in my thumb. Bleed it. Oh, so mad. - Mr. Burton didn't sound like a nice guy. [laughter] - Shout out to him. Thank you. Thank you. - Yeah. - They got your dead, buddy. [laughter] - My man almost lost his hand over there. What's up, Nancy? Hi. - Hi. So it was the day we were getting ready to go to Disney World and my mom, my dad, my sister, my brother, his wife. And we rented a mobile home, not the camper, but the tiny drive. And so I went riding my bike. I ended up flipping over my bike. I broke my jaw, and for it before we were getting ready to leave, had to go to the dentist. They were going to call everything off, but they ended up finding a dentist in Tennessee that could look at me because my jaw got wired shut. - Wait, the family still went on the road trip, though. That's amazing. - Yeah, we all still went. - We're not canceling this thing. I don't even care. We have to go to Mickey Mouse to go. - I know. I mean, because they have put all that, you know, money out for everything. And so we had the my dentist contacted someone in Tennessee, and it got it checked out. - They should have just threw Zach's nephew in the car. - We're putting in a car kid with his arm hanging up for a kid. Do we know what your nephew's name? - Sam. - Sam. Do we know if he's on Fortnite now, does he have like a cool gamer name or something like that? - He sent me a he got first bet of Royale. - That's better than a vacation, you know what I mean? Who wants to go up north when you can sit there and just play Fortnite? My favorite was my kids, we would do that. I would go rent a place up north, like somebody's cabin or lake home. And my kids would bring their video game systems and stay inside playing video games the entire time. Like, why the hell am I doing? I could have done this in West Bloomville. - Thank you. - It's crazy. All right, Zach, nice work, Zach. - Thanks. - We love you. We're happy you're here. - We're happy you're here. - Zach, we don't need, Zach don't need no vacation. I don't need no food game vacation. And for Zach is a trip to the weed shop and sitting on his sister's couch, shout out to the greenhouse on Wald Lake. - Actually, that's what we should do is just call up the greenhouse and see if we can have Zach vacation there, like pull up like a lunch. - Bring the Honda. - Yeah. You're right there across the street from the lake. That's a perfect place. All right, Smojo in the morning show. You want to be on the show during our five lies to tell your mom, we'd love to have you on text mom to 95500 so we can get you on the show. - It's Mojo in the morning. - Sweet. - Five lies to tell your mom. - Deja? - Hi. - Hi, we're going to do five lies to tell your mom. - Oh my gosh. - So I understand your mom and dad are divorced. - Yeah, they're not together. - Oh, and they have like each other? - Yeah. - No, they do not. I'll get it off. - Oh, perfect. That's perfect for this one then, because we got a good one for you. Deja, you are getting married? - I am. I just got engaged like a month ago. - That's awesome. Well, we're going to make this really very interesting for your mom. Are you ready? - I am. - Here is five lies to tell your mom. You're going to say, "Mom, I've got good news." - Okay. - Lie number two. - Say, "Dad said he'd pay for the wedding in Puerto Rico." Lie number three. - He said, "You can't come, though." - Lie number four. I hope you don't mind, but it's a free wedding. And lie number five. - We can have a little party here when we get back. - Okay. - Oh, God. - This is not going to go over. - This is not going to go over. - Let's go over. - What do you think? Mom? Mom? Might get a little crazy. - See, I think she'll be a very good set. One second baby. - No, that's okay. Let's have this baby in this thing too, because that might be the only thing that settles mom down afterwards. Here we go. - I'm ready. - Five lies to tell your mom. - Hey, mom, I just need to have my wedding. - Hi. - Hi, mom. - How you doing? - I'm okay. How are you? - Okay, two days. - Don't have to talk to you about something. - Oh, no. Here we go. - Okay. - Okay. - I want you to be like just find your inner, inner, you know, hugest and listen to hear me out. Okay? Are you ready? - Yes. - So, I mean, it's honestly good news, I have good news. Sorry, I asked my dad and he said that I was telling him about the wedding and I planned and he said that he would pay for the wedding if we go to put him, because he says he would pay for everything. - Okay. - I do. - Yeah, but if he doesn't have like, he should say something, he said that he wouldn't be comfortable if he paid for it if you came. - If I came, mm-hmm. - Good. - Oh, some love is ******. - Come on. It's a free wedding, like I didn't think. I don't know if you would like. I was hoping you didn't mind. - Mm-hmm. - You know what I mean? - No, I don't, but, okay. - But then I was thinking, like, maybe we could have like a party, like a little party or a bit together when I get back, um, whatever you want, I just want you to be happy. - Okay. - I appreciate that. - Sylvia? - Yeah. - It's your old man. Remember me? - No. - Stasia's dead. - Is that ******? - You know that ****** hole? - No. - Sylvia, I couldn't let this go any further, even though it wasn't really that funny. This is Mojo in the morning, and... - No way. - Deja had you on five lives to tell your mom. - I was like about to launch, I don't know, she was about to crash. - Oh my, I couldn't let it happen. - The patience that you, like, a thousand percent you put your daughter first. - I killed... - It killed me to hear your answer. - No, you were just going to call the family after and talk ******. - I was just going to have a meltdown after we got off the phone, I was like, "This can't be happening." - Sylvia, what were some of the choice words that you had for Deja's dad? - I was just thinking that he was just rude, you know, it was just mean. I was not going to, you know, really fall out with her about it, because I... - I know, they heard what you called him. - Come on, what did you call him, what were some of the words that you would call him? - Wow! - She kept up with a couple in words for sure. - Oh ****! - And that's right what he would've got. - Mom, you are the greatest. We got to get mom a prize for this one, mom, we're going to give you a prize. - All right. - All right. - All back. I can help with the back. I really did. - Thank you, guys. - Thank you. - Oh my God. Deja, was that tough? - No. She was going to cry. That was a little hard. - Were you feeling bad? - I felt really bad. I was like, "When are they going to come in? Because I'm about to..." - And you got through the lies. - Isn't that incredible to know what your mom would have done for you though? - Yeah. - My gosh. - She's an amazing person. I just want her to be happy. - All right. You guys hang on? - I'm sorry. I'm right there. - Okay. - Yes, she might be. Hold on. We're going to get you your prize. - Thank you. - It's Mojo in the morning. Oh, check this story out, Detroit's story here for you, a local story. Detroit animal care and control had to be called to the home of a person that needed a wellness check when they found the wellness check. A pet alligator was in the house. The man was found dead inside of his home on the city's east side. Also inside was a caged alligator in a German shepherd. - That's a big thing. Pat Alligator. Remember Karen drew our friend Karen drew from local four? - Yes. - Did that story? Not a lot of people, not a lot of people, but it isn't uncommon for people to have pat alligator this year. - Right. Where you getting it from though? - Police said that the alligator was taken to the, what is it, Crichelo alligator sanctuary in Athens, Michigan. They have an alligator sanctuary in Athens, Michigan. The man's cause of death is currently unknown and will be determined by a medical examiner. Hmm, interesting. Another story for our local audience, well, our Ohio audience in Ohio man was arrested after a string of break-ins at several stores, Matthew Pancake, that's the guy's name, Matthew Pancake is accused of breaking into fabulous footwear shoe store around 2 a.m. Pancake is also accused of breaking into petland store as well as rooster's restaurant. Several hamsters were recovered in the suspect's pants and he was also wearing a leopard print onesie when he was arrested. The man has been charged with vandalism and breaking an entry. Oh my God, that's the pancake. Hey, man, Matthew Pancake, would that not be a great name? - This is insane. - I feel like he looks like a, what was that dude? - Did you see him? - No, no, no. - Oh, you got to see him? - When I hear Matthew Pancake, I think of cool cats and k-- what was that dude who got locked in? - Oh, yeah. - Oh, that's Joe. - Joe was good. That's what I think of when I was, when I hear the name Matthew Pancake. - I got to, I got to do this for you. Hold on, pancake, I got to do the picture of Matthew Pancake. - You said it? - Here's Matthew Pancake. This is what he looks like. Hold on. Let's see if I can get the new story here for you. There's a, oh, I got to watch the commercial ads. - Is that him? - That's his mug shot. - That's him right there. - Crazy. - He doesn't look like a Matthew Pancake. - That is Matthew Pancake. - Do you believe me, one of those Hannibal Lecter maps? - I hate when, I hate when you have to watch the ads before the, the, the stories that come on. - Look like he bite people. - Here we go, man. - See, now Columbus police arrested a man accused of breaking into several businesses in West Columbus, including a pet store where he set several animals loose in the process. Matthew Pancake is charged with breaking and entering and vandalism. Police on scene told 10 TV, they got a call about a burglary alarm going off at a rooster's on Nike station way. When they got there, just after three o'clock this morning, they found the restaurant was broken into. Police say video showed a man in leopard print pajamas inside the building. About 100 yards away, officers found the pet land was also broken into and animals were running around the parking lot. Officers found hamsters and pancakes, pants, when finally making the arrest. - I wouldn't rob a rooster's, but I would rob a fricker's of their wings. - By the same family. - Is that amazing? If you rob the pet store, would you go in and let the pets loose? Like, that's the guy's, guy's letting all the pets all out. - The bird's probably. - Here's, here's another one of these stories for you. This is a true story, which by the way, just so you know, anybody that is from the FCC, I am a news reporter reporting a story here right now. A man busted in a come and go convenience store for guess what reason? - No. No, no. - Whoa. - The Iowa man pled guilty to pleasuring himself outside the come and go convenience store. After completing the lewd act, Kenneth Lee Kelly departed the Iowa, by the way, Megan shut us microphone off, because I can just read this, but I know him over there. He's got things on his mind. - Oh, amazing. - Don't even just shut his microphone off. - I've only thought of one thing. - Just shut it up. He recently, he recently pled to in it in decent exposure and another case. The judges said that this will be even a more serious misdemeanor. Kelly could face a year in jail for what he did, for doing that, for pleasuring himself inside. - Why are those gas station chains named that? - I don't know. - See, that's what happened. - They were like, "What are you doing?" - Yes. - Yeah. I'm going to shut you up. I'm dying. - You beat this. - You beat this vibe. - Oh, man. - And then, like, people hide the T-shirts in the hat from it. I'm like, "Oh, seriously?" - By the way, this has been your news report here right now. - I'm so official. - I'm Lester Holt. - David Muir. - David Muir. - We like David Muir. - David Muir. I'm David. I'm David Muir. What does it they do at the end of the ABC? - They all have like a tagline. - They have it. - Thank you and good night. - No, it's America. - I don't know what his is. - America Strong. America Strong. - Do you have any idea what they're talking about? - You don't watch any of the news, sir, is it the end? - No. - Oh, what are you talking about? - Shannon and I watch Wheel of Fortune, Jeopardy. - And then-- - I like me so Jeopardy now. - I don't watch Jeopardy. - Jeopardy. - And I make Wheel of Fortune. - Jeopardy. - I just hate Ken the Hulk. - Yeah. - All right. - Do you smell Alex? - Somebody text in and said that the alligator thing is no joke that, by the way, I think I had the guy in the first story about the Detroit guy, because he's dead inside of his apartment. Can you imagine if that thing wasn't in a cage? That man is now dinner for that alligator. Welcome to FHS Living, where luxury meets lifestyle across Metro Detroit. From Corktown to Ann Arbor, West Bloomfield in Birmingham, each property offers the amenities and technology you desire, embodying our resident-driven developments philosophy, explore what makes each location a unique place to call home, revolutionize your living with FHS, featuring state-of-the-art technology for seamless renting and specialty services. Ready to evaluate your experience? Visit today,, luxury lifestyle home. - Long story in the mornings, dirty on the 30s. - We'll get you caught up on what's trending this morning in the dirty on the 30s. It's kind of a miserable day. I don't know, but this is one of those days. It's one of those days where you just kind of wish that you could just be home all day, right? - Yeah, I agree with that one. - Like I'd stay home and have a dream of tomato soup and grilled cheese. - That's what I've got. - That's what I've got. - We'll be the perfect food for it today. - Soup and salad. - Yeah. - Soup and salad. - Yeah. - Soup and salad. - Yeah. - Soup and salad. - Yeah. - Although it is kind of still muggy and warm. I don't know. I can't see anything in it. - Oh, it's bad. Well, I feel, for you guys, I was looking at the video that is up on our Instagram of KP going to her car this morning in the parking garage. I was thinking of this, Megan, do you park high at your parking garage? - I do, but my parking garage is like two, three blocks from where I live. So I was just sloshing through the streets until I got there. The prop, I also really had to go to the bathroom the last commercial break and I couldn't because my socks and my shoes are still soaking wet. - Have you seen her socks hanging over here? - Oh. - And KP is art too. - I have to pee so bad. - What about that? - Sorry. - That's CMI. - She'll be insta-carted. You guys some socks or something? Like, we'd go and check. - Do you want to borrow my socks to go in there? - Borrow my socks. - Actually, I got my socks. - I'm roasting on an open. - I have my gym. - I have my bag in my car with like socks and shorts and things like that, like change the stuff if you guys want to wear them. - That's awesome, Megan. I've got no shows in the car if you want them for size 12 and above. - Oh, that's awesome. - So that'll be a show on me then, huh? - They're clean. - No, it's just five small feet, so they'll go halfway in the cap. - What's trending in this besides our weather? What's trending? - Well, as lots of questions surrounding President Biden's health are being debated by everybody, including his own party, there is a board-certified neurologist named Dr. Tom Pitts who did an interview with NBC News last night and said the president from what he can see is displaying symptoms of Parkinson's disease. - He lost some arm swing standing up more dodically. You notice when he turns, it's kind of end-block turning, it's not a quick turn. So that's one of the hallmarks of Parkinson's is rigidity and bradykinesia, slow movement. And he has that hallmark, especially with the low voices that was a cold hypophonia, a small monotone voice like this over time is a hallmark of Parkinson's ism. I could have diagnosed him from across the mall. - He has never met the president for the record, but he just says it's very obvious at this point that that is what is going on. Now, in related dirty, George Stephanopoulos, who just interviewed the president on Good Morning America earlier this week, was asked by some random guy in the street in New York City about the president's health and had a very interesting response. - Hey, how you doing? What do you think? Do you think Biden should step down? You talk to him more than anybody else had lately, and he could be honest. - I mean, you don't think he's hurt for more years? - All right. That's an answer. - Yeah. He, I think, realized he shouldn't have said that, issued a statement to TMZ that said earlier today, I responded to a question from a passerby, I shouldn't have. An ABC spokesperson also saying George expressed his own point of view and not the position of ABC News. - I'm shocked he even talked to him, like, I, although he's probably thinking he's going to get mugged in New York City, but I, I'm thinking to myself, you know, you're going on, I know, look like he was going on an exercise walk or something like that or a run. - Yeah. - It's like walking up and it's one of those guys, they must sell these things to TMZ for good money because they get a lot of hits off of that, right? - Yeah. Oh, gosh. Yeah. Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck's 18 year old daughter Violet making an appearance wearing her face mask, as she always does, demanding mask mandates and medical facilities and calling for an end to end all mask bands in a very passionate plea to the LA County Board of Supervisors. - Hi, Violet Affleck, Los Angeles resident, first time voter, I'm 18. I contracted a post-trial condition in 2019. I'm okay now, but I saw firsthand that medicine does not always have answers to the consequences of even minor viruses to confront the long COVID crisis. - She's talking so fast, by the way, because you only get a minute. - Yeah, she's having trouble breathing. - Yeah. She said, I mean, very quickly, that she contracted a post-viral condition. I've been wondering for a while why she's been wearing a mask every single time. She's out, even if she's outside, and that is the reason why. - A contender in this year's Nathan's famous hot dog eating contest, allegedly cheated to get a better score. Nick Wary is being accused of stealing from other plates during the Fourth of July contest in order to inflate his tally of eating hot dogs. On the day of competition, Nick's score was 46.75 hot dogs, which is when they called it out at Coney Island, which is good enough for a fourth place finish, okay? Well, that figure later jumped to 51.75 hot dogs on the official Major League eating results website, allegedly giving him credit for five full wieners more than he was actually served during the competition. What gives? What happened? Well, eaters' scores are tabulated based on the number of empty plates stacked in front of their spot after the allotted time has concluded. And so people said he was being really weird while he was eating with other's plates. He was stealing plates from other competitors' stacks and putting them in front of his own place to raise his score above 50. Everybody wants to hit 50. That's like the magic number in the food eating world. So Patrick Bertoletti, it was this year's champ, he wolfed down 58 hot dogs, again to this guy's 51.75, but still, it was cheating. It's not as fun anymore without people like Joey Chestnut and Kobayashi or whatever. Yeah, that's who you always watch. They can't have just some like regular, you know, dudes from Chicago winning this thing. You need to have like fun, you know, Joey Chestnut or personality. Yeah. That's donny still compute. I don't know who that is. I don't know who that is. I think a lot of big YouTubers out there is that girl that does all the food challenges to that blonde girl who's super cute. Rumor is that the guy that came in third place, Scott Sands out of Toledo is a pretty amazing hot dog eater too. I heard that guy can also smoke about a hundred cigars in one sitting. He doesn't do regular hot dogs. He does those Tony Pacos. You couldn't do Tony Pacos, you want to know why? The buns are so beefy. Those buns by the way are heavy. They're very heavy. Yeah. Your belly would explode if you have more than four hot dogs from Tony Pacos. Yeah. Chicken, Peppercush. Yeah. And going from talking about food to talking about drinks ever since Justin Timberlake was arrested for that DWI after having just one martini at the American Hotel in the Hamptons last month. That place has become a tourist hotspot. No. He wants to go and order the same martini that Justin had that got him into so much trouble that night. And it now has a new name. If you go, you have to ask for the Justini. That's good. Let's get a mixologist in here. I want one. Justini. For all of today's dirty, listen to the podcasts on the iHeartRadio app or Right. We'll stay the best on. Hey, this is Justin Timberlake and I need more mojoin the morning. So I was back visiting family, I grew up in the suburban Chicago area. I grew up in a town south side of the city and going back to home is always kind of fun for me because I get a chance to go back home and I get the chance to relive a little bit of my past and I get a chance to make me feel like I really wasn't a big fat loser when I was in school. You know what I mean? It's kind of nice to go back and go back and know actually you've accomplished a little bit. Things are pretty good. We've got a good radio show here going and I've got a family, I've got a wife that's actually way hotter than she should be. Kids that are decent, none of them in jail. People are in rehab or anything like that. Like I'm okay right now. Not going to work. This is good. So I hang out with my friends who are all losers and now they've got some jailed kids. You know what I mean? No. We wise all ugly. Yeah, that's right. I'm like boy. You do have a hot wife. Yeah. Well, most of my family, let me say this to you. All my guy friends, like my buddy Brad always says to me, he goes, dude, he goes, I cannot believe how way out of your league you ended up going and he goes, because most of the people that we were school with, they got all the good looking girls. Hence, never had Tracy Rosac ever in my life, right? I get to mention at least once a week. You know what I mean? But I got Chelsea, which is better than again. So to get to my point of what I'm bringing this up for, we're sitting around and talking to one of our friends who expressed to us something that we had not known. You know, you always find out stories later in life that are either true stories that nobody ever wanted to tell or there be us stories. I believe this is a true story. He told, he told me that after high school, when we graduated from high school, the summer that we graduated, which would be, you know, like right now for most of the kids that just recently graduated from high school, that he had sex with one of our teachers that we had as a teacher, I think it might have been our freshman year or sophomore year in school, that he had sex with her. And I thought to myself, that's not a surprise to me because if you were to do a most likely to, this guy would be most likely to have sex with us with one of the teachers, because he was one of those guys that was always really good looking in school. He was very, you know, athletic. I always felt like whenever we were in school and doing anything, like he was walking down the hall, that the teachers that the female teachers that we had would look at him like he was like hot. Really? And he said that they went to a graduation party. So he was 18 years old, graduating from high school, went to a graduation party of one of our mutual friends that that had it as his parents house, and that she came to the party and he said, she had a couple of drinks in her and he was kind of flirting with her. One thing led to another and next thing he said, they ended up having sex with each other. I mean, some of these teachers are like fresh out of college, 20 years old. She was, she actually, I think might have been in her mid to late twenties. Yeah. You know, which honestly, it's wrong, but she's no longer a teacher and he's of age. She's 18 years old. You graduated. You still got a. I don't. It is. Where was the seed planted? You know what I mean? Like she didn't just meet him there. She probably been thinking about the she. Well, the funny thing was it wasn't even his grad party was our one other buddy's grad party that that had happened that. But I think the seed was planted throughout the year when when he was not even 18, because I'm telling you, people looked at him, girl, women looked like moms looked at him like he was hot because he was one of those guys that was like a really, really good, good looking guy. But I bring that I bring this thing up right now because I'm thinking to myself, that is unfricken believable. Like I can't believe that that like that's something out of a movie slash porn where you had sex with a teacher. And I want to ask this question, would you admit this or do you know somebody that had sex with it with one of your teachers? Now college professors, okay, you hear stories like that. I'm talking teachers though. Like your teacher teacher. Were there any teachers that were hot when you were growing up? Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It was a orchestra teacher. Her name was Miss Cromer. Not the. Not the name. She was big boy telling you she still like I don't know if she stood there. She was she was she got a she got looks when she walked down the hallway for sure. She's thick. It's thick. Good thing to say. She was thick. Oh, okay. Her, her booty was nice. Like you could say that she was thick. If I go she was thick, it makes me sound like I'm saying that she was a she was a it's like barbershop. It was like it's a difference between a woman with a fat ass and a fat ass woman. Yeah. She was a woman with a fat ass. Why did you really? It's tone and inflection really plays a major role with a two C. Why did you say yes by the way? Like yes. Oh my God. We were all in love with the teacher. And I should I give his name? Why not? Everybody knew it. We all were. I don't think there was a single girl that wasn't in love with Mr. Creech. Mr. Creech? He had a song. He had a song that the girls would say, Mr. Creech. Yeah. Mr. Creech. Oh. He was. He was. I see a picture. And I got to tell you that the man oh he's such a nice guy like as an adult, such a nice man. Such a nice man. His wife. I want to have him. Wait. No, his wife was smoking hot and he was really good at like not paying attention to all of the attention that we were giving him. What was it about him? Oh, he was just like a he looked like like David Beckham. And he was the soccer coach, like he played soccer like he was he had that soccer look and every girl was like, he was like, all of you are weird. This is my job. Leave me alone. I'll try to find a picture of him. Do you remember my my friend and Joe's former football coach and teacher? He's he's still infamous at West Bloomfield High School as the hottest teacher around. And I think he's like, but Eric Pierce. This guy's a good looking guy. I mean, a good but you have a teacher that's good looking like that. That's a male teacher like Megan's talking about. That's good looking. Yeah. I mean, I had a teacher in high school who was married to one of his former students. We. Yeah. What are give me more? 15 years ago. Oh, yeah. He's cute. Yeah. He's cute. 50 years ago. Yeah. We were all. It was another teacher. She still there. I saw her a couple of weeks ago. Her name is senior Rita Braun. You told this story, the one that hit on you. What did she say? I don't think she had on me. Yeah. You told a story about a teacher who was like, you look what oh no, that was a principle. That was a principle. That was a principle. I'm not making up this story. What the principle say again? She like test your mind. She's like you've grown up well. Yeah. Something like that. Like, oh, you grown up well. But senior Rita Braun, she was a Spanish teacher. She still is a Spanish. She just our last year. And she man, she was. Oh, she had to hair. She was speaking Spanish. Like senior. What is the deal with the Spanish teachers are always hot. They're always good looking. Eric. What's up? I was wondering where all those teachers were when I was in school. You didn't have any hot teachers. Oh, no, you hear about the ones on the news. Yeah. That's bad. Well, as a you would have wanted that though. Tell me if Mr. Creech had a kick the soccer ball your way. You know what's amazing though? You ever see some of these teachers though that did have sex with their students and they're like really hot like 20 something girls and you're like, you're telling me that there's no 20 something year old guy that you can have a relationship with that you're deciding to have a relationship with a 14 year old dude. A lot of them are hot and married with kids. Oh, you're right. You're right. You're in miserable relationships. So if you find the pregnant one, you know, she puts out and you know, it's like, oh, my God. You are a crazy man. Oh my God. I am going to tell you though, there is something there is something about the fact that that you got this hot, you know, something 20 year old or whatever that's teaching these kids. I wonder if the principals or administrators ever go. I don't want a bunch of prepubescent and even post-pubescent boys being around this girl. Yeah, it's there. He's creepy. That has to play a part though. Hiring hot. Hiring hot? No, you can't punish attractive people from being attractive. I agree. What's going on? It's Mojo in the morning. Amy. Hi. Hi. Good morning. How are you? Good morning. We're just doing a fun, loving topic called I have to teacher. What's up? So we had a teacher in high school. He served and he coached our track team and everybody had the hugest crush on him. He was so hot and a couple of years after we graduated he actually went to jail for having a relationship with a student and he used to play for the Lions. You're kidding. Wow. So the guy ended up going to jail because he had a relationship with some of the kids. Her girl, a girl obviously, she was on her age, she was actually in the same grade as my sister and she graduated a few years after us and we were all kind of like, well, that makes sense. We can totally see that. Why is it the male teachers are the ones that go to jail, but it's the female teachers that they end up eventually marrying the guy and having a. Dude, I feel like it's a lot more female teachers like that go to jail. So I take advantage of their students. The one that married the student to me is like very upsetting. I know exactly who you're talking about, the one from like the 90s early. Well, that was Mary Kayla Turno and she's dead now like that. That was scary. Yeah. Because I remember that story all to a husband was Billy. He was like 12 years old, or like 13 years old and she got pregnant. Yeah. Yeah. All right. So here's, but here's the question. Is it as bad? Because I think the law looks at it as bad. If the kid is, if there's like a, like my buddy's case, he was 18 years old, graduated from high school, ended up having a sexual little fling for the summer with our former teacher who was in her twenties. It's the drop that you play. It's not illegal, but it's frowned upon. Is that what it is? It's gross, but it's not a legal, it's not a legal, it's frowned upon like masturbating on an airplane. It's that. It's what it is. It's creepy. You got to have restraint. You got to have restraint just because you can't have sex with somebody doesn't mean you have to. Like you've got to have some restraint. What's up, Charles? Hi, thanks. What's going on? Hi. What's going on? First time caller. Hey, we finally found something that you can relate to sleeping with your teacher. I'm just like, um, when I remember when I was in high school, like, I don't, I don't know how females were, but like I was always all looking for girls and trying to, so like for a guy, I think it's like a female teacher came on to him. That's what he wants. Yeah. But I don't know. Did you, did you know of any teachers that had relationships at all? There was rumors, but like I never got, I didn't have teachers that you were like looking at that way. No, not at all. No. It's also, if it's a female, it's still pedophilia. It's so wrong. I don't know if I would have said no, though. Yeah. But the child is the victim there. I get why you wouldn't say no, but like it's still just as bad. I mean, as an adult, we know that the parents, that the teachers in the wrong, but I guess my question is to girls, did you guys, I mean, where you guys out looking, trying to be promiscuous with a teacher, no, no, no, no, I mean, just like in high school, because I know for a guy, it was always on, you were always trying, but like that makes it seem like that's why they would be more open to the implication from the teacher. I always wondered how it starts like to me, it always starts with I need extra help. You know what I mean? I need some extra help. Can I stay after school and then next thing you know, I don't have a ride home, like how does it start? That's how it always is on porn, porn hub, so much crazy, somebody that's listening right now, I guarantee it's a sex with a teacher. I'm falling until it's not starting. Well, we do have a couple of people here. Hold on a second. We got, hold on a second, Alexis, somebody slept with the teacher? Yes. She is now my ex sister-in-law. She was the teacher, she slept with her student. Oh, geez. Oh my God. What was she teaching? What level? I want to say it was like freshman, sophomore. And was she married to your brother? She was married to my brother-in-law. And she got busted doing this, and that's why they're no longer married or? Yes, the student actually went around bragging about it and had proof of sleeping with her at a park in her van. Oh my God. And that went to like the superintendent and everybody at the school and she got fired. She got arrested, put in jail? She had jail time suspended, she now works at a gas station and she's on the sex offender list. But she can't ever teach ever, ever again. Yeah. She lost her license, she lost her kids, she lost everything. Oh my God. It couldn't have been that good. That's unbelievable. I mean, that's very sad. Yeah. They did. And a huge... In the park? In the van. Yeah. Yeah. Wow. What's up? Sam voices guys. What's going on? Okay. So I feel like my school just like drawn these teachers in. Like I have so many experiences where I felt like uncomfortable or things just weren't right. One of our teachers, one of our math teachers, I'm like girls gone wild on MTV back in the day and that was just like spread around the school. Okay. And one of our good friends when we went to spring break, she was on probation and decided to go on spring break again since attorney's like and I've met and ended up having to come home early and he ended up calling this teacher to get him a trip home and we were all like, this is a little weird and turns out after we graduated, they had been sleeping together and they actually gated for a while afterwards. She was engaged to another man. I guess it was, she was like, I don't know, it was the strangest thing. And then she was always so mean to me. But I never knew why until we graduate and I was like, oh, that's why. Why? Because we were good friends. She didn't like you because you were hanging out with her school age boyfriend. Yes. And we were not even like flirting or anything. We were just like good friends and she was so aggressively named for me. Was this a small town? Because I was wondering if these things happen only in small towns. No, this is not a small town. I know. Not at all. It's unreal though, that this, a lot of stories, I wonder if the teachers that are fooling around with his students get pissed when the guy goes to prom with another girl. Wow. Oh, weird. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. She was just like, any time he was with us outside of school after we graduated, she would call and just be so aggressive that he's like, can't be around anybody. I am blown away at how many text messages we are getting of people who've hooked up with their teacher. I mean, I'm talking hundreds. We can't even keep up with reading. I know. What voices guys? Emily, what's up? It's Mojo in the morning. Hey. So I had a teacher in high school who was, she was so hot. She was probably like 23, like super hot Barbie looking girl. A kid tattooed her name on his butt and it was a whole thing. She had him removed from her classes. It was like a whole scandal because I was like, oh, they're definitely banging. Oh, well, that's too bad for her. She can't even just be a hot teacher. She had to have pervert kid getting a tattoo on his ass. Olivia, what's up drama teacher at my high school back in the early 2010s got asked to leave after being caught with a student. Oh, geez. Wow. Yeah. Drama club, a little too much drama club going on there. Rumors are that they're still together 10 years later. Oh my gosh. Man. I can't believe it. Steve. Actually, this is wild. This is like something out of a fantasy. Steve, you went back to your reunion and your teacher hit on you. Yes. I call on this along about a month or two hours in a while. Let's find you guys at the top of the quad in about it. Wait, we talked about this before on the show? Yeah. When you call my dirty bastard. Oh, no, I want to hear this story. They're still a dirty bastard. I don't remember. You went to your high school reunion. Yes. And I met my first day teacher there and by the end of the night, we ended up sleeping again. Oh my God. You dirty bastard. Your first grade teacher. Oh my gosh. I can't imagine my first grade teacher. Yes. Good for you. I'll call it a couple of times. I'm trying to make the myth feel it. How do you do that? You know what? One more time. You get one more time. Rachel, what's going on? Hi. Hey, so we had in senior year, we had we found out after the fact, obviously, but a kid was hooking up with our geometry teacher. And he was telling us after the fact that they were both late to graduation, both him and our teacher, because they were hooking up before graduation. Oh, no, come on. I'm not sure. Where were the parents at? Like, how were the parents not noticing that? Why is my kid not here at graduation? I have no idea. I was wild and they hooked up in, like, the band room and all of a sudden, that's why. Jesus. They knew them angles. Them angles. Yeah. Angles, right? At least they get learned something, right? Fuck. It's been on that mojo mojo in the morning. It's the second date update. A mojo in the morning. So Dino is getting ghosted. Not getting a call back after he went on a date. Dino. What's going on? How you doing? Hello, sir. Yes, she's not answering her phone. I don't know why we got her. We actually got her. So I'm going to pick her up and we're going to get her right now because she actually was ghosting you, ghosting us for a little bit. We're going to find out what's going on. Lisa is on the phone with us. Lisa, are you there? I'm here. How you doing, Lisa? Are you OK with being on with us? Yeah, sure. All right, Lisa, say hi to Dino. Oh, no, hi. What is it? Wait, what is that? What is the? Oh, no. Oh, no. Hi, Lisa. Oh, my God. So, so Dino submitted to us that you guys went on a date with each other and you're not calling them back, which by the way, text date to 95500 if you would like to be on second date update with us here on the Mojo in the morning show. How is the date? And what did you guys do, Lisa? Date, but he took me to a full body nude couple massage on our first date in the middle of nowhere. Wait. Oh, good. Great. The very first time you guys have ever met each other. You did a couple's massage. Exactly. Man, Dino is a guy. You're the man. That's pretty crazy. Is that a bad? Is that a? So, is that a bad date? Um, Dino, yes, sir. What were you thinking that she just needed a little relaxation and that's why you were taking her on a full body nude couple's massage? Yes, sir. I thought it would make her go like nice and relaxed. Did it have to be a couple's massage? Like that's just really weird. We can get to know each other that way, you know. And that have to be nude, in front of me and everything, hang a leg, ding a leg. Dino Dino, but holy, this is this is far far. At least Dino talk ahead of time, like, hey, this is what I'm planning or was it a complete surprise to you? Honey, no surprise, it's complete surprise. So Dino, you didn't think that that would make her feel a little awkward going into a massage? Was it like what a massage parlor place or massage place? Oh, sir, it was reputable. I looked it up on the internet and the internet had a had a good review and have like seven or used. No, no, no, no. He got me to a strip mall, guys. What strip mall is from inside? Hey, listen. Hey, there are some. Okay. So there are some real good ones. Yeah. But what I'm, but the reason why I asked this question is don't you think that you should have forewarned your date, Dino, that, hey, I'm thinking about doing this instead of just throwing that surprise on them? The answer is yes. I really want to ruin the surprise and what a surprise it is. But a lot, there are, there's so many different things here. It that that can be very, very uncomfortable, obviously. I wouldn't want to be naked in front of somebody ever meeting them for the first time. And also when it's a first date, I think most women would say we, you know, get dressed and do our hair and our makeup so that we're looking our best. And then you're telling me I'm going to be face down on a massage table. Yeah. I mean, I have oil over here. I'm going to be kind of upset by seeing is dingling away and he's dingling, lingling, lingo, whatever you said, it's going to be weird. Dino, is this the first time that you've taken a woman to one of these things? Yeah, sure, I don't have a lot of, I haven't been on a lot of dates. Yeah. Listen. And so I thought I thought it was a good idea. Yeah. You sound very sweet. You don't sound like you had bad intentions. Fighters. What? What? What? Fighters. And they had spiders, spiders, like a little one of eight little cooler with old water bottles in there. This is a place you took me to. Oh, so it wasn't like a really nice. Okay. So let me ask you this, Lisa. If it was a, like a fancy place, would you think differently? Do you just have a bad taste in your mouth because it was a strip mom massage parlor? I mean, there's a lot to this going on. I'll tell you that first he brings me into this nasty, dirty place. He strips in front of me and just looks at me like, Hey, here I am. So I'd rather be face down. Shae, what's going on? Shae, it's Mojo in the morning, second date of day. Hi. Good morning, everyone. What's happening? Um, I, my common was that I felt like, um, Dino has been listening to too many of those alpha male strategy podcasts. Yes. Right. He's like, he's automatically thinking like he's just like this huge fry and he doesn't have to do too much. But he's just going to impress this woman and it's like his confidence is way too high right now. He doesn't have to put in too much too much effort. So this is like, well, that's a, yeah, I don't know if not putting too much effort was definitely made. He made the appointment, but it was the wrong effort. Unfortunately, it was an uncomfortable thing. What would you do if a guy took you on a date to go get a massage on the first date? Oh my God, uh, in the middle of nowhere, I would have to get a move for like up the front. I'm just, I'm done. Yeah. So live a four, four, six, six, five, six, five, four, eight is a massage on the first date of bad date. If he just let me do the massage and left, that would be fantastic. That actually is an interesting one though. We got to enjoy it together. Actually, a first date, you're trying to get to know somebody. I'm saying I just need some time alone. Look, I love a good massage, I agree with you, but yeah, you're even like, I always think a movie for that reason is a bad first date because there's no time for you guys to actually talk. You got to go get dinner afterwards. No, you can talk about the movie. What's up, Kinsey. Hi. Hi, the guys. I'm a first time caller. Long time listener. Thank you. What do you think good date or bad date? I do not think this is a good date personally. I would be so uncomfortable if some guy that I've never met before took me to a place and just wanted to get naked and massage me that might be just me, but I would much rather go on like a fancy dinner or to the movies or even Applebee's, but she didn't know it's like not consensual almost. So yeah, you got to, I don't think it's a good idea for the first date. What's going on? Eight for four mojo live eight for four, six, six, five, six, five, four, eight is our telephone number eight for four mojo live. Hi, good date, bad date first date. Hello. Yes. What's happening? Who's this? Hey, this is Mark. What's going on, buddy? I thought sorry, nobody didn't ask the question. Did she go through with it? Oh, that's a good one. Hold on. Mark. Hold on. Lisa, we need to be better journalist. What did you do? I left. You, you didn't go through it then? No, it was creepy, creepy scared me, dude. Now, now mojo, if the roles are reversed, us men would love for a woman to take us on a massage. True. True. Great. Yeah, that would actually be interesting if a woman would just say, hey, this is our first date. We're going on a massage or you I'm even going to do the massage would be wild. That's like, that would be a guy's dream. Oh, yeah. Thank you. What's going on? Well, hi. It's Mojo on the morning. How's it going? Good buddy. What do you think? Hey, first time long time. Yeah, buddy's on the phone. Let's go memories and all the cheery mornings that we get to talk about. And I know the weather thanks to you, but always my advice is that guys aren't the smartest. It may look good on paper, but run it by a girl in your life or a mom, a sister grandmother, if they say no, or you wouldn't want to do it with them, it's probably going to be creepy to somebody else because us guys got to be careful and gentle these days. Yeah. That's good advice. Really good advice. Well, what's up, Mary? Hi. Hi, I actually wanted to say from a girl perspective, I don't like it. Like I feel like it's unique for a date. What do you think there, Dino? You might have a girl here that might want to go on a date with you. Mary, say hi to Dino. Hi. Hi, ma'am. How are you? Good. Mary, are you single? Yeah, kind of. How old are you, Mary? I'm 25. Oh, I think Dino might be too old. How old are you? 43. Okay. Let him get his groove. Let's check. Yeah. All right, they carry yourself. Bye, Mary. This is the home of the dirty on the 30s. Rollback throwdown. Second date update in War of the Roses. This is Mojo in the morning. Dino is a legend, by the way. All right. That does it for today. A couple quick reminders tomorrow is War of the Roses Day Thursday. Make sure that you're listening for that. And also, if you are trying to win the tickets to go to like Cedar Point. We got Cedar Point tickets, Lollapalooza tickets, usher tickets, all early on the show. So you got to listen live for that. Cool thing about listening to our podcast is obviously you can catch up on what we do on the show. The only problem is to win contests, you got to listen live. So make sure that you're listening to Channel 955 104.5 as an ex 92.5 kiss FM. We will be back tomorrow morning. Have a fantastic day. We'll see you then. Welcome to FHS living where luxury meets lifestyle across Metro Detroit. From Corktown to Ann Arbor, West Bloomfield in Birmingham, each property offers the amenities and technology you desire, embodying our resident driven developments philosophy, explore what makes each location a unique place to call home revolutionize your living with FHS living dot com featuring state of the art technology for seamless renting and specialty services. Ready to evaluate your experience? Visit FHS living dot com today FHS living dot com luxury lifestyle home.