Mojo In The Morning

Who Slept With Their Teacher?

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10 Jul 2024
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This is the Mojo in the Morning Podcast, powered by Michigan Auto Law, auto accident attorneys. Visit That's So I was back visiting family. I grew up in the suburban Chicago area. I grew up in a town south side of the city. And going back to home is always kind of fun for me because I get a chance to go back home and I get the chance to relive a little bit of my past and I get a chance to make me feel like I really wasn't a big fat loser when I was in school. You know what I mean? It's kind of nice to go back and go back and know that you have accomplished a little bit. Things are pretty good. We've got a good radio show here going and I got a family, I got a wife that's actually way hotter than she should be. You know, kids that are decent, none of them in jail or in rehab or anything like that. Like I'm okay right now. Not kind of what? This is good. So I hang out with my friends who are all losers and now, they've got some jailed kids. You know what I mean? No. Why is it all ugly? Yeah, that's right. I'm like, "Ooh, boy." You do have a hot wife. Yeah. Well, most of my, let me say this to you, all my guy friends, my buddy Brad always says to me, he goes, "Dude," he goes, "I cannot believe how way out of your league you ended up going." And he goes, "Because most of the people that we were a school with, they got all the good-looking girls. Hence, never had Tracy Rosach ever in my life, right?" Oh my God. She gets a mention at least once a week. You know what I mean? But I got Chelsea, which is better than that. So to get to my point of what I'm bringing this up for. We're sitting around and talking to one of our friends who expressed to us something that we had not known. You know, you always find out stories later in life that are either true stories that nobody ever wanted to tell or they're BS stories. I believe this is a true story. He told me that after high school, when we graduated from high school, the summer that we graduated, which would be like right now for most of the kids that just recently graduated from high school, that he had sex with one of our teachers that we had as a teacher, I think it might have been our freshman year or sophomore year in school, that he had sex with her. And I thought to myself, "That's not a surprise to me because if you were to do a most likely two, this guy would be most likely to have sex with one of the teachers." Because he was one of those guys that was always really good looking in school. He was very athletic. I always felt like whenever we were in school and doing anything, like he was walking down the hall, that the female teachers that we had would look at him like he was like hot. And he said that they went to a graduation party. So he was 18 years old, graduating from high school, went to a graduation party of one of our mutual friends that had it as his parents' house, and that she came to the party and he said she had a couple of drinks in her and he was kind of flirting with her. One thing led to another and next thing he said, they ended up having sex with each other. I mean, some of these teachers are like fresh out of college, 23 years old. She actually, I think might have been in her mid to late 20s and he ended up, which honestly, it's wrong. But she's no longer his teacher and he's of age. He's 18 years old. She's graduated. She still got a... I don't... It is still... Where was the seed planted? You know what I mean? Like she didn't just meet him there. She probably been thinking about this. Well, the funny thing was it wasn't even his grad party was one of other buddy's grad party that it happened at. But I think the seed was planted throughout the year when he was not even 18. That's crazy. Because I'm telling you, people looked at him, women looked like moms looked at him like he was hot. He was one of those guys that was like a really, really good, good looking guy. But I bring this thing up right now because I'm thinking to myself, that is unfrickin' believable. Like I can't believe that. Like that's something out of a movie/porn where you had sex with a teacher. And I want to ask this question, would you admit this or do you know somebody that had sex with it with one of your teachers? Now college professors, okay, you hear stories like that. I'm talking teachers though. Like your teacher teacher. Were there any teachers that were hot when you were growing up? Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It was a orchard teacher. Her name was Ms. Cromer. Not the, not the name. It's Cromer. I was her name. She was big boy. She still. I don't know. She stood there. She was a teacher. She was, yeah, she got a, she got licks when she walked down the hallway for sure. She's thick. It's thick. Good thing to say. Oh, okay. Her, her booty was nice. Like you could say that she was thick. If I go, she was thick, it makes me sound like I'm saying that she was a, she was a, it's like barbershop and it was like, it's a difference between a woman with a fat ass and a fat ass woman. Yeah. She was a woman with a fat ass woman. Why she really? It's tone and inflection. It really plays a major role. Pick with a two C's. Why did you say yes, by the way, like, yes. Oh my God. We were all in love with the teacher and I, should I give his name out? Why not? Everybody knew it. And we all were. I don't think there was a single girl that wasn't in love with Mr. Creech. Mr. Creech? He had a song. He had a song that the girls would say, Mr. Creech, yeah, Mr. Creech, yeah. We were all, he was, he was, he was a, I, I have to see a picture. And I got to tell you that the man, oh, he's such a nice guy. I, like, as an adult, such a nice man. Such a nice man. His wife. I want to have him. Wait. No, his wife was smoking hot. He was really good at, like, not paying attention to all of the attention that we were giving him. What is it about him? Oh, he was, just like a, he looked like, like, David Beckham. And he was the soccer coach and, like, he, he played soccer. Like, he was, he had that soccer look. And every girl was like, he was, like, all of you are weird. This is my job. Leave me alone. I'll try to find a picture of him. Do you remember my, my friend in Joe's, uh, former football coach and teacher? Uh, he's, he's still, uh, infamous at West Bloomfield High School as the hottest teacher around. And I think he's like, but, uh, Eric Pierce, this guy is a good looking guy. I mean, a good, but you have a teacher that's good looking like that. Like, that's a, that's a male teacher, like Megan's talking about. That's good looking. Yeah. I mean, I had a teacher in high school who was married to one of his former students. We. Yeah. Forgive me more. 15 years ago. Oh yeah. He's cute. Yeah. He's cute. 50 years ago. Yeah. We were all. It was another teacher. She still there. I saw her a couple of weeks ago. Her name is Senorita Braun. Wait, you told this story. The one that hit on you? What did she say again? I don't think she had on me. Yeah. You told a story about a teacher who was like, you look, what? Oh, no, that was a principle. That was a principle. I'm not making up this story. What? The principle. Say again. She like, test your mind. She's like, you've grown up well. Yeah. She was like that. Like, oh, you grown up well. But Senorita Braun, she was a Spanish teacher. She still is a Spanish teacher. Just our last year. And she, man, she was, oh, Senorita, she had the hair. She was speaking Spanish, like, Senorita Braun. Senorita. Yeah. Senorita Braun was like that. What is the deal? What is the deal? What is the deal with the Spanish teachers are always hot. They're always good-looking. Got it. Eric, what's up? I was just, I was wondering where all those teachers were when I was in school. You didn't have any hot teachers? You hear about the ones on the news, people with their students? Yeah. That's bad. That's bad. Well, as a, you would have wanted that, though. Tell me, if Mr. Creech hadn't kicked the soccer ball your way, you wouldn't know that. You know what's amazing, though? Like, you ever see some of these teachers, though, that did have sex with their students, and they're, like, really hot, like, 20-something girls, and you're like, you're telling me that there's no 20-something-year-old guy that you can have a relationship with that you're deciding to have a relationship with, a 14-year-old dude? A lot of them are hot and married with kids. Oh, you're right. You're his right. They're in miserable relationships, so. So, if you find the pregnant one, you know, she puts that one, you know, it's like- Oh, my God. You are a crazy man. Oh, my God. I am going to tell you, though, there is something, there is something about the, the fact that you got this hot, you know, something 20-year-old or whatever that's teaching these kids. I wonder if the principals or administrators ever go, "I don't want a bunch of pre-pubescent and even post-pubescent boys being around this girl." Yeah, it's there. It's creepy. Yeah. It has to play a part, though. Hiring hot. Hiring hot? No, you can't punish attractive people for being attractive. Yeah. I agree. What's going on? It's Mojo in the morning, Amy. Hi. Hi. Good morning. How are you? Good morning. We're just doing a fun, loving topic called, "I have to teach her what's up." So we had a teacher in high school. He subbed and he coached our track team, and everybody had the hugest crush on him. He was so hot, and a couple of years after we graduated, he actually went to jail for having- Oh, geez. --relations with a student, and he used to play for the Lions. You're kidding. Sort of googoo. Wow. So the guy ended up going to jail because he had a relationship with some of the kids. Yeah, a girl, obviously, she was under age. She was actually in the same grade as my sister, and she graduated a few years after us, and we were all kind of like, "Well, that makes sense. We can totally see that." Why is it the male teachers? Why is it the male teachers are the ones that go to jail, but it's the female teachers that they end up eventually marrying the guy and having a- Dude, I feel like it's a lot more female teachers with that go to jail. Really? Yeah. I take advantage of their students. The one that married the student to me is very upsetting. I know exactly who you're talking about, the one from the '90s early- Well, that's Mary Kayla Turno, and she's dead now. She's like, "That was scary." Yeah. Because I remember that story all to a husband was Billy. He was like 12 years old, or like 13 years old, and she got pregnant. Yeah. All right, but here's the question. Is it as bad? Because I think the law looks that it is bad. If the kid is, if there's like my buddy's case, he was 18 years old, graduated from high school, ended up having a sexual little fling for the summer with our former teacher who was in her 20s. It's the drop that you play. It's not illegal, but it's frowned upon. Is that what it is? It's gross, but it's not illegal. It's not illegal. It's frowned upon, like masturbating on an airplane. It's that. It's creepy. It's creepy. You got to have her strength. It's creepy. You got to have her strength. Just because you can't have sex with somebody doesn't mean you have to. Like, you got to have some restraining feelings. Hey, man. What's up, Charles? Hi. What's going on? Hi. What's going on? First-time caller. Hey! We finally found something that you can relate to, sleeping with your teacher. I remember when I was in high school, I don't know how females were, but I always don't look at for girls and trying to-- so for a guy, I think a female teacher came on to him. That's what he wants. Yeah. But I don't know-- Did you know of any teachers that had relationships at all? There was rumors, but I never got-- I didn't have teachers that you were looking at that way. No. Not at all. No. No. And that's also-- if it's a female, it's still pedophilia. It's so wrong. I don't know if I would have said no, though. Yeah. But the child still is the victim there. I get why you wouldn't say no, but it's still just as bad. I mean, as an adult, we know that the parents are that the teachers are in the wrong, but I guess my question is to girls, did you guys-- I mean, were you guys out looking, trying to be promiscuous? Was a teacher? No. No. Did you flirt with me? No. No. No. You just kind of-- No, I mean, just like in high school, because I know for a guy, it was always on. You were always trying, but that makes it seem like that's why they would be more open to the invitation from the teacher. I always wondered how it starts. To me, it always starts with, I need extra help. You know what I mean? I need some extra help. Can I stay after school? And the next thing you know, I don't have a ride home. How does it start? That's how it always is on Pornhub. It's crazy, someone is listening right now, I guarantee his ass, that's what a teacher. Pulling until it's not starting. Well, we do have a couple of people here, hold on a second, we got-- hold on a second. Alexis, somebody slept with a teacher? Yes, she is now my ex-sister-in-law. She was a teacher, she slept with her students. Oh, geez. Oh, my God. What was she teaching? What level? Yeah. And I want to say it was like freshman, sophomore. Wow. Was she married to your brother? She was married to my brother-in-law. And she got busted doing this and that's why they're no longer married or? Yes, the student actually went around bragging about it and had proof of sleeping with her at a park in her van. Oh, my God. And that went to the superintendent and everybody at the school and she got fired. She got arrested, put in jail? She had jail time suspended, she now works at a gas station and she's on the sex offender list. Oh, my God. So she can't ever teach ever, ever again. Yeah, wow. She lost her license, she lost her kids, she lost everything. Oh, my God. It couldn't have been that good. That's unbelievable. I mean, that's very sad. Yeah. They did. Huge. In the park. Huge sock. In the van. Yeah. Yeah. Wow. What's up? Sam, voice this guys. What's going on? Okay. So I feel like my school just like drawn these teachers in. Like I have so many experiences where I felt like uncomfortable or things just weren't right. One of our teachers, one of our math teachers, I'm like girls gone wild on MTV back in the day and that was just like spread around the school. Okay. And one of our good friends when we went to spring break, she was on probation and decided to go on spring break again since attorney's like, and I've met and ended up having to come home early and he ended up calling his teacher to get him a trip home and we were like, that's a little weird and turned out after we graduated, they had been sleeping together and they actually dated for a while afterwards, she was engaged to another man. I guess it was, she was like, I don't know, it was the strangest thing and then she was always so mean to me. I never knew why until we graduated and I was like, oh, that's why. Why? She didn't like you because you were hanging out with her school age boyfriend. Yes. And we were not even like, learning or anything. We were just like good friends and she was so aggressively named for me. Was this a small town? Cause I always wonder if these things happen only in small towns. No, this is not a small town. I know. Not at all. That's unreal though, that this, a lot of stories, I wonder if the teachers that are fooling around with his students get pissed when the guy goes to prom with another girl. Wow. Yeah, she was just like, anytime he was with us outside of school after we graduated, she would call and just be so aggressive that he's like, you can't be around anybody. I am blown away at how many text messages we are getting of people who've hooked up with their teacher. I mean, I'm talking hundreds. I can't even keep up with reading. I know. What voice does guys you Emily? What's up? It's Mojo in the morning. Hey, so I had a teacher in high school who was, she was so hot. She's probably like 23, like super hot Barbie looking girl. A kid tattooed her name on his butt and it was a whole thing. She had him removed from her classes. It was like a whole scandal because I was like, oh, they're definitely singing. Oh, well, that's too bad for her. She can't even just be a hot teacher. She had to have pervert kid getting a tattoo on his ass. Olivia, what's up drama teacher at my high school back in the early 2010s got asked to leave after being caught with a student. Oh, geez. Wow. Yeah. Drama club, a little too much drama club going on there. Rumors are that they're still together 10 years later. Oh my gosh, man, I can't believe it. Steve actually, this is wild. This is like something out of a fantasy, Steve, you went back to your reunion and your teacher hit on you. Yes. I call on this about a month or two hours in a while. Life on you guys did it at the top of the quad in the body. Wait, we talked about this before on the show? Yeah. We call it dirty bastard. Oh, no, I want to hear this story. There's still a dirty bastard. I don't remember. You went to your high school reunion. Yes. And I met my first day teacher there and by the end of the night, we ended up sleeping together. Oh my God. You dirty bastard. You're first grade teacher. Oh my gosh. I can't imagine my first grade teacher. I'll call it a couple of times. I'm trying to make the miss it with. How do you do that? You know what? One more time. You get one more time. Come. Rachel. What's going on? Hi. And senior year we had, we found out after the fact, obviously, but a kid was hooking up with our geometry teacher and he was telling us after the fact that they were both late to graduation, both him and our teacher because they were hooking up before graduation. Oh, no. Come on. Where? Where were the parents at? Like how were the parents not noticing that? Why is my kid not here at graduation? I have no idea I was wild and they hooked up in like the band room and all that's wild. Jesus. You knew them angles. And angles. At least I get learned something, right? Welcome to FHS living where luxury meets lifestyle across Metro Detroit from Corktown to Ann Arbor, West Bloomfield in Birmingham. 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