Mojo In The Morning

Crazy Flooding This Morning

Broadcast on:
10 Jul 2024
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- This is the Mojo in the Morning podcast, powered by Michigan Auto Law, Auto Accident Attorneys. Visit - That's - WKQI Detroit. - WSNX, Muskegon, Grand Rapids. - WVKS Toledo, three great stations, one stupid show. - This is Mojo in the Morning, lie, lie. Mojo. - Thirty. - Big Lads of Luigi. - Two, five, four, three, two, three, two, one. - Ignition sequence five. - Let me take you back to the beginning. - This is it. - All righty, you ready? - You're listening to Mojo in the Morning. - You're a doo doo hack. ♪ Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo ♪ - It's show time! (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - Record breaking storm comes today! - Oh my God. It's already nasty in the Detroit area. - We had some major rain coming our way this morning from some bitch named Barrel. Is it Barrel? - I thought Barrel was a boy. - I don't know, are you serious? Are you sure? - No, I'm not sure, I just-- - Do we know? Is Barrel male or female or? - Rather not say, that's what it's called. - Or maybe no dicks, dicks, dicks, dicks. - Hey, welcome to the Mojo in the Morning show. It is a very, very bad in Detroit. There are signs, obviously, that this is gonna be a bad storm through most of mid-Michigan, I guess in Lansing right now, Lansing, Michigan. It is so bad, there's a lot of flooding, a lot of flooded streets. They're saying that many of the storm drains can't keep up with what they're saying is possibly up to three to four feet of rain and we might get to that. That's a lot. - Detroit is absolutely flooded right now. And I'm gonna give you all something that I usually charge people for, but I'm gonna give it to you for free. - Yeah? - Currently bare-footed in this studio. - Oh, hold on a second. - Your shoes just soaked. - Filming, what, I'm so worried I'm gonna be the smelly person today because I have wet shoes and wet socks and pants or a wet and I'm just a drowned street rat right now. - Wow, look at you. - So when you guys, I know K.P. showed the video to all of us on our group chat. You guys walked out to the parking garage and it was like this, it was all bad. - There I stepped into on the sidewalk, a puddle that was ankle deep. It's flooded down. - Yeah, no, my parking garage is not attached. So walking there, I did not realize the journey we would have to go on because I stepped in a massive puddle. Like you could hear the squish in my shoe right now. - Literally, my toes are soaking. - Today it's got a bit safer for me. - So I put out all my garbage last night and I had tons and tons and tons and tons of like boxes and stuff right now. You should see it. It looks like just a pile of just mush. - Bro, the worst thing about garbage day when it's raining is putting your trash out. They come by, they collect it. But the lid isn't shut. - Yeah. - Pull it up and it's a puddle, the water is hot. Yally? - It smells even water. - It smells even water. - Oh my gosh. - It's always flies. - That would be really careful. Honestly, the roads are just, they're not good right now. Not 'cause safe. - And don't try to cross the street and jump over a puddle. - Yeah. - You're not gonna make it. - You're gonna swim. - I'm no meteorologist, but I'm pretty sure it's raining bitches. (upbeat music) - Yay. (upbeat music) - Okay. (upbeat music) - What's going on, Harper? How are you? - I'm doing just fine. Just trying to avoid somebody's idiot that don't want to drive in the rain. - Yeah. - It's driving too fast for conditions. Those guys on the big trucks, right? - Yeah, but you know what? The funniest thing is just you need somebody in a spark going 75 miles an hour on a 35. (laughing) - Hold on. Are you driving a, you drive a little Chevy spark? - No, no, no, no. - I was gonna say. - I'm in a Chevy and puddle, but I'm always being like these little, any bitty cars just, you have something. - Anybody driving a Tesla today, if you watch out for electrocution on that thing, that thing is gonna be sparking all over the place. But yeah, if you drive one of those little cars, you're probably floating right now. You're probably not driving very far. I would not honestly want to be on highways like '96 and '75, '96, '96. - Going under those overpasses, like when you're driving underneath 'em, who knows what's under there? What's up, Christine, hi. - Hey, good morning. - Good morning. What's happening? We're all dealing with this remnants of that tropical storm once Hurricane Beryl. - Yeah, I'm driving. I drove from 94 Southfield to 94 in Winter Corode, which is Iplani. Roads are fine. Everybody's driving at posted speeds. There's no pooling, there's no ponding, there's no nothing's flooded. - Oh, good for you. - Even the Dearborn Heights area. - Oh, stop it. Stop rubbing it in. Stop rubbing it in. You know what? Honestly, I'm worried about Dearborn and Dearborn Heights. Do you guys remember when we had not even close to the Mount of Rain that we were supposedly getting today? And they couldn't get the storm drains working. It was bad. Like people's basements were literally, you know, you started, you talk about Shannon's garbage on her corner. People just had their garbage come up from their basement. - That was my grandma's, every time I'm in rain back in the day. - Yeah, it's bad. So I'm looking at this. They say it's gonna let up for a little bit this morning. So during the show, thank God, while you're probably driving, it will let up a little bit. And then it's gonna continue. - They said before 9 a.m., it's gonna be heavy, heavy, heavy. And then it'll let up. - Is it? Okay, okay. - That's what I'm reading here from the National Weather Service. - Oh, good, okay. 'Cause I was listening to the news station this morning and they talked about how it will lighten up, I think they said between 7 and like 8.30. And then they said that then it will, this afternoon, probably, you know, get a little bit more, but 'cause there's a system that is, you know, everything's coming up from down south, but there's, I guess, system, I guess, that's towards over towards, I think, Chicago area that is coming our way. - Oh my God, oh, thank you. - Oh, I should've been a weather guy. I was fat like most weather guy. Remember we know the weather guy was fat and you trusted him? Like Al Roker, when he got that weight loss surgery, I didn't trust him after that. - They had to, remember they had to hold his ankles then when he was reporting from like the hurricane. - For real? - Yes, they do, they always do. I'm not joking, all of the weather people. - He was too skinny, eventually. So he needed to be like sandbag down. What's up, David, hi. - How are ya, Mojo? - I'm okay, David, where are you calling us from? - I'm calling from a Fowlerville. - And how is it in Fowlerville? - Uh, Krabby. (laughing) - Real Krabby. - Yeah, any issues at all as far as like your home or you know, where you live, any flooding? - My yard's flooding. - Yeah, he's gonna, you don't need a slip and slide today. You just go right out. The funny thing is when you drive by homes in businesses that have their sprinklers still on 'cause they're on timers. - Yeah. - And like I don't think you need those today. But while Fowlerville, stay safe, okay? - Yeah, it's okay right now. - All right, we'll be safe. Thank you. Thank you for the call, David. Sean, welcome to the Weather Channel on the radio. What's going on, Sean? (laughing) - Bro, bro, Mojo, what's happening? - You know, I know it's happening. I can't keep my blunt lit. This is one of those days, I'm just-- - It's too much, it's too much, it's not gonna happen bro. - It's not smoking the reefer. - It's awful, yeah. - It's not smoking my blood. - It ain't going to happen, baby. - What's happening, Sean? - What's good, man? Hey, what's up, dad? What's up, Danny? What's up, man? - Good morning. - I'm begging. - She's barefoot right now in the studio. Megan, rub your feet up against that microphone so that he can win. (laughing) - That's for you. - That's how ass you are, you can hear her. - That's how ass you are. - I use a scrub, I use a scrub. - I'm like, she started to fire. - Look, my toes are painted. I got cute feet. - She got them painted for you today, Sean. - I got cute feet, they're red too. - Sean, you want to pay? Check our Instagram stories. - No, don't scare me. (laughing) - They're sparks flying. (laughing) - Wow. - What's up, Sean? - Well, yeah, you were saying that if you wanted to, I mean, you wanted to know if the storm was male or female, I don't think it's either. I think it's bisexual. (laughing) - Sean, where are you at? - I'm in those undertones, overtones. I'm in Detroit, bro. - Okay, all right. - I love that. - Well, I'm going to Madison right now to drop somebody off and do well, drop my girl off and then I'm going to-- - Somebody do that! (laughing) - Hey, who you for somebody to like, yeah. (laughing) - Sean. - Have you had to drive on any of the highways at all and dealt with it? - I'm on one now. I'm driving one right now. I just went under one of them underpasses. You were talking about them overpasses that you were talking about in it. It was flooded like a mug that we had to flow the hell down. - The people that are driving in it, like Kev mentioned the lodge, that's my example. - You get up to where there is standing water and you're like just praying that you can make it through but it's probably not a good idea if you don't have a car that's tall enough to-- - Yeah, I'm not in my truck, so I was kind of worried. I'm in her car, I'm in her car, so. - What does she drive? What kind of car has she got? - It's a crack of a little money. - Okay, well, good luck to you, man. Be safe, you're a good guy. By the way, this is when you know it's love when you're driving her to work on a day like today instead of just saying take the car. Hey, it'd be like that sometime, baby. - Yeah, well, Sean, have a great day, okay? - You too, bro. Hey, love all y'all, man. - We love you too. - We love you, man. - Love you too, take care of yourself. I love, by the way, he's driving his girl to work and he's like, "Megan's got him begging." (laughing) - I love him. - His girl sitting right next to him, wanting to open up the door and throw him right out into the rain. - Who knows about his girl? The weather might not be the only thing about sexual. - Hey. - Hey, there you go. - That's my girl, Fred. - Hey. (laughing) - Do you guys think that today will be a light phone day or a big phone day for people calling in? I was worried about the weather today, affecting the show. - So far, so good? - Yeah, so I mean, so far we got people calling in, so please be good to us today. What's going on? How you doing, Brad? - I'm not too bad, sir. I drove from Grand Rapids over to Detroit area and the only bad areas I experienced was between like Lansing and Follerville. - Okay. - Really heavy and very hard to see. - Yeah, I think they said that Lansing's kind of that Western edge of this thing. So Grand Rapids may be okay today. - Grand Rapids was raining pretty good, but not as bad as in the Lansing area. - Yeah. Do you drive one of those big semi trucks or what do you got? - I do, sir. - Let me ask you, when you're driving in one of those things, do you have fun driving by people with smaller cars, spraying water all over them? - I do, I actually do, I love it. (laughs) - Is it usually the person that's in the car and they look like an a-hole? Like, you know, let's describe what they look like that makes you want to do it. - If the one's doing 35 with their four ways on that I love don'ts. - Oh, people who are terrified and scared for their lives. - Yes. (laughs) - I saw so many people at least three or four cars driving without lights on this morning. - The same. - Really? - Yeah, go ahead. - There's a lot of those idiots out there this morning. - What's going on? - Well, you sound like an evil man, but we love you, Brad. Thank you for coming. - Nah, nah, I'm a very nice man. - All right, we'll be- - I just don't like idiots that don't know how to drive. - People that are scared and being safe. (laughs) - Be careful, buddy, okay? - Yes, there's an extent to being safe and 35 on a highway when everybody else is good, 65, 70, and passing me is that little ridiculous, honestly. - I don't know, if I don't drive normally in this, I get worried in this stuff. - You gotta know your car. - Yeah, roundabouts. I had a hard time with roundabouts today. I had to go through a couple of them on Pontiac Trail and, you know, first off, you can't even see the lines when it's coming down as hard as it was coming down. All right, we'll keep you up to date on what's going on. We got a lot to get to this morning. We got a ton of things to talk about. We got five lives to tell your mom on the way. A daughter is gonna tell her mom that she is getting married and mom's not invited to the wedding. You'll hear that coming up at seven. Second date update on the way this morning. Is it a bad first date for him to take her to get a massage on the first date? Would you think that would be a bad first date? At 8.20, that's happening. And then we've got Mojo Summer, Cars Cash Gas, giving away a 20, 24 Chevy Equinox and $20,000 all coming up this morning. - An official message from Medicare. - A new law is helping me save more money on prescription drug costs. You may be able to save too. With Medicare's extra help program, my premium is zero and my out-of-pocket costs are low. Who should apply? Single people making less than $23,000 a year or a married couples who make less than $31,000 a year. Even if you don't think you qualify, it pays to find out. - Go to paid for by the US Department of Health and Human Services.