Mojo In The Morning

The 4th Date

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09 Jul 2024
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This is the Mojo in the Morning podcast, powered by Michigan Auto Law, Auto Accident Attorneys. Visit That's It is Mojo in the morning. I'm going to go on record and do a commentary right now. I got a commentary. Guys, our idiots, now back to you. And here's my commentary. Ready? I recently was visiting family in Chicago and actually got a chance to do dinner with our old producer, Ellen, who used to work around the show. Does everybody remember who Ellen is? No. I know. Who doesn't know? I know. We miss Ellen. We love Ellen. She now lives in Chicago and she's very successful and I'm very proud of her for that. She looks great too, by the way. She actually looks really good. Is this bad to say that she's lost weight and she looks amazing because I don't think that she looks amazing just because she lost weight, but she looked amazing, right? I always feel bad about that because sometimes what you didn't think I looked good before or whatever. You could be honest. Some people do look better thinner. Well, listen, everybody else. I think, well, there are some people that don't look good. They don't look healthy when they're really skinny. Y'all need to watch your mouth. Y'all are within punching distance. It's facts. I look better thinner. I didn't gain so I was going to ask my outfit. I was like, yeah, bro. But she looks amazing. She actually was fun to hang out with. I'm going to move on to pass this part because it will be all that people will hear out of the whole conversation. But Ellen was having dinner with my sister, Tracy, and her husband, and her daughter, and her son-in-law. We were all together and we were having a conversation and she started talking about dates and dating. She's been dating, as we all know. When Ellen was on the show, she talked a lot about her dating here in town. Dating seems like it's better in Chicago. Well, she tells me a story about how you get to, she called it the fourth date. She goes, anytime that you go and you meet a guy on a dating app, you get at least four dates out of them before they all turn into spitheads. They all turn into idiots. She's explaining some of the people that she's gone on dates with and how first date, great. Second date, oh my God, it's unbelievable. Third date, great. Fourth date, Enba, and then they fall off. It's the fourth date. I've heard this from so many different people, including KP has told me about this before on our show. She talked about it before. I've had friends of Chelsea's that are single fourth date. Oh, that's awesome. And then after the fourth date, the guy turns crazy. I have a theory and I'm going to say this and guys are going to get pissed at me and now you're going to go back and you're going to go listen to Dave and Chuck the Freak or Free Baron Hot Wings or whoever. I think that dating apps have screwed guys up. And here's the reason why. Actually, not just dating apps. I think this all goes back to dating apps, porn, TikTok. It's a new generation where guys are emboldened to pretty much do whatever the hell they want to do. And I think that women need to like all stand up and say, I've had enough and I'm not going to take it anymore. Right. Because I think what happens is with guys is, and this is, I didn't have dating apps when I was when I was dating. I didn't even have, I don't think the amount of porn that you have nowadays. Like, you know what I mean? Like, porn wasn't as easily accessible. I think guys, it's like the video game generation where you are, you know what? Yeah, this was really kind of cool, but I'd have to actually put effort into this relationship and actually, you know, put my foot, my good foot forward. And then they just decide to go back and do it all over again. And I think that you should have, every dating app should have an expiration on a guy. If a guy's on there or constantly going back and back and forth, he should be kicked off the dating app. Because I think that the problem is, they don't focus on what they're hoping or what the dating app is meant for. And that is to find a relationship. Is there, are there any dating apps that have like, like a Yelp that's had to do that? Yes, it's called their Facebook group chat. No, I know, I know that those things exist, but I'm talking like if Bumble or Hind had like their profile, but then underneath it had like the Yelp reviews from people who have actually gone out on a date with that person, good and bad. Yeah, but I don't always think that's fair because just because you're my yuck doesn't mean you're not somebody else. A million percent. I just didn't know if that existed. No, but it should. I think that's right. I think it's basically that secret Facebook group or whatever it is that's out there. But I think honestly, if guys knew, if guys knew that they were being rated by what kind of jerks they are, I don't think they would do this because I don't hear about women that are doing this to guys. I see a majority of the women that I know that are on dating apps, truly looking for a relationship. They want something long term. The guys are looking just to get their D what? And I think that the problem is that when I was dating, we all wanted to get the D. You know what? Thank you. Talk about it. But we also knew that eventually we wanted to have something long term and we couldn't just instantly go swiping, you know, right after a date. Speaking from this like level of Evolved man, you need to go back to Daniel D wet mojo. Like I need it. It's some women on these apps. So that's just trying to get the AP with absolutely. And I think this four day spithead thing didn't just happen because of these dating apps. This has been going on for a long time. And I think four days is enough to see if you are interested in somebody and maybe it just gets to a point where we have four days in and I'm realizing we don't have anything in common. Where do we talk about it this point? Why are they so great though? But why were they so great? Everybody. I was probably the best. Well, our workload is a bit different, but I'm sure employees are the greatest their first month in. Everybody's energy is the best when they're first hired. Like everything is like that. But you can only make it three dates before that starts to crumble. That's the part that's wild. But I'm saying how many days because nine times out of 10 and man is probably spending the money on a date. How many dates am I supposed to go on if I don't feel it? Is it is five the number where I like no, no, no, no, you don't have to feel it. I'm not even asking you to if you don't feel it. Tell me don't waste my time. Don't waste your time. But don't and it's weird because we're not getting into like a lot of details. But the way guys can change and just become really. Because we don't have emotions like that. But it's not about emotions. It's about you can still be respectful and end things without turning into like a monster. Well, I can't defend a monster. I think it's easier and this is just I can only speak for myself because I have the ability to disassociate myself from certain things just because of childhood trauma. But I think it's easier for guys to just immediately cut ties with something and move on. For sure. Absolutely. And my problem also is not with and I think yeah, we are talking about hookup culture here. I have no problem with that if that is what you're upfront about on the app. But when you're not upfront about that and I spend my time talking to you and within the first day, you say, I have a hot tub. Come on over. And now I you've just treated me as a meat object that I didn't sign up for. That's different. But that's different than the four day things. I think I like one example, like what is happening on the on date for I asked this question. I said, I said, well, you probably gave up you probably gave up sex on the fourth date. It's like, no, all of them are different. You know, we've all had different ones. Some of them, you know, some of them, there was no sex at all. And we were in I was waiting and holding out. I think it's the four day thing where I think a guy gets their ADD or something goes off or their APP their attention, penis, you know, easily accessible. There's a thousand more more than that. There's thousands of more people that they can just to them. I always think about it this way. They might have a good fish in Ellen, but they're like, I think I can find. I'll throw it back. But because of the high rate of people hooking up, which is I'm not judging like that like you do you boo. But because it is so easily accessible, it puts so much pressure on people who don't want to have sex early in the relationship to be like, if I don't do this, they're just going to move on to the next person on the app. If that's yeah, I know. I think you're at the end. It's a really good point. And that's probably why people have sex probably even sooner. But I actually felt like when I was dating in the dating process, if I didn't make not a commitment, but if I didn't actually get serious, I was going to lose somebody because there was other people that were out there. Imagine nowadays with all these apps. Who cares? You got to buy like that's a that's a problem. Not a good thing though, because what I just heard you said, correct me if I'm right. Here's another therapy thing. Did I just hear you or what I just heard was you committed earlier because of the pressure of losing that person? Well, then then you were actually ready to commit. Don't back me into a corner. No, that's what I heard. I know what I'm saying. What I was saying is I found a great person that I shared a lot of, you know, you know, common interest and likes with. And I wasn't going, oh, I wish I would have ordered that other thing. You know, like, I focus on what I'm focused on. And that is the person that you're with and not focusing on going and back on. I know guys that go on dates and they're with a date going, let me look and see who else is in my, you know, my inbox. Like watching TV and being on your phone to say exactly. Yeah, that's exactly it. Kay, what's up? It's Mojo in the morning. Hey, good morning. I don't know if I'm the right one to speak on this because I'm the 18, three, four years. I know it was a man who's done done with dating. But I think that if they charge for these data, more men will take it seriously because if you meet someone on the app that they had to pay for, then they are probably looking for more mysterious relationships than just a hookup. That's actually an interesting point because I think they did a study that found that people that paid for dating services had more success than people that went on the free dating apps. Yeah, because you're not gonna pay if you're just looking to get, you know, brittle on. Yeah, if you're looking for, I would pay more at to believe somebody who paid for an app to find their certificate other than I would on plenty of this or whatever. Yeah, no, that's a good point. Sarah, what's up? It's Mojo in the morning. Hi, everyone. How are you? Good morning. We're good. What's going on? Yeah, I just want to think that that I feel like technology and like social media and dating apps in the days, it makes it like really easy to have that like infant gratification. So if you're not getting what you want from someone, it's so easy to swipe and get it from the next, like, it's more of like a business than like actually trying to find someone to be in a relationship with. I can see how that could be a negative, but isn't it in a way a positive because I would want to realize that I'm not gratified in this experience earlier than I have to wait five or six months to realize I'm not. I think you're coming at it from the mentality of I'm looking for a partner. And in that case, I agree with you. Don't waste my time. But if you're looking at it from the other perspective, then it's just I'm not getting what I want next. Right? It's a set of actually getting to know somebody who, you know, taking the time to get to know them and who they truly are. If we're not going to be more dates, bro, it's a wrap. This is the reason why they they want to take phones away from young kids because they think that the kids are just focused on the technology and not focused on interaction with people one on one. I think that's where the problem lies in where these four dates happen. And then the guys instantly go, you know, and I could be home right now, door dashing and watching, you know, Mia Khalifa and porn, you know, like, honestly, I only know her because I said the bear. You said that. I only know her because Mike was such a big fan of me. I'm gonna throw him under the box. Who is Mia Khalifa? That's what he would say. Oscar award-winning actress. What's up, Paul? Hi. Hey, how's it going? Good buddy. What's going on? Hey, so I just, I know Kev's got my back here. He was speaking up for the boys. I just wanted to say, I know you were kind of saying that it's like fourth date. And then the guys always like, hey, something changes and they just stop talking. And I agree with the last lady that was on and she's like the dating apps have created these and makes everything disposable to both parties. And I just wanted to say that really definitely does go both ways. I've been on the sending end of that and I've been on the receiving end of that too. And yeah, it does suck it. They really do make it so that these people, this person with a soul is just disposable to this other person. You're like, hey, I don't like you anymore. I don't have to talk to you anymore. Yeah. No, that is, it's disposability. That is the reason why I think that there is a problem every in, you know, you're right. Women are disposing of guys as much as guys are probably disposing of women. But Avery, what's up? Hi, first time long time. What's going on, Avery? Sound very mellow. What's up? So I actually have like a couple of friends that will literally are on dating sites that will literally go on a new date like three or four times a week just to get like a free meal out of the day. Yeah. You know what I say to that. Avery, those are bad women. Yes. Those are bad women. And then there are guys that go not for the free meal. They go for sex, right? Sometimes I don't understand why that's so hard is like we can call out other women and be like, that's bad behavior. But like guys have a hard time being like, this is bad male behavior. Avery, do you think it's bad that guys just don't want to focus on trying to be in a relationship, but are on a relationship app? So I personally think because I'm on dating sites. And I'm the person that I am ready for a relationship. And like, and I feel like dating apps ruin it for other guys that are actually serious. And like there's a lot of girls out there that don't want to go on like dates with people because oh, this person just wants to hook up or this person just wants me for this one thing. And it ruins it for all the other other guys are actually on those sites for a good reason. That's an interesting perspective because I would look at it this way. If you're a guy that's truly looking for a relationship, these guys are helping you by being asses because all you have to do is make it to the fifth date. If you make it to the fifth date, this woman that potentially could be your future long term girlfriend or wife even goes, wow, this Avery guys actually really nice. I've gone on 20 other dates with guys that didn't even make it this long. Am I wrong in saying that or no? No, you're not wrong. But I was talking to this girl like probably about a month or so ago who literally like we met in person other than on a dating app. And she literally didn't like, I was nice, just a good person. And she was like, what's wrong with you? I'm like, it's just because I'm not an a-hole. And I'm like, she's waiting for the shoe to drop. Yeah. That is and you're right though. That's crazy. You almost you almost have to prove yourself that way because so many guys have screwed her over. Yeah, dating. Luckily, you're in the dating field now because it's awful. That's what I hear. It's terrible. I hate it. Avery, you're a single guy. How old are you? I'm 26. There he goes. Would you like to meet any of the ladies? Any of the women? I look at guys. I'm going, this guy sounds like a nice guy. You know what I mean? I went to you guys's hotel hookup party. Did you really? Did you get any phone numbers? I got a couple, but nothing serious. I was the second the first the second runner up in the in the dating, the blind dating thing. Oh, okay. Like in the last person I got eliminated. Okay. There were some good looking guys in that thing. I'm trying to remember which one you were who you are. I'll have to look back at pictures. Keep swing. I had the light blue jacket on. Okay. Oh, yeah. It was a two piece, wasn't it? Yeah. All right. You came with the cowboy. Oh, no, no, no. I never mind. There you go, you're good. Well, Avery, I wish you luck, buddy. I wish you luck in this world. This is great. You're right. This is crazy. All right. That does it. I don't know how to end this. I love when you're done with a Taffy. Traver. Last words from you. What do you want to say? Traver? First time long time. I just think dating after just like a buffet, you can't decide what you want. There's too many options. You know what? Eat them all. That might be actually the way to end it. That is true. Where do you start on the buffet? Because I go right past the salad. I pass the salad too. Yeah. Go right to the meats. Lucky land casino asking people, what's the weirdest place you've gotten lucky? Lucky in line at the deli, I guess? I'd my dentist's office. More than once, actually. Do I have to say? Yes, you do. In the car before my kids' PTA meeting. Really? Yes. Excuse me. What's the weirdest place you've gotten lucky? I never win and tell. Well, there you have it. You could get lucky anywhere playing at Play for free right now. Are you feeling lucky? No purchase necessary. 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