Mojo In The Morning

Am I The A**Hole?

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09 Jul 2024
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This is the Mojo in the Morning podcast, powered by Michigan Auto Law. Autoaccident attorneys visit auto That's auto law dot com. It's Mojo in the morning. Time now for am I the a hole on the phone with us right now is initial. Oh, I won't use your real name. I'll just say initial. Oh, we're going to voice this geyser and she wants to know if what she's done is a whole material. Oh, what is it that you did? Hey, what's up? The morning. Hi, good morning. Oh, okay. Um, I created a fake dating profile to try and catch my boyfriend. She did. Wow. It ended to catch him. Um, yeah, I did. I caught him. And, uh, I pretended to be a girl and, uh, I literally, you know, we set up a date. And, you know, I watched him message the fake girl about where she was and, you know, when he showed up to the restaurant and obviously she stood him up. Wait, wait, wait, wait. I mean, it went that far that you actually, you created a profile, you set up a date and he went on the date. Well, maybe he got stood up. Okay. So nobody was there. Nobody was there. So, so what, why is your, your question is, are you an a hole for doing that? Or is there more to this? Um, well, when he got back from it, right, I asked him about his date, right? And he was confused, of course. But then we got in a big fight. And then he told me I was manipulative. He said that you're the, you're a, uh, manipulator for what you did. Yeah. That's why I didn't talk to the ass lights. So that. So you're now asking the question to all of our listeners, probably for reassurance. That you're not a, you're not a bad person for doing this. Are you an a hole for what you did? You set up your boyfriend by doing a fake dating profile? Is she an a hole for that? So you, I'm assuming you suspected that there was something going on. And that's why you did. You set up this fake profile. Yeah. Or you were just curious. I mean, he's been different and acting weird. And so I, I tapped. Uh huh. Um, eight, four, four, mojo live, eight, four, four, six, six, five, six, five, four, eight, Texas nine, five, five, zero, zero. Uh, I, yeah, but listen, I think that you got your answer. I don't think you're, I don't think you're an a hole. You would be an a hole if you stick around with this guy. Oh my God. Okay. Are you, are you going to stay with him? Or are you done with him? I don't know. I don't, I don't know. Things are going great until they weren't. You know what I mean? What? I don't know. Why do you feel like an a hole? I don't know. You said that to the guy. Who you say? She feels like the bad guy. Okay. Yeah. I feel like the bad guy. But like, this is messed up. And I'm really confused. I'm really confused. I'm glad I could talk to you. Do you guys support this? She needs some self-esteem. I know. And I want to be really clear. I don't, I don't think you're in the wrong for catching him. All right. I just literally wore the roses. Right. I think what you did to find out that he was cheating now could have ended a little bit earlier. And that's the only reason why I think you might, I don't even want to say a hole, just like, you took it a little too far. If you caught him cheating on the app and you could just do screen grabs. Why send him out on the day alone? But at the same time. I'm kind of with you, Kev. Like he's, he's stepping out. You might as well embarrass him and waste his time. Because he could easily lie and be like, I was just playing a rods one to see if I could get it. Very true. No, I love it. She kept it that far. I think she should have set it up even more than that and been at the table with him. Instead of waiting till he got home from the the stood update. By the way, if you've ever done that, please call us and tell us, share your story because I am. I'm so curious to hear. Uh, what, uh, what do we got here? Textors texting in this morning. Uh, 38 tech so far. Text is 95500 for me. The whole you can text 95500 or you can call it for four mojo live out of the 38 text. This is wild. Fifteen of them are she's an a hole. I'm kind of shocked by that. I thought more people would be like, no, she's not an a hole. J. C. Is she an a hole? No, she's not. She should have went that far to even meet up with him. Yeah, that's what I was saying. I thought that would have been even better. Yeah, exactly. Why do you think there are people texting us saying that she's she's an a hole? Um, I don't know why because they're cheater too. So whenever you get caught, you're pointing over the a hole. Yeah, that's true. Um, mojo in the morning is initial O and a hole. No, I don't believe so at all. She was doing what she felt was right and what she feel like one. If he was still cheating and gave her something. So she's protecting herself in the long run and protecting her body. I think she just needs to gain a little self the same and not say what the man who doesn't value her or her opinion and turns it around on her and calls her the manipulate dump dump dump dump dump dump dump that you cannot say the actual word, but it's a hole. I know that that word. Oh, yeah. I think that ass and the other word. Yeah, which is, there's like a hole right over here. I think that it should be able to be said on the radio. I agree, but I think the FCC. Yeah, are a bunch of a holes, but this is what I we can't say it on the radio or we'll get a fine. But with that said, say a hole instead. You think that she's an a hole. I do not think that she is. Okay. All right. You do not think. Okay. I thought you're at set up here on here. She's not an a hole. Good. Okay. I totally judge and wrong. And you're raising the same as the others. This is a clear case of. Yeah, everybody's got a definitive answer. There's a reason for wanting to do what she did and like I can see why she did it. And I don't think I don't think she's in the wrong for it. I think that his reaction speaks for itself, but that's something she needs to get out of. Yeah. Jalen, what do you think? Jalen. Sorry. Hello. Yes. Hi. Hi. Yeah, you know, I work and stuff. But yes, I do think she's an a hole because at the end of the day, if you can't go to your home partner, simply ask them. Or if you don't have that level of honesty or trust, then I think she should have just ended it before she started. But Jalen, wait a second, you're saying if you don't have that level of trust, it's obvious she doesn't have that trust because he's not a trustworthy person. But she didn't have that. She did not have a definitive answer on whether or not he was doing it. She wanted to have some evidence before she just left him. So you think that she's, you think she's an a hole for going to that, that length. Yeah, honestly, stupid to any lower one. Yeah, somebody's calling you on the other one. Yeah, I mean, he does bring up an interesting point. He's not wrong. No, he brings up an interesting point that if you have to go to the great lengths of setting up a profile and then setting up dates and talking to him, you already have your answer. Why not just leave him at that point? Yeah, but you're not the A.O. No, not the A.O. and listen, when she caught him, he gaslit her and called her a manipulator. Imagine not having that actual proof and just confronting. And just being made to think that you're crazy. Sometimes you just need that clear and obvious proof. Again, that is why we have so many submissions every single week for Where the Roses. Because people just want that. They need that proof. Even if they like, they have their own evidence, it's like they need to hear it. Yeah, Lauren, what's up? Hi, yeah. Short-time listener, long-time call, or first-time call. I like that. That's all right. Lauren, what were you listening to before you started listening to us? Well, my mom actually listened to you guys a long time ago with Four of the Roses. And then I just moved up to Michigan and started listening to y'all. I love it. Thank you. We're happy to have you. What's up? So my opinion of it is if she is actually manipulative, and she's kind of hiding it on the radio, then the guy could have just been trying to get into another relationship in order to hop out of this relationship. Yeah. We don't know the girl, honestly, but if she is a manipulative person, I don't think there's been in that relationship. You've got to try to get out somehow. But it's still bad to search for another relationship while you're currently in one. Uh, maybe. There's all different situations. So you don't think that you don't think that he was necessarily looking to cheat. He was just seeing what his options were. Yeah, that's kind of like looking for jobs while you have a job. You know what? You know what it is. I would just do that as an example, but no, I don't, please don't. Um, Pam, what's going on, Pam? Hi, I can't fix my own husband. Did you? You did exactly what I did. Well, I caught him. I actually had somebody on Instagram tell me they were speaking to him and he was talking bad about me. So I actually found out that he had multiple profiles on hookup sites. And you catfished him for how long of a time before he finally just came right out with it. Oh, I only did it for about a week and then I took all the screenshots and confronted him and found out that he had been screwing around with somebody at work. Oh, and are you saying husband? Are you still with him? No. Oh, okay. That's nice. Um, was it, was it fun catfishing or was it, you know, gut wrenching? Honestly, my, my, uh, anxiety was probably through the roof the highest this ever been. Okay. Yeah, I bet that would be tough seeing the person that you trusted doing that. Leon says, I'll let you say it, Leon, but Leon says that he's just like a little, uh, oh, what's up? What's up? Oops. What's going on? What's going on? Hey, I, um, there's some information I might be missing from the beginning, but it sounds like she tested them. You have to result that you do. So for me, like, yeah, I'm, I've been a pretty manipulative spirit in my past. But as a man, if my woman is doing this as a test to me, I don't want to have anything to do with you. So for my opinion, this is great. Because she was talking a woman that I personally would not have nothing to do with him. That's a type of relationship. So really, I think they're both coming out, uh, I had because they both got issues and it's just nothing with talking. So you're, you're saying he called her a manipulator. You say that she is, she is a manipulator and you say he's awesome, but he's also a manipulator. Again, I missed some information. I'm not sure if he did something to cause her to set that emotion. But she said, she said he did. Yeah, she said that he, she started noticing that he was on dating sites. And she just wanted to catch him, ran, handed. Yeah, of course I get that. I don't know if it was addressed and there was this great line addresses and hey, I'm not, this is a problem with relationship in this thing. And if people don't want to communicate with one another, they would rather trap each other and say, look what I can't. I caught you rather than saying, Hey, there's an issue. Here's what I'm noticing. So if people actually cared about, they cared about the relationship. It would start communicating to do better. Men would do better. Women would do better. And the whole world would be better. But the problem is, people don't want to communicate. They've rather got you. You know what? You may be right in not knowing Kim actually just called in with this question. What was your question, Kim? How did she even know he was on the dating app? Was she on there? Well, that's a good, that's a very good point. Let me ask her that question because of both you and in this, that last Yahoo said the same exact thing. I don't think we got this from you. Oh, how did you know that he was on dating app? Oh, okay. So I have a couple of friends who have yet to find love. You feel me? They're on the dating side. I'm not on a dating side because, you know, I'm not achieving some bad, but my friends did see him on there. So I'm like, okay, let me try to get a matchy matchy going and lo and behold. That's okay. Okay, so that's so that there you go. Yeah. So the children in the pudding as they say. Yeah. You're not a manipulator. You're not an a hole. Now you got to go move on and get passes. Well, I mean, you already on a dating site. So now you can just find someone else. That's actually not a bad idea. Well, I guess. Wouldn't it be nice to be on a dating site as somebody else and just. I don't know. I think it'd be. Why would you do that when it comes time to meet up? If I wanted today Megan and Mojo showed up. And then it'd be like, hey, it's Mojo. Mojo in the morning. Thank you and good luck to you. With Lucky Land Slots, you can get lucky just about anywhere. Daily Beloved. We're gathered here today. Has anyone seen the bride and groom? Sorry. Sorry. We're here. We were getting lucky in the limo when we lost track of time. No. Lucky Land Casino. With cash prizes that add up quicker than a guest registry. In that case, I pronounce you lucky. For free at Daily bonuses are waiting. No purchase necessary. We're prohibited by law. Eighteen plus. Terms and conditions apply. See website for details.