Mojo In The Morning

"Alex Down The Street"

Broadcast on:
09 Jul 2024
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This is the Mojo in the Morning podcast, powered by Michigan Auto Law, auto accident attorneys. This is that's All right, it is the Mojo in the morning show, so I'm hanging out at the house and the doorbell, my ring doorbell rings, and I see a guy standing at my door because I always look at the camera on my phone right away just to see who it is. And the guy's like butt up right up against the thing. Like he's like literally looking into it. Do you ever do that, by the way, if you go to somebody's house, when you know that they have a video camera and stuff, you like look right into the thing just to kind of freak them out. You got to get funny with it. Well, this guy was a little goofy. And so I go, I'd go answer the door. I answer the door and it's a guy standing there. And he's got the company's pest control company that he works for, his name, you know, on his shirt and his hat and everything. And he says to me, he goes, Hey, I was just doing some work for Alex down the street. And I don't know if you know this, but you guys have this infestation of these bugs and he named some bug that is in your neighborhood right now. And a lot of your neighbors are being affected by this thing. And since I'm already in the neighborhood, I'm spraying a bunch of the homes, I wanted to know if you guys wanted to do this. And I'm home by myself and I go, well, how much is it? And the guy goes, it's like 60 is 60 some dollars, 60 to 35 worked out to be $64 or something of that. And I'm like, yeah, okay, I'll do it. And I said, what are these bugs? And he said, well, they're around because while the rain that we've been having and all the rest of stuff, guys, like talking bug talk to me, I don't care. All right, but you don't want bugs, but I don't know bugs. And I know that Alex down the street is getting this thing done. Yeah. So I said to him, okay, I said, but I can't sign along. I'm not signing a long service contract or any of that stuff, because I do nothing around my house, except for go to work and lay on the couch. Chelsea does everything else around the house. And she is not home right now. Just then Chelsea pulls into the driveway and I go, well, good, she's here. So Chelsea comes up and the guy does the whole spiel again with Chelsea, where he does the whole thing about the infestation of bugs, blah, blah, blah, do you know the whole thing like that and Alex down the street. Well, Chelsea goes, where does Alex live? And he goes, Oh, it's like three or four houses down the street. Chelsea looks and goes, we don't have a neighbor named Alex down the street. I know none of my neighbors. All right, I know like five neighbors. Okay. And that's about it. I know like the, you know, friends of ours, Brittany and John, you know, and then I know a few other people, but I don't know Alex down the street. I'm thinking to myself, Alex down the street. This guy that was his his scam spiel that he does is scam delivery, where he is basically trying to get you to do. And by the way, Chelsea says to me, you know that we have terminus that comes to our house and sprays our house. And I go, I have no idea that terminus is coming to my house and spraying in my house. And so I almost bought this thing. And I started thinking to myself, I want to bring this up on the radio. And I want to bring it up. And I'm even though I am embarrassed by the whole fact that I almost fell for this thing, because I don't know the scams. Like I have no idea, but that's what a, what a great way to pull it off. Like tell me that Alex down the street, you would have fallen for it, right? I mean, do you know Alex or do you know any but any of your neighbor's names? I just know Beverly downstairs. That's it. But he would have had me at the whole outfit. Like you got an outfit on. You're the guy. Listen, he was going to spray, I think. I think he was going to spray. Actually, you want to hear the funniest thing I left. I had to go run an errand and I came right back like an hour later. I see the guy walking down the street from my house. And I'm like, he's walking to all the neighborhoods. He's doing it. I wonder if he changed the name after he he was told by Charlie. I don't know. I wonder if it became like Will down the street. I have no clue. John Tom Street, you know, he named the company and he said that they were company that was out in there were an Oakland in Oakland County and Wixom or something like that. He kind of did this whole thing. And I'm like, this guy's he had me hook line and sinker. I don't want bugs. That's the thing. I mean, nobody wants bugs, right? I can't believe you guys answer your door for like salespeople. I do not unless it's a kid selling something, then of course, I'll answer and I always buy something. But I don't answer my door if I see. Can you just say that you're not home? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Because they're like, how do they not know that I'm in the shower? Somebody was telling me to me is telling me about how people are posing as Amazon drivers, because you know, they don't have regular cars. They have they drive their own cars. Yes. And when you'll they'll ring your doorbell, the people will they'll push into your house and get in your house. Okay. I heard somebody sitting on Twitter. Was that on Twitter saying that before? People will get me. You haven't been outside of Kroger and they have like the sheets and they want you to sign like your name, your address. And it's to push some petition or some bill through. You know, I'm not signing none of that. Those are real. I was gonna say a lot of those are real. No. You don't have to get my address. I'm not just giving a random person outside of Kroger, my address. They have to verify that you live in the state. No, you're not gonna give me like that. I love it. It's the real one. Hold on. Alex down the street is calling us up right now. No, Alexis, I Alexis, what's up? Hey, how are you guys doing? Good. What's going on? So, Mojo, the exact same thing just happened to me this weekend with the pest control guy. We're actually new homeowners. We just bought the house like a little over a week ago. Congratulations. Oh, thank you. And me up to me and was being super pushy. I was outside doing some yard work. Kind of the same thing. Hey, rats are in this area. You know, all these bugs and you know, your neighbor right there. Oh, I don't know if he's two or three houses down, but he's also getting treated. And I was like, oh, okay. Let me go talk to my boyfriend. And he was like, oh, well, you know, actually, if I just come in right now, I can start the treatment and he actually tried to enter our home without any permission. He reached for the door, started trying to get inside. And I was like, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. We're not doing anything right now. And really got weirded out about it and just kind of moved on. And now my boyfriend installed all new cameras and, you know, locks on our house because there's been a couple weirdos that walked fast and we're in Royal Oak. It's crazy. They have their own game. And I feel like people need to be aware of these scams that they come up with. What's up, Katie? Hi. Hey, good morning. Good morning. Yeah. So when they come through our stuff, they do his H field. They come up to your house and be like, your neighbor, Ryan down the street and the whole thing. And they're writing on those, you know, those segues that are just like the two feet. Oh, yeah. I always see him up. Yep. Was he on one of those? He, I didn't see, no, he was walking. He was on his own. He was on his own two feet. But I was wondering where his truck was. I didn't see his truck. Oh, God, I came last week. I'm one of those to mine. Yeah. They drop them. They drop off like a like 10 or 12. When they are seven, they're all walking around. But we go on our community Facebook page. And we put like, oh, we're there's both guys coming around. There's the cable guys coming around or something like that so that everybody knows. Yeah. It's crazy. I wonder how many people are like me that would have paid for it. What's up, man? Hey, so I actually used to work for a company and we had to do door door fails like that. But it was like, it took me probably two months to realize it was a scam because we were just going door door. We had that same spiel of like, yeah, your neighbor just signed up. I don't know if it was legit or not, but we wrote the signing people up for like, internet and and TV through like, uh, AT&T direct TV, supposedly, but it definitely was a scam and we weren't really making any money of the sales people. Yeah. So that's the job. Like I honestly, that would be a horrible thing to have to go door to door on a hot humid day and try to pull that off. I wonder how much money those guys get by doing it. Jennifer, what's up? Hey, good morning. Morning. First time a caller. Welcome. Yeah. So I live in commerce and I have, uh, the, uh, hoverboard segue guy come up to my driveway and I was changing out my garage door opener and he gets right in my face and I'm like, no, I'm not interested. I touched somebody last week and he'd be like, who is that? Who is that? I'm like, I don't know. I'm just not interested. And he kept going closer on the hoverboard, literally like five inches from my face. I'm like, okay, now you can get off my property. Don't you want to just kick his hoverboard? Get out. So then he takes off. I watched him a little bit. I'm not trying to be creepy and I'll do my thing, go in the house. And I see him go back by and I'm like, oh, how things going for you now? You're having a bad day. And he's like looking behind and he's writing off on his hoverboard. And, uh, he goes, you're just a Karen. I go, you're just an a-hole because I called everybody in the neighborhood and told them not to talk to you. I'm not going to lie, that would be amusing to watch. My hair was so wet. I didn't have my makeup on yet. And you probably thought I was straight. I actually should have done what John said. John, what should I have done? Oh, I hate, well, I had the same deal come out. The guy wrong around a little scooter thing where it was. He's like, oh, you're near down the street. Just got sprayed too. I was like, really, what's out? He pointed that way. I said, well, anyway, I asked him how the stuff went. I said, I started walking off my porch. He took off the other way. That's a great way to play it off. You know what this is? This is the modern day version of the guy selling magazines subscriptions. Remember that, back in the day? They used to have a guy. There was a kid that would always sell magazine subscriptions. I like girls. Yeah. It was a lot. So I would get my team back two months ago, and they tried to do the same thing. And my wife was home this time. And she's like, we told you guys last time, we don't want this, you know, get out of here. They got the guy kept going. She shut the door and he stood there for 10 minutes on the front porch. I'm like, what is this guy doing? This is crazy. We just used to have a deal with Jehovah Witnesses. I honestly would seriously, I have no, listen, at least they have something that they're talking about, right? Not scamming you on one of these deals. They're talking to talking to you about God and stuff, right? Still annoying. I know. All right. Hey, everyone. It is Ryan Seacrest here ready to heat up your summer vacation. Get ready. Things are about to get sizzling at Chumba Casino. Your summer getting a whole lot hotter with a special daily login bonus waiting just for you. So sign up now for reals of fun and reals of prizes right here at Chumba Casino with yours truly. 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