Mojo In The Morning

War of the Roses Pt 2: The Newlywed Cheater

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09 Jul 2024
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This is the Mojo in the Morning podcast, powered by Michigan Auto Law. Auto accident attorneys. Visit That's [music] Call Mojo in the morning. 844 Mojo Live. 844. 665. 6548. [music] War of the Roses. And a seven month relationship. [music] Marriage, actually. Some of the marriage. And you find out that he's cheating. Sam. Hi. This girl that he's cheating with. Oh, she's got my blood boiling right now. Oh my God. How are you going to say it's not your business when you know he just got married? You're saying you married the wrong one. Why don't you take me on a honeymoon? But she wants to play the innocent card. She knows he's married. And by the way, I don't know if I mess with her. I don't mess with her. I don't know if I mess with her. Yes. Oh my gosh. My blood is boiling for that girl. She sounds crazy. Like she keeps poking and poking and poking at Ayanna. What's up Mojo in the morning? What's up Jamie? So I'm not exactly sure who said it, but definitely the side girl. I agree with the last caller. She really is irritating me like my blood boiling before watching into work, but she literally got inserted into the situation when she let her insert. Well, there you go. There's a honeymoon. Self in the middle of it. Yes, right. Thank you for finishing that sentence. Wow. Bye. Raven, what's up? It's Mojo in the morning. Where are the roses? Hi. I cannot believe all these people are saying that it's the girl's fault. She has no loyalty to the married woman. The married man is 100% in the wrong. And he should be the only one taking any fault for this because he's the only one that should be loyal to his wife. Talk about it, Raven. I'm sorry. I don't know why anybody in the whole world has ever had a problem with the other woman. She's not the problem. Yeah. Listen, I get it. I don't want to sit there. I'm afraid she'll come after us. Well, I wanted you to cross her. Yeah. I definitely think he's poking the bear, but he's not wrong in it being not her fault. Yeah. I feel like if you don't know the guys in a relationship, then you're not. You're off the hook. No, there's more to it. I'm sure. I also think the guy from that he's in a relationship. Yeah, but he was. And I think that's where the guy is more responsible because he is stepping out on his relationship. But if you know, you are responsible too. But here's the thing. I think they both are. Here's the thing. This is where the twist comes into play after we did the three way call War of the Roses. We ended up going back to Yana, the wife, and talking to her and wanted to see if we can get them to talk to each other and calm down because we didn't want anything bad to happen. And here's what happened. Iana, you can't be disrespected like you were just disrespected. And I'm not just talking about this woman disrespecting you. I'm talking about your husband disrespecting you. Yeah. I told y'all, I told you from the very, from the beginning, from the jump before y'all called them, the gospel was happening. And it's been happening for a long time, but you're right. But you got to be the one that takes the next step and takes control of this whole thing. The girl that he's messing around with called us back and wants to say something. Are you okay if I pick her up? I don't really want to hear from her anymore. They can have each other honestly. I'm going to put you on hold then and I'm going to let you talk to our producers and hold on one second. Okay. Hi. Hello. A lot of a lot of people think that you are you're not a very good person. I'll just put it that way. I don't care what people think. Can I just have a pinch of her confidence? You don't feel bad at all. No. Is this the first time you've been with a married person? Is this like something that you're interested in when looking for a partner? Is this from you like thrills in some way or is this just a one off and you think this is funny? See what y'all are understanding is that this is my ex. Like this isn't just some man off the street that I was like, okay, well he's married. Let me go with him. Like this is somebody that I've been we've been together since high school. I have a history together. And then he actually cheated on me with her. But nobody nobody want to talk about that. It's always pointing fingers at the woman. So it's just kind of like, oh no, he's a bad guy. I know she's getting she's kind of getting what she deserves like at the end of the day. And then it's like he's going to cheat. Y'all met through him cheating on his girl. So you really expect him to be faithful to you. That's how y'all met. Like I don't feel sorry for the bitch at all. And she's been knowing that he's been cheating on her. And she's insane. So I'm like, I don't give a ****. Are you even interested in him or is this just you seeking revenge? No, it's me just having fun, honestly. Wow. I'm kind of turned on. I kind of see her point. I got to do. I do, but like, I don't think you just get to inflict that on to others. I am. I ain't saying it's right, but I ain't saying it's wrong. Terrible. Does that change things? I mean, listen, does that change knowing that they met through cheating? And they met cheating on that relationship. For who? Does it change people's feelings about this woman that you just heard being very bold about, you know, cheating with a married man? But the way that that married man met that that wife was, they cheated on them when. That doesn't, that doesn't give an excuse for it to be okay. Like that doesn't, he still made the decision to commit and get married, right? No, I get, I guess he's at fault, but, but I get, he said fault, but everybody is pointing the finger at this girl. Right. I just, everybody want to be girls, girls. It's so, it's, it's unpopular to not put any blame and any fault on, I don't know what I'm trying to say. It's, it's extremely popular and easy to blame this side chick because you notice she's in a relationship. Right. But she has no loyalty to that relationship. Is it a bad, is it, does it speak to her character that she knows he's in a relationship and she chooses to ignore that? Yes. But I don't think it's a right or wrong thing, but she's not in a relationship. But she was also done dirty. I, I, I still think it's a wrong thing and it does speak to her character. Do I think that he needs to be held the most accountable here? Yeah. Agreed. Dallas, what's up? Yeah. What's the wrong guy? How y'all doing today? We're going, we're going with it right now on War of the Roses. What's going on? Well, what I want to say is the, the one caller said that the guy was 100% wrong. He's got 100% wrong. He's mostly, I'd say 85, 80, 90%. But it's just a problem. We, we, we're fine. 15% of wiggle room. Explain. This sounds like it's coming from a guy that's cheated before. Is that right? No, man. That's not, that's not the situation. Our point is this, she's putting herself in a situation where it could potentially be dangerous. You can't mess with somebody's merit, you know, spouse or whatever, because you're condoning the bad behavior. Number one, number two, there's always a situation where people, I don't, it can get serious, right? Like there's, you can get harmed, you can, somebody can be cute. I mean, you know, it's not a joke. People lose their mind. It's mental. And we should know this. So when you are absolutely messing with this guy, you're laughing in this girl's face, it could potentially be come back to bite you in the butt. Obviously, people have feelings and people can take him to extremes. And you, you going there makes it even more so you're right. It's a reality that that can happen. But when we're talking about who's at fault at this one, he's definitely, he's definitely the most at it's at fault. I don't think you need to put percentages on it to decide whether or not we should have more integrity about ourselves and say, Hey, you're married. I'm not going to do this up for him. I wouldn't want this to happen to me. Well, he, he should have the most integrity. He's the one that made the commitment, not any, you know, girl that he's messing around with. Toyo, what's up? It's Mojo in the morning. What'd you want to say? Hey, Mojo. Hey family. Let's let me break it down for y'all real quick. Okay. One thousand percent in the wrong home girl on the side. First of all, you gave us one little small piece of the story. Y'all could have been high school sweetheart, everybody cheated high school. We don't know when he cheated, how he cheated and how long ago that was baby girl that man is Mary. That ain't no boyfriend, girlfriend, that is a commitment and a company between a man and a woman. Take your raggedy tail somewhere and sit down and stop messing with that Mary man. You are, this is much a spot if he is, because you know he is Mary, period play, that's all I wanted to say. I love y'all. Troy, I tell you real quick. Cause I know you about the dip. You dropped the Michael now, but quick, quick question for you. If they were in a relationship, if they, I just got a, I just got a question. If they were in a relationship that predated this, this marriage or whatever, how she put it, they were in a relationship. They were happy. Whatever case was. Now his current wife cheated with him and that's what broke up their relationship. If they never stopped dating, then how is she in the wrong? So I understand your point of view, but that's why I said she gave us a little teeny tiny bit of the context that they were together. We don't know when they were together. We don't know how long it was for all we know they could have been on a break. Now if they were truly together and the wife knew they were together and cheated, then yes, she's in the wrong. However, they both decided to break up with each other at some point. So I'm not saying it's not relevant, but we adopt. So at some point in your adult life, you made a conscious decision to leave him and he made a conscious decision to leave her and he moved on. Well, some of them. That's what I'm saying. You were doing it before you. Well, if they still smash it, man, there was no cooperation. I think that we don't know exactly what happened, but it doesn't, let's just put it this way. They all don't look good, you know, even even the wife doesn't look good. Right. And isn't the marriage the separation? Well, not if he didn't cut it off. That's when it should have been over with. Yeah. It was when she did that. Sydney actually wants to say something. What's up, Sydney? Hi. How are you guys? What's up? Hi. So I just want to say, like I believe in karma through and through and I think all of them are going to get the karma that they deserve. I mean, it's double ended, you know, like the wife's going to get what she came, like had coming to her and now the girlfriend or ex-girlfriend, she's going to get what's coming to her and so is the husband. Yes. Sad part is I think the guy always ends up looking, you know, I hate to use the word roses, but he smells like roses in the end. He just moves on to another relationship and ends up screwing other people over, but... Judy was boring. Hello. Then Judy discovered Chumba Casino dot com. It's my little escape. Now Judy's the life of the party. Oh, baby. Mama's bringing home the bacon. Whoa. Take it easy, Judy. Chumba. The Chumba life is for everybody. So go to Chumba Casino dot com and play over a hundred casino style games. Join today and play for free for your chance to redeem some serious prices. Chumba Casino dot com. 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