Mojo In The Morning

Full Show 07-08-2024

3h 7m
Broadcast on:
08 Jul 2024
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- This is the Mojo in the Morning Podcast. Powered by Michigodano Law, Autowaxed in Attorneys. Visit - That's - This is the Mojo in the Morning Podcast. Powered by Michigodano Law, Autowaxed in Attorneys. Visit - That's - WKQI Detroit, W-S-N-X Muskegon Grand Rapids. W-V-K-S-T-L-E-L. This is Mojo in the Morning. Mojo, he's amazing. Live. Mojo. Thirty. Twenty. Twenty. Twenty. Twenty. Twenty. Twenty. Twenty. One. Ignition sequence time. Let me take it back to the beginning. This is it. Alrighty, ready? You're listening to Mojo in the morning. You're at Doodoo Hack. Go. Go. Go. Go. It's showtime! Good morning and welcome to the Mojo in the morning show. I know that 4th of July is over and done. Kind of felt weird, didn't it? That it was like a 4th of July in the middle of the week? But don't worry. There'll be fireworks going on in my neighborhood until probably September. Every single night. Same. Yes. It's side. Mojo in Shannon. Megan. Cab. We're back, baby! Oh Lord. KP. Lydia. Zach. Good to have you guys here with us. I hope you got a great holiday week. It was weird to have 4th of July. Was it Thursday? Yeah. It was. Every day kind of felt like it was 4th of July for some reason. I have no idea why, but we're back and we're happy to be here. New shows. I screwed up all the sleep that I got over the course of the last week by last night staying up pretty late. I couldn't go to bed. I don't know how you guys were. Which is funny because I guess you won't tell me you went to bed and you said 1030 and I went, "Oh, it's really late." I know. It was like late. Normally it's like 9 or something like that, so. But when that alarm went off at 3.30, I was ready. I was all excited. Back in the game. Yes. And then, of course, at about, I don't know, we got our show meeting today. Oh. At about 1 o'clock after that thing, I'll feel like holy crap. What just happened to me? I got hit by a freaking truck. I'm going to be talking like Joe Biden a little later today. It's going to be one of those days. Do you know what year it is? At least another right here. I'm going to have a little mumble stumbles going on. You know, you're the one that gets to the side if we skip that meeting. We can't. We got to have a meeting. We haven't had one in a while. We haven't, because the week before that, we had our pictures and everything like that. We got a lot of stuff coming up. By the way, and Lydia just gave a dirty look to you. Look at that. We are not skipping any meetings. No. She just gave you a look of death right there, Megan. Welcome back, Megan. There's just so much to do today. We got, we have so much to announce today. We have, by the way, a couple big announcements. We're announcing two new artists that are going to be at the iHeartRadio Music Festival in Vegas. And they're huge. We're doing pay your bills starting again today. So we have that coming up this morning. Usher tickets, we'll have those for you. Summer cars, cash and gas is getting like really hot because we only have about four more weeks left to qualify you for that to win a brand new 2024 Chevy Equinox or $20,000 cash. And then I did not just throw a whole bunch of stuff out. Are breaking and Christmas wish Christmas in July and we're doing a live podcast, a live more mojo show podcast. We're going to be out and we want you to be part of our studio audience. And if you would like to be part of that this morning, we will announce it. So what time are we announcing that at Lydia? Eight o'clock at eight o'clock at eight o'clock. I would have known that if we had a meeting last week. I wouldn't have had to ask you. All right. It's Mojo in the morning. I went back and visited family in Chicago. I had such a great time being able to see my brothers and sisters and I'll talk more about that coming up later this morning because we had kind of a tragic thing happened to us. But I'll get into it later. I do want to talk about this. Having an allergy, a food allergy, which is I have that gluten allergy, not a made up one, but actually legit one. There are some people that have gluten allergies or they say that they're gluten free. That's probably gluten. Then there are those that have the gluten allergy that if they eat it, they literally have duty coming out of their, you know what, out of their booty. And that's what will happen to me. If I have gluten, I literally am on the toilet for about 45 minutes or so cleaning my system out. It's like a full colonic for me. I'm good morning. It is a wine. No, I know. It's been a great waiting time. I love it. Yeah. By the way, did you guys miss us? Our first duty talk of the day. So whenever I go to things and Shannon, this probably happens to you because you have allergies that are, Shannon has severe allergies. She has to carry an EpiPen with her. I didn't know. What's your most severe allergy? Randomly avocado. I'm very anaphylactic too. Like throat closes. Wow. Which summer time without avocado? Can you imagine? Sex. Yeah. That's crazy. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That would, that would be not good. Uh, cause you got to hit that, uh, that pen. I've always wanted to hit her with the pen. I, I, I said, where is it in your purse? I want to hit it with the pen. I want to get. Okay. Resume your story. All right. So whenever I, does this happen to you, Shannon? Whenever you go to a family function, do people make meals specifically for you? Do they make a dish or something or two dishes for you to make sure that you're okay? Oh, yes. Okay. All the time. There's something small on the side that doesn't have, you know, whatever I'm allergic to in it. Yeah. Okay. We went to Ann Pat's house for our fourth of July barbecue. So we were all, and she says hi to all of you guys. Um, so we're at Ann Pat's house and my sister Mary Jo and my sister Pat made all the food and they made specifically gluten free food for me. Okay. I am the gluten person and this is a problem sometimes when they make specific food for you and I don't know if you've ever felt this when somebody makes something for you. Do you feel like you have to eat the entire thing because they made a portion that was way too large for one human being to eat? Yes. Yep. Um, and if you're not eating it because, and I hate to say this because this is going to be bad and I hope that they don't listen to a podcast today. They think we're still on vacation or something. It was not great. It was not great. Oh, that's the worst. It was. Yeah. It was, it was kind of like, let's put it this way without the gluten. It didn't taste good. Like it was pretty bad. They try to make Chicago beef sandwiches gluten free with gluten free bread and the, it was not good, which was so nice of them. It was, it was honestly, it was very sweet of them. You choked it down. Well, they kept doing the whole thing because they go, go in the kitchen. No, they would go in the kitchen and I, and I was trying not to eat much because I listen, I'm doing that. The other thing too, I'm doing the, not it was epic, but I'm doing one of those shots too. So you got your shot. Shannon has her. I got it. I'm telling you. Exactly. Uh, we can jab each other. If we want to, that would be a show that jabs each other. They say, um, so, so they go into the kitchen every five minutes. I keep marrying my sisters going, Tommy, you're not eating. And I'm like, no, no, I'm okay. I'm okay. He didn't touch anything. There's nothing in there. The problem is everybody's eating the other stuff. So I found myself going into the kitchen and when nobody's looking, taking some food out of it and dumping it so it looked like I, and then they're like, hey, do you want to take this with you? And I'm like, I don't want to take it with you, but so I asked this question of our listeners. If people make food for you, do you have to eat it? Are you obligated to eat it? If it's, if it's not great food, I had a situation last year. My cousin Gerard, his wife, Christina, Christina's from Kalamazoo, she had a huge family reunion esque barbecue in her backyard, this huge fish fry. Her aunt is, I believe, a sweet woman. This was the first time I met her and she's making the salmon specifically for me. Like she's making Kevin salmon. We're having fun. We're joking. She's like, come, come taste the salmon. I want to see what you think. I taste. I'm like, you know what? I like mine a little more cooked a little harder. You would have thought. Yeah. I said she was the ugly. The look that she gave me, I wish I just said, yes, I love it, but I get it. It is. It's insulting to them, right? Because they spend so much time and they think that, you know, it's, it's fantastic and they're waiting. I hate when they sit there and, you know, yeah, and they're waiting the whole time. The other thing too is I wanted to ask this question because I was bringing this up to friends and all these women were all saying that, that they do. If you bring a dish to share it, a party, like if you're like, say it's a potluck or something to share and you bring a dish and people don't eat your dish, do you feel like like less of a person like this? I feel like that is one of the most self-conscious situations I can put myself in is if if it's a situation like that, whether it's a friend's house or a pollock here at work, which we've had before, I always watch to see. I'm like, please people eat mine. You could, because you don't want yours to be the one that's untouched and then you have to bring the whole entire thing home with you because it looked disgusting or tastes disgusting. Like you want it to be the most popular thing. Well, that's a catch train too because I only make what I want. So if nobody eats it, I got my favorite thing. That's very smart. That's very, very smart. Do you know what I mean? Do you campaign? Is it like a presidential campaign where you campaign for your food? Like, doesn't anybody want this? No, you got to be subtle. You got to go around. Hey, did you guys taste the guac? [laughter] This guac? Who made it? It's amazing. You made it. And honestly, most of the time, my stuff is store bought anyway, because I can't cook, but I still want it to be the most popular thing there. 844-Mojo-Live, 844-665-6548 is our telephone number. Our text is 955-0-0. Do we have, can we get our first caller of the 4th of July, of the second half of the year? This is our first time. Well, who's going to be that person? We want to know who that person's going to be. I will give you the gluten-free food that I brought home. On that note, though, of people kind of overcooking for you, if that's a good thing or a bad thing, I love that. Yeah. I'm the only one that is, like, a fish person. So when I go to these barbecues, there are a ton of me, but people bring out a whole salmon, and I love it because I have leftovers. Yeah. I can take the entire half that I didn't eat home, and then I'm good for the next people in it. But when it's good. But see, I see my own, though. Unless it's made by who's wife was that? I'm mad. I'm a jerk. I'm a jerk. I'm a jerk. I'm a jerk. We're not going to podcasts. What's happening? Kirsten's the first caller. Hey. Good morning, guys. What's happening? How are you? Good. How are you? Good. What do you got going on? Oh, nothing. I just wanted to tell you that your voice is like music to my ears, Mojo. That's the normal thing you're giving me after my long weekend off. It is so nice to have your eyes here. We love you. Thank you for that. I love all of you. Ah, you're sweet. Well, welcome to the Mojo in the morning show. I don't know what to say other than that. That's very nice of you. Well, thank you. Have a great morning. Squirrel. What's up, squirrel? Yo, yo, Mojo. Happy fourth of July. Oh my gosh. Yes. Yes. Yes, except for the guy that keeps shooting off fireworks every single night, scaring the crap out of my dogs. You know, guess what? It happens the same place in my area. But I just wanted to thank you because I think you made me realize this morning, doctors can't figure it out. I set an appointment, but squirrel actually might have a gluteology. Oh, geez. They literally can't figure it out in probably years. I've been in the bathroom and I eat pizza and I eat. I think all the things that have gluten in it. So I actually made an appointment for my doctor and I think I actually are going to figure out I might even have a glue analogy. No, I'm going to figure it out. But I had to say happy the fourth of July. Yes. No, Mojo in the morning. Yes, squirrel. You're the best buddy. Eat that bread. That's fine. Look at that. Call an ask of people. Yeah. Eat the right. Yeah, exactly. Eat your last pizza. The last good pizza. Marlene, what's going on? Hey, good morning. I don't think it's impolite to tell someone that their food is not correct. And I'll tell someone I'm not eating that. You have too many cats walk all over the food and, oh, you know what, that is so true. Potlucks are bad, especially when the potluck is made by the person that has a lot of cats. One year, this lady made a turkey and it was, you could still see the veins that wasn't cooking. Oh, God, that's awful. Jill, what's happening? It's Mojo in the morning. Good morning. Hi. So we host Thanksgiving every year and I have one person that is gluten free. I have a person who is dairy and nut free. And I have another person who is soy free. Oh, geez. That's a hell of a time, huh? What do you just make everybody? Just one thing. Just turkey, plain turkey. Oh, I make turkey, but like I don't put butter in the cavity or I don't and I don't stuff it. No, same butter in the cavities just honestly did not sound great and that's a particular moment. Not for potatoes, grain, and cranberry sauce, but I try to make things that like everybody can eat. Yeah. And still tastes good. It is tough. By the way, there's so many different allergies nowadays, you know, and everybody's got something different, right? They almost have to have that people that have the allergies bring their own stuff. Oh, and then it takes me two hours to shop because I have to read every label. I bet. Yeah. Well, thank you for the call. I appreciate you. Riley, what's up? Hey, I kind of goes along with the last color. I always have the problem where they have to buy all these special ingredients to make gluten free food. I have jiliac and so they'll try to then pawn off those special ingredients as well as the leftover dish. So I've walked out with the harmful things that I'm never going to eat and dump it in the trash right away before I even get in the house. It's almost like you went grocery shopping. I know I take every because nobody wants gluten free anything afterwards because none of the people in there absolutely not have five pounds of flour I'm never going to use. That is true. Yeah. Well, thank you for the call. I appreciate it. All right. Let's get the show started with a contest. Lala Palooza is coming to Chicago. I was there last week. I'm going to tell you guys something. These tickets are really expensive. I did not realize how expensive Lala Palooza tickets are. Did you know to go to the four day festival is like over a grand just to go. You got a chance to win a pair of tickets to Lala Palooza the entire weekend. How smart are you? It's mojo in the mornings back in the day. We have to go back and change where we give you a bunch of events and you tell us what year it happened. A lot of people Megan the stallions is a future Metro Boomin Melanie Martinez blink 182 all going to be at Lala Palooza. What year was this from the three clues? Home Depot confused a customer's warning for a bomb threat. A customer alerted employees a man inside the bathroom said there was a bomb in the building. Police were able to locate the man responsible for those comments and that man told police he warned other guests to leave the restroom because he was quote, uh, fixing to blow it up. But had no intention of causing a panic, uh, the movie good boys at theaters. Look what I found at school today. What is it? I have no idea. That's a tampon. They'll shove it up their buttholes to stop babies from coming up and it's hard to tell me that. And the bed's on. Happy Earth. I want you to be happier. I want you to be happier. What year was it? What a big brain you have. Tell us when that stuff happened. Call us at 844 mojo live to tell us 844-665-6548. How good is your memory? It's mojo in the mornings back in the day. What year did this stuff happen? All right. Your chance to go to Laula Palooza. This was the year that somebody went to Home Depot, had to use the bathroom and ended up causing a bomb threat. A customer alerted employees, a man inside the bathroom said there was a bomb in the building. Police were able to locate the man responsible for those comments and that man told police he warned other guests to leave the restroom because he was quote, uh, fixing to blow it up. But had no intention of causing a panic. Uh, good boys. Hit theaters. I found at school today. What is it? I have no idea. That's a tampon. Girl, shove it up. There are bottles to stop. Babies were coming out. An eighth grader told me that and happier was the big song. Eric, what year was that? Mojo 2019. Yes. Congratulations. What gave it away, Eric? Well, just the 29th, that good boys movie. I remember that actually the thing that you said is the classic. So that is a great one. That is a great line. Hey, we're setting you up with tickets going to Lala, Palooza. Everybody's excited. Oh, baby. The four day festival in Chicago, downtown Chicago and Chicago's Grant Park. Uh, I know a lot of people are excited for a hosier is one of the artists that's going to be there that everybody's going crazy for a fallout boy is going to be there. I think Tyler, the creator, was supposed to be there and fallout boys taking the place of Tyler, the creator because Tyler had to pull out. Megan, the stallion SZA future Metro Boomin, Melanie Martinez. Congratulations. You got tickets. I am stoked. I've never been to Chicago. I am so stoked. Thank you so much. Let's go. You're going to ask. Yeah. Happy Monday to you, man. You're going to have a great time. Uh, we got a chance for you to win usher tickets and this will be in Detroit at, uh, little Caesar's arena text to win usher US H.E.R. to 95500 standard text and data rates do apply. Good luck. Good morning's dirty on the 30 Shannon, what is happening in the dirty on the 30? Well, I'm going to start with this on Friday, President Joe Biden refused to take a cognitive test telling ABC's George Stephanopoulos that the job of just being president already serves as one. Would you be willing to undergo an independent medical evaluation that included neurological and cognitive cognitive tests and release the results to the American people? Look, I have a cognitive test every single day. Every day I have that test, everything I do, you know, not only am I campaigning, but I'm running the world. You'll be willing to have the independent medical evaluation. Watch me between. There's a lot of time left in this campaign. It's over 125 days. So the answer to this issue, the right answer right now is no, you don't want to do that, right? I've already done that. Yeah, the president says he has ongoing physicals and other exams that doctors have maintained. He isn't good physical health amid all of the questions within his own party about whether he's in good enough shape to run for president again. I mean, if the Lord of money can not say Joe get out of the race and get out of the race and the Lord of money is not coming down. Hearing a lot of people that now are standing by him, Governor Gavin Newsom from California was here in Michigan yesterday and campaigning for him. And then Governor Whitmer tweeted on X that she's still showing support. Although I'm hearing so many people bring up her name of somebody that should be running for president. And this new book that she has out, I wonder if we should get around for an interview of this book. I've heard nothing but people talking about this book that she's got out right now, which I think is on the New York Times bestseller list. And she gets very personal. She talks openly about some of the harder things of, you know, running the state through all the COVID stuff that we had going on. And then her plans for possibly wanting to be the, you know, president of the United States. I mean, I think those people have to be very supportive and then the whole point, like, probably. Yeah. Party front. Well, although some aren't. I mean, some people that are like within the Democratic party are saying, I'm not going to do it. But you've just named two people that would probably be the replacement. Yeah. So like you can't, you can't do that, right? Don't you have to be able to be able to be one of the things that he, if he does not run, it has to, it has to go to Kamala. I mean, she has to be the one that is the person. Otherwise, it will look sexist, it will look racist if they don't do it. So it was more than that. It's the money that they're well, that's also to go to her. Yeah. Yeah. Donor. Yeah. Yeah. The president in the state of Michigan on Friday, by the way, paying attention. Oh, my man. Can get ready for some traffic problems downtown. The overdose death of friend star Matthew Perry may allow the LAPD to tear open the underground of Hollywood drug rings. This criminal investigation is being led by the LAPD, along with the DEA. And they are now reportedly getting ready to announce possible charges in his death, which could include involuntary manslaughter. And I told you a couple of weeks ago about Charlie Sheen's ex wife, Brooke Mueller, who has already been questioned by cops about her relationship with Matthew. She has not been accused of any wrongdoing yet for the record. But there are others other beelists, celebrities, sealist celebrities that are being questioned in relation to his death. So intense is going to be the question here. Those involved obviously knew what they were doing by dealing drugs. However, did they know that what they were doing was going to kill him? That's the big question. And I guess drug rings using mail fraud are multiplying. And that's what they're going to be investigating here. And those involuntary manslaughter charges could lead to a sentence of up to five years behind bars. And if you follow him on social media, you saw it this weekend. Justin Bieber performing at billionaire air, Annette and Bonnie's pre wedding ceremony in Mumbai. Do you know how much he got paid for that? This isn't even the wedding. This is not a reception. This is just like a pre wedding party, 10 million dollars saying more than a dozen songs during a private concert for the bride and grooves family and friends. Who are these people that they can afford this? Well, Anna and Bonnie, the groom, is the son of this big, like, industry's chairman, the richest person in Asia. So daddy has a net worth of a hundred and twenty three point four billion dollars. Is this a family that did Beyonce? I have no idea. But it's just nuts. Yeah. I don't think so. Is it? Google that because that's interesting. Imagine these parties that they keep having and spending all this money. We're easy. Rihanna just had one, too. I'm just saying we're available for live podcasts. If you want us to come through, we'll do throwback, throw it out and we'll do other things. Yes. For all of today's dirty, check out the podcast on the free iHeartRadio app or Yeah. And if you can't be next, go celebrity jerked directly from the stores. It's Mojo in the morning's dirty on the 30th. It's Mojo in the morning's five at six fifty five five and six fifty five. No. No. All right. Time now for the five at six fifty five. Took a week off from the five and six fifty five with Michelle being a new champ. Welcome back, Michelle. Hi, Michelle. Hi. Good morning. You guys. Welcome back to. Thank you. Did you enjoy Fourth of July? I sure did. Had a great time with family. How many hot dogs did you eat because I think I might have had a hundred of them. I was like Joe Chestnut, the hot doggy champion, although there's a new one now and they tried to ban Joey. Just doing not really. You know what? Free Joey. Free Joey. I don't think they banned him. He just has an endorsement of a meatless company, right? Yeah. I think they banned him though. They told me to come back. I'm pretty sure his endorsement company did. I blame Nick. I, I, I, I, it's, there's a technicality to it, but I think that a man who eats hot dogs for a living probably needs to make whatever money you can possibly make. Let the man eat some or make, you know, eat money or eat that would actually be interesting one. Eat money. All right. Michelle, let's start this contest here. Michelle, welcome back. Okay. I want you to. By the way, did anybody, did anybody miss us? Anna Maria is our challenger today. She is from Clarkston. Anna Maria. Hello. Good morning. Anna Maria. Say hello to Michelle. Good morning. Michelle. Good morning. You. Um, by the way, we need contestants. So if you'd like to be a contestant in the five to six 55 text, I want to play to 95500. I want to play to 95500 and Lydia will get in touch with you. I'm going to put you in a soundproof area, Michelle. So we'll see you in just a second. Anna Maria, five pop culture trivia questions, whoever gets the most right wins tie always goes to the champion. Question number one, this blonde Barbie star is pregnant with her first baby. Who is she? Margot Robie question number, uh, number, by the way, do you accept it because of its pregnancy? Thank you. No, that's all right. That is honestly, I'm, I mispronounce everything. Question number two, the oldest tennis tournament in the world, Wimbledon, is happening right now in what major European city does the tournament take place? London. Question number three, George Stephanopoulos interviewed president Biden over the weekend talking about the calls for him to drop out of the race. What major network does George work for? ABC. Question number four, Justin Bieber got paid $10 million to perform at a billionaires prewetting celebration in Mumbai over the weekend. Which of these songs is not a Justin Bieber song, a ghost be lonely or see better now? And question number five, remember the name Jared Fogle? He was the spokesperson for the fast food chain, uh, before he went to prison for child pornography and related charges. He is now making sandwiches in prison. What chain did he represent? Subway. Let's bring the champ back from a soundproof area. Oh, she's good. Michelle Annamarie, I got five out of five coming in high. She's trying to make sure you were on your A game and paying attention over that Fourth of July holiday. Are you ready? Hi. Yep. I'm ready. You cannot miss any of these. Question number one. Okay. This blonde Barbie star is pregnant with her first baby. Who is she? Three seconds. Margie Robbie, yeah, sure, one to one question. Question number two, the oldest tennis tournament in the world, Wimbledon, is happening right now in what major European city does the tournament take place? Yeah. Two to two. By the way, why did I always think it was Wimbledon and not Wimbledon when I looked at the way it's spelled, it is done, right, Wimbledon? I always thought it was Wimbledon. Maybe it's the group. Yeah. It's a Wimbledon question. I also say fords and Myers and Kroger's and all the rest of that. All right. Here we go. Question number three, and again, you cannot miss any of these. Question number three, George Stephanopoulos interviewed President Biden over the weekend talking about calls for him to drop out of the race. What major network does George work for? ABC. Yes. Read the free question. Question number four, you sweating? No. Question number four, I'll make it a multiple. I'm sweating, but I also, you know, I've got issues. Question number four, Justin Bieber got paid $10 million to perform at a billionaire's pre-wetting celebration in Mumbai over the weekend. Which of these songs is not a Bieber song, A, ghost, B, lonely, or C, better now? Which is not lonely, lonely? That would be B, that would be wrong. Better now is actually the answer that's a post Malone song. We got a new champion, Anna Maria is the winner. Congratulations to Anna Maria. Yeah. The last question, Jared Fogle. How funny is this? He's in prison. And he's the sandwich maker in prison because he was the guy at Subway. In the footlawns, huh? Yes. I wonder how long he's in for? Is he in for like ever or whatever, Jill? I'll do this story for you because it's a great, great story. Give me a favor. Find out if he's fat again. Did he gain his weight fat? Okay. Could he be fat in prison? Well, some people, you never know. I mean, he was on the Subway diet, and if he doesn't have Subway in prison, what kind of diet can he be on? All meat. All meat? All right. Oh, Lord. I want you to know he looked me right in the eyes. What are you going to do now? I know. By the way, did you like not having the baby said calves over the last week? I love the break. I'm not fearing losing my job. I love that. I love that part of me. We have a parting gift for Michelle. Michelle, I want you to hang on the phone for a second. Oh, my God. This is huge. Ready? It's worth losing today. You got a pair of tickets. The Cedar Point Cedar Point is the home of 68 amazing rides ranging from family friendly to adrenaline pumping steel vengeance, Millennium Force by tickets in advance and save at Plus you got a $50 gift card to rallies. It's national French fry week. Yeah. The maverick. Hey. Rally is the best. Just don't eat. Yeah. There's no rallies before you go to Cedar Point, though. That would be a tough one if you're on Millennium Force. Hang on the phone. Hold on one second. The morning's five is six 55 five smogio in the morning show. Good to have everybody back. Good to have all of us, you know, back on the air here on channel nine five five one oh four point five s and X and 92.5 kiss FM. Also listen to us on the I heart radio app home of the war, the roses second date update Shannon's dirty on the 30. When you went away last week and got to spend time with your kids, which was awesome. The pictures were beautiful, but you also got a chance to you saw a celebrity, a big celebrity. Well, okay. So we, my kids and I went to Colorado, which is a tradition for us to do on the fourth of July. We've been doing it since Lucy was a baby. And it's like my favorite place in the whole entire world. And when we got there, my little sister, Jacqueline, she and I have really similar, like we're just really similar personalities and we follow a lot of the same people on social media. And so she had given me the heads up that this girl that we both follow and love her name is Danny Austin was in Vail, Colorado, where I was with the kids and she's like, oh, you got to find like I am manifesting that you two get to meet. And if you remember back at Christmas time when Lucy and I took our mom daughter trip to New York City, I was on the hunt for another influencer named Maddie Nelson, who actually is this girl's like really, really good friend. Wait a second. So, and we never got to see her. So these are these are like social media influencers and they were she was in the same state as you. She was in the same little town. Oh, okay. Okay. Because I was going to say that's a no, she was in the same place vacationing with her with her kids and her family. And so my sister's like just, you know, be on the lookout for her. So you know me, of course, all week, I'm like, eyes peeled, checking her Instagram story to see if she's like, what's her name against similar area? Her name's Danny Austin, Danny, D.A.N.I, D.A.N.I. Austin. Is she like a food or she sells hair products, but she's like everything. She's, she's a mom, she's a business woman, she detailed her journey with her mental health and hair loss. And she's just, she's funny and she's very raw and really, really, really, she's adorable. And so you guys, I'm like a creep. So we're like at the top of the mountain one day and they have all these like rides and stuff. If you follow me on Instagram, you saw me doing this with the kids and I see that she's there too. So I'm like Lucy's on the lookout, I'm on the lookout, we don't see her. We don't see her the whole week. The very last night that we're in Colorado, I am chasing after the kids, trying to get us to a dinner reservation on time and we're walking down this street and I see her pass me pushing her, huffing her stroller with her two kids in it and I'm like, that's all right there. And so loud. She's like, mom, go back and take a picture. You guys, we've met, we are very lucky and I'm humbled to say we have met many celebrities, athletes, presidents during our time doing the Mojo in the morning show. I was shaking as I went back and introduced myself to Danny and explained, you know, that I was so excited to meet her and I followed her forever and da, da, da, and Lucy's like, mom, mom, give me your phone. Let me take a picture, mom. So I got my picture with her. I looked like a frickin hot mess because all of my clothes were dirty and I was wearing like, you know, this, the last of your clean clothes on vacation, sweating from trying to chase the kids around, but it was really cool to get to meet her. So you did say something then? I did. I went back. I chatted with her for a couple of minutes. She was very sweet, very kind. Got a picture. And then she, she reposted it on her story. She did. So, wait, so when you, when you, because I often wonder this sometimes, when you see a celebrity, how do you go up and say something to them? Because you don't want it like you don't want to be the that person. Right. You know what I mean? Right. And there's been stories where I've heard people that have gone up to like, you know, Alec Baldwin or Robert and Arrow, those two guys come to mind because they're just kind of a holes, but they were and they walked up to them and they said, Oh my God, I'm so nervous coming up, talk to you. And then one of them, I think, I think was De Niro said, well, then don't. Yeah. Honestly. I love it. Two things. Yeah, that's funny. Two things. She had been posting photos and videos of meeting people in Colorado all week. So I felt comfortable approaching her and also it was her by herself. She wasn't, you know, like she wasn't doing her kids were both asleep in the stroller. So I felt like, okay, this is an okay time to approach her. And also Lucy was like, oh, it's like loose new that I wanted to meet her so bad. So I think it's so much easier to meet influencers too than it is celebrities because I feel like I know you want a personal level way more than I do with celebrities. And if you're an influencer that you make money off of people too, right? Don't you? Isn't when you say that? Oh, yeah. They make money selling stuff to people where celebrity does make money like, but they're, they sell movie tickets and all the rest of that stuff. Yeah. So I saw something the other day that I thought was really, oh, here it is. Here's the story. I saw a story. And by the way, if you've ever like had the embarrassing moment walking up to a celebrity, you'll have to tell us if, you know, who was trying to like give my phone to my daughter to take the photo. I felt so stupid. I saw, you know, Kevin Bacon is, you know, the actor Kevin Bacon, he's actually man. Do you know? He's actually in the new Beverly Hills cop movie, which by the way, shout out to Bushman and our sister station, FM 98WJLB and also our other sister station, 106 seven WLSZ wheels. Both stations appear in that movie, but Bushman is actually the first words you hear out of that movie is Bushman on the radio as Eddie Murphy is doing a thing, but Kevin Bacon is in the new one. He's kind of the villain in the new one. And there was a story that I saw last week on Good Morning America or one of those shows that I was watching where he talked about how he hired a makeup artist to disguise him. So he could go out in public because he didn't want to be recognized. And then he realized he hated it, not being recognized. Oh, really? So, so he hired somebody to do like prosthetic face and stuff like that on him. And he said that it was the worst thing that he could have done because he loved being recognized. And he said, nobody recognized him, but no one's asking for autographs. This sucks. Yeah. It's like, it's like you defeat your, your purpose of being a celebrity. I'm watching something. I'm watching, uh, Danny Austin is, yeah, with her family, cute family. Looks like a nice family, huh? I would be an absolute psycho path if I ever met Pritney Broskis, like we all met those people that it's just, you know, you would be, wait, who was it that you said? Pritney Broskis, or Trixie Mattel. Okay. Yeah. Both of those. They lose my mind. Yeah. So, okay. So those would be the two that we'd get you. There are more. Yeah. Here's, okay. So like the three of them are all friends, Brittany Broskis, Trixie Mattel, and Katia Zamalistrokova. If you're a friend of Drag Race, you know, the last two, uh, but Ellen texted me at an airport in LA and she was like, I'm standing next to Katia. I was like, I would be standing next and not know who the hell she's talking about. I'd be like, I'd be like, excuse me. You just cut in line. I'm in front of me. Trixie Mattel is the second richest drag queen in the world. I still don't know. Call me crazy. I, I don't know. Okay. Let's put it this way. Your age. Be ocean. Would you recognize the... She looked like... She looked just like Danny Austin to me. Yeah. Would you, would you recognize Cade Cunningham? Yeah. For sure. No. He's, he's my drag. He's my drag queen. Um, uh, I would love to meet the Hock To a Girl. Like, if there are any way I can meet the Hock To a Girl. Oh, I have a great story about her and this dirty, by the way. Would you imagine, by the way, you're out in public and you meet the Hock To a Girl and you don't even realize it's the Hock To a Girl and she's the most talked about person right now. Can you get me? Uh, what, so what do you do if you, uh, if you see Danny, uh, or not Danny, uh, Austin, uh, Brittany Broskie? Brittany Broskie. Do you walk up and... I would honestly just try to burp in her face because I feel like she would appreciate that. If you know her, she would be like, "Hell yeah." We're Jenna Marbles. I would die if I met Jenna Marbles. I would just beg her to come back to the internet. She stopped making content like two years ago and I've been depressed ever since. Megan be like, "You, uh, you, if you call the, uh, cause, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, you understand what I think." Yeah. And I walked away, I'm like, "Why did you, why did you, why did you, why did you say that?" Yes, Smith. Smith, go up and say something to her. What's up, Chris? Good morning. Well, several, several years ago, you guys had a contest and I brought, uh, Chef Robert Irvine on the air and, uh, Chef Robert is so approachable, he'll be the first one to tell you. You've seen me in an airport. You stopped me as long as I'm not running late for an airplane. Is that like what a Food Network, Chef, cause I, I, at the time I probably didn't know who it was and I don't know now. Correct. Yeah. You, you and Shannon, you both chatted with them along with the other crew. So what's this, um... He does like the... Slim one. Slim was exactly. Slim was amazing. Yeah. Okay. He was a big new network, uh... It's, it is funny the person that, that gets you excited. You know what I mean? Like the person that you're, like, excited about. He's the rest of the possible guy. Okay. He like goes in and transforms, like, digress. Yeah. Yeah. I've worked on his show for a couple, seven episodes. Is that what I've worked on? I mean, listen, it's, I'm gonna, I'm gonna go on record and I'm gonna say this. There are probably a few celebrities that would make me speechless. The Pope, Jesus Christ, and Oprah. That would probably mean... And Oprah! No, those would be the ones. I probably wouldn't, wouldn't know what to do. Yeah. If I, if I ran into them. But there are some times where you see us, uh, like, uh, a sitcom star, or you see, like, uh, you know... Somebody random. A movie, you know? Like Danny Trejo. You know, the guy that... Well, he just will somebody S. Did he really? Oh, yeah. That guy, he's the, he's like the, the bad guy, Mexican guy in all the movies and stuff like that. Yeah, 4th of July, he had a little issue. Did he? That's not so much. It wasn't somebody that came up to him and said, "Hey, I'm a big fan." Um, but that, that does get, that is weird when, when, you know, people, you know, people look at what we do as it be in celebrity, and it's honestly extremely flattering. Yeah. I love when people come up and say something. So do I. So do I. And I, I, it's so sweet when people are like, "I'm so sorry to bother you. I probably look crazy." I'm like, "No, I would rather you come up and introduce yourself and say hi," because obviously we love meeting people, then send me a DM later, like, "I was watching you with some of the best people, but I was too scared to come up." I don't like that. You have to do the thing where somebody comes up to you, and in your head, you're like, "Don't be weird. Don't be weird." Like this, like, don't, that the, this might be the only time they ever meet you, and don't be weird. Don't. My, my family loves, loves to make fun of me for the moment that I saw somebody that, you know, you, they're kind of fumbling around looking like they wanted to come up and say hi to me, and they're coming up and I'm like, "Oh, this is so great," and come up, and the person goes, "J-Towers, oh my god." Joe thinks that is the funniest thing ever. What? Seriously. It was the absolute worst. It is the mojo in the morning show. What's going on, Andy? Hi. Hey, Shannon. I met you at Pia's on Thanksgiving. I yelled your name out, and I said hi, remember? Oh, yes. This is scary. You were with your family? Yes. No, I was with my dad, and my stepmom and the kids. I remember. Yeah. Yeah. But it's not, when your voice sounds like that, you're like, "Hey, Shannon, I met you. Do you remember me?" We threw a window. Yes, but you would do. I'm outside right now in your car. Wow. Thank you for saying hi, Andy. Andy. No problem. Have a good day. You just scared the crap out of me. No, you scared the crap out of me with just the way you said that, but we love you, Andy. What's up, Sydney? Hi. So, mine is a local celebrity. It's actually Shannon. I was too scared to come up and say hi to you. No, you should have been. She's the scariest. She's nice. Oh, my gosh. Don't yell at you. She'll tell you not to look around the eyes. Yeah. Oh, Sydney. That Lincoln yard and I talked about it the entire dinner, I just couldn't get up the curtain. Oh, my gosh. Please DM me and you're coming into this studio, okay? Okay. Okay. And I'm holding you to this. No. That was not amazing. And I'm also a long-time listener. Yes! Yes! I love you. I love you guys. I love listening to you. We love you too. You take care. I love you guys. Take care of yourself. Mojo in the morning. I've been waiting for this all morning long. Megan had the worst holiday ever. Oh, wait. Why is it that I said to myself, all right, here's what the topics are going to be like today. And Megan's going to have, like, I had the worst weekend. You know. No, I truly had the best week. I just had the worst fourth of July ever. And if you followed me on social media specifically, like Instagram, I think I posted one story the entire week. We were off and it was this day because everything was falling apart in a way that was so unnecessary. It became funny again. It was so stressed out that it's so ridiculous that you start laughing about how ridiculous it is. It's like one thing after another after another. That was my fourth of July. Can you guys do me a favor, though, and open up the email that I sent topics in because I've attached a photo and that's going to be relevant to this story. Okay. And by the way, you had, was it a staycation that you just kind of like hung out in town, right? I did. Or between Detroit and Toledo. I did. I spent all my money on rent. So we never go in. Right. By the way, those are the best. All right. Okay. Is this the photo right here of your, your teeth? Yes. Okay. That will be relevant to the conversation. So on 4th of July, the, the nice thing was I didn't go anywhere on or you. But I went, yep, yep, I went back and forth with my brother to Toledo and Detroit. Like we, we had stuff to do until it also would go down there, came back up here, went back and forth and it was really, really fun. But my brother has been very adamant about not skimming Jim days and I'm like, is vacation we're supposed to skip? Like, that's what vacation means is skipping everything and he wouldn't let me. And it was so annoying. And even on the 4th of July, we wake up and he goes, Jim closes early today. Let's go. It was so not wanting to go even on a holiday. So we go to the gym and I'm happy we went at the end of it and I'm looking like a little tomato walking out of there and I see another little tomato, a little bright orange slip on my windshield and I go, are you kidding me? I got a parking ticket outside of the gym, not for not paying for parking because they claim that I was too close to the fire hydrant that is behind the silver car. Wait, the silver car is literally in front of the fire hydrant. Did they get a ticket? They did. I love it. Wait, how, how are you to, there's a sign right there that says you can park there? Thank you so much. Shannon, thank you so much. I will be taking this out of your decor and somebody else backing me up. Thank you. Okay, so you got a parking ticket and the silver car got a parking ticket and you're saying that you felt like you were in the free and clear and there was nothing on the pavement or on that concrete. No, that's not painted red. I'm pretty far away. There's literally a sign that says you can park there, right in front of the park, the paid apartment. What does it say? I know, I know those signs. Yeah. It's like park the trades as your zone. Yes, so 206. Maybe that is your nose too much in front of the sign though. Okay, if your nose is too much in front of the sign, it's like five inches. Thank you Shannon Murphy. Thank you. I'd be so upset. I'd give tickets on holidays. I didn't have to pay for parking because it was on holiday, but I have to pay. If it's a fire hydrant, though, you know, have do you think I'm too close to a fire hydrant? Look, I don't know. You're right. I will. Any parking enforcement officials, I disagree with all of them and all of their rules. So I think you're in the right. All right. So we got we got to take this picture and we got to ask the question of the listeners. And when they look at this picture, did Megan deserve to get a parking ticket for parking in front of the fire hydrant? Make sure that people know also that that silver car got a parking ticket because I looked at that right away and said that silver car is the only one. Yeah, the silver car deserves a ticket. Oh, they're in front of it. Yeah. So how far from a fire hydrant are you allowed to park? Does anybody know what the actual rules are? The ticket says 15 feet and I was quoted at 10 feet away from it. So the parking meter people say, yeah, like I'm 10 feet away from it. So then why is the sign there? Correct. That is telling me. Great question. Great question. But that's not even where my bad day ends because I know what you're thinking. All right. You went to the gym and you got a ticket. Yeah, that's sex. That's the worst holiday ever. It doesn't stop there, my friends, because I get into the car and I go, well, I have to move, right? Like I shouldn't be parked here. My car doesn't start. No. I have to call Triple A because my car completely breaks down and I have to tow it to go fix it on a holiday. Do you know how expensive it is to get a tow and a fix on a major holiday weekend when we need to get back to Toledo because this all happened in Detroit? Oh my God. It was. That's more expensive that or the ticket would be that, right? It was so. Oh, the car. Wait. What did everything cost you? All together. Well, man, 700 bucks. Oh my God. Holy jesus. Happy fourth and no one. Are you kidding me? I'm kidding me. So you guys, when I say I had the worst, it was too hot, it was just one after another. And then I got to tell you, as soon as my car was fixed, I was able to get home the best afternoon slash e-vig with my feet. Like I had a great rest of it, but it was so stressful and just literally walking out of the gym, ticket, car doesn't start getting to tell you another after another. It does suck. You know, it does suck. I mean, it sucks that they gave you a ticket, especially because they should. I think they should have marks on the ground. Thank you. It should be simple. Yeah. Like this is simple. So, Kevin, you said, you know, is this out downtown? Can I say where you are? Yeah. She's right at the Pistons practice facility. Okay. So that's where okay. There's a plan in front of the planet there. Okay. Okay. Well, by the way, I was filming this funny video about being like, I still haven't run into a Pistons player, but maybe it's a good thing if this is what I look like when I'm at the gym. And I thought it was going to be so funny. And then it was ticket. And then it was kind of absurd. I wonder if the Detroit meter people as bad as the ones that are in the suburbs because of the ones that are the worst meter people ever and I'll list them by cities. Grand Rapids might be some of the worst people, the parking people, enforcement people there. And then Royal Oak and Birmingham, Michigan are like the worst. Yeah. Downtown Detroit, bro. I don't go to a lot of places, but when it comes to parking and situations like this or seven feet from a sidewalk or crosswalk, I don't know what type of measurements or rulers they're using, but almost because it's not accurate. You guys, I got a parking ticket the night before I left for vacation. Okay. I didn't know it until I got into my car yesterday. I looked at the date and I was like, Oh, I didn't see this tucked away. If you don't see it, you don't get it. I was like, Oh, I don't say it out of mind. You don't have to pay for the thing. Now, does anywhere in this area paint the curbs red for fire hydrants? A lot of places do. Okay. And Ohio, they'll paint the car, you know where to put like you can't park. Hold on. Officer Shay is on with us. Mojo in the morning, hardcore listener and Kev's former classmate. What's going on? Good morning. Hi. Good morning. How are you? Officer Shay Meghan God, can, can you help her with a parking ticket and Detroit? Do you have any power parking tickets? They got their own little range. Yeah. Is it a Detroit parking to the officer or is it from Detroit parking people? Oh, it's. Oh, I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. There is a difference. It was a person that drives in a little go-kurt. Oh, yep. Parking people. Yeah. Where did you park, mate? Where did I park? I parked right in front of the pay for parking in front of the piston facility. She did. Literally, right? Literally. I lined up with it and when I pulled up, I looked at my brother and I said the curb's not red, but the pay for parking is here. Do you think I'm far enough away? Or should I go somewhere else? And my brother said you're really far away from that fire hydrant. You're fine. And then when you came out, my brother was like, "I feel real bad, should I have a uniform there?" No. What is it? Was it on the weekend? It was on the 4th of July. Yeah. Oh, see. Mmm. You parked if I didn't. Wait, do you think that parking people are pissed that they have to work 4th of July? And that's why they did it. I don't think it was a parking meter, people. I think it was a cop. Really? Yeah. A cop would actually do that? No. And there was no, you didn't have to pay for parking that day, so why would the parking meter people be out? There's crimes going on. Just shoot me in text. Just shoot me in text. Ah. Oh, no. Oh, and David, what did you say that Megan should do? She has to fight this? Oh, there she goes to fight it. You got to get a video and a picture of her measuring it off. If you're within that 15 feet, that's a ticket. If you're outside that 15 feet, it's fightable, but by viewing a photograph, it's not enough evidence, but measuring is. OK. I never would have said 15 feet. That never would have been the number in my head. That's crazy. That's crazy. What's going on, Courtney? Hi. Hi. I was at Como's in Ferndale this weekend, and I paid the part behind the building. They wouldn't let me send my time, and I got to take it one minute after my, oh, that's so silly. That is so silly. I was back at a hard four minutes after I expired, and the parking meter heard me yell that I was not very happy about it. Oh, my god. All right. Well, we're going, we're taking this to court. We're going to, we're seeing Judge Wobner. Yeah, Judge Joe, whoever the judge shows are. We'll be right back. Don't go anywhere. If I had a dollar for every time I got a parking ticket in Royal Oak, I could pay one of these parking tickets. This is Mojo in the morning. An official message from Medicare. A new law is helping me save more money on prescription drug costs. Maybe you can save too. With Medicare's extra help program, my premium is zero, and my out-of-pocket costs are low. Who should apply? Single people making less than $23,000 a year, or married couples who make less than $31,000 a year. Even if you don't think you qualify, it pays to find out. Go to Paid for by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Mojo in the morning's dirty on the 30. We have two new artists, two big artists, A-list artists that are added to the iHeart Radio Music Festival to join the artists that we already have, like Big Sean, Camila Cabello, Doge Cat, who else is there, hoesier is there, Shaboozy, by the way, that song. I love that song. That's the song of summer, I think. Fun fact. Yes. Did you know Dolly Parton is his godmother? I did not. Really? I just found that out earlier today. Look at you. I found a video of him saying it. Casey Caseham. Who are you? Casey Cason. Where are you? What were you listening to? Did you hear Ryan C. Crest on the American Top 40, say that over the weekend, or what's the story? I mean, Kev knows me. You got to know something. I always listen to the weekend countdown shows, and every now and again, I'll listen to them and I'll go, oh my god, that's like something I've never heard before, and then I'll come back on the air and I'll pretend like I actually, little American Top 40 with Ryan C. Crest. All right, Shannon with the dirty on 30. Why did you not tell us that? Why did you let him break that dirty to us? You know, everybody's got to have their chance. That's right. There's room in the room for everybody. Okay, Barbie star, Margot Robbie is pregnant. She is expecting her first child with her husband, director, Tom, accurately. I saw she was showing off that cute little baby bump over the weekend, but they got married in a secret ceremony in Australia in 2016, and now they are going to be parents. So, big congrats to her. Following that, happy news up with such a sad story that I know you all saw a Minnesota Vikings rookie cornerback, Hari Jackson and two of his former high school teammates were tragically killed in a car crash early Saturday morning in Maryland. Kyrie and a man by the name of Isaiah Hazell died at the scene. Their buddy, Anthony Linton Jr. pronounced dead at a hospital after this three car crash. Now, they were all in the same vehicle. So these, this is like a new draft pick. So Kyrie Jackson was a fourth round draft pick by the Vikings. In April, he played two years in Alabama. I believe he played a season at Oregon, and he was in the running to earn a starting cornerback position at Vikings training camp, which, yeah, so just, I mean, another vehicle was speeding, changing lanes, struck the car that these three gentlemen were in and investigators do believe that alcohol may have played a role in that crash. Really sad. Just then a month after Justin Timberlake's DWI arrest in Hampton, he is opening a new boozy business in St. Andrews, Scotland. The timing is just impeccable. Justin is partnering up with Tiger Woods once again to expand their popular high-end New York City based sports bar T squared social. If you didn't know that they have this bar together, they do, and it's wildly successful. So they're, they're moving it overseas to Scotland. St. Andrews is known as like the home of golf, right? I mean, people go there like for these ancient and very famous golf courses. So an obvious fit there with Tiger and these celebrity bars. Did you do the story or did I hear this story while I was away on break that the celebrity bars in Nashville are off the hook for the kid that died for a stream for a, I think you might have done that story before we went on break, but I, these celebrity bars with these celebrities, they put their names to these bars. After that whole Riley strength thing, I, to me, I think you're asking for like lawsuits and stuff. I'm sure that they have like protection, but to name, you know, to put your name to a bar. And so many of them there. I mean, Leany Wilson, just open one. I know. You have to go. That's just the risk of owning a bar because I know there was a bar in Toledo that was held responsible for somebody dying and they lost their license. For sure. But when it's a celebrity, then you're, it's you. Yeah. I mean, if I'm famous, I want people to come to my bar because people like me for me. So why not? Yeah. What is he going to name it? I, well, no, it's interesting because that when that story came out about the kid in Nashville and he was at, uh, was it Luke Bryan's bar or something like that? I think it was. And I think a lot of people felt like he got way over served at that thing. But then a lot of people feel like that whole story that came out that the Nashville, the Nashville officials basically swept a lot of stuff under the rug because they didn't want Nashville to look like a, a bad place. Yeah. And lastly, 22 year old Hailey Welch, better known as the talk to a girl recently signed with the management company for real this time. There were rumors, but this is true. She is now in talks to do a documentary and possibly get her own reality show. I never thought it was there ever happened. This is her grandstand. I really had no idea that one night in Broadway having fun with your friends and everything else would change your whole life around. This is a clip. That's a clip from her potential documentary, by the way, she teased that on her social media. What is it about? What is it about? I have no idea. It's a great question. It was one moment. A documentary and a reality show. Come on. Get her milk. Yeah. Whatever girl. Get you back. I saw the interview she did with Barstool and it ruined my thoughts of her. I got. I thought, wow, this girl is really cute. And I saw that thing. I'm like, oh my God. Hot to a girl is no longer for all of today's dirty tech out the podcast on the I heart radio app or mojo in the morning. All right. It is the mojo in the morning show. Have you had a fireworks show? Oh Lord. Yes. Did you light off fireworks? My cousin did. I just bought them all. Really? Did you go to Pat, the guy that I did, man, big shout out to my God, Pat at exotic fireworks on a Friday before last week, we had Pat on if you were listening. And he mentioned all of these fireworks that he had and we had a plan set up for Zach. So I said, listen, this year will be the first year that I put the bill. So to speak for the fireworks and I want it to be a moment to remember like I wanted to go all out. So I hit up Pat went to his spot. Yeah. All the things I told him exactly what I wanted. He put it on the floor. There we go. So I go over to my cousin's Gerard's house. So Gerard and Christy, that's like the house when we have celebrations. This is where we go. We have fight parties. This is where we go. So I like the rest of America was celebrating the Caesar Sally Centennial 100 years of Caesar salad on July 4th. So turn up. Wait, I did not know that. Shannon, you didn't have that story either. Oh my God. Watch out guys. So yeah, so I'm celebrating the Caesar Sally Centennial and we got bean drinks. We've got volleyball games, my boy, Masha had a sweet number game. It's an amazing day. And then it darkens and then I'm like, okay, it's my time now. So I pop the trunk. First off, I didn't tell anybody how many fireworks I had. I just said, you all ready? And they said, yes, I said, let's go outside, go outside. Pop the trunk, kilos of fireworks, kilos, kilos, kilos, kilos, it sounds like illegal or something. They might have been. I don't know. These are regulation fireworks. So it comes out in one firework, boom, boom, I'm talking about the ones. It played the downtown to trade fireworks to shame. We could have, we could arrive at each other while I'm talking in the air, Bob, Bob, Bob, colors, sprinklers, lights. It was amazing. And again, you did not like the fireworks. No, no, no. I'm just there. You left it to somebody who could very well just lose another finger or not. If that was the case, I would have preferred it was his hand missing him. But I helped the flashlight because it was dark outside. So I put the light on my phone so he knew where to wake. By the way, amazing firework name John Wick. Tell me that would be a crazy fire. You didn't buy that one. That was off the top. I'll say, which I'll wait. So we're lighting fireworks and I'll tell you this is a spec. It took us about an hour and a half. So where are you lighting them? So we're on his street. He lives in the courthouse. Yeah, we have no idea. No, I know. But like where does he live in a lake in the backyard or are you the strip? Like where are you? So he lives on like, I don't know how to say it with a street. Okay. Then across the street behind that house is a lake. Okay. So we're on just the street. So you're lighting the fireworks in the street in the middle of the street, middle of the street away from the trees. Yeah. Yeah. Key laws and they're going crazy. Yeah. So they in the air, blah, blah, blah, blah. So it's about an hour and a half. I bought a lot of fire. Are you speeding? I bought a lot of fireworks. Yeah. I bought fireworks. Yeah. What's the neighbors? Do our neighbors must hate them? I know they loved us. Right. Because you will not believe this all of a sudden a car pulls up. And I see the car pull up, you're all kind of like, people start creeping late at night. Like hell going on. Oh, he's everybody stop. Got to watch what's going on. So a car pulls over at that point. I'm like, okay, they just, you know, live next door with it. So I go my flashlight, put it in a jar. It's like all of a sudden this lady who looked like the lady that killed Selena, she get up. Oh God. That's what you look like. She's where all black. I see her face. Oh my God. She's scared. And then she's like, oh, and then she got to walk up a little bit. So we get the light of fireworks. The car comes back the other way. After the firework display, my cousin tells me that this woman had someone drop her off to our fireworks house. She pulls on a lawn chair. No, I swear to God, sits down and watches our fireworks. She's not friends with nobody knows this. No, no, no one knows where she came from. And she's an assassin. She's like, you know, killer, so can you, can you, if people are like, no fireworks, can you just go and enjoy their fireworks? If they're not friends of yours, like, I mean, I mean, is that, is that okay to do? It's a little weird. It is okay. It's just, yeah, it's like, like, like, that would be like, private. That would be like, you're having a party for your kids, you know, in your backyard and people just randomly just come over to the party for your kids. No, because the fireworks are there for everybody to see. It's not like she was eating your food that was intended for only the people at the party. If your kids were having a party and you had slip and slides and, you know, kids ran through sprinklers and some lady pulled over the side of the road. Okay, but that's only intended for the people to go run through the sprinklers. When you buy, when you buy kilos of fireworks, they, they're not only for the eyes of the people that Gerard's house, I agree to a certain extent. Did she set up her launcher in his yard? She pulled out the, so we are in the street. We lit all fireworks about, I don't want to say, 50, 75 feet away from where, quote, unquote, the audience. Okay. So we're all the way to the right. I tell you all the kids, all the adults, they were down to the left with their cheers, and that's where she set up. Oh, if you're in your apartment, somebody's private property, no, we in the street, okay. If you're in your car and you're driving around the neighborhood and you're in your car looking up, that's cool. But when you get out of the car and bring a lawn chair and set it up, that's where the line is. Strange, but valid, but what would you rather have the person calling the cops or the person joining? That is true. That is very true. Um, eight or four, mojo live, eight, four, four, six, six, five, six, five, four, eight. Is it, is it okay to just like, you know, pop a squat spot? Yeah. And, and look at somebody's fireworks that they didn't pay for, or could you pass like a hat and say, Hey, lady, would you like to pick up your, I guess she scared me, man. I seen her get up that car, I was like, yeah, um, Texas nine, five, five, zero, zero textures are texting in going, uh, kilos is not what you call fireworks. That's like a, a list of drugs. Look at that. Okay. joking. By the way, these fireworks are like the fireworks that you see, like you go to like the city of Rochester Hills and watch fireworks. That's what he was doing. Okay. Did you see these? No, I didn't, where's it at? Where do I say? I'm just looking on my phone. Showing video. Showing on the phone. By the way, you're the people that I hate in my neighborhood. Why? Because I get the idea that Fourth of July, you're going to light off fireworks. You can't light off fireworks at 10 o'clock or 10.06 when it goes off and light them off until midnight. You can't be doing two hours of fireworks. I got, I got dogs that literally are shaking. My dog, my dog has not gone outside to use the bathroom at all at night because the moment it gets dark. I got every caldian in the neighborhood lighting off frickin fireworks. Listen, you knew what the day was. Yeah, but it's not just the day. It's been weeks and months and this has been going on. What's up, Alexis? Hi. Hi, I'm from Toledo and the point place puts out a really good fireworks display. But every year, there's this family that lives right on the water and they let off a way better fireworks display than even the point plates and me and my family make sure we wait for his fireworks play to be done before we even head out. Really? It sounds awful. But he has a party every year and my sister-in-law, her apartments are right across from his house. So we watch all the plane-place fireworks go off and they're like a good 30 minute fireworks. We watch those and then he'll light his off immediately after. Oh, so you got. Don't pack up. Don't pack up. So you guys actually will, you know, just go and randomly check out, you know, these fireworks, but it sounds to me like that's a business, not a, like a private property, like these guys are. It's his home. It's his home. Oh, okay. Yeah, it's in the point plate and point plate Toledo and he, like he'll light off, they light off their own fireworks, like the town of point plays, the city and then he wait for the cities to be done. Yeah. And it's got like five minutes later and then he sets all of his off. Interesting. I wonder if you could ever just go up to his house and just see he's got like chips and dip or anything. Bring a long tear. One of those, one of those, uh, flag jellos, like the jello that looks like an American flag. I'm always impressed by that. Those are amazing. I don't know how people do it. And what's up? Bye. Hi, we host the big fireworks party every year, family and friends, at least 60 people, sometimes more. And my husband and brothers used to do the fireworks. So now our boys do, we have five boys and there's probably four thousand in fireworks and it's a big show and people pull over and watch. But the weird thing was, yes, or this Saturday, my son goes, who's that? I don't know. And I, he's like, you don't know who that is. I'm like, no, I thought you invited them because between them inviting people and us inviting people at you just don't know everyone, but nobody knew who this woman was walking around. Oh my gosh. Yeah. Yeah. That's unreal. That's, that's wild. So some lady randomly comes and starts eating your food like we were joking about. Yeah. Yeah. She looked like the lady that killed Selena Ben. What's up? Hi. What's up guys? How are you guys doing this morning? Kevin, thanks for the invite, by the way, to the party at Gerard's. But go ahead. What's up, Ben? What do you want to say? Yeah. You guys, I think Kevin just started a new July 4th party for you guys. You guys should call it Kevin's kilos. That should be, we got to do that as a new one. Let's see. If you have any remaining fireworks, we're going to do that too. Mojo in the morning, KP, I saw you down in, I actually didn't see you in Florida. I saw you on your social media down in Florida. Although I got to be honest with you, following KP on social media, do you see the girls that KP's hanging out with? Did you see KP? Oh, and KP. Yes. Yes. My friends are very hot. Okay. I'm very proud of them. Anyway. I'm very happy. Do hot girls only have hot friends? I know. Okay. True. So which one of your friends are ugly? None of my friends are ugly. It's really none of my friends are ugly, but they name your first friend. My first friend? Yeah, go. What do you mean? You're first. First friend. First friend. It comes to mind. The friend that I was hanging out with the mojo like Sam, Sam, Sam's gorgeous, Sam's pretty girl. It's like I saw that girl on your story and you know, you guys look really cute and yeah, she's beautiful. She's truly stunning and she in particular got hit on in such a funny way. And honestly, I thought this guy was going to crash like he was driving next to us. He literally risked his life for her phone number and it's crazy what men will do. We were driving, I think home from dinner and we looked over and this dude was just like on our tail, driving up by the window, rolling down his window, yelling out the window and I look over and I'm like, Oh, he's cute. He's actually cute. He's kind of crazy, but he's kind of cute and she ends up yelling at him. Do you want my phone number? And I got actual video of this too. Oh, do I send that? Oh, really? Yeah. Hold on. So this is all on video and I got part one, part two and then I was hoping for part three. So wait, so this is this is a guy in traffic and this is down in Florida where you're at your friends. Yeah. And the guy in traffic, which by the way, that's amazing that how many times have we ever been in a red light and we see good looking people in the car next to us and you wonder, you know, do they get flirted with? These guys get flirted with and hold on, it's downloading ready. Is this part one or part two or part three? This is part one. This is part one. This is part one. You want your number? How are you going to write it down? Hey, two, two, four. I didn't do the whole thing. Hold on. Two, four, eight, nine, one, seven. I'm sorry. Every combination. I'm going to dial it off. Wait, so she screamed out the number. What did the guy use to write it down? He was typing in his phone. So as she was yelling, he was watching the road and he was typing on his phone and then he called her immediately after and we got to chat on the phone with him and it was actually really, really cute. Are these the chatting? So, here's what happened. I love this story. Here's what happened. I rolled down my window because I was in the backseat and I'm like, "We're going out today. Come here!" Because if he didn't end up calling or whatever, he would know where to go. And so, the whole plan was we were going to meet up later and he never showed. No. You did all of that and you couldn't even show up to the bar. Like, bro, you almost re-ended someone. You can't show up? I can't see the guy. I'm looking at the picture, but I can't see. He's got to be good looking. Because there's no way. He was good looking. Here, I'll send it to the group chat so you can take a look. No, it's in her topics that you guys, I'm sure, read. [laughter] Here, hold on. Is he good looking? I can't tell. How are you going to write it? That's interesting. So, that's wild in traffic. He ain't a big truck. That's good looking. That's a thing. That's what it was. That's a thing. Right? Well, he wasn't looking at me. He was looking at Sam. Looking at a guy and a big old. What is that? Is that a Chevy Silverado? It looks like a Chevy Silverado that's lifted. We asked him on the phone to where like, "How tall are you? How old are you?" He's 32. He was 6'3". And I'm like, "Oh." How do you know he's not lying to you? Maybe that's why he didn't do it. That's why I think it's like, maybe a lot about his height and then he had to show up and have some of that tall. He only talks to you from the car. This is not, this is not Tinder. This is Truckter. Fender. This guy, by the way, this guy is crazy that he's doing this in traffic. And look at, there's cars in front and there you can kind of almost see from the lights on the side of the car. There's cars in the back. And he missed his turn just to keep up with us too to get the rest of our phone in a while. He didn't show. I know. It just could have been. Look at that. If you stop it at one point, there's traffic lights of everybody stopped just ahead. This guy's lucky he didn't smack into somebody from paying attention. I know, but it's really hard to meet people normally these days, so I feel like the only time you meet somebody is on the road in traffic getting to work or going out with friends or... I actually had a guy friend who met a girl that way and they dated for like a couple of months. It was really crazy. Yeah. Yeah. Out of red light, that's actually really cool. Has anybody, anybody ever met the love of their life in traffic and you guys now are together? That's... Or what did they do to get your number? What did they do to get you? Oh, yeah. That's a good one too. 844-Mojo live. 844-665-6548. No! I got to tell you though, I would... I see all the time, like at red lights, people that are good looking people and cars next to me, and I can't even look at them because every time I look at them, they look down or look away. Like they look completely... This guy must be a good looking guy. So actually, I was in downtown Royal Oak and I saw this really cute guy and I looked over and I rolled up my window and I'm like, "Hey," and as soon as I said, "Hey, a girl in the backseat whip, roll down the window," I was like, "I'm out of here, I couldn't see you. I didn't know." Why? Why in the back? Yeah, that's weird. That's weird. Yeah, I have no idea. What are you doing? What are you doing? She knew that was going to happen. Yeah. That's better than if she popped her head up, you know? Yeah. All right. Hey. Hey. What's going on, Mike? How you doing? Hey, good morning, Mojo. Good morning, buddy. Yeah. So, he's got a girlfriend, I'm out there on this. Yeah. I'm married and I've done that before, but you just can't help yourself. You see a beautiful woman or two. And you're a phone number? Mike, you're not even voices. What? Yeah. Mike, so you are actually in traffic flirt with girls like this? No, no, not like not now, I'm old, but you're old. Back in the day, yeah. Mike, you did it for the plot. Yeah. You got full. Yeah. 35 years. Yeah. By the way, to Mike's wife, he apologizes for this phone call. What's up, Michelle? How you doing? Hey, Dylan, well, how are you? We're doing fantastic. What's happening? Great. So I grew up in Houston and I was at a red light with my best friend. I actually doing a Chinese fire drill, but it was back in my eighties. Oh, by the way, I don't know why they, is that a racist thing to say nowadays? But so we jump out of the car and yeah, switch seats in the car. Yeah. So you're at a red light doing this running around our car. Yeah. And next to us had Michigan license plate and we were in Texas, like I said, but the driver was extremely attractive. And we've been married for 38 years. Green light. That's amazing. So you and the guy at the red light that were flirting with each other, the guys are now married. Right. Actually, it was my friend flirting with the passenger. The friend flirting. They started talking. Oh, they were talking. We just started talking. Honestly, do you wish that you drove a different way at that time? Is it like a happy marriage or what? Uh, now it's great. Oh, he, he wasn't that like three kids, three grandkids. He wasn't that last guy that just called us up, right? That's flirting with K P and her friends. By the way, I think that this is interesting. They K P and her friends are flirting out the window because I would think that nine out of 10 guys would be creepy guys that would scream out at you guys. No, no, I mean, yeah, there's creepy guys out there, but I think that, um, I don't know. If you are putting in that much effort to have fun, even if, yeah, he didn't show up that sucks, but that moment was just fun to play along with your own vacation and doing that. Like, I don't know. Because he can't touch us because we're in a car. Yeah. That's the, that's the part where it's fine, you know, we're out in the street and some news. Like that would be weird. Come on, man. Yeah. Come on, man. You got a drive. Slow down. What's up? Cam. Hi. Um, good morning. Hi, everybody. Um, I met my husband at the corner of Honeyac Trail and Nine Mile in South Lyon. Oh, who made the first move? Um, I kind of think I did. He was on his motorcycle where each way, waiting to make a turn and I took my sunglasses down to look at his motorcycle. It was gorgeous. And as I was ready to make my left hand turn, I pushed my sunglasses back up and smiled at him and he turned around and followed me. Oh, geez. That's creepy. Yeah. Megan's nightmare. You're a little creepy. So I was going to buy, I was going to my place of business. Um, I work at a dental office in South Lyon and I had to take a Christmas tree. I've been up since March in front of those business and he turned around and came up into the parking lot and said, I thought I knew you. I'm like, yeah. Okay. So he comes into my work the very next day into my business, stands at the counter and says, I remember where I've seen you from. He says, you sit down in front of me at church for like the last two years with your mom, your dad and your kids. Is that true? It was true. Wow. Why he couldn't just wait to church? That's unbelievable. Wow. So this is bigger than just meeting on Pontiac Trail. So, so he asked me out for a cup of coffee and here we are, Mary, 17 years, you know what? These kids are relying on dating apps these days. They need to go out on the road and drive, right? But here's where you lost me. I just don't get, if a guy asked for my number and then started following me, I'm going, oh, I'm getting murdered unless he's not. You got to change your perspective. No, I like the not dying part of me. You always think the worst thing the best next thing you know, seriously, change the story unless he's had a quick question for you. Do you guys ever just go sit at that corner there on Pontiac Trail in a little in the car? Maybe? No. No. You should try it today. Okay. No, you're never too old for that. It's always fun. I don't know. Yeah. All right. Have a great day. I want to announce our mojo in the morning show more mojo podcast live. Do I have like big music or something? I need something for this. Hold on. I didn't get the production parts. Usually I'm very good about production parts for things and having music that's there, you know, that makes things sound bigger than they actually are. But this thing is actually big. This is very big. Here we go. It is before it is the mojo in the morning. More mojo podcast live benefit for breaking and entering Christmas wish. Yes. Thank you for the wuhoos happening at the imagine theaters in Kenton, Michigan on Friday, August the 16th. And here's what we're going to be doing. An unforgettable evening of a live podcast from the mojo in the morning show. That's us. One of your favorite popular shows that says, I'm reading it right off of the imagine. It says join us for an unforgettable evening podcast live of the mojo in the morning show, one of Detroit's most popular morning shows hosted by mojo along with his entertaining co-hosts. Stop it. This is great. I think Anthony Laverde didn't. We love him for him. This special live event promises to deliver laughs, engaging stories and behind the scenes insights into the show's success with over two decades on the air, the mojo show along with its team, Shannon, Megan, Kev, KP Lydia, and Zach are going to bring you live into an experience of what it's like to be part of their show with all the proceeds from this event, benefiting the mojo in the morning show, breaking and entering Christmas. If you're a fan of the show, or may I say super fan of the show, you have a chance to not only buy tickets to come to this event, which are very affordable. Tickets start at $25, but we also have VIP experiences that will be experiences we're pretty much going to be taking you home with us. For a donation of $500 for the breaking and entering Christmas Wedge, that's it. Come home, you can come home. You can be part of a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, tickets are available right now on the Imagine Theater's website, which is That's or you can go to our mojo in the morning show, Instagram page, and just go up to the bio and we have tickets right there. It will link you right to the site. This is going to be a really fun night. It's going to be so fun. Did you say it today? Really looking part. Yes. August the 16th. Friday. What an unique calendar. It's going to be in the Imagine Canton's super emacs, that big, super-sized theater. And the coolest part of this, I mean, people have seen our live broadcast, okay? They've been part of our live broadcast before, which are a lot of fun. This is even better. This is us where we can be as ros can be and we can talk about things that we cannot talk about on the radio. And then afterwards we'll release it as a podcast on the more mojo podcast platform, which you can get on the iHeartRadio app or wherever you get podcasts. Um, I'm looking forward to this. People are asking, is it family friendly? Well, Nicole, who sent that to us from 586, Nicole, I don't necessarily know if it's a family friendly event, but if you'd like to bring kids and have them talk some things, you know what, plug their ears and go send them in to go see, uh, some Marvel movie in the theater next door. I don't know. But I honestly, I, um, I'd like to say that it would be more fun to be able to be more raw. Yeah. Um, because that's what the more mojo podcast is, uh, and I do want you to know that the truly the reason of us doing this is we need to do a fundraiser for breaking and entering Christmas wish. And you hear us every single year, grant all these wishes. This year is going to be a really crazy year because we're doing Christmas in July and it's already been tough enough for us. Um, we've had so many people that have been contacting us, uh, between, you know, the sheriffs, the, uh, deputy that died, you know, a couple of weeks ago, we made a, you know, a donation for that and then also, uh, families that, you know, had their power turned off because it couldn't pay their bills, groceries, groceries, just putting food on their table. So it's going to be fun, uh, you guys excited, uh, about this, are you guys, uh, gonna have to drink to be part of this? Cause I think Anthony said there'll be lots of alcohol served from the imagine bar. Oh, really? It's going to be fun. No dumb button to your point. I'm just excited to be just raw. Megan will still be. No, I love, I love what you have to say. I think you're the funniest person ever. We do have a license to keep and when that's not on the table, it's just more fun. I always say like some of our discussions off the air are so much funnier and more interesting. The show is more interesting. No, but because we can talk about certain things or say certain things that we can't say on the air. Like when all of us are just hanging out, we're actually kind of more entertaining. Yeah, but so please come please buy tickets for a good cause and it will be really fun. It's, uh, it's really going to be fun again. Go to imagine dash and you can get your tickets there. Uh, again, we would love to be able to give tickets away to this, but the problem is then we don't raise money for breaking and entering Christmas wish. And that was one of the biggest reasons why we wanted to make sure that the tickets were affordable and $25 for a night of entertainment is fun. So and thank you to imagine because imagine is giving up the ability to be able to sell that theater that night, which is their biggest theater for a summer blockbuster to give this to us. And for those that don't know, Anthony Laverde and his beautiful family are part of our mojo in the morning, breaking and entering Christmas wish board years and, uh, we initially when we were in, by the way, Christmas wish is a 501c three. So it is something that is tax deductible. So you can write it off on your taxes. This donation mojo in the morning show. Hope you guys had a good week off. It was nice to be able to sleep in a little bit. It was also really nice to get together with family and we decided in our family. So I'm one of six kids. I'm the baby of six kids and, uh, my sister, Tracy, um, back at Christmas time told all my brothers and sisters that we are so blessed that all of us are still alive, that we were going to try to once a year get all of us siblings together, not the whole family, you know, and do a family reunion, but just the six of us because sometimes the kids and the in-laws, you know, the wives and the, the, you know, uh, husbands, they don't like the stories that we tell. Like, you know, when we sit there and talk about the breakos and talk about, you know, the, uh, brainics and the simultaneous and like all these people, like our neighbors and stuff. I love this idea. So we decided that we were going to use 4th of July week as this opportunity where my brother Bill lives in Mexico. He lives in Puerto Vallarta, my sister, Tracy's down in Miami. I'm in Detroit and then the rest of her in Chicago and we were going to do this and I'm going to start this off by saying you may need a little bit of Kleenex because I might cry on this one. So for those that know me, I am a very, um, tearful person when I think of family members and their health and all this. Well, I knew I was going to be driving in to Chicago on July the 1st and I ended up deciding that I was going to get a lot of stuff done around here and then I was going to drive in Chicago and I was going to try to hang with some friends and do all that because I was going to be off for 4th of July. And I got a phone call from my brother on, um, on July the 29th June or June the 29th. I'm sorry. Yeah. June the 29th. It was June 29th, June 28th. I think it was 28th maybe. And my brother called me in a conversation with my brother Tony is never a short conversation. He's usually in his car and he talks to you his entire commute home from downtown Chicago because he lives in the suburbs of Chicago. And I let it go to voicemail knowing that in a few days I was going to be seeing him and I'm going to tell you guys, don't let that call go to voicemail because on Saturday, which was whatever the date was a day or so later, I got a phone call from his wife and my brother had a heart attack. And I did not pick up his phone call at the time that he called me. Now to fast forward and let you know, I'm not going to be dramatic. My brother is okay. He's doing okay. But for hours, we had no idea how he was going to be doing and Chelsea and I were actually out at the time and I got the phone call and we were having a great time together. And I literally kept thinking back about not picking up his phone call and thinking that I was not going to pick up his phone call because I thought it would be a relatively long conversation and that could have been the last time I got to talk to my brother who's also my godfather. And I regretted that so much even to this day that I didn't pick up the phone because all it would have taken was just, hey, Tony, I got a couple of minutes here. I just want to say I love you and tell him I love you. So I bring this conversation up to you guys on two fronts. Number one, I want to tell all of you that I love you guys and don't call me so much. No, no, but also to let you guys know and maybe it's because I'm the older guy on the show, life is so fleeting and we don't know when our last moment on this world is going to be our last breath is going to be or somebody else's last breath more importantly and just tell the person that you're not talking to right now because you're upset with them over something or you're holding a garage over something or not wanting to talk to because they're irritating and they talk, you know, long time and they take a lot of your time. Just tell them that you love them. And that's it. That's all you need to do because I thought for such a long period of time until I got word that my brother was stable that that was not going to happen. I saw Tony on Monday. We all got together and he had a heart attack on Saturday. Actually, I saw him on Tuesday. My days are all mixed up. I last week did not know what day it was like literally every day. I'm like, what day is it? It's 4th of July. Is this is Tuesday? I have no clue because I just I keep my days based on where the roses is on Tuesday since Thursday, you know what I mean, but I saw my brother Tony. He looks amazing. He is such a good guy. Tony for those don't enchanting. You met him. I've met him before. Yeah. Several times. He is he is Tony is the kindest person I have. He is just a he's he's a guy that if you meet Tony carballo. You feel like you've known him your entire life. He's obsessed with going to funerals and weddings. He'll go to if you invite him to anything he will go to funeral every funeral every wedding. He loves wakes. He goes home all the time and he's my oldest brother and he is he's such an amazing dad and amazing husband and I'm so happy he's alive and this might be too personal. The question is it was his heart condition similar to what you had? We all have we have bad hearts in our family. I mean, not bad hearts. We have we're good-hearted people when you when you found out that you had your inner aneurysm. You were like, Oh, my brother, you know, my, you know, my, no, his, his is a little different than mine. Like he's, he's had some issues for a little bit. You know, all of us have issues, but the aneurysm is definitely something in our family. He didn't, I don't, he got checked out and I don't think he has the aneurysm that I had. Um, but he is, uh, he's alive. He's good. I felt so bad. His kid, you know, his daughter just moved out of the house and moved into her own apartment. And she and he are really close and I talked to her, uh, and Tuesday when we got at our barbecue and, and pass house and grace was like, I felt so guilty that I moved out of the house and I'm like, you know what though you, that's what he wants you to do. So Wes always says this to me because so both of his parents have passed. And so if I'm like busy and doing something and my mom calls and I like will bump her call or not answer her call and I'll be like, he'll be like, answer the phone. I'll call her later. I'll call it later. And he's like, what I wouldn't give to see mom show up on my mom. He always says that to me and he's like, call her back right now. Like we're so lucky that we can see mom or dad on our phones, you know, we do. We do. Like we're, we're so committed to even knowing what we have to do tomorrow. Like we just know we have work to do tomorrow. We expect to wake up in the morning. We expect our limbs to work. We just expect it. And it's these moments where you realize that you cannot take it for granted because it's not promised to you. No, it's just such that these, this has to happen in order for us to have that front of mine. I'd appreciate it. It's, it's one of those things where in West is so right when you lose, I lost my mom, young and I lost both parents like West did and in Shannon, it's one of those things where I have to like put myself into perspective sometimes with my kids of my kids are so blessed to have both Chelsea and I right now, you know, and because I, you know, some people never experience loss until later in their life, which thank God that that's the case. I experienced it. It's almost kind of like when somebody dies, you, you have to put yourself into perspective that, man, what was I waiting for somebody to die to tell them that I love them? You know, or spend time with them or spend time with them. What's up, Joe? Hey, good morning. How are you guys? We're good buddy. What's going on? All right. Just prepared. This is sad. So it's kind of like a phone call. So my grandma before she went to go get her heart surgery done, she wanted to go out for lunch and I just decided to go with friends instead and the next day, she passed away during a surgery and I regret not going. Yeah. It's tough. Yeah. Was she somebody that you spent a lot of time with? Yeah. Yeah. I mean, you can take that to heart that, you know what, you got a lot of moments with your grandma. Unfortunately, that last one is a tough one. But you know, she's with you all the time, buddy. I know. I mean, it's amazing, you know, and I'm not saying that we can't choose, you know, we're going to make ourselves crazy. We don't know when the moment is going to be, even if it's grandma, I can't go to lunch with you, but I do love you and I'll see you tomorrow, you know, and we'll talk. Melody. What's up? Good morning. How are you? We're good. What's going on, Melanie? Well, five years ago, my bus front texted me and said, "Can you come and pick me up and hang?" Because I'm going, quote, "baddie" inside. And, dude, it was March, it was the weather was crappy, but I went and got him and we went out about a while to do our little smokey smoke, and I dropped him back off and then the next day when I went to contact him, he was gone, so you never know when your favorite people will never won't be there anymore. So, yes, tell your family and your friends, "How much you welcome?" You know what, it's in here's a moment that you have now, and you'll be able to talk about forever, and it's not just that last memory, but it's all the memories that you'll have, right? Oh, definitely. Definitely. I was grateful that his sister gave me some of his ashes, and I literally carry him everywhere with me, and I don't care if people think that that's gross, but... Have you gone to Belle Isle and smokey smoked with him? Oh, dude, I do, I don't have real business, but what a comfort to know that you were with him in a time where he needed somebody, and you were that person for him. Oh, definitely, because you know what, for many, he helped me get sober, and for many years, he was there for me, and I'm glad that I was there for him. It was a very difficult conversation to try and tell his sister you've got to go look for him, because I'm not next to Kim. Wow. Thank you for the call. I appreciate it. Juliana, what's up? It's Mojo. In the morning. Hey, good morning, guys. Good morning. So, I just want to say first, Mojo, I'm so glad that your brother is okay. Thank you. And you will be in my prayers, and this is so hard for me to talk about, because it just hurts so deep, but my best friend passed away a few weeks ago, and she was only 25, and before that, we hadn't talked for a few weeks because we had a little disagreement and then she passed, and right before she passed, we were, I don't know if you guys know on TikTok, when you view somebody's profile, it shows you. We were like doing this thing back and forth, where we were just viewing each other's profile. We were both being hard-headed, and we just didn't want to reach out to each other, because we were just so stubborn, and I really wish I would have just reached out anyways, and been like, "Look, I love you. I'm sorry that we had this little disagreement because now I sit." And I wonder, like, "Dang, I'm just so regretful that I didn't reach out, and I just, I want to say that there are a lot of hard-headed people on this earth, and I'm sure there's a lot of hard-headed people that listen to this nation, but just reach out. It's not even about being the bigger person. Don't let something like this happen to make you realize that relationships are so important, and if they really matter to you, then you need to love them no matter what, disagreements or not. Let's say that your conversation that you just had with us in the story talking about with my brother might bring people together today, and if that is anything for the memory of your friendship, you should know that that's an awesome thing, that you telling the story to us will hopefully bring some people together. I hope so because it's just not worth it, it's just not worth it, like, don't be hard-headed. In the long run, it's just, it's going to hurt you, like, it's just, I'm really nervous talking to you guys. You did a beautiful job. We love you. Juliana, thank you. Yes. He just made me text my dad. He'd been reaching out, and I've been ducking him, so you just held him. I mean, it only takes a second, right, to just reach out. Danny, why you were talking? You love me. Yeah. No, that's beautiful. That is, that is awesome. All right. Tell me you love me. I love you guys. I love all of you guys. All right. Tell me you love me. We love you back. Juliana, we love you. We love you too. All right. Take care of yourself and to your, your, your friends with you, and I, listen, I believe this every single day. I prayed to my mom when my brother had his heart attack. I was like, "Mom, this is your time." You know, and you can, you can do that. No, I don't know. All right. Second date update. Oh, why did you do that? That was such a sweet moment. Because we got to get the second date update. I'm already, look what the time is. I'm already 10 minutes late. Tell them you love them. I don't like that. You were like, I'm really emotional and tell you something super personal about me. I talked to my mom. All right. Like you're annoyed with yourself. That was very sweet. Tell them you love them. All right. Tell me you love me. Very much. I tell you that I love you. She's not in front of our audience very often. I may and I love you. All right. Second date. It's the second date update. A mojo in the morning. How you doing? Who is this on the phone with us? Is this Louis? Yeah. What's going on? Louis is being ghosted. Louis, what's the story here? What's going on? When's the last time that you talked to her? Well, it's 12 weeks with this woman. Oh, you almost said lady. I would have ghosted you too. Or something worse. I thought it was going to be worse than that. I'm feeling a little mixed up about it. We've been snap chatting for like two months or so. Okay. And it thinks we're going to cool. And we went, we met up on a date like last week sometime. We're a little bit longer than that. And we were, she was going to come over and hang out for the fourth. She was going to come over to the house on the lake. Sometimes I feel like people just use me for the whole like house. You know what I mean? You're just trying to get a boat day out of it. But we decided she was going to come over to the fourth. She was going to bring a bunch of her hot friends over. I was going to bring a bunch of my weird looking bros over. Okay. And so we, we spent like pretty much the whole week out there. Oh, my like house on the lake on the boat. Things are going cool. And now, and now I don't hear anything from her. I haven't heard from her all week. So it's been since you guys were out hanging on your boat and hanging with her friends and stuff that you have talked to her and you're wondering what's going on. I mean, could it just be that maybe she's busy and maybe she's back at work and she's not able to do it? Yeah. I mean, that could be, but you could still like send a message or something. You don't think so, Shannon? You think that? Oh, come on. You think that she's using them? I don't know what the story is, but I mean, there's always a story. All right. Amanda is her name. She was willing to go on the air with us. Amanda, will you say hello to Lewis? Hello. Hey, there you are. Amanda, how are you? Fine. So, by the way, she's about ready to ghost me on this one here. So, Amanda, what's the story? What's going on? Why have you not been talking to Lewis since you guys hung out last? Well, I mean, we hung out for the fourth and we hooked up. But, I mean, I'm just hanging out. I really didn't think it was anything more than that. So, this was just a fourth of July thing or a holiday thing. I thought that's what he wanted. What gave you that impression? Is that like a boundary you set up before you guys met up? Just, I don't know. It just kind of felt it. I mean, hey, I've got a boat. It's really all he talked about. Bring your hot friends. I'll bring my friends. It's just a vibe, I felt. Is it bad that I get where she's coming from? I'm seeing an act like there's so many times where I literally -- you saw it. He was a good hot tub. You want to come over? I know you're just looking to hook up. I got a boat. Bring your hot friends with parties. It could have started that way, though. And if you spent a week with somebody, maybe it's just not a smash fest. So, he never gave you vibes if it was anything beyond that. I didn't feel it. No. And if he did, I'm sorry. But it just -- it wasn't there. I thought, I mean, I feel like a lot of guys, that's what they want, right? Just hook up, hang out with some girls, move on. Yeah. That's what you want. That's what I felt. I thought we were cool. And that's what you were okay with, too. You were okay with that. I'm totally fine with that. So, even when he circled back with a text, you didn't feel the need to respond, because you were like, this isn't going to go anywhere. I didn't think it was going anywhere. It was wrong with me. But I just didn't want to get into it, and I just wanted to move on. Didn't feel the spark or anything. Lewis? Yeah, man. See, listen, like, what do she thinks that just guys just want to do? That's what I think girls just want to do. They just want to come over and hang out on my boat. Use my boat. Take some Instagram pics. And then split. But if you don't like that behavior, why are you initiating Hangout sessions by saying, come on over and hang out on my boat? Why wouldn't you ask her to go do something else instead for first date? Maybe not fourth date. We did. No, we did. We did. We went out. We met once before. And then I said, hey, now come over and see the boat. Come out, hang out for like a weekend, man. Like it wasn't like a shore to hang out. It was like, come hang out. We'll, you know, smash on a boat. Like a whole weekend together, man. So it wasn't a boat just boat day. It was a boat week. And you guys had something beforehand where you guys went out. You were expecting that it was going to carry over after. You guys had gone on your boat. Yeah. She's the one who just wants the smash and run now, man. Like I can't believe that. We need Joe Biden. Come on, man. Please play it. Where's the draft? Come on, man. He's only said it 40 times. Can I ask? Can I ask a question? Can I ask a? A stupid son of a bitch. That's for me. Can I ask a question of Amanda? Amanda, when girls get together with a guy that has a boat and you guys get together like this, do you guys all pretty much just sit there and say, Hey, we're only going on the boat because we're using them for the boat? Or are you going just having fun and just thinking that's it? Because everybody's making it seem like I've never been used for anything, at least that I know of that. I mean, if maybe there was a spark between us, I would give it a second chance, maybe a second date, but there really wasn't much there. He was really hanging out with his friends and kind of showing off and it just wasn't attractive. It was just it was whatever. I mean, I was looking forward to the boat. Yeah. But after he kept talking about, you know, leading up to it. So just whatever. KP, you're going about some stuff. The girls just use those for boats. Absolutely. I actually did this one time and I'm, it sucks to say this. Well, when I was living up North and Trevor City, I'd match with somebody and invited some girls and he was cool with it. And we went out and I ended up having to move within the next couple of weeks, so I never talked to him again. And I actually still have a guilty conscience about going out on the lake for the 4th of July because I felt like, oh man, that was totally me using him. Do you have that guilty conscience because it was just worth a July? Yeah. And you didn't have a boat day with anybody after that. Uh. Mmm. Like, like, I wonder if guys with boats just get calls only around the 4th of July by girls, by hot girls. Yeah. I mean, I think the whole being used thing is if she reached out to him and said, can we go have a boat day? Yeah. Can I bring my friends? I think it would be really fun versus people who get boats because it's entertaining and a fun thing to do with your friends and he used it as a tool to hang out with her. Yeah. I totally agree with that. You guys have an agreement before? I don't think there should be any problem after. Right. If you plan on hanging out with us and nothing that happens after the boat day should be used against the other person. Paul, what's up? Hey, first time long time. Yeah. What's going on? Yeah. So I think that any miscommunication here is on her. I think that her intentions were pretty corrupt here. And I think that any way that he could have approached this, uh, the same thing would have happened. And just because of the way that she went into this way, you think they know that. How are her intentions corrupt when he invited her to do this? Uh, I think like you said, this was more of a second date thing. Like they already hung out. Uh, I feel like if he was getting those vibes that he would be, uh, recurring those vibes back to her that this is more than just a hookup thing, especially if they already went on that first date and then he was like, Hey, I do like you. You want to come use my boat now? Yeah. By the way, everybody that has a boat right now is wondering who their friend is that uses that for their boat. Oh, yeah. No, I'm one of those people that if you have a boat, I'm going to come abuse up. Yeah. What's up, Amy? Hi. Hi. So this guy is like all insulted that she just wants to come out and hang out on his boat. But he's all about like, Hey, hang out on my boat, my boat, my boat. What kind of boat does this dude have? Yeah, that's a good question. What kind of boat are we talking about her? Are we talking about a pontoon? Oh, man. Oh, man. No, no, no, no. Real nice 26 footer. Okay. Oh, wow. All right. I'm going to follow up after this. A lot of people can fit on that thing, huh? Yeah, yeah. Nice, man. Real nice. I don't think about it like that. I don't think about it like it's something people are going to use, man. I think it's like a cool thing I get to share with people. Oh, boy. I'm so confused. Yeah. I think he's just heard that she doesn't want to be with him. Yes. That's why I think he's going in. Yeah. Do you have guy friends that also use you for your boat? I have guy friends may hang out on the boat. I don't think they're using me, man, but I don't know. Maybe I'm wrong. So just this. It's just Amanda that has used you for your boat. You've never had another person. I mean, yeah, I guess so. Well, I mean, I have to go back and look over things. Take the win, Louis. Yeah. Take the win. They can't. Yeah, fine. You got some pictures to prove it probably too, right? Yeah, I do, man. Come on. Come on, man. Come on, man. Come on, man. Come on, man. Louis. All right. We love you. I love you, buddy. This is a home with a dirty on the 30. Throwback throw down. Second date update. And more of the roses. This is Mojo in the morning. An official message from Medicare. A new law is helping me save more money on prescription drug costs. You may be able to save, too. With Medicare's extra help program, my premium is zero, and my out-of-pocket costs are low. Who should apply? Single people making less than $23,000 a year, or married couples who make less than $31,000 a year. Even if you don't think you qualify, it pays to find out. Go to, paid for by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Well, let's talk about the royals Prince Harry in particular for a moment. Apparently he is just absolutely shocked by the backlash that he's getting after being named the recipient of that Pat Tillman award for service at this year's SPS. Why does he get that usually for somebody that? So the award is handed out to people who have made significant contributions in the world, and it has to be somebody who echoes the legacy of Pat Tillman, who is a former NFL player, a U.S. Army Ranger. Yeah, so Prince Harry is getting it because of his military experience for one, but also his work on the Invictus Games. That's his big thing. Probably more so the Invictus Games than his military. The deal though, there are some who aren't super happy that he's getting this award, including Pat Tillman's own mom, Mary. She is coming forward and being very outspoken and criticizing ESPN and claiming she was never consulted about the decision for Prince Harry to be this year's recipient and Harry's no stranger to scrutiny. He's used to, you know, he's used to backlash, whatever, but this really hurts because it's the talk and the backlash surrounding his military background that he is finding, especially. Did Harry really serve in the military? The only one in the royal family that actually served. They all formally have to serve as a part of their... What was his service? No, remember the journalist kept releasing his location and putting all of the troops at risk. The British journalists were giving out his exact locations in order to put him in danger and they had to remove him from Afghanistan a few times. He was in Afghanistan? Yeah. Come on. Yeah. Well, and by the way, ESPN is defending its decision to honor Prince Harry, saying his work on the Invictus Games is absolutely a cause worth celebrating. So Thursday, I believe, is the SVs, right? Is it Thursday? Yes. Yeah. Question for you. Do you feel like Pat Tillman's mother should have any say so on who gets the award? If it's named after her son. So I've got to go run it by her. Well, if she's the head of the foundation or whatever. I'm very curious if she's been involved in other ones. That's what I'm saying. Yeah. Every time the SVs have to give away an award, we got to make sure she signs off. Well, I know the SVs does that the Jimmy V foundation. Yeah. And I think his family is very active in what happens. You know, who is the person that's the recipient of the Jimmy V award? Interesting. Oh, I don't know. I told you last hour that Barbie star Margot Robbie is pregnant. This hour of Vanessa Hudgens is a mom. She just gave birth to her first child. No confirmation here, but she was seen leaving a Santa Monica hospital with a baby in her arms. So she had baby. Hey, what's up? This is Vanessa Hudgens, and I'm waking up with my Detroit morning show Mojo in the morning. The president under pressure right now on Friday. President Biden refusing to take a cognitive test telling ABC's George Stephanopoulos that the job of the presidency already serves as one. Would you be willing to undergo an independent medical evaluation that included neurological and cognitive tests and release the results to the American people? Look, I have a cognitive test every single day. Every day I have that test, everything I do, you know, not only my campaign and my running world. Would you be willing to have the independent medical evaluation? Watch me between. There's a lot of time left in this campaign. It's over 125 days. So the answer to the decision? The right answer right now is no. You don't want to do that, right? Well, I've already done that. All I can think about is Eric Karthin, who calls in as Joe Biden because I think that he sounds just like so much like that in pressure right now. But the president says he has ongoing physicals and all sorts of other examinations and doctors have said he is in good physical health amid all of the questions within the Democratic Party about whether he's in good enough shape to run for president again. Look, I mean, if a Lord of money can not say Joe get out of the race and get out of the race, the Lord of money's not coming down. I really don't know what he said at the end of this. Do we have Biden too on there? He was he made a campaign stop. I believe this is in Madison, Wisconsin recently and made a little oopsie. I'll beat Donald Trump. I will beat him again in 2020. Oh, by the way, we're going to do it again in 2024. There we go. There we go. And lastly, John Cena announcing he is taking a step back from the WWE. I'm here tonight to announce he's still in it. I bet he was an actor now. I mean, he is the last WrestleMania I competed. Yeah, he's retiring. Still doing Royal Rumble elimination chamber. And then that WrestleMania 24 2025 will be his last. I always thought that the guy was like he in the rock just got hired to go do special appearances. He's not fighting though. He's in the bear season three. Oh my God, everybody has been watching the bear over this last break. I get sick of it though. I like them when they in the kitchen cooking. I don't want to know about everybody's individual road to the kitchen. That's when it gets. When I was in Chicago over the past week, we walked by like filming locations. So there was actually set up. And then one of them was I walked by a Chicago fire or Chicago PD set. Oh, really? That they had had going on. And I watched the man with a thousand kids. Oh, so good. You got it. You've seen it. Like I've seen it. Real strange. Real strange. All right. For all of today's dirty catch up on the podcast on the free I heart video app or mode to the So like we need to directly from the source. It's motor in the morning's dirty on the 30. Budget on the morning. Hello. Who is this? I was going to let you say it because it was spelled phonetically on my board and I couldn't. You said to to leave that is that right? Yeah, you got it. To leave the winner. Yeah. Lydia puts it up on there phonetically. And honestly, it makes me more confused than if I just ask you. I locked eyes and were like, just wait a minute. As hard as I told her. I was like, I bet he's going to pick up the phone and say, who's this? Yeah, I have no clue. Congratulations. You are a winner. Summer of cars, gas, gas brought to you by Gordon Chevrolet. Hang on the phone and we'll get your information and give you a $50 gas card plus qualify you for a brand new 2024 Chevy equinox or 20,000 cash. Amazing. Thank you. Thanks to Green Flame Tequila and Gordon Chevrolet for this. Lydia, get in here real quick before you grab her information. Keep it right there. To leave. To leave. To leave. Stay there. Okay. Stay there. Yeah. Yeah. It's Mojo in the morning. So Lydia got back from a little exotic vacation. She went away to an exotic vacation, but only to have something crazy happened. You got to hear this. So, Mojo, when I had booked this trip to Cancun, in my mind, all I could think was, am I going to go relax? Or am I going to go shake some ass? We know you love shaking some ass. I practiced because I don't know. It might be different in Cancun. I'm like, I don't know if they know how the Kaldian's do it. Can I see it? Yeah. Well, actually, no, because Kaldian and Kevin are in the studio. Yeah. That's right. What is a bazure brother? We do not want to see her. I mean, we're not blue. Stop that. Stop that. So anyway. And again, it was you and your Kaldian friends, right? You're a little bit of a girl. You're cousins. My single Kaldian cousins. Yes. Okay. When we got there, we didn't know what to expect. So, when we first arrived, they handed us cocktails and roses. Oh, this is cool. Like, maybe I'll find a happy baby here. No. We get up to the room, we get ready for dinner, and we go downstairs. And all we see is couples. And I was like, this is interesting. Like, maybe, you know, it's just a nice date night or relaxing time to come. And I asked the waiter, like, what's going on? And he was like, what do you mean? He's like, this is a honeymoon resort. Oh, my God. Look at each other. And we're like, what the hell did we get ourselves into? But we're like, whatever. Forget it. We're just going to relax and enjoy our time. Wait a second. So a bunch of single hot girls are all vacationing in a honeymoon resort. Oh, yeah. And as we were, the time goes on for the trip. And as we're going down to the pools and stuff, we're obviously hanging out in our bikinis. And all you can see are the wives giving us these dirty ass looks. And you can tell that they just don't want their husbands to even be in the pool. They thought they saw my story, but where we were sitting at the pool was dead. And that's not because nobody was there. I was what? We're not going to our room. You posted a picture. And I was like, wherever she is, I knew you were going to Mexico. But I'm like, there was nobody there. No, it looked like it was dead. But I'm just telling you that that at that part of the pool, wives were getting their husbands out and going to the other pools. It was that dramatic. Oh my gosh. That's crazy. So when you book a vacation and you book a play, by the way, this is so funny. When you book a vacation, it doesn't say on their honeymoon destination or something like that. It doesn't say because there are some of these places like sandal isn't sandals known for being like a honeymoon, it's like sandals club mad. I think is one of like they're all these old, like, like there are some places that are notoriously known as like, where are you going and then there are some places that are known as like the old people places too. Yeah. We would think so. But this one's brand new. Like it just opened in April. So I don't know if they're I know what transition I'm going to say right now. I went to the high of vivid and it was, it was nice. They look beautiful online. Everyone was making ticktocks about it. Well, none of these influencers were showing that their boyfriends and girlfriends were going with them or they're, you know, they're spouses. I saw it all over too. Really? As soon as you said it just opened up, I was like, I know what you were because that was that. Oh my god, Lydia. I wanted it. Did you just hear sex all night long? Oh my god. I did. Yeah. Really? That's where I would be. I wouldn't care until that if I was there with my girlfriends. That's when I would care. There's two signs to it. One, you could hear our neighbors, like the headboard of their bed hitting the wall. And then you could also see the ceiling fan like spinning around, but you could also see it moving back and forth because the wall was shaking so hard. Oh my god. OK, but if you're designing a honeymoon hotel, you need extra soundproof. Yes. You need stronger ceiling fans. You need the detachable headboard that's actually attached to the wall and not the bed itself. Like there were things you could have put in place if you knew this was a boinking station. No, I disagree. They're all banging. So you know what this reminds me of? This reminds me of Chelsea and I had Luke had a babysitter, Candice, and Candice would watch Luke and there were times where Candice would come to Luke's school and go to like plays and musicals and stuff like that. And I remember specifically, and I won't say the guy's name, getting punched by his wife because Candice is walking up to go sit in the seat at the school's recital and Candice is a very attractive Kaldian. And her husband was like, like hung tongue out of his mouth and the wife just belts him on the side of the head. But I can only picture these guys, these husbands, new husbands, like with their tongues out of their mouth. Oh, it's how many of you went. There's three of us. Oh, Jesus. Destiny's child. Charlie. Yeah. I did do couples karaoke, though. I did. They were okay with that song. What song? Good for you. I love you. Oh my God. All right. I got a question to ask. 844-Mojo live 844-665-6548. Did anybody ever on their honeymoon have their spouse flirt with another person or worse 844-Mojo live 844-665-6548 is our telephone number. Lydia's going back to the other room to go grab calls right now. Call us up and tell us. Does anybody flirt on their honeymoon Mariah? What's going on? Okay. So I've got two quick stories. One on my honeymoon and one knot on my 21st birthday, my boyfriend at the time. We got into a little bit of a fight when we were in Las Vegas. I go downstairs finding him at the bar grinding up on some chick. Oh, Jesus. I don't know why. And again, this was on your honeymoon that this happened? No. So this one was on my 21st birthday. Your 21st birthday, you are leaving him for a moment only to have him grinding on some other girl. Yeah. And then I was stupid and married him a couple of years later anyway, but on our honeymoon. So on our honeymoon, he went to go take scuba diving lessons. And this one really isn't really like a found him with a girl. But he ended up ditching me for like three days just so he could go scuba diving. So I spent half my honeymoon by myself. Oh my God. All right. Wait, why did you not do scuba diving lessons with him on your honeymoon? Oh, because I have, I'm claustrophobic and I can't go like all the way out of the water. It's your honeymoon and why does he do need to do scuba diving lessons? If he knows that his wife is claustrophobic, again, ex-husband for a reason, can I tell you the amazing thing about when you hear these stories of people that go on honeymoons and there's excursions and stuff, you're supposed to be your only excursion is yourselves, right? You're supposed to be like there and this is your first, you know, big trip as Mr. and Mrs. One can't do an excursion without the other one, you know, but one did for three days and three days, so I can tell you we have friends of ours that are like this that went on a honeymoon and they went and he ended up doing, I think he did like parasailing and she didn't and I said you shouldn't have let him parasail and she's like, why? If the guy dies parasailing, you're gonna forever be guilty over the fact that your husband died on your honeymoon. You know what I mean? But you wanted to have fun, but do it together. Do something. But what if she's scared of that? She don't want to be in the air. Well, go back on a vacation later in life. You know, you're supposed to be spending, I picture a honeymoon and listen, don't take it from me when we went on a Disney cruise on our honeymoon. We did. We did. He makes money. I know. Chelsea and I are still together, believe it or not. No, for some reason, on the crew, oh, we were yeah, we were at least together. We were although Chelsea wanted to go to bed early. This was actually something that was not good. She wanted to go to bed early and I wanted to like stay out at night and I wanted to do the midnight buffet and she did not and like I was like to me, you don't go on a cruise and you don't go to the midnight buffet, but I mean, I probably would have snuck away for that. She did. She ended up doing it with me. So because I think I begged her enough. I guilted her enough in to doing it, but you can't go by yourself. Like, could you imagine if you if you go by yourself and what are you guys doing? Oh, my honeymoon. Where's your wife? She's in the bedroom. People would be like, you fatass or at the midnight buffet. Oh, you got a refuel for the next session. Exactly. Refuel. What's going on? How are you? Hey, Mojo. How are you? Good. What's happening? So it was my anniversary and I went to Florida and we were at this resort. And there was this, I was at the rehearsal and I'm getting my hair done for that evening. And then I come down and my husband's having this great old time, partying with a bunch of girls and I'm looking in at the Bachelorette party and they're like, Oh, it's almost over. The owners are already warning me like, it's okay and I'm like, okay. So I had a shot, but then the girls were getting too friendly and, you know, and all this other stuff. And it was like, you just ignore me. You didn't even recognize I got my hair done. Nothing. And it was like, whatever. So they're like, go upstairs to the other restaurant. They're, you know, they got to just jack you up there and go party up there and, you know, you'll be fine. And I was like, whatever. So then this bride comes, the bride to be comes up to me and she's like, Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean anything. You know, I'm just a little tipsy, you know, I'm drunk and I go, I go, it's really a shame that this is the night before your wedding that you're acting like a whore. I go, I guarantee you, you'll be divorced within two years, within two months. And I walked away. Yeah. Wow. But yeah, I let it go. Oh, my God, that's, that's just sounds, sounds horrible. Yeah. Well, it didn't bother me much. He was only drinking and having a good time. But like at the same time, it was, I really felt kind of like what, you know, not too comfortable. Yeah, it wasn't, it wasn't the best time. But yeah, it turned out better at the end, but yeah, it was hurtful. It was hurtful. And I just didn't believe that that's even how she was acting on her Bachelorette party. Like how could he imagine what her her sophisticated other would be acting like, you know, significant. Yeah. I want to know, Lydia, your pictures of your event. Do you have pictures of you guys, aside from the ones that you posted, where you see the all couples and then just three girls just sitting there hanging out partying? No, I don't. You guys should have done, you guys should have been in the lobby just taking pictures with people. Hi, we're the entertainment here. I wonder if people thought that that was the case. Like when they see just three higher, no, not three strippers. No, no, not that kind of like, you know, you guys were. I don't know. I don't know. What? What are you talking about? I stepped in. No, I'm thinking like singers or something like that. No. Swingers. You got a W in there. Oh, hold on a second, I got breaking news. My wife is on the phone and Lydia says, pick up your wife, your wife would like to talk to you. What's going on? Chelsea. Hello. Well, you went on a honeymoon list, but it wasn't with me on a Disney cruise. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, hey, wait, wait, wait, what are you talking about? We did not go on a Disney cruise. Okay, technicality. We went on, we went to Disney and then went on a cruise. Your dad bought us our honeymoon and probably because we were way too young. He thought it'd be funny to send us to Disney World for one night. So we did go to Disney for one night and then we went on a cruise. That's right. And the Western Caribbean, there was no Mickey Mouse on that cruise. Okay. We did go. By the way, it's so funny that you bring this up, Chelsea, because of we talk on our podcast, the We Don't Podcast about us getting married and we were, Chelsea, how old were you when, when, when we got 20, way too young, 20, Chelsea was 20. She was, you were, were you 18 when we got engaged, were we engaged for like a year and a half? Yeah. Eight and a half. Yeah. Isn't that crazy? Yeah. I don't know that. Yeah. We were eight. I don't get more when you're dumb. You're dumb. Yeah. So we're, so we talk on, we talk on our podcast. So we, the podcast released today, we talk on the podcast about, um, how Joe told me and Charles that he is buying a ring for Alyssa and if they want to get engaged. So we talk about like us telling our parents or, you know, in my case, I told, you know, my dad, Chelsea told her, you know, mom and dad and just how different things are nowadays to when we did it. And um, it was, it was actually a really good podcast, but it is interesting. We both said on this podcast, what the hell were our parents thinking? Like why, my dad was completely out of the picture, but what were your parents thinking? Why would your mom and dad have let you and I get married at such a young age? I asked them all the time. I asked them all the time. It might, cause you know what it is in, I'll give you this picture. If Luke came to us and said he wanted to get engaged, know, you know, Luke's age. And I came in and said, Hey, Luke's engaged. Would you guys not think I was the craziest parent in the world that I went? Absolutely would. Yeah. In your mind, like it's, it's insanity that that's, that's the case. That's just shows. Well, I would hope that Luke would remember where it's on the moon, but some story, like I honestly, ever, if I could keep a tally of every story that you tell and what is inaccurate in that story, this is why we have the podcast, but I can go back and say that wasn't true. It wasn't. And I listen, I'm sure honeymoon on a Disney cruise would be so fun. Wait, no, no, no, no, but wait, stop for a second though. We did go on a cruise and we did go to Disney. I wasn't completely a hundred percent what third and do you know, and I hope that everyone understands why I drink because this is what I deal with, but do you, do you not, do you not remember that when we were on the cruise that I did say I wanted to go to the midnight buffet and you did not want to go to the midnight buffets? No, I don't remember that, but I'm sure that's something that you did. I mean, here we are. We were young. Why could we not go to a midnight buffet? Because that's what old people do. Do you remember? No. People go to bed early. That's what ended up happening. Oh, you know what the funniest thing is? Let me just say, express this is funny. So we add on our honeymoon. Let me just... Was that a sigh? Did you just give a sigh? I did. In our honeymoon, if you go on a cruise, you know this, if you're in here, you guys been on cruises? Yeah. You sit with the same people all the time. Yeah. We sat with a 40-year-old couple and like an 80-year-old couple. And then Chelsea, who's 20 years old, and I was 21, I think, at the time. 24. You're four years older than me. For the love of God. I was 24. Wait, Chelsea, Chelsea, since I started with this show 15 years ago, I've always thought that you guys were one year apart because he tells the story of you were 19 and he was two. No. Great. I'm not four years older than you. Am I? So I'm... The math is really hard for you, but I'm going to do this. Oh, that is true. We're born. I'm 54 and you're going to be 50. You're right. Yes. Okay. You're four years older than me. So I met you. I met you. I was 17 years old. We weren't dating at the time. I want everybody to know this because statute of limitations possibly... You were turning 21. I was turning 21. You were... I turned 21. You were 17, still 17, about turning 18, right? Mm-hmm. Jesus Christ. What the hell was your dad thinking? He was very upset. Yeah. And I said it now. I get it now. Honestly, Chelsea, after hearing him talk about numbers and math, please tell me you're in charge of the finances. Oh, of course. Yeah. Yes. Yes. Yes, yes. I cannot believe... Like, honestly, I cannot believe that your dad and mom allowed that to happen. I feel like if I called them up right now, would they answer the phone? Well, no. They're asleep. Don't wake them up. They live in Arizona. They're in Arizona. Yeah. Yeah. They're sleeping. Yeah. I couldn't imagine being married. Yeah, I broke it. I couldn't imagine it. I couldn't imagine it. I couldn't imagine it. Oh, yeah. I couldn't imagine it. Dude, I'm currently 31. I think about getting married now and I go, "I'm too young for that." I could never. I'm... You are. Like, your brain, your... The frontal part of your brain does not fully mature until you're 24/25. And that, if you haven't, you know, done extracurricular things, that can stop it. Yeah. And take a little bit longer. So, I think, truly, like, we should have waited and there's nothing wrong with living together. Like, we just thought that there was and we were young and dumb and... Yeah. And look. Yeah. Yeah. Look, have... Yeah, look. We love... Where we love? Come on. What is it? Crazy. Chelsea, seriously, think about this. If you didn't marry me, imagine what your life would be like. You would not have all... I know. I'd talk about me. She'd be with B.J. Oh, that's... And... Did you know the story of the B.J. was at our wedding? B.J. Was he or is that just a story you tell? No. No. No. The guy that... The guy that Chelsea, you know, had sex with before me was at our wedding. You know what? Dick. Yeah. Yeah. Now. Because he is still a friend and you need to stop that it's not nice. Yeah. Listen, I'm telling you, looking back on, looking back on all of this, it's just unbelievable. Leslie, what's going on? Hi. How are you? I'm just out of question. Yes. This is really fun. Like your life... You know, I like super much. It doesn't... Wait, says... Not right now, I don't. Come on. But I do. I love him. But right now he's irritating me. Chelsea. Oh, my God. Some people, by the way, some people will comment on stuff and, you know, we'll get a text or a comment and they'll go, but she doesn't even like you. Yeah, she's so mean. She's so mean. Come on, woman. There was a time where I would walk in the room and she would go, "He's home. I know he's home. I love him so much." And again. Live with someone for 32 years and then we'll see. Come on. Wait a second. Leslie, don't let the one ear fool you. Yeah. I've seen them out there. They love you, Chelsea. She chases me around the bathroom in the morning when I'm naked. It's amazing. She robs to heen all over. Yeah. That's right. She loves it too. What's up, Bruno? What's going on? Morning. So I just have a question for you and Chelsea. Yeah. So I don't know that you guys both got engaged and married, but I have walked out of retirement home. I mean, I'm not saying that you're that old boy. Yeah. All right. Yeah. Okay. Well, you know, how they were 16 and 17 and 18 when they got married and stuff. So I assume that it was very normal back then. Yeah. In the olden days. In the olden days. So what? So you and Kelsey back then. Wow. Listen. We were the youngest of our friends. Yeah. Yeah. But but this we got so we're going to be married. Chelsea and I are going to be married for 30 years. It's incredible. Yes. 30. So what year did we get married? We got married anniversary. We got married in 1994 five four four four yes, so so the mid 1990s, it still was this was not a this was not a time where it would happen. Like you would not. None of my friends. Yeah. None of my friends got married. Yeah. Like it was wild, but also you had to understand something I was crazy Bruno. I also looked like I was 40 years old at the time. I looked like a 40. I looked like Bill Belichick. Yeah. So yeah. It was bad. So was it weird for you guys though? Like happy you guys got married? Like was it weird between you and your friends was it weird between children or friends. All our friends were going out to bars and stuff like Chelsea's friends were just Chelsea's friends were just turning 21 and in college. So it was like yeah. Yeah. Yeah, it was nuts. Wow. I think we both need a midlife crisis where the both of us just get to go relive our 20s. I'm about to have one right. I think it would be fun. Chelsea, I'll take you out. Mystery. What's going on? Hi. Hey, I just wanted to stick up her Chelsea. You know what? It sounds like real love to me. I've been with someone almost 20 years. So it sounds like we got married when I was 20 free, but we've been together since I was 13. Oh my God. Yeah. That's real love. You were 13 and you guys started dating then and you have not been with another man. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, at any point, Chelsea and mystery, do you guys want to see another person's penis? No. No, I hardly want to see her. By the way, this is what happens when you get married young guys. This is what happens. I'm telling you. All right. Well, listen. Thank you, Mr. Mystery. What are you doing right now? Are you putting ice in a cup or what is it? I'm actually shipping shopping. So I'm actually dropping off an order. Oh, okay. All right. She's shipped shopping. She's shipped shopper. All right. Well, thank you for the call, mystery. All right. Chelsea. We'll talk to you later. Listen to the We Don't Podcast. You can listen to it on the iHeartRadio app or wherever you get podcasts to search Mojo. We don't or on the more mojo podcast platform that will be posted later today. Have a great day. See you too. I love you and I love you. Isn't that nice? Save that as a drop. Oh my God, this show just flew by. I'm so tired from we've been. We were off for a week sleeping into like, I don't know, the latest I think I slept was 10 o'clock one. Oh my God. That's it. It was that. It was an early morning. Right. Really? I was 6.30 a.m. Really. Oh, the kids. What time the kids wake up? Did you tell the kids, like, hey, mama's off this week, so they wanted to why do kids get up so early? When I was a kid, I slept in. Dude, one of the nights, my alarms for the show went off while I was still up for the night before. And I was like, Oh, wow, I'm real off. Oh my God. All right. Let's get a dirty in here. I know you missed the talk to a girl for break and hearing stories about her, but her real name is Haley Wells. She's 22 years old, guys, she just signed with a management company. I know there were rumors she signed with a big Hollywood talent agency a while ago. No. Now she really has. She is in talks to do not only her own reality show, but a documentary which she teased on her social media over the weekend. I never found anything that happened. It's just too much to comprehend. Not to pray any better than that. Yeah, I really had no idea that one night in Broadway having fun with your friends and everything else. We changed your whole life. The Giza song playing in the background. Yeah. She's doing her interview. So I don't I don't have any other details except that it's not like one of those American idol lookbacks. Oh, it does. When they go to the hometown, yeah, it does. Can we all agree? She's on minute 14 and a half. Yeah. Yeah. How long do you think hack two is going to go? Do you think a hot tour is at the SPS really there? Yeah, that's an integral, yeah, no, nobody's trying to make money off of her. Yeah. Okay. Brittany Broce we talked about her earlier. She was a kombucha girl. She became famous off of an internet meme where she tried kombucha for the first time, but as soon as that blew up, she was posting content every hour, like anything that would hit with like, okay, this is this is the small frame that I have where everybody's paying attention to my social media. What else is this girl post? She went ghost from the internet and a week that it blew up. She went up at a Zach Bryan concert, right? Is it Zach Bryan? Yeah. That went off for so soon. Okay. Then what? That's not content. She just showed up somewhere. Yeah. People were talking about it. She's not seizing her 15 minutes. Camila Cabello celebrating the 4th of July at billionaire Michael Rubens annual white party in the Hamptons. It's like the place to see and be seen. Everybody goes there every 4th of July if they're in the Hamptons and she's in the dirty over this party because she sat withdrawing and they were laughing and having a cocktail together and everybody's still trying to push this narrative that they are a couple which I don't believe but obviously they did this song together which we previewed for you before the vacation. She was also smooching. I'm only right, it's Kaweski. It was like a pack, but that went viral too. So yeah. I haven't heard anything else from that party. Do you think that they're just trying to do anything to try to stop the train that is Kendrick Lamar? There's no stopping it. Yeah. Oh my gosh. It's a hot sauce. But would you keep saying Shabuzzi is going to be the song this summer? No I guess. Actually, you know what? I'm going to do the top songs here in a second after Shannon wraps up this dirty. That Kendrick Lamar song is like hanging on at the top for all summer long. You're right. That might be the song. It's so good. Yeah. Have you watched the newest season of Bridgerton all the way through yet? I did. Isn't it so good? It's so good. It's so good. It's so different from the other season. It was so good. Everything to binge. Just do it. But I love this story. The casting director for Netflix is Bridgerton. Her name is Kelly Valentine Henry. She did an interview on a podcast last week that I listened to and she was talking about how everybody wants to be on Bridgerton and instead of going through the normal process of going to a casting call or whatever, having your agent, people are just sending her unsolicited sex tapes like dozens and dozens every day she gets in her inbox. It is every day. And yeah. And I get the most unbelievable videos and still is like, it's sex basically, not actual sex, but it's it's quite punchy. I get the stuff that comes through to me and not nudey pictures, but not far off. Like everybody wants to be on Bridgerton. They think that that's the way and she said her every single day, her inbox when she wakes up is 90% a capacity and she has to like empty it from these sex tapes and then go about her business. And lastly, couldn't make up this story, Jared Fogle. You remember that name because he is the disgraced former spokesman for Subway. He's currently serving time in prison for child sex crimes. He is actually spending his days being a sandwich artist in prison. The 46 year old former pitchman was sentenced to over 15 years in 2015 after he pleaded guilty to possessing child pornography and soliciting a minor for sex. It was just a really disgusting story. Well, he works in the kitchen, legit making sandwiches and distributing lunches for his fellow inmates. He's also spending his days writing letters, emails, watching TV and his release. Mojo, you asked this question. No sooner than March, 2029, he's not, not fat again. Wow. He lost a lot. He lost all that waves. That was the question that you asked. He's not as skinny as he was, but he's not as fat. Yeah. Um, you guys want to know the top five songs in the country right now? Yeah. Top five songs in the country will start off with. Sabrina Carpenter. Please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, don't bring me the tears when I'm just in. I'll make a song. That is the number five song in the country right now. Number four. Sabrina Carpenter. Espresso. I think I like this one better, but I have not heard, please, please, please, a lot. We were talking about Kendrick Lamar, Kendrick Lamar for the, ready? Hold on a second here. This is the 10th week on the charts. Not like a little sister from them, they tell me, child, the only one that gets your hand me down and party at the party playing with his nose now and back up down a weird case. Why is he around? So the father, never boy, certified, petty man, wah, wah, wah, wah, wah, wah, wah, wah, wah, wah, wah. I'ma do my stuff. Number three right now. I heard radio music festival artist, Shaboozie, and we just added Dua Lipa and Halsey to the list of artists and the number one song in the country for, I believe, hold on a second here. Let's see. How many weeks now has it been? I think it's the seventh week, seventh week, post Malone and Morgan Wallen. It's been that long. I don't know if you know this, Shannon, but this is Dolly Parton's godson. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Oh my god, you taught me something new today. Isn't that amazing? Where'd you hear that? I heard it Ryan C. Crust, 1840 over the weekend, thought it was um, yeah. I heard that too. And isn't while she's godmother to Miley also, so she's got a lot of godchildren. You know, that's what you do, by the way, when you are smart, no rich people and famous people, you have them be your kids, godparents. You get good presents all the time. Like, what's her name, Cameron Brink? Yeah. Hey, that's curry. Oh, that's right. He's the god. Is he godfather? No, I'm like that. Or, or their family friends are, no, the parents are godparents. Yeah. Yeah. By the way, speaking of that, did you see, um, my girl, Caitlyn Clark, did the first time ever in WNBA history, got a triple double. Somebody got a rookie got a triple double. Yeah. I know what that means. Yeah. And your girl. Yeah. What's her name? From Chicago. Angel Reece. Angel Reece got, uh, is now set a record for the most double doubles. Ricky's making history. Nobody cares. I care. Nobody cares. I care. I'm big. I'm a big WNBA fan. Triple double. Triple double is when you get over 10 in one of the statistical categories, you know, that they, they, they quantify. So, yeah, and more sports news for you, the Tigers who have an awful, awful record have two players on the, uh, all-star game. I thought they've been winning lately. You know what? I don't know. Cause I don't have Bally sports on Xfinity. So I've not watched the game since my Bally sports got taken off. I's retweeted him on the mojo, uh, Twitter account and winning pretty Chelsea actually said to me that she's happy that, uh, Bally sports has been pulled because I don't sit there and watch boring baseball games all the, all the time, but if they don't come back by the time that Pistons and Red Wing season comes, there's going to be a mass chaos where people are going to go crazy. All right. It's mojo in the morning show, uh, Shannon, you left on a vacation with the kids. You guys did, uh, your, uh, trip to Colorado together, which is a tradition that you have with the, uh, the kids. And, uh, I noticed that, uh, your newlywed husband did not go with you guys, but he stayed back home. Yes. And I saw him doing a little home improvement. I know you were worried about him throwing some of your stuff out of your closet or something like that. Well, cause he said he's like, Oh, I'm going to do a few, I'm going to get, tackle a few house projects cause they're currently, you know, moving in, um, West and his two kids, Sam and Kieran. And so he had said, I'm going to, I'm going to, you know, do a few things. I'm going to clean out the garage and clean out the basement. And I'm going to, you know, put some of my stuff in the closet, which we share. And I was like, do not, that gave me anxiety. And I talked about this before I left, do not touch anything, my closet, do not throw anything away. Like don't move it. I moved everything. How I wanted it. He moved in like 20 T shirts. That's what he moved. But okay, which is by my meet the more room for me. Okay. That's fine. Um, but when he says I'm going to clean out the garage. You guys, I knew something was going on at my house because I was getting little snippets here and there of like, Oh yeah, I spent all day in the garage. Yeah, we spent all day in the garage. I'm like, what in the heck are they doing? No, I have a lot of crap in my garage, but this is like six days. And then my friends were like, Oh, I drove past your house and, you know, it was like 10 o'clock at night and, you know, Wes is working in the garage. What is he doing? I came home on Saturday to, I'm talking this man and my stepchildren gutted to the stuff in my garage, cleaned it out, put up, like I think they're called flat walls and cabinets and a freezer. There is now also a professional gym in my garage. Really? Yes. Yeah. Came home to not, not anything in my closet, but look at the, I know he posted a reel on his Instagram, a gym, which by the way, before we've talked about this before, because remember I said he wanted, first he wanted like a cold water plunge or something in the backyard, and then he wanted a sauna and then he's like, Oh, I'll just, I'll deal with a, I'll do a gym in the garage. And I was like, yeah, no, we belong to a gym. We can just go to the gym. Well, so when I was out of town, he made a gym in the garage and I have to say it looks freaking phenomenal. Oh, he power washed and everything. Look at that. I mean, he did a good job. I'll have to post a picture. You make it sound like he's, he only moved in three t-shirts or how would he say? I'm not joking when I say call him. He brought a garbage bag and it had 20 t-shirts in it. That's what was up in the closet. So the guy, he hasn't moved all his stuff yet, but I was so worried about that. Everything the guy's asked for, you said no to that is correct. And the guy has to like, like literally be sent out to the, the garage to be able to have a piece of this, it looks so good. It does look great. And you have notoriously always said that your, your garage isn't, you never parked in your garage because your garage just had a bunch of crap in it. I've never parked in my garage. He cleaned out your garage to get rid of all the crap. Yeah. Yep. Good for it. Geez. Would he like to move in with us? I'll actually give him a room if he wants to, he can have more than just the garage. Yeah. He wants to put this stuff in. Yeah. It's not just a couple of dumbbells. No. It's legit, it looks like one of those. It's legit. Are golds gyms still around? Like, like, you know, like there's different sides, like planet fitness is, you know, it's the judgment for his own. This looks like one of the ones that a judgment so it does global gym. It looks like it looks like one of those gyms were like really like actual people who work out. He actually. All right. You have to come in shape already. Yeah. West, you, all you got was the freaking garage. Did you guys not go to premarital counseling before you got into this relationship? That's my escape. Let's be honest. It looks amazing. It really does. You did an unbelievable job with this, but you guys never talked ahead of time. Like, Hey, I'm going to make a gym in the garage. No, no. What's she saying? I was listening. Did she make an up story? Well, no. But you know, she talked last week before we went away for vacation about how she was worried of you throwing her stuff out of her closet. Yeah, I mean, I brought some clothes, but no, the kids and I plan was to go in and make our own space. This is you know, this reminds reminds me of though it reminds me of when you see families blend together like you guys are like the modern day Brady bunch where you guys blend families together where you can't like everybody has to have equal space, like equal stuff. Yep. But I don't think Wes is getting. No. He's getting a garage. No. There's literally a border. And I said to all the kids on this side is where you can go on this side. You'll get shot. Wait, what did Lucy and Smith think when they came home and saw this cool gym in the garage? Were they excited about that? Yeah. After I finished saying that, they jumped on all the equipment and started lifting everything and messing around. I looked over at my lovely wife and I said, Oh, okay. All right. Thank you. I think I think you should have put a pool in the backyard or something. Like you said, you would have or well, or that cold plunge thing that you wanted to do. No, the pool. It's happening. So I was on a it's all happening, you know, it's funny as a guy, like every guy wants like their own space. I have friends of mine who the only space they have is one of those frickin sheds in the backyard. Like they I he said he yeah, exactly. They have literally like they have like a metal shed in the backyard that's supposed to be like where you keep like your rakes and your shovels and a lawnmower. And that's the only place that they have where they can go and do their own stuff. What do you need to be? I'm not kidding. Neighbors are walking by and coming over and asking when the ribbon cutting ceremony. So he's doing one next week. He's doing. I haven't been cutting ceremony for the scratch. Yes. Big scissors. Could we? Yep. Could we get the mayor of your town to come to this thing? I like do the. Oh my God. So funny. In the chamber of commerce. Yeah. I have the chamber of commerce show up and say we would like to formally welcome the West Jim wouldn't be funny if they showed up and they're like I don't feel like we got permits for that. Yeah. Honestly you guys well it's you guys live in a town that like my town in West Bloomfield. You do anything. They have some guy driving by in a little city truck van. Yeah. Yeah. They get you. Next year they can find you or something like that. Yeah. Yeah. They probably wanted to do with some of the stuff we had in the driveway for a day or two. Yeah. They did. What are the garbage guys names? Oh yes. They did. Not mine. Just not mine. Did they? Did they take all the stuff at the corner? They said hey next week when you know everything's ready to go just let us know and we'll take care of it. Awesome guys. I love that. Drewski and Dank and Drewski. Yeah. Wow. Hold on. What's going on? What's happening? Okay. West is a genius. I'm going to tell you why. Okay. He had her so concerned about the closet. No fun. The closet. The garage didn't seem so bad. Yes. You're right. And truly it is absolutely spectacular. I just did not know what was going on that people were texting me like you should see what's happening in your driveway. There's all this you know there's big slats of wood everywhere and equipment and I'm like what the heck is he doing? So he waited for me to go downtown to do it. Were you thinking the worst like were you thinking something really bad was going to happen when you came home? No, I just I did not expect it to be what it was. Yeah. Something that would have been a discussion and an argument turned into oh okay well you left my closet alone so I'm good. Yeah. By the way, how much how much you want to bet that he actually did take some stuff out of your closet. You just didn't recognize it. You haven't been on fault. I tried through so much stuff out from the garage. Yeah. Like what was this what was the thing that you're like why the hell is she saving this? Oh my god. I caught a cupcake holder. I told her it was broken but it wasn't. I actually just threw it out. Why do you have a cupcake holder? You're surprised. You are. That's the start of it Megan. There's a mixer in there. There's a. Aces. All of. There was everything in the garage. Oh my god. Loki. Order. Oh Jesus. Well it looks fabulous and I think that is a great idea if we can get the township to come out and do a ribbon cutting. Yeah. Get like the big old scissors there and do a grand opening. Are you taking memberships or is it just for people that live under that roof? No memberships. Always. You got to you got to come with I don't know a sparkling water. It's a gym. I'd say beer but I can't do that. We got to call Brian reef up and we'll see if Brian reef has any equipment at Planet Fitness that he. Oh my god. He wants to get on load on they I'm telling you they because they always change their equipment out of Planet Fitness they'll probably give you something. That's amazing. Yes please. Bumper plates. Plugging that. Yeah. We'll talk to you later. Love you. Thank you guys. Love you. An official message from Medicare. A new law is helping me save more money on prescription drug costs. You may be able to save too. With Medicare's extra help program my premium is zero and my out of pocket costs are low. Who should apply? Single people making less than $23,000 a year or a married couples who make less than $31,000 a year even if you don't think you qualify. It pays to find out go to paid for by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Hey your bills. Our number two of pay your bills meaning this is our second thousand dollars to give away. So two grand so far today. The word this hour is bills B.I.L.L.S. Go enter that right now up on mojo in the for a chance to win bills. B.I.L.L.S. pay your bills is back giving you a chance to win money and you know what you know what else is back are breaking and entering Christmas wish believe or not it's not Christmas time but it's Christmas in July starting next week not only with pay your bills are we giving you a chance to help you alleviate some of the stress of some of these expensive bills that are coming in but next week we're going to start granting Christmas wishes and if you know someone that needs help and they need help now we can't wait till the holidays for this go to mojo's wish org and you can tell us about that person you don't have to get extravagant with your letter just tell us hey who's struggling right now who needs some help mojo's wish org and we're going to start granting wishes next week on the show in just a little bit right before we end the show we have a big announcement that we made this morning about a live podcast that we're going to be doing a live studio audience in August we're going to get a bunch of our great listeners together and we're going to do a live more mojo podcast so you have listened to the more mojo podcast which by the way who has this week's and the last week was Zach who's this week KP is this week KP Lydia on it bro KP is is host in this week it gives a are you ready for that tomorrow we got to do that tomorrow no listen I wouldn't be ready either I uh I swear to you I think when I was on vacation last week and I went to Chicago for a little bit and then was home for the time I didn't listen to radio I didn't think about one bit of stuff and then last night I got the Sunday scariest and I go holy crap we got to come up with topics the hell did I do I just I didn't think my alarm was sick that was the first thing I did when I wait what time did you show up today one time no you did not the listeners don't know we all knew you know what we're gonna do next time we're gonna lock the front door we're gonna lock the you're gonna be out there I swear to you I used to I don't do it anymore I used to drink I swear I was Zach and I had conversation during break as Zach would ask me you know questions about stuff with best of and things and I would answer his questions on that but there was one point where he's acts like during best of did you just delete like five songs and I'm like buddy I gotta be honest with you I don't even know my passwords to get in my iHeart stuff right now that's how bad it was and you know what happened my iHeart password changed over the break oh did you not change it well they changed it for you it gives you the time the countdown time and I thought I had time within the countdown time to come back from well no I got back in for you know last night but I had to do it over on Saturday I think it was Shannon thought this morning I didn't open up my laptop the entire time we are off either and I opened it up and it was like there's a forced restart and update happening right now and I was like cool people were very judgmental of us taking the week off to on social media like people were very upset they're like you know you guys don't deserve to have a break and you know you know like there was a there was a lot of people like listen I get it I totally understand I think that's it honestly it's flattering that that you've missed us but there is a little bit of time that we need to you know maybe take up I needed that reset real bad and Fourth of July to me always was the perfect time because back in the day I remember all the autoplants closed down and seemed like the whole month of July yeah I feel like everybody takes a little bit of time if they can. I wish people knew that like we we have to take time during certain times of the year well yeah for those who don't know yeah I don't know on my family vacation every August my entire family goes on vacation August or September it depends on the year and I have gone once in the past 13 years because we're not allowed to take off vacation for that well last year was the first year I was able to take it off and I couldn't do it this year we it's a reason that is is because when schools back in session it's usually when we get more listeners coming back and so our bosses ask us to take more time for vacation in the summer time when people are taking their up north vacations or down south vacations or east or west right or during the holidays. Not everybody goes up north not everybody has their but but so they ask us to do that but it's you Megan's right and then one September hits Labor Day hits it's like we're back we're man we're you know we're making the doughnuts yeah we're doing making a sandwich we're doing anything and I listen I go to tell you something that I get it there are many of you that are listening to the show do not get vacation if you don't work you don't get paid and I love you so much for the fact that you listen to us on a daily basis and we hope that we give you some some entertainment and you know I love the fact that there are listeners that that were telling some of these people that like there was one dude I saw his his message and I loved it that everybody was commenting going well they kind of deserve time to be with their family I do not yeah yeah they don't even like their families I mean we have some bias control of really good like segments that you'd want to hear a second time hopefully but we hope then then I don't know but the funniest the funniest I'll look them up where they're from the people are from and they're not even from Detroit Grand Rapids or Toledo that are making these comments oh really usually like it's some guy that lives in with there was one guy that he lived in Modesto California and I'm like if I lived in Modesto California too I'd miss Mojo in the morning who knows I don't even know what it is in where Modesto California is but I probably would be upset all right let's do second date update is the second date update on Mojo in the morning are you doing uh who is this on the phone with us is this Lewis yeah what's going on Lewis is being ghosted Lewis what's the story here what's going on when's the last time that you talked to her what's my spell week with this woman oh you almost said lady I would have ghost did you tell or or something worse I know I thought it was going to be worse than that uh I feel a little mixed some stuff about it we've been snap chatting for like two months or so okay uh and it things are going cool and we went we met up on a date like last week some time we're a little bit longer than that and we were she was gonna come over and hang out for the fourth I got a house on the lake you know sometimes I feel like it was just use me for the whole hey cow you know what I mean you're just trying to get a boat day out of it but we decided she was gonna come over for the fourth she's gonna bring a bunch of her hot friends over I was gonna bring a bunch of my weird looking bros over okay and uh so we we did we spent like pretty much the whole week out there my like house on the lake on the boat uh things are going cool uh and now and now I don't hear anything from her I haven't heard from her all week so it's been since you guys were out hanging on your boat and hanging with her friends and stuff that you have talked to her and you're wondering what's going on I mean it couldn't just be that maybe she's busy and maybe she's back at work and she's not able to do it yeah I mean that could be but you could feel like bend the message or something you don't think so Shannon you think that come on you think that she's using them I don't know what the story is but I mean there's always a story all right Amanda is her name she was willing to go on the air with us Amanda will you say hello to Lewis hello hey there you are Amanda how are you fine so by the way she's about ready to ghost me on this one here uh so Amanda what's the story what's going on why have you not been talking to Lewis since you guys hung out last well I mean we hung out for the fourth and we hooked up but I mean I'm just hanging out I really didn't think it was anything more than that so you this was just a fourth of July thing or a holiday thing I thought that's what he wanted what gave you that impression is that like a boundary you set up before you guys met up just I don't know I just kind of felt it I mean hey I've got a boat it's really all he talked about um bring your hot friends I'll bring my friends it's just the vibe I felt is it bad that I get where she's coming from hmm like there's so many times where I literally you saw it here's I got a hot tub you want to come over I know you're just looking to hook up yeah like I got a boat bring your hot friends with the party it could have started that way though and if you spend a week with somebody maybe it's just not a smash fest did it so he never gave you vibes it was anything beyond that I didn't feel it no and if he did I'm sorry but it just it wasn't there I thought I mean I feel like a lot of guys that's what they want right just hook up hang out with some girls move on yeah that's what you wanted that's what I felt I thought that's like that we were cool and that's what you were okay with too you were okay with that I'm totally fine with that so even when he circled back with a a text you didn't feel the need to respond because you were like this isn't gonna go anywhere I didn't think it was going anywhere maybe that was wrong with me but I just didn't want to get into it and I just wanted to move on didn't feel a spark or anything Lewis yeah man see listen like what does she think that's just guys just want to do what's what I think girls just want to do they just want to come over hang out on my boat use my boat take some some uh instagram pics and then like and then split but if you don't like that behavior why are you initiating hangout sessions by saying come on over and hang out on my boat why wouldn't you ask her to go do something else instead for first date maybe not fourth is alive we did no we did we did we went out we met we met once before and then I said hey now come over see the boat come out hang out for like a weekend man like it wasn't like a shore to hang out it's like coming hang out we'll you know smash on a boat like a whole weekend together man so it wasn't a boat just boat day it was a boat week and you guys had something beforehand where you guys went out you were expecting that it was going to carry over after you guys had gone on your boat yeah she's the one who just wants the smash and run now man like I can't believe it we need Joe Biden come on man come on please play it where's the draft come on man he's only said it 40 times can I ask can I ask can I ask a question can I ask a uh what a stupid son of a bitch yes for me can I ask a question of uh of Amanda Amanda when girls get together with a guy that has a boat and you guys get together like this do you guys all pretty much just sit there and say hey we're only going on the boat because we're using them for the boat or are you going just having fun and just thinking that's it because everybody's making it seem like like I've never been used for anything or at least that that I know of that you know I mean if maybe there was a spark between us I would give it a second chance maybe a second date but there really wasn't much there he was really hanging out with his friends and kind of showing off and it just it wasn't attractive it was just it was whatever I mean I was looking forward to the boat yeah but he kept talking about you know leading up to it so just whatever. KP you're gonna love that stuff do girls just use do's for boats absolutely I actually did this one time and I'm yeah it sucks to say this well when I was living up north and traverse city I'd match with somebody and invited some girls and he was cool with it and we went out and I ended up having to move within the next couple weeks so I never talked to him again and I actually still have a guilty conscience about going out on the lake for the 4th of July because I felt like oh man that was totally me using him do you have that guilty conscience because it was just worth a July yeah you didn't have a boat day with anybody after the video. Like I wonder if guys with boats just get calls only around the 4th of July by girls by high girls. Yeah but again I think the whole being used thing is if she reached out to him and said can we go have a boat day can I bring my friends I think it would be really fun versus right people who get boats because it's entertaining a fun thing to do with your friends and he used it as a tool to hang out with her. I totally agree with that. You guys have an agreement before I don't think there should be any problem after. Right. If you plan on hanging out with us and nothing that happens after the boat day should be used to getting to see other person. Paul what's up? Hey first time long time. Yeah he knows what to do. What's going on? Yeah so I think that any miscommunication here is on her. I think that her intentions were pretty corrupt here and I think that any way that he could have approached this the same thing would have happened to him just because of the way that she went into this way you think they know that. How are her intentions corrupt when he invited her to do this? I think like he said this was more of like a second date thing like they already hung out. I feel like if he was getting those vibes that he would be uh recurring those vibes back to her that this is more than just a hookup thing especially if they already went on that first date and then he was like hey I do like you. You want to come use my boat now? Yeah by the way everybody that has a boat right now is wondering who their friend is that uses them for their boat. Oh yeah no I'm one of those people that if you have a boat I'm gonna come abuse that. Yeah what's up Amy hi. Hi so this guy's like all insulted that she just wants to come out and hang out on his boat but he's all about like hey hang out on my boat my boat my boat. What kind of boat does this dude have? Yeah that's a good question what kind of boat are we talking about here? Are we talking about a pontoon pontoon? No man no man no man the real nice 23rd footer. Okay oh wow all right a lot of people can fit on that thing huh? Yeah yeah it's nice man real nice. I don't think about it like I don't think about it like it's something people are going to use man I think it's like a cool thing where I get to share with people. Oh boy. I'm so confused there's this man. I think he's just heard that she doesn't want to be with him. Yes that's why I think he's going in. Do you have guy friends that also use you for your boat? I have guy friends that may hang out on the boat like I don't think they're using me man but like I don't know maybe I'm wrong. So just this man it's just a man that has used you for your boat. You've never had another person. I mean yeah I guess so. I mean I have to go back and re-look over things. Take the win Louis. Yeah take the win they cannot be. Yeah yeah I'd fun you got some pictures to prove it probably too right? Yeah I do man. Come on man come on man. Come on man. Come on man. Come on man. Louis man. All right. We love you. I love you buddy. This is the home of the dirty on the 30. Throwbacks throw down. Second date update. And more of the roses. This is Mojo in the morning. All right. Hey the Mojo in the morning more Mojo podcast live is coming to a theater near you. I love that by the way that's going to be kind of cool to just say that. It's actually coming to a live performance that we're going to be doing on August the 16th at the Imagine Theater Canton location. So Canton Michigan or as Joey who used to be on the show said Canton. Friday August the 16th and you have a chance to help out breaking it in during Christmas wish. Would you like to be part of our live studio audience? We have all kinds of ways for you to be part of this. But you got to buy your way in because the money is to help us grant more wishes this year. So go to imagine dash and you can purchase your tickets now for more Mojo podcast live at the Imagine Theater's Canton Michigan on Friday August 16th. We'll be hanging out partying with you and you can be part of this. We do have like a lot of plans for what we're going to do for this. But we are going to make the listeners participate and we're going to do fun things with them including some interactive things like maybe a little live version of the throwback throw down or something. We're going to bring a bunch of things from the show. But then we're also going to do stuff that we can't necessarily do on the show because we get ourselves into trouble with the FCC and sponsors. All right. That does it for our first show of July. We will be back tomorrow for more. Have a great day guys. And keep it on this radio station for more chances to get your bills paid. Twenty plus years of idiocy and still going into Troy Toledo and West Michigan. Join the morning's podcast powered by Michigan Auto Law Auto Accident Attorneys. Visit That's An official message from Medicare. A new law is helping me save more money on prescription drug costs. Maybe you can save too. With Medicare's extra help program my premium is zero and my out-of-pocket costs are low. Who should apply? Single people making less than $23,000 a year or married couples who make less than $31,000 a year. Even if you don't think you qualify it pays to find out go to Paid for by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.