Mojo In The Morning

Just Tell Them You Love Them

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08 Jul 2024
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This is the Mojo in the Morning podcast, powered by Michigan Auto Law, Auto Accident Attorneys. Visit That's Mojo in the Morning Show, hope you guys had a good week off, it was nice to be able to sleep in a little bit. It was also really nice to get together with family and we decided in our family, so I'm one of six kids, I'm the baby of six kids and my sister, Tracy, back at Christmas time, told all my brothers and sisters that we are so blessed that all of us are still alive, that we were going to try to once a year get all of us siblings together, not the whole family, you know, into a family reunion, but just the six of us because sometimes the kids and the in-laws, you know, the wives and the, you know, husbands, they don't like the stories that we tell, like, you know, when we sit there and talk about the breakos and talk about, you know, the baranics and the Simitanas and like all these people like our neighbors and stuff. Yeah. I love this idea. So we decided that we were going to use Fourth of July week as this opportunity where my brother Bill lives in Mexico, he lives in Puerto Vallarta, my sister, Tracy's down in Miami, I'm in Detroit and then the rest are in Chicago and we were going to do this and I'm going to start this off by saying you may need a little bit of Kleenex because I might cry on this one. So for those that know me, I am a very tearful person when I think of family members and their health and all this. Well, I knew I was going to be driving in to Chicago on July the 1st and I ended up deciding that I was going to get a lot of stuff done around here and then I was going to drive in Chicago and I was going to try to hang with some friends and do all that because I was going to be off for Fourth of July. And I got a phone call from my brother on July the 29th June or June the 29th. I'm sorry. Yeah, June the 29th. It was June 29th, June 28th. I think it was 28th maybe and my brother called me in a conversation with my brother Tony is never a short conversation. He's usually in his car and he talks to you his entire commute home from downtown Chicago because he lives in the suburbs of Chicago. And I let it go to voicemail knowing that in a few days I was going to be seeing him and I'm going to tell you guys don't let that call go to voicemail because on Saturday, which was whatever the date was a day or so later, I got a phone call from his wife and my brother had a heart attack and I did not pick up his phone call at the time that he called me. Now to fast forward and let you know, I'm not going to be dramatic. My brother is okay. He's doing okay. But for hours, we had no idea how he was going to be doing and Chelsea and I were actually out at the time and I got the phone call and we were having a great time together. And I literally kept thinking back about not picking up his phone call and thinking that I was not going to pick up his phone call because I thought it would be a relatively long conversation and that could have been the last time I got to talk to my brother who's also my godfather. And I regretted that so much even to this day that I didn't pick up the phone because all it would have taken was just, hey, Tony, I got a couple of minutes here. I just want to say, I love you and tell them I love you. So I bring this conversation up to you guys on two fronts. Number one, I want to tell all of you that I love you guys and don't call me so much. No, no, but also to let you guys know, and maybe it's because I'm the older guy on the show, life is so fleeting and we don't know when our last moment on this world is going to be our last breath is going to be or somebody else's last breath more importantly. And just tell the person that you're not talking to right now because you're upset with them over something or you're holding a garage over something or not wanting to talk to because they're irritating and they talk, you know, long time and they take a lot of your time. Just tell them that you love them. And that's it. That's all you need to do because I thought for such a long period of time until I got word that my brother was stable that that was not going to happen. I saw Tony on Monday. We all got together and he had a heart attack on Saturday. Actually, I saw him on Tuesday. My days are all mixed up. I last week did not know what day it was like literally every day. I'm like, what day is it? It's fourth of July. Is it what is it? Is it Tuesday? I have no clue because I just I keep my days based on where the roses is on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I know what I mean, but I saw my brother Tony. He looks amazing. He is such a good guy. Tony, for those don't. Shannon, you met him. I met him before. Yeah. Several times. He is. Tony is the kindest person. Yeah. He is just a he's he's a guy that if you meet Tony Carballo, you feel like you've known him your entire life. He's obsessed with going to funerals and weddings. He'll go to if you invite him to anything, he will go to funeral every funeral every wedding. He loves wakes and goes to him all the time. And he's my oldest brother. Okay. And he is he's such an amazing dad and amazing husband and I'm so happy he's alive and this might be too personal. The question is it was his heart condition similar to what you had? We all have we have bad hearts in our family. I mean, not bad hearts. We have we're good-hearted people, but I didn't know if it was the same thing because I remember when you when you found out that you had your aneurysm, you were like, well, my brother, you know, my no, his his is his is a little different than mine, like he's he's had some issues for a little bit, you know, all of us have issues, but the aneurysm is definitely something in our family. He didn't. He got checked out and I don't think he has the aneurysm that I that I had, but but he is he's alive. He's good. I felt so bad is kit. You know, his daughter just moved out of the house and moved into her own apartment and she and he are really close. And I talked to her on Tuesday when we got at our barbecue in an impasse house in Grace was like, I felt so guilty that I moved out of the house and I'm like, you know what? Oh, you that's what he wants you to do. So Wes always says this to me because so both of his parents have passed. And so if I'm like busy and doing something and my mom calls and I like will bump her call or not answer her call and I'll be like answer answer the phone. I'll call her later. I'll call it later. Like what I wouldn't give to see mom show up. He always says that to me and he's like, call her back right now. We're so lucky that we can see mom or dad on our phones, you know, we do just just the fact of us waking up like we're we're so committed to even knowing what we have to do tomorrow. Like we just know we have work to do tomorrow. We expect to wake up in the morning. We expect our limbs to work, we just expect it. And it's these moments where you realize that you cannot take it for granted because it's not promised to you. No, it's just such that these this has to happen in order for us to have that front of mine. I'd appreciate it. It's it's one of those things where in West is so right. When you lose, I lost my mom, young and I lost both parents like Weston and in Shannon, it's one of those things where I have to like put myself into perspective. Sometimes with my kids of my kids are so blessed to have both Chelsea and I right now, you know, and because I, you know, some people never experience loss until later in their life, which thank God that that's the case. I experienced it. It's almost kind of like when somebody dies, you have to put yourself into perspective that, man, what was I waiting for somebody to die to tell them that I love them, you know, or spend time with them or spend time with them? What's up, Joe? Hey, good morning. How are you guys? Good buddy. What's going on? All right. Just prepared. This is sad. So it's kind of like a phone call. So my grandma before she went to go get her heart surgery done, she wanted to go out for lunch and I decided to go with friends instead. And the next day she passed away during a surgery and I regret not going. Yeah. It's tough. Yeah, was she somebody that you spent a lot of time with? Yeah. Yeah. I mean, you can take that to heart that, you know what, you got a lot of moments with your grandma. Unfortunately, that last one is a tough one, but you know, she's with you all the time, buddy. I know. I mean, it's, it's amazing. You know, and I'm not saying that we can't choose, you know, what we're going to make ourselves crazy. We don't know when the moment is going to be, even if it's grandma, I can't go to lunch with you. But I do love you and I'll see you tomorrow, you know, and we'll talk. Melody, what's up? Good morning. How are you? We're good. What's going on, Melanie? Um, well, five years ago, um, my best friend texted me and said, can you come and pick me up and hang because I'm going, going, quote, "baddie" inside. And good is March, it was the weather was crappy, but I went and got him and we went out the bell aisle to do our little smokey smoke and I dropped him back off and, and the next day, when I went to contact him, he was gone. So you never know when your favorite people will never, won't be there anymore. So yes, tell your family and your friends, how much you woke them. You know what, it's, it's, and here's a moment that you have now and you'll be able to, to talk about forever. And it's, it's not just that last memory, but it's all the memories that you'll have, right? Oh, definitely. Definitely. I was grateful that his sister, um, gave me some of his ashes and I literally carry him everywhere with me and I don't care if people think that that's gross. But have you gone to bell aisle and smokey smoked with him? Oh, dude, I do that on every other day. But what a comfort to know that you were with him in a time where he needed somebody and you were that person for him. Oh, definitely, because you know what, for many, he helped me get sober. And for many years, he was there for me and, uh, I'm glad that I was there for him. It was a very difficult conversation to try and tell a sister you got to go look for him. Cause I'm not next to Ken. Wow. Thank you for the call. I appreciate it. Uh, Juliana, what's up? It's Mojo in the morning. Hey, good morning, guys. Hi. Um, so I just want to say first Mojo, I'm so glad that your brother is okay. Thank you. You will be in my prayers and, um, and this is so hard for me to talk about cause it's, it just hurts so deep, but I, um, my best friend passed away a few weeks ago and she was only 25 and, um, before that we hadn't talked for a few weeks because we had a little disagreement and then she passed and right before she passed, we were, I don't know if you guys know on TikTok, when you view somebody's profile, it, it shows you we were like doing this thing back and forth where we were just viewing each other's profile. We were both being hard headed and we just didn't want to reach out to each other because we were just so stubborn and I really wish I would have just reached out anyways and been like, look, I love you. I'm sorry that we had this little disagreement because now I sit and I wonder like, dang, I, I, I'm, I'm just so regretful, like, that I didn't reach out and I just, I want to say that there are a lot of hard-headed people on this earth and I'm sure there's a lot of hard-headed people that listen to this station, um, but just reach out, just, it's not even about being the bigger person, it's like, don't let something like this happen to make you realize that relationships are so important and if they really matter to you, then you need to love them no matter what disagreements or not. Can I say, say that your conversation that you just had with us in the story talking about with my brother might bring people together today and if that is anything for the memory of your friendship, you should know that that's an awesome thing that you, you telling the story to us will hopefully bring some people together. I, I hope so because it's just not worth it, it's, it's just not worth it like, don't be hard-headed in the long run, it's just, it's gonna hurt you like, it's just, yeah, it's not worth it. I'm really nervous talking to you guys, uh, you, you did a beautiful job. We love you. I love you. I love you guys. I love all of you guys. All right, tell me you love me. We love you back. Jilliana, we love you. We love you too. All right, take care of yourself. And, and to your, to your, to your relationship. We love you. We love you. We love you. I love you. We love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you too. All right. Take care of yourself. And, and to your, to your relationship. All right, take care of yourself and, and to your, your, your friends with you. And I, I, listen, I believe this every single day. I prayed to my mom when my brother had his heart attack. I was like, mom, this is your time, you know, and you can, you can do that and, uh, I don't know. I'm Victoria Cash. Thanks for calling the Lucky Land Hotline. If you feel like you do the same thing every day, press one. If you're ready to have some serious fun for the chance to redeem some serious prizes, press two. We heard you loud and clear, so go to right now and play over 100 social casino style games for free. Get lucky today at