Mojo In The Morning

Shannon Met Her Favorite Influencer

Broadcast on:
08 Jul 2024
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this is the mojo in the morning podcast powered by michigan auto law auto accident attorneys visit auto law dot com that's auto law dot com smojo in the morning show good to have everybody back good to have all of us you know back on the air here on channel nine five five one oh four point five s and x and ninety two point five kiss f m also listen to us on the i-heart radio app uh... home of the war of the roses second date update channons dirty on the thirty ten you uh... went away last week and got to spend time with your kids which was awesome the pictures were beautiful uh... but you also uh... got a chance to you you saw a celebrity a big celebrity well okay so we my kids and i went to colorado which is a tradition for us to do on the fourth of july we've been doing it since lucy was a baby um... and it's like my favorite place in the whole entire world and when we got there my little sister jacklyn she and i have really similar like we're just really similar personality and we follow a lot of the same people on social media and so she had given me the heads up that this girl that we both follow and love her name is danny austin uh... was in veil colorado where i was with the kids and she's like shan you gotta you gotta find like i i am manifesting that you two get to meet and if you remember back at christmas time when lucy and i took our mom daughter trip to new york city i was on the hunt for another influencer named maddy nelson who actually is this girl is like really really good friend wait a second so and we never got to see her so you so these are these are like uh... so he's a gram blobby bloggers influencers and they were she was in the same state as you she was in the same little town ok okay cuz i was gonna say that's a no she was in the same place vacationing with her with her kids and her family and so my sisters like just you know be on the lookout for her so you know me of course all week i'm like i spilled checking her instagram story to see if she's like in a similar area her name's danny austin danny d_a_n_ and i d_a_n_ i austin danny austin is she like uh she folder uh she sells hair products but she's like everything she's she's a mom she's a business woman she's detailed her journey with her mental health and hair loss and she's just she's funny and she's very raw and real so you're really really lady she's adorable and so i you guys i'm like a creep so we're like at the top of the mountain one day and they have all these like rides and stuff if you follow me on instagram you saw me doing this with the kids and i see that she's there too so i'm like lucy's on the lookout i'm on the lookout we don't see her we don't see her the whole week the very last night that we're in colorado um i am chasing after the kids trying to get us to a dinner reservation on time and we're walking down this street and i see her pass me pushing her huffing her stroller with her two kids in it and i'm like lucy that's her right there and so loud she's like mom go back and take a picture you guys we've met we are very lucky and i am humbled to say we have met many celebrities athletes presidents during our time doing the mode during the morning show i was shaking as i went back and introduced myself to danny and explained you know that i was so excited to meet her and i followed her forever and out of that and lucy's like mom mom give me your phone let me take a picture mom so i got my picture with her i looked like a frickin hot mess because all of my clothes were dirty and i was wearing like you know this the last of your clean clothes on vacation yeah sweating from trying to chase the kids around but it was really cool so to get to meet her so you did say something then i did i went back i chatted with her for a couple of minutes she was very sweet very kind got a picture like and then she she reposted it on her story she did it was like yeah so wait so when you when you uh because i i've often wondered this sometimes when you see a celebrity how do you go up and say something to them because you don't want it like you don't want to be the that person right you know what i mean right and there's been stories where i've heard people that have gone up to like uh you know Alec Baldwin or Robertson Arrow those two guys come to mind because they're just kind of a-holes but they were and they walked up to him and they said oh my god i'm so nervous coming up talk to you and then one of them i think i think was daneiro said well then don't yeah she was not like honestly i love it you love that yeah that's funny two things she had been posting photos and videos of meeting people in colorado all weeks so i felt comfortable approaching her and also it was her by herself she wasn't you know like she wasn't doing her kids were both asleep in the stroller so i felt like okay this is an okay time to approach her um and also loose he was like go it's like loose new that i wanted to meet her so bad i think it's so much easier to meet influencers too than it is celebrities because i feel like i know you want a personal level way more than i do with celebrities and if you're an influencer that you make money off of people too right don't you isn't when you say that oh yeah they they make money selling stuff to people yeah where a celebrity does make money like but they sell movie tickets and all the rest of that stuff yeah i i saw something the other day that i thought was really oh here it is here's the story i saw a story and by the way if you've ever like had the embarrassing moment walking up to a celebrity you'll have to tell us if you know who who was trying to like give my phone to my daughter to take the photo i felt so stupid i i saw you know who kevin bakeness you know the actor kevin baken he's actually a man do you know he's actually in the new Beverly Hills cop movie which by the way shout out to bushman and our sister station fm 98 wjlb and also our other sister station 106 seven wlz wheels both stations appear in that movie but bushman is actually the first words you hear out of that movie is bushman on the radio uh as uh eddy murphy is doing a thing but kevin baken is in the new one he's kind of the villain in the new one and there was a story that i saw last week on good morning america or one of those shows that i was watching where he talked about how he hired a makeup artist to disguise him so he could go out in public because he didn't want to be recognized and then he realized he hated it not being recognized oh really so so he hired somebody who would like prosthetic face and stuff like that on him and he said that it was the worst thing that he could have done because he loved being recognized and he said nobody recognized him but no one's asking for a lot of grass this sucks yeah it's like it's like you defeat your your purpose of being a celebrity i'm watching some i'm watching uh danny austin is in in bale she's yeah with her family cute family looks like a nice family huh i would be an absolute psycho path if i ever met pritney brosky like we i've all had those people that it's just you know all right he's a magician i'm running he's a man you would be wait who was it that you said pritney brosky born with tricksy metale okay yeah both of those i would absolutely lose my mind what it would so okay so those would be the two that would get you uh there are more yeah here's okay so like the three of them are all friends pritney brosky tricksy metale and catea is on the list of cova if you're a friend of drag race you know the last few uh but ellen texted me at an airport in l.a and she was like i'm standing next to catea i was like oh yeah i would be standing next and not know who the hell she's talking about i mean i'd be like excuse me you just cut in line in front of me i'm trusting me to tell the second ridges drag queen in the world i still don't know call me crazy i i don't know okay let's put it this way we would you recognize the she looked just like danny austin we yeah would you would you recognize cate cunning him yeah he's my drag queen he's my drag queen um uh i i would love to meet the hawk to a girl like if there any way i can meet the whole i have a great story about her and it's dirty by the way could you imagine by the way you're out in public and you meet the hawk to a girl and you don't even realize it's the hawk to a girl and she's the most talked about person right now you get me uh what so what do you do if you if you see danny uh or not danny uh austin branny broski branny broski do you walk up and i would honestly just try to burp in her face because i feel like she would appreciate that if you know her she would be like hell yeah we're gonna marbles i would die if i met jenna marbles i would just beg her to come back to the internet she stopped making content like two years ago and i've been depressed ever since megan be like uh you uh you if you call the uh cause uh uh you understand what i think yeah i walked away i'm like why did you why did you marry and why did you say that why did you math that would smith go up and say something to yeah what's up chris good morning well several several years ago uh you guys had a contest and i brought uh chef robert erbine on the air and uh chef robert is so approachable he'll be the first one to tell you if you've seen in an airport you stop as long as i'm not running late for an airplane is that like what a food network chef because i i've at the time i probably didn't know who it was and i don't know now correct yeah you you and shannon uh you both chatted with him uh along with the other crew uh what this um he does like the slam on slim was exactly what the amazing okay he was he was a big network uh it's it is funny the person that that gets you excited you know what i mean like the person that you're like he's the rest of the possible guy he was in and transforms like diversity yeah i've worked on his show for us have a seven episodes is that right we're done i mean listen it's it's i'm gonna i'm gonna go on record and i'm gonna say this there are probably a few celebrities that would make me speechless the pope jesus christin oprah that would probably be those would be the ones i probably wouldn't wouldn't know what to do yeah if i if i ran into them but there are sometimes where you see us uh like uh a sitcom star or you see like uh you know somebody random a movie you know like danny treho you know the guy that he that he just will somebody s did he really yeah that guy he's the he's like the the bad guy mexican guy in all the movies and stuff like that yeah fourth of july he had a lily issue did he nuts on some uh well hopefully it wasn't somebody that came up to him and said hey i'm a big fan um but that that does get that is weird when when you know people you know people look at what we do as it be in celebrity and it's honestly extremely flattering yeah i love when people come on so do i so do i and they i i it's so sweet when people like i'm so sorry to bother you i probably look crazy i'm like no i would rather you come up and introduce yourself and say hi because obviously we love meeting people then send me a DM later like i was watching you so much but people but i was too scared to come up i don't like that you have to do the thing where somebody comes up to you and in your head you're like don't be weird don't be weird like this like don't set the front this might be the only time they ever meet you and don't be weird don't my my family loves loves to make fun of me for the moment that i saw somebody that you know you they're kind of fumbling around looking like they wanted to come up and say hi to me and they're coming up and i'm like oh this is so great they come up and the person goes j towers oh my god oh that's crashing joe thinks that is the funniest thing ever what seriously it was absolutely worst uh what's going on andy hi hey shannon um i met you at pia's um thanksgiving i yelled your name out and i said hi remember uh yes this is scary you were with your family i would yes i yes i actually i was with my dad and my stepmom and the kids i remember yeah but it but it's not when your voice sounds like that you're like hey shannon i met you do you remember me we threw a window you threw two windows i'm outside right now in your car thank you for saying hi andy andy and no problem have a good day guys you just scared the crap by me it's amazing by the way oh yeah no you scared the crap out of me with just the way these you said that so but we love you andy what what's up Sydney hi hi so mine is a local celebrity it's actually shannon i was too scared to come up and say hi to you what no he should have been she's the scariest guy she's nice she's nice oh my god that's so yellow she'll tell you not to look around the eyes yeah oh Sydney not link in yard and i just i talked about it the entire dinner i just couldn't get up the curtain oh my god okay please DM me and you're coming into the studio okay okay okay i'm holding you to this no that was not me and i'm also um a long time listener yes i love you guys we love you too we love you too you take care to talk to you guys yeah bye bye take care yourself an official message from medicare a new law is helping me save more money on prescription drug costs you may be able to save too with medicare's extra help program my premium is zero and my out-of-pocket costs are low who should apply single people making less than twenty three thousand dollars a year or married couples who make less than thirty one thousand dollars a year even if you don't think you qualify it pays to find out go to paid for by the u.s. department of health and human services