Mojo In The Morning

Specially Made for Mojo

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08 Jul 2024
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This is the Mojo in the Morning podcast, powered by Michigan Auto Law. Auto Accident Attorneys. Visit That's - Come on. - WKQI Detroit. - W-S-N-X, my ski and grand rapids. - W-V-K-S-T-L-E-O. - This is Mojo in the morning. - Oh, Mojo, he's amazing. - Live. Mojo. - 30. - 30. - You're listening to Mojo in the morning. - You're a doo doo hack. - It's showtime! - You're listening to Mojo in the morning. - You're listening to Mojo in the morning. - You're listening to Mojo in the morning. - You're listening to Mojo in the morning. - You're listening to Mojo in the morning. - You're listening to Mojo in the morning. (upbeat music) - Good morning and welcome to the Mojo in the morning show. I know that 4th of July is over and done. Kind of felt weird, didn't it? That it was like a 4th of July in the middle of the week. - What is this? - Don't worry, there'll be fireworks going on in my neighborhood until probably September. Every single night. - Same. - Yes, it's Mojo in Shannon, Meghan, Cab-- - Yeah! - We're back, baby! - Oh Lord, it's like-- - KP, Lydia, Zach, good to have you guys here with us. I hope you got a great holiday week. - It was weird to have 4th of July. Was it Thursday? - Yeah. - It was. Every day kind of felt like it was 4th of July for some reason. I have no idea why, but we're back and we're happy to be here. New shows. I screwed up all the sleep that I got over the course of the last week by last night staying up pretty late. I couldn't go to bed. I don't know how you guys were. - Which is funny 'cause I guess you went to bed and you said 10th of July and I went, "Oh, it's really late." - I know, it was like late. Normally it's like 9 or something like that. So, but when that alarm went off at 3.30, I was ready. - Whoo! - Are we all excited? - Back in the game. - Yes. And then of course at about, I don't know, we got our show meeting today. - Aww. - At about one o'clock after that thing, I'll feel like holy crap, what just happened to me? I just got hit by a freaking truck. I'm gonna be talking like Joe Biden a little later today. It's gonna be one of those days. - Do you know what year it is? It was at least another night here. - I'm gonna have a little mumble stumble going on. - You know you're the one that gets to the side if we skip that meeting. - We can't. We gotta have a meeting. We haven't had one in a while. 'Cause the week before that, we had our pictures and everything like that. - That's true. - We got a lot of stuff coming up. By the way, and Lydia just gave a dirty look to you. - We are not skipping any meetings. - No. - She just gave you a look of death right there, Megan. Welcome back, Megan. - First of all, there's just so much to do today. - We have so much to announce today. We have, by the way, a couple big announcements. We're announcing two new artists that are gonna be at the iHeartRadio Music Festival in Vegas, and they're huge. We're doing pay your bills, starting again today. So we have that coming up this morning. Usher tickets. We'll have those for you. Summer of cars, cash, and gas is getting really hot because we only have about four more weeks left to qualify you for that to win a brand new 2024 Chevy Equinox or $20,000 cash. And then did not just throw a whole bunch of stuff out. Our breaking and entering Christmas wish, Christmas in July, and we're doing a live podcast. A live more mojo show podcast. - Let's go! - We're gonna be out and we want you to be part of our studio audience, and if you would like to be part of that this morning, we will announce it. So what time are we announcing that at? Lydia? - Eight o'clock. - At eight o'clock. At eight o'clock. I would have known that if we had a meeting last week. (laughter) I wouldn't have had to ask you. - Right. - All right, it's mojo in the morning. I went back and visited family in Chicago. I had such a great time being able to see my brothers and sisters, and I'll talk more about that coming up later this morning because we had kind of a tragic thing happen to us, but I'll get into it later. I do want to talk about this. Having an allergy, a food allergy, which is I have that gluten allergy, not a made up one, but actually a legit one. There are some people that have gluten allergies or they say that they're gluten-free. - That's probably gluten-free. (laughter) - Then there are those that have the gluten allergy, that if they eat it, they literally have duty coming out of their, you know what, out of their booty. And that's what will happen to me. If I have gluten, I literally am on the toilet for about 45 minutes or so, cleaning my system out. It's like a full colonic for me. - Good morning. - It is a wine. I know. It's been a great way to sense. - I love it. - By the way, did you guys miss us? (laughter) Our first duty talk of the day. So, whenever I go to things, and Shannon, this probably happens to you because you have allergies that are, Shannon has severe allergies. She has to carry an EpiPen with her, you know. - Yeah. - I didn't know. - What's your most severe allergy? - Randomly avocado. I'm very anaphylactic too. - It's like throat closes. - Wow. - Which summer time without avocado? Can you imagine? - I knew it sucks. - Yeah. - That's crazy. - Avocado toast? - No. - Yeah. - No, guacamole can't even be near it. - Yeah. That would be not good. 'Cause you got to hit that pen. I've always wanted to hit her with the pen. I said, where is it in your purse? I want to hit her with the pen. I want to get-- - Okay, resume your story. - So, whenever I-- does this happen to you, Shannon? Whenever you go to a family function, do people make meals specifically for you? Like, do they make a dish or something or two dishes for you to make sure that you're okay? - Oh, yes. All the time. There's something small on the side that doesn't have, you know, whatever I'm allergic to in it. - Yeah. Okay, we went to Ann Pat's house for our Fourth of July barbecue. So we were all-- and she says hi to all of you guys. So we're at Ann Pat's house and my sister Mary Jo and my sister Pat made all the food. And they made specifically gluten-free food for me, okay? So I am the gluten person. And this is a problem sometimes when they make specific food for you. And I don't know if you've ever felt this when somebody makes something for you. Do you feel like you have to eat the entire thing because they made a portion that was way too large for one human being to eat? - Yes. - Yep. And if you're not eating it because-- and I hate to say this because this is going to be bad and I hope that they don't listen to a podcast today. Maybe they think we're still on vacation or something. It was not great. It was not great food. - Oh, that's the worst. - It was-- yeah. It was kind of like-- let's put it this way. Without the gluten, it didn't taste good. Like, it was pretty bad. They try to make Chicago beef sandwiches gluten-free with gluten-free bread and the-- it was not good. - Which was so nice of them. - It was honestly-- it was very sweet of them. - You choked it down. - Well, they kept doing the whole thing because they would go in the kitchen. No, they would go in the kitchen. And I was trying not to eat much because-- listen, I'm doing the other thing too. I'm doing the-- not it was epic, but I'm doing one of those shots too. - See, you got your shots. Shannon has her. - I got-- I'm telling you. Exactly. We can jab each other if we want to. That would be a show that jabs each other. - You might not. - So-- so they go into the kitchen every five minutes. I keep marrying my sisters going, "Tommy, you're not eating." And I'm like, "No, no, I'm okay. I'm okay." He didn't touch anything. There's nothing in there. And the problem is everybody's eating the other stuff. So I found myself going into the kitchen and when nobody's looking, taking some food out of it and dumping it. - And trash! - Cheers! - Cheers! - So that-- so it looked like I-- and then they're like, "Hey, do you want to take this with you?" And I'm like, "I don't want to take this with you." - But you got to take it with you. - Feed the birds! - I got to do it. But so I asked this question of our listeners. If people make food for you, do you have to eat it? Are you obligated to eat it if it's not great food? - Yeah. I had a situation last year. My cousin Gerard, his wife, Christina-- Christina's from Kalamazoo. She had a huge family reunion-esque barbecue in her backyard. It's huge fish fry. Her aunt is, I believe, a sweet woman. This was the first time I met her. And she's making the salmon specifically for me. Like she's making Kevin salmon. - Yeah. - We're having fun. We're joking. She's like, "Come taste the salmon. I want to see what you think." I'd taste. I'm like, you know what? I like mine a little harder. You would have thought. I said she was the ugliest. The look that she gave me. I wish I just said, "Yes, I love it." - But I did it. - It is. It's insulting to them, right? - It's insulting. - Because they spend so much time and they think that, you know, it's fantastic. And they're waiting. I hate when they sit there and, you know, yeah. And they're waiting the whole time. The other thing too is I wanted to ask this question because I was bringing this up to friends. And all these women were all saying that they do. If you bring a dish to share at a party, like say it's a potluck or something to share. And you bring a dish and people don't eat your dish. Do you feel like less of a person? - I feel like that is one of the most self-conscious situations I can put myself in. If it's a situation like that, whether it's a friend's house or a pollock you're at work, which we've had before, I always watch to see. I'm like, "Please, people eat mine." - You could because you don't want yours to be the one that's untouched. And then you have to bring the whole entire thing home with you because it looked disgusting or taste disgusting. Like you want it to be the most popular thing. - Well, that's a catch trying too because I only make what I want. So if nobody eats it, I got my favorite thing. - That's very smart. - That's very, very smart. - Do you know what I mean? - Do you campaign? Is it like a presidential campaign where you campaign for your food? Doesn't anybody want this? - No, you got to be subtle. You got to go around. - Hey, did you guys taste the guac? - This guac? - Who made it? - It's amazing. - You made it. - And honestly, most of the time, my stuff is store bought anyway because I can't cook, but I still want it to be the most popular thing there. - 844-Mojo-Live, 844-665-6548 is our telephone number. The text is 955-00. Do we have, can we get our first caller of the Fourth of July, of the second half of the year? This is our first time. Well, who's going to be that person? We want to know who that person's going to be. Maybe I will give you the gluten-free food that I brought home. - On that note, though, of people kind of overcooking for you, if that's a good thing or a bad thing, I love that. I'm the only one that is like a fish person. So when I go to these barbecues, there are a ton of meat, but people bring out a whole salmon and I love it because I have leftovers. - Yeah. - I can take the entire half that I didn't eat home and then I'm good for it. - When it's good. - But when it's good. - See, I see my own though. - Unless it's made by who, whose wife was that? - I'm mad. I say, your hard wife without your hard wife. - We'll say that. - Your hard wife. - Don't say that. - Your hard wife. - We're not going to podcast this. Our first caller. - Hey. - Hey. - Good morning, guys. - What's happening? How are you? - Good. How are you? - Good. What do you got going on? - Oh, nothing. I just wanted to tell you that your voice is like music to my ears, Mojo. - Aww. - That's the norm of me. You're giving me, after my long weekend off, it is so nice to have the guys here. - We love you. - Thank you for that. I love all of you. - Ah, you're sweet. - Well, welcome to the Mojo in the Morning Show. I don't know what to say on that. That's very nice of you. - Well, thank you. - Have a great morning. Squirrel. What's up, squirrel? - Yo, yo, Mojo. Happy Fourth of July. - Oh, my gosh, yes. Except for the guy that keeps shooting off fireworks every single night scaring the crap out of my dogs. - You know, guess what? It happens the same place in my area, but I just wanted to thank you because I think you made me realize this morning doctors can't figure it out. I set an appointment, but squirrel actually might have a glute of melody. - Oh, geez. - Oh, geez, I'm not. - They literally can't figure it out in probably the years I've been in the bathroom and I eat pizza and I eat, I think all the things that have gluten in, so I actually made an appointment for my doctor and I think I actually, they're going to figure out I might even have a glute analogy. - Yeah. - Yeah, but I had to say, "Happy Fourth of July." - Yes. - Mojo in the morning. - Yes. - Yes. - You're the best buddy. - Eat that bread. - Have fun. Like I call and ask it be pretty. - Yeah. Exactly. Eat your last pizza, last good pizza. Marlene, what's going on? - Hey, good morning. I don't think it's impolite to tell someone that their food is not correct and I'll tell someone I'm not eating that. You have too many cats. - Yes. - Yeah. - They let them walk all over the food. - Oh, you know what? That is so true. Potlucks are bad, especially when the potluck is made by the person that has a lot of cats. - One year, this lady made a turkey and it was, you could still see the veins that wasn't cooked. - Okay. - Oh my God. - Oh my God. - Okay, that's awful. Jill, what's happening? It's Mojo in the morning. - Good morning. - Hi. - So we host Thanksgiving every year and I have one person that is gluten free. I have a person who is dairy and nut free and I have another person who is soy free. - Oh geez. That's a hell of a time, huh? What do you just make everybody? Just one thing. Just turkey, plain turkey. - Oh, I make turkey but like I don't put butter in the cavity or I don't, and I don't stuff it. No, same butter in the cavities, just honestly, it did not sound great and that's a particular moment. - Not for potatoes, graim, and cranberry sauce. - What? - I'm trying to make things that like everybody can eat and still taste good. - It is tough, by the way. There's so many different allergies nowadays, you know, and everybody's got something different, right? You almost have to have the people that have the allergies bring their own stuff. - Oh, and then it takes me two hours to shop because I have to read every label. - I bet. Well, thank you for the call, I appreciate you. Riley, what's up? - Hey, I kind of go along with the last color. I always have the problem where they have to buy all the special ingredients to make gluten-free food. I have celiac and so they'll try to then pawn off those special ingredients as well as the leftover dish. So I've walked out with the harmful things that I'm never going to eat and dump it in the trash right away before I even get in the house. - It's almost like you went grocery shopping. - I know, I take every, because nobody wants gluten-free anything afterwards because none of the people in there. - Oh, absolutely not. - Yeah. - And I just have five pounds of flour I'm never going to eat. - That is true. Yeah. Well, thank you for the call. I appreciate it. - How many times a day do you compare yourself to others or wish your life looked like someone else's? We all do it sometimes because it's easy to envy friends' lives on social media when you only see the good parts. But you know what they say, comparison is the thief of joy. And in reality, nobody has it all together. Online therapy can help you focus on what you want instead of what others have. Like that career goal you've set your sights on. Or that relationship you want to grow. Or that daily habit you want to get into. 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