Mojo In The Morning

Full Show 07-05-2024

2h 25m
Broadcast on:
05 Jul 2024
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(beeping) This is the Mojo in the Morning podcast, powered by Michigodano Law, auto-laxed in attorneys. Visit That's This is the Mojo in the Morning podcast, powered by Michigodano Law, auto-laxed in attorneys. Visit That's (beeping) Mojo. 30. (upbeat music) 10. 10. Five. Four. Three. Five. One. Ignition sequence done. Let me take y'all back to the beginning. This is it. All right, are you ready? You're listening to Mojo in the Morning. You're at doo-doo hack. (upbeat music) It's show time! (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) Here we go. Welcome to the Mojo, the Mojo in the Morning show. This is the Mojo, Mojo in the Morning show. Friday's on Mojo, Mojo in the Morning show. We have got your remix on Mojo in the Morning show. This is the Mojo, Mojo in the Morning show. Cabs getting us ready for Friday's on the Mojo show. It's Friday, baby. You ready? I'm so ready. You better make some noise everybody listening. Here we go. This is the Mojo in the Morning show. This is the Mojo in the Morning show. This is the Mojo in the Morning show. This is the Mojo in the Morning show. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) I had a crazy night last night and it all started in the afternoon. So do you guys ever do this? Like if you have somebody dropping off the package at your house like an Amazon driver or UPS driver, or if you have somebody coming to do work at your house, I always feel obligated. But also I like to do it 'cause I wanna be nice to offer the people that are at my house a drink or something to eat. So we had a guy that was doing some plumbing stuff for us and he comes in the house and does his work and then he comes up and starts talking to us about what's going on. He's a really friendly guy, nice guy. Young guy actually, probably, I mean guy guy, he probably was like 25 years old or something. And I said, hey, real quick, can I get you something to drink or something to eat? Well, Chelsea had made dinner and this is like round five o'clock or something at night. And Chelsea had made dinner and you know how you put it up on the stove, on the top and wait for it to cool down and then you eat it. And it's in the little Pyrex dishes and stuff like that. He goes over, he goes, he does one of those, these type of things. Walks right over and looks right over the food and goes, oh man, that does look good. Like he was like, it was like, look at that over there. And then he goes, you know what? I will take something to eat. And he looks right at the food and I'm thinking, I wasn't offering you that, I was offering you a bag of cheesesets or goldfish. - Not the good stuff. - Like usually what I'll do is I'll go into our snack drawer and I'll just say, hey, you've got a bunch of snacks here, like the stuff that you give your kids. So I'm like, oh crap, okay, well, I'll pull out a paper plate and I'll make it to him, you know, for him. And then I'll put some tin foil or Reynolds wrap on top of the thing. And you know, I've got a ton of carryout forks and things from all the door dash that we ordered. And so I make him a nice little thing and give him a water and he's like the nicest guy ever. And this is interesting 'cause he's gonna have to come back and check everything. So you know, I know, all right, this is good. He's gonna come back and he's gonna do it with a smile on his face. He walks out the door, the door shuts behind him and my very truthful wife goes, you just gave him our entire dinner and I go, what are you talking about? There's gotta be more. And she goes, you gave him, there's three of us now in the house 'cause of Joe and Jacob, you know, live in Florida and Chicago and Luke is with us. And we're all gonna do a family dinner. And I thought, oh, I don't know if Luke's gonna be home or not, I gave the guy literally, so here's the Pyrex dish like this big. I gave him probably this much of the thing. I gave him probably a third of the entire food on a plate. Do you guys do that? Do you guys ever offer up to people that come to your house? Like if it's like-- - Always drinks. - Always drinks. - But not food? - I don't, is that rude? I don't usually offer food, no. - No, I feel weird. - But drinks always. - Yeah, see, I feel weird and I don't know if you're somebody that works, you know, in that kind of a profession where you go and work in people's homes. But I always feel like weird that I'm eating and I'm drinking and I know that they're on their trucks all day and stuff. - I always go with a bottle of water. That's like my go-to, like, she likes some water? - Yeah. - Yeah. - Typically they say, yeah, I had this one maintenance guy come over one time and I said, yeah, would you like something to drink? He's like, yeah, you got a beard. (laughing) - I'm gonna wait 'til you leave and then I'll give it to you. - I gave one too, yeah, I gave it to you. - You gotta help the people that need maintenance afterward. I had one time where I went in to go get water and we keep water in this little fridge that we have that's kind of connected to our fridge. It's like, it's basically where you're supposed to probably put vegetables, but we don't eat vegetables in our house. We're on that anti-vegan diet. And I open it up and I'm like, oh crap, there's nothing in there, so I had to go into the cabinet where we keep all the, you know, the waters and refill and stuff and I gave him a warm water and the guy goes, eh, nah, he didn't want it. He turned down and he did not want room temperature water. Which I hate room temperature water too, but-- - Could you imagine your guy, if he goes over to the stove, peeks his head over the pyrex, looks inside and says, I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm dead, you're right. - Well, here's the other thing too, is that the food was really spicy. Like Chelsea made it very, very spicy. So I'm thinking, that guy's going into his truck, he's going into that, you know, the van with all the ladders and stuff on top of it. He's gonna eat that stuff and he is gonna be spitting his pants, trying to figure out things. What's up, Lee? - Hey, what's going on, Mojo? - Hey, how you doing, bud? What's happening? - Not too much, yeah, I'm a plumber, you guys talked to me before, I'm the hot guy plumber. - Oh, the hot guy plumbers on with those guys. What's happening? - Hey, no, nothing too much, yeah, I've gotten steak dinners, I've gotten pizza, I've gotten a lot of food, there's customers that have even told me, yeah, just go on the fridge and help yourself with whatever you want. And I'm like, nah, that's a little odd, I'm not going in your fridge. - Really, so you don't have it in you to go into that fridge and just start grabbing stuff out of there? - Oh, I mean, sometimes when I work with a lot of ethnics, I would love to try some of their like curry food that they got, but I'm not going in the fridge. - A lot of ethnics, or ethnic people. Is that what you're saying? - I'm not going to say that. - The hot guy plumber, yeah. - By the way, do you ever give, you're the hot guy plumber, did anybody ever offer anything other than food? - Oh, I mean, they have in the past, but not as hot as they used to be. (all laughing) - The plumbers losing a little bit of this way. That pipe is getting a little rusty, isn't it? - Just became a recent dad. - Oh, nice, yeah, look at the idea to see you, buddy. - Thank you. - That's awesome. - You were doing some plumbing. It was laying pipe. (all laughing) - This is the home of Mojo in the morning. (upbeat music) - The world famous Channel 955. - Mojo in the morning, so KP and Lydia, they roomed together in Disney World, and they hung out with each other in the hotel room. And it made me think about, I'm going away this week for a radio convention. I'm going to that morning show boot camp. And I had a friend, a radio friend, who I would say is moderately a good friend with me. Like, moderately good friend in the point that we talk radio to each other, but that's pretty much it. Like, we don't talk, you know, a lot of personal stuff. Like, he's never been to my house. I've never been to his house. - You're not calling him to get out of jail. - Exactly. - Got it. - Like, if I actually get myself into legal hot water, I will call you guys, or I'd call like, my old boss Tim, or, you know, Tony Trevato, or somebody like that to bail me out. This guy is not on that scale. He asked me if he could room with me, and stay in my room at the convention that I'm going to. Now, no offense, and I'm not trying to be bougie or anything like that. But if I stay in a hotel room, I want to stay by myself. - Absolutely. - Like, I think I've grown out of roommate status, okay, with people in hotel rooms. How did you guys do, by the way, with this, with staying together, was, did you learn, is this the first time you guys stayed in the same room with each other? - Yes, it was. - Look at what he was looking at. - How was that for you guys? - I learned that Lydia does not fart. - And I learned that K.P. does. (all laughing) - Was she just blowing it all the time, or something, or what? - I don't know, I don't know, Lydia, we are so comfortable. - In her sleep, so her snoring woke me up. But that wasn't the first time it woke me up, because the second time, there was a huge fart. - They could feel it vibrating across the sky. (all laughing) And the fact that we didn't even talk about this, literally, I just said the fart thing to be funny, and that's exactly what she was coming to this topic about, I had no idea. - It's like she knew, in a way. And before that, we had been looking for somewhere to eat and drink, so we were looking through the lobby after we went to Disney, and she farted. And I didn't even hear it, and she looked at me, and she goes, "I just farted, just so you know." - Oh, I hate you, you tell people when you fart, and she's like, "Yeah, it's just kinda incurred, isn't it?" (all laughing) - Oh, well, Jack dropped us in us, and I was not about to do it to you. - God, I gotta tell you, that's actually pretty good of you, that you actually, well, for a warrant ahead of time. - Well, I thought you heard it, it was literally like, I was like, "Ugh, I just farted." - No, I thought that was your flip-flop. - Dang, it was like that. - What did you eat? - What was it that you were eating? - Yeah. - What did I eat? - I don't know, EPCOT food. (all laughing) - It was the Caesar salad, she had about three of those things throughout the whole day. - Oh, that's making gassy. (all laughing) - Do they? - In the lettuce. - I'm trying to help out. (all laughing) - I can't tell what he said. - It's interesting, she had so many. - Wow. (all laughing) - I just love Caesar's salad. - Can I tell you why I didn't want, and don't want to room, it's to a point, I haven't even officially told him no yet. I don't wanna tell him no, because I feel really bad, it will make me look like I'm not being nice to the guy, and the guy does well, he can afford his own hotel room. The last time that I roomed with somebody was Jeff Dollar, who, Shannon, you know Jeff. - Oh my God, yes. - Jeff does radio in Atlanta. And in the middle of the night, I woke up to go to the bathroom, and we had two beds in the room. My room was 60 degrees, 'cause he turned the AC way down, and he was sleeping naked on top of the covers. (all laughing) - On his back. - Showing you. - Showing everything. But what would be worse on his back or on his belly? - Honestly, I would almost rather see his buttocks. - Cheeks, you know. - I would almost rather see that. Lydia and KP, are you guys naked sleepers, or do you hurt me or something? - I had to wear pants. - Wait, did you? - Wait, did you? - So, do you not sleep with clothes on when you're, when like Lydia, before she got there, do you sleep with clothes? - No, I sleep with clothes. - What about you, KP? - I wore like a t-shirt. - That's it? - Yeah. - So, and that's in everything else. - Yeah. - And you, so you had to, did you put, did you do that? Did you wear the t-shirt, and did you keep the undies on and stuff like that? - I kept everything on, 'cause I wasn't about to have-- - You didn't want that to. - Well, plus, you were blowing ass today. - Yeah, I was all so farting, so. I gave her one of these. Can't give her both, one of the other. - You wanna give out pink eye. (all laughing) - Do people have to share rooms for their works, and stuff like that? Do you have to like do that? 'Cause that's awkward when you have to share room. - They can't force you to do that, can they? - I feel like that's a huge, huge-- - No, they can. - That happened to me one time. I got, I was hosting an event in an organization-- - Tell me one bed? - No, no, no, so look, so, look, I got, I'm, man, I'm stuttering, I don't know what's going on right now. So, I got flued out for it, flued out. So, I was hosting an event, they flew me out, put me up in the hotel room. By the time I get there, it was like around midnight. So, I walk into my room, and there's like a suit hanging up, I'm like, what's going on here? I walk more into the room, there's two beds in there. He's got all his stuff in there. I walk into the shower, he's got like, "Alonas" stuff said, "I'm like, nah, bro, "this is not going down." So, I called him, and he's like, "Yeah, I thought it would be cool." It's not, this is a work event. We not homies, find your own room, right? This is not what's happening right now. - Just moved his stuff into your room. - No, they like set it up to where I was gonna share a room with one of the guys-- - But did that tell you before? - They didn't tell me, like, what are we doing? To your point, I'm too grown for this. That's not what's happening. - Surprise. - Yeah. - It's the prize, you gotta go find another room. - Yeah. - Wait, so, what did you tell, what did you end up telling, like what's gonna happen? - So, I'm talking to him today, and I'll be honest, if the rooms weren't so expensive, 'cause it's in Dallas, and the rooms are expensive, they're like $275, almost $300 a night, I would have bought him his own room. Like, I would have just said, you know what, I'll just pay the own room, but then I thought, there's no way, I, what I'm gonna tell him, 'cause my son's going to the thing, my son's going to the, I heard, or the boot camp or whatever it is, so I'm gonna tell him that Joe is staying with me, which technically, he's not, he's staying with Jed in his own room, but I'm gonna make Joe pretend like he's staying with me, and every night, we're gonna go to bed, and we're gonna walk to the same room, and then I'm gonna be like, all right, Joe, get the hell outta here, try it. I don't mind, like, I don't mind sharing a room with him, I definitely don't wanna share a room with Jed, because I gotta be perfectly honest with you. I woke up in the same room with Jed one time when we were all in Vegas for something, he came with us to Vegas, and that kid had the worst breath in the morning, I was like, that, holy crap, so I didn't want him part of this whole thing. - How many nights are you staying? Like, is it just overnight? - So it's Wednesday night and Thursday night, and then I leave Friday, I come home on Friday. So it is two nights, so I would have to stay with this person for two nights, and honestly-- - You're allowed to say no. Or, if I say yes, do I say yes, but with stipulations, you gotta wear clothes, and you can't touch the thermostat. - You cannot say yes, 'cause you are gonna be miserable, and we're gonna have to hear about it all week, until you go, so please say no. - It doesn't bring me to say no for you, I will say no for you. - Please, I might have to, what's that? - Bro turn the air condition on. (laughing) - Slick his clothes off. - Yeah. - And we out here with the Eiffel Tower. (laughing) - 'Cause you end up sleeping or having Joe come up, you gotta commit, you gotta post to your story, you gotta picture of you and Joe, like cuddling everything. (laughing) - I'm not even seizing her in there. - You're reading bedtime stories, like Jung's too. - Joe hasn't been in the same bed with me, since he was a little boy, and he would jump in our bed at night. What's going on, Rob? - How you doing? First of all, I'd say I love you guys. - Ah. - I see you every day. - We love you too. - Thanks, Rob. - So, company I used to work for about 10 years ago, paid for a company, a seminar, and they tried to bump you with a guy I never met. And I am like you, Mojo, I gotta be alone. I pay for my own room, even though the company paid, and put two people to a room. - I think you're smart doing that. I hate to say it, it costs you money out of the deal, but you got your sanity out of the deal, right? - Sanity, comfort is important to me, that was huge. - Yeah. And honestly-- - You can poop whenever you want, and I don't have to worry about timing it with your shower. - If I was 25 years old, in my young 20s, like KP and Lydia are, I'd have no problem with this. That's when I, that's okay. But I think that once I got to a point where I started paying taxes from more than just me and my wife, it's like I'm done with it, I can't do it. I can't share a room. One time here, Rob, at the radio station, we had to put four guys in the same room that we actually did butts to nuts. And it was like the craziest thing in the bed. There was, we had, it was Eric Chad and myself in the same bed together at one point. That used to work on the other show. Oh my God, it was horrible. - Yeah, I did that one time. It was not butts to nuts, but I slept with co-workers before. - Yeah. - Yeah, we had like a, it was, it was men and women, so it was a little cool. - Me and Lydia worked. - Me and Lydia worked. - And we learned so much about each other, Shannon. - I'm with you a million times over again. - Which one of you guys was the fatter? - Me and then also, I think she only wants to room with me so she can get more weird photos of me to you. (laughing) - Mojo in the morning reminds you that if you really show a lot of love to the crazy chick at work, it'll drive her insane. There's public service from Mojo in the morning. - Channel 955. - Mojo in the morning show, phone number eight for for Mojo Live, Texas 95500. If you do text us, understand that we would love to talk to you, so a lot of times we'll call you up. So if you get a call and it says I heard radio or it says unidentified, it's usually us doing that. So pick up the phone and say hello. - Kevin, the rules did you? - Dating. - Yeah, man. I feel like, well, Megan, I don't know your situation per se, but I know you've had like thoughts before surrounding like friends and your brother and I feel like I need your advice on this type of thing. - I've never had thoughts about anything. - And, okay, by the way, my family loves you. They talked about you this week, I was like, "Man, we love Megan, so you gotta come through." - What do they say about the rest of us? - Yeah, so, (laughing) I love everybody, but Megan has a special place in their hearts, so that's it. So people listen to the show, so I'm not gonna name names, by the way. - By the way, Megan, I just want you to know you are, that's the biggest compliment ever, isn't it? - I don't. - Did you love it? - Let's see my face right now, I genuinely glow. - We can hear your face. - She's so excited, we can hear your face. - Well, you know, you can tell somebody smile. - Yeah, yeah. - Yeah, 'cause I really smile, you can really. - It's Megan's like, seriously, she's gonna feel, and she's gonna take this to the meeting later day and go, Kev's family likes me. - Yeah, I can't wait to get all of the negative reviews from our boss, I'm gonna be like, "I don't care, Kev's family likes me." (laughing) - I'm not talking to people! (laughing) - Look, you invited, you invited me, so, look. So yeah, so there's been some energy in the air amongst my family. And long story short, there is someone in the family who's had a best friend for like 20 plus years. They go way back, they know everything about each other, like everything, this is their best friend, this is their person. Long story short, that best friend is now dating a set person's brother. - Uh oh. - And have been dating them for three months before anybody knew. So the question is, like, why is it a secret? And the best friend says, because the brother told him not to tell anyone. Because if the brother tells, then he thought that, you know, his sister would have put the combustion everything, that she would have been opposed to it, and they wouldn't have been able to be together. So, it's caused like this real rift between these best friends. And you would think that like 20 plus years it'd be able to just like wipe away, but like the energy is off, the vibrations are weird. - The trust is probably not there. - The trust is there thinking like, man, we were supposed to be each other's person. How could you go this long and not tell me, regardless of what my brother's telling you? Like, we have our own relationship that predates this new relationship that you have. How could you not tell me? And I'm thinking like, what are the rules? Like, is it okay to date your best friend? Do I need to go through you? - Is it okay to date your best, your sister or brother's best friend? Is that what you're saying? - Yeah. - So, lots of experience with this one, because my brother had decided to date my best friend. And funny thing is, guess who I don't talk to anymore? - Uh-oh. - My best friend. Here's, I don't think it's necessarily crossing the line to date a sibling just right off the bat. Like, I wanna make that really clear, that was not the issue. I think the issue, and unfortunately they fell for it, is keeping it secret and hidden. And I think that's where the distrust comes in. And I also think a big part of it is not necessarily like you dating. Like, I'm happy for you while you, you're dating, but I know the issues it's gonna cause me when you guys break up. - But like, the forecasting though, like saying that you know they're gonna break up. Like, do you know that that, do you know so much about your best friend, that you know they're not the right person for your brother, or do you know something about your brother? - No. And, and, if it works out, that would make me the happiest person on the planet, because to have like my best friends, be best friends, is like, perfect. But, if it doesn't work out, then you put me in the terrible situation of now having to choose. - Yeah. See, I've never put myself in that position. Like, I have friends whose sister is like, you know, I was attracted to whatever the case may be. And I've never wanted to cross that boundary, 'cause I just feel like that's a boundary that you don't cross. - Did your sister have any friends though that you liked? - I mean, they were cute, but I never like, - You never? - Never went in that direction. - What's the age difference between you and your sister? - Three or four years. - Okay, so it could be with it's possible. - Yeah, that's not crazy. - Megan, have you ever had any friends of your brothers that you liked? - No. - I just don't think they hung out with crowds that were my vibe, but let's just say that. They were a little different. - What is, so, if in this case with these people, Kevin, he said keep it secret, don't say anything. And the friend said, okay, in Captain Secret. And then, how did it come out? And eventually. The wildest story ever. So, their daughter had a graduation party. And mind you, 'cause I was asking questions yesterday, I'm trying to uncover this thing. I was on my mojo lot. So, I'm asking questions, and the brother had attempted to invite his sister out. Like, hey, let's get a drink. I wanna tell you about something. I got some big news. - Okay. - Then they canceled. - Like he's ready to change. - Yeah, then the second time I was like, I got a new girl, I wanna do it, and then they canceled. And then the third time, he comes over to their daughter's graduation. Not only tells everyone, but has a whole video that he put together. - And the graduation? - At the graduation party. - How do you present a video like that at a graduation? - Like a real, like a highlight, real of the love. - Hold on, everybody. Let me grab the remote. Let me switch to YouTube. - You know how long it takes to type out the letters? Like, typing out the letter and lastly. - People, what was everybody's reaction at the graduation party? 'Cause obviously they didn't know everybody involved. - Yeah, shock. There were gasps. - There were, I mean, we noticed, like this person has been around for 20 years. And then I think he did like it. And the person is, like boom, like first he did the announcement, like the person is and it in walks her. - It's a game show. - Legitimately, and it in walks her, but it's like, she's always here. So it wasn't like, it was shocked. Then the video came on, everybody was like. - They have to fake it when they're at parties before this. Like if they're at parties together, they can't even be next to each other and holding hands or, you know, showing any affection or whatever to each other. Nobody caught on that these two guys were dating. - And they look so happy now. Like they look amazing. - They finally got it out. - It looks like it's the best thing for the both of them. - Yeah. - Like the vibe that is caused between, you know. - All right, so here's the thing. You know how, when you're gonna ask, you know, you're gonna ask for somebody's hand in marriage, the protocol is to go to the father of the girl and do that. If you start dating a friend of a sibling, do you have to go to your sibling and ask for your permission to go do that? - I kind of feel like you have to. - 844-Mojo-Live, 84466-5, whatever the number is. 844-665-6548, 844-Mojo-Live or text is 955-00. Some listeners that are going through this right now, going through the exact same thing, Ramona. Hi, Ramona, what's going on? - I am actually going through this whole thing right now. So my best friend of 30 years is now dating my brother and they kept it from me for months. And they claim they kept it from me because they said that they didn't know if they were gonna be serious and they didn't know if they should tell me and they wanted to go on a couple of dates. Problem with that though, is there is a local of trust that is just gone because she was my writer guy. She's been my best friend for 30 years. And my brother is also one of my best friends who I tell everything to, only to know that they talked about things, they did things, like behind my back. And they just had a really hard time knowing that I can't trust her and I can't talk to her. And anything that goes on, I know that they're talking about it. So I found out that those things that I didn't know, they were doing without me. And it was just really hard. - Is the thought two of them sexually being together weird for you? - Yes. Oh my gosh. (laughs) - Right. - Just knowing that I'm not, I can't talk to them and it's funny because we've talked about, we've talked about everything and now, like we've talked about people we've dated and truth of words and I'm divorced. And we've talked about all these things and now knowing that everything. - That he knows about it. He knows all the stuff. - How long have they been together? - They've been together now, I think nine months. I didn't know until about five months in. - Okay. - Who are you more sad to lose? Your brother or your friend? - Well, that's like one A, one B. I see my best friend a little bit more just because I would tell her absolutely everything. And now I can tell her nothing because even when you tell family secrets or traits or oh my gosh, my brother's driving me crazy or my mom's doing this, I can't say any of those things anymore. I can't say anything to him either. - You gotta be careful, yeah. - Who is this Chris, Chris, who are you? - Hi, this is Chris, I'm Kevin's cousin. - Do you want to be voice recorded or not? I mean, voice disguised or not? - Oh no, I don't have to be good place guys. - Who is Chris? Explain who Chris is then. Is Chris the, in Kevin and the whole story? - You met him, they were at the gender reveal. - Okay, so is Chris though in this story, Chris is the person dating? - No, no, no, no, this is the sister, the friend. - So, oh, so Chris, your friend is dating your brother? - She is. - And are you mad? - I'm not mad that he's dating my brother, but I'm definitely mad that there was a big secret. - Yep, yep, yep, yep. - Who are you more mad at, your friend or your brother? - I'm more mad at my friend because I have higher expectations out of her. - Yeah, no, I agree with that, yes. - Seriously. - Yeah, have you noticed, have you noticed like you don't hang out with her as much, you don't talk to her, like how has it changed your relationship now that you know and you're aware? - Oh, it's changed it completely because it's just like, I don't feel comfortable sharing my life with her because she might share it with my brother. I don't feel comfortable sharing things with my brother because he might share it with her. And so, it was, it was an uncomfortable situation. They're both beautiful people. They're really happy, but it's just how it unfolded, that was uncomfortable for me. And so, yeah, we're just not where we were. - Yeah. - Did they explain why they chose to reveal it at the graduation party? (laughing) - Because my brother is special. (laughing) So, actually my daughter is homecoming send off. And so, he had been telling me about this amazing woman that he's dating and how he can't wait for me to meet her. And so, I was really excited about meeting her. And so, we're at the homecoming send off. And I'm like looking out the window, can't wait to see who my brother's dating who's changed his life. And then I walk around the corner and it's my best friend. (bell ringing) - No, not the type of sanity. - What was the first words that came out of your mouth when they announced it? Like, what's the first thing you said to 'em? (laughing) - You can't see the effort on the radio. (laughing) Just so you know. (laughing) - That was there, so I think I said, are you freaking kidding me? - Wow. - Yeah, so it was just weird. - Yeah. - And because it was like the violation of a girl cold. - Yeah. - I'm not feeling that she needed to ask my permission to date my brother, but I definitely would have liked the heads up and not this big enough. - Do they make a cute couple though? - They really do. - They really do. - Wow, okay. Well, that's good. - He has changed my brother because he was, you know, he was a, he was an interesting guy, but she has settled him and so it's really a good thing for both of them, but I just don't like. - You think she's told him everything that you have said about him over the years? Or did she just kept that in her vault? Oh geez, all right. - Probably, probably. - Well, maybe the next celebration will be their wedding. - You know what? I really think that it will be their wedding and hopefully I'll be over it by then. - Will you be the maid of honor or the best man? Who knows? - Yeah, I probably will be the maid of honor. I mean, she's a beautiful person inside and out, so I'm probably going to get over it, but I'm still in the state of shock. - And Megan wants to know if you have any other brothers. Is it true, by the way, that your family likes Megan? I want to know why that's the case. - Oh, we love Megan. We love, seriously, like, more than heaven. No, just kidding. - Mojo in the morning. Do not let Shannon plan a party for you, or in this case, what was it, a shower? - It is a bridal shower. But I love party planning, by the way. I just, I feel like my brain is so overloaded at the moment that I am spacing and dropping the ball and forgetting things. So you guys all know my Pam, the babysitter that basically helped me with the kids from the time Lucy was born until earlier this year, she's become family to us, and she's getting married in September. And so I am not only helping her plan her wedding, which I think she's now realizing is not the best idea at all, but I also wanted to throw her a bridal shower. And so I have been planning this thing for months. The shower is three weeks away, okay? I have ordered the decor, I've ordered the flowers, I hired a great friend of the Mojo in the morning show, Chef Tom from the Hudson Cafe to cater this thing for us, because it's all like a brunch bridal shower. Three weeks away, I'm in bed last night, and I realized, first of all, I can never sleep. I wake up in the middle of the night and I'm thinking of all the things I have to do. I realize I forgot one very important part of this bridal shower. I forgot to send out invitations. Oh no. So I have everything planned for the shower, except I have zero guests. Because they don't know about it, huh? It's gonna be a great party for just you. It's good for me and for Pam and her mom, who are the only three that know that this is happening. What was it that got no-- - I don't know, you know what-- - Can you please flip your mind? - You know what, yes. I think I was so focused on all of the details and making sure everything was gonna be perfect for her and I have a few surprises that I'm gonna do for her. And so I was so focused on all of that and I forgot the main part of like sending out. So this morning, and Kev, you can see on my computer, like I literally have an e-vite, 'cause I'm gonna e-vite it. I was gonna send out beautiful invitations, nope. I mean, I have to do this fast so that the people who hopefully can make it, have a three week heads up if this is happening. - Now, the funny thing is, the people that are, you're doing this bridal shower, or the people that you're inviting us bridal shower, are all gonna think that it was Pam that made it last moment. - I know. - I know. - I know. - Yeah. - They're not gonna be like-- - 19 people heads up. - Pam doesn't ever try to get her. - You're getting an e-vite this morning. - Oh my God. - Oh my God. - But what happens if you send out this e-vite and people don't check their emails regularly and they still don't get it for like another week or so. - Quite honestly, if I don't get responses today, I'll start texting people. - What will you do as far as they, if you find out that not everybody or not as many people as you thought were gonna be able to come. - I know that's gonna be the case. - Yeah. - I mean, how many of us already have our weekends planned out for the next month? You know? - Oh my God. - I feel terrible. - Has that ever happened? - I just texted her about it too, and she thinks it's funny. She's like, "This is totally you." I'm like, "That is." - At least she's a good squirt. - I know. We've talked about before coming to a party or going to a party on the wrong date. We've talked before about people who, I guess through a party nobody showed because how sad is that? Like the little kid that had his birthday party remember that? Nobody showed and then we had to do a crowd fund for him and do our own little party. We've never talked about anybody who has planned a party but never invited anybody. - Nevermind the one person. - Has this happened to anybody else? - Eight for four, Mojo Live, eight for four, six, six, five, six, five, four, eight. - What are you guys doing on August six? 'Cause I'm gonna have so much fun. - I'm not making so much food. - You know what? - You have to imagine that somebody forgot to send out their wedding invites. - Oh, come on. - It's hard to have happened. - Isn't that like the most important part? I mean, I could see maybe not sending out your... Oh gosh, you're saved the dates. - Saved the dates, yeah. That's the wedding invites. That would be a wild call to get. - I'm sure it happens though. 'Cause to Shannon's point, there are so many other things that you have to think about. - Yeah, I am so stressed about, 'cause not only do I have this, but I have the wedding as well, right, that I'm helping her plan. And so, there's a huge checklist for both things, but how in the hell do I forget to invite the actual people? - Yeah, like Mike said, if you need stand-ins, immediately I'm thinking of like the Grammys with seat fillers. (laughing) - Yeah, you pay me or not pay me. You give me free food and drinks, I'll be there. - There's gonna be a mimosa bar. - No, you know what this is gonna look like? You know what this is gonna look like though? No, this is gonna look like what everybody did during COVID where nobody showed up for parties and they couldn't go, they didn't drive by parties. Yeah, we're gonna do a drive by party for this one here. - You know what I have to? - Yes, yeah, I was just gonna say I have cardboard cutouts on myself, you can use. (laughing) - I'm gonna just put it in seats. - Can choose the one of yours at 7-Eleven? Is that the one that you're talking about? - Yes, yeah, I got two of them you can use. - Mike's selling slurpies, but gonna be doing it for Pam's party. What's going on, Megan? - Hey guys, good morning. - Morning, what's going on? - Well, this is reminding me of the Friends episode where they were throwing Rachel a baby shower and they forgot to invite her mom. - Oh, that's an important invite. - I didn't really watch Friends, but that's great. - Yes, you never watched Friends? - I've seen an episode here and there, but no, I didn't really watch it when it was done. - That's a good show to catch up on. Megan, what would you do if you were getting an invite to a party that was in like two and a half weeks? Would you be thinking that you were a last minute invite? - Honestly, yeah, I probably think that was the last stop, but I'm so nice that I would come with a gift. - Oh, yeah, you know what we need to do? Tell me if you think this is a good idea, Megan, 'cause you know our listeners. What if we, if nobody says that they can go to this thing, open it up to listeners and then through Pam, like a show shower. - She was up, yeah, I wish. - I love that episode, sure, she's been there ever since. - Who needs to be in this thing? Who needs to go in? - No, which misfits need to be there? Guess what? Kool-Aid lady will perform. We'll get her to- - Hey, everybody, I'm Tom- - I'm gonna fix me a big juggle. - Orange and Orange, you've Kool-Aid. - Could you imagine that? You have all the misfits, all the misfits show up to this thing and have some fun. Gina, the cleaning lady, you know, walking around. - Oh, I would love to have Gina. - Oh my gosh, dude. - It's like the copless lady who went through the carwalk. - That's right, the light hurt. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - Do you guys, Tom was Tina or Tanya? Was it Tina or Tanya, which- - Topless Tara. - Tara. - Tara. - We are slow. - Tara, hold up, you have her number? Hold on, we're dialing up topless Tara right now. Megan, we're gonna see if she can come to the party on August the 6th. I love it. I love this idea because Pam has been a part of your life for such a long time and she's been there with the kids. - Yes, almost a decade. - And she knows the show so well from over the years. It would be fun then, like every piece of the show would be part of this whole thing. People just randomly just showing, "Oh my God, who's that person?" Oh, that's, you know, I'm trying to think of- - That's Michelle, that's great here. - That's Michelle, the crazy Italian. - The crazy Italian. Actually, we could have it on her lake house and like, "Who are you?" This would be like the best. Who are, what other mystery? Hold on, I'm calling Kool-Aid lady then. Topless, Tara is not answering the phone. You know who you always invite to a parties that you know will always show up? As in Russ. - Yeah, I know. (laughing) - Let's see. You think Kool-Aid lady is up this early in the morning? None of the other misfits are picking up the phone lines. Seven, something, what is it? - Seven 36, Amy's from San Francisco. - What a mystery at this early? I feel like that's uncharacteristic of the misfits. - I know that if we were calling Kool-Aid lady at- - Hello! - Hello! - Good morning! - Hey, what's happening? - Hey, what's up man? - How you doing? - Pretty good. - It's nice to wake you up. Did I wake you up? - Uh-oh. - Hey, what are you doing on August the 6th? - Nothing. (laughing) - Wait, how do you know? You should probably look. Are you sure? - Yeah, what the hell are you doing on August 6th? - You got nothing on that calendar? - Yeah, I said this should have been the good, but you know how to do that. - There you are so many. - Listen, Kool-Aid lady, put August 6th in your calendar and we'll tell you why coming up after a moment here, okay? - Okay. - All right, you have a fantastic day. We love you so much. - Hot days, look at that thing. - Wait, can you sing a wedding song? Do you have a wedding song or anything like that? You know how to sing? - It's a love song? - Uh-oh, now right off the old thing I do is one song, and hallelujah song by that song. - Okay, perfect. All right, work on it, that's a good song. All right, I love you, Kool-Aid lady, I'll talk to you later. - Okay. - Bye, hold on, Ms. Fit Ron is on with us. Ms. Fit Ron? - Yes. - How you doing, Ron? - Listen, they were talking about the party. - Yeah. - And I can bring milk. (laughing) - I am really pretty happy I love that. I think maybe that's great. - Everybody's right. Why can't he make it off the to-do list, guys? The milk is covered. - You know what? I think that that's a wonderful idea. Thank you. - Why don't we have to bring stuff? I'm gonna come in. - Well, Ms. Fit, Ron, we are gonna tell you more about this. August 6th, you got nothing on the calendar, right? (laughing) - No, for sure, I like the, and when they were like naming off the Ms. Fit, I'm like, I know I can come. I mean, I can bring milk for sure, and definitely bring a dish to pass or a drink. - Okay. - All right, perfect. You're the best, Ron. - What about a lactose intolerant girlies? Can you bring us alternatives too? - Yes. - Oh, milk for life. - There is lactose alternative hair life. - Perfect. (laughing) - Hair life lactose free and has like 90 day shelf life. - All right, perfect. All right, thank you so much, Ron. We appreciate it. We love you. - To be fair, you've ever been at a party, or had a party, and you're like, "Man, I gotta go to the store for milk." (laughing) - You know what this party really needs. (laughing) - Shannon, she hides her crazy well. - This is Mojo in the morning. ♪ Right now, right now ♪ - Back to Mojo in the morning. - Mojo in the morning, Mojo. Shannon, Megan, Mike, Kev, KP, Lydia, Zach here today. Megan, how was your brother's birthday? I felt bad that the weather wasn't always the greatest, but did Sean have a good birthday? - I think he had a birthday. (laughing) No, it was really, really nice. I gotta tell you, it was funny the things you start asking for the older you get, because I feel like a lot of times we have everything we need, we have everything we want, and things get silly, which is why I usually ask for appliances to fix my house. You might be wondering, what did my brother ask for? Well, I'll tell you. He genuinely asked his girlfriend for matching outfits. (laughing) - He really, he's that guy. - He thinks it's hysterical. Like, he loves, if there's anything my brother does well, he commits to a bit, and he's cool. (laughing) - Our consultants would love him. - Oh, they would, they would. He wanted to match with her and go out in public specifically. It wasn't like, I wanna match with you sitting on the couch, it was like, I wanna be seen in public as the crazy people. And so she shows up to my house yesterday, and she grabs my arm, and she's like, you gotta come watch him open up his present, you gotta go, and I was like, okay. She throws the package at him, he opens it up. He is smiling from ear to ear, and I see the fabric, and it matches the dress that she's currently wearing, and I go, the matching outfits are here. Now, we decided for his birthday, we were just gonna go to like a nice little dinner, the three of us, that's what we're gonna do. And we pull up to this restaurant, and we walk in, and it's a nice restaurant, we went to see us at the Docstown town, and everybody slowly, you can almost like hear their necks creaking, just slowly turns, and gives my brother and his girlfriend the up-down, and then looks at me and go, why are you not matching? (laughing) - Well, wait, wait, wait, give me the visual, like what are these outfits, what do they look like? - Let me tell you, it is Scott makes a dream to be in this group, because it was a blue, black, and green Hawaiian print. - Oh, I'm not, oh. - An A/E, matching dress. They felt like they should be on their honeymoon in Hawaii, baby, they were happy to be together. I literally always feel like the third wheel with them, and I was like, you could not have made my third wheeliness worse, and she said to me, she was like, what do you want to match? And I was like, no, then they're going to think we're a throttle, no. - That, by the way, is a perfect honeymoon in Hawaii outfit. - Absolutely, did you know that we're together? (laughing) - All I can think about was your cruise, I'm like, this is the perfect thing. - Oh my God. - That is, by the way, Sean, bring in his girlfriend on your family vacation. - No, unfortunately not. - Oh, well then, guess who's got a match with him? - Not me. - Come on. - I have tried many times to switch my ticket name over to her name, but it won't let me. - By the way, I'm glad that you did not match, because there is something about couples that match. Once you add more people, like a third, fourth, fifth, then that basically is like one of those themed crawls. - I feel no idea. - Of crawls, you know. - The family reunion is that when they start kissing, things get weird. - Yeah, I love to see matching couples. As long as they're not me. (laughing) - Have you and Chelsea ever matched? - I was gonna say, has still ever turned to them. - We have done the whole family matching, and we all did the pictures together and stuff, and the worst is I'm like, okay, we can do the family matching, but we're gonna take the picture at home, and then we're all gonna change, right? And then she's like, no, then I thought we'd go to Jay Alexander's for a family dinner and do all this, and I'm like going, do we really need to do this? Like, honestly, we might bump into people we know. You know what I mean? Like, I don't wanna be wearing out matching outfits. - I think, I think initially, 'cause Cheryl and I have done it before. My girlfriend, Cheryl, and immediately when she asks, or says like, hey, let's do this, I'm like, ugh. But then as the day starts going, drinks are flowing, you get in the vibe, you get in the moment, it's like, hey, this is kinda cool. And then also, you do have people who walk out to you and they're like, hey, what's up, see you guys? - Yeah. - That's kinda cool. - You know what the problem is, though? The problem is when you guys get in your normal couple argument while you guys are matching, everybody notices that the matching couples are not hanging with each other. Oh, why? I wonder why they're not with each other. - Best place to see matching outfits, by the way, 'cause people get real creative with the sayings and stuff is Disney World. - Oh my God, yes. - I saw, I remember the last time we took the kids, I saw so many Hakuna and Matata shirts. I mean, there's so much of that stuff at Disney. - My favorite, though, are the fact that these people went and they figured out a way to get those t-shirts before they went down there to go buy 'em at their gift shop. Like, it's one thing to buy 'em at the gift shop 'cause they do sell 'em that way. Like, thing one, thing two and things like that. But it's another thing that you actually had to go online to find the match things matching outfits. - Well, you know the difference is, all right? - About $10,000. - Exactly, I was wondering, I'm like, what is the difference? - Real cotton versus fake cotton. - $10,000. - 844-Mojo Live, 844-665-6548 is our telephone number. Are you the matching couple, are you the matching couple people that does this thing? I always believe that it's never both wanting to do it. It's always one excited about doing it in the other that had to be, okay, I guess I'll do this. Although, in the case of Sean and his girlfriend, they may still be kind of newly dating, like newlyweds, so to speak, that they like doing stuff like this with each other. - Here's the thing, my brother was very excited to do this. His girlfriend is the most patient, happiest person in the world, and she's just one of those people that's just thrilled to see him happy. And she was just like, I'm glad he's enjoying this. - Well, I'm happy to have each other. A couple of times that I've been around your brother, he seems like a really, really nice guy. - No, he's okay. - Okay. - Geez, amazing. - Actually, and it's nice, 'cause I will say this, I've always worried, 'cause the closeness of you guys, that he was gonna meet some girl that was gonna be a total bitch. - Well, he has. (laughs) - And I thought that that would be a tough one, because you guys are so close with each other that he would have to make the decision of whether or not he was really into that girl that much, that he kind of did not treat you the way that he treats you, which he treats you so great. You guys both are great with each other, so. - We've been through that. He's had some interesting choices in the past. - As he? - Thank God, she's not one of them. - Wait, give us an example of what was like one of the worst of the worst. - Tell me the relationship you ruined. (laughs) - I didn't ruin it. Funnily enough, I, I discussed some of my concerns after a while. Like, they were together for years, and I let everything go for a very long time, 'cause it is not my place to interfere. Something happened, I'm not gonna get into. I voiced my concern, and then my brother and I didn't talk for six months. - Did he feel like you were? - Yes, you do. - I remember that. - Yes, you do, and it's funny, 'cause they're having a nice show. - Yeah. - And nobody knew that we weren't talking, and we had a, not a falling out, but it was just like a, I can't watch you go through this, and I am here for you when you need me, but I am not going to be involved. And then, thankfully, we've gotten past that. - Did he finally admit, though, like, oh God, you saved me from? - No, but it was just like a glad to have you back. - Oh, good. - My prodigal brother. (laughs) - Axel, what's going on? It's Mojo in the morning. - How much how's it going, guys? - Good, we're talking about couples who wear matching outfits. - Yeah, so my ex-girlfriend, every holiday, every special occasion wanted to wear matching outfits, especially like Halloween. She would want to be like, let's go as sexy pirates or whatever. I'm like, no, I'm not into that. I want the SpongeBob inflatable, or I want to be, you know, like those blowup costumes. - Yeah. - But either way, that was horrible, 'cause everything that we did together, she wanted to wear like this color coordinate and all that, it was horrible. - Is that the reason why you guys are not together anymore and you call her your ex? - One of many, but now the kid is like, I get a laugh out of it. I see her and her boyfriend everywhere, and they're matching and this guy looks so miserable. (laughs) - That's what I was gonna say. You have to be very careful. - What's that? - You have to be very careful if you're new in a relationship and like Shawn isn't necessarily new, but you say yes to this. She thinks you're on board for the long haul. - Yeah. - Right? - That's very true. I'm not an accessory though. (laughs) - Well. (laughs) - Combination. - Like with Vlad Halloween, she wanted to dress up, I don't know, it's something weird, but I wonder how we got the costume contest. - Yeah. - And I was like, there you go, eat that. - What'd you go as? - This big inflatable baby with a path of fire. - You're obsessed with these inflatable ones. That's one of those contest. Hey, Axel, this is what you gotta do. You gotta try to figure out what outfit they're gonna be wearing. And then you show up as the X wearing the matching outfit with her and her boyfriend. - Oh, yeah. No, I bought, as soon as we broke up, we frequent the same bar. I bought this teacher that says, "Well, it's great as that boyfriend." And she loves this. - You know what? I wonder how many times people have ever had that happen where they were wearing matching outfits. And somebody comes into the bar or the restaurant wearing that same outfit and you're like, "Crap, I don't even know "this person didn't bother me." - Mojo in the morning. My son Jacob and I were having a conversation with each other and Jacob is our psychologist and the family. He's like just, you know, like a little over a year or so from having a doctorate in psychology. - That's amazing. - And then being my official psychologist, even though it's probably not appropriate and he won't take me as a patient. But he was telling me that you should never trust anyone who only posts inspirational quotes on their social media. - Boo. - If this is you, you just booed. (laughing) Because he says, "What are they hiding?" And so I was thinking to myself, I'm like, "Wait a second, I think I have like three of them "on this radio show that do that." It's like between Kev or Shannon or Megan at times. - But B? - Yes. - What have I ever posted? - No, that's true. Well, you booed. Why do you boo? Why do you booed? - Because I don't like people who do that. - Oh, you're booing people that's post inspirational quotes. - No wonder you blocked me. - I did, it did. - It was too positive. (laughing) - Too positive? - Yeah. He actually said that he believes that you're hiding something if you are doing that. And it got me thinking to myself, you know what could be funny? Have people fill in the blank? Never trust anyone who. Because there are honestly a vast array of things that you could say, you know, by doing that. And I always will say this, never trust anyone who drives a Cadillac. For some reason, nothing against you in your Cadillac as you're driving it right now. But for some reason, I had a neighbor that used to drive a Cadillac that was not a trustworthy person. And for some reason, always brought that brand down to me for that. But do you guys have one that you would like to add to the list of Never Trust only that, Mike? - I got two. Never trust anyone who, when a kid walks up to them and says they have a phone, doesn't pretend like they're talking on the cell phone with them and play along with them. Or never trust anyone who, when a dog walks up and tries to get petted by them, doesn't pet them back. Like I said, lead to animals. - Yes. - Oh, that's a good one. - Anybody that does not reach down and actually say good boy, you know? - Yes, yeah, yeah. - Yeah, if you don't good boy it, if you're the person that kind of like, you know, oh, get that thing away from me. Never trust them. Kev always yours? - I never trust anyone that doesn't like positivity. No! (laughing) 'Cause I'll be specific. Why are you so angry? (laughing) What happened to you? Where'd you expect? - You hate them. - I have a list, I have a list of who hurt me if you wanna go through it. (laughing) - I do have two though, and they both involve socks. - Okay. - I don't need to get fixed. - Never trust anybody who sleeps in socks and never trust anybody who steps in a puddle in socks and goes, I stepped in a puddle and doesn't immediately rip them off. Like you're so random. - If your reaction is a complete disgust and get me out of here, then you've probably killed someone. (laughing) - How about this one? Never trust anyone who doesn't drink coffee. Anybody that doesn't that? - Don't trust me. - Yeah. - Yeah, no coffee for you. - Oh, I didn't realize you didn't drink coffee. - No. - I don't really drink coffee. - I had no clue. - Yeah, you do. Don't you get Starbucks drinks? - Oh, yeah. But I really am a Red Bull girl. I'm really trying to make this a heart explode. - I tried to set a girl up with Steve Gabara and she asked a question of like, what's his favorite thing to drink? And I said, he doesn't drink. And she said, I can't date him. And I said, why? And she goes, I can't trust a guy that doesn't drink. And I'm like, well, it's not, he's not drinking 'cause he, you know, this guy drinking problems. He's just not, it doesn't, he doesn't like the feeling of what it feels, what it makes him do. And she's like, of course. And then I realized you're not trusting them because you don't trust yourself not being able to drink or you feel like you're being judged by not being able to drink around. - Can I add mine? - Yeah. - Never trust a guy who knows how to play the guitar. - Oh. - Oh. - Sounds good. - And wear skinny jeans. - That's so good, she added. - And it isn't a Christian Rockman. - That's what I'm saying. (laughing) - That was my other name. I don't actually, any guy who's like, I don't know what a song for you. - No. (laughing) - Can I add something? - No, no, no. - Yeah. - 'Cause he couldn't play guitar, but he did play the ukulele at me. - Oh. - Oh. - So add that to the list. - It's kind of cute, right? - Oh, yeah, kind of cute. - What's up, Felicia? - Nope. (laughing) - Nice. - Hey, never trust anyone who? - Says that I got you. - Someone who says I got you. - I don't know if I cleaned that one. - Why explain the person that let you down? - Oh, it's a family member. And it's a long story, but I'll make it real short. He said, "I got you, I got you." When Paxton came around, he owes me money. So every time I talk to him, I got you. - That's a good, I got you. - Yeah, that's a good one, I get it. Ariel, never trust anyone who? - Who wears jeans at home? (laughing) - Wait, wait, what's the good one? So the moment that you walk in the door, you should put something more comfortable on it. - I swear to you, that's the first thing I do every single time I get home. There's so many better options. - That's a good one. - That is a really good one. - Let me unplugging short on anything else. - No pants, Winnie the Poohit. - That's also true. - Mojo in the morning, Carrie, never trust anyone who? - Doesn't like Adam Sandler movies. (laughing) - Preach, preach. - Literally a question when I interviewed people, I would ask, what's your favorite Adam Sandler movie? And if you didn't tell me one, it was not likely you would get the job. (laughing) - And by the way, the water boy. What's yours? - I love all the grown-up movies. - But all of the movies. - Oh, yeah, all right, now I'm not trusting you. (laughing) - That was a choice. - How about this one here? Never trust anyone who chews ice cream. (laughing) - Chews ice cream. - Yes, that is, well, I'm not a psychopath, baby. - Sam, never trust anyone who? - Never trust a guy that wears basketball shorts under his jeans. - Really, why is a guy wearing basketball shorts under his jeans? - Isn't that bulky? - All his life. You never know. He never does one of the games you're playing around. (laughing) - How about this one? Never trust anyone whose name is Brandon. That's one of the texts that came in from 248. How about this? Oh gosh, never trust anyone who lives in Garden City. (laughing) - Yeah, not Garden City later. (laughing) - Never trust anyone who backs into parking spaces. - Oh my God. - Oh my God, yes sir. - I'm trying to get out of here. - Never trust anyone who drinks their, or eats their, or drinks the milk in their cereal after they are done with their cereal. - Oh, depend on the cereal. - Of course, 'cause I'm serious, you have no choice. You have to do it. - Yes. (laughing) - Exactly. - Never trust anyone who chews ice. That's it, an interesting one. Never trust anyone, Marissa. - So either bite the popsicle to eat it, or eat the KitKat bar without-- - Yeah, the KitKat thing. - What's the case? - Yes. You're supposed to break off each bar, right? But there are some people that take the bar of four sticks and just take a big, all that out of it. - I don't trust anybody who decides KitKat is a good snack. - Oh, yeah, I don't like KitKat's. The newer KitKat aren't as good as with the older ones. - No, it's the new butter fingers. - They switched the chocolate. - Oh, the butter fingers. - They're terrible. - They're terrible or something, right? Don't they? - If you grab a KitKat and goes, this is gonna hit the spot, serial killer. - You mean like, okay, are you saying like, you have an option of like eight different candies and you just pick the KitKat? - I don't know if KitKat is the last candy on Earth. If you still choose the KitKat, you're in the wrong-- - I think Kit may be the first to second. - At least top five. - Yeah. - Y'all. - Wild. - Megan, give me top five chocolates, or I don't know. - Candy bars. - Yeah, candy bars, there we go. - Oh, great question. I mean, you have to put like a classic Snickers up there. - Yeah. - Okay. What else, what else? - Snickers. - Oh, Reese's Peanut Butter Cobs is number one. But if we're getting really specific, it has to be eggs or trees. - Hmm, really? - 'Cause the peanut butter to chocolate ratio is just supreme. - And what about just good old fashioned Hershey bar? - I know. - He's a crazy kid. - Oh my God. - That's number one. - Hershey bar's only purpose on planet Earth is to be put into a s'more. If you eat a Hershey bar and go, this is quality chocolate, I don't trust your opinion on literally anything, get out of my life. - Free, never trust anyone who. - Never trust anyone who wears outside clothes in their bed. - Oh, well, never get in their bed. There's probably some stuff in there. - Mm-hmm. - Yeah. - And she's in the bed too. - She's in the bed. - Yeah. - I know somebody who actually called us one time, a listener who called us one time, and I've met her a couple of times out of their stuff, who actually wears her morning outfit and her shoes in the bed, in this way, wakes up, brushes her teeth, and goes to work. That's kind of crazy. - Nice talking. - Yeah, thank you for the call. And last one, this is a definite. Steve, never trust anyone who. - Each pizza with a knife and fork. - Yeah, there you go. There have been politicians that have lost races because of that. (upbeat music) Mojo on The Morning Show. - I was worried this weekend. I was worried about Lydia. So she told us that she was gonna be going with some friends and they were gonna go to New York for the weekend. And I don't know. I guess I hear these stories all the time about how New York is like crazy right now. A lot of people have talked about, you know, that there's a lot of crime going on there and stuff. Like I guess if you're walking around Times Square, they have like cops like warning you to make sure that you watch your valuables and stuff like that. Well, I was worried about you and I'm happy that you're back. I saw that you had some fun, Shenanigans with the TikTok that was posted. You can go check it out on our TikTok and of course posted on Instagram and Facebook. Lydia, it was raining nonstop over the weekend. So Lydia was trying to see if people in New York City, the friendliest city in the world, which share their umbrella with her by randomly running up and just trying to get underneath the umbrella. - Yeah, I was gonna see if they were gonna notice and then turn around and either let me go or they were gonna tell me to get out of there. - And what did you end up finding out? - I found out that there was a guy who let me stay under his umbrella. He offered him-- - One guy. - One nice person in all of New York City. You look in the video, you can see there are people that I have gone under their umbrella and they turn around and they just give me a look like it's there. - Did you get any verbal, like get the afada hairs or any like with a New York accent or what did you get? - Nope, I didn't get any of those. - Really, just looks. - Just looks. - That's actually not bad though. That's actually pretty impressive. - Girlfriend, you could've been hit. - I was thinking about that. I was like, oh God, I feel like someone might actually swing their umbrella on my forehead. Like, you know, it just gave me a bop right over the head. - Now, who did you put a New York City with? - I went with my best friend Melanie and her sister. - Okay. - And to my surprise, I witnessed a crime after we had talked about it with Megan on Friday. I witnessed my very own across the street from my hotel. So there was this Dunkin' Donuts and it was around like eight o'clock in the morning. I was feeling like I needed to pick me up. So I walked across the street and I was standing in line for a little bit and all of a sudden there's this guy who pushes me out of the way and he's running right up to the cashier. Now he looks at the cashier and he's like, gimme all your tips and he picks up her white tip jar right in front of the cash register and grabs his hand. He puts, scoops his hand in there, grabs everything out, looks around and books it. And my heart was in my ass. (laughing) - I didn't know what to do. - Yeah. - And I'm gripping on my own bag 'cause I was like, what if he comes back in here and the cashier was like, don't worry about it, he does this every week. - Oh my God, that's like a normal occurrence? - Yeah, and I'm thinking to myself, why does no one stop this guy? Look, I wanted to be, I wanted to be super woman. Like I just wanna put on my cape and run after me. - No, no, no, no, no, no, you do that in a Macomb Township. You don't do that. - No, you really don't set it anywhere. - You don't set it anywhere. - I don't do that anywhere. - You gotta go. - You gotta go. - You gotta go. - Not now. - It was the hero in me, I just wanted to go. - By the way, wait, hold on a second, hold on. Your heart was in your ass, I've never heard that before. (laughing) - What all you sayin' about? - You want to do that? - Oh my God. - That poor woman. - Oh no, she was on phase though. She was chilling and me and my friends were shook. - Wait, where does she keep her tips? Is it behind the counter? 'Cause I would keep 'em behind the counter. - She keeps 'em right next to the cash register. - But then people lie. - If they don't see it right there, you know what I mean? It's not top of mind. - So if it happens every single week like that, please tell me that she's pullin' tips out of there and just leaving a dollar or two so she's only given the person nothing, right? - He scooped a good chunk of change out of there. - Really? - Oh yeah. - Oh my God, that's craziness. - It's wild 'cause yeah, you're right. Meghan did bring up on Friday that she witnessed a drug deal go on in Toledo when she was drivin'. And then everybody was callin' up, tellin' us about the crime or whatever that they witnessed. And I mean nowadays, honestly, like I feel like we're all oblivious to everything. And sometimes we just, 'cause we're all on our phones or all kind of like with our clout, you know, headin' the clouds. - And everybody's too scared to say anything. - Yeah. - You know, there are very few people that, I feel like would do something to stop anybody 'cause we're all so fearful that something's gonna happen to us. You know, someone's gonna pull out a gun or whatever. - Please tell me that people aren't trying to stop the thing from happenin'. 'Cause honestly, you know, I love the story that came out. Remember at the Alta in Brighton, where they had a mass amount of like, I think they were teen, what the hell is it, what is it called where you go in and you do like a flash mob? So there was a teen flash mob into the Alta where they went in there and just started rippin' things off. And it was customers and people in the parking lot that started tackling these people and that's how they got arrested. And I thought, that is the most amazing thing ever. They need to give these people like commending, you know, for what they did. No, they need to give these people a lobotomy. What the hell are you doin'? You've heard Lydia say that the heart was in the ass. Your head's in your ass. Nowadays, if you're willing to do that because you could get killed. - What did everybody else in the Dunkin' Donuts do? - They didn't seem like they thought it was a problem at all. And I feel like that's probably something that they see all the time in New York City. - They're a regular basis at least, but to me, I don't see that ever, so I was scared. They're like, where is my, where is my large with one sugar and an extra cream or something like that? You know, 844-Mojo-Live, 844-665-6548. You are the hero. Rosa? - Hey. - Hey, what's goin' on? We were talking about our very own Lydia in the middle of a crime and she wanted to play hero. And thank God she didn't. - Well, I played hero in like about 10 years, almost like 10 years ago. I don't know if you guys remember hearing about it, but it was like a great deal, it's for us in the attempted carjacking and kept that big. - Oh, wow. Yeah, where was it? - It was a great legs crossing attempted carjacking. - Okay. - Oh my God. - All right. - So I was the 18-year-old, what's it called? Went in there and stopped it from happening and ended up grabbing her, pushing her out the way, telling her to run to safety and everything. And I almost got kidnapped in the process. - Oh my God. - Wait. - Was it a complete stranger that was getting kidnapped or carjacked or did you know the person? - No, I had no idea who she was. It was the first time I actually went to Great Lakes crossing and I just fell in the car and I saw it happen and I kind of just like jumped into action and without even thinking. And then like maybe 10 minutes later, the detective comes up to me. - So did you see the gun? No, I don't know. (laughs) - Oh my God. - And in saying that to you was he saying you shouldn't have done what you did? - No, no, no, no, it's just more like, he's like, I can't believe it happened. - Oh, okay. - Honestly, I bet he was probably thinking it, but he was happy that you did something to save this person. The person that you saved, did you guys ever get a chance to kind of sit down and talk or spend any time together? - We're actually really close friends. - That's awesome. - Oh, that is wow. - Yeah. - Yeah. - All right, so we were still talk to those days. - So looking at what happened to you, and again, this was when you were 18 years old, how long ago was this? - Like about 10 years ago. - So 10 years ago, looking at what happened to you or almost potentially could have happened to you. Would you do it again? - 100%. - Yeah. - 100%. - Wow. - Well, actually, no, you don't remember what phrase that now. Probably not as much as because I do have a, I have my son now, so it's like, I don't want to risk him losing his mom, but I would still do it again, just because putting somebody else's life is more, you know, even just trying to help out as much as I can, that's more important to me, I guess. - Listen, I'm going to say this to you. You are brave, but I would tell you that a majority of the police and stuff would say to not do it, to not do what you did. - Yeah, no, I'm pretty sure. Probably like, you're going to dub for go get us. So let's not do that again unless you're trained professional. - Yeah. - That's amazing, amazing story. Thank you for the call. Angela, what's happening? - Hi. - Hi, Angela. You actually put your nose into somebody's business that was trying to do some bad stuff? - Yeah, I did. It was actually at Great Lakes Crossing as well. So like, we're in the food core and I was shopping for my daughter's birthday and I was gratified to eat and we were sitting down and I noticed that these two people were sitting back to back, you know, two different races. They didn't seem like they know each other. And the one with the lady with big, beautiful curly hair and this guy was just scooting his chair, close her and close her and it was just out of the corner of my eye and I noticed it. And he was like touching her hair and like smelling her hair and stuff. And then I didn't say anything to my husband until I didn't see him, slide his shoe off. And then he slid his foot under the chair and was rubbing his foot with her foot. And I told my husband and he was like, "No, no, no, they're together. They gotta be together." I was like, "No." I was like, "They're not together." I was like, "Look how they're sitting." I was like, "They're not together." Something just ain't right. So the girl gets up after him touching her again. She like noticed it finally. And then she got up and left and then he got up and followed her. So I was like, "Oh, no, no, no, no, no." I was like, "This ain't happening in front of me. Like this ain't happening in front of me." So I got up, I went and got the girl. The guy sits down at a table. She's me talking to her and she's like, "No, no, no, I don't know who he is." I'm like, "Get off the phone." I was like, "What are you on the phone with?" "Hang up the phone and what with me?" And he'd come with me right now. So she hangs up the phone and I'm like, "Did you know that guy that was sitting behind you?" She's like, "No, I didn't know him." I was like, "You didn't feel him touching your hair and rub his leg with his foot." And she said she didn't feel it or notice it? Or she was just scared. No, yeah, she freaked out. We both freaked out. My husband was like, "Oh my God, I'm so sorry. I'll never not believe you again." We went and got the security guard and looked into this. That's even crazier. They didn't call me for like three days. So I finally decided to call back and check up on the girl with somebody dude, like tell me what happened, she's okay, right? So the security guard was like, "Oh my God, I'm so glad you called. I lost your number. I'm so sorry." He's like, "I just wanted to thank you." He's like, "We went back and looked on the camera all day." Not only did he do it to her, he did it to nine other girls. - Oh my God. - Oh my God. - Oh my God. - Oh my God. - You know, I will say this to you that first off you're amazing. And I know that I'm gonna contradict myself. But in that case, what you did, I think was even safer than with the other people. Because well, it was risky, but it was safe because you got her up in a public place and walked away with her. - You weren't confronting the man. - Instead, well, and instead of-- - Oh, I was going to. - Yeah. - I was going to. My husband said, "Don't you do it." He said, "Don't, don't take them down." 'Cause you know, I'm a big girl, I'm not a big girl, but I'm pretty tough, and you know, it was just like, something wasn't right. It was like really late, it just like the corner. See something, say something, do something, you know what I mean? - Listen, that's the big thing. I don't wanna discourage anybody from doing that. See something, say something. You gotta say something if you see it, but be careful of jumping into somebody's car, you know, doing that. Even though-- - Oh, of course. I definitely-- - You should see, man, our messages right now are people saying people need to step up a little bit. If somebody knew that somebody was gonna step up and stop them, then they wouldn't go and do this. Thank you for the call. One last one, Dana. - Yeah. - Hey, Dana. What's going on? - Good morning. - Morning. - So I was at the Bertrand Mall one time, and this guy, I was kind of by the door waiting for my husband to be done looking at what he was looking at. And a guy opened the door and grabbed a box of like a whole pots and pans set by the door. And so I held the door open for him, thinking he had already purchased and just pulled this truck up to get it. And then another guy dumped out of the truck and they start grabbing like as many as they could. And I was like, wait a second, they're stealing. And I said it to the lady and she's like, "Yeah, I can't do anything about it." And I'm like, I just held the door open for them to steal. So I ran outside and like chased their truck for a minute to get their license plate number. My husband was like, "What in the world are you thinking?" - That is true when you work in retail. I worked in retail for a really long time. They tell you you cannot stop the shop lifter. You have to call them all security and they have to do it. - Were they able to ever catch the person by giving the driver's license plate number? - I don't know, I did end up getting the plate number, but I just like don't have that concept of that fear in me. So the tech is all the time and people are like, "What were you thinking?" But I wasn't even caught in my mind in that second that it could be dangerous. - Were you pissed that they got those pots for free? - I was pissed that I held the door open for that. - Like you are helping them. - What's going on? - But you are making it easy for them. - At least give me a saucepan for guys saying I got to the whole deal. - Quick question, can we have a quick question? - Yeah, I can have a quick question, honestly. - Okay, when is it the right time to ask for a raise? 'Cause I just feel like where I'm at in my career. On this station, Colleen, president, Tony Trevato, turn your radios up. Laronda, Megan with Michigan State, turn your radios up. Chelsea with the business, turn your radios up. This is an equal opportunity employment conversation. - Wait a second, are you asking when is it? - When is it the right time in your career to ask for a raise and how should you go about doing it if you feel that you're at the point where you deserve more money? So the effort in work you put in. - So you're asking us and the listeners to give you advice on how to get a raise? Is that what you're asking? - Correct. - Okay. - All right. - I like this. - What say you, Mr. Mojo? - What say me? - Yeah. - I don't know, I'm caught off guard here right now. - Okay. Ladies, hold on, let me thank. - Mike? - The only people I ever know who got a raise were just leaving their jobs. (laughs) - Really? - I actually got a two, what? - Yeah? I said, I'm actually gonna piggyback and just hang out and hear what everybody says 'cause I would love to hear this answer. (laughs) - So Meghan, you're saying that the only people that you know that have gotten raises is when you go in and say, I've got another job. So you got to have- - No, not even at their current job. They only get the raise by leaving their position and going somewhere else. - Because that is actually an interesting thing. I will say this to you and Meghan brings up a point on that one. I have gotten raises based on other people sniffing around. - And so that's like, if I have gotten raises when other radio stations have been interested in wanting to hire or, you know, when there's been opportunity to do the- - Oh, someone's on sniffing. (laughs) - Please sniff me. - Please sniff me. - Hold on. (laughs) - Hold on. - I would love to know what people are doing in their industries when they feel like it's time to level up. - The boss's hotline number. - Let's go, which boss? - You talk to the PD. - The program director. - The program director, Tony Trevato, called up his Trevato line here. - Well, hello, Mr. Program Director. - Tony Trevato, look at him calling in here this morning. First off, did you like to talk to Kevin on this? - Just to be clear, Lydia called me. So I- - Oh, Lydia been on one today. - Lydia's very journey. - I'm hoping you'll have one now, Tom, aren't I? - She said, she said, "Kevin's been here at least a couple of weeks. He wants a raise." (laughs) - Have you hit a year yet? - No, it's coming down. - Okay, all right. Kevin, Kev's looking for Tony as a boss. And you know, this could actually backfire against you and be used against you. What has been your best way that you personally have gotten raises, but also what are some of the ways that people, you know, should come to their bosses to ask for raises? - Well, I like to go in my boss's office and take stuff off the desk and hold it hostage. (laughs) - That can raise money, you know, stealing supplies and reselling them on Facebook Marketplace is a good idea. Just trying to think of other ways to make money. - He is. So Steve is so excited, though. By the way, you know, he takes everything literally. - By the way, don't do any of those. I was joking. - Yeah, you understand that Kev takes this stuff literally and he already steals enough stuff from you. - Anytime I go into Tony's office, I leave more things than I take away. - Really? - That is true. - Exactly. - Were you the one that left me oranges the other day? - I cannot take credit for the calcium. - Okay. - For the calcium? - Tony, this is a really good question, though, when people come to you, and I'm sure you've had employees come to you and ask for raises, like, what is the way that works? - So I think people don't understand, this is in every business, whether you sell cars, whether you're a landscaper, no matter what, you have a certain value to the company, like you bring in a certain dollar amount and you have to understand how you're measured by that company. You know, what's really important to the company? And I've explained that to people not in radio. I've explained that to people in other businesses and they're like, oh yeah, that doesn't apply in my job. I promise every company has a way of evaluating people based on the contributions to that company. You have to know what those categories are by which you're evaluated. - Yeah, and Tony, I'm gonna be quite honest with you. I didn't learn that until very, very late in my career. The importance of that. I always thought that it was the ratings. And if you brought ratings, that meant a lot. And naturally, I enjoyed the advertisers that would do certain things with us on the show because I enjoyed people and I also enjoy money. And when I realized later in my life is that the advertising on your show is what benefits you as much as your listenership does. And obviously the listenership needs to go to the advertisers' businesses. But you bring up a really good point 'cause that's so true. How much money is the waitress at the, you know, the Lulu's, Coney Island, bringing for them by working more tables and making people happy and all that stuff. That will bring value to them. I get it, that's a very good point. As far as-- - Well, it works, yeah. Works two ways because, you know, you can bring in a certain amount of money, but if you do things and screw up to cause the company-- - There you are. - Are you talking about me running spots after 10 a.m.? - No, no, no, no, you are aren't you? - Let's leave one time, Tony. - Yeah, wait, oh, speaking of that, hold on a second, hold on. Hold on, Alicia, Alicia wants to comment on Kev asking for advice on how to get a raise. - Hi, Kev, it's your biggest supporter. - Good morning. - How are you? So, you remember me right from, like, the hyping you up with the traffic and stuff? - Oh, yes, I love you. - Okay, okay, so here's the thing. I'm a business owner too. You can't wake up late and not come in and ghost everybody and then ask for a raise. (laughing) Alicia, I blame the good people at Apple and Tim Cook. I set my alarm, I have no idea what happened. - Well, that's all that burned in their mind now is that you go sit down and now you're like, hey, can I have some more money? - Listen, it has been, I'm not asked, this is not my plea to ask for a raise. I am doing this for the good people of the world. You may have this question and may not have the words or the tools in order to properly do it. - If you had more money, Kevin, if you were giving more money, you would be able to buy another alarm clock. - So that you would never happen again. - Yeah, fill me a louder alarm clock. - Yes, absolutely. - Jennifer would like to comment to the boss, Tony. What's that, Jennifer? - Good morning, everybody. Good morning, Tony. - What's up, Jennifer? - Say, I am a very, very, very long time listener. Okay, not my first time calling, but Kevin has made the best improvement to the show in a very, very, very long time. I love listening every single morning, because of Kevin, so give him his raise. - Oh, Jennifer! - Wait, is that all right? - Save this clip. - Just have a good person call it. - Save this clip. - By the way-- - Well, you could give Megan a raise too while you're-- - I'll take it, I'll take it, I'll take it. - We're throwing out raises. - I saw that everyone seems to go like me, the raise. - Thank you. - All right, I'm aboard. - That's the number one listener of the day. - Give Kevin his raise. - Yes, let the dominoes fall. - Jennifer, Shannon, you gotta keep going, Shannon. - Poor. (all laughing) - She needs a raise, 'cause she's getting married. - That's right. - That's right. (all laughing) - Like, she really needs a raise. - Can I say Jennifer that Jennifer, you had Kev at Hello, you've added an improvement, and now you just spread his raise out amongst everybody on the show. - I want everybody to win. - I've been listening for a long time. - Yes. - I'm 30, I'll be 38 this year, so-- - Turner. - I'm listening forever. - Thank you. - Thank you, Jennifer. - By the way, I-- - I love you guys. A lot of you Jennifer. - I love you, Jennifer. - My family, to me, I call in all the time. I message you guys on Insta. I even, I love Chelsea. Chelsea needs a raise, like-- (all laughing) - Oh, my God, here we go. (all laughing) - Listen, we're gonna put a GoFundMe up on that. But I will say this. I will say that, and this is to not just Tony being on the phone, but, you know, the bosses. Kevin is awesome. Kevin has definitely done a very good job. This is a great team. We have a great, great team, and I support everybody getting raises. - Amen. - I go in-- - Tony, are you still there? - He's still there. - Yeah, I'm totally at that. (all laughing) - Matt, can I ask you a question? - Yeah, yeah, what's up? - Is there something specific that you want to raise for that is like on your list to buy? - I'm sorry. - It's a relevant text, me, and tell. (all laughing) - I think quality of life overall, but it would be great when searching for a wedding ring. - That's exactly what I was hoping you would say. At this point, it was really just-- - I got a guy. - I got a guy. - I can't get you a raise, but I got a guy if you need a guy. I got a guy, guy, guy. Matter of fact, we can work something out, but I will say this to you, the one thing I do also think as far as over the years, the raises were something that Chelsea and I talk about this a lot. We would pray sometimes about certain things, and I know you're a big believer in the power of prayer, but a lot of times when we would have kids, like all of a sudden she got pregnant with baby number two, Jacob, and that was like holy Jesus, what is going on here? And then baby number three. But I think sometimes when you put yourself in the right spot, it just happens. So, and this is the thing that Norm Shrut used to tell me this all the time. The legendary Norm Shrut, our former agent, he used to say, if you ever see a dollar bill floating outside in the parking lot in the wind, and you try to chase after it, if you could watch the video of you chasing after money, that's how goofy you look when you chase after money in real life. Money, you got a, you, you earn and money comes to you when you earn it. And that, and you have earned it. So give him a raise, Tony. - Oh, shit, man. - Give this guy a damn raise. Or we're all going on strike tomorrow. - Yes. - That was pretty inspiring. - That was the legendary Norm Shrut. - Yeah, Norm, what would Norm Shrut say? Why are you talking about this on the radio right now? This should be in, this should be between-- - Yeah, you're Shrut. (laughing) - Mary, what's up? What did you want to say, Mary? - Hi, good morning. One-time listener, first-time caller. - Steve, Mary's on the phone. - But Tony, if you're still on the phone about raises, why don't you just buy them an alarm clock? My husband was a trucker. (laughing) - We were doing so good, Mary. We had it, Mary. (laughing) - You know how Jennifer told us we should all get raises? I'd like to hear Mary's reasoning myself. We all shouldn't get raises. - Yes, yes, right. - Let's say you, Mary. Thanks, Mary. - Y'all serve a raise, but, you know, at least it can do it by an alarm clock. (laughing) - We love you, Mary, thank you. All right. - Great to have a great day. - You too. - All right, by the way, just got a text here. Bob Pittman happens to be listening at this time. This is the one time he chose Bobby Peay. I'm just kidding, okay. But it always is the one time that we do a break where it's like, the guy that ever hears us, like breaking an entering Christmas wishing and stuff like that, he'll listen. Yeah, so I heard you guys begging for raises. (laughing) - It's Mojo in the morning show. So yesterday, everybody talked about everybody coming over to the house and I just got a text message from Chelsea. And if maybe all of you guys could call whoever's at home or text everybody is at home. She says, "Can you please ask the guys "if their kids brought home our remote?" - A remote? - We can't find. (laughing) It's the little one. I think it might be the Apple TV one. It goes to the, yeah, it goes to the Apple TV. It controls the actual system and I don't have it right now. Also, there were a couple of books that were missing. (laughing) - No, nobody's still a book. - I know. - I thought we only had one pool ball missing, which I told you guys about yesterday. So there's a remote, there's a pool ball and there's a couple of books. - Oh my God, I got some Techsmiths pocket. - What are you guys doing? - I'm taking it into the room mode. - For the remote. - You know how many books you have on your shelf? - Well, Chelsea has, the books are decorative, so they're there for moving positions. Yeah, listen, I gotta tell you something, K.P. When you go, when we come to your house for yours, wait 'til you see what I steal from your pool. - Oh, yeah, yeah. - And the remote control-- - And you don't think that we're gonna notice the remote control being missing? Yesterday, we were out all day, so we didn't get a chance to watch TV. If I don't get that remote back by today, I'm gonna be pissed. I wanna go on the couch. - I know for a fact that we need to take the books. The remote, however I can help you with. - Yes? - We didn't take the remote, but my son has a tendency, my son and my daughter have a tendency to hide it in the couch. I would look really deep in the cushions of your couch, so it's in the cushions. I would look there, yes, that's the first, 'cause they always do that, I don't know why, but it's always easy. - They actually like to put it all the way down deep just to piss you off, don't they? Just for like-- - No, they hide it from each other. - Oh, they both want the remote, and so the other one can't get it, they'll shove it in the couch cushions, and then we're all looking for it. - Oh, I thought they did it just to watch you get upset, 'cause as a dad, isn't that a dad thing that you always end up not knowing where the hell the remote is, and you get pissed off? - Yeah, you ever say the thing to me, where's the remote? Oh man, I feel like my dad, who's seeing that damn remote? - I really sound like my dad when I say, where's the clicker? - The clicker? - No, why do I say that? - That's the clicker, you guys. - You gotta download the remote on your phone for moments like these. - Yes, I did. - Well, but the problem, the problem though, is that when we're not used to having little kids over, like our house is not really like child-proof, child-proof, you don't know, I usually get blamed for anything that is missing, and I'm kind of happy that we had you guys all over on Friday. - Or are you just blaming us? - Yeah, 'cause what I'm gonna do is, 'cause what I'm gonna do is, from now on, and for the next six months, whenever anything is missing or out of place, I'm gonna say, it's the damn kids from the show. (laughing) They're the ones that took this stuff. I know it, I'm telling you. - The funny thing is, have you ever had this, 'cause we had it with one of our kids, and it was, I believe Jacob, that was the klepto that would take things. Like he would touch everything and take things, and then when we left, it was kind of like you were a police officer in one of those interrogation rooms, you had to put him in a room and have him take everything out of his pockets. So you'd have to sit there and go, "All right, take everything out of your pocket." Okay, that ball, that little spinny thing, that game, that's all ours. Okay, wait, hold on a second here. There's somebody's bra, there's, no, there's-- - That's why, let Smith bring a cret bag on Friday night, 'cause he carries all those cret bags everywhere, and I'm like, he would go home with stuff. But I did not check his pockets, to be fair, and he's out of town right now, so I gotta go through all the stuff. I hope he didn't bring it with him. - He just dows it out like Halloween candy at the end of the night. (all laughing) - I got a fork, I got a bar of soap. - Have you ever gone home and gone through his crap bag and found that he took anything that was interesting, like this, something that you-- - Well, yeah, I mean, the middle finger miny hands from that one story. - Oh, that's right, I forgot about that, yeah. - I like it. - Yeah, stealing from a store is different than stealing from your-- - From somebody's house. - Yeah, you're like friends or whatever like that, 'cause yeah, from Uncle Mojo, exactly. Because then at one point-- - You're right. - There was one point where Milo was getting that, we got off the boat and we were getting off the boat and he was trying to put the keys in his pocket. Did you see that mic at all? - No, but that sounds right. - He saw it. - He thought, 'cause the keys are on a key chain that if it gets thrown in the water, it floats. It's like one of those bobber, you know, whatever they call it. - Oh, he's smart. - Yeah. - My father-in-law has a boat that literally, the second he saw you driving, I knew he was gonna go over there, 'cause we drive on it and ride on it all the time and he lets him do the same thing, push the horn buttons all the time. But there's always a moment where we have to be like, "Dude, dude, dude, dude, sit down, sit down, calm down." I know, so he probably just felt that home when he did it. - Yeah, all right, it's a mojo in the morning show. By the way, if it so happens that Milo has the remote in his pocket, can we call that guy that got your laptop? - Yeah. - Have to go drive. - Yeah, what was that guy's name? - Derek. - Derek. - Derek, he's our personal shuttle, whatever we need, anything from here to Grand Rapids. - If I find it now, it's just gonna show up in your mailbox and you're like, "How did this get here?" I'm not gonna tell you. The postal lady's gonna be like, "That's the most interesting looking package ever." (upbeat music) - Now back to mojo in the morning. - Back to mojo in the morning. - It's our summer of cars, cash, and gas. Giving away a 2024 Chevy Equinox or $20,000 cash. Courtesy of Gordon Chevrolet. Be the 95th caller, 844 mojo live, 844-665-6548. We'll set you up with a $50 gas card. That's brought to you by Goldflame Tequila and you're qualified for a brand new car or $20,000 cash. Brought to you by Gordon Chevrolet in Garden City, Michigan. All right, it is mojo in the morning show. So I was golfing with a group of guys and one of the guys was telling us a story about how after golf, he was gonna go to the mall and he was going to buy something for his wife. And I said, "Oh, is it her birthday?" And he said, "No." And I go, "Oh, well, that's kind of nice to you. "Are you in trouble or something?" 'Cause to me, whenever I think of guys buying anything, I just think of myself. So the only time you're buying is usually when you're trying to-- - You walk into Lucido and you're like, "What happened?" - Yeah, there was a year where it was a really expensive one for me, but he's like, "No, no, no." He goes, "I go and I buy my wife her outfits." And I said, "What are you talking about?" And he goes, "Well, I go out and I buy her jeans "and sweater shirts, whatever." The whole deal, is it going through the whole thing? I'm like, "Really?" Like, I'm sitting there, it's funny 'cause you gotta force 'em, right? So you got three guys that are there. One guy's telling you this. The other two guys are going, and the other three guys are going, "What the hell?" So they were going out that night and they were going out with some friends and she was looking for something to wear. So afterwards, he was going out to buy something for her and he knew her size, he knew what colors she looked good in, he knew everything. And I look at the other guys and I go, "Guys, is this crazy?" And they all look like, "There's no way my wife. "Actually, one guy has a girlfriend." And he's like, "There's no way that she would want me "to do this." And I thought the same thing with Chelsea. There is no way in hell that if I went to the store or if I had a Chelsea, I'll pick your outfit out for tonight. Like, "You know what it would sound like?" It would be like, "You know what I mean? "Or it'd be." (screaming) - That went back. - Yeah, that would be better. (screaming) It would be like, "There's no way that I am "letting you pick out what I'm gonna wear tonight "or trust that you're gonna pick something out." And he says that he does it all the time. And actually, I have seen him with his wife before and they're a great looking couple. Like they're both mid 30s or late 30s. And I'm like, "Holy crap. "She actually does dress nice." Like she's a, you know? - And it's called him. - And he's her fashion coordinator. - Yeah. - This guy who is a mortgage guy that works for, I think UWM is a company that he works with. And he's like picking her clothes out. And so I'm thinking to myself, "Yay or nay on this one here. "Would you trust your guy?" Like Shannon, "Would you trust Wes "who's a very nice human being? "But does he have an eye for fashion?" - I mean, I buy the majority of Wes's clothes for him lately. I think he gets my style, but I don't know. I don't trust him. - I don't know. - If he said to you, "Hey, we're gonna go out "on Saturday night. "Let me go to the store and let me go to the, you know, "wherever and I'm gonna buy you your outfit." - I think I would tell him a store and then I would trust him. - I don't know what I mean. - And you'd call ahead to the store and say, "Hey, there's gonna be like, okay, I'm down. "Go to this store, though." - Side note, why are you buying all of his clothes now? Did you not like the way he dresses? - No, I thought you were gonna say he has good style and I was gonna take credit 'cause I buy a lot of his clothes for him. Oh, it's just fun. - Yeah, you like doing that. - Yeah, I don't think he's ever bought me clothes to be honest with you. I don't think he's ever bought me clothes. I mean, he's bought me lingerie and shoes, but I don't think he's ever bought me clothes. - You were lingerie? - I actually do. I did have a girlfriend though, a long time ago. I haven't talked to her in forever and she was just a tomboy and she hated shopping. And so same thing, her husband did all of the shopping for her and their two kids, her step-kids, yeah. - Okay, so Cav and Mike, do you think, Mike, do you think Ali would be okay with this or Cav, do you think Shirel would be okay with this? - Do you wanna hear something interesting? - I think she's actually suggested it before, but I don't think she understands that I wouldn't buy her this adorable cute outfit. It would be something where her boobs are out or it's not gonna be what she thinks it is at all. But she said it before, go get an outfit and pick one out for me. Like, if I really, and have you done it? No, because it's not gonna be what she thinks it is. It's not gonna be, I mean, I will, I guess, but it'll be this skimpy, tiny little thing that I'm only planning on taking off the second I see her in it, that's it, right? - Well, then buy your lingerie. - Yeah, I guess I could do that. I never thought of that. - Yeah. - Ow! (laughing) - That's Kevin, angle. (laughing) - Cav, do you even know what Shirel's size is? 'Cause I don't know what Chelsea size is. - Oh, that's what I can like, look at somebody and buy the thing that'll fit. (laughing) - Okay. - So like, I've bought-- - That was the confidence of a man who has never had to shop in women's clothing where there is zero consistency. - That's what I know. - I've bought her things before and they fit. - Really? - So there's like three different things. So I've bought Shirel things that fit that she's absolutely loved. We've walked through them all together and I've pointed stuff out. She's like, hell no, I never wear that. And then the third thing is like, she likes to wear my clothes sometimes. - Okay. - So when she wants to throw on like a t-shirt and some sneakers or some joggers, like she'll take some of my stuff and put together an outfit, so. - Which is hot, by the way, when-- - Yeah, it is. - Yeah, it really is. - Kenyatta, what do you think about this? Would you let your man buy your clothes? - Hey Mojo, yeah, before my husband passed, he bought my outfit before we went out a few times. - Really? And did he do a good job? - Yes, he did a great job. - He had an eye for you, huh? He had an eye for fashion? - Yeah. - How do you know your size? Because that's the thing. Whenever I've bought Chelsea anything, I've had to go to her friend Monica and say, Monica, what the hell is dope? - Monica has picked out stuff, but-- - He killed my friend. - Yeah, or I wanted to buy her some stuff from Lulu Lemon, so I went into her closet and just like, literally grabbed Lulu Lemon out of her closet and brought it into the store and said, here, can you help me with this? What's going on, Brittany? - Hey guys, oh my God, so good to talk to you all. - Oh, it's nice to talk to you too, how you doing? - Good, just on my way to work. I wanted to call in a bunch of guys know every year for my birthday, my husband would take me out, like find me an outfit for, you know, our special occasion, a special date, but we had four or three kids and he definitely knew my size son, but she does not know it anymore. - Oh, yeah. Now, so okay, so he would take you out to buy it, but would you pick it out? - Yeah, for the most part, I mean, he would like give some direction if he wanted me in a dress or whatever, but it was sweet, it was like a thought, I loved it. - Yeah, like I, there are times-- - It's actually interesting. - There are times where Chelsea has said, hey, how do I look in this? And she's let me go, you know what, I like, or which one do you like better? Shall I have two shoes? And she'll say, which one do you think is better? - Yeah, that's better. - Which gives me some confidence, like, oh God, she actually does still care about, like my opinion on this thing. And then-- - Always, no matter 30 years of marriage or three, we always care. - Yeah, and then there's a difference between that and if I went to this, like honestly, I wouldn't know what store to go to. Like, I would have to know-- - You don't know your favorite stores where she shopped at it? - I have no idea where she buys stuff from. 'Cause I know she buys-- No, she buys-- (laughing) She buys-- Well, she buys online a lot, so she buys stuff online and I see boxes that will come in. But I wouldn't know if I was gonna go to, like, to the mall, like, oh, this is one that she would go to. Like, I do know that she's got, you know, certain stores-- - And we're just like window shopping too, if you saw something and you're like, hey, that would look really great on you, let's go in and check it out. - Yeah, hold on, is Kenyatta back with us? Kenyatta, I just talked to you just a second go, didn't I? - Yeah, yeah, I made a mistake and hung up, I'm sorry. - No, okay, I think I would, you know, do you have any other words that you wanted to say? - Oh, no, that was it. - Oh, thank you, all right, we'll talk to you later. Have a great day, Kenyatta, we love you. What's up, DJ? - Hey guys, how are you? - Good, DJ, what do you think? Would you have confidence enough to do this? - Well, believe it or not, I'm a wedding planner and I own my own business, so I have a really good story for the last year. - Okay. - Sure, yeah. - The, so I had a client who was getting married over at the, one of the yachos in Detroit and the family was a split, so, what nation, so once the female family was from Canada and male family, what's in the U.S.? However, though, they were very, very traditional on the female side. So the female showed everything in the male as a war, which is normal. However, though, the male family chose everything that females wore. So that included the wedding dress and the- - What? - Bribing dress. So that was- - No. - I really- (laughing) - Did the bride even like her dress? - Oh my God, she absolutely had a blast with it. Believe it or not, they loved it because it was kind of a bond, they call it a bonding experience. But I thought that was so cool. - Wow. - They didn't even have, they had their first look right down the aisle of the wedding. - Uh-huh. - So they didn't even know specifically what they were gonna look like together. They were just imagining the aspect of, oh, you're gonna look so dashing in this and she's gonna look really good in that. And surprisingly, they didn't know what colors they were gonna choose at that point in time. So they actually did pretty well match. That's wild. - That is, I'm a very impressed. - Yeah, that's brave. - Very brave. - With how expensive a wedding is, I have to be in control of every detail. - Could you imagine, by the way, if you got married to me and had to wear the stuff that I wear or pick out? - I'm sorry, I thought I just died. (laughing) - Did you almost go up over there? - Ooh, I was so scared, I saw the light, had to do the tunnel, and like, everything just started sounding like I was underwater. - Lisa's husband picks out all of her clothes. Oh my God, Lisa. Lisa, Lisa, that question, are you blind? - Hello? - Yeah, Lisa. - Don't listen to your radio, Lisa, press your phone. - Are you visually impaired? And that's the reason why he's picking out your clothes? (laughing) - No, not at all. - You let this man pick your clothes out. What the hell is going on, Lisa? - Yes, he's just a classy guy. - Unless his name is Ralph Lauren, or Tom Ford, you know what I mean? (laughing) - No, it was started out with our anniversary and around the first or second year we were married. I came downstairs and he had gone to my favorite so I'm a plus-sized woman. So I love a particular store and I thought it was really cute. He had gone to that store and laid out like some dressers and jackets and all these pretty clothes, you know, downstairs in the living room. And I was like, wow, this is nice. Like I was surprised, honestly. And then it just kind of every year from there, he would just periodically, you know, every so often, you know, maybe once a month go pick out a new dress or a new outfit and I'll come home from work or whatever and it'll be hanging up there for me and he'll put a little note on it. I hope you love this as much as I love seeing you in it. - Okay, so that was really, really sad. (crowd groaning) - There are times that I haven't maybe loved the outfit or the color, you know, but I love that he picked it. So I prowled me rocket. I hold his arm, we go out, we go to a little concert or downtown, you know, jazz faster, whatnot. And I rock it because I know that it was something he wanted to see me as. - Sweet. - And the person I wanna impress is the man who I arm. - Sam, I'm thinking a dress. - I'm thinking a dresser just with a note that says what that booty do. - Oh my gosh. - I feel like, oh my gosh. - You know what's funny? - Yeah, he would probably love that way. - Yeah, I mean a lot. I mean, you always complain, you know, if they, you know, spend money on things that you don't need or that you don't want, you know, the first couple of years, I got like a blender and a roasting pan and I was like, eh, eh, no, not for my anniversary, you know. - Wow, the guy that gave you a blender and a roasting pan is now picking out your clothing and doing it right. It's nice to know that guys can turn their stuff around, right? (laughing) - Shannon, your youngest son is sometimes very blunt with you, isn't it? - Sometimes. (laughing) - All the time. - Which by the way, today's his birthday. - Birthday? - Happy birthday. - Happy birthday. - Yeah, today's next birthday. I don't know if he's awake yet. I'll have to call in here in a second, but he's seven. My baby. - My baby. - Yeah, yeah. And he is truly the happiest, sweetest little boy in the whole entire world. But he, like Mojo said, just has no filter, which I love about him sometimes. So whenever he gets home from school, he'll always like sit on my kitchen counter and have a snack and we'll just catch up on the day or whatever. And he always loves like giving me a big hug and nuzzling his little head in my neck. And so we're doing that and we're eye level at that point. He's sitting on the counter. And so yesterday he looks at me and he kind of gave me a weird face and I thought, oh God, what is gonna come out of this child's mouth? He grabbed the skin right here, like along the sides of my jaw. - jawline. - And he goes, Mom, you have really saggy skin now. - Oh my God. - And I was like, oh no, you didn't. - Because I am very self-conscious about, I feel like I turned 40 and all of a sudden the skin on my face was like this. - Gravity. - Gravity really kicked in. And he just pointed it out. Like it was not a big deal. And he was like, oh man, it's really saggy. Thanks bud. - Did it make you call and make an appointment to get something done? - Honestly, yeah. Well, I think that a facelift is about the only thing that would help me there, but. - I don't see it. - Yeah. - Listen, I'm really freaking nice. - I'm being so honest right now. 'Cause I would type like Shanny, you know. - That's 'cause I'm stretching my neck out like this, so that you can't. 'Cause I know you don't just look over here as I was telling this. - Yeah, I'm staring at your jaw a lot. Like never before. - But it's best. - Maybe it was, this right here. He's right. - It was in the light. - It was in the light, maybe. - It was in the light, maybe. - It was in the light. - Right. - Yeah, maybe it was how you were sitting. - Yeah, it was, I was standing. So let's try. (laughing) - Is it? - No birthday presents for you tomorrow. - Kids are honest. Kids are very honest. - But what is the most honest thing that your kid ever said to you or a kid ever said to you? - Doug, I can tell you this is off the bat. The first thing that came to my mind, I feel like I'm fat now. I was fatter, maybe like a couple of years ago or something like that. I remember Josiah sitting on the bed, had my shirt off. He was pointing at my man's head. He was like, "Those are the eyes. That is the mouth. Look at the stomach." It was like, "Daddy, yes, this is my weak face." (laughing) Oh, it's crushed. (laughing) I just pulled my hand out and walked through it. (laughing) - And the thing is, even though in your head you're like, "He's a child. He's a kid." It sits with you. - No, you can still punch your kids. (laughing) You can absolutely, Shannon, you should have just hauled off and punched them right in the nose. - Like the whole day, there I am in the mirror going, but if I could just go like this. - It would be like, it would be better. - It'd be like, I didn't see that coming. Hey, now who's got a saggy face, huh? Do you want to get facelifts at the same time? (laughing) - Yes! (laughing) - I really want to get all of my cancer surgeries and just be in recovery. - Yeah, I would do it in a second. - And do you want to know what's helping the other day? And you guys know this when Wes and I are out, like we just talk, get into these like random discussions. And so I asked him, "If there was one thing you could change about my appearance, what would it be?" And he didn't even do the, "You're beautiful, I wouldn't change a thing." He goes, "Well, you could probably do something about your nose." And I'm like, "Oh my God." So last night I was like, "Well, maybe I'll go and fix my nose." - Wait, hold on. - And my saggy cheeks. - Let's not hold the saggy cheeks thing 'cause he's still a kid. Let's go to that should be the topic of Wes. (laughing) - With your nose. - By the way, that's not very easy. That's not very newly wavy. - It's just couldn't be tweaked a little bit. Oh, you mother effer. - Take a little off the top. (laughing) - By the time, seriously, by the time that you get done with your son and now with your husband, you're going to be looking like Joan Rivers, or, (laughing) your face is going to be blasting. - Michael Jackson. - Michael Jackson. - Do you ever wonder if it's too late to get this Veriginal? - No, I think about it. (laughing) - Hey, Hannah, what's going on? How are you? - Good morning, guys. - Morning. - So I have three kids and my daughter, every time I'm getting ready in Shannon, Megan, you guys will all be putting on my mascara, like, leading over in the mirror. And my daughter will just poke at my stomach, but I'm just like, why is it so jiggly? - Oh, you, you, every part of my body, you just poke it out. - Yeah, that's good. - And I'm like, that is so mean. And they poke and grab. And they're like, what are you doing? - Why do we have children? Like, seriously-- - I don't know. (laughing) You don't tell them very well, but being honest. (laughing) - Brianna, what's going on? It's Mojo in the morning. We're talking about it at 8-4-4-Mojo Live, the honesty of kids and what is it that a kid said to you? - Um, so my daughter's two, and I'm pregnant with our second child, and I was getting dressed, and I was sitting on the bed. I didn't have a bra on, and she looked at me, and she said, oh no, mommy, your boobies are falling. (laughing) - Thank you. - Chicken Lulu. (laughing) - Yeah, so. - Love that. And by the way, is that kid in the car with you? If so, drop him off on the side of the road and say, get to wherever you gotta go to. What's going on, Lisa? - When my son had just had a bath, and he was sitting on my lap, and I was in my pajamas, and he looked at me, and he said, "Mommy, what are those things?" And I said, "What things?" He said, "Those things on your stomach." He was talking about my breasts. (laughing) - Oh my God. I'm just pulling there. - Yeah. (laughing) - That's awesome. Alicia, what's going on? It's Mojo in the morning. How are ya? - Good morning, Mojo. - What's happening? What is it? Was it your kid saying something to you? - Oh yeah, what's in there? She's getting ready for school, and I'm getting around, and she looks over at me, and she says, "Mom, I didn't know you had a mustache." (laughing) - Oh, man. - I said, "What the hell?" (laughing) I said, "Get here with me for school." (laughing) That's awesome. - She woke up and chose Paige. (laughing) - What's up, Jen? Hi. - Hey, good morning. - Good morning, and what's going on? - So, my seven-year-old came up to me, it was probably about a month ago, came up to me, and put his hand under my chin, and he taps the bottom of my neck, and I said, "What are you doing?" He's like, "Mom, you've got like a frog neck." (laughing) - Oh my God. - I heard that. - Wow. (laughing) - Do you want to come with Megan and I? (laughing) - On our trip? (laughing) - What would it be just for myself? - I know what. - I have a frog neck. - It's a little load up emoji with one of mine. (laughing) - So, 'cause you know, baby, a motor gives you a face. (laughing) - What's up, Susan, how you doing? - Good, how you doing? - Good, we're talking about the crazy things that kids will say to you. - Oh, for sure. Out of the moments of babes, right? - Yes. - So, yeah, so I have two kids and I had just had my second one. So, my four-year-old. And of course, I was sitting in the bathroom and you're all in your glory. And at that time, I was quite, and my little boy walked in and he was like, "Mommy, why do you have two stomachs?" (laughing) - Oh, my God. (laughing) - Because of you? - Because of you, exactly. By the way, that is the greatest answer that any mother could give to their kids. It's all because of those damn kids. - Because of you. - That's good. - Because of you. By the way, all of these- - Why do you stomachs any more? - Ah, good for you, but listen, all of these are your kids telling it to you. Imagine Kim, who's a principal, and you got a lot of kids that say some things. What's going on, Kim? - Hi, good morning. - Good morning, what's going on? - So, I'm a principal and one of our kindergartners kept touching the women with larger breasts, just kind of patting them, and then redirecting him. Finally, they said, "Why do you keep doing this?" And he said, "Well, my mommy doesn't have these." (laughing) - What's his name, Smith? - Yeah. (laughing) - Hold on, is that voice sounds familiar? - Oh, so true. - Is that you, Kim? Dana, what's going on? Hi. - Hey, so my son is two, and I went to give him a shower, and he decided to point at my manhood and said, "Daddy, you pooped." (laughing) I'm talking about my balls. (laughing) - Oh my god. (laughing) - I almost want to see a picture. - Yeah, it's like I'm trying to visualize him at the same time. (laughing) - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Poop, okay, all right, all right, yeah. Thanks for the call, buddy, appreciate it. - Mojo in the morning. I'm gonna say something very controversial right now, but I do not want to lose 50% of our audience. And no, it is not political. But I'm done with Chipotle. I can't do it anymore. - What happened? - I am done, done, done. - I'm asking you like somebody died. - What? - What happened? - All the kudoba people, even though I think you guys all have horrible taste buds. I'm coming over to your end of the world. - I just had it a few weeks ago, it was bad. - All right, let me tell you why I'm done with it. And Kevin's over there. Kevin's the, by the way, he's the ambassador of the country of Chipotle. I just want you to know that. He is the man of Chipotle. He goes to Chipotle every single day. They even represent you on the show and all this stuff. - I had it yesterday. I'm sitting over here waiting at these live. - Let me explain. - No, no, no, no, no. - Fact check me that. - What? - Fact check me. - I'm ready. - Here you go. I went to Chipotle yesterday, and they were completely out of chicken. How does that place always run out of what I want? And I go into the place, and it's not like it's easy for them to just quickly make because chicken has some time to cook. Shouldn't they always have chicken? - Yes. - Shouldn't there be chicken constantly just roasting on their grill? - Yes. - Every time I go to Chipotle, they run out of what I want. Whether it be, sometimes I go in for chicken. Occasionally I do red meat, and I like their steak or carne asadas. Every time I go to Chipotle, and also, I witnessed this the other day. I witnessed that they, and I wasn't gonna get guac 'cause I was a little cheap on that one. I witnessed that when I went there the other day, they didn't have guac. How does Chipotle run out of guac unless avocados are at short demand? Explain this to me. - I've had bad door dashes from them. The past two times I've gotten Chipotle, it's been really, really bad, and I've been so disappointed 'cause I love it so much. - Kevin. - So much. - Megan. - I will take Chipotle over Keto, but any day. Last time I was at Chipotle, it was last week, they didn't have veggies, they didn't have steak, and they didn't have sour cream. Y'all have 10 things on the menu. Can't be out of three of them. - I can't believe I'm in this room right now with three people who I've grown to admire and respect, and to be sitting across from you all right now, I feel like I need to throw up because I'm disgusted with what's coming out of your mouth. - Really, Chipotle? - It's just truth. - Chipotle has never failed me. I have a Chipotle that I go to on Hagerty Road that is about 10 or so minutes from the station. I pull up my app, I have my orders that are pre-populating 'cause I go so often, they are on time all the time. If I quit cooking as I'm done all the time-- - I don't know. - If somebody knows I'm done all the time. - I said if that action was running, I don't know. - They are on time all the time. I never get a, when I pull up to the drive-through lane, I never get an oh, sir, by the way, we're sorry. I've never had a-- - I've tried through. - There's a drive-through, they call it a Chipotle. - The Chipotle, yeah. - What? - You can't order, it's only for pickup. - I've never had old guac, I've never had a steel chip, and my safritos are always fresh. - Whoa, there you go, hold on. - Throw another safritos. - Hold on a second, no, that's why he doesn't run out of anything, who eats a fritos? - I know, it's very bad. - It's a fritos. - Here's the thing though, we can, we all still love Chipotle, but I think that this, there needs to be an accountability check. We're holding them accountable and saying, you're slipping a little bit. - Yeah, here's, okay, here's-- - Slippin', so figure it out. - Here's my thought, having this conversation with our boss, Tony, it's like going to a gas station and they have no gas. How do you go to, you can't go to a gas station with no gas, it'd be like going to McDonald's and having no fries. At least if McDonald's doesn't have fresh fries, they'll make you fries and they'll bring it to your car. I think they, I'm sorry, I'll give you another knowledge. - Did they give you the option? - It'd be like me not having a post Malone song. How can I not have a post Malone song? - Did they give you the option? - Did they give me the option? - It's a wait a while for your chicken or whatever it can say to us. - I don't wanna wait. - No, you know what they said? - I don't agree. - I swear to you, this is what they said, 'cause and again, I went there and I'm gonna throw it out, I went there like 140. That seems to me like it's still lunch time. - That's prep time. - And they said, it's gonna take us a while, would you like anything else? They had nothing on the grill. You know how long it takes to cook chicken? I cook chicken at home and it takes me forever. - 140 is not lunch time, but it is post lunch time. So maybe they had an incredible rush and they needed some time to prep. Listen, I'm not the only person I'm-- - Oh my God. - Where much of all they people let? Like turn up. - I will fight you. - Give them the number. - Can I tell you what-- - Eight or four mojo live, eight, four, four, six, five. - Suppose they stand up. - Six, five, four, eight. I've had such a disappointing, I'm gonna use that word, experience with Chipotle, that I've kind of replaced it. You wanna know what's really great? - Oh my God. - Panda Express. - Oh, apparently. - No, I'm not joking. - But I want Mexican food. - Listen to me, listen to me. Have you gone into a Panda Express lately? - They're great, yeah. - They've got the refrigerators full of all the fresh veggies. You see them doing it right there. They always are stocked. I was surprised, Wes recommended it and I'm like, I'm not doing Panda Express, it's from like the mall. - No, it's so good. - No, no. It is different. - Chicken and a stick. Give me orange chicken. - I am telling you, not like that anymore. Honeywall, not true. I am telling you. - Hold on, Olivia, what's the comment here? Olivia, which team are you on? Are you on Team Chipotle or Team Chipotle Sock? Or Chipotle Socks, or whatever? - Team Chipotle. - I am with Shannon that regardless of they match up, we still go back to Chipotle. - We do, we love it. - Yeah. - After yesterday, I think they are aware that I will no longer be going to Chipotle, which sucks 'cause I just signed up for the celebrity card and I'll get to Chipotle every day for a year. - What happened yesterday? - I did my online order. I went and picked it up. I get all the way to my location just to open up my order and it is smothered in sour cream. And I am against sour cream. And I'm like, let's call them and I can only talk to a robot. So I sat there and scream at a robot screaming representative. (laughing) So then it was telling me that I knew a chat with Pepper. There's online chat. I'm like, I don't want a chat with Pepper. - Pepper, which pepper, that mascot? - I'm going all the way back there and I talk to the manager and as I'm sitting there, they mess up my order twice while they're remaking it. And the people don't mind, they're like, wait, is that Olivia's? No, that's Olivia's. And I'm like, are you serious? And then they walk up to me and hand me a cop and say, here's a free drink for all the confusion. - Oh, a drink. To wash it all down. (laughing) - I don't want your drink. And she's like, are you sure? I'm like, yeah, put your drink back. I don't want it. - I just don't understand. I mean, listen, that's a mistake. Okay, they put sour cream on there. At least they had sour cream. I just don't understand how you run out of stuff though. Josh, what's up? Hi. - All right, Kevin, I'm sorry. But Poland started with my heart. The reason is, it's hard. Almost every time you go, you get a bowl, they barely put anything on it. So I counteract it. I'm like, I love it, Poland. I'm going to get extra everything. Extra rice, extra chicken, extra. You know what? Extra chicken. They put two more pieces on there. (laughing) Saying that's too much. - Yeah. - Yeah. - You're just unlucky, Josh. - They don't want you to eat that much. - Whoa. - They're looking out for you when they do that. - And undercooked rice. - Oh, okay. All right. - I agree with that one. - Really young. - That's a big issue. - Can I tell you something? Chipotle running out of chicken is like Panda Express running out of rice. You can't run out of rice at a Chinese restaurant. - I don't know where y'all going. I'm not having these problems. It's so location based, it's not even funny. - Anthony, what's happening? - Hey, guys. How you guys doing? - You know, I can tell. - I'm doing great. - You can tell. - I'm totally history. - What's going on? - Well, I was, I'm on the same boat with you guys 'cause I was on a long, long shift. Went to Chipotle at the cravings. And they had like half the menu missing. Like they were waiting on a truck. Didn't have anything. They pretty much just had rice and like chicken and maybe some like lettuce. - I gave them the most disappointed look and they offered me the whole meal for free. So. - Oh, really? That's good. - Yeah, you know, they don't want a refund. I want a good meal. - Yeah. No, that's a good idea. Nothing tastes, nothing tastes better than free. - Yeah. - That's not true. - Hold on. Brent says that this happens at other restaurants. - That's my favorite food. - Brent, Brent says, Brent says that. - Hey, where did this happen, Brent? - Went to, we went to KMC. Grant was towards air clothes in time, but they had no chicken. How does KMC run out of chicken? - I went to a Popeyes once that didn't have chicken and it was like 6 p.m. and they said our manager forgot to order chicken. - But the rare beans and rice though. How do you run out of chicken? You can't run out of chicken. Come on. It's a chicken. (laughing) Seriously. - Yeah, they were offered all sorts of sides. I'm like, no thanks. We're trying to hear for a full meal. Not. (laughing) - It's a mashed potato meato. - But savory, savory's on your side. With a name like that, how could she not? - The phone they could never do me wrong. - Yeah, savory, you're telling. (laughing) - You've never gone in and had them say they didn't have anything? - Well, this is where I go to one particular location by me. So I am in Shelby Township, like Harrow area. - Okay. - So they called their parents, one right by my house, they called steady lemons. I went there and they were, out of everything, we were supposed to get free, chips and salsa, got the salsa, no chips. So I will stick to my regular location. Right on Harrow is kind of by late by Marlin at Circle. - Okay. - I said never. - And by the way, it must be a manager thing or whatever, whoever their manager is is good. Devin, you went into a Chipotle, and what did they say to you? (laughing) - How are you guys doing? - Good. - First time call it a long time. - Hey! - Hey! - I'm sorry, I ran out of air horn. Go ahead. (laughing) - No, you're good. - But me and my girlfriend, she loves Chipotle and I, my mom was a big kudoba fan, and so we went to Chipotle. I was like, yeah, I'll try it. We go, it's like 12 o'clock, and the manager meets us at the door and says we're closing for the day. I was like, what? - Nune? - The hell are you talking about? - Well, and there was like four or five workers in there. I was like, there's no way. - Was it a holiday or something? What was it? - It was in the middle of the day. - Unbelievable. - Something happened. (laughing) - Wow, that's crazy. - You don't do that. - Which location was that? - Um, it was, I think it was 13 and mounds. - That's crazy. A close for the day. By the way, we're done for the day too, we'll see you guys tomorrow. Dallas went to a Burger King and they ran out of burgers. - This is unbelievable. - It was probably pushing the chicken sandwiches though. - Okay, they were out of burgers. (laughing) - Oh! (laughing) - Change your name. (upbeat music) - I don't think it's trashy. Let's judge for ourselves though. Meghan, what's going on? It's Mojo in the morning show. - Oh, it's the absolute trashiest tradition that me and my girlfriends have. - Really? - Yeah, oh, it's not even close, but the one thing my friends and I do is we have a tradition to go to Olive Garden. That is not the trashy part. The trashy part is where we have all come to the conclusion that the only place that we can afford bottle service is Olive Garden. (laughing) - I can't bottle service there. I did not know this. - That's a stretch. - Do you mean like a bottle of wine? Is that what you're talking about? - Correct. - Oh, okay. - We are all a bottle service. - When I think bottle service, I think of like the girls in the scantily flat outfits with the fireworks shooting. - Sparklers, yeah. - Vegas or something, right? - Yeah, correct. But we are our own bottle service at Olive Garden. (laughing) So I got later than this week and it's tradition, get a bottle of wine there. - It came this time in one of those like chilled buckets. - Ooh. - I know. I was like, oh, ricks. - Okay, like the ones they put Champagne in. - Yeah, and now they have those like digital things on the table where you can pay for your bill or like play games or check out the menu if you wanna like order drinks or whatever while you're at the table. And my girlfriend picks up the chilled bottle of wine and that thing off of the table, that big like iPad screen and just starts walking around by our table. - Oh my God. - I love it. - Doing the fist pumps up in the air. Like we are our own bottle service here at the OG. And I realized, oh yeah, it's the OG baby. - Oh, Olive Garden, the OG, I'm googling right now. Olive Garden menu. I wanna see, which one did you go to? You went in, - Yeah, we went to the one on the middle. - Okay, yeah. Okay, I'm on the, I'm on the wrap. Let's see here. - What kind of wine did you drink? - She ordered something terrible. - There we go, hold on. Oh, here we go. Let's see what their wine list is. Their wine lens list is, "Mascato Primo Amore." - We got it. - That's similar. - We got it. (speaking in foreign language) - You got a Sauvignon blanc. Let's see here. The Sauvignon blanc. Oh, here you go. The Sauvignon blanc starboard for $29 to the bottle? - You guys paid for the bottle? - For the bottle. - I paid for the bottle. It was like 18 bucks. - Oh, it's eight. Oh, sorry. You go down further. You see the, you see the, oh, I like it. - What's the tea bottles? - That's the Chateau Saint Michelle. - You know how most people go, "Give me your finest sauvignon." I go, "Give me your cheapest sauvignon." (laughing) - My favorite is, I always love going out to eat with people 'cause I'm not a big wine person, but I always like to go out to eat with them and they'll say, "What kind of reds do you have?" And they're sitting there looking and I'm going, "These people have no idea what they're talking about." They act like they know what they're talking about. They're like, "What's your house wine?" My house wine. My house wine is whatever in the back somebody didn't drink when they actually left it on the table at the end of the night. - Sauvignon Blanc is the go-to though. - It is. - I'm a dry wine drinker. I can't do sweet wine. - Oh, see, I'm a red wine. - Yes. - They ordered a bottle of white and I went, "Fine, thank you so much." - God, this menu looks great. - White wine is for the vibes. Red wine is like that. - White wine is for like a hot summer day. - Yes, chill. You still up? - Yeah. - Wait, did you get bottle service, like you said, and then just the all-you-can-eat breadsticks in salad? What did you guys do? - I got the salmon. - Oh, yummy. - Salmon and broccoli, baby. But my girls, we always go for the bottomless pasta and we thought there was 'cause we got served an old ad and then we found out that was an old ad. - Wait, they don't have that anymore? - They do, but it's like seasonal or whatever. - Do they have to honor it or had an expiration date? - No, my girlfriend's is a dumbass. - I love her, but reading is hard. (laughing) - I gotta tell you, I love Olive Garden. - Why? - I haven't been to Olive Garden in forever. - Olive Garden is like the red lobster to me. But it, obviously, it's the Italian red lobster. But I love, like I love the chain restaurant. It's like Olive Garden. You know what I used to love? - Benedictine! - Sorry. - Secretly crazy, no, but that was your mom. That was amazing. I was like, "Bannigan, Benigan's was good." You got excited there, by the way. I gotta tell you, there's some excitement with the Bannigans, that was amazing. I mean, for the most excited of every season. - I have never seen, you kind of scared me there for a second. - I'm pleasuring myself. - Wow. - I don't even know what it is, but I'm interested. - Bannigan, you don't know what a Bannigan's is? - If it makes you Bannigan, Bannigan's was a great place. They did have big, great apps. No, I, no, I forgot what the hell I, oh. - I'm sorry. - The Macaroni Grill. - Oh yeah. - I used to love the Macaroni Grill, too. - I loved that place, too. - Not as much as Bannigan's is obviously. - Yeah. - Can we go? 'Cause I'd like to try it. - I don't think they exist anymore. - Oh my gosh, I don't think so either. - They need to, I used to love TGI Fridays was another one out of places. That place was awesome. Oh, what was the other one too? There was a, what was the TGI Fridays? - Well, they're, well, Chili's, TGI Fridays. - Chili's, dog, Ruby Tuesday and that salad bar. - Chili's chips and salsa are better than any Mexican restaurant you could ever go to. - Chili's chicken crispers with the corn? - Oh, he can't. - Oh my God, you're at Bannigan's moment. - You're having a Bannigan's moment. (laughing) - Play a play her drug. Bannigan! - Out of the blue, bro. - I'm going to tell you about the butter breadsticks at the OG. - It's the OG. - It's the OG. - It's the OG. - It's the OG. - It's the OG. - It's the OG. - It's the OG. - It's the OG. - It's the OG. - It's the OG. - It's the OG. - It's the OG. - It's the OG. - It's the OG. - It's the OG. - It's the OG. - It's the OG. - It's the OG. - It's the OG. - It's the OG. - It's the OG. - It's the OG. - It's the OG. - It's the OG. - It's the OG. - It's the OG. - It's the OG. - Emily, what's up? - Oh, trust me, I just realized that and they have the Monte Cristo. I did not. I did not realize that one still exists. I just Googled. But thank you so much, Emily. - Yeah, that's like one of the only few unblasts. - Yeah, yeah. - Let's serve this. - Look at that. - All right, let me ask you guys a question and go back to Megan because this is a good topic too with her bottle service excitement and them running around the Olive Garden with their bottles like they're in Vegas partying at the win or something. What is your, would you call it trashy, trashy, life, hack or dupe or whatever it might be? What is it? 844-Mojo Live, 844-665-6548, what's the thing that you get all excited about with the friends? People are calling up with their favorite chain restaurants too. Jennifer, what's going on? - Hi, Mojo. Hi, everyone. - How are you? - Good morning. - I miss Don Pablo. - Don Pablo. - They're in Toledo. - Don? - There you go. - I'm going to Toledo, Megan. - Are you sure? Are you sure? Are they still open? - 100%. I drove by at the other day. - But I sure it wasn't just the empty building because there's one in water. There's something in water for what the heck is it? I forget the restaurant. I was like, yeah, it's open over in water and it's like, no, that's been an empty building forever. It just adds a signage stuff. - A lot of cars for an empty. - Oh, really? - It just was still better than Don Pablo's but Don Pablo's. - I'm going. - Yeah. Cheechies was way better. - Cheechies was the best. - Jerry, what's up? - Good. How you doing? - Good. What's going on? - First of all, long time listen, her first time call. - You waited so long to say that and you got on with us, buddy. I appreciate it. - Thank you. God bless you all. I would always go to Vazole's because they had deep breaths, breath sticks. - Oh! - Vazole's! - They still have Vazole's. - They still have Vazole's. - I'm going to look at it, baby. - Yes. I would go there and look at the menu. I'm going to say I forgot something and just leave. - Wait. You didn't order anything? - No. I just ate the breath sticks because they were full days. - Oh, you just ate the breath sticks? Okay. I thought you just went in. That's amazing. - There's one in a row. - Okay. - Vazole's. - Yup. - Yeah. We got to, by the way, seriously, we got to do like a road trip to some of these, like the Bennigans and the Fazole's and Don Pablo's. - Guys, we're going to call Lori at Tap Notch. - Yeah. - And we are going to arrange this. It will be the best field trip for the March of the Morning Show. That's what we're doing. - Bottle service at every restaurant. - Yes! - By the way, you're the only person I know that says, "I ordered a bottle of wine. You call it bottle service." - Yeah, yeah. Well, if you're going to have your hot friends walk around the OG with a whole bunch of six year old women who are getting together because they got nothing to do after they were tired and you're going to fist pump in the air with the menu is bottle service, baby. Did you guys ever eat at Unos? - Oh, don't they still have Unos up at Bertrand? - No, no, no. - Do they? - Unos was the Chicago pizzeria type place but it was like a chain place. - Yeah. - That place was good. - That's good. - I'm looking at it. You know what it is now? - Exceramos. - A lot of these sit down restaurants aren't the deal anymore. It's all, everybody likes raising canes and things like that, like the fastest stuff. What's up, Dee? What's yours? - All tattoo mustangs. - Yeah, they like rebranded, they're still around. - The old country buffet had the best fried shrimp and some pieces were not even shrimp. I think they were just fried pieces. - Do you, have you seen the new TV commercial for old country buffet? - No. - It's like they've got fireplaces inside of the restaurant. - Do they really? - Oh, yeah. They had a glow up. - My favorite part of that whole place was that you could go there and you could eat for under $10 more food than you should have in a month. - Yeah. - Remember Sizzler? - Oh my God. - Mountain Jacks? - Yeah. - Oh, I'm sitting in the food. - Downriver. - Hey. - Sizzler, we had Mountain Jacks. - Have you ever gone to, do they serve, by the way, wine at old country buffet? Like, do they, can you do bottle service there, like Megan? - Yeah. - Yeah. - Do they, they don't have booze at old country buffet? I know, I don't think I ever cared about drinking. What's up Angie? Hi. - Hi. Do you guys remember our propaginos? - Oh yeah. - Is that no longer around? - I have no idea. There used to be one like up on, up like road over there. When I used to work at General Motors and Pontiac area over there, so I remember there used to be one off of, up like I believe it was. - Yeah. - But I haven't seen one, and there was one on Band-Aid too, but I haven't seen one in a long time. - So there's one on the West side of the state still. - Oh, is it? - Mm-hmm. - You know what's funny? - Oh, okay. - There's some newer chains that are out there that I have never tried before, but they, they're enticing. Like this Ford's garage, I've never been to a Ford's garage before. - I don't know. - But I've heard people say that it's actually good. - On the street. - Is there really one? - I think there's one by the imagine over there. - Okay. - I could be very wrong, but I thought I saw a sign for it. - Those, like, you know, and obviously the classic, it was Bob's big boy. Remember? - Man. - And they're rebranding too. They're putting a brand new location on Woodward in Real Luke. - Shout out to a big boy, especially the one right across the street from Bella. - Yeah. - Spot. - Do they have booze at big boy? - Oh, sweetie. I've been a big boy. - I always had milkshakes when I was a kid and stuff. - And a salad bar. - Or burgers. - I really wanna go to Olive Garden as a show, like maybe next week. What, do we do a show? - I'm ready. - Should we do a show lunch? But we'd go to Olive Garden just to see Megan's excitement of getting to order off the wine list. Can I have your wine? - We've had photo shoots. - Let's do one day. - Let's do one day. - Wait, do they have Megan? You got to, when you get menus from them, do they give you a drink menu, like at fancy restaurants? - Baa. Nah, it's all in one, baby. - Turn it on the bag. - One day and done. One day and done. It's covered in plastic so it's easy to clean. - You don't try to make it look fancy though, like you're at a fancy restaurant and I say, "Can I have your wine list, please?" - I think if they want you to be fancy and they're like, "Use the iPad on Facebook." - Yeah. - By the way, does the waiter or waitress know how to open up a bottle of wine or is it screw on cap? - Oh, baby, it's a twist out. - I love it. - Let's go. That's a mojo in the morning. - I had a crazy night last night and it all started in the afternoon so do you guys ever do this? Like if you have like somebody dropping off a package at your house like an Amazon driver or UPS driver or if you have somebody coming to do work at your house, I always feel obligated. But also I like to do it because I want to be nice to offer the people that are at my house a drink or something to eat. So we had a guy that was doing some plumbing stuff for us and he comes in the house and you know, does his work and then he comes up and starts talking to us about what's going on and he's a really friendly guy, nice guy, young guy actually probably was like 25 years old or something and I said, "Hey, real quick, can I get you something to drink or something to eat?" Well, Chelsea had made dinner and this is like around five o'clock or something at night and Chelsea had made dinner and you know how you put it up on the stove on the top and wait for it to cool down and then you eat it and it's in the little pirex dishes and stuff like that and he looks over goes, there's one of those these type of things. Walks right over and looks right over the food and goes, "Oh man, that does look good." Like he was like, "It was like look at that over there." And he goes, "You know what? I will take something to eat and he looks right at the food and I'm thinking I wasn't offering me that, I was offering a bag of Cheez-Its, or goldfish, like usually what I'll do is I'll go into our snack drawer and I'll just say, "Hey, you've got a bunch of snacks here," like the stuff that you give your kids. So I'm like, "Oh crap, okay, well I'll pull out a paper plate and I'll make it for him and then I'll put some tin foil or Reynolds wrap on top of the thing and you know I've got a ton of carryout forks and things from all the door dash that we ordered." And so I make him a nice little thing and give him a water and he's like the nicest guy ever and this is interesting because he's going to have to come back and check everything so you know, "I know, all right, this is good." He's going to come back and he's going to do it with a smile on his face. He walks out the door, the door shuts behind him and my very truthful wife goes, "You just gave him our entire dinner." I go, "What are you talking about? There's got to be more." And she goes, "You gave him, there's three of us now in the house because of Joe and Jacob you know, live in Florida and Chicago and Luke is with us and we're all going to do a family dinner and I thought, "Oh, I don't know if Luke's going to be home or not." I gave the guy literally, so here's the Pyrex dish like this big, I gave him probably this much of the thing, I gave him probably a third of the entire food on a plate. Do you guys do that? Do you guys ever offer up to people that come to your house? If it's always drinks, but not food? No. I feel weird. See, I feel weird and I don't know if you're somebody that works in that kind of a profession where you go and work in people's homes, but I always feel like weird that I'm eating and I'm drinking and I know that they're on their trucks all day and stuff. I always go with a bottle of water, that's like my go-to. Yeah. She likes some water. Yeah. Typically they say, "Yeah, there's one maintenance guy come over one time." And I said, "Yeah, would you like something to drink?" He's like, "Yeah, you got beer." I'm going to wait until you leave and then I'll give it to you. I gave him one too. You got to help the people that need maintenance afterwards. I had one time where a guy, I went in to go get water and we keep water in this little fridge that we have that's kind of connected to our fridge. It's basically where you're supposed to probably put vegetables, but we don't eat vegetables in our house. We're on that anti-vegan diet and I open it up and I'm like, "Oh crap, there's nothing in there." So I had to go into the cabinet where we keep all the waters and refill and stuff and I gave him a warm water and the guy goes, "Eh, no." He didn't want it. I'm good. He turned down, he did not want room temperature water. Which I hate room temperature water too. Could you imagine your guy, if he goes over to the stove, peeks his head over the pyrex, looks inside and says, "Eh, I'm good, I'm good, you're right." Well, here's the other thing too, is that the food was really spicy. Chelsea made it very, very spicy. So I'm thinking, "That guy's going into his truck, he's going into the van with all the ladders and stuff on top of it. He's going to eat that stuff and he is going to be spitting his pants, trying to figure out things." What's up, Lee? Hey, what's going on, Mojo? Hey, how you doing, bud? What's happening? Not too much. Yeah, I'm a plumber, you guys talked to me before, I'm the hot guy plumber. Oh, the hot guy plumbers on with those guys. What's happening? Hey, nothing too much. Yeah, I've gotten steak dinners, I've gotten pizza, I've gotten a lot of food. There's customers that have even told me, "Yeah, just go on the fridge and help yourself with whatever you want." And I'm like, "No, that's a little odd, I'm not going in your fridge." Really, so you don't have it in you to go into that fridge and just start grabbing stuff out of there. Oh, I mean, sometimes when I work with a lot of ethnics, I would love to try some of their, like, furry food that they got, but I'm not going in their fridge. A lot of ethnics or ethnic people, is that what you're trying to say that? Yeah, by the way, do you ever give, you're the hot guy plumber, do you, did anybody ever offer anything other than food? Oh, I mean, they have in the past, but not as hot as they used to be. The plumbers losing a little bit of this way. That pipe is getting a little rusty, isn't it? Just became a recent dad. Oh, nice. Good idea to see you, buddy. That's awesome. Thank you. You were doing some plumbing. It was laying pipe. 20 plus years of idiocy and still going in Detroit, Toledo, and West Michigan. It's Mojo in the morning.