Mojo In The Morning

Kev Wants a Raise

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05 Jul 2024
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This is the Mojo in the morning podcast powered by Michigan Auto Law, auto accident attorneys visit auto That's auto Quick question while we're on the topic of what people deserve. Can we can we have a quick question? Yeah, I can have a quick question. Honestly, okay. When is it the right time to ask for a raise? Because I just feel like where I'm at in my career on this station, Colleen, president, Tony Trevato. Turn your radios up. Uh, La Ronda Megan with Michigan State. Turn your radios up. Chelsea with business turn radios up. This is a equal opportunity employment conversation. Uh, wait a second. Are you, oh, you're asking when is it? When is it the right time in your career to ask for a raise? And how should you go about doing it? If you feel that you're at the point where you deserve more money, so the effort and work you. So you're so you're asking us and the listeners to give you advice on how to get a raise. Is that what you're asking? Correct. Okay. All right. I like this. What say you, Mr. Mojo, what's they mean? Yeah, I don't know. I'm caught off guard here right now. Okay, ladies, hold on. Let me thank Mike. The only people I ever know who got a raise. We're just leaving their jobs. I actually got to what? Yeah, I said, I'm actually going to pick you back and just hang out and see what everybody says because I would love to hear this answer. Wait. So Megan, you're saying that the only people that you know that have gotten raises is when you go in and say, I've got another job. So you got to have no, not even at their current job. They only get the raise by leaving their vision and going somewhere out because that is actually an interesting thing. I will say this to you and Megan brings up a point on that one. I have I have gotten raises based on other people sniffing around. And so so that's like if I have had I have gotten raises when other radio stations have been interested in wanting to hire or, you know, when there's been opportunity to do the. Oh, someone comes sniffing. You sniff me. I don't I don't miss me. Hold on. Hold on. I would love to know what people are doing in their industries when they feel like it's time to to level the the the boss's hotline number. Let's go. It has just you talk to the PD program director, the program director, Tony Travado called up his Travado line here. Well, hello, Mr. program director, Tony Travado. Look at him calling in here this morning. First off, or did you did you like to talk to Kevin on this? Just just to be clear, uh, Lydia called me. So I, oh Lady have been on one today. Lady has been training. I'm hoping you have an on camera. All right. She said, she said, Kevin's been here at least a couple of weeks. You watch a race. Have you hit a year yet? No, it's coming. Okay. All right. Kev, Kev is looking for Tony as a boss and, and you know, I, this could actually backfire against you and be used against you. What has been your best way that you personally have gotten raises? But also what are some of the ways that people, you know, should come to their bosses to ask for raises? Well, I like to go in my boss's office and take stuff off the desk and hold it hostage that back and raised money, you know, stealing supplies and reselling them on Facebook marketplace is a good idea. Just trying to think of other ways to make money. He is. So Steve, by the way, you know, he takes everything literal. Do any of those. I was, you know, you understand that Kev takes this stuff literally and he already steals enough stuff from you. Anytime I go into Tony's office, I leave more things than I take away. Really? That is true. Actually, were you the one that left me oranges the other day? I cannot take credit for the calcium. OK, for the Cal Tony, this is a really good question though. When people come to you, and I'm sure you've had employees come to you and ask for raises, like, what, what is the way that works? So I think people don't understand this is in every business, whether you sell cars, whether you're a landscaper, no matter what, you have a certain value to the company, like you bring in a certain dollar amount and you have to understand. How you're measured by the company. You know, what's really important to the company? And I've explained that to people not in radio. I've explained that to people in other businesses and they're like, Oh, yeah, that does apply in my job. I promise every company has a way of evaluating people based on, you know, their contributions to that company. You have to know what the, what those categories are by which you're evaluated. Yeah, and Tony, I'd be quite honest with you. I didn't learn that until very, very late in my career, the importance of that. I always thought that it was the ratings. And if you brought ratings, that that meant a lot. And naturally, I enjoyed the advertisers that would do certain things with us on the show because I enjoyed, you know, people and I also enjoy money. And when I realized later in my life is that the advertising on your show is what benefits you as much as your listenership does. And obviously the listenership needs to go to the advertisers businesses, but it's you bring up a really good point because that's so true. How much money is the waitress at the, you know, the Lulu's Coney Island bringing for them by working more tables and making people happy and all that stuff. That will bring value to them. I get it. It's a, that's a very good point as far as yeah, works two ways because, you know, you can bring in a certain amount of money. But if you do things and screw up to cause the company. There you are. You're talking about me running spots after 10 a.m. Aren't you asleep one time, Tony? Wait, oh, speaking of that, hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Alicia, Alicia wants to comment on Kev asking for advice on how to get a raise. Hi, Kev. It's your biggest supporter. Good morning. How are you? So you remembered me, right? From like the hype and you up with the traffic and stuff. Oh, yes. I love you. OK, OK, so here's the thing. I'm a business owner, too. You can't wake up late and not come in and go to everybody and then ask for a raise. Alicia, I blame the good people at Apple and Tim Cook. I set my alarm. I have no idea what happened. But that's all that's burned in their mind now that you go sit down and now you're like, Hey, can I have some more money? Listen, it has been, I'm not asked. This is not my plea to ask for a raise. I am doing this for the good people of the world. You may have this question. It may not have the words or the tools in order to properly do it. If you had more money, Kevin, if you were given more money, you were, you would be able to buy another alarm clock. So that you would never happen to feel me a louder alarm clock. Yes, absolutely. Jennifer would like to comment to the boss. Tony, what's that, Jennifer? Good morning, everybody. Good morning. Tony, Jennifer, say I am a very, very, very long time listener. OK, not my first time calling, but Kevin has made the best improvement to the show in a very, very, very long time. I love listening every single morning because of Kevin. So give them a raise. Oh, Jennifer. Wait, is that all it takes to have a person call it? Save this clip. By the way, you could give Megan a raise to while you're taking. I'll take it. I'll take it. We're throwing out raises. I thought that Evelyn seems to go like me, the race. Thank you. All right, I'm aboard. That's the number one listener of the day. If Kevin is raised. Yes, let the dominoes fall. Jennifer, Shannon, you got to keep going. You got to keep going. You got to keep going. I'm going to need the race because she's getting married. That's right. Yeah. That's right. Like you really need the right. OK, can I say, Jennifer, that Jennifer, you had Kev at hello. You've added an improvement. And now you just spread his raise out amongst everybody on the show. I want everybody to win. I've been listening to it for a long time. Like I'm 30. I'll be 38 this year. So I've been listening forever. Thank you, Jennifer. By the way, I love you guys. A lot of you, Jennifer. My family, to me, I call in all the time. I messaged you guys on Insta. I love Chelsea. Chelsea needs a raise. Like, oh my god, there you go. Glick. Listen, we're going to put a GoFundMe up on that. But I will say this. I will say that-- and this is to not just Tony being on the phone, but the bosses. Kevin is awesome. Kevin has definitely done a very good job. This is a great team. We have a great, great team. And I support everybody getting raises. And I go in-- Tony, are you still there? I'm still there. Yeah, I don't agree with that. [LAUGHTER] Mary. Can I ask you a question? Yeah. Yeah. So-- Is there something specific that you want to raise for that is, like, on your list to buy? Um, I think-- She's a relative in text me and tell me. I think quality of life overall, but it would be great when searching for a wedding grade. That's exactly what I was hoping you would say. Oh. I got a guy. I got a guy. I can't get you a raise, but I got a guy. If you need a guy. You got a guy. Guy. Guy. Matter of fact, we can work something out. But I will say this to you. The one thing I do also think, as far as over the years, the raises were something that Chelsea and I talk about this a lot. We would pray sometimes about certain things. And I know you're a big believer in the power of prayer. But a lot of times when we would have kids, like all of a sudden, she got pregnant with baby number two, Jacob, and that was like, "Holy Jesus, what is going on here?" And then baby number three. But I think sometimes when you put yourself in the right spot, it just happens. And this is the thing that Norm Shrut used to tell me this all the time. The legendary Norm Shrut, our former agent, he used to say, "If you ever see a dollar bill floating outside in the parking lot in the wind and you try to chase after it, if you could watch the video of you chasing after money, that's how goofy you look when you chase after money in real life. You earn and money comes to you when you earn it." And you have earned it. So give him a raise, Tony. Give him a kiss. Give this guy a damn raise. Or we're all going on strike tomorrow. Yes. That was pretty inspiring. That was the legendary Norm Shrut. Yeah. Norm, what would Norm Shrut say? Why are you talking about this on the radio right now? This should be in... This should be between... Yeah, you're Shrut. Mary. Mary, what's up? What did you want to say? Hi. Good morning. Um, longtime listener, first time Paula. Stop. Mary's on the phone. But, Tony, if you're still on the phone about raises, why don't you just buy them an alarm clock? My house is a trucker. We were doing so good, Mary. We had it, Mary. Hey. You know how Jennifer told us we should all get raises? I'd like to hear Mary's reasoning. Why? We all shouldn't get raises. Yes. That's right. Everything's married. Y'all serve a raise, but, you know, at least it could do it by an alarm clock. We love you, Mary. Thank you. Great. Have a great day. You too. All right. By the way, I just got a text here. Bob Pittman happens to be listening at this time. This is the one time he chose. I'll be pee. I'm just kidding. Oh, okay. But it always is the one time that we do a break where it's like... It's like the guy that ever hears us like breaking an entering Christmas wishing and stuff like that. Oh, listen. I heard you guys begging for raises. [LAUGHTER]