Mojo In The Morning

Rules to Dating Your Sibling's BFF

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05 Jul 2024
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This is the Mojo in the Morning podcast, powered by Michigan Auto Law, auto accident attorneys. Visit That's Mojo in the morning show, phone number eight for four Mojo live, Texas 95500. If you do text us, understand that we would love to talk to you, so a lot of times we'll call you up. So if you get a call, and it says I heard radio or it says unidentified, it's usually us doing that. So pick up the phone and say hello. And Kevin, the rules did you dating? Yeah, man. I feel like, well, Megan, I don't know your situation per se, but I know you've had like thoughts before surrounding like friends and your brother and I feel like I need your advice on this type of thing. I've never had thoughts about anything. Hello. Okay. By the way, my family loves you. They talked about you this week. I'm like, man, we love Megan. So you got to come through. What do they say about the rest of us? So I love everybody, but Megan has a special place in their hearts. So people listen to the show, so I'm not going to name names, by the way, but by the way, Megan, I just want you to know you you are this. That's the biggest compliment ever. Isn't it? I don't know. You can see my face right now. I genuinely go out. You can hear your. She's like, you're so excited. You hear your face. No, you know, you can tell somebody smiling. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, because I really smile. You can really. It's like, seriously, she's going to feel and she's going to take this to the meeting later day and go, Kev's family likes me. Yeah, I can't wait to get all of the negative reviews from our boss. I would be like, I don't care, Kev's family likes me. You invited. So, so yeah, so there's a there's been some energy in the air amongst my family and long story short, there is someone in the family who's had a best friend for like 20 plus years. They go way back. They know everything about each other. Like everything. This is their best friend. This is their person long story short. That best friend is now dating a set person's brother and have been dating them for three months before anybody knew. So the question is, well, why is it a secret and the best friend says because the brother told him not to tell anyone because of the brother tells then he thought that, you know, his sister would have put the combustion everything that she would have been opposed to it. They wouldn't have been able to be together. So it's caused like this real rift between these best friends and you would think that like 20 plus years would be able to just like wipe away, but like the energy is off. The vibrations are weird. The trust is probably not the trust is there thinking like, man, we were supposed to be each other's person. How could you go this long and not tell me regardless of what my brother is telling you, like, we have our own relationship that predates this new relationship that you have. How could you not tell me? And I'm thinking like, what are the rules? Like, is it okay to date your best friend? Do I need to go through you? Is it okay to date your your best, your sister or brother's best friend? Is that what you're saying? Yeah. So lots of experience at this one because my brother had decided to date my best friend and funny thing is guess who I don't talk to anymore, my best friend. I don't think it's necessarily crossing the line to date a sibling just right off the bat. Like I want to make that really clear that was not the issue. I think the issue and unfortunately they fell for it is keeping it secret and hidden. And I think that's where the distrust comes in. And I also think a big part of it is not necessarily like you dating like I'm happy for you while you you're dating, but I know the issues it's going to cause me when you guys break up. Yeah. But like the forecasting though, like saying that you know they're going to break up. Like do you know that that? Do you know so much about your best friend that you know they're not a the right person for your brother, or do you know something about your brother? No. And if it works out, that would make me the happiest person on the planet because to have like my best friends be best friends is like perfect. But if it doesn't work out, then you put me in the terrible situation of now having to choose. Yeah. You never put myself in that position. Like I have friends who sisters that you know I was attracted to whatever the case may be. And I've never wanted to cross that boundary because I just feel like that's a boundary that you don't. Did your sister have any friends though that you liked? I mean they were cute, but I never like you never went in that direction. What's the age difference between you and your sister? Three or four years. Okay. So it could be with it's possible. Yeah. That's not crazy. Megan, have you ever had any friends of your brothers that you liked? Um, no. I just don't think he hung out with crowds that were my vibe. Let's just say that. They were a little different. What is so if in this case with these people, Kevin, they're the he said keep it secret. Don't say anything in the friend said, okay, in Captain's secret and then how did it come out and eventually the wildest story ever. So their daughter had like a graduation party and mind you what because I was asking question yesterday, I'm trying to uncover this thing. I was on my mojo lot. So I'm asking questions and the brother had attempted to invite, you know, his sister out. Like, Hey, like let's get a drink. I want to tell you about something. I got some big news. Okay. I think then I can't see the second time I was like, I got a new girl when it's in and then it canceled. And then the third time he comes over to their daughter's graduation. Not only tells everyone, but like has a whole video that he put together and like the graduation at the graduation party, how do you present a video like that at a graduation like a real highlight, like like, like, like, hold on everybody. Let me grab the remote. Let me switch to YouTube. You know how long it takes to like type out the letters, like type in the letter and last video was everybody's reaction at the graduation party, because obviously they know everybody involved. Yeah, shock. There were gasps. There were, I mean, we know, we noticed like this person has been around for 20 years. And then I think he did like, and the person is like, boom, like first he did the announcement like the person is in it and walks her game show legitimately and it's in walks her, but it's like, she, she's always here. So it was like, wait, it was, it was shocked. Then the video came on everybody was like, they have to fake it when they're at parties before this. Like if they're at parties together, they can't even be next to each other and holding hands or, or, you know, showing any affection or whatever to each other. Somebody caught on that these two guys were dating and they look so happy now. Like they look amazing. They've got it out. It looks like it's the best thing for the both of them. Yeah. The vibe that is caused between, you know, all right, so here's the, here's the thing. You know how when you're going to ask, you know, you're going to ask for somebody's hand in marriage, the, the protocol is to go to the father of the girl and do that. If you start dating a friend of a sibling, do you have to go to your sibling and ask for your permission to go do that? I kind of feel like you have to eight, four, four, mojo live, eight, four, four, six, six, five, whatever the number is eight, four, six, five, six, five, six, five, four, eight, eight, four, four mojo live or text is nine, five, five, zero, zero. Some listeners that are going through this right now going through the exact same thing. Ramona. Hi, Ramona. What's going on? Hi, I'm actually going through this whole thing right now. So my best friend of 30 years is dating, is now dating my brother and they kept it from me for months and they claim they kept it from me because they said that they didn't know if they was going to be serious and they didn't know they should tell me and they wanted to go on a couple of dates. Problem with that though, is there is a local of trust that is just gone because she was my writer guy. She's been my best friend for 30 years. And my brother is also one of my best friends who I tell everything to only to know that they talked about things, they did things like behind my back and they just had a really hard time knowing that I can't trust her and I can't talk to her and anything that goes on. I know that they're talking about it. So like I found out that there's things that I didn't know they were doing like without me and it's just really hard. Is the thought two of them sexually being together weird for you? Yes. Oh my gosh. Right. Just knowing that I'm not, I can't talk to them and it's funny because we've talked about, we've talked about everything and now like we've talked about people we've dated and you know she's divorced and I'm divorced and we've talked about all these things and now knowing that everything that he knows about it, you know, how long have they been together? They are, they've been together now I think nine months, I didn't know until about five months in. Wow. Who are you more sad to lose? Your brother or your friend? Well, that's like one A, one B. I see my best friend a little bit more just because I would tell her absolutely everything and now I can tell her nothing because even when you tell family secrets or traits or oh my gosh my brother's driving me crazy or you know, my mom's doing this. I can't say any of those things anymore. I can't say anything to him either. You got to be careful. Yeah. Chris, Chris, who are you? Hi, this is Chris. I'm Kevin's cousin. Do you want to be voice recorded or not? I mean, voice disguised or not? Oh, no, I don't have to be good. Guys. Who is Chris? Explain who Chris is then. Is Chris the in Kevin and the whole story? What is you? You met him. They were at the gender reveal. Okay. So is Chris though in this story, Chris is the person dating or this is this is the this is the sister, the friend. So oh, so Chris, your friend is dating your brother. She is. And are you mad? I'm not mad that he's dating my brother, but I'm definitely mad that there was a big secret. Yep. Yep. Yep. Who are you more mad at? Your friend or your brother? I'm more mad at my friend because I have higher expectations on her. Yeah. No. I agree with that. Seriously. Yeah. Yeah. Have you noticed? Have you noticed like you don't hang out with her as much? You don't talk to her? Like how has it changed your relationship now that you know and you're aware? Oh, it's changed it completely because it's just like I don't feel comfortable sharing my life with her because she might share it with my brother. I don't feel comfortable sharing things with my brother because you might share it with her. It was it was an uncomfortable situation. They're both beautiful people. They're really happy, but it's just how it unfolded that was uncomfortable for me. And so, yeah, we're just not where we were. Yeah. Did they explain why they chose to reveal it at the graduation party? Because my brother is special. So that's my daughter's homecoming send off and so he had been telling me about this amazing woman that he's dating and how he can't wait for me to meet her and so I was really excited about meeting her. And so we're at the homecoming send off and I'm like looking out the window, can't wait to see who my brother's dating who's changed his life. And then I walked around the corner, it's my best friend that came out of your mouth when they when they announced it, like what's the first thing you said to him? You can't say the effort on the radio. I think I said, are you freaking kidding me? Wow. Yeah. It was weird because it was like the violation of a girl cold. Yeah. I've been needed to ask my permission to date my brother, but I definitely would have liked the heads up and not this big enough. Do they make a cute couple though? They really do. They really. Wow. Okay. Well, that's good. He changed my brother because he was, you know, he was an interesting guy, but she has settled him and so it's really a good thing for both of them, but I just don't like. You think she's told, you think she's told him everything that you have said about him over the years or she's kept that in her vault. Oh, geez. All right. Probably. Well, maybe the next celebration will be their wedding. You know what? I really think that it will be their wedding and hopefully I'll be over it by then. Will you be the maid of honor or the best man? Who knows? Yeah, I probably I'll probably will be the maid of honor. I mean, she's a beautiful person inside and out. So I'm probably going to get over it, but I'm still in a state of shock and Megan wants to know if you have any other brothers. Is it true, by the way, that your family likes Megan? I want to know why that's the case. Oh, we love Megan. We love. Seriously. More than heaven. No, just kidding.